Meat Analysis 2021
Meat Analysis 2021
Meat Analysis 2021
Nitrogenous compounds
Protein 18%
Non Protein 1.5%
The water- holding capacity of the muscle can be decreased by disruptions of muscle
structure. Grinding, chopping, freezing, thawing, salting, degradation of connective
tissue by enzymatic or chemical means, application of other chemicals or organic
additives that change acidity (pH), and heating are treatments that can affect the final
water content of meat products.
Chemistry of meat
Protein contents and values define the quality of the raw meat
and its suitability for further processing. Protein content is also
criterion for the quality and value of the finished processed meat
As a source of protein, meat protein is the second largest
component after the water one.
These proteins, which account for the major and nutritionally most
valuable part of the muscle cell proteins, are soluble in saline solution
with a concentration of 1.5% or more.
Changes of pH
Immediately post-mortem the muscle contains a small amount of muscle
specific carbohydrate, called glycogen (about 1%), most of which is broken
down to lactic acid in the muscle meat in the first hours (up to 12 hours) after
slaughtering. This biochemical process serves an important function in
establishing acidity (low pH) in the meat.
The so-called glycolytic cycle starts immediately after slaughter in the muscle
tissue, in which glycogen, the main energy supplier to the muscle, is broken
down to lactic acid. The build up of lactic acid in the muscle produces an
increase in its acidity, as measured by the pH. The pH of normal muscle at
slaughter is about 7.0 but this will decrease in meat. In a normal animal, the
ultimate pH (expressed as pH24 = 24 hours after slaughter) falls to around pH
5.8-5.4. The degree of reduction of muscle pH after slaughter has a significant
effect on the quality of the resulting meat
The typical taste and flavour of meat is only achieved after sufficient drop
in pH down to 5.8 to 5.4
The pH is also important for the storage life of meat. The lower the pH, the
less favourable conditions for the growth of harmful bacteria. Meat of
animals, which had depleted their glycogen reserves before slaughtering
(after stressful transport/handling in holding pens) will not have a sufficient
fall in pH and will be highly prone to bacterial deterioration
In stress susceptible animals pH may fall very quickly to pH 5.8 –
5.6 while the carcass is still warm. This condition is found most
often in pork. It can be recognized in the meat as a pale colour, a
soft, almost mushy texture and a very wet surface (pale, soft,
exudative = PSE meat). PSE meat has lower binding properties
and loses weight (water) rapidly during cooking resulting in a
decrease in processing yields.
A reverse phenomenon may arise in animals which have not been
fed for a period before slaughter, or which have been excessively
fatigued during transportation and lairage. In these cases, most of
the muscle glycogen has been used up at point of slaughter and
pronounced acidity in the meat cannot occur. The muscle pH24
does not fall below pH 6.0. This produces dark, firm, dry (DFD)
meat. The high pH cause the muscle proteins to retain most of their
bound water, the muscle remain swollen and they absorb most of
the light striking the meat surface, giving a dark appearance.
Minerals and Vitamins
chemical substances
of plant origin
of animal origin
functional substances of plant origin with high protein content to
increase water binding and fat retention, in particular in intensively
heat treated products
• isolated soy protein (90% protein)
• wheat gluten (80% protein)
They are not extenders in the first place due to the low quantities added
(approx. 2%), but act through their high quality proteins that are
instrumental in water binding and protein network structuring. On the
other hand, some substances with little or no protein level, like
starches and flours mentioned above under ―fillers‖, can bind water
and fat by means of physical entrapment and could also be considered
Meat extenders / Plant products with high protein
content are
Soy flour (50% protein)
Soy concentrate (70% protein)
Other food legumes (beans, peas, lentils), used for
special products only.
1-Therapeutic products:
a- Antimicrobials
b- Antiparasitic
c- Hormones
Bacterial resistant
Tests for antimicrobial agents
2- High voltage electrophoresis (HVE) bio autography. Two gels, agar and
agarose are prepared, a piece of meat is placed on each and the antibiotic is
allowed to diffuse into the medium. The high voltage is passed through the
medium for a period of 2.5 hrs. The plates are then over-laid with media
containing sensitive species of bacteria similar to those in the FPT and
incubation is carried out overnight. The antibiotics inhibit the growth of
bacteria over the area in which they are concentrated.
Acute cases are rare and occur most commonly after ingestion of lead-
containing paint.
In these the highest concentrations are found in liver and kidney.
Acutely- affected animals should be detected during ante-mortem inspection.
At post-mortem the muscle of acutely-poisoned bovines is unusually pale.
Fed, forage or liquids contaminated with arsenical herbicides, rodenticides
or insecticides.
Arsenic-containing compounds have been used for parasite control, and for
the treatment and control of swine dysentery, but these have largely been
removed from the market.
Only the liver approaches the hazard level for man
Shellfish can accumulate particularly high concentrations if taken from
polluted waters. Bottom feeders from these areas also accumulate the metal
but free- swimming fin fish are less affected.
widely in agricultural and in veterinary medicines.
Although mercury is extremely toxic, cases of poisoning are rare.
They have been most frequently associated with feeding to animals of seed
grain treated with mercury-containing dressings to prevent fungal growth.
High concentrations may also occur when industrial pollution contaminates
grazing areas or when sewage sludge is used intensively as a fertilizer.
cause kidney failure. In farm animals the greatest concentrations occur in kidney and
liver. The origin of these residues may be sewage sludge or organocadmium fungicides.
Copper-supplemented feeds
Copper-supplemented feed prepared for pigs has accidentally been fed to sheep and led
to chronic copper poisoning in this species
Selenium is an essential element for animals and man. In some cases acute selenium
poisoning may occur in cattle grazing pasture that contains plants which accumulate
this element
Cases of fluorosis have been reported in cattle grazing pasture contaminated with
industrial discharges.
This chronic disease is associated with staining of the teeth and excessive wear and
degenerative changes in the skeletal system and internal organs.
It has not been associated with illness in man.
Dioxins ( sources)
• Dioxins are mainly by products of industrial processes but can also result from natural
processes, such as volcanic eruptions and forest fires
• Dioxins are by products of a wide range of manufacturing processes including
smelting, chlorine bleaching of paper pulp and the manufacturing of some
herbicides and pesticides. uncontrolled waste incinerators (solid waste and hospital
waste) are a major source of environmental realse.
• Although formation of dioxins is local, environmental distribution is global..
The highest levels of these compounds are found in some soils, sediments and
food, especially dairy products, meat, fish and shellfish. Very low levels are found
in plants, water and air.
Dioxins ( Expousure)
•Short-term exposure of humans to high levels of dioxins may result in skin lesions,
such as chloracne and patchy darkening of the skin, and altered liver function
•Long-term exposure: impairment of the immune system, the developing nervous
system, the endocrine system and reproductive functions
•Chronic exposure of animals to dioxins has resulted in several types of cancer.
However, TCDD does not affect genetic material and there is a level of exposure
below which cancer risk would be negligible.
•The developing fetus is most sensitive to dioxin exposure and also the newborn.
•individuals at risk: 1- high consumers of fishes and 2- occupations (e.g., workers in
the paper industry, in incineration plants)
Prevention and control of dioxin
•Proper incineration of contaminated materials ( 850-1000oC)
•Prevention or reduction of human exposure is best done via source-
directed measures, i.e. strict control of industrial processes to reduce
formation of dioxins as much as possible.
•protecting the food supply is critical ( 90% of human exposure is due
•Food contamination monitoring systems.
There are four major types of toxin labeled AFB1, AFB2, AFG1, and
Liver and kidneys retain detectable quantities for longer periods than
other tissues.
Transmission of toxic amounts into human food through meat and meat
products does not appear likely.
The kidney is the primary target organ, but liver damage has also been
recorded at high concentrations.
Immunoassay kits
In poultry, residues have been detected in liver, kidney and muscle but not in
eggs. A 48-hour withholding period is sufficient to clear muscle.
1- Toxins which are produced by certain marine algae like paralytic shellfish,
diarrhetic shellfish, neurotoxic shellfish, amnesic shellfish poisoning and ciguatera.
Where the toxins are produced by certain species of naturally occurring algae when
bloom under favourable conditions
• Filter-feeding molluscan shellfish (clams, oysters, mussels and
scallops) accumulate the toxins when utilizing toxic algae as a food
source. As the conditions become less favourable, the bloom
subsides and with time, shellfish rid themselves of toxin and are
once again safe to eat.
Another example is when nitrates and nitrites react with secondary amines
to form nitrosamine.
Nitrates and nitrites are used to preserve meats and contribute to prevention
of growth of Clostridium botulinum, the bacterium responsible for
producing the highly potent botulinum toxin.
a. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Microwaving does not produce PAHs and foods other than meats contain
negligible amounts of PAHs.
Foods low in fat, or cooked beneath the source of heat, contain many fewer
PAHs, so the type of food cooked and the method of cooking are important
determinants of PAHs.
Cured meats can contain nitrosamines because meats contain amines and
sodium nitrite, a source of nitrosating agents added to cured meats as a
Of all the cured meats,bacon has received the most attention.
1. Immunological Techniques
These methods are based on the interaction antigen-antibody which is
very specific for a particular residue. The most common technique is
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). ELISA kits are available
for a specific residue such as sulpametazine or a group of related
compounds such as sulphonamides. ELISA kits have shown good
performance for the analysis of antibiotic residues in meat
2. Biosensors
Different types of biosensors have been developed in recent years as an
alternative approach to screen residues in animal products. In general The
biosensor is an instrument combining, in close contact, a recognition element
with an antibody/antigen pair, a receptor and its specific ligand, or even living
cells and an analyt that binds specifically to them. The biochemical signal of
biosensors are converted by a transducer into an electronic signal. Then, these
signals Public Health Importance: Worldwide national and are processed by a
microprocessor that gives the final result .
3.High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) HPLC allows the
qualitative and quantitative detection of multi-residues in meat and fish
1- young animal
2- old animals
3- Imported
4- Imported slaughtered
at the country of origin
2. Differentiation of carcasses
Differentiation between bull and cow
Item Bull Cow
• M. Of neck, shoulder well developed ill developed
& fore quarter
• External genitalia Removing testicles & Removing udder
spermatic cord leave leave triangular space
a ring covered with fat with large amount of fat
b. Hemagglutination test
d. Complement fixation test
2. Electrophoresis fractionation of proteins
3. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) identification
of DNA recovered from meat samples
4 gas liquid chromatography
5. Histo-chemical method
Precipitation test
• It is a biological test for differentiation of
meats of various animal species.
• The inspector may identify certain cut of
meat but can not identify the meat if it is
present in the form of minced meat or
1. It is valuable in identification of fresh, frozen,
pickled, smoked and cooked meat as well as bone.
2. It is accurate (decisive test).
1.The result is doubtful in case of smoked or cooked
meat, if the temp. in its center exceeds 70ْ C.
2. It is of no value in differentiation of meats of closely
related animals as horse and donkey.
• Idea of the test
It depends on Ag (unknown meat)-Ab
• Procedure
1. Preparation of unknown meat extract
2. Preparation of known antiserum
3. Reaction
Preparation of unknown meat
M.E. must be free fat and salt
• Fat extraction
50 gm minced meat + 100 ml ether &
chloroform 1:1 shake every 0.5 hr.
for 24 hr. to extract fat discard the
mixture wash the meat by addition
of normal saline
• Desalting (salt dissolving)
50 gm mined meat + 50 ml dist. H2O shake
for 5 min., pour the supernatant fluid and
repeat washing for several times
• Meat Extract preparation
50 gm minced meat free from fat & salt mixed
with 100 ml sterile saline keep in
refrigerator for 12 hr. at 2-3ْ C filter by
ordinary & bacterial filter.
Protein content investigation
a. Nitric acid heating test:
2 ml M.E + 1 drop 25 % nitric acid (sp. G.
1.153) heating
If marked cloudiness and precipitate indicate
high protein The meat extract must be
diluted by sterile saline, till the M.E. give
only slight turbidity. Slight turbidity after 5
min. means that the ratio between protein &
normal saline is 1: 350
b. Shaking test:
• 2 ml M.E. Shake well till formation
of foam, the longer the time of
formation of foam, the suitable
concentration of protein for biological
examination (1: 350).
• The final diluted M.E. examined for pH.
Which must be 7 (neutral).
• The M.E. is now ready for precipitation
Preparation of known antiserum by
rabbit injection with known M.E.
The M.E. of known animal is prepared & injected I/V into a
rabbit in the following ways
0.2 ml 3 times with an interval of 2 days
0.4 ml 2 times with an interval of 2 days
0.6 ml 2 times with an interval of 2 days
0.8 ml once after elapse of 24 hr.
1 ml once after elapse of 24 hr.
Rest the animals for 14 days
The rabbit is inoculated with 0.2 ml of serum from
animal in question for 2 times with 24 hr. interval.
Bleeding of the rabbit (is better after a
period of fastening to obtain clear
antiserum of known animal)
Rabbit antiserum should be tested toward
different kinds of M.E. to ensure specificity.
Technique of the test
• Tube ring test
Using aggl. Tube, add equal amounts of
suspected M.E. and antiserum
Suppose the meat in question is horse meat
Pure Beef