Hull Cleaning Operation Efficiency in Containing B

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International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review
ISSN 0976 – 4852
Research CrossRef DOI:
August, 2018|Volume 09|Issue 08|

Section: Marine Science

Hull Cleaning Operation Efficiency in Containing Biological


Chandra Sekhar Mishra1, Zenawi Fitwi2, Habtom Imuru3

Lecturer Masawa College of Marine Science and Technology
Graduate Assistant Masawa College of Marine Science and Technology
Head of quality control lab

Corresponding Author: Chandra Sekhar Mishra
Received: 2018-07-12; Accepted 2018-08-05,

In order to reduce accumulation of marine fouling
Historically hull fouling was a widely recognized
on under water hulls, all world shipping industries
and prominent vector, with descriptions of hull
both commercial and military use antifouling paint.
fouling in the literature going back to at least the
This function is critical to reduce hydrodynamic
early 1900’s – prior to the initiation of the use of
drag of the hull and to maintain fuel efficiency of
seawater as ballast and when there was a
the ship. The growth and accretion of marine
predominance of wooden-hulled vessels (Minchin
fouling highly depend on these factors:
et al., 2006).The hull of a ship in contain biological
geographical location, time of year, temperature
material termed as bio fouling which leads to bio
and salinity of water. Generally, biofouling is more
corrosion. Biofouling is defined as the attachment
aggressive in high water temperature areas, since it
and growth of aquatic organisms on a total or
the prevailing condition for the breeding and growth
partially submerged surface in an aqueous
fouling organisms. There are many additional
environment (M. Löschau et al., 2005).
variables, such as the availability of nutrients to
Cleaning the hull of a ship has an important factor support the fouling communities. Classic (Woods
in the case of ship efficiency puzzle. The physical Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1952et al 2009),
ability of the ship to overcome/encounter the wave reviews of marine fouling are available. In general,
acting, in streamlined manner has profound the longer a ship pier side, the more likely it is to
importance to fuel economy. Therefore, maintaining accumulate fouling.
hull performance plays a great role, since a smooth
For convalescence of ship's performance, it is
hull is an optimally hydrodynamic hull. Modern
necessary to dry dock a ship and to proceed a clean
empirical study of biofouling began in early 19 th
off sea adherence. Before any other maintenance,
century with Davy’s experiment linking the
activities following on, this cleaning is very
effectiveness of copper to its solute rate (Woods
essential. Nowadays under water cleaning is very
Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1952).

International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 08, Page no: SC 20203-20217
DOI: Page | 20203
Chandra Sekhar Mishra et al. Hull cleaning operation efficiency in containing biological material

crucial, while considering the type of antifouling and the paint they use here is copper based paint
applied since cleaning in dry dock is not that have a very harmful effect in marine life. So
economical. Cleaning can be done manually in dry effective hull cleaning method is needed in order to
dock with an employment of different adapted prevent a vessel from so many effects such as in
methods like water jet or grit blasting. But it has to increasing hydrodynamic drag, fuel consumption
be noticed that, in itself, it is a very contaminant and reduced manoeuvrability of the vessel.
operation (the resulting dust always contains
Objective of the Project Work:
painting particles). It is harmful for operator’s
health and it is a very uncomfortable job. Increased  To investigate the fouling microorganism
biofouling use due to biofouling contribute to discharged from hull cleaning facilities
adverse environmental effects and is predicted to available here without any treatment.
increase emission of carbon dioxide and sulphur
 To determine the causes and effect of fouling
dioxide between 38 and 72 percent by 2020( Salta
Need for the Project Work:  To do brief survey of the biofouling prevention
technique applied here.
Biofouling is one of the most important problems
currently facing marine technology. In the marine  To give idea the harmful effects of improper
environment any solid surface will become fouled. way of biofouling prevention technique.
This results in higher fuel consumption and these
results in a greater volume of greenhouse gases and  To give idea new technique that can be applied
other emissions being produced during the process here to prevent biofouling
of fuel combustion. In addition to fuel penalties in
the short and long term, extensive bio-fouling will Methodology:
eventually lead to hull corrosion, which further Site Selection:
compounds what was already a significant
Three different places have been selected and
additional expense. The need of this project
visited for collecting data. These sites are Ghibi
research paper is therefore to reduce biofouling
harbour, Ship repair yard and Massawa port. In ship
taking place in the hull of ships, fishing vessel, tug
repair yard there are many non- operational and few
boats by giving proper idea about the causes
operational vessels, Ghibi (fishing vessels harbour)
biofouling takes place in the hull of ships, fishing
here also there are operational and non-operational
vessel, tug boats and to reduce improper way of
fishing vessels and boats. Massawa port is the main
biofouling prevention technique by describing all its
berthing place for foreign merchant ships, local
harmful effect. In addition to this, to raise
vessels, in which the loading and unloading of
awareness, interest of the workers and to give
cargoes take place.
attention in treatment of ballast water.
Data Collection:
Statement of Problem:
This data collection is mainly based on primary and
Marine biofouling have a great effect in a ship in its
secondary data.
overall efficiency and pollution of marine
environment. In order to prevent or reduce these Primary Data:
effects an effective method of hull cleaning and 1. By referring various books related to our project.
prevention technique is necessary. The cleaning
technique which are used mostly in Massawa ship Direct interview depending on questionnaires
repair yard and in some other sites are not effective, prepared.
because it does not exist for a long period of time

International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 08, Page no: SC 20203-20217
DOI: Page | 20204
Chandra Sekhar Mishra et al. Hull cleaning operation efficiency in containing biological material

 To master

 To Chief engineer

 To crews Questionnaires prepared are:

i) What type of fouling paint is applied?

ii) After how long interval of time the fouling paint

is applied?

iii) What type of cleaning technique done for

cleaning the hull of a ship?

iv) After how long interval of time cleaning

technique is applied?
Fig 3.1 water sampling
v) What type of fouling organism mostly attached
to the hull surface? 3.3.1 Total Plate Count Analysis (Pour Plate
3. Observing and taking pictures. The TPC was done following EN ISO 6222: 1999
Collecting information and taking photographs of in quality control, Ghibi, MMR. For the
fouled vessels by visiting to selected sites which are enumeration of TPC, 1ml of each sample was
observable by our naked eyes. placed in Petri dish without dilution and 9 ml of
peptone water solution added to obtain a 10ml
Secondary Data:
dilution. Total plate counts (TPC) counts were
It was collected from various materials such as evaluated on plate count agar (PCA). Plates were
internet, journals and previous research projects. incubated at 22°C and 37 °C for 24hrs. Colonies on
Collection of Water Sample (Ballast and Bilge) plates that had grown were counted using colony
counter and counts were multiplied with the
Ballast water and bilge water samples were
relevant dilution factor.
collected from selected sites to find total plate count
(TPC).In this research we mainly focus on ballast
water. Only ballast water was collected to identify
the microorganisms carried in the ships ballast
water. All water samples were aseptically collected
in sterile 500ml capacity glass bottles, from the
depth of 10-25 cm ballast tanks and from ballast
pipe tap, while the sterile bottle held with calliper
was lowered in to water depth to fetch the water
samples. All bottles were well rinsed at least three
times with the water being sampled before
collection. Finally all the bottles kept in bags and
transported to laboratory in an insulated container
with ice with 24 hours of collection.
Fig 3.2 samples collected from selected sites for
TPC analysis.

International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 08, Page no: SC 20203-20217
DOI: Page | 20205
Chandra Sekhar Mishra et al. Hull cleaning operation efficiency in containing biological material

TABLE 3.1 Availability of vessels on selected sites

Site Operational Non- Tug Pilot Hull Separation of Disposal
vessel operational boat boat cleaning solid solid/liquid
vessel operation and liquid

Ship repair
yard 2 12 NO NO Dry dock NO Landfill/Sea
10-12 NO 3 2 Diver Yes Landfill/sea
6 8 NO NO NO NO Landfill/sea

Analysis of Ballast Water for Identification: incubator at temperature 42⁰c then with (24-48)
To identify microorganisms present in ballast water hours the presence pseudomonas aeruginosa has
been found with the biochemical test. (It size, shape
that cause biofouling on the hull of the ship, three
and motility….etc) and its general is identified with
samples of ballast water collected from selected site
the help of microscope.
of different ships have been taken to Asmara
Ministry of Agricultural lab. From this three Method Used For Aeromonas Hydrophila
samples shown below the fouling organisms has Analysis:
been found that are Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Blood agar was used in isolating aeromonas
aeromonas hydrophila.
hydrophila bacteria from ballast water samples.
Methods Used For Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Isolation is done for this also based on traditional
Analysis: method of bacterial isolation. 24 grams of blood
agar were suspended in 1liter of distilled water in a
Blood agar was used in isolating pseudomonas
conical flask. This also dissolved completely by
aeruginosa bacteria from ballast water samples.
boiling over a flame and sterilized by autoclaving at
Isolation is done based on traditional method of
temperature 120⁰c for (15-20) minutes. This
bacterial isolation.27grams of the blood agar were
bacterial isolation also pour plate method .100ml
suspended in 1 litre of distilled water in a conical
ballast water sample, poured into graduate cylinder.
flask. This was dissolved completely by boiling
Then pour into 9ml of peptone water for dilution
over a flame and sterilized by autoclaving at
purpose. 1ml of diluted sample poured into
temperature 123⁰c for 15 minutes .This bacterial
sterilized Petri dish then blood agar is poured over it
isolation is pour plate method. 100 ml ballast water
for sub culturing the bacteria .Then placed in the
sample from sterilized bottle of sample first pour in
incubator at temperature (35-37)⁰c then with (24-
to graduate cylinder. Then pour into 9ml of peptone
48) Hours the presence pseudomonas aeruginosa
water for dilution.1ml of diluted sample poured into
has been found with the biochemical test. (It size,
sterilize Petri dish then blood agar is poured over it
shape, motility ….etc) and its general nature is
for sub culturing the bacteria .Then placed in the
identified with the help of microscope

International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 08, Page no: SC 20203-20217
DOI: Page | 20206
Chandra Sekhar Mishra et al. Hull cleaning operation efficiency in containing biological material

Fig 3.3 samples collected from selected sites for identification of fouling microorganisms.

Fig 3.4 samples collected from Massawa port

International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 08, Page no: SC 20203-20217
DOI: Page | 20207
Chandra Sekhar Mishra et al. Hull cleaning operation efficiency in containing biological material

Results and Discussion:

Result of TPC Analysis:
Table 4.1 Result of TPC Analysis without treatment
Parameter Sample Method Standard Result

Total plate count (22⁰c) Bilge water(ship yard) EN ISO 6222:1999 100/ml 4
10×10 /ml

Ballast water≠1(Ghibi) EN ISO 6222:1999 100/ml 4

3,0×10 /ml

Ballast water≠2(ship yard) EN ISO 6222:1999 100/ml 4

3,0×10 /ml

Total plate count (37⁰c) Bilge water (ship yard) EN ISO 6222:1999 20/ml 4
10×10 /ml

Ballast water≠1(Ghibi) EN ISO 6222:1999 20/ml 4

3,0×10 /ml

Ballast water≠2(ship yard) EN ISO 6222:1999 20/ml 4

3,0×10 /ml

Total plate count (TPC) is done for the indication of water is the one commonly and simply discharged
microorganisms present in ballast water and also in to the sea without any treatment in these two
bilge water. Three samples have been collected selected sites. Whereas bilge water is not allowed to
from selected sites, these are (one ballast and bilge discharge simply to the sea but, it might be leak to
water) have been taken from ship repair yard and the sea due accident.
only one ballast water have been taken from Ghibi.
Table 4.2 result of TPC analysis with treatment.
Based on the result, the total amount of
microorganism present in ballast water from the two Parameter ` Method Standard Result
selected sites were found the same which is 3,0×10 4
per millilitre that is out of the quality to be accepted Total plate EN ISO 100/ml 0 /ml
or out of the standard level ( according to quality 6222:1999
control laboratory).whereas, the bilge water sample
collected From the ship found in ship repair yard Total plate EN ISO 20/ml 4
were 10×104 per millilitre, and this analysis is done
count(37⁰c) 6222:1999 2,0×10 /ml
at parameter of 22ᵒcand 37ᵒc.From the above table
shown the result of bilge water is three times more
than that of ballast water. This research paper The result shown above in table 4.2 was collected
mainly focused in ballast water because ballast from foreign ship found in Massawa port. In this

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DOI: Page | 20208
Chandra Sekhar Mishra et al. Hull cleaning operation efficiency in containing biological material

vessel ballast water was treated before discharge to are many operational and non-operational vessels.
the sea using filter, the result at 22ᵒc was 0/ml and In this place hull cleaning operation takes place and
at 37ᵒc was 2, 0×104/ml. By comparing this result there are many fouled ships which gets idle for a
with the analysis done without treatment the amount long period of time. Ballast water is freely
get reduced. The Main cause of more amount of discharged to the sea without treatment. On board
TPC in ballast water and bilge water tank is, when of some of those vessels there are crew members
water kept in tank for long period of time without living there just for watch keeping. All their waste
cleaning or done any proper treatment. This enables food and sewage water are discharged to the sea.
the bacteria to grow in their numbers, due to this This makes more likely to accumulate fouling
total plate count will be more and the ballast and organism on hull of the ship.
bilge water will be fully contaminated. Effect of this
ballast water will result in presence of pathogenic
bacteria which cause disease like cholera, typhoid
fever and dysentery. Even if accidental spills of
bilge water which represents a relatively small
source of oil, this directly affect birds and mammals
and have devastative effects on local vulnerable
economies. Oil float on top of water which prevents
the light to reach bottom due to this marine plants
can die, this results large effect in ecosystem.
Result of Analyzed Sample:
Results of those three samples analyzed in Asmara
Ministry of Agriculture based on the request given
i. Aeromonas hydrophila
ii. Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Fig 4.1 Fouled ship in Massawa ship repair yard
Result of those two samples analysed in Asmara
national laboratory. 2. Massawa Port:

One sample water which has taken directly from This port accommodates international commercial
Massawa port sea water the results are ships and local operational vessels as well as three
tug boats and two pilot boats. The number of
Klebseiela pneumonia rhinoscereamtis were foreign vessels which visit Massawa port monthly
isolated from ballast tank which has taken water around 10–12. It was found from the result of
from Massawa port (ballast#1).These ballast water sample collected from one of foreign
microorganisms are very destructive. Whereas the ship in Massawa port which is tested in national
second sample were taken from the ballast tank of laboratory and no fouling organism found. This
the foreign vessel. As they use treatment before shows that, the vessel uses ballast water treatment
discharging the ballast water to sea, the result was before discharge to the sea. The port authority
zero which means no bacteria found. should have to check that foreign vessels visiting
Description of Selected Site Massawa Ship this port, if they use ballast water treatment or not.
Repair Yard: The problem is with local vessels which discharge
the ballast water without treatment.
Ship repair yard is mainly used for repair and
maintenance of different ships. In this place there

International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 08, Page no: SC 20203-20217
DOI: Page | 20209
Chandra Sekhar Mishra et al. Hull cleaning operation efficiency in containing biological material

4.4 Causes and Effect of Growth of Aeromonas

Hydrophila, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and
Klebseiela Pneumonia Rhinoscereamtis:
In ship repair yard ballast water is kept for a long
period of time in ballast tank, so as the ballast water
discharge from the ballast tank to the sea without
any treatment, as there is formation of biofilm in the
hull of the vessel since it is disabled or idle then this
organisms can grow and attack on the surface of the
vessel causes accumulation of biological material.
As there is leakage of sewage water into the sea due
to the external action of human being these
microorganism can grow at the sea and attack the
vessel around there. When ballasting sea water to
Fig 4.2 Fouled foreign ship in Massawa port the ballast tank and sailing the vessel to the other
port or to her country. As the ballast water
3. GHIBI: discharged without treatment from the ballast tank
Ghibi harbour is the berthing place for all fishing to the sea non indigenous species [NIS] can
boats and small local fishing boats owned by introduce to the new sea surface. It can be also due
individual nationals. There are many operational to discharging of waste foods and vegetables into
and non-operational fishing boats which are fouled sea water and due to not periodical cleaning of
more while comparing to other site. In this place ballast tanks so this will suitable for their growth.
hull cleaning operation is not done like other site.
Effect of Fouling Microorganism:
Ballast water is discharged to the sea without
treatment and few bilge water leak to the sea due to For the identification of the fouling organisms, in
fouled hull and accident. Over all this shows ballast water, total five samples have been collected
awareness of the crew members towards hull from the selected sites. The first three samples were
fouling and its formation is less. analyzed in Asmara ministry of agriculture
laboratory and the result of analysis are aeromonas
hydrophila and pseudomonas aeruginosa. The
second two samples have been analyzed in national
laboratory and the result of analysis are Klebseiela
pneumonia rhinoscereamtis. In general three
organisms have been found and these organisms are
very critical and cause the hull of the vessel or boat
to be rough.
As the ballast water is allowed freely to discharge to
the sea this tends to Cause biofouling or hull
fouling. Ballast water is discharged freely without
carrying out treatment and brief survey for ballast
water especially, at Massawa port. As there is no
inspection for treatment of ballast water then ,at the
time of discharging with the presence of
Fig 4.3 Fouled vessel in Ghibi harbour microorganisms, when new surface of hull or a
jetty, or a raft - is placed in the marine environment,

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DOI: Page | 20210
Chandra Sekhar Mishra et al. Hull cleaning operation efficiency in containing biological material

this can be easily colonized by a variety of marine environment and can decrease the lifetime of ship
species. Although the majority of these fouling hull as it leads corrosion. Biofouling is also
species are small-sized sedentary, burrow-dwelling associated to bio corrosion of surfaces, reducing the
or clinging species (Galil et al., 2002), they also lifetime of the structures under a marine
include mobile species such as crabs, brittle stars environment, which is also promoted by the
and small fish, as well as parasites and diseases corrosive effect of sea water itself. Microbiological
(Minchin, 2007a). The colonization process usually fouling should be strictly controlled since it can
takes place as a succession, within minutes of the create microbial induced corrosion (MIC). For
immersion of a clean surface in water; it adsorbs a example, sulphur-reducing bacteria (SRB) come
molecular film consisting of dissolved organic from the marine sediment and gain energy using
material. The occurrence of biofilm on hull surface electrons from the steel structures, chemically
helps the aeromonas hydrophila and pseudomonas reducing the sulphate from the sea water to
aeruginosa to strike the surface of the hull, that is sulphide, causing the pitting corrosion of steel
called extracellular polymeric substance produced surfaces(L. D. Chambers, et al) .Finally over all this
by those microorganisms and then colonized within increase the maintenance cost and requires large
hours by bacteria, and helps unicellular algae amount of man power. Effect of Klebseiela
(especially diatoms) and/or cyanobacteria (blue- pneumonia rhinoscereamtis can get detached from
green algae) which together form a biofilm – an hull of ship which may also cause infection in
assemblage of attached cells, also called micro- human being and also disturb food chain.
fouling or slime (Callow et al., 2002). These
Theoretical Analysis:
microorganisms adhere to the surface by secreting
sticky substances (extracellular polymeric This Theoretical analysis describes to the effect of
substances (EPS)). The biofilm is thus a gel matrix biological material on the hull of the ship and this
comprising the microorganisms and the EPS, and effect arises due to the growth of fouling
changes the chemistry of the surface making it more microorganisms on the hull of a ship. This vessel
amenable for the settlement of macro-fouling found in ship repair yard.
species (Chambers et al., 2006). Attached macro- Name of ship =YOHANA (RORO) Length the of
fouling communities Pioneering macro-fouling the ship =92.07m Width of the ship =18.02m
species include green filamentous algae, bryozoans,
Light Weight of the ship without biological
serpulid tube its biofilm the first to establish
growth= 2033.6 tones.
followed by the gradual development of macro-
fouling species. Due to the accumulation of these Assume in the absence of hull fouling control
organisms the hull roughness tends to increase and systems, within one year of active service a vessel
exceeds the limited roughness. Due to increasing of could have up to 150 kilogram (0.150 ton) of
roughness the hydrodynamic drag increases as the marine life per square meter attached to the hull.
ship moves through water, this results enhancing But this vessel is being idle for almost 8 years so it
fuel consumption. Over all hull performance will be could also have more than 150kg.
affected, so make sure a ship’s hull is smooth and Total weight of the ship is assumed after one year =
friction-free as far as possible. The ship hull 2033.6 ton + 0.150ton = 2033.75ton
designed and shaped to cut the sea water wave
while in motion. As the roughness increase, fuel The draft of the ship without biological
consumption will increase adversely and as the material=4.21 meter.
same time GHG emissions will increase. This The relative flow past in the bottom of ship is
microorganisms may get detached, contaminate the similar to flow past a flat surface. Assume the
water and disturb the food chain by effecting marine bottom of ship as rectangular shape.

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DOI: Page | 20211
Chandra Sekhar Mishra et al. Hull cleaning operation efficiency in containing biological material

When the surface is smooth the flow of the fluid is ship

laminar but when it is rough the laminar boundary Power required to move this vessel when the bottom
layer is converted to turbulent boundary layer. surface is smooth assumed
This analysis shown below for a smooth surface that =3826.30×1.5=5739.45W
is in laminar boundary layer and consider dynamic Power required to move the this vessel when the
viscosity=0.001, velocity of water=1.5and density bottom surface is rough assumed=
of sea water 6887.34×1.5=10331.01W
=1025kg/m3 Increase in power required when the bottom surface
Re=(density×Velocity×length)/(Dynamic is rough =10331.01-5739.45=4591.156W
viscosity)= (ρ×V×L)/µ= (1025×1.5×92.07)/ (0.001) % increase in power required =
=141557625 (4591.156/5739.45)×100=79.9%
CD=0.455/(log10Re)2.58- Therefore based on the theoretical analysis the
(1700/Re)=0.455/(log10141557625)2.58- result of drag force due to increased hull roughness
(1700/141557625) = is greater than the result of drag force with
=0.455/ (224.344)-0.0000120=0.0020 acceptable limit of hull roughness. So due to this
increased hull roughness:-
Assume the water in the sea is moving at 1.5 m/s.
Drag force on the bottom surface of ship when the  The Drag force on the hull surface is increased.
surface is smooth assuming the base of ship
 Fuel consumption increased based on the
rectangular. So Area =Length ×Width
interview done with them.
FD = CD× (1/2) ρu02A=0.0020× (1/2) ×1025×
 The speed of the vessel/tug boat is reduced.
(1.5)2× (92.07×18.02) =3826.30N
 The emission greenhouse gases are increased.
This analysis shown below for a smooth surface that
Based on the observation of tug boat while
is in laminar boundary layer and consider dynamic
navigating at sea.
viscosity=0.001, velocity of water=1.5 and density
of sea water =1025kg/m3 So based on these effects the efficacy of hull
cleaning operation in containing biological material
Consider the analysis shown below, when there is
can be determined and realized. To overcome this
Drag force on the bottom surface of ship when the
effect shown above the hull surface should be
surface is rough assuming the base of ship
cleaned. Cleaning of the hull can save large amount
rectangular plate Density of sea water assumed
of money and reduce the overall operational
1025 kg/m3FD = CD× (1/2)ρu02 A
For flow on a completely rough plate, assuming the
4.6 Prevention Technique in Massawa Ship
flow turbulent
Repair Yard:
Viscosity assumed = 0.002L/ viscosity =
From selected sites, prevention technique is mainly
92.07/0.002 = 46035
done in Massawa ship repair yard. In this place
CD =1/ (1.89+1.62log10 (L/ viscosity)) 2.5 = 1/ most of the ship are idle for a long period of time
(1.89+1.62log10 (46035)) 2.5 =0.0036 which are non-operational so they are more
FD= CD× (1/2)ρu02 A = 0.0036× (1/2) ×1025 × subjected to chances of growing fouling organisms.
(1.5)²× (92.07×18.02) =6887.34 Biofouling is most important problem currently
facing those ships and have a great effect on the
Power required to move this vessel when the bottom
performance of vessels. The prevention techniques
surface is smooth assumed=drag force× Velocity of

International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 08, Page no: SC 20203-20217
DOI: Page | 20212
Chandra Sekhar Mishra et al. Hull cleaning operation efficiency in containing biological material

which are applied in Massawa ship repair yard to downstream coating. The blast cleaning operation
prevent fouling of a vessel are physical and produces large quantities of dust and debris which
chemical method of hull cleaning. must be removed from the abraded surface. There
are many different hazardous situations and
Chemical Method:
conditions created by blast cleaning operations such
It is an anti-fouling paint a specialized category of as dust, noise and chemicals. It require adjustment
coating applied as the outer (out board) layer to the in pressure always.
hull of the ship or boat, to slow the growth and/or
facilitate detachment of fouling organisms. New Prevention Technique Pyhsical Method:
Antifouling paint applied in Massawa ship repair As discussed above, the cleaning mechanism
yard are JOTUN and HEMPLE which is biocidal applied in Massawa ship repair yard have side effect
antifouling paint and it is a copper based paint. If in overall efficiency of the ship and marine
copper exceeded more than the standard it can harm environment. It is also inadequate for existence of
marine life and release pulse of biocides in to sea the vessel and to achieve the desire effect to ensure
water which disturbs the food chain. During the dry safety, efficiency, reduced fuel consumption. To
docking period of a vessel different operations are overcome those effects, improvement in hull
taken place. Removal of fouling organisms from the cleaning and prevention technique is necessary. In
hull of a ship is one of the operation which is done water cleaning is one type of physical hull cleaning
during this period. Sometimes they also use in water method which is done with help of multi brush
cleaning method using scrapper to scrap the machines such as scamp, mini pamper, brush kart
accumulated fouling organisms on the hull of the and other designs. In water cleaning methods have
ship. During this operation copper based paints is been developed to remove marine fouling from
easily removed since it is soft and release biocide ships during their service period between dry-
which can harm marine life. And this prevention docking. The majority of these methods use diver-
technique is applied at the interval of two years. operated machines fitted with rotating brushes.
Even though this technique is applied still, it harms These systems can be used on steel, aluminium or
marine environment and it is not effective. composite hulls. Their limiting factor is curvature of
the hull, larger cleaning devices cannot be used on
Physical Method:
smaller ships with a radius under 10 feet (3m) or on
It is the simplest method for treatment of fouling, is yachts due to their small area and curvatures. These
simply to remove by mechanical cleaning. It multi-brush machines are supplemented by single
includes scraping and sand blasting method of hull brush machines that divers use for cleaning areas of
cleaning. higher radius that the multi-brush machines cannot
 SCRAPING reach. Multi-brush machines have wheels that drive
and steer the unit along the hull, and also serve to
Surface cleaning by hand tools such as scrapers and
maintain a constant height for the cleaning brushes.
wire brushes is relatively ineffective in removing
The machine is placed on the hull by divers, and
mill scale or adherent rust. This equipment is used
adheres to the hull either by the use of an impeller
in Massawa ship repair yard to clean the hull
creating suction against the hull or by the vortex
surface. It requires great man power, Time
action of the rotating brushes.
consuming, and less effective. It is also not easily
applicable to everywhere.
In Massawa ship repair yard this equipment is used
to remove rust, fouling and prepare surface prior to

International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 08, Page no: SC 20203-20217
DOI: Page | 20213
Chandra Sekhar Mishra et al. Hull cleaning operation efficiency in containing biological material

organisms. Appling or using of the most efficient

and nontoxic antifouling paint with low cost of and
longer life span will solve the problem created with
copper based paints. Those Paints are Tin free self-
polishing copolymer (SPC) and Ecospeed.
TIN Free Self-Polishing Copolymer (SPC):
Using tin free self-polishing copolymer (SPC)
which is basically designed to be smooth and rough
so the biofouling sea growth will be released from
the hull rather than stick to it, and also will be easily
cleaned so will minimize the sandblasting in
Fig 4.4 Scamp Underwater Hull Cleaning Multi shipyard which is also considered pollutant to
Brush Vehicle environment.
It is hard coating Surface Treated Composite (STC)
which is product of Hydrex Company. It is the
original hard, non-toxic coating system for
underwater hulls. Ecospeed was developed starting
in 1994 and has been adopted by shipping line in all
major sectors of operation since 2002. Ecospeed
does not offer conventional biocidal anti-fouling
properties and Hydrex suggests that in-water
cleaning of the hull should be conducted regularly,
the frequency to be determined by the ship’s
operating pattern and local water conditions.
Fig 4.5Mini-Pamper Multi Brush Hull Cleaning
Because of the product’s non-toxic and non-metallic
properties, this type of cleaning can occur even in
ports with the strictest environmental regulations.
Ecospeed has proven to be a superior protection
against ice and has had great success with
icebreakers and ice-trading ships. Lloyd’s Register
has certified Ecospeed for ice going ships, and
permits a reduction of thickness of the steel plating
in way of the ice belt of up to 1 mm where
Ecospeed is used as the coating. Ecospeed is also
particularly suitable for offshore vessels or those
that are often stationary and not dry docked very
often since the coating can be cleaned under water
as aggressively as needed to bring it back to its
Fig 4.6 Brush-Kart Multi Brush Vehicle
original pristine condition without fear of damaging
Chemical Method:
the coating or harming the environment. It is also
Antifouling paint used in Massawa ship repair yard used by major ferry lines, cargo vessels, cruise
is copper based, this leaches toxic pulse of biocides operators, navies and others. The coating is
to the sea and have great effect in marine living classified as a Surface Treated Composite (STC),

International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 08, Page no: SC 20203-20217
DOI: Page | 20214
Chandra Sekhar Mishra et al. Hull cleaning operation efficiency in containing biological material

which consists of relatively large glass flakes in a FS =(Π/6)D³ (ρSolid-ρwater )w2r=(Π/6)D³ (1442-
resin base. Once conditioned by an in-water process 1025)(v2/r2)(r) =(Π/6)D³ (1442-1020)(v2/r2)(r)
involving special tools, the coating provides a very Diameter of rotating basket of centrifugal
smooth, extremely hard protection for the life of the filter=0.180 meter taken from ship visited
hull, guaranteed for at least 10years, requiring only Radius of blade of centrifugal filter= 0.007 meter
minor touch- ups during routine dry-docking. taken from ship visited
Unlike conventional anti-fouling and foul-release
coatings which markedly deteriorate as a ship ages, FS=(Π/6)D³(ρSolid-ρwater)w2r=(Π/6)D³(1442-
Ecospeed becomes smoother and achieves 1020)(v2/r2)(r)=(Π/6)(0.180)³(1442-
maximum hull efficiency and fuel savings through 1025)(13.602/0.007)=33650.24N
routine in-water cleaning. Due to Ecospeed’s Centrifugal filter should be used along with heater
environmental safety, in-water cleaning of ships to prevent biofouling in the hull of ship as they
coated with Ecospeed is approved in ports where in- exert more force to separate solid from liquid are to
water cleaning is normally banned. As part of an the separation force due to gravity.
EU-LIFE demonstration project in 2008, stringent
tests proved that the Ecospeed coating is 100% non-
toxic with no negative effect on water quality or the As this biological material led to distractive
marine environment at any point of its use or consequence which is bio corrosion to operational
application. The product was awarded the 2012 and non-operational vessels placed in the selected
National Energy Globe Award for sustainability. sites, due to this bio corrosion the physical property
of the ship get changed. In order to reduce the
Theoretical Analysis of the Prevention
harmful effect of biofouling a great care of a ship
and marine environment should be done. A ship
This theoretical analysis shown below describes the should not be allowed to leave port until and unless
treatment or separation of solid or liquid wastes it is properly cleaned. There should be under water
with the effect of gravity. Liquids with a specific surveyor to check whether hull is properly cleaned
gravity or relative density difference can be or not without which ship should not be allowed to
separated in a ballast tank by the effect of gravity leave the territory water. Proper survey should be
and the process can be represented mathematically done on the ballast water treatment applied by a
by foreign and local ship after ballasting and before de-
3 Density of solid assumed =1442 kg/m ballasting.

3 Density of water assumed =1025kg/m Therefore, some drastic change should be done in
Massawa ship repaired yard that is new prevention
Diameter of ballast tank assumed=0.180 meter. technique. Therefore it has been concluded that
FS = Force exerted in ballast tank to separate solid Ecospeed and tin free self-polishing copolymer
and liquid. coating are better way to control biofouling
problem. Proper survey should be done on the types
FS = (Π/6) D³ (ρ Solid – ρ water) g = (Π/6) (0.180)³
of paints applied in the hull of ship before ship
(1442 -1025)9.81=12.493N
leaves port. It can be concluded that no related
progress to efficacy of hull cleaning operation in
Theoretical analysis of the prevention technique containing biological material has been done before.
needs to be applied: Reference:
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DOI: Page | 20215
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