Guide To Simple Repairs of FRP Boats in A Tropical Climate
Guide To Simple Repairs of FRP Boats in A Tropical Climate
Guide To Simple Repairs of FRP Boats in A Tropical Climate
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© FAO 2010
This booklet was prepared under the FAO Project on Safety at sea for small-
scale fisheries in developing countries (GCP/GLO/200/MUL) implemented
in South Asia and West Africa during 2007 – 2009. It results from FAO’s
experience in FRP work in many developing countries, particularly in Asia. This
booklet would be useful for fishers and small workshops in the fishing villages
to undertake minor repairs on the FRP boats. It may also serve as a guide for
officials of the department of fisheries and other concerned agencies with training
in matters of simple repairs of FRP boats. It is recommended to translate and
adapt the contents of this booklet for each target audience, in order to be
consistent with the local weather conditions, topography, types of vessels, etc.
Figure 2
Small damages on the gunwale.
Another example of damage
that could be repaired on the
beach by the boat owner.
What is FRP?
Fiberglass reinforced plastic, or FRP, is a composite of several materials
(mainly fibreglass fibres and resin) laid down in alternating layers and
hardened to form a solid laminate.
Figure 4
If put together correctly,
the laminate can be
both strong and stiff
with good resistance to
fatigue and the
influence of water.
If constructed badly,
the laminate might still
look good on the
surface but, because of
its poor quality, may
degrade and collapse
in half the expected
lifetime or even less.
Figure 6 Here are some guidelines to follow when carrying out simple
FRP repair work.
• Always check that you actually get what you have ordered
from the supplier.
• Keep the fibreglass dry and clean.
• All polyester-related materials should be stored in as dark
and cool places as possible, and the hardener should be
stored separately.
• Ensure that gelcoat and resins have been properly mixed
in the drum or container before use, to avoid additives
settling at the bottom.
• Ideally, when undertaking repair work, all raw materials, the
boat itself and the environment should be at the same
Work area
Figure 8
It is very important to protect the work area from sun, wind
and rain.
If a shelter like the one shown in the picture is not possible,
a temporary shelter should be constructed, using canvas,
for example.
Figure 10
Electric disc grinders are mainly
used for sanding away damaged
FRP. They can be fitted with rubber
backing discs for use with 40 grit
paper or coarser.
Carborundum cutting and grinding
discs can be attached and used for
cutting or grinding cured laminate
and cutting off stainless steel bolts.
7 mm
140 mm
Figure 12
Mark the area on the surface of the laminate to be grinded.
Hull Shell
Marking of the
damaged area
Grease Choosing the right paper
Figure 14
For grinding, 40 grit
paper, or coarser, is a
good choice.
Figure 16
For simple repair work, choose chopped strand mat (CSM),
which should be tailored for the repair.
The first piece should fit in the deepest point of the hole. Other
pieces should increase gradually in size to fill the hole along
the bevel as the repair progresses.
When tailoring the patches it is best to tear the CSM to size,
leaving a tapered edge to the patches, otherwise excess
thickness may build around the edges of the patch.
Figure 18
Figure 20
The correct amount of
hardener to resin is 1 percent,
however 0.8 percent will
= 500ml = 1/2 Litre
normally also work in the
= 5ml
3 kg Laminate
Figure 24
The metal roller should be used to eliminate
any air bubbles and to compact the resin
and fibreglass layers together.
Figure 26
The topcoat is applied on the top of the repaired laminate.
The purpose of the wax is to ensure proper hardening of the
If the topcoat does not have wax included, it should be covered
with a layer of thin plastic or a coat of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA),
which serves the same purpose.
De- Soap
Grease Water
Figure 30
Finally, the fibreglass should be sealed with a topcoat.
Backing piece
Repaired laminate
Further reading
Anmarkrud, T. 2009. Fishing Boat Construction: 4. Building an undecked fibreglass reinforced plastic boat. FAO
Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper. No.507. Rome. FAO.
Coackley, N. 1991. Fishing Boat Construction: 2. Building a fibreglass fishing boat. FAO Fisheries Technical
Paper. No.321. Rome. FAO. 84p.
McVeagh, J. et al. 2010. Training manual on the construction of FRP beach landing boats. Chennai. FAO.
These publications can be downloaded from the Safety for Fishermen Web site at:
25 Guide to simple repairs of FRP boats in a tropical climate