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CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................................4
1. Introduction.............................................................................................................................................4
1.1. Background of the study.......................................................................................................................4
1.2. Statement of the problem....................................................................................................................6
1.3. RESEARCH QUESTION...........................................................................................................................7
1. 4 Objectives of the study.........................................................................................................................7
1. 4.1 General objective...............................................................................................................................7
1.4.2 Specific Objectives..............................................................................................................................7
1.5. Significance of the study.......................................................................................................................8
1.6. Scope of the study................................................................................................................................8
1.7. Organization of the paper.....................................................................................................................8
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................................9
2. Review of related literature.....................................................................................................................9
2.1. What is motivation?.............................................................................................................................9
2.2 Source of motivation...........................................................................................................................10
2.3 The importance of employee motivation............................................................................................10
2.4 Theories of motivation........................................................................................................................11
2.4.1. Maslow theory hierarchy of need theory........................................................................................11
2.4.2 ERG theory........................................................................................................................................11
2.4.3 Equity theory....................................................................................................................................12
2.4.4 Two factor theory.............................................................................................................................12
2.4.5 David McClelland theory..................................................................................................................13
2.4.6 Goal setting theory...........................................................................................................................13
2.5 The relationship between motivation and productivity......................................................................14
2.6 Motivation, job satisfaction and performance....................................................................................15
2.7 Consequence of job dissatisfaction.....................................................................................................16
2.8 Ways to motivate employees..............................................................................................................17
2.9 Employee motivation impact on organizational performance.............................................................20

2.9.1 Improve productivity........................................................................................................................20
2.9.2 Reduction in productivity.................................................................................................................20
2.10 Empirical study..................................................................................................................................20
CHAPTER THREE........................................................................................................................................23
3. Research Methodology..........................................................................................................................23
3.1 Research design...................................................................................................................................23
3.2 Data type and source...........................................................................................................................23
3.3 Data collection method.......................................................................................................................23
3.4 Population of the study.......................................................................................................................23
3.5 Sample size and sampling method......................................................................................................24
3.6 Method of data analysis and presentation..........................................................................................24
CHAPTER FOUR..........................................................................................................................................25
4. Work plan and cost budget....................................................................................................................25
4.1. Work plan...........................................................................................................................................25
4.2. Cost budget plan.................................................................................................................................26


1. Introduction

1.1. Background of the study

Motivation was begin in the 1900,s thought only to be monetary. However, it was discovered
during 20th century that motivates employees there are factors than just money. Employee’s
satisfaction with their job is an important indicator for a good job performance and happy and
happy employees are productive (Latham and Ernest, 2005).

The success of any business depends largely on the motivation of the employees. Human
resources are essential to prosperity, productivity, and performance of any company and play a
vital role in achieving both the long run and short run objectives of the organization. . Motivation
is the key to creating an environment where the optimal performance is possible (Macmillan
India Ltd, 2005).

Motivating your employees is vital to any business a motivated workforce means highly
productive staff all of which help you achieve your business goals and business plans.
Motivation is an effective instrument in the hand of managers for inspiring the work force and
creating confidence in it. By motivating the workforce management creates well to work which
is necessary for the achievement of organizational goal (Chhabra, 2010, 2004).

Employee motivation affects productivity and part of manager’s job is to channel motivation
towards the accomplishment of organizational goal (Gray and Starke, 1998). Reward system in
the organization or in the work place include have appraisal for employees as well as integration
that is targeted at making important by making sure that there is clear flow of information to and
from the employee in the organization (Emery, 2009).

People are energized by psychic reward they get from the working on intellectually stimulating
and challenging technical problems as well as potentially beneficial global impact on their
working Finding and keeping talented workers is a growing challenge. Managers must have to
find the right combination of motivational techniques and reward to keep people satisfied and
productive in a variety of organizational situations. To achieve such type of activity they use

motivational system to motivate the employee to perform more, (Dutchman, 2005). but the
reason to conduct this study is if there is unattractive way of motivation that the organization
uses which makes the employee dissatisfied and negative attitude towards the organization.
These in turn were an impact on the productivity of the organization. Therefore this study was
investigate the impact of employee motivation on productivity in Hassen Reshid flour factory.

1.2. Statement of the problem

The study was focus on the impact of employee motivation on productivity in Hassen Reshid
flour factory in Dilla town. The researchers have an interest to find out most appropriate
solution for problem with motivation on employee productivity. Motivation is one of the vast
challenges facing many public institutions including (Armstrong, 2006). According to Patrick,
(2008) lack of motivation among employees is the major factor of poor job performance and it
leads to productivity decline.
The employee’s motivation is a key factor towards productivity in any organization or
institution. Motivation has been a hallmark of productivity and job performance in every
organization. This situation has been a stumbling block towards provision of services by
employees. By identifying this, several measures have been taken by the government to improve
employee motivation to productivity such as training opportunities, seminars, salary increment as
well as incentives like housing and transport allowances. Following this situation, lack of
adequate employee motivation was reported to influence productivity, Toga D, (2011). This is
connected with low monthly salary and poor working environment in most of public offices
which results to job dissatisfaction among employees and ultimately employees resigns their
employment. Furthermore empirical evidence by (Chambuko, 2008); Adams, (2002) noted that
most of employees are doing poorly due to inadequate in-service training provided by their
employers and also little salaries which are paid to them. Thus, this results to shifting of
employees from one office to another.

Motivation is a crucial for organization to function without motivation employees was not put
up their best and the company performance would be less efficient (Halpota, 2005). . Many
managers are limited rewards for individual they can distribute which make it difficult to
individualized rewards moreover some managers incorrectly assume that all employee want the
same thing this overlooking the motivational effect of differentiating reward in either case,

employee motivation is sub maximized because the employees specific need has not being meet
through the reward structure (Robbins Stephen, 1943). Motivation is a power full tool in
environment that can lead to employee working at their most efficient level of production. Many
studies indicate that there are links between employees’ motivation and productivity. In order to
meet organization targets, some institutions need to motivate their employees. A simple
statement, almost self-evident in any organization, yet it has probably caused more controversy,
applied research and practical advice than any other assertion in the history of management
writing and thinking (Kavanagh, 1997). According to Arif Jemal (2011) research of Jimma
University investigated that the financial related motivation to motivate employees rather than
employee’s attitude toward the motivational practice of the organization. There is no
documented evidence indicating that the same study was done in Hassen Reshid flour factory in
dilla town. Therefore this study aims to investigate the impact of employee motivation on
productivity in Hassen Reshid flour factory.


The researchers have developed the following research question.

 Does Hassen Reshid flour factory provide motivational factor or not in order to motivate
the employee?
 What are the ways of employee motivation practice in the organization?
 What type of impact employee motivation imposes on productivity?
 What is the problem that associated with employee motivation on productivity .

1. 4 Objectives of the study

1. 4.1 General objective

The general objective of this study was to assess the impact employee motivation on productivity
in case of Hassen Reshid flour factory in Dilla town.

1.4.2 Specific Objectives
In addition to the above general objective this study has the following specific objective

 To identify the motivational factor that Hassen Reshid flour factory provides to
employees in order to motivate employee.
 To investigate the way of employee motivation practice in the organization.
 To investigate the impact of employee motivation on productivity.
 To identify the problem associated with employee motivation on productivity.

1.5. Significance of the study

The result of this study will help to Hassen Reshid flour factory to identify problem and
recommending solution to different problems and take corrective action within the of employee
motivation on productivity.

The study was also a good guide for the researcher use as secondary sources for further impact
studies and detail investigation about the impact of employee motivation on productivity, and
finally the study will help the researchers to acquire more skill and experience in the research.

1.6. Scope of the study

The study was having conceptual and geographical scope. Regarding the geographical the study
was limited at Hassen Reshid flour factory in Dilla town. The conceptual scope of the study was
the impact of employee motivation on productivity.

1.7. Organization of the paper

The researcher was organizing the research paper in the following manner which includes:

The first chapter that deal with back grounds of the study, statement of the problem, objective of
the study’s cope of the study, significance of the study, and limitation of the study. The second
chapter reveals literature review. The third chapter shows that the research methodology .The
four chapter deals data analysis and interpretation while the fifth chapter includes conclusion and


2. Review of related literature

2.1. What is motivation?

Motivation can be defined in a verity of ways depending on which goals ask. If you ask
someone on the street, you may get a response like. “It what drives us” or “Motivations what
makes us do the things we do”. As far as the formal definition, motivation can be defined as
forces within an individual that account for the level, direction and persistence of effort
expanded at work (Schermerhorme etal 1984:76). The term motivation was organize derived
from Latin work “Mower” which means to move (Steer & porter 1983:3).

Motivation has been defined in different way by different authors; there is no single universally
accepted definition for this term. To mention few, motivation was defined as stimulation to
action resulting from the individual’s desire to reach or established goal or purpose (Smith
It has also defined as those Psychological processes that cause the arousal and persistence of
voluntary action that are goals directed (T.R. Mitchell 1982:80).
Those from the above definitions we understand that motivation is orating a force in and
individual that cans him, her towards desired action.

2.2 Source of motivation

Types of things that motivate individuals will also vary both the individual and the situation
motivation theorists talk about.

1. Extrinsic motivation

It is related to tangible rewards such as salary and fringe benefits, security promotion, contracts
of service, work environment and condition of service. There is what need to be done to or for
people to motivate them often determined the organizational level and may be largely outside the
control of individual managers. Extrinsic motivation can have an immediate and powerful effect
but will not necessarily last long (Mullins, 2005)

2. Intrinsic motivation

These is related to psychological rewards such the opportunity to use one ability, assess
challenge and achievement receiving, appreciation, positive recognition and being treated in
caring an considerate manner psychological rewards are those that can be usually determined by
the active and behaviors of the individuals managers(Mullins2005). Intrinsic motivation are
concerned with quality of work life are likely to have a deeper and longer term effect because
they are inherent individual and not imposed from outside (Armstrong, 2006).

2.3 The importance of employee motivation

Motivation is the most important factor influential organizational efficiency, all facilities or
organizational will go to waste is lack of motivated people to utilize the facilities efficiency.
Every superior in the organization must motivate its subordinates for the right type of behavior.
Motivation is a helpful instrument in the hand of management in exciting the work force. It
increases the willingness of workers to work, thus increase effectiveness of the organization, best
utilization of resource, reduction in labor problem, sizeable increase in production and
productivity, basis of cooperation, better image of the organization. The importance of employee
motivation cannot be down. Ultimately when employees are motivated this increases
productivity, lower turnover, and improve overall performance. One recent study found that high
employee motivation goes hand in hand with high organizational performance and profit {Grant,
1998}. Individual performances is general determined by three factors namely, ability the
capability to do the job, work environment, the too materials and information need to do the job,
and motivation the desire to do the job. [David off. 1987].

2.4 Theories of motivation

2.4.1. Maslow theory hierarchy of need theory

Probably the most famous content theory was developed by Abraham Maslow [Maslow,
1943].Maslow hierarchy of needs proposed that humans are motivated by multiple needs and that
these need exist in a hierarch order. Maslow theories identify five general type of motivating

a. . Physiological need:-these are the most basic human physical needs including, food, and
water, and sex, shelter. In the organizational setting these are reflected in the needs for
adequate heat, air and a base salary to ensure survival.
b. Safety need: - these need reflect the needs for a safe and secure Physical and emotional
environment and freedom from threats that is freedom from violence and for ordinary
c. Belongingness need: - the desire to accept by once peers, have friendship, be part of
group and beloved. In organization this needs influence good relationships with
coworkers, participations in work group and a positive relationship with supervisors.
d. Esteem need: - related to the desire for a positive self-image and to receive attention,
recognition, and appreciation, others with in organization esteem needs reflect a
motivation for recognition, an increase responsibility, high status and credit for
contribution to the organization. (pass, 2005)
e. Self-actualization: - they concern developing once full potential, increasing once
competence and becoming better person.

2.4.2 ERG theory

Clayton Alderfer proposed a modification Maslow theory in all effort to simplify it and respond
to criticism of its lack of empirical verification (Alderfers, 1972). ERG theory identified three
categories of needs.

1. Existence needs : - these are needs for physical wellbeing

2. Relatedness needs: - relates to the need for satisfactory relationship with others.

3. Growth need: - this focus on the development of human potential and desire for
personal growth and increased competence.

2.4.3 Equity theory

Focus on individual perception of fairly they are treated with others.

Equity theory proposed that people are motivated to seek social equity in the reward the expect
for performance (Adam, 1963).

According to equity theories if people perceive their compensation as equal to that which others
receive for similar contribution they will believe that there treatment is fair and equitable people
evaluate equity by a ratio of input to outcomes.

Input to a job includes education, experience; effort and ability from the job include pay,
recognition, benefit and promotion.

2.4.4 Two factor theory

Fredrick Herzberg developed another popular theory of motivation called the two factor theory
(Herzberg, 1968

Herzberg interviewed hundreds of workers about times when they were highly motivated to
work and other times when they were dissatisfied and unmotivated at work.

The first cased hygiene factors involves the presence or absence of job dissatisfied such as
working conditions, pay, company policy and interpersonal relationship when hygiene factors
are poor work is dissatisfaction they do not in themselves cause people to become highly
satisfied and motivated in their work. The second set of factors does influence job dissatisfaction.
Motivation is high level needs which include achievement, recognition responsibility and
opportunity for growth. Herzberg believed that when motivators are absent workers are neutral
towards works, but when motivators are present workers are highly motivated and satisfied. Thus
hygiene factor and motivator represent two distinct factors that influence motivation.

2.4.5 David McClelland theory
David McClelland his associate John Atkinson proposed another important theory of motivation
and achievement of motivation.

According to theory organization offer an opportunity to satisfy of at least three needs

(McClelland et, al, 1953)

1. Need for achievement - the drive to excel to achieve in relation to a set of standard to
strive to successes. Employees are work harder when they perceive that they will receive
personal credit for their effort. When there is only moderate risk of failure and when they
receive feedback about past performance.
2. Need for power – power motivation is drive to influence people and change situation.
Power motivated people wish to create an impact on their organization and are willing to
tacking risk to do so once their power is obtained it may be uses either constructively or
3. Need for afflation – the desire for friendly and interpersonal relation. Afflation oriented
people work better when they are complemented for their favorable attitudes and
cooperation. They receive inner satisfaction from being with friends and they wants the
job freedom develop this relation.

2.4.6 Goal setting theory

Edwin Locke, proposed that intentions to work toward a goal are major sources of work
motivation that goal tell an employee what needs to be done and how much effort will need to
expanded. Goal setting theory describe that managers increases motivation by setting specific ,
challenging goal that are accepted as valid by subordinates when helping tack their progresses
towards goal achievement by providing timely feedback. Numerous studies have shown that
people are motivated when they specific target or objective to work towards (Lock and Lath an,

2.5 The relationship between motivation and productivity

There is a positive relationship between motivation and productivity. When motivation increase
expects productivity to raise a motivated employee is inclined to be more productive than non-

motivated employees. When employees are satisfied and happy then he or she does his or her
work in a very impressive way and then the result will be good. Employees who are more
satisfied and highly performing in their work and with tasks giving to them have a big motivator
to work harder and encourage others to do the same which affects the businesses p productivity
positively (Hsiu-fen, 2007).

2.6 Motivation, job satisfaction and performance

Motivation, job satisfaction and performance have clearly related. Both are important factors in
terms of organizational success and achievements. Motivation is anything that provides
direction, intensity and performance behavior up. Job satisfaction deals with ones attitudes or
feeling about job itself, pay, promotion or educational opportunity, supervision, co-worker,
workload. Performance would include only those behaviors related to be the production of good
and service. Generally involve making judgments about adequacy of behavior with respect to
certain criteria such work group or organization goal. The extent to which employees are
motivated in their work depends on how will those employees are able to produce in their job
that motivation to have expected a positive effect on quality performance [Kafelnikov, 2008].a
person who dissatisfied his or her job holds a negative attitudes towards the job. While a person
with a high level of job satisfaction holds positive attitudes towards their job.

Job satisfaction actually an enjoyable and exciting emotional condition which same gate in their
work. Job satisfaction is important for reducing turn over and increasing motivation [Locke,

2.7 Consequence of job dissatisfaction

Satisfaction with pay is important because if pay satisfaction is low. Job satisfaction is likely to
be low as a consequence absenteeism and turnover will be high and more costly
[ivancebich,2006]. Job dissatisfaction produces low mental and morale among workers at works.
Some of the indicators to low Morales are employee unrest the work may not attend to his or her

The following are consequence of job dissatisfaction.

1. Employee absenteeism

Less satisfaction employees are more likely to be absent from work. It is only natural to assume

that if individuals dislike their jobs then will often call in sick or simply look for a new
opportunity [Chenoa and farr, 1980]

2. Employee turnover

Turn over distributes normal operation and continuously replacing the employee who lives in
costly and both technical and economical undesirable. One obvious factors affecting turn over
would be on economic down turn over during which unsatisfied workers may not have other
employment opportunities (cars ten and Spector, 1987).

3. Early retirement

Employee who choose early retirement tend to hold less positive attitudes ,challenges and work
opportunity are less likely to sick requirement then employee with lower jobs.

Individual who are dissatisfied with their jobs when job dissatisfaction strikes it is merely on
emotional states in response to the emotional state people will devise an alternative plan that is
dependent upon the individual his estimation of the situation and his own capabilities or
aspiration [Henna and locke,1995].

2.8 Ways to motivate employees

Each of five sources requires different organization and leadership characteristics. However
leader who understand the different ways that individual are motivated will be able to be
effective motivate their worker. These sections are show five ways of employee motivation.


Same workers are really wanted to enjoy the tasks they perform at work. Leaders can do make
the work place and the experience of works more enjoyable for workers.

1. Find out which tasks is each of your employees favorites.

2. Find way assign more of the tasks they enjoy and fewer of the once they do not like to do.

3. Plan societal event for your employees.

4. make sure that a meeting has some scheduled fun time.

5. Always start a meeting with something social.

There are other ways to motivate people motivate by rewards.


 Create incentive laden scales [less output –less pay].

 Create clear goal objectives and goal
 Give special reward to top performance on a regular basis.
 Offer extra holiday time for outstanding performers.
 Remind workers of what they will get for their efforts.
 Be fair, this workers will watch closely to see what the consequence are of very ones

There are several ways to motivate people by reputation


1. People motivated by reputation have a strong need to enhance their image or esteem with

2. Many workers will not work hard unless they believe their efforts will be noticed and

3. Give workers lots of feedback about the way they are performing tell your workers that
appreciate the work they do.

4. Tell people they are important both to the business and to you.

6. Give out certificates of appreciation to anyone who does extra ordinary well for the company.

7. Recognize the outstanding performers in the group at every staff meeting.

8. Put up pictures and biographies of all your employees in a central place.

9. Spans or an awards ceremony to recognize all of the award winners.

There are six ways to motivate people by challenges.


* Stay out of their way and let them do the work if they know how to do it.

* Assign tasks that require their skill and talents.

* Find ways to help them to continually develop their ability.

* Avoid assigning mundane tasks to those works.

* Give them a challenge, and then get out of their way

* Give autonomy to structure and perform their job as they see best.

Nine ways to motivated high in purpose or goal internationalization are listed below.

Individuals where motivated by purpose look beyond themselves. What matters to person
motivated by strange sense of purpose is that they must believe in what the organization doing.

A. Communicates the purpose of tasks being assigned.

B. Make sure the company has a vision and mission that it is pursing.
C. Communicate the organizations vision and purpose on a daily basis.
D. Refer to the purpose of the organization and way we exist when out ling strategies and
E. Discuss way (in terms of contributing to the mission) things need to occur.
F. Remind employees who depends on this organization to succeed.
G. Make link between their worker and the company vision so they can how they fit in to
the bigger picture.
H. Remind workers how their efforts make difference for the company in its pursuit of its

I. Include workers in visioning and strategic planning process so that feels they have astak
in the organizational out comes.

Source: www, janrubs.unl.edu|pases|publicant in dijsp publication, 1998.

2.9 Employee motivation impact on organizational performance

2.9.1 Improve productivity

Employees are the first point of call when dealing with customers. It is importance there for that
organizations give employees the needed encouragement to motive them do more and achieve
better performance of the organization motivators. Having a motivated work force provides the
competitive advantages that the organization seeks and better employee performance helps the
organization achieve higher productivity (Michaelcrispen, 2009).

When organization improve the efficiency of employees through motivation it also improve
overall productivity, reduce cost (Guceno, 2002).Productivity measures how efficiently resource
are employed it is defined as the ratio of specific measure of output to specific measure of input
per unit of labor and it measures the total output divided by the number of unit of labor employed
to produce that output (William, 1997).

2.9.2 Reduction in productivity

Lack of motivation equates to less work being accomplished. That unhappy employee often does
not perform well and often share their negative opinion with their co workers. The reason that
the employees are un happy long hours, insufficient training, management issues, low pay, lack
of recognition and poor work condition lead to moral problem. One suspects that moral is the
cause of the decrease in productivity (Angelus, 2011).

2.10 Empirical study

Motivation in this context is thus described as the economic tool that enables managers and
administrators to contract others to achieve stated or agreed targets. According to Taylor et al

(2008) stated in his research that entitled assessment on factors that influencing teacher’s
performance. The study used questionnaire technique whereby 86 respondents were involved.
Data were analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Science SPSS whereby the study
suggested that that no single individual person can motivate others but can only create conditions
for others to be self-motivated.
Motivated employees tend to play essential roles within an organization whereby making them
essential and beneficial. Motivating employees according to Sanzota (1997) is thus not an easy
task. Employees are likely to be motivated in diverse ways taking into consideration their various
positions or ranks within the organization. For example an employee may be motivated when
entrusted with many responsibilities and being allowed the freedom to take contingency
decisions whilst another may prefer monetary rewards. In order for employees to be efficient, it
is necessary for management to understand what actually motivates their employees within the
environment of the roles employees perform. This is basically due to the fact that strategies
involved in the process of employee motivation are considered not to be static. Additionally, as
employees draw closer to retirement, the delight attained in work satisfaction becomes more of a
de-motivator (Roberts, 2005).

However, Maryam, (2013) several factors are involved in the life of any organization; the most
important of these factors include labor, machinery and
Capital, among these factors, the most important and most effective is labor or human resources
because labor is the creator source for efficiency of machinery, capital, materials, and the other
factors. Today, one of the major problems of organizations is to develop techniques that bring the
will and interest for success to employed personnel in the organization.
However, productivity also depends on individual capability and environment fitness as well as
motivation. To reach a higher level of motivation, an individual should firstly decide to do a job,
and the proper materials and tools must be provided for him/her to perform the work. Absence of
each of these contexts will harm the productivity, thus the manager shall ensure that the above
conditions are provided. Searching in the field of motivations replies the questions about human
behavior. Regarding the different motives, people do things differently. Even in the case that the
individuals have the same motives, motivation intensity of different individuals differs from each
other, which is due to personal distinctions. Work motivation is a set of energetic forces that

originate both within as well as beyond an individual’s being, and determines the form, direction,
intensity and duration of a work-related behavior (Latham and Pinder, 2005).
Motivation is an internal state and force, which encourages the individual to take a specific
action. What is considered to be important as a motivation for particular individual or group may
be not important for another individual or group. In other words, the individual him/herself and
the context in which he/she operates are the most important factors affecting on motivation
(Gandalf, 2005). Studied the effect of employee motivation on productivity’ whereby the results
discovered that employees have affected by motivation as a result it created a positive work
environment and to successfully execute the anticipated programs.


3. Research Methodology

3.1 Research design

The researcher was use descriptive research design because it is one type of research design
which describes the state nature affaires as exists at present without altering the real situation and
helps to collect information about the impact of employee motivation on productivity in case of
Hassen Reshid flour factory in Dilla town .

3.2 Research Approach

This research was employ mixed approach- mixed approach is an approach in which it contains
both qualitative and quantitative research. Quantitative method was use to the research to address
data which was gathering through close ended questionnaires. The qualitative method was also
used to gather data from interviews.

3.3 Data type and source

The researcher was using both primary and secondary source of data and qualitative and
quantitative data type. The primary data was collect by using different data collection method
and instrument like questionnaires and interviews. Questionnaire is use to collect information
from employees and interview was use to collect the data from managers of the organization,
While the secondary data was collect from the organization reports, journals and website.

3.4 Data collection method

To collect the data of the study questionnaire and interview were the most valuable tools through
which the data collect from participants. Questionnaire with close ended and open ended were
used mostly in the study because of its convenience to reach wide participant and appropriate to
set relatively uniform data regarding the researcher problem, and interview is on the other hand
the collection method which the researcher was use interview key respondents to get relevant and
truthful information insight to the problem.

3.5 Population of the study
The target groups of the study were about 25 employees of Hassen Reshid flour factory. As the
managers said that the total number of employee from that organization were 25 from those 19
are males the remaining 6 are females.

3.6 Sample size and sampling method

The study was use census method to collect the data from the whole employees. The reason
behind to use census method is that the number of employees in the organization is easily
manageable. The total numbers of employees were 25 therefore the study was conduct from the
whole employees of the organization.

3.7 Method of data analysis and presentation

In this study the data was collected from different sources were carefully edited, arranged, coded,
classified and documented depending on questions. The data was gather from different source
was be analyzed by using descriptive and statistically techniques of data analysis using
presentation tools such as table, percentage, frequency.

3.8 Work plan and cost budget

3.8.1 Work plan

S.no Activities Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May

1. Problem

2. Topic Selection

3. Proposal Writing

4. Proposal Summation

5. Proposal Paper

6. Data Collection

7. Data Analysis And


8. Final Report Writing

9. Paper Presentation

3.8.2 Cost budget plan

s.no description of items unit quantity unit cost in unit total cost
1 secretary Page 35 7 245.00
2 Papers pack 1 180 180.00
3 Pen Piece 1 10 10.00
4 Pencil Piece 1 5 5.00
5 Ruler Piece 1 5 4.00
6 binding cost Piece 2 12 24.00
sub total 668.00
contingency 10% 66.80
grand total 534.80


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