A Summer Internship Project Report On Study of Employee Welfare at JSW Steel, Kalmeshwar, Nagpur

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A Report prepared
In Partial Fulfilment of the requirement of
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Course
Specialization in Human Resource Management

Academic Session 2017- 18

Prepared by

Guided by

Tirpude Institute of Management Education

Civil Lines, Sadar, Nagpur 440001

Page 1

This is to certify that BHAWANA MUDALIAR is a bonafide student of Tirpude

Institute of Management Education, Nagpur pursuing Master of Business Administration
(MBA) course specializing in Human Resource Management during academic Session

The candidate has worked under the supervision of Ms. LIPI DEY and has
satisfactorily completed her project work in this academic session. The project submitted
by her is her own work and is complete so as to warrant its presentation for examination.

Her project work titled EMPLOYEE WELFARE which is in partial fulfillment

of the requirement for the above course is being forwarded to JSW.

Project Guide Director

Tirpude Institute of Management Education

Page 2

I, the undersigned BHAWANA MUADLIAR, hereby declare that project report

entitled EMPLOYEE WELFARE is my own work and has been carried out under the
supervision and guidance of my Supervisor Ms. LIPI DEY.
This work has not been previously submitted by me to any other examination of
this University or any other University.


Date :

Page 3
I take this opportunity to convey my gratitude to those who provided me help during the
course of my study. It is indeed a great pleasure to express my sincere thanks and great
sense of gratitude to Ms. LIPI DEY for her valuable guidance, timely help and
suggestion and constant encouragement during my project work.

I am equally indebted to my Supervisor MR.SEKAR BHARADWAJ,(AGM) for his co-

operation, guidance and constant encouragement.


Place: Nagpur

Page 4








The SIP report can broadly follow the following chapter sequence:

A) If the Project is not Research Based :

Page 5
1) Cover Page
2) Certificate
3) Certificate (Copy received from the company) FRONT PAGES
4) Declaration
5) Acknowledgement
6) Index Page

7) Introduction to the Topic

8) Introduction to the Company
9) Industry Profile
10) Objectives of Study
11) Nature of Work done during the Internship
12) Academic Learning
13) Professional Learning
14) Findings and conclusion
15) Recommendations / Suggestions
16) Bibliography
17) Annexure

Chapter Sequence

7. Introduction to the topic : Theory related to the topic of study - relevant concepts.
8. Introduction to the Company : (Introduction of the specific company on which the
study is based. Write details such as brief history, corporate office, work locations,
employee strength, organization structure, sales turnover, product mix, major customer
segments, etc) Minimum 4 pages

9. Industry Profile (introduce the industry from which the company belongs to. For
example IT industry, Manufacturing, Banking & Finance, BPO etc) Max 2 pages

10. Objectives of study (Max 3 or 4 objectives, one page )

11. Nature of Work done during the Internship : Enumerate the process, procedures,
methodology adopted by the company to undertake this process of your topic. Do include
the rules & regulations the company follows during that process. Write how the
internship topic is conducted in given organization ( ex: how and what promotional
strategies are actually adopted in ICICI Bank ), (around 3 to 4 pages)

12. Academic Learning:

Page 6
One page write-up on What new things you learnt, new skills acquired, example how to
make presentations, how to deal with clients, product knowledge, stock market
knowledge, sales process knowledge, any process knowledge, how to manage time and
be punctual etc.

13. Professional Learning

One page write-up ( what professional and team related skills you acquired. Ex. Learnt
how to use ERP system for marketing)

14. Findings and conclusion: Enumerate the findings, should highlight key findings
related to the objectives set. While concluding, student should take care that his
conclusion is matching with the title of the project and objectives set in the project.
Student has to give different suggestions to the company which will act as solution to all
those problems researcher has identified with product or services or methods applied.

15. Recommendations / Suggestions: Recommendations should be meaningful and

practical and in line with your project work, 5-6 suggestions should be enough with brief
description of each. One page.

16. Bibliography
Please do not write Google or Wikipedia as reference they are search engines.
Mention the books, journals or research papers in your reference.
The exact link of the website should be mentioned and not Google or Wikipedia.

17. Annexure
Formats, Forms, Templates used during the study (one blank copy and one printed copy)

Guidelines :
1. For topics as follows, there may not be research / survey based data collection,
but the student is required to state the methodology adopted for meeting the
objectives set.
Administration / Company dealership Process / procedure / system based
data, documentation etc.
Sales promotion methodology adopted for undertaking promotional
activities, branding, customer interaction, product demonstrations, etc.

Page 7
Accounting based (students working with CAs / audit based ) : Norms,
procedures, statutory compliances , IT Returns, etc
Share trading / Broking / Terminal functioning : Data collection of
companies traded & tele calling, specifications of companies & sectors,
Grouping of companies, Depositories, Transactions of shares, Trading
activity, Technical analysis, etc.

B) For Research Based Projects :

1. Cover Page
2. Certificate (From the company)
3. Certificate (Copy received from the company) FRONT PAGES
4. Declaration
5. Acknowledgement
6. Index Page

7. Introduction to the Topic

8. Introduction to Industry
9. Company Profile
10. Research study / Methodology
a. Introduction to research problem (optional)
b. Problem Definition/ Rational of study
c. Literature Review
d. Objectives of study
e. Scope and Limitations
f. Research Methodology
g. Analysis of Data
h. Findings and conclusion
i. Recommendations / Suggestions
11. Bibliography
12. Annexure

Chapter Sequence

7. Introduction to the topic : Theory related to the topic of study - relevant concepts.

8. Introduction to Industry : (introduce the industry from which the company belongs
to. For example IT industry, Manufacturing, Banking & Finance, BPO etc) Max 2

Page 8
9. Company Profile (Introduction of the specific company on which the study is based.
Write details such as brief history, corporate office, work locations, employee strength,
sales turnover, product mix, major customer segments, etc) Minimum 4 pages

10. Research Study

a) Introduction to research problem: (For ex: if the project is on Promotional
strategy then what is promotional strategy. Explain in 2 pages)
b) Problem Definition/ Rational of study ( write why study of this topic is important
and how it is relevant to the company. Ex. Why promotional strategy is important and
why it is specifically important for ICICI bank ) One to two pages
c) Literature Review (A literature review is an evaluative report of information found in
the literature related to your selected area of study and it is theoretical and
methodological contributions to a particular topic. The review should describe
summaries, evaluate and clarify this literature. It should give a theoretical base for the
research and help you (the author) determine the nature of your research. Works which
are irrelevant should be discarded and those which are peripheral should be looked at
critically. References of your literature should also be mentioned. Minimum 8 pages)
d) Objectives of study (Max 3 or 4 objectives, one page )
e) Scope and Limitations of Study (mention what further scope the research can have.
Mention geographic, subject related and survey related limitations to the study, one pag )
f) Research Methodology Mention Type of research undertaken, types of data sources,
methods of data collection, sampling method, sample size, what statistical tools will be
used for data analysis.( max 2 pages)
g) Analysis of Data Graphical, tabular and other methods of data analysis and
interpretations. ( around 2 to 4 pages)
h) Findings and conclusion Enumerate the findings , should highlight key findings ,
write how the internship topic is conducted in given organization ( ex: how and what
promotional strategies are actually adopted in ICICI Bank ) , around 3 to 4 pages
i) Recommendations / Suggestions Recommendations should be meaningful and
practical and in line with your project work, 5-6 suggestions should be enough with brief
description of each. One page.

11. Bibliography
Please do not write google or Wikipedia as reference they are search engines.
Mention the books, journals or research papers in your reference.
The exact link of the website should be mentioned and not google or Wikipedia.

12. Annexure
Annexure 1: Questionnaire ( one blank copy and one printed copy)
Annexure 2: Personal learnings one page write-up (What new things you learnt, new
skills acquired. Ex. learnt how to manage time and be punctual)
Annexure 3: Professional/ team learnings one page write-up ( what professional and
team related skills you acquired. Ex. learnt how to use ERP system for marketing)

Page 9

The binding of SIP project report should be hard bound - Black with Golden
Front pages should not have Header & Footer.
All other pages should carry header and footer (except front pages)
Font - Front pages :
Headings - Times New Roman 14, Bold & Underlined
Other Text Times New Roman 12
Justified formatting

Font - Other pages :

Headings - Times New Roman 14, Bold & Underlined
Other Text Times New Roman 12
Justified formatting
Spacing: 1.5

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