Na Mlbio Ch22
Na Mlbio Ch22
Na Mlbio Ch22
22.1 22.2 22.3
What Is a Plant? Plant Diversity Flowers, Fruits, and Seeds
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• What are the basic
needs of plants?
• How did plants adapt
to life on land?
• What feature defines
most plant life cycles?
The First Land Plants The oldest traces of land plants date
to 472 million years ago. These plants, such as Cooksonia, shown
in Figure 22-2, lacked leaves and roots and were only a few centi-
meters tall. The greatest challenge they faced was obtaining water.
They solved this challenge by growing close to the ground in damp Figure 22-2
locations. The demands of life on land favored the evolution A Fossilized Plant
of plants that were able to draw water from the soil, resist dry-
ing out, and reproduce without water. One of the earliest fossilized
vascular plants was Cooksonia,
The appearance of plants on land changed the rest of life on
which dates back 425 million
Earth. New ecosystems emerged, and organic matter began to
years. This fossil shows the
form soil. From the first pioneering land plants, one group devel- branched stalks that bore
oped into mosses. Another lineage gave rise to ferns, cone-bearing reproductive structures at
plants, and the most successful group of all—the flowering plants. their tips.
There are five main groups of An Overview of the Plant Kingdom All plants are eukary-
plants in existence today. Note otes, have cell walls containing cellulose, and carry out photosynthesis
that the colors of the plant using chlorophyll a and b. Botanists divide the plant kingdom into five
groups in the circle graph cor- major groups based on four important features: embryo formation,
respond to the colors of the specialized water-conducting tissues, seeds, and flowers. The relation-
same groups in the cladogram. ship of these taxonomic groups to one another is shown in Figure 22-3.
Ask Questions What ques- Plants that form embryos are often referred to as “land plants,” even
tions about plant evolution
though some of them now live in watery environments. Why was the
would you ask based on the
data in the graph? development of these four features so important to plant evolution?
• Embryos that develop within a plant have protection from harsh
elements on land.
• Plants with water-conducting tissue can draw water to greater
heights than allowed by simple diffusion, allowing them to grow
much larger.
• Seeds provide food and protection from drying out for the devel-
oping embryo. Seeds can be widely dispersed from the parent
plant to grow in new locations.
• The successes of flowering plants, as shown in the circle graph in
Figure 22-3, are due to the reproductive advantage they receive
from their flowers and from the fruits they form around their seeds.
Plant scientists classify plants into finer groups within these major
branches by comparing DNA sequences of various species.
Haploid (N)
Diploid (2N)
Plant Diversity
• What are the
characteristics of
green algae?
• What factor limits the
size of bryophytes?
• How is vascular tissue
• What adaptations
allow seed plants to
reproduce without
standing water?
Like the mosses clinging to the moist rocks in the photograph, the
HS-LS1-4: Use a model to illustrate
earliest land plants were seedless, were restricted to damp envi- the role of cellular division (mitosis)
ronments, and grew only a few centimeters tall. Even today, many and differentiation in producing and
maintaining complex organisms.
groups of seedless plants are still around. How do these plants
continue to thrive, and how do their reproductive patterns differ from
plants that produce seeds?
vascular tissue
Green Algae archegonium
What do you think of when you hear the word algae? As we use the antheridium
word today, the algae are not a single group of organisms. Some sporangium
algae are prokaryotes, like cyanobacteria, and some are protists,
like the dinoflagellates. The green algae, however, are the ones that xylem
belong to the plant kingdom. phloem
The First Plants Fossil evidence suggests that the green algae gymnosperm
appeared well before plants first emerged on land. Fossil formations angiosperm
from more than 550 million years ago during the Cambrian Period
show evidence of large mats of green algae. See Figure 22-6.
Compare and contrast
the different types of
plants. List each plant’s
characteristics and describe
Figure 22-6
their similarities on the
Early Plants and Animals table in your Biology
Foundations Workbook.
Primitive green algae shared
the ocean floor with corals and
sponges in the Middle Cambrian
Period, about 500 million
years ago.
22.2 Plant Diversity 727
The green algae share many characteristics—including their pho-
tosynthetic pigments and cell wall composition—with larger, more
complex plants. Green algae are mostly aquatic. They are found
in fresh and salt water, and in some moist areas on land. Because
most green algae are single cells or branching filaments, they are
able to absorb moisture and nutrients directly from their surround-
ings. Therefore, most green algae do not contain the specialized
tissues found in other plants.
Life Cycle Like land plants, many green algae have life cycles
that switch back and forth between haploid and diploid phases. For
example, so long as living conditions are suitable, the haploid green
alga Chlamydomonas reproduces asexually by mitosis, as shown
in the left half of Figure 22-7. If environmental conditions become
unfavorable, Chlamydomonas can switch to a stage that reproduces
sexually, as shown in the right half of the figure.
Zoospores MITOSIS
Figure 22-7
Life Cycle of MITOSIS Release of
Chlamydomonas haploid cells
Capsule Archegonia
Gametophyte (N)
(N) Egg
Haploid (N)
Diploid (2N)
Life Cycle The large plants easily recognized as ferns are actually
the diploid sporophyte phase of the fern life cycle. The fern life cycle
is shown in Figure 22-13. Spores produced by these plants grow into
thin, heart-shaped haploid gametophytes, which live independently
of the sporophyte. As in bryophytes, sperm and eggs are produced
on these gametophytes in antheridia and archegonia, respectively.
Fertilization requires a thin film of water, so that the sperm can swim
to the eggs. The diploid zygote produced by fertilization develops
into a new sporophyte plant, and the cycle begins again.
sporophyte Developing
(2N) sporophyte
(2N) Antheridium
(N) Egg
Haploid (N) FERTILIZATION Archegonium
Diploid (2N)
Seed Plants
Whether they are acorns, pine nuts, dandelion seeds, or the peas
shown in Figure 22-14, seeds can be found everywhere. What are
seeds? Are they gametes? Reproductive structures? Do they contain
sperm or eggs? The truth is that they are none of the above.
A seed is a plant embryo and its food supply encased in a pro-
tective covering. Each and every seed contains a living plant ready
to sprout as soon as it encounters the proper conditions for growth.
The production of seeds has been one key to the ability of plants
to colonize even the driest environments on land. The living plant
within a seed is diploid and represents an early stage of the sporo-
Figure 22-14
phyte phase of the plant life cycle.
The First Seed Plants There exist fossils of seed-bearing
The seeds of pea plants develop
plants that lived almost 360 million years ago. These fossils docu-
in pea pods. If conditions are
ment several evolutionary stages in the development of the seed.
right, each pea could grow into a
The fossil record indicates that ancestors of seed plants evolved new new plant.
adaptations that enabled them to survive in many environments on
dry land. Similarities in DNA sequences from modern plants provide
evidence that today’s seed plants are all descended from common
anscestors. Unlike mosses and ferns, the gametes of seed plants do
not need standing water for fertilization. Adaptations that allow
seed plants to reproduce without standing water include a repro-
ductive process that takes place in cones or flowers, the transfer
of sperm by pollination, and the protection of embryos in seeds.
Gymnosperms Angiosperms
Most flowers
produce both male
(pollen grains)
and female
in each flower.
Some species have
separate male and
female flowers.
SEM 1753
Ovules Four
Pollen Pollen grains (N) gametophyte
cone (male gametophytes) (N)
Egg cells
sperm nucleus
sporophyte Pollen tube
Germinated Zygote (2N)
Seed tissue (N)
seed (new sporophyte)
Embryo (2N)
Flowers, Fruits, and Seeds
• How are different
• What are flowers?
• How does fertilization
in angiosperms differ
from fertilization in
other plants?
• What is vegetative
• How do fruits form?
“Flower Power” may have been a slogan from the San Francisco HS-LS1-1: Construct an explanation based
on evidence for how the structure of
“hippie” movement of the 1960s, but to biologists, flower power is DNA determines the structure of proteins
which carry out the essential functions of
a real thing. As a result of it, flowering plants dominate the land and life through systems of specialized cells.
are the most abundant organisms in the plant kingdom. What are HS-LS1-2: Develop and use a model to
illustrate the hierarchical organization of
the secrets of their success? As you will see, it all has to do with the interacting systems that provide specific
functions within multicellular organisms.
unique way in which they reproduce. HS-LS1-4: Use a model to illustrate
the role of cellular division (mitosis)
and differentiation in producing and
Angiosperms maintaining complex organisms.
Figure 22-18
More recent studies of plant genomes and new fossil discoveries
Angiosperm Clades
have shown that things are actually a little more complicated. Around
Five of the major clades of 135 million years ago, the oldest known angiosperm, Archaefructus,
angiosperms are represented whose name means “ancient fruit,” first appeared. While it is a true
here. Scientists are still working angiosperm, it is neither a monocot nor a dicot. Other evidence
out the relationships among suggests that Amborella, a plant found on the Pacific island of
these groups. New Caledonia, belongs to yet another lineage of flowering plants.
Information gained from the Amborella discovery led scientists to
place other plants, such as the water lilies, near the base of angio-
sperm evolution.
Figure 22-18 summarizes the modern view of angiosperm classifi-
cation. While the monocots form a single group, the dicots fall into a
number of different categories. This means, of course, that the term
dicot is no longer used for classification. However, it can still be used
to describe many of the characteristics of plant structure, and that is
how it is used in this book.
Two cotyledons Branched veins Floral parts often in Vascular bundles Taproot
multiples of 4 or 5 arranged in a ring
Woody and Herbaceous Plants Flowering plants also differ in Figure 22-19
terms of the woodiness of their stems. Woody plants are made pri- Comparing Monocots
marily of cells with thick cell walls that support the plant body. These and Dicots
include trees, shrubs, and vines. Shrubs are typically smaller than
trees, and vines have stems that are long and flexible. Herbaceous This table compares the char-
(hur bay shus) plants do not produce true wood, and therefore have acteristics of monocots and
nonwoody stems. Examples of herbaceous plants include dandeli- dicots. Interpret Tables
How do the flowers of mono-
ons, zinnias, petunias, and sunflowers.
cots and dicots typically differ?
Annuals pass through their entire Biennials live for two growing Perennials regrow year after year.
life cycle in one growing season. seasons. Seeds and flowers form
in the second season.
Anther Style
Filament Ovary
LM 80x
Ovule Petal
Sepal Embryo
Stamens and Carpels Inside the ring of petals are organs that Figure 22-21
produce male and female gametophytes. The stamens are the male The Parts of a Flower
parts of the flower. Each stamen consists of a stalk called a filament
with an anther at its tip. Anthers are the structures in which pollen This diagram shows the parts
grains—the male gametophytes—are produced. In most angio- of a typical flower. The flowers
sperm species, the flowers have several stamens. If you rub your of some angiosperm spe-
cies do not have all the parts
hand on the anthers of a flower, a yellow-orange dust may stick to
shown here.
your skin. This dust is made up of thousands of individual pollen
The innermost floral parts are the carpels, which produce female
gametophytes and, later, seeds. The carpels are fused into a broad
base, forming an ovary where the female gametophytes are pro-
duced. The diameter of the carpel narrows into a stalk called the
style. At the top of the style is a sticky or feathery portion known as
the stigma, which is specialized to capture pollen. Botanists some-
times call a single carpel or several fused carpels a pistil.
Pollen grain
(Male gametophyte)
2N N
Inside the ovule, a single The remaining cell Seven cells form, one of
diploid cell undergoes undergoes mitosis, which contains two
meiosis, producing four producing eight nuclei. This is the embryo
haploid cells. Three of the nuclei. sac, which is the female
four cells disintegrate. gametophyte.
Pollen tubes
Ovule (2N)
Haploid cell
(2N) Embryo sac (N)
(female gametophyte)
Egg cell
Pollen tube
Polar nuclei
nucleus (3N)
Mature sporophyte Embryo
Seedling (2N)
(new sporophyte) Endosperm
Seed Zygote
Seed coat (2N)
Figure 22-26
Angiosperm Life Cycle
Birds and other animals may drop seeds as they eat the The wind carries the tiny seeds of dandelions.
Palm trees colonize tropical islands because of their The burrs on this goat are the fruits of the burdock
floating fruit—the coconut. plant. The sticky fruits hitch a ride to new places.
748 Chapter 22 Plants
Corn (monocot) Bean (dicot)
Foliage Foliage
leaves leaves
shoot Cotyledons
Germinating Primary Germinating Primary
seed root seed root
Figure 22-31
A Comparison
Seed Germination All seeds contain plant embryos in a state
of dormancy, during which the embryo is alive but not growing. The monocot corn seedling (left)
Germination takes place when growth of the embryo resumes and grows directly upward, protected
by a sheath of tissue that sur-
the seed sprouts into a plant. The seeds of some plants may remain
rounds the developing leaves. In
dormant for many weeks or even months. The timing of germina-
contrast, the garden bean (right)
tion can be critical for a plant, especially in climates where growing forms a hook in its stem that
conditions change with the seasons. The seeds of many temperate gently pulls the new plant tissues
plants, for example, germinate only in the spring, when conditions out of the soil.
are best for growth. In some species, the seeds depend on a period
of cold temperatures. The seeds are dormant while cold, and then
begin growing when temperatures warm. Dormancy also can allow
for long-distance seed dispersal, making it possible for seeds to
germinate under ideal conditions.
When germination does begin, the growing plant unfolds its first
leaves, the cotyledons. Some cotyledons, like those of garden beans,
store nutrients during dormancy. Then they transfer the nutrients to
the rest of the plant as the seed germinates. Figure 22-31 compares
germination in a monocot and a dicot.
Construct an Explanation
1. Compare and Contrast How do the structures and functions of a typi-
cal land plant, such as a lodgepole pine, compare and contrast with
green algae?
2. Synthesize Information Based on your knowledge of plants, and
additional research if necessary, describe in order the important events
in the evolution of plants. Include at least five events in your history.
Lesson Review
Go to your Biology Foundations Workbook for longer versions of these lesson summaries.
Over time, the demands of life on land favored About 420 million years ago, plants with true
the evolution of plants more resistant to the drying vascular tissue evolved. Vascular plants are known
rays of the sun, more capable of conserving water, as tracheophytes, because they contain tracheids.
and more capable of reproducing without water. Tracheophytes include all seed-bearing plants
as well as seedless vascular plants: club mosses,
Most plant life cycles have two alternating phases, horsetails, and ferns. Seedless vascular plants
a diploid and a haploid phase. The multicel- produce spores. They require a thin film of water
lular diploid phase is the sporophyte, or spore- to carry out fertilization.
producing plant. The multicellular haploid phase is
the gametophyte, or gamete-producing plant. The Gymnosperms and angiosperms are seed plants. A
cycle is known as the alternation of generations. seed is a plant embryo and food supply encased in
a protective covering. In seed plants, the male and
• alternation of generations female gametophytes grow and mature directly in
• sporophyte the sporophyte, within structures known as cones
• gametophyte or flowers. Gymnosperms bear their seeds in
cones. Angiosperms bear their seeds in flowers.
• bryophyte • xylem
• vascular tissue • phloem
• archegonium • seed
• antheridium • gymnosperm
• sporangium • angiosperm
• tracheophyte • pollination
• tracheid • ovule
Interpret Visuals Identify each of the labeled Identify Patterns D oes this life cycle follow the
needs of a plant and explain the function of each.
pattern of green algae, seedless plants, or seed
plants? Explain.
Organize Information
Complete the table by indicating if each group of plants exhibits the
listed characteristics.
Keeping the
Buzz On
Communicate a Solution
STEM Do you like almonds? They’re healthy Researchers think that a number of factors may
and they taste great, but did you be contributing to colony collapse disorder.
know they couldn’t be produced without the These include climate-induced changes in the
help of insects? Central California produces growing season, loss of natural habitat, parasitic
80 percent of the world’s supply of almonds. mites that attack the bees’ nervous systems, and
Each year, millions of bees are transported to the use of a class of pesticides known as neonic-
that region to pollinate the almond groves. otinoids. Worries about the survival of these criti-
Honeybees also pollinate scores of other food cal insects have prompted governments around
crops throughout the country, from tomatoes the world to propose programs of habitat con-
and peppers to watermelons and cantaloupes. servation and to consider banning pesticides that
But all is not well in the world of bees. may be dangerous to bee populations.
37. Analyze Data Given the same wind, which of the 43. Summarize Text Trace the text’s explanation
fruits shown in the table is most likely to be carried of why flowers are the key to the evolutionary
farthest from the parent tree? Explain. success of the angiosperms.
38. Draw Conclusions Based on the data and illustra-
tions of the fruit structures, which of the following
conclusions is most reasonable?
a. Winged seeds carry more nutrition for the grow-
ing embryo than seeds without wings.
b. Wind is not very effective in carrying seeds away
from the parent plant.
c. Acorns are more likely to germinate if they fall
close to the parent plant.
d. Red oak and hickory depend on factors other
than wind to achieve dispersal.
758 Chapter 22 Plants