English: Quarter 2: Abringement-Of-Text

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Quarter 2:

Marites C. Erero



Summarize key information from a text EN6OL-IVj-3.6.



Before going through this module, follow the simple guidelines for you to learn
and answer those given tasks easily.

1. Read and understand carefully what is written in this module.

2. Use one notebook in English to take down those important details you will
encounter, highlight those important key words and phrases using highlighter
pen, if possible.
3. Use dictionary or ask your older brother/ sister, guardian, or parents whenever
you encountered unfamiliar words.
4. Do all the tasks in this module.
5. Examine in detail the structure of the information especially in the given text.
6. Practice reading regularly because it enhances your vocabulary.
7. Build reading skills.
8. Be happy and enjoy the love of reading.

Most of you are good in reading but some are not fond of it especially when it comes to
English language because in your mind it’s difficult to understand. However, if you make it a
habit you will find it interesting.

This module will help you to:

 Define summarizing;
 Distinguish between relevant facts and irrelevant facts;
 Summarize texts;
 Apply techniques in summarizing;
 Determine how to write a summary; and
 Identify the importance of summarizing in writing.

Directions: Read the statement/passages carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the blank before each number.

____ 1. When you determine the main idea of a text, significant details and condensing
information into a short one or two sentence summary, you are:

A. judging B. evaluating C. summarizing D. valuing

____2. Wilbert, together with his family went to the party. Wilbert felt tired and he had
headache. He went outside to see the visitors, which were watching the magic tricks of the
clowns. Normally, clowns were his favorite. Without much interest, Wilbert followed his family
inside the house, which was busy chatting with other visitors. Wilbert knew he should be having
fun at the party, but he just felt terrible and all he wanted to go home, lie down and rest. Even
the lions and tigers did not interest him now.
The Summary of this passage is:

A. Wilbert’s favorites were clowns.

B. Wilbert enjoyed the party.
C. It was really hot at the party.
D. Wilbert did not enjoy the party because he felt really bad.

____3. It was late in the evening. My sister Hilda and I were still not home yet. I’m sure our
father is going to be mad at us. I told my sister to run faster, but it was difficult for her because
she was tired. I was also tired that every muscle in my legs was aching. My sister finally
stopped running. Suddenly, there was a tricycle coming toward us. I could see the headlights. It
was our father. He had come to look for us, since we were so late getting home. I knew I was
going into trouble, but at least we were safe. Father picked us up and took us home. What is
the best summary of this passage?

A. Two girls were late getting home. Father came looking for them. He took the girls
B. The two girls were got into trouble and got lost.
C. Father got mad with the two girls and did not run anymore.
D. It was late in the evening.

____4. When you restate the passage or idea in your own words, it is called__________?

A. empathizing B. contradicting C. paraphrasing D. evaluating

____5. Chloe was very excited and confident that she was going to win the competition in
school because she is one of the best candidates. During the competition, she tried hard and
did her best but nothing went her way. The other candidates worked harder and got more score
than Chloe. What sentence best goes with the short story?

A. Chloe was defeated.

B. After the competition, Chloe ate spaghetti.
C. Chloe was excited.
D. Chloe won the competition.

Look at the picture and identify whether it is fiction or nonfiction. Write your answer on
the space provided.


1. _______________________________

June 10, 2020

Dear MJ,
I am grateful to have you in my
life. You are the precious gift God
has given me. Always take care
because you mean so much to me
I love you.

Your mom,
2. _________________________________

3. ______________________________

Biag ni Lam-ang-Wikipedia

What is a summary?

A summary is a brief statement or restatement of main points. In a story, a summary is a

shortened retelling of an original text in your own words.


1. Read thoroughly the original story, text, or article.

2. Spot the main idea or the topic sentence.
3. Read again the original text. This time, get and jot down those important points of
the original text.
4. Arrange your ideas orderly.
5. Write your summary. Make sure to use your own words and avoid copying from the
original text.


A summary should answer the 4-WH Questions and 1-H Question: who, what, where,
when, and how regarding the content of the original text, include the author and the title. Then,
begin to narrate in your own words.

According to Jones (2012) “[When summarizing], we strip away the extra verbiage and
extraneous examples. We focus on the heart of the matter. We try to find the key words and
phrase that, when uttered later still manage to capture the main ideas and the crucial details
necessary for supporting them.” A summary begins with an introductory part that tells the title
of the text, who is the author and of course, the main point of the text as you see it. In short, a
summary is written in your own words but the content of it are the ideas came from the original
text that you have read.

What is a technique of summarizing?

 To summarize fiction, you need to consider the basic elements: main characters,
setting, theme, and plot.
 To summarize nonfiction, you need to get the most important information about a
topic in a simplest way.
 Remove those irrelevant or unnecessary sentences; focus on the relevant or
important sentences.


Activity 1: DISCOVER

Do you want to know where the cat beats the dog? Well then, read on.

Directions: Read and understand the short story.

Where Cats Outsmart Dogs

Cats are better drinkers than dogs. When a cat drinks a liquid, it uses the tip of its
tongue to pull the liquid upward and then knows exactly when to snap its jaws shut before
gravity sends the liquid back to the bowl. On the other hand, the dog uses its tongue to scoop
the liquid into its mouth. It’s an inefficient and haphazard approach to hydration. A dog has a
short memory – only five minutes long. A cat can remember up to 16 hours.

Wild dogs catch their prey by chasing them. Wild cats creep up on their prey and catch
them by surprise. Cats have retractable claws that stay sharp because they are protected
inside their toes. The claws of dogs are always extended and become dull from continuous
contract with the ground when they walk.

Cats can jump and climb, giving them more choices when they need to look for food or
when they feel they are in danger. Dogs can run but can’t climb and jump. So their options
when hunting for food are limited. And when there’s a threat, the ability to escape the
predator is also limited.

Source: “Animals” from “Global Almanac and Book of Facts for Kids 2015”

Your task is to write your personal reaction: (This tells whether you enjoyed reading the story
or not. It is necessary to tell the reason why you found the story interesting or boring.) Write
your reaction in your English notebook; don’t forget to indicate the title of the story.



Personal Reaction:

Activity 2: READ…CREATE!

Directions: Read the passage and create a title related to the main idea. Then,
answer the guide questions to make a summary.


Coronavirus disease commonly called COVID-19 is an infectious

disease started in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. In the Philippines, the
Department of Health (DOH) reported the first case of COVID-19 with a 38-
year-old female Chinese national. Most people who are positive in the virus

experienced cough, fever, shortness of breath, and pneumonia.
Unfortunately, if a person is asymptomatic there are no symptoms. But we
can prevent from infection by washing our hands or using disinfectant like
alcohol and not touching the face. Many people around the world passed
away because of this virus. What we can do is to follow the safety rules,
pray and protect ourselves from COVID-19.

Guide Questions.

1. What is the other term for coronavirus disease?

2. Where did coronavirus come from?
3. Do we have a cure in this kind of disease?
4. How do we prevent COVID19?


Summary of the passage:








Directions: Read and understand the text. Then, summarize in three to five


My family lives in Camarin, Caloocan City since 2000 when

my father passed away. My name is Marites, I have a sister
named Hilda. We live in a small yet clean and organize house. My
sister is three years older than me, she loves to plant vegetables
in pots in our small backyard, but I prefer to clean our house and
reads books. Our mother loves to cook in our kitchen. My sister
and I eat delicious vegetables cooked by our mom. My family
always eats together. We talk every time that we are not busy. We
laugh with those funny memories when we are in Pangasinan. My
family is not perfect but I can say that my family is blessed.

Summary of the text:



When you are summarizing, you are expressing your thoughts of a given text
in your own way. By doing so, a longer text may become a shorter one to make it
easier to understand.

Summarizing is about getting the most important details in a text in your own

How to Write a Summary

1. Read and understand the text carefully.

2. Look for the main idea. The main idea is usually found in the beginning of
a text or paragraph (it is the topic sentence of the whole text) and it’s
followed by the supporting sentences. If you already identify the main idea,
you can easily come up with your summary.
3. If possible, read again the text for the second time and take down those
important details from the text. Remove those irrelevant or unnecessary
4. Write the main idea and its supporting sentences in your own words.
5. Make sure that you have gotten the most important points in the text and
of course it should be shorter than the original text.

Note: Following the steps, you can easily summarize any text given to


Directions: Write True if the statement is correct and False if it is not. Write your answer on the
space provided.

____________ 1. Summarizing fosters understanding and critical thinking in a given text

_____________2. You should not include the main idea when summarizing a

_____________3. In summarizing, remove all the irrelevant or nonsense


_____________4. The first step in summarizing is to get the main idea of the original text,
or an article.

_____________5. A summary begins with an introductory part that tells the title of the text,
who is the author and of course, the main point of the text as you read it.

Directions: Read the statement and passages carefully. Choose the letter that
corresponds to your answer. Write it on your English Quiz notebook.

1. Which one of the following is not a part of a summary?

A. including main ideas only C. shorter than a text
B. using your own words D. using exact words from
the text

2. It was Aaliyah’s birthday. She is excited because she wants to know where
she will celebrate and eat. Will it be Sea food at Guiligans? Or will it be fried
chicken at Chicken Inasal, or a delicious cheeseburger at RAQ Angel’s
Café? She just couldn't decide. How would she ever decide? Maybe she
would just ask her older sister, Ashley Micaiah.
The Summary of this passage is:
A. Aaliyah has many places to choose from C. Aaliyah loves Sea food.
her birthday.
B. Aaliyah will choose a place by asking D. The cheeseburger is the most delicious.
her sister Ashley Micaiah

3. Which of the following describes a summary?

A. include all the text evidences C. in complete sentences and in your
own words including the main idea
B. only two or three words D. get the beginning, middle, and last part
a text.
4. What is the first step to summarize a text?
A. Read and understand the text
B. Reread the text
C. Write the significant details followed by supporting details in your own words.
D. Identify the main idea.

5. Main idea is…

A. supporting sentence C. irrelevant facts
B. incomplete sentence D. topic sentence

Directions: Complete the sentence by filling the blanks with your learning in this
module. Write your answer in your English notebook.

1. My favorite part was


2. To summarize texts, I need to


3. I found out that main idea was




1. D
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. A

1. non-fiction
2. non-fiction
3. fiction


Where Cats Outsmart Dogs


Personal Reaction: I really enjoyed reading the story because I was informed and learned about
the abilities of our pets’ cat and dog.


Title: COVID19
Summary: The coronavirus or COVID19 is an infectious disease came from Wuhan, China to
our land and brought danger to the lives of many people. There is no cure yet in the said
disease but we can prevent this by following the safety rules given to us.


Summary of the text: Marites and her family moved in Camarin, Caloocan in 2000 when her
father died. They lived in a simple but clean house. They talk, laugh, and eat together. Marites
had a happy family.


1. True
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. True

1. D
2. A
3. C
4. A
5. D


Possible Answer
1. My favorite part was the story entitled, “How Cats Outsmart Dogs”.
2. To summarize texts, I need to read and understand first the given story, look for the
main idea, remove those unnecessary sentences, be sure to use your own words, and it
should be shorter than a text.
3 I found out that main idea was a topic sentence.


Jones R (2012, August 26) Reading Quest Strategies/ Summarizing, Retrieved September 16,

What is summarizing? June 10, 2020


Where Cats Outsmart Dogs, June 11, 2020

Michaela L. Navarro, Echoes Integrated English, Arts and Skills Textbook, St. Augustine
Publications Inc., 2016

What is summarizing? July 7, 2020


Steps in writing a summary, July 7, 2020

https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b- d&q=steps+in+writing+a+summary


Image 1:
Arts&CultureTopic, July 7, 2020

Image 2:
Biag ni Lam-ang_Wikipedia, July 7, 2020

Image 3:
Coronavirus image, June 10, 2020


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