Construction of Fiberglass Boat in Padang City With Hand Lay Up Method
Construction of Fiberglass Boat in Padang City With Hand Lay Up Method
Construction of Fiberglass Boat in Padang City With Hand Lay Up Method
Keywords: FRP, hand lay up, resin, open mould, Pantai Muaro
Abstract: Wooden fishing boats gradually began to be abandoned by fishermen. Now, many fishermen have switched
to using ships from materials fiberglass. This is because the amount of wood that has been increasingly
limited, and the price is also very expensive. In addition, wooden ships require a lot once treatment and
lifespan are also limited. While the advantages of fiberglass boats, among others, age or lifetime of the ship
more durable, maintenance is much easier and cost-effective (cost). Fiber ships are also much lighter, and
more leverage in the production of fish catch. Fiberglass shipbuilding process that many made, using
Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) technique. In the manufacture of fiber boats, there are two frequently
used lamination methods, namely Hand Lay Up and Chopper Gun. This method is the easiest and simplest
method of lamination. Hand Lay Up is an open mold method. This method is carried out by applying resin to
the reinforcing material using brush/roll. Usually this method is done for the manufacture of hull, swimming
pool, and others. The research was conducted in Muaro Beach fishing area Padang. There are five units of
fiberglass fishing vessels that are sampled. The purpose of this research is to assist fishermen, especially
producing ships fiberglass is much better to maximize the catch of fish.
Ardhy, S., Putra, H. and Rina, .
Construction of Fiberglass Boat in Padang City with Hand Lay up Method.
DOI: 10.5220/0010040001680172
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Computer, Environment, Agriculture, Social Science, Health Science, Engineering and Technology (ICEST 2018), pages 168-172
ISBN: 978-989-758-496-1
Copyright c 2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Construction of Fiberglass Boat in Padang City with Hand Lay up Method
such a position, there should be many efforts marine the shipbuilding industry of FRP construction. The
that has the potential to develop, especially marine catalyst is a material that has the same function as the
and fishery business. In the city of Padang, in addition hardener that is for accelerate the reaction of the
to Muaro Beach, fishing boats as well many operating polymerization process, but is used as a polyester
in Pasia Nan Tigo, Air Tawar, Purus, Gauang, resin pair and vinyl esters resin. Gelcoat is the
Bungus and Sungai Pisang. material used as the outermost layer of the ship's hull
to be built.
2.1 Construction Process of FRP
Fiberglass shipbuilding process that many made,
using Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) technique.
This FRP process is very different from ship building
process made from other materials such as steel,
aluminum, and wood. FRP ship production process is
much lighter than the ship steel. This is because the
construction of FRP construction vessels starts with
the preparation of mold making. While the production
process of steel vessels consists of welding process,
assembly, cutting and bending. The FRP ship is only
made with the initial capital of a mold to form the
vessel. Mold making usually uses FRP materials that Figure 2: The processing of fiberglass fishing vessel with
have a certain thickness and tensile strength, such as FRP technology using permanent mold making model role.
using CSM 600 or also can be made with wood and
FRP design technology consists of design stage, 2.3 Lamination Method
material selection, and strength calculation
(construction). The design of FRP must also be pay In the manufacture of fiber boats, there are three
attention to basic design criteria such as spatial / space frequently used lamination methods. Here is an
use coefficient, comfort factor and performance. This explanation of the laminate method:
fiberglass vessel is effective to increase the 1) Hand Lay Up Method
productivity of fisherman catch and to reduce the cost The basic method of building a fiber boat. This
of fishing. Age of life longer, high strength, corrosion method is the easiest and simplest method of
resistance, light weight, production cost and lamination. Disadvantages of this method; not
maintenance is much cheaper than wooden vessels, maximally the result of pooling of layers or
does not require repeated painting. arrangement between fiber and resin on ship body
2) Chopper Gun Method
This method requires a gun-shaped tool that will fire
fiber pieces with resin to all layers of mold (mold)
which are then put together with a roll. In coating
using chopper gun technique, can only use fiber in the
form of yarn roll (Spray Gun Roving).
3) Vacuum Infusion Method
Figure 1: Design of fiberglass fishing vessel with FRP This method is either a closed printing method or a
technology Resin Transfer Molding (RTM) system. The resin is
injected into a certain mold, then the top is covered in
2.2 Construction Material a rigid mold. However, in vacuum infusion, the top
mold is replaced with plastic film. Advantages of the
In the construction of FRP construction vessels, there vacuum infusion method; laminate results are thinner,
are major material elements. Among them are evener, and stronger. This study discusses only
reinforcement, resin, and core materials. shipbuilding with vacuum infusion printing patterns.
Reinforcement or amplifier is widely used ie FRP.
This is because the cost is cheaper than other
boosters. Resin is one of the basic ingredients used in
ICEST 2018 - 3rd International Conference of Computer, Environment, Agriculture, Social Science, Health Science, Engineering and
Construction of Fiberglass Boat in Padang City with Hand Lay up Method
As for the inboard engine ship, the foundation of manufacture of products with medium strength and
the engine can use strong and durable wood. Where usually for hand lay up.
possible, first-class timber and FRP coated and bound 3. Combination mat, is a combination of chopped
to the hull of the ship are used. The merging of the strand mat and woven roving, both mechanically and
hull, the deck, the pavilion, etc. is tied with stainless chemically, forming a strong reinforcement, woven-
steel screws and inside it is foamed and casted with shaped fiberglass sheets such as roving 600/roving
FRP so that it does not leak. 800. The use of combination mat speeds up the hand
lay up time.
4.3 Making Resin Figure 5: Fiberglass boats that are ready to be produced
ICEST 2018 - 3rd International Conference of Computer, Environment, Agriculture, Social Science, Health Science, Engineering and
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