Nursing in The 20th Century: Prepared by Kamala Uprety MN1 Year, LNC
Nursing in The 20th Century: Prepared by Kamala Uprety MN1 Year, LNC
Nursing in The 20th Century: Prepared by Kamala Uprety MN1 Year, LNC
Fundamental knowledge:
physical science
fundamental medical
psychological and social science
Knowledge specific to nursing:
clinical nursing: fundamental nursing,
specialty nursing, community nursing
nursing management
nursing education
History of Nursing in Nepal
In 1947 BS, Bir Hospital was established but service was
provided by foreign doctors and compounders as there were
no nurses to give patient care. The hospital authorities
realized the need for nurses and midwives to provide care to
hospitalized patients. Hence, 4 ladies were sent to India.
The seed for nursing was sown in Nepal in 1985 B.S when 4
ladies were sent to India to study 18 months midwifery
training. These ladies after their graduation in 1987 B.S,
joined Bir hospital as nurses.
• Ms Dharma Devi Kansakar
• Ms Vidhyawati Kansakar
• Ms Radha Devi Kansakar
• Ms Bishnu Devi Mali
Then in 2009 B.S (1952 AD), 2 ladies were sent to India
again for nursing training for the first time. After completing
the training they joined nursing school In Surendra bhawan
and started teaching nursing.
• Dr. Uma Devi Das
• Ms. Rukmini Charan Shrestha
In 2013 BS (1956 AD), 1st School of Nursing was established
at Surendrabhawan with a training program of 3.5 yrs by the
joint effort of Juanita Flemming, RN, a missionary nurse and
Ms DM Ross, WHO nurse educator from England. Mrs
Lamoo Amatya was the incharge of this school, then called
In 2016 BS (1959 AD), another School of Nursing was
opened at Surendrabhawan under UMN under the
guidance of Ms Margaret Fleming and Ms Premi
Until 2018 BS (1961 AD), girls under SLC could enter
In 2021 BS (1964 AD) 1st ANM training school was
established in Bharatpur.
In 2023 BS (1966 AD) ANM training school established
at Biratnagar
In 2026 BS (1968 AD) ANM training school established
at Nepalgunj
In 2026 BS (1969AD), girls after SLC could enter
After 1972
In 2029 BS (1972 AD) Nursing education came under
TU, IOM and was renamed as PCL course.
• Training school was renamed as Nursing campus
• Course changed from 3.5 yrs to 3 yrs
• Significant changes were brought in the nursing
program and the curriculum (50% theory and 50%
• Liberal art subjects (English, Nepali, Introduction to
Nepal, Psychology) were added in nursing
curriculum as compulsory subject to enhance
language abilities and knowledge of behavioral
science. This was thought to increase understanding
of human behavior and communication skill.
• Applied science subjects (Physics, chemistry,
biology) were added to help the students learn
advancement in scientific knowledge and
• The addition of new subjects and shortening of
the duration changed the image of nursing from
its highly technical image to a more academic
oriented professional education with a sound
theoretical knowledge.
After 2029 BS (1972 AD), PCL Nursing was
offered by TU, IOM
• SLC pass became compulsory for entrance into
• PCL Nursing was given equivalent status to other
certificate level program under TU.
This created a positive impact on the image
of nursing. PCL nursing could now enter
bachelor level program offered in humanities
after passing one or more subjects in social
science in certificate level.
After 2029 BS (1972AD)
• Nursing program changed from annual to
semester system
• Theory and practical hours translated to credit
• Evaluation system was formative type
• TU, IOM took the responsibility of
• Conducting final university exams
• Issuing certificate to graduates
• Standardization of nursing curriculum
Before 2029 BS, Nepal nursing council was the
governing body for final examination
In 2030 BS (1973 AD), Princess Prekshya Rajya
Laxmi joined nursing education. This encouraged
the girls from privileged class to study nursing.
In 2035 BS (1978 AD), BN started in Mahaboudha
Nursing campus (now MNC)
2035-2044 BS, BN program had 3 speciality
• Midwifery
• Adult nursing
• Child health nursing
From 2036 BS (1980 AD)
• Semester system was changed to annual system
• Evaluation was summative type
In 2041 BS, BN curriculum was revised to
2 stream, hospital nursing and community
Extension of ANM/CMA campus to nursing
• 2038 BS (1981 AD): ANM campus Biratnagar to
Biratnagar Nursing Campus
• 2041 BS (1984 AD): CMA campus Pokhara to
Pokhara Nursing Campus
• 2043 BS (1986 AD): CMA campus Birjung to
Birjung Nursing Campus
• 2044 BS (1987 AD): ANM campus Nepalgunj to
Nepalgunj Nursing Campus
In 2043 BS (1986 AD), nursing education was opened
to male students (10% seats). After 4 batch, male
intake was discontinued because of the role ambiguity
faced by them in clinical area.
In 2044 BS (1987 AD), PCL nursing curriculum was
revised to make it PHC oriented. This change occurred
in response to the Alma Ata Declaration (1978), health
for all by 2000 by promoting primary health care
In 2046 BS (1989 AD), Bir Hospital Nursing campus
opened under the affiliation of TU, IOM
After 2047 BS, education remained no longer only the
state responsibility, education for health professional
opened to private sector.
1970s to 1980s AD: Nursing teaches with bachelors and
masters degree were sent to India and abroad for further
• 2 nursing teachers returned with Phd degree from USA
• 21 nursing teachers returned with Masters degree from
India and UK.
1980s AD is remembered as the capability building decade for
nursing teachers. This resulted in quality nursing education,
revised curriculum, better classroom teaching and improved
clinical supervision.
In 2052 BS, (1995 AD), MN program started
• 2052 BS (1995 AD): Women’s health and development
• 2058 BS (2000 AD): Adult Health Nursing
In 2053 BS (1996 AD), BPKIHS Dharan, a deem university
started 4 years B.Sc Nursing program.
• 1st batch: 20 students (10 male and 10 female)
• 2nd batch: 10 students (because of shortage of faculty)
• 3rd batch onwards only females
From 2008 AD: M.Sc Nursing started
NEC report 2049 (BS) recommended to move all PCL
program out of University and hand bring it under CTEVT by
2057 BS. It also recommended all bachelor level program to a
3 calendar years.
All other universities have implemented this except TU, IOM.
IOM is in the process of its implementation. The 3 year
curriculum has been developed and approved. Due to lack of
faculty in peripheral campuses for basic science, the
implementation has been delayed.
1950’s 1960’s
• Code of Ethics (ANA) • Post BSN programs
• 1st CNS programs increase
• Nursing Research first • Nursing researchers
published (1952) pioneer clinical
• International Nursing
Index categorizes
worldwide nursing
Highlights 1980’s
• MS and Doctorate
1970’s programs increase
• NP in expanded roles • Prof. Nursing journals
gain national visibility increase
• Nurses Coalition for • More nurses are
Action in Politics nationally “certified”
formed in 17 specialty areas
• ANA creates AAN to
honor outstanding • NIH has a National
nurses Center for Nrsg. Res.
• Nurse theorist come
into national spotlight
Bhattarai ,S.(2010) Trends & Issues in Nursing1st
edition, Makalu Publication house
Crisp,J. & Tylor, C.Potter & Perry’s (2009)
Fundamental of Nursing, 3rd edition, chatsward,
Elsevier Australia: Libby Houston
Deloughery,G.L.(1991) Issues & Trends in Nursing
1st edition , Mosby- year book
HLMC(1995) Fundamental of Nursing 1st edition,
Suraj printing press, Dillibazaar
Potter,P.A. &Perry, A. G.(2007) Basic
Nursing:Essential for Practice 6th edition, India:
Elsevier India Pvt. Ltd.
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Central Message for All Nurses
Each nurse forms the image of
nursing every day