First African American professional nurse first male president of the American Nurses
Worked for the acceptance of African Americans in Association (ANA) in Jan 2019
nursing and for the promotion of equal first African American man to serve as ANA vice
opportunities. president
Gained an award for significant contributions in an internationally known expert on burn care and
interracial relationships fire safety
NURSING EDUCATION Graduate Nursing Programs
It focuses to teach the knowledge and skills that Requirements for admission must:
would enable a nurse to practice in a hospital Licensure as an RN
setting Approved baccalaureate degree
2 types of entry-level generalist nurses Evidence of scholastic ability
Registered Nurse (RN) Satisfactory achievement, Graduate
Licensed Practical or Vocational Nurse Record Examination GRE or Miller
(LPN) (LVN) Analogies Test MAT
Letters of reco from supervisors
Master’s Degree Programs
TYPES OF EDUCATION PROGRAMS - Prepare nurses for advanced leadership
roles in administration, clinical practice,
Licensed Practical (Vocational) Nursing Programs (LPN) or teaching
- Prepared nurses work in a clinical nurse
Housed in community college, vocational schools,
specialist (CNS), nurse practitioner (NP)
hospitals or other independent health agencies
known as advanced practice registered
Generally last 9 to 12 months, both classroom and
nurse (APRN), nurse midwife (CNM), and
clinical experience
nurse anesthetist (CRNA).
At the end of the program, graduates take the
Doctoral Programs
NCLEX-PN to obtain licensure as practical or
- Began in 1960 in United States.
vocational nurse
- Related fields are education, psychology,
Employment of LPN’s has shifted away from acute
sociology, and physiology
care settings to care of older adults in community-
- 2 primary doctoral degree in nursing
based settings, including long term
PhD “Doctor of Philosophy”
Registered Nursing Programs (RN) - assume faculty roles in nursing
education programs or work in
3 Major routes that lead to eligibility for RN research programs
licensure DNP “Doctor of Nursing Practice
Completion of Diploma - practice-focused doctorate and
Associate Degree the highest degree for nurse
Baccalaureate Program clinicians
Diploma Programs
- 3 year diploma programs were the Continuing Education
dominant nursing programs and the
Formalized experiences designed to enhance the
major source of nursing graduates from
knowledge or skills of practicing professionals
late 1800s until mid-1960s
Tend to be more specific and shorter
Associate Degree Programs
Designed to meet the ff. needs:
- First and only educational programs for
Inform nurses of new
nursing that were systematically
technology and knowledge
developed from planned research and
Help nurses attain expertise in
controlled experimentation
critical care nursing
Baccalaureate Programs
Provide nurses with info such as
- 1909, University of Minnesota
knowledge about legal and
- first school of nursing in a University
ethical aspects of nursing
- most of early baccalaureate programs
were 5 years in length
- consist of basic 3-year diploma program
Plus 2 years liberal arts education
- Generally 4 years
- Include courses in liberal arts, sciences,
humanities, and nursing, nursing
leadership, nursing research and
community health nursing
Evidence-Based Practice and Research in Nursing