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NUR 091


Historical and Contemporary Nursing Practice

WOMEN’S ROLE  1836 : Theodor Fliedner

- Reconstituted the Order of Deaconesses
 Women have cared for infants and children thus and opened a small hospital and training
nursing could be said to have its roots in the home school in Kaiserswerth, Germany.
 Women who in general occupied a subservient and  Kaiserswerth School
dependent role, were called on to care for ill. - Where Florence Nightingale received her
training in nursing.
 Nursing school for men existed in United States
from late 1880’s until 1969.  Crimean War (1854 – 1856)
 Male nurses were denied in admission to the - Inadequacy of care given to soldiers led
Military Nurse Corps during World War II. to public outcry in Great Britain.
 It was believed that nursing was women’s work - Florence Nightingale and her nurses
and combat was men’s work. transformed the military hospitals by
 1971 : Steve Miller setting up sanitation practices such as
- Formed an organization called Men in hand washing.
Nursing  American Civil War (1861 – 1865)
 1974 : Luther Christman o Harriet Tubman
- Organized a group of male nurses. - Known as the “The Moses of her People”
 They reorganized and formed National Male For her work with Underground Railroad.
Nurses Association, but renamed - Nursed the sick and suffering of her own
 1981: American Assembly for Men in Nursing race.
(AAMN). o Sojourner Truth
- Provide framework for nurses, as a group, - Abolitionist, Underground Railroad
to meet, to discuss and influence factors, agent, preacher, women’s right advocate
which affect men as nurses. and worked as a nurse and counselor.
o Mother Biekerdyke & Clara Barton
- Searched battlefields and gave care to
 Benevolence was a Christian value of “love thy injured and dying soldiers.
neighbor as thyself” and Christ’s parable of Good o Walt Whitman & Louisa May Alcott
Samaritan has a significant impact. - Volunteered as nurses to give care to
 Fabiola injured soldiers in military hospitals.
- A wealthy matron of Roman Empire that o Dorothea Dix
converts to Christianity and provide - The Union’s superintendent of female
houses of care and healing(hospitals) for nurses in Civil War.
poor, sick, and homeless.  “The Spirit of Nursing” I Section 21 Nurses
 Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem (Knights Hospitalers) Section
Teutonic Knights - Monument stands in Arlington National
Knights of Saint Lazarus Cemetery that honors nurses who served
- Brother in arms provided nursing care to in the U.S armed services in World War I
their sick and injured comrades.
- Built hospitals, org, and management of  Cadet Nurse Corps
which set a standard for the - Established in World War II in response to
administration of hospitals. marked shortage of nurses.
 Knights of Saint Lazarus
- Dedicated themselves to the care of SOCIETAL ATTITUDES
people with leprosy, syphilis, and chronic  Before mid 1800s, nursing was without
skin conditions. organization, education, or social status.
 Alexian Brothers  Nurses in the hospital during this period were
- Organized care for victims of Black Plague poorly educated, and even incarcerated criminals.
in 14th Century in Germany.
 Sairey Gamp Lillian Wald

 Founder of Public Health Nursing

A character from Martin Chuzzlewit book
 With Mary Brewster, they were the first to offer
of Charles Dickens that represented the
trained nursing service to the poor in New York
negative image of nurses in 1800s.
- Portrayed a drunk, disreputable nurse
 Founded the Henry Street Settlement and Visiting
who neglected, stole from and physically
Nurse Service, which provides nursing services,
abused the sick.
organized educational and cultural activities.
 Campaign for Nursing Future
- Launched in 2002, Johnson & Johnson Lavinia L. Dock
Corp promotes nursing as a positive
career choice.  A feminist, prolific writer, political activist,
- This campaign increases exposure to suffragette, and a friend of Wald
nursing profession, raises awareness  Participated in protest movement for women’s
about its challenges and encourage rights that in 1920 passage of 19th Amendment to
people to consider a career in nursing. the U.S Constitution, granted women the right to
NURSING LEADERS  Founded American Society of Superintendents of
Training Schools for Nurses with assistance of
Florence Nightingale Mary Adelaide Nutting and Isabel Hampton Robb
 Lady with the Lamp Margaret Higgins Sanger
 First nurse to exert political pressure on
government  Public health nurse in New York, had a lasting
 Nursing’s first scientist-theorist for her work impact in women healthcare.
Notes on Nursing: What It Is, and What It Is Not  Imprisoned for opening the first birth control
 Believed she was “called by God to help others information clinic in America
and to improve the wellbeing of mankind”  Founder of Planned Parenthood
 Received 3 months training in nursing in Mary Breckinridge
 Developed Nightingale’s Training School for  notable pioneer nurse that established the
Nursing, opened in 1860 in St. Thomas Hospital Frontier Nursing Service
 Died at age 90  started one of the first mid- wifery training schools
in U.S
Clara Barton
Luther Christman
 Schoolteacher who volunteered as a nurse durinf
American Civil War.  one of the founders of AAMN, experienced
 Established the American Red Cross, which linked discrimination while in nursing school
in International Red Cross when U.S Congress  he was not allowed to a maternity clinical exp and
ratified Geneva Convention in 1882. denied access to two universities because of his
Linda Richards  became the fist man to be a dean in a University at
 America’s first trained nurse Vanderbilt University
 Known for introducing nurse’s notes and doctor’s  first man nominated for ANA president
orders  first man elected to the American Academy of
 Initiated practice of nurses wearing uniforms Nursing (AAN) presented highest honor naming
 Credited for pioneering work in psychiatric and him “Living Legend”
industrial nursing  first man inducted into ANA’s Hall of fame

Mary Mahoney Ernest Grant

 First African American professional nurse  first male president of the American Nurses
 Worked for the acceptance of African Americans in Association (ANA) in Jan 2019
nursing and for the promotion of equal  first African American man to serve as ANA vice
opportunities. president
 Gained an award for significant contributions in  an internationally known expert on burn care and
interracial relationships fire safety
NURSING EDUCATION Graduate Nursing Programs

 It focuses to teach the knowledge and skills that  Requirements for admission must:
would enable a nurse to practice in a hospital  Licensure as an RN
setting  Approved baccalaureate degree
 2 types of entry-level generalist nurses  Evidence of scholastic ability
 Registered Nurse (RN)  Satisfactory achievement, Graduate
 Licensed Practical or Vocational Nurse Record Examination GRE or Miller
(LPN) (LVN) Analogies Test MAT
 Letters of reco from supervisors
 Master’s Degree Programs
TYPES OF EDUCATION PROGRAMS - Prepare nurses for advanced leadership
roles in administration, clinical practice,
Licensed Practical (Vocational) Nursing Programs (LPN) or teaching
- Prepared nurses work in a clinical nurse
 Housed in community college, vocational schools,
specialist (CNS), nurse practitioner (NP)
hospitals or other independent health agencies
known as advanced practice registered
 Generally last 9 to 12 months, both classroom and
nurse (APRN), nurse midwife (CNM), and
clinical experience
nurse anesthetist (CRNA).
 At the end of the program, graduates take the
 Doctoral Programs
NCLEX-PN to obtain licensure as practical or
- Began in 1960 in United States.
vocational nurse
- Related fields are education, psychology,
 Employment of LPN’s has shifted away from acute
sociology, and physiology
care settings to care of older adults in community-
- 2 primary doctoral degree in nursing
based settings, including long term
 PhD “Doctor of Philosophy”
Registered Nursing Programs (RN) - assume faculty roles in nursing
education programs or work in
 3 Major routes that lead to eligibility for RN research programs
licensure  DNP “Doctor of Nursing Practice
 Completion of Diploma - practice-focused doctorate and
 Associate Degree the highest degree for nurse
 Baccalaureate Program clinicians
 Diploma Programs
- 3 year diploma programs were the Continuing Education
dominant nursing programs and the
 Formalized experiences designed to enhance the
major source of nursing graduates from
knowledge or skills of practicing professionals
late 1800s until mid-1960s
 Tend to be more specific and shorter
 Associate Degree Programs
 Designed to meet the ff. needs:
- First and only educational programs for
 Inform nurses of new
nursing that were systematically
technology and knowledge
developed from planned research and
 Help nurses attain expertise in
controlled experimentation
critical care nursing
 Baccalaureate Programs
 Provide nurses with info such as
- 1909, University of Minnesota
knowledge about legal and
- first school of nursing in a University
ethical aspects of nursing
- most of early baccalaureate programs
were 5 years in length
- consist of basic 3-year diploma program
Plus 2 years liberal arts education
- Generally 4 years
- Include courses in liberal arts, sciences,
humanities, and nursing, nursing
leadership, nursing research and
community health nursing

Theory 3 Types of Clients

 System of ideas that is presumed to explain a given  Individuals

phenomenon  Families
 Used to describe, predict and control phenomena  Communities

Metaparadigms of Nursing 4 AREAS IN NURSING PRACTICE

 Focused on articulating relationship among four  Promoting Health and Wellness

major concepts; Person, Environment, Health and - Enhance healthy lifestyle such as
Nursing. improving nutrition and physical fitness
 Individuals or Clients are the - Preventing drug, alcohol misuse and
recipients of nursing care restricting smoking
 Environment the internal and - Preventing accidents and injury in the
external surrounding that affect the home and workplace
client  Preventing Illness
 Health degree of wellness or well- - Maintain optimal health by preventing
being that client experiences disease
 Nursing the attributes, characteristics, - Immunizations
and actions of nurse providing care - Prenatal and infant care
- Prevention of sexually transmitted inf
 Restoring Health
Definition of Nursing - Focuses on ill client, from early detection
of disease through during recovery
1973: ANA describes nursing practice as “ direct, goal period
oriented, and adaptable to the needs of individual, family - Administer meds, baths, treatments
and community during health and illness.” - Diagnostic and assessment procedures
such as measuring blood pressure and
1980: ANA describes nursing as “ diagnosis and treatment
of human responses to actual or potential health problems”
- Consulting to healthcare prof
2003: Nursing’s Social Policy Statement “Nursing is the - Recovery activities and rehabilitating for
protection, promotion, and optimization of health and physical or mental illness, injury or drug
abilities, preventions of illness and injury.”  Caring for the Dying
- Help people who are dying have peace,
Recipients of Nursing comfort and dignity
 Consumers
- Individual, group of people or a
community that uses a service or ROLES AND FUNCTIONS OF THE NURSE
 Caregiver
- Use healthcare products or services
- Assist the client physically and
 Patient
psychologically while preserving the
- Individual who is waiting for or
clients dignity
undergoing medical treatment and care
- Involve full care to dependent patient,
- Means “to suffer” or “to bear”
partial care for the partially dependent
- Seeks assistance because of illness or
client and supportive-educative care to
assist clients attain wellness
 Client
- Individual who engages the advice or  Communicator
services of another who is qualified to - Nurses identify client problems and then
provide this service communicate verbally or in writing to
- Presents the receivers of healthcare other members of healthcare team.
 Teacher
- Helps client learn about their health and
healthcare procedures they need to
perform to restore or maintain their
- assess client’s learning needs, and CRITERIA OF A PROFESSION
readiness to learn
Profession is an occupation that requires extensive
 Client Advocate
education or calling that requires special knowledge, skill,
- Acts to protect the client
and preparation
- Represent client needs and wishes to
other health professionals, such as It is generally distinguishes from other kinds of occupation
relaying client’s request for information by:
to the healthcare provider.
- Assist clients and help them speak up  Specialized education
 Counselor  Body of knowledge
- Counseling, process of helping client to  Service orientation
recognize and cope with stressful  Ongoing research
psychologic or social problems, to  Code of ethics
develop improved interpersonal  Autonomy
relationships and promote personal Contemporary nursing practice is influence by nursing
growth work-force issues and challenges:
- Provide emotional, intellectual, and
psychologic support  Healthcare reform
 Change Agent  Quality and safety in healthcare
- Assist clients to make modifications in  Consumer demands
their behavior  Family structure
- Act to make changes in the system, such  Science and technology
as clinical care  Internet
- Technologic change, change in the age of  Telehealth – delivery of health-related
the client population, and changes in services and information via
medications telecommunication techs
 Leader Telenursing – use of technology to provide
- Influences other to work together to nursing practice at distance
accomplish a specific goal  Legislation
 Manager Patient Self-Determination Act (PSDA) –
- Assigns and delegates nursing activities to requires all competent adults to be informed
ancillary workers and other nurses, and in writing on admission to a healthcare
supervises and evaluates their institution about their rights to accept or
performance refuse medical care
 Case Manager  Collective Bargaining
- Work with multidisciplinary healthcare  Work of nursing associations
team to measure the effectiveness of the
case management plan and to monitor
 Research Consumer
- Use research to improve client care
- In clinical areas, nurses need to:
 Awareness of the process and
language of research
 Be sensitive to issues related to
protecting the rights of human
 Be a discriminating consumer of
research findings

Evidence-Based Practice and Research in Nursing

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