Awalom Abrha
Awalom Abrha
Awalom Abrha
A Senior Essay Submitted to the Department of Accounting And Finance in partial fulfillment
of the Requirement For the Award of Bachelor of Degree ( BA ) In Management
Content……………………………………………………………………………………………. page
1. Abstract…………………………………………………………………………………………ɪ
Table of content……………………………………………………………………………………ɪɪɪ
4.3 Recommendation……………………………………………………………….………………………...31
Bibliography ……………………………………………………………………………………………….…33
Table of content
The ongoing concepts of globalization which is heightening competition obliges organization to continue on
developing best quality tangible products and provide service by utilizing the creative mentality of employees .
Thus employees are extremely crucial to organization since their role to the success of an organizations is
essentially in tangible and not easily replicated as stated by Meaphon eta 2002 ;
“Business management”, Africa journal, p 50. Organization invest a lot on their employees in terms of
induction , training , development ,main tainting and retain them in addition to their respective recruitment ,
selection, and employment cost There forms manage should give a great attention to cost reduction and
understand why employees leave the organization at each spot by taking action to minimize the turn over .
Although, there is no standard frame work for understanding the employees turn over process as a whole ,wide
range of factors have been found useful in interpreting employees turn over (Kevin efal.2004) there for
organizations need to develop a full understanding about turn over , and strategies that managers can put in place
to minimize turn over .
With this in mind, managers must recognize that employees as major contributors to the efficient achievement of
organizational success as mentioned by Abasietal (2000, “Business management”, Africa journal, p 50)
managers should control employee turnover for the benefit of the organization.
It is this that initiates the research to make study about the assessment of employees turn over in some selected
Civil service organization Endamekoni.
work accomplishment The public sector especially these government organs are the larger sectors which
involve in hundreds and thousands of human forces to render services for the whole represented people or to
produce some sort of production. Even though there is a rapid development of new technologies that can
reduce cost and number of man power, which is trying to substituted human resources in all services and
production industries still technologies need a qualified human power to operate the system. So, human
power is the blood root of a given organization .The capacity of manager /leader / is measured in his
capability to manage and making the human resource more productive by creating a sense of belongingness
responsibility. However , in case of most sector of government organs ,there are a lot of employees turn over
from sectors to sectors because of dissatisfaction from the sectors, (HRM New Millennium university college
teaching material ,2008) This essay is proposed to undertake a study on the assessment of Employee
turnover in some selected civil service organization .The area are office of Health ,office of Urban
Development , Trade and Industry office of finance endamekoni , why employee turnover is highly
observed will be studied in this paper deeply. Organizing the findings, analyzing the findings, conclusion,
suggestion and recommendation will be presented in this essay so that it will help for the decision –makers of
those sectors.
characteristics of much larger population because it is usually too costly and consuming time in interview
Everyone in a population.
1.7.3 sampling techniques and sample size
The researcher used sample random sampling techniques .And the sample taken from the target population 173
employees was 38 respondents. Hence the analysis’s was made based on the Reponses from these respondents.
1.7.4 sources of data
In attempt to assess the factors that contribute for employee turnover in the organizations and to provide possible
recommendation. The researcher has used both primary and secondary data. With regard primary data, first hand
data has been collected through questioner filled by the employees of the selected organization.Besidesraw, the
employees history has been collected from the civil service office. In addition to this personal discussion and
interview was made with those human resources officials in order to be acquainted with the effort and
performance made to reduce employee turnover. As far as secondary data is concerned, relevant data have been
collected from manuals of the organization, different book from maichew Town publiclibrary, internet and other
1.7.5 sample unit
Sample unit (a single number of the study population) was drawing from the sample frame .The sampling used
consisted of the workers of the selected organizations (officer, process owner and manager).
1.7.6 sample size
The total sample size was 40 employees from the selected organizations were 17 of them is from the health
office, finance office 9 and 14 from urban development, trade and industry office which were selected by the
researcherselected by purposefully.
1.7.7 Analysis of data
To meet the objective stated above, data collected from structured questionnaires have been analyzed tabulation,
frequencies distributions and percentage.
Turnover cab classified as internal or external. Internal turnover involves employees leaving their
current position, and taking a new position with the same organization. Both positive reinforcement
(such as in increased employee motivation and commitment)and negative consequence such as
project) /relation disruption / of internal turnover exist and thus this form of turnover may be as
important to monitor as its external counterpart. Internal turnover might be moderated and controlled by
typical human resource mechanisms, such as internal recruitment policy succession planning.
2.2Types of Turnover
Though there are many causes for employee turnover in an organization, all of them have not negative impact on
the well functions of an origination. Organization and take action on the one they have control voluntary turn
over are those caused by the interest of the employee (e.g. to take job in other organization for better salary)
while in voluntary turnover are the decision of management to quit employees frame work (e.g. dismissal for
gross misconduct) in general, all resignation not formally initiated by employers are voluntary resignation.
Voluntary turnover are further distinguished between functional and dysfunctional turn over’s. Taylor employee
resourcing corm well press, wilt shier, (1998). Pp 228 functional turnovers are the resignation of substandard
performers and dysfunctional turnover refers to the exit of effective performers 21 Ioquercio , al, understanding
and addressing staff turnover in humanitarian agencies ,2008 pp2 also classified dysfunctional turnover , which
is the most concern of management due to its negative impact on the organization general performance , in to
avoidable turn over( caused by lower compensation, poor working condition, etc) and un avoidable turnover(like
family moves, serious illness, death, etc) over which the organization has little or no influence. Therefore
management should give attention to avoidable turnover which it has control and improve the situation and then
2.21Voluntary Turnover Decision Processes
It is be lived by literatures that employees make decision for resignation after making some analysis and there is
a very wide variety of possible explanation for their voluntary resignations. People become dissatisfied wither
jobs for a range of reasons as explained by Stephen, employee may become bored with the content of
job,frustrated by lack of promotion fed up with their supervisors or irritated by changes in their working
environment. In some case the job may simply fall short of their expectations at the time of appointment.
However, Steven also suggested that, such phenomena are only of half the story in most case, for a resignation to
occur the individual concerned must first perceive that there are better opportunities elsewhere and then secure
another position. The following ten steps are the decision process for the voluntary turnover (Taylor,Stephen,
employee resourcing, crom well press, Wiltshier,(1998pp 236-237).
A. Evaluate existing job
B. Experience job dissatisfaction
C. Think of quitting
D. Evaluate expected utility of research for a new job and the cost of quitting
E. Decide to search for alternatives
F. Search for alternatives
G. Compare best alternatives with present job
H. Compare best alternatives with past job
I. Decide whether to stay or quite
J. Quite
It is therefore important when assessing the reason for turnover and devising remedial plans , to make account
not just of employee dissatisfaction , but also of the possible alternative open ton to employee , as well as the
relative case with which any such opportunities can be taken up.
2.2.2 Involuntary Turnover Decision
Involuntary instance where the employee has no choice in their termination (such as long term sickness, death,
moving overseas, or employer intended termination). Typically, the characteristic of employees engage in
involuntary turnover are no different from job stairs. However, voluntary turnover can be predicted (and inter
controlled) by the contract of turnover intent.
Megaphone et al, (2002); “ Business Management”, African Journal
ACAS, 2005, controlling labor turn over,
Annual Survey Report, 2006, Chartered institute of Personal and Development, Recruitment, Retention
and Turn over, UK
Decenzo and Robbins, human resource management, six edition, John Williams and sons, Toronto, 1998
EndalamawTeka, (2006). An assessment of the contributions made by NGOs in the promotion of Quality
and Gender Equity in Primary education in Benishangul.gumuz Regional State, M.A. Thesis, Addis
Ababa University
Heneman et al, (1998), Foundation of Personnel/ Human resource Management, Universal book stall,
New Delhi
Ivancevich John and Glueck William, (1989), Foundation of Personnel/ Human Resource Management,
IRWN, Boston
Judy Capko, (2005), Identifying Cause of Employee Turn Over, Family Practice Management
Loquercio, David, Hamersley Mark and Emmons,Ben, (2006), Understanding and Addressing Staff
Turnover in Humanitarian Agencies,
Mailgram Lynne and other: Managing Smart; Prentice Hall, 1999
Margchington, Mick and Wilkerson, Adrian, (2000), Core Personal and Development, Cromwell Press,
Wilshire, 1998
Stan Kossen, (1991), The Human Side of Organization, 5thed. Harper Collins, new York
Taylor Stephen, (1998), Employee Resourcing, Cromwell Press, Wiltshire
Singh BP, Chabra T and Taneja P, (1994), Personnel Management and Industrial Relations, DhanpatRai
and Sons, Delhi
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
http: // www.
Admas University college of Distance Education department of management questionnaire for Officer,
Process Owner and Managers.
The purpose of this questionnaire is exclusively for academic purpose to fulfill for BA degree. It is administered
to assess your views about your working conditions, and experience related with your process owner profession,
relation with and follow workers, remunerations / rewards/ packages and in general your observation about your
organization. The collected data will be analyzed in terms of employee turnover /human resource management
practice/ in the organization. Therefore, your genuine /frank/ and timely response are quite vital to determine the
success of this study. So, I kindly request your contribution in filling the questionnaire honestly and responsibly.
NB: no need of writing your name
Answer the alternative by circling your choices and /or by filing the space provided for narration or descriptive
Please respond as accurately as possible and at your earliest possible time.
Section one: Demographic Information
1. Sex male__________ female_________
2. Age (year) A/ 18-28 B/ 29-39 C/40-51 D/ above 52
3. Marital status A/ single B/ married C/ divorced
4. Educational status A/ certificate B/ diploma C/ 1st degree D/ 2nd degree and above
5. Your department in your organization_____________________________
6. Your position in your organization A/ officer B/ manager/ head office/ C/ process owner
7. Work experience in your organization A/ < 1 year B/ 1-2 years C/ 2-3 years D/ 3-5 years E/ >5 years
8. Total work experience including other organization /if any/ A/ < 1 year B/ 1-2 years C/2-3 years D/ 3-5
years E/ > 5 years
Section Two: Questions Related to Cause of Employee Turnover
9. What is the main cause for employee turnover in your organization A/ poor salary B/week treatment
C/ work environment D/work lade E/ if any please specify (justify it)____________
Section Three: Questions Related to Effects of Employee Turn Over
10. Do you think the socio economic condition will have any effect on your future staying in your
organization? A/ yes B/ No
11. Did organizational lay out have any effect in your working condition/ situation/ A/ yes B/ No
12. How did you get your current position A/ Initial Employment B/ by promotion C/ if any please
justify it_____________
13. Did you feel that you have been marginalizing in the management? A/ yes B/ No
14. Do you think you have been paid well A/ yes B/ No
15. If employees leave this organization what effect, experienced on your organization? A/ work load B/
poor good governance C/ Dissatisfaction of customers D/ if any justify it ________
Section Four : Questions Related to Mechanisms Used to Reduce Employee Turnover
16. Is there any mechanism /Strategy/ used to minimize / reduce/ employee turnover in your organization?
A/ yes B/ No
17. If your answer for Q16 is “yes” please justify it? _______________
Section Five: Questions Related to Types of Employee Turnover
18. In what type of employees turnover in your organization employees leave the organization? A/ voluntary
B/ in voluntary
19. If your answer for Q18 is voluntary what is the reason A/ to get better salary B/ good working C/
good treatment D/ if nay justify it____________
20. If your answer for Q18 is in voluntary what is the reason A/ long term sickness B/ dismissal C/ death
D/ if any justify it