Awalom Abrha

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A Senior Essay Submitted to the Department of Accounting And Finance in partial fulfillment
of the Requirement For the Award of Bachelor of Degree ( BA ) In Management


IDNO: BA Mgt 10/22 m/19




The thesis emphasis in the assessment of employee turnover in finance, health and urban
development trade and industry office of woreda Enda mekoni .The companies face with the problem of
changing employees from time to time.Workers are assigned to the variety of job in the company .The thesis
intent is to increase production, to increase attractiveness of our service, reduce customer
iswillopenthistaskuptolowerfunctioning workers because it is simple, scientific that include how could
eliminate this problem.
First and for most I am grateful and highly indebted to extend my sincere to Mr.______________my advisor ,
for his continues and immeasurable kindness and correcting the draft during the overall study period to have the
paper this shape. I am also deeply great full and highly indebted to Mr.Samuel moges for their constrictive
comments, guidance, encouragement and assistance in giving related reading material that served as reference
for the study. Finally, I would like to give my special tanks to me bratTumay and Ato GezahagnYilma typed
this research paper patiently and meticulously.

Content……………………………………………………………………………………………. page

1. Abstract…………………………………………………………………………………………ɪ


Table of content……………………………………………………………………………………ɪɪɪ

List of table …………………………………………………………………………………………ɪv



1.1 Back ground of the study ………………………………………………………………………….1

1.2 Statement of the problem ……………………………………………………………..……………3
1.3 Objective of the study ………………………………………………………………..………….....3
1.3.1General objective.............................................................................................…..............3

1.3.2 Specific objective............................................................................…...3

1.4 Significance of the study ………………………………………………………..………………….4

1.5 Delimitation of the study …………………………………………………………..……………….4

1.6 Limitation of the study ……………………………………………………………………….….….4

1.7 Research design and methodology………………………………………………………………….4

1.7.1 Research design ……………………………………………………………………..........5

1.7.2 Sampling design……………………………………………………………………….....5

1.7.3 Sampling techniques and sample size ……………………………………..……………5

1.7.4 Source data ………………………………………………………………………….…...5

1.7.6 Sample units……………………………………………………………………………...6

1.7.7 Analysis of data…………………………………………………….……………………..6

1.8 Organizationof the study ………………………………………………………….……………………...6


Review of the Related Literatures

2.1 Define Employee Turnover……………………………………………………………………………….7

2.2 Types of turn over …………………………………………………………………………….……..8

2.2.1Voluntary turn over decision processes…………………………….……………………..8

2.2.2 in voluntary turn over decision processes………………………………...………………9

2.3 FactoraffectingEmployees Turn over……………………………………………..…………….……….9

2.4 Measuring Employees Turn over …………………………………………………………………..…….10

2.5 Effects ofEmployees Turn over …………………………………………………….……………………11

2.5.1 Effect on Employers………………………………………………..………………………12

2.5.2 Effect on workers …………………………………………………....……………………13

2.6 Strategies (Mechanisms) Used to Reduce Employees Turn over………………………………...……….13

2.7 Methods of Identifying Reason for Staff Turnover………………………………………………….…....15

2.7.1 Exit interview……………………………………………………………….………………..15

2.7.2 Attitude survey………………………………………………………………………….…...17

2.7.3 Quantitative approach…………………………………………………………………….…...17

2.8 Improve Employees Retention ……………………………………………………………….…………….17


Presentation and Analysis of the data

3.1 Response rate …………………………………………………………………………………………..22

3.2 Demographic Information of Sample Employees……………………………………………………….22

3.3 Results /finding/ of the study ……………………………………………….…………………………...25

3.3.1 Reason /causes/ of employees leaves the organization……………………………….……….25

3.3.2 Effects of socio –economic condition in future staying of employee………………….……26

3.3.3 Effects of employees experienced by leaving the organization ………………………..…….27

3.3.4 Mechanisms used to reduce employees turn over …………………………………..……28

3.3.5 Types of employees turn over ……………………………………………………….…...28


Summary, conclusion and Recommendation

4.1 Summary …………………………………………………………………….……………………….....30

4.2 Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………………..……….30

4.3 Recommendation……………………………………………………………….………………………...31

Bibliography ……………………………………………………………………………………………….…33

Table of content

Table No Description Page

Table 3.1 Sex of the sample employees 22
Table 3.2 Age of the sample employees 23
Table 3.3 Marital status of sample employees 23
Table 3.4 Education status of sample employees 24
Table 3.5 Position of the sample employees 24
Table 3.6 Work experience of sample employees 25
Table 3.7 Main cause of employees leaves the organization 26
Table 3.8 Effects of socio- economic condition in future staying 27
Table 3.9 Effects of experienced during employees leave the organization 27
Table 3.10 Strategies/Mechanisms/ used to reduce employees turn over 28
Table 3.11 Types of employees turn over 29



The ongoing concepts of globalization which is heightening competition obliges organization to continue on
developing best quality tangible products and provide service by utilizing the creative mentality of employees .
Thus employees are extremely crucial to organization since their role to the success of an organizations is
essentially in tangible and not easily replicated as stated by Meaphon eta 2002 ;
“Business management”, Africa journal, p 50. Organization invest a lot on their employees in terms of
induction , training , development ,main tainting and retain them in addition to their respective recruitment ,
selection, and employment cost There forms manage should give a great attention to cost reduction and
understand why employees leave the organization at each spot by taking action to minimize the turn over .
Although, there is no standard frame work for understanding the employees turn over process as a whole ,wide
range of factors have been found useful in interpreting employees turn over (Kevin efal.2004) there for
organizations need to develop a full understanding about turn over , and strategies that managers can put in place
to minimize turn over .
With this in mind, managers must recognize that employees as major contributors to the efficient achievement of
organizational success as mentioned by Abasietal (2000, “Business management”, Africa journal, p 50)
managers should control employee turnover for the benefit of the organization.
It is this that initiates the research to make study about the assessment of employees turn over in some selected
Civil service organization Endamekoni.

1.1 Back ground of the study

Employee turnover is a process where in employees of public or private organization are exposed to leave
their organization either due to dissatisfaction or personal problems in the organization which satieties their
interest . But when compare the ration of turnover of employees by their personal problems in to turn over of
employees due to dissatisfy action for the most dominate as a case for turnover.both public and private
organizations (all profit motive or service motive organization) have objectives and goals to achieve. To
achieve their goals and objectives, these organizations use different types of recourses as an input or process
or to produce the desired output. To assure proper resource utilization of these input and process,managers,
(especially the strategic level of management) apply at management functions sequentially. These
management functions are planning staffing , leading (directing ) and controlling in all functions the main
input and processor to produce an output is the people of human resources is the basic for a managerial
performance form plan making up to

work accomplishment The public sector especially these government organs are the larger sectors which
involve in hundreds and thousands of human forces to render services for the whole represented people or to
produce some sort of production. Even though there is a rapid development of new technologies that can
reduce cost and number of man power, which is trying to substituted human resources in all services and
production industries still technologies need a qualified human power to operate the system. So, human
power is the blood root of a given organization .The capacity of manager /leader / is measured in his
capability to manage and making the human resource more productive by creating a sense of belongingness
responsibility. However , in case of most sector of government organs ,there are a lot of employees turn over
from sectors to sectors because of dissatisfaction from the sectors, (HRM New Millennium university college
teaching material ,2008) This essay is proposed to undertake a study on the assessment of Employee
turnover in some selected civil service organization .The area are office of Health ,office of Urban
Development , Trade and Industry office of finance endamekoni , why employee turnover is highly
observed will be studied in this paper deeply. Organizing the findings, analyzing the findings, conclusion,
suggestion and recommendation will be presented in this essay so that it will help for the decision –makers of
those sectors.

1.2 Statement of problem

These days the cost of employees turnover becomes one of major concerns for both profit making and
nonprofit making organization as it negatively affect them Bothe financial as well as nonfinancial
terms .Taking the financial aspects as an example organization are forced to allocate significant amount of
money in each steps .starting from vacancy announcement up to recruitment even the smaller organization
are forced to assign expert to process frequent employee resignation and then recruitment activities. As the
result of the high turnover in these organization most of them are exposed to low productivity in terms of
quality and quantity .High employee turnover, over where workers frequently leave and must be replaced
leads to increased spending on recruitment and training and can indicate management problems.
Employees often have good reasons for moving on but if too many are leaving an organization has identified
to have high employee turnover, luck of motivation of employees, luck of training and incentives.
This thesis had been attempted to find out some possible solutions by raising the following basic research
1. What are the major causes of employee turnover in those selected organizations?
2. What is effect (impact) of high employee turnover in those organizations?
3. Dose the organization have strategies to minimize (r educe) employee turnover?
4. What are the types of employee turnover?

1.3.Objectives of the study

1.3.1 General objectives
The objectives of conductive this research is to identify the factors that contribute for employee turnover in
the organization under study and to suggest possible solutions on how to minimize the problem
1.3.2Specific objectives
To identify the major causes of employee turnover in those selected organizations.
To give an insight about the impact /effect/ of employee turnover in an organizations success.
To know the organizations strategies /mechanisms/ used to reduce (minimize) employee turnover.
To identify by what type of employee turnover should employees leave the organization.
To suggest recommendations on how the organizations can handle the consequence of employee turnover.

1.4. significance of the study

The research will assess the factors that contribute for employee turnover in the organizations it provide
important information to the organizations about employee problems that lead them to leave the organizations.
The research project also provides sufficient data about the causes of employee turnover and the means for
minimizing employee turnover.
Secondly, this will help the research to have an insight for further academic accomplishment. More over this
project lay ground for future researchers and contributes to the human rescuers management literature.

1.5 Delimitation of the study

The study is confined to the employee turnover aspects to human resources management .it mainly focuses
on the factors contributing to employee turnover for these purpose , the researcher limit himself to three
organization and took 27 sample employees be interviewed and fill questioner considering the difficulty in
data collection and analysis.

1.6 limitation of the study

Even though the study is finalized, the researcher was obliged to pass through challenges like shortage of
time, respondents refusal to fill questioners timely and accurately on top of this the researcher faced a
problem in getting simply materials for literatures review in addition to luck of transportation facility and
computer access.

1.7 research design and methodology

This topic focuses on the overall research method that would be used during study. It covers issues such as
research design, sampling design, sampling techniques and sample size, source of data, analysis of data,
sampling unit, data and instrumentation (data collection techniques).
1.7.1 Research design
According to kothart, (2005), research design is determine by the nature of research problem, objectives,
questioners, data sample and population, and factors that affect data collection. So, this research adopted the
descriptive research type.
1.7.2 Sample design
The process of selecting a few (the sample )from bigger group (the sampling population ) to make generalization
about the bigger group is the way in which a researcher selects respondents Craig, Etal (1994, pp. 38) point out
that designing a representative sample is a real challenge, but most surveys are designed to collect information
from a small number of people that are used to make generalization about the altitude, behavior or other

characteristics of much larger population because it is usually too costly and consuming time in interview
Everyone in a population.
1.7.3 sampling techniques and sample size
The researcher used sample random sampling techniques .And the sample taken from the target population 173
employees was 38 respondents. Hence the analysis’s was made based on the Reponses from these respondents.
1.7.4 sources of data
In attempt to assess the factors that contribute for employee turnover in the organizations and to provide possible
recommendation. The researcher has used both primary and secondary data. With regard primary data, first hand
data has been collected through questioner filled by the employees of the selected organization.Besidesraw, the
employees history has been collected from the civil service office. In addition to this personal discussion and
interview was made with those human resources officials in order to be acquainted with the effort and
performance made to reduce employee turnover. As far as secondary data is concerned, relevant data have been
collected from manuals of the organization, different book from maichew Town publiclibrary, internet and other
1.7.5 sample unit
Sample unit (a single number of the study population) was drawing from the sample frame .The sampling used
consisted of the workers of the selected organizations (officer, process owner and manager).
1.7.6 sample size
The total sample size was 40 employees from the selected organizations were 17 of them is from the health
office, finance office 9 and 14 from urban development, trade and industry office which were selected by the
researcherselected by purposefully.
1.7.7 Analysis of data
To meet the objective stated above, data collected from structured questionnaires have been analyzed tabulation,
frequencies distributions and percentage.

1.8. Organizations of the study

The study consists of four chapters : chapter one : deals with introduction of employee turnover, background of
the study, significance of the study, delimitation of the study, limitation of the study, the research design and
methodology and organization of the study.
Chapter two: provide review of the related literature and definition of the major cause of employee turnover,
impact (effect) of employee turnover, and types of employee turnover.
Chapter three: deals with presentation and analysis of data and the collected data are analyzed and converted in
to information and identifying the major survey finding. Chapter four: includes summery conclusions drawn
from the survey and presents the main general recommendations.
The emergency of different organization in the nation and the related increase in the refinement of skilled labor
force leads for completion of organization to hire and maintain the best employees. Hence, employee turnover
becomes one of the major human resource problems of most organization. Different scholars have defined
employee turnover in the following wiener. According to Ivancevich and glaveck, employee turnover is the net
result of the exits of some employees and entrance of other to the organization. Singhetal, 1994, also defined
employee turnover as the rate of change in the working employees of a concern during a definite period. Kossen
define the employee turnover as it the amount of movement in and out (of employees) in an organization.
Employee turnover is the proportion of employee leaving in a given time period but prior to the anticipated end
of their contract. Turnover in human resource context refers to the characteristics of a given company or
industry, relative to rate at which an employee gains and loss employees. Employee turnover that can occur in
any organization might be either voluntary or in voluntary. Voluntary turnover refers to termination in stated by
employees while in voluntary turnover is the one in which employee has choice in the termination as it might br
due to long term sickness , death , moving overseas, or employer initiated termination. (Hunumanet all (1994),
personal) human resource management. Universal book stalls , New Delhi, pp181

Turnover cab classified as internal or external. Internal turnover involves employees leaving their
current position, and taking a new position with the same organization. Both positive reinforcement
(such as in increased employee motivation and commitment)and negative consequence such as
project) /relation disruption / of internal turnover exist and thus this form of turnover may be as
important to monitor as its external counterpart. Internal turnover might be moderated and controlled by
typical human resource mechanisms, such as internal recruitment policy succession planning.

2.2Types of Turnover
Though there are many causes for employee turnover in an organization, all of them have not negative impact on
the well functions of an origination. Organization and take action on the one they have control voluntary turn
over are those caused by the interest of the employee (e.g. to take job in other organization for better salary)
while in voluntary turnover are the decision of management to quit employees frame work (e.g. dismissal for
gross misconduct) in general, all resignation not formally initiated by employers are voluntary resignation.
Voluntary turnover are further distinguished between functional and dysfunctional turn over’s. Taylor employee
resourcing corm well press, wilt shier, (1998). Pp 228 functional turnovers are the resignation of substandard
performers and dysfunctional turnover refers to the exit of effective performers 21 Ioquercio , al, understanding
and addressing staff turnover in humanitarian agencies ,2008 pp2 also classified dysfunctional turnover , which
is the most concern of management due to its negative impact on the organization general performance , in to
avoidable turn over( caused by lower compensation, poor working condition, etc) and un avoidable turnover(like
family moves, serious illness, death, etc) over which the organization has little or no influence. Therefore
management should give attention to avoidable turnover which it has control and improve the situation and then
2.21Voluntary Turnover Decision Processes
It is be lived by literatures that employees make decision for resignation after making some analysis and there is
a very wide variety of possible explanation for their voluntary resignations. People become dissatisfied wither
jobs for a range of reasons as explained by Stephen, employee may become bored with the content of
job,frustrated by lack of promotion fed up with their supervisors or irritated by changes in their working
environment. In some case the job may simply fall short of their expectations at the time of appointment.
However, Steven also suggested that, such phenomena are only of half the story in most case, for a resignation to
occur the individual concerned must first perceive that there are better opportunities elsewhere and then secure
another position. The following ten steps are the decision process for the voluntary turnover (Taylor,Stephen,
employee resourcing, crom well press, Wiltshier,(1998pp 236-237).
A. Evaluate existing job
B. Experience job dissatisfaction
C. Think of quitting
D. Evaluate expected utility of research for a new job and the cost of quitting
E. Decide to search for alternatives
F. Search for alternatives
G. Compare best alternatives with present job
H. Compare best alternatives with past job
I. Decide whether to stay or quite
J. Quite
It is therefore important when assessing the reason for turnover and devising remedial plans , to make account
not just of employee dissatisfaction , but also of the possible alternative open ton to employee , as well as the
relative case with which any such opportunities can be taken up.
2.2.2 Involuntary Turnover Decision
Involuntary instance where the employee has no choice in their termination (such as long term sickness, death,
moving overseas, or employer intended termination). Typically, the characteristic of employees engage in
involuntary turnover are no different from job stairs. However, voluntary turnover can be predicted (and inter
controlled) by the contract of turnover intent.

2.3 Factor Affecting Employee Turnover

Employees move from one organization to the other and from one industry to the other for different
reasons.Some time it is the attraction of a new job or the prospect of a period outside the work force which pulls
them like higher salary or better benefits, other occasions they are pushed due to dissatisfaction in their present
jobs to seek alternative employment. Sometimes it is mixture of both pull push factors .Ibid turnover ratio tends
to be lower during period of economic recession when jobs are scarce and when economic conditions return to
normal, disgruntled employees often begins to seek employment elsewhere. (Kkossen, the human side of
organization,sthed (1991) Harper Collins, New YORK, PP 212).According to the recent researches conducted by
CIPD in 2006 in UK, push factors CIPD play a major role in most resignation then pull factors. CIPO also
emphasized that it is relatively rare for people to leave jobs in which they are happy, even when offered higher
pay elsewhere. Employee turnover and retention. In general employees leave on their own accord/agreement /or
they are discharged. Every separation of an employee from an organization whether voluntary or in voluntary is
serious problem for the organization. Though some degree of employee turnover is acceptable, it affect the well
functioning of an organization if they have excess employee turnover. (Loquercio,et al, understanding and
addressing employee turnover in humanitarian agencies, 2006 . Therefore human resource management is
one of the most important functions that should be carried out with care and consciously in order to motivate
employee for better productivity and server the organization for long time. The cause of employee turnover
should be studied by management carefully. From the control point of view the employee turnover may either be
avoidable or un avoidable. (Sing BP et al, personal management and industry relation .1994, dhan pat rai and
sons, pp 348). They also further elaborated that un avoidable cause are not fault of management but due to other
factors which are not under organizations control like employees personal betterment, domestic affairs such as
ibid Stan CIPO, marriage and pregnancy, illness, retirement, death, etc and avoid able cause are employees
dissatisfaction with job, low remuneration, long hour of work and poor working condition bad relation with
process owner and follow workers and redundancy of activity.

2.4 Measuring Employee Turnover

The commonly used formula to calculate accrued turnover rate for any given period is described as shown below
by the united kingdom based chartered institute of personal and development (CIPD) 2006 report on CIPD,
employee turnover and retention,
Total number of leavers over a period *100
Average number of employee over a period
However , loquercis suggest that number of leavers should encompasses all, in clouding people who left due to
dismissal , redundancy ,or retirement , but it typically excludes those leaves at the end of fixed contract. The
main purpose of excluding fixed term employees from the calculation is that it does not indicate the real problem
of the organization. (Lquercio, et al, understanding and addressing employee turnover in humanitarian
agencies,2006).CIPD also introduced stability index of employees which indicate the retention rate of
experienced employees. Like turnover rates this can use across an organization as a whole or for a particular part
of it. The usual calculation for the stability index as cited by (CIPD is employee turnover and retention, http:
Number of employees with one or more year’s service *100
Number of employed year ago

2.5 Effects of Employee Turnover

There is some debate in the literature about how far employees should be concerned about turnover level. Some
writers have emphasized potentially positive effective of continue transfusion of fresh blood into the
organization. As cited by (Stephen Taylor, Careell et al (1975:777) distinguish between function and dysfunction
turnover , and suggest that the formers serves to promote innovative ideas and methods and can those renew a
stagnating /stable/ organization while ,Hom and Girffeth (1995: 27-30) also draw attention to research that has
shown functional turnover to be commoner than the dysfunctional from. The net result is an improvement in
productivity as poorer employees quit, leaving a higher proportion of good performer to enhance organizational
effectiveness. They also note that high turnover gives employer more opportunity to promote and develop valued
employee and reduce the need to make costly redundancy when there is a downturn in business. ( Taylor,
Stephen, employee resourcing ,crom well press, with shire ( 1994) pp230-231 )
High turnover is probably least worrying in industry employing people in relatively low –skilled occupation that
never the less required high levels of customer service (e.g. fast – food restaurant and tele sales operations) as
cited by Taylor, (kearns 1994: 11) this because the employee wishes to tie together what is in all likely hood,
short term burst of enthusiasm on the part of the employee. Such a situation has allowed the various brands of
burger restaurant to expand rapidly across the world while coping with annual turnover rates averaging 300
percent (Ritzer1996:130) IBID despite these points; it is safe to conclude that for most organization, turnover in
excess of 5-10 percent has more negative than consequences. The more valuable the employee in question, the
more damaging the resignation particularly when they move on to work for a compute. According to Ho me and
Griffith (1995:1327) as cited by Stephen, there is variousreasons, asidefrom the cost directly associated with the
reason for employers to minimize the number of employees leaving. These in clued productivity losses ,
impaired quality of service, lost business opportunity, and increased administrative burden and employee
demoralization, IBID pp 231 However it is the direct costs a social with turnover that have received the most
attention from writers on this topic, and organization strives to reduce the frequency of voluntary resignation
from such point of view. One of the most important questions relating to employee turnover is at what point does
turnover becomes excessive. For CIPD (2006 there is no such thing as universally applicable forget for an ideal
turnover rate. According to (CIPD Employee turnover and retention, where it is relatively easy to find and train
new employee quickly and at relatively little cost line where the labor market is loose). It is possible to sustain
high quality level of service provision despite having high turnover rate by contrast, where skins are relatively
scarce, where recruitment is costly or where it takes several weeks to fill a vacancy, turnover is likely to
problematic from management point of view. This is especially true of situations in which you are losing staffs
to direct competitors or where customers have developed relationship with individual employees as is the case in
many professional services organizations.’ Singh et al’ explained that staff turnover is inevitable and is bound to
exit in all industrial unit even in those organization where salary and working conditions are extremely attractive
and satisfactory. However, high employee turnover is a serious problem and therefore should be treated carefully
high employee turnover adversely affect both employer and employees. The following are some of the effects of
high stats turnover on employer and employees incorporating material from variety of sources. It is clear that
some are more readily quantifiable than other : (singhBp, et al personal management and industrial relations )
2.5.1 Effect on Employers
Recruitment administration (responding to enquires and sending out application forms, equal opportunity
monitoring )
Developing costs (training the new employee using formal and informal development methods, induction
Administrative costs associated with respiration (pay –roll arrangement, calculation of holiday entitlement,
pension transfers, conducting exit interview). In efficiency in production or service provision (resulting from
slackness on the part of the designer, inexperience of the replacement employee and in efficiencies resulting
from a period in which the vacancy is un filled). Over time and cost of hiring temporary workers (during the
period between reparation and the hiring of new member of employee). The team sprit among the workers is
disturbed due to high employee turnover as newly recruited very often. The market reputation of the employees
is adversely affected due to high staffs turn over may not be able to meet customer orders and expectations on
timely manner. Although not all of the above cost implications will apply in any one case of voluntary
resignation, several are likely to feature in some ways. Each element will not in itself necessarily result in great
deal of expenditure, but it is the cumulative effect that gives the business case for attracting turnover its
potency /power/.
2.5.2 Effect On Workers
Due to shifting of element, worker has to sacrifice the benefits of his previous service. Such benefits including
pension, provident fund yearly increment, leaves and so on. All benefits pounced workers give up stable job.
Worker develops especial skill and ability due to long and continues service in industry. This skill is his personal
asset. However, it may become meaningless if the worker lives the present job and joins new one. The workers
may not be able to adjust on a new job in a new organization. This put tremendous mental pressure on him. A
worker who change his job quit often may be looked up on by other including employer with suspicion. The
work environment change when workers shift from one unit to another. He may find it difficult to adjust to a
new environment .As stated by singh BP et al, (1994) personal management an industry relations.

2.6 Strategies (Mechanisms ) Used to Reduce Employee Turnover

A strategies approach to bring down employee turnover is subject of the organization’initiative to understand
staff needs expectation and work hard to tackle these challenges. An increase workers’ turnover may be as a
result of augmented level of job stress, unethical code of conduct, and poor wages. Dealing with these issues
proactively promotes workers – management relationship. Job steers one of the aspect that adversely affect the
employee. Stress can result from imitating nu realizable targets, un vaporable work environment, and personal
problems that induced stress with in worker that is carried on to the work place.In Order to reduce stress with the
employees, the organization should provide the requirement resources such as adequate staff and equipment. The
management should also analyze the targets and provide a reasonable time frame to attain these objectives.
When the employee is stressed due to expert pressure to meet the target without provide the
Necessaryresources, the worker become un productive. This signifies an imminent staff’s turnover. Personal
problems can induce work stress in the sense that it affect the performance of the employee. The management,
without understanding the root cause of the reduced performance,’grills’ the employee and demands an
explanation to the deteriorating productivity. However, due to lack of expression, the employee does not
communicate to the employer or the management on the underlying personal stress. The situation become
complex when the management acts out of consciousness to punish the employee of the poor performance. In
this case, the stress level magnifies and drives the worker out of the organization. The organization should apply
mechanisms the determine the stress levels within employee and establish root cause and address the problem
affirmatively. Imperatively, the management can assist the staff to overcome these personal problems that might
be induced the stress. This ’intelligent’ way of handling employee problems. If the worker is being stressed by
family issues, the management can initiate counseling program through professional. The worker feels that the
management is concerned of the problem and develops a senses of respects and confidence for the
management. This is further displayed though responsibility and enhanced productivity as the employee
appreciates the organization commitment. Acceptable ethical code of conduct can be used to reduce employee
turnover. More often than not, staff turnover is induced by poor ethical practice. Areas of ethical presentation
including staff recruitment, administrative duties, rules and regulations, appreciation of hard work , as well as
reprimanding. If the tools of ethical presentation are misused by the management, this result s to conflicts within
the organization. Employee complaints emanate. If the situation is not tackled proactively and responsively, the
employees leave the organization citing poor management system. Therefore the ethical presentation should be
applied in a sound and acceptable compartment.

2.7 Methods of Identifying Reasons for Staff Turnover

Since turnover involves the most important resources of an organization. It needs to be examined and monitored.
Organization needs to know who is leaving, why they are leaving, and whether any effort on their part can slow
turnover. Several different methods are available to research seeking to investigate why employees choose to
leave. Here we consider four (4) contrasting approaches, exit interviews, surveys of ex-employees, attitude
surveys, and quantitative approaches. Taylor, Stephen, employee resourcing, crom well press, wit shire,
2.7.1 Exit Interview
Undertaking formula interviews with employees before they leave organization is a common method used to
develop an understanding of their motivation for resigning. The most straights forward approached is to take the
resigning through a questioner of direct questions concerning his or her satisfaction with pay supervisor
development opportunities, relationship with colleagues and job content. There are however, a number of
problems with such approaches that conserve to reduce their effectiveness. First, there is the tendency of
employee to develop a far more optimistic outlook after they have secured a new job and resigned. Their original
reasons for seeking alternative employment offer get forgotten as they move towards their last day. Such feelings
are compounded if counter offers are made to encourage them to stay and may disappear completely in the last
days as cards are signed, leaving presents bought, affectionate speeches given and farewell parts held. This is
often not therefore, the best time to task them from honest and well-balanced assessment of their reasons for
quitting. (Taylor,Stephen, ‘employee resourcing’ Cromwell press. Wiltshire, 1998) pp 231-232.
A further problem arises when process owners or department heads under take exit interviews, because leavers
will often baulk at implying any criticism of them particularly if they believe that they will require positive
references in the future. The reason given for leaving may thus obscure the whole truth or may even be entirely
false. It is far either to say that you are leaving because you were offered more money elsewhere or because your
spouse is moving. Than to state openly that you disapproved of your new manager’s style or feel that you have
been treated a fairly in some way. According t ACAS , employees often simply quote some small incident which
provides the last straw as a means of avoiding the admission of deeper or less tangible factors.(ACAS.2005
controlling labor turnover),2007, can this be argued that exit interviews, if used at all,
should be under taken very soon after the resignation has been confirmed, and that they should be carried out by
an individual who will not have any role in writing future job references. Taylor, Stephen, employee resources,
Cromwell press, Wiltshire 1998.pp231-232.
A personal officer is very well placed to carry out such works according to carol et al (1995:770) as cited by
Taylor; another way of encouraging can dour is to explain to the leavers that the aim of interview is to gather
information for improving work conditions. In the other worlds, the individual should be asked directly for his or
her opinion on how things can be improved and only in directed about any personal reasons for resigning. In
general, it is necessary to not that leaving employees may not be interested to give the true cause of their
resignation if they think that their process owner is responsible to give future reference, CIPD, employee
turnover and retention or if the employee might want to be reemployed at the future data, Ivancevichj and
Glueckw, foundation of personnel /human resource management /. (1998)Irwin, pp876 therefore both these
scholars suggest that leaving employee should be interviewed or required to fill exit questionnaires with one or
the combination of the following method. The exit inter viewer should not be a manager who has had
responsibility for the individual and who will not be involved in future reference writing. CIPD, employee
turnover and retention. The cause may be investigated by asking fewer employees with whom the person leaving
could be more frank. (Singh, 1995), Singh BP,etal personnel management and industrial relations. 1994,
Dhanpatrai and sons, pp346-348. To give employees questionnaire as they are exiting and ask them to complete
and mail it back after some times (Loquercio 2006), Ivancevich, J and Gluech W, foundation of personnel
/human resource management, 1989,Irwin,pp876./
Attitude Surveys
This approach is to seek the views of employee before they leave and so provide a basis for the development of
policies and practices that will defer them from so doing. These too are truly effective only if confidential so as
to maximize the chance of employees’ stating honestly how they feel about their jobs, their perceived
opportunities their bosses, colleagues and their organization as a whole. Questions can also be asked their current
intentions as regard the future and about their perception of alternative careers to anticipate in which areas future
turnover is most likely to occur, and to gain an insight in to the main causes. Ibid
Quantitative Approaches
An alternative method to the use of surveys is to make use of the employee records to compare the data or
characteristics of these who live with those who stay. Although quantitative approach are a likely in themselves
to give a particularly clear picture of reasons for turnover, they may reveal some interesting general trades and
can usefully supplement information gathered using the three other methods out lined above.
Any number of rations can be investigated using quantitative analysis. Examples might include comparing lavers
with satyrs in terms of their age, the distance they travel to work, their shift patterns, pay levels, performance
records or length of service. It is also possible to use these techniques to identify the extent to which turnover
varies with the type of job undertaken or with the supervision of different managers. As with all quantitative
analysis, the data is really useful only when there are large sample sizes available. Such approaches are In
appropriate for smaller organization.
Improving Employee’s Retention
Though it is natural and healthy for people to leave the organization from time to time as this allows for the
introduction of fresh ideas and promotions, unless organize the introduction workers for a reasonable period.
However, they are unlikely to be able to provide the quality goods and services required to remain competitive.
If labor turn over becomes excessive, it can indicate management problems therefore should be corrected timely.
ASAS, 2005, controlling labor turn over,
Once the reasons for resignations have been established and analyzed, the next step is to formulate planes to
reduce them. Clearly, it is possible to generalize about the form such plans will take, because they will vary
dramatically on the cause of turnover in specific organization. Employers may often find that very different
factors explain resignation in each department or business unit. However, there are several possible causes of
remedial actions that can successfully be considered and which have been shown by researchers to have
appositive effect in some circumstances. Home and Griffith (1995), as cited by Taylor, in their comprehensive
review of recent us research in to the management of turnover, describe nine areas for employers to consider.
The first six are described as ‘robust’ methods of controlling turnover, and according to Stephen Taylor, there is
strong research evidence, and the final there as promising methods: Taylor, Stephe, Employee resourcing, Crom
well press, Wiltshire (1998), pp 238-241
Realistic job previews-employee turnover can be reduced by giving the true picture of the job to candidates. As
stated by Robbins realistic job preview is sharing of both favorable and unfavorable information about the job
with candidate. This includes brochures, films, plant tours, work sampling, or a short script made up real is tic
statements that accurately portray a job. ( Decenzo and Robbins, Human Resource Management (1999), John
Williams and Scons, Toronto pp 208
Job enrichment employees will stay in an organization if they achieve high level of motivation, satisfaction and
performance with the jobs they do are more interesting and challenging. Furthermore; the following perceptions
of the jobs by job holders are particularly important. These are opportunities for self and career development, the
job is meaning full or significant, variety of skills are used to do the job, high degree of personnel responsibility,
high degree of autonomy, and positive feedback on performance.
Work place characteristics researches indicated that large open plan offices with few dividing walls or partitions
tend to reduce employees significance and autonomy, overcrowding and darkness making work place attractive
to employees. (Taylor, Stephen, employee resourcing, crom well press, Wiltshire, (1998).pp 238-241.
Indication practices-proper orientation is one of the mechanisms turnovers especially that occur in the first
month of employment. The induction packages including proper orientation about term of employment, security
issues, health and safety regulation, wage and benefits, organizational rules and policies, employee development
opportunities, sufficient information about the organization and the industry, job performance issues including
job description, standards, appraisals, and role within the department. Marching ton (Mick and Wilkerson,
Adrian, core personal and development. (2000), Crom well press, Wilshire, pp 138-139.
Leader member exchange implies paying new comers (starters) particular attention and activity to develop high
trust relationships with them from the start. This reduces particularly first month turnovers.
Employee selection this starts from preparing a clear specification of the person required; setting standards that
are not too high this could result in recruits who are over qualified a d who might become bored) nor too low
because of a storage of a storage of good candidates; setting suitable selection tests where appropriated.
Example for essential practical skills but be careful they do not discriminate unfairly; involving supervisors and
ensure that interviewers are trained.
Reward practices better rewards are not of the means to reduce turn over. This includes both e extrinsic rewards
(external to the job and tend to be tangible and include various form of payment, fringe payments, promotions,
car etc) and intrinsic rewards which is concerned with enhancement of self-esteem and self-worth.
Demographic diversity as cited by Stephen overage women and member of ethnic minorities are more likely than
white male to leave jobs voluntarily. Therefore, whether the discrimination is to introduce and communicate
effectively equal opportunity policies that managers should at levels are obliged to accept.
Managing inter-role conflict- the other employee’s retention mechanism cited by Stephen relates to reduction of
conflicts that arises between the demand of work and family. In addition to the minimum standard required low,
employees need to go further for flexible work schedules, childcare, home working, etc. in addition ACAS has
suggested that organizations need to keep a record of the number of people leaving and why they are leaving
and should pay particular attention to voluntary resignations. In the meantime management should identify
whether excessive turn over depending on their stay in the organization. (ACAS, 2005) controlling labor turn
over, reduce turnover among new starters by paying particular attention to recruitment, induction and training, in
Ensure job advertisements give an accurate picture of the job including terms and conditions, prepare clear
specification of the person you require set standards that are not too high (this could result in g recruits who over
qualified and who might became bored) nor too low because of good candidates. Lean and facilities, such as
toilet, are up to standards; Set suitable selection tests where appropriate. Example for essential practical skills but
be careful they do not discriminate unfairly:
Involve supervisors and ensure that interviews are trained; help new recruits settle in and make sure they have
information about the job and the organization and are trained to carry out their duties effectively. Reduce
turnover among long term workers by checking: That they feel involved and are kept in the picture about such
things as new orders, product development, new equipment and other changes.
That they are not unfairly discriminated against because of their race, sex, disability, sexual orientation, religion
or belief.
That they are not being build or harassed or working under undue stress.
That they have opportunity for development and /or advancement.
Management style is acceptable and managers and supervisors are trained, particularly to handle the human
aspects of management.
Pay levels have not become out of line with similar local jobs.
Systems and methods of pay are fully understood and felt to be fair.
There are proper procedures for dealing with grievances and disciplinary matters.
That workers are given the opportunity to discuss work and progress with you or their manager or process
Working conditions are safe, healthy and flexible working is taking seriously. Parents of young and disabled
children have the right to request more flexible working arrangements, including ; flexi time, home working,
term-time working and job sharing and employees can only refuse such requests if they are clear business
reasons for doing so.
Those workers receive adequate training for new work or to operate new machinery or procedures:
Why leaves resigned
What the workers like and dislike about the organizations
In general keeping staff turnover is important. If requires being aware of the current state of the practice work
environment, choosing appropriate new hires and providing them with proper training , talking to staff members
and solving problems as they emerge organizations should strive to provide superior leader ship in their practice,
keep communication lines open and support the entire employee. Periodically take time to examine the work
place from the employee’s perspective, ad continually seek to improve it. (ACAS 2005. Controlling labor turn
over). And this will help organization to create and maintain a place where people want to work and saty.
3.1. Response Rate
The researcher dispatches (distributed) 40bquestionnaires to the employee respondents. However, only 38 (95%)
questionnaire were collected 2 (5%) of them was not voluntarily to fill the questionnaire due to their own
reasons. The data analysis of this research paper is doing using 38 responses (38 questionnaires response). To
collect the data from the research site, structured (close ended) questionnaire have been arranged from sample
3.2. Demographic Information of Sample Employees
This section is going to present demographic characteristics such as age, sex, marital status and educational
status of the sample employee.

Table 3.1: Sex of the Sample Employees

Sex of Respondents of Selected Organization Total
respondents Health office Urban Finance office
trade and
NO % NO % NO % NO %
Male 9 23.7 10 26.3 8 21.1 27 71.1
Female 6 15.8 3 7.9 2 5.3 11 28.9
Total 15 39.5 13 34.2 10 26.3 38 100
Source: own survey
As indicated in table 3.1 above 27 (71.1%) of the respondents of the selected organizations were male and the
remaining 11 (28.9%) of them is females.

Table 3.2: Age of the Sample Employees

Age of Response of Selected Organizations Total
respondents Health office Urban Finance office
trade and
industry office
No % No % No % No %
18-28 5 13.1 5 13.1 4 10.5 14 36.8
29-39 7 18.4 7 18.4 3 7.9 17 44.7
40-51 2 5.3 1 2.6 2 5.3 5 13.1
52 and above 1 2.6 - - 1 2.6 2 5.3
Total 15 39.5 13 34.2 10 26.3 38 100
Source: own survey
As table 3.2 above revealed, out of the 38 sample employees from the respondents of selected organization,
Those aged 18-28 year were 14 (36.8%), those 29-39 years (44-51 years 5 (13.1%) and the age above 52 is 2

Table 3.3: Martial States of the Surveyed Employees

Marital status Respondents of Selected Organization Total

Healthy office Urban Finance office
trade and
No % No % No % No %
Single 4 10.5 6 15.8 4 10.5 24 36.8
Married 11 28.9 7 18.4 5 13.1 23 60.5
Divorced - - - - 1 2.6 1 2.6
Total 15 39.5 13 34.2 10 26.3 38 100
Source : own Survey
As indicated in table 3.3 above, out of the 38 sample employees 24 (36.8%) of the employees have single, and
majority of them 23 (60.5%) of the interviewed employees were married and 1(2.6%) have divorced.

Table 3.4 Educational Status of Sample Employees

Educational Respondents of Selected Organization Total
Status Healthy office Urban Finance office
trade and
No % No % No % No %
Certificate - - - - - - - -
Diploma 8 21.1 3 7.9 2 5.3 13 34.2
Degree 7 18.4 7 18.4 8 21.1 22 57.9
2nddegree and - - 3 7.9 - - 3 7.9
Total 15 39.5 13 34.2 10 26.3 38 100
Source : own survey
As table 3.4 findings of this study revealed that educational status of sample selected organizations were 13
(34.2%) of them is diploma, were as 22 (57.9%) is degree and 3(7.9%) of them employees have 2nd degree and

3.5. Positions of Sample Employees

Position of Respondents of Selected Organization Total
Respondents Healthy office Urban Finance office
trade and
No % No % No % No %
Officer 7 18.4 10 26.3 7 18.4 24 63.2
Process owner 7 18.4 2 5.3 3 7.9 12 31.6
Manager / head 1 2.6 1 2.6 - - 2 5.3
Total 15 39.5 13 34.2 26.3 26.3 38 100
Source : own survey
Out of the 38 sample employees as indicated in table 3.5 above, 24 (63.2%) respondents have officers in the
selected organizations, while 12 (31.6%) of them were process owners and 2 (5.3%) respondent employees have
a manager /head office/ of the selected organization.
Table 3.6 work Experience of Sample Employees
Work Respondents of Selected Organization Total
Experience Healthy office Urban Finance office
trade and
No % No % No % No %
<1 year 1 2.6 4 10.5 4 10.5 9 23.7
1-2 year 1 2.6 2 5.3 - - 3 7.9
2-3 years 2 5.3 2 5.3 2 5.3 6 15.8
3-5 years 1 2.6 1 2.6 1 2.6 3 7.9
5 years 10 26.3 4 10.5 3 7.9 17 44.74
Total 15 39.5 13 34.2 10 26.3 38 100
Source: own survey
As table 3.6 above work experience of sample employees were 9 (23.7%) is less than one year, 3 (7.9%) 1-2
year, 6 (15.8%) with work experience of 2-3 years, 3 (7.9%) 3-5 years and the majority of the sample employee
17 (44.74%) work experience of the selected sample employees have greater than 5 years.
3.3. Results / Findings of the Study
This sections provides you with causes related to employees turn over, effects of employee turn over to the
organization as well as to the employee’s / workers/, types of employee turnover and strategies /mechanisms/
used by the selected organization to reduce /minimize/ employee turnover in their organization.
3.3. Reasons /causes/ off Employee Leave the Organization
Employees may leave the organization s due to several basic reasons. Findings of the study revealed that out of
the total 38 sample employees surveyed as indicated in table 3.7 below, 23 (60.53%) said that poor salary was
the main root cause for leaving the organization. Then other reason stated were; weak treatment 6 (15.8%), work
environment 5(13.1%), work load 3(7.9%) and others 1 (2.6%) said that poor salary, weak treatment, work
environment, and work load was causes to leave employees from the organization. New millennium collage
module (2006) identified that the main root cause of employees leaving the organization phenomenon such as
low wage and allowance, unhappy relation with the workers, unsatisfactory working condition, and personal
dislike for job or environment are among the many causes pushing employees leaving the organization. In
general the social phenomenon of the employees is not simply a consequence of simple reason; rather it is the
sum of different phenomenon.
Table 3.7. Main Causes of Employees Leave the Organization
Reasons Respondents of Selected Organization Total
Leaving the Healthy office Urban Finance office
Organization development,
trade and
No % No % No % No %
Poor salary 12 31.6 4 10.5 7 18.4 23 60.53
Weak treatment 1 2.6 4 10.5 1 2.6 6 15.8
Work 1 2.6 3 7.9 1 2.6 5 13.1
Work load 1 2.6 2 5.3 - - 3 7.9
Other - - - - 1 2.6 1 2.6
Total 15 39.5 13 34.2 10 26.3 38 100
Source: own survey

3.3.2. Effect of Socio-economic Condition in Future Staying Employees

As table 3.8 below stated that socio-economic effect is a effect in future staying of the employees. Out of the 38
sample employees 26(68.4%) the selected respondent’s organizations side that socio-economic condition have an
effect in future staying. The remaining 12 (31.6%) said that socio-economic condition have no effect in future
staying in the organization.
Table 3.8: Effect of Socio-economic Condition in Future Staying of Employees
Socio-economic Respondents of Selected Organization Total
Effect Healthy office Urban Finance office
trade and
No % No % No % No %
Yes 13 34.2 5 13.1 8 21.1 26 68.4
No 2 5.3 8 21.1 2 5.3 12 31.6
Total 15 39.5 13 34.2 10 26.3 38 100
Source: Own survey
3.3.3. Effects of Employees Experienced by Leaving the Organization
As the table 3.9 below indicated employees have faced different types of problems during the leaving of the
organization. Types of problems varied from work load 19(50%), poor good governance 3(7.9%), dissatisfaction
of customers 14(36.8%) and other respondents 2(5.3

Table 3.9: Effects Experienced During Employees Leave the Organization

Experienced Respondents of Selected Organization Total
Effect Healthy office Urban Finance office
trade and
No % No % No % No %
Work load 10 26.3 2 5.3 7 18.4 19 50
Poor good 1 2.6 2 5.3 - - 3 7.9
Dissatisfaction of 4 10.5 8 21.1 2 5.3 14 36.8
Others - - 1 2.6 1 2.6 2 5.3
Total 15 39.5 13 34.2 10 26.3 38 100
Source: Own survey
3.3.4. Strategies/Mechanisms/ Used to Reduce Employee Turnover
As indicated in table 3.10 below from the 38 sample respondents 29(76.3%) said that the organizations have no
strategies /Mechanisms/ to reduce employee turnover in their organizations. The remaining 9(23.7%) said, it has
used the strategies /Mechanisms/ to reduce employee turnover in their organizations. Some of the strategies
/Mechanisms/ mentioned by the respondents is giving reward to those effective workers and good treatment.

Table 3.10: Strategies/Mechanisms/ Used to Reduce Employee Turnover

Mechanisms Respondents of selected organization Total
Used to Reduce Healthy office Urban Finance office
trade and
No % No % No % No %
Yes 13 7.9 4 10.5 2 5.3 9 23.7
No 12 31.6 9 23.7 8 21.1 29 76.3
Total 15 39.5 13 34.2 10 26.3 38 100
Source: Own survey

3.4.5. Types of Employee Turn over

Table 3.11 below illustrated that out of the 38 sample employees 32(84.2%) leave the organization voluntarily to
get better salary, good working condition and good treatment. Whereas, the remaining sample respondents
6(16.2%) leave the organization in voluntarily because of long term sickness, dismissal and the like.
Table 3.11: Type of Employee Turnover
Types of Turn Respondents of Selected Organization Total
Healthy office Urban Finance office
trade and
No % No % No % No %
Voluntary 13 34.2 10 26.3 9 23.7 32 84.2
Involuntary 2 5.4 3 7.9 1 2.6 6 16.2
Total 15 39.5 13 34.2 10 26.3 38 100
Source : Own survey
4.1. Summery
In this study, majority (44.7%) of the sample employees were found between the ages of 29-39 years. Most
(71.1%) are male which found in the selected organizations. A major proportion (60.5%) of the surveyed
employee is married. Majority (57.9%) of the surveyed sample employees have degree holders. Most (63.2%) of
the sample employee have officers in their organizations. Then majorities (44.74%) of the surveyed employee
are > 5 years work experience.
The most serious challenge (60.53%) that faced by the surveyed employee is poor salary. Majority (68.4%)of the
sample surveyed employees have socio-economic effect condition is an effect in future staying in the
organization. For majority (50%) of the sample employee, the existence of leaving employee from the
organization leads the workers /employees/ to work load effect from their experience. Most (84.2%) of the
sample employee leave the organization voluntarily. Majority (76.3%) of the surveyed sample employees are not
any mechanism used to reduce employee turnover in their organization.
4.2. Conclusions
In the open market no one can stop employee turnover completely, especially in all new germinating and
growing economies. There will be flow out of the employees to the better market value. Organizations especially
the selected offices can retain its manpower or at least minimize its man power turn over by adjusting itself with
the dynamism of open market and technological development. Otherwise the mission of the organizations may
get failed or the realization of the goals and objectives will be slower.
The human resource management practices are still being done in a poor manner. Man power is being lead or
being managed as other non-human resources. They do not understand that resource collected me the sector or
organization is the limiting reactant or factors to bring or realize goals and objectives.
Employee employer plan are not being prepared only for orientation purpose and employees are ordered to do
accordingly. This makes the human capital not to be productive and not to feel sense of belongingness. In the
modern business world the best management approach is open management system. That refers to the
organizations which have open information management system or out flow and inflow either with the
boundaries of the organization or out of the boundaries of the organization. However, the reality is so weak.
Therefore, it is important to cover those gaps in order to avoid employee turnover in these sector organizations.
Otherwise, dreaming and making paper work only will not bring faster growth and development as the
government seeks. This is very important in all these sectors organizations.
Grievance in salary is the most problems in all selected sectors. Similarly gaps in human resource management
that are causing employee turnover and that slow down the achievement of the targeted goals and objectives.
Because, causes to lose capacitated human force, increases the cost of the organizations to train new man power
and creates time laps to realize rapid renaissance.
4.3. Recommendations
As the researcher understands the facts observed from the selected sectors of maichewwereda town employee
turnover can be minimized or avoided if the following solutions are practiced.
Give due emphasis to human resource management leaders who are politically assigned to manage the sector
offices and should firstly focus human resource. The first step manager’s /leaders/ should done is to avoid
conflict between employee and the office and construct sense of belongingness.
Participatory decision, making system: the strategic management area should create a way to employee to
participate in all affairs (excluding confidentialities of the organization) of the office. This helps to create
openness and transparency among the employer and the employee. And the more participation of the employees
in the sector, the more they are insisted to accomplish all duties /work expected from them. This also helps to be
confident enough about their office. Exposed to education and training: by nature, employees are some part of
the society who lead their life hood by investing their mental intellectual knowledge or skills to the market .they
went t be fit with the random and dynamic market. They went to be fit with the random and newly coming
technologies in the market. Otherwise they will be out of the market since they have not other source of
economic growth. So that the sector should create educational exposures to their employees that are important
for both of them. Introducing reward and punishment system: employees who are hard workers and committed to
bring the realization of the mission of the organization should be rewarded and acknowledged or recognized. On
the other hand lazy employees should be punished to create competition among employees for better result.
Fair salary payment: every employees which be paid for what he/she is working fairly. This is very important for
all employees which are one of the basic economic questions. So, the structure of the start should be balance
with the workers to be done and its payments.
As much as possible official infrastructure especially with the introduction of new technologies and creating
comfort working condition are important factor that attracts employees.
Very committed and capacitated leaders should be placed in the sector offices. Practicing human resource
management is also one important function to avoid employee turnover.

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 Ivancevich John and Glueck William, (1989), Foundation of Personnel/ Human Resource Management,
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 Judy Capko, (2005), Identifying Cause of Employee Turn Over, Family Practice Management
 Loquercio, David, Hamersley Mark and Emmons,Ben, (2006), Understanding and Addressing Staff
Turnover in Humanitarian Agencies,
 Mailgram Lynne and other: Managing Smart; Prentice Hall, 1999
 Margchington, Mick and Wilkerson, Adrian, (2000), Core Personal and Development, Cromwell Press,
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 Stan Kossen, (1991), The Human Side of Organization, 5thed. Harper Collins, new York
 Taylor Stephen, (1998), Employee Resourcing, Cromwell Press, Wiltshire
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 Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Admas University college of Distance Education department of management questionnaire for Officer,
Process Owner and Managers.
The purpose of this questionnaire is exclusively for academic purpose to fulfill for BA degree. It is administered
to assess your views about your working conditions, and experience related with your process owner profession,
relation with and follow workers, remunerations / rewards/ packages and in general your observation about your
organization. The collected data will be analyzed in terms of employee turnover /human resource management
practice/ in the organization. Therefore, your genuine /frank/ and timely response are quite vital to determine the
success of this study. So, I kindly request your contribution in filling the questionnaire honestly and responsibly.
NB: no need of writing your name
Answer the alternative by circling your choices and /or by filing the space provided for narration or descriptive
Please respond as accurately as possible and at your earliest possible time.
Section one: Demographic Information
1. Sex male__________ female_________
2. Age (year) A/ 18-28 B/ 29-39 C/40-51 D/ above 52
3. Marital status A/ single B/ married C/ divorced
4. Educational status A/ certificate B/ diploma C/ 1st degree D/ 2nd degree and above
5. Your department in your organization_____________________________
6. Your position in your organization A/ officer B/ manager/ head office/ C/ process owner
7. Work experience in your organization A/ < 1 year B/ 1-2 years C/ 2-3 years D/ 3-5 years E/ >5 years
8. Total work experience including other organization /if any/ A/ < 1 year B/ 1-2 years C/2-3 years D/ 3-5
years E/ > 5 years
Section Two: Questions Related to Cause of Employee Turnover
9. What is the main cause for employee turnover in your organization A/ poor salary B/week treatment
C/ work environment D/work lade E/ if any please specify (justify it)____________
Section Three: Questions Related to Effects of Employee Turn Over
10. Do you think the socio economic condition will have any effect on your future staying in your
organization? A/ yes B/ No
11. Did organizational lay out have any effect in your working condition/ situation/ A/ yes B/ No
12. How did you get your current position A/ Initial Employment B/ by promotion C/ if any please
justify it_____________
13. Did you feel that you have been marginalizing in the management? A/ yes B/ No
14. Do you think you have been paid well A/ yes B/ No
15. If employees leave this organization what effect, experienced on your organization? A/ work load B/
poor good governance C/ Dissatisfaction of customers D/ if any justify it ________
Section Four : Questions Related to Mechanisms Used to Reduce Employee Turnover
16. Is there any mechanism /Strategy/ used to minimize / reduce/ employee turnover in your organization?
A/ yes B/ No
17. If your answer for Q16 is “yes” please justify it? _______________
Section Five: Questions Related to Types of Employee Turnover
18. In what type of employees turnover in your organization employees leave the organization? A/ voluntary
B/ in voluntary
19. If your answer for Q18 is voluntary what is the reason A/ to get better salary B/ good working C/
good treatment D/ if nay justify it____________
20. If your answer for Q18 is in voluntary what is the reason A/ long term sickness B/ dismissal C/ death
D/ if any justify it

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