Edc Question Bank R20 2021

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(Affiliated to J.N.T.U.A, Approved by AICTE and Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’



Academic Year: 2020-2021 II SEM Regulation:

R20Subject Code: 20A04101T
1. Explain about semiconductors.
2. Explain Intrinsic semiconductor & Extrinsic semiconductors(study the differences between
these two semiconductors.
3. Write short note on
(a) PN Junction with Open Circuit.
(b) PN Junction with Applied Voltage
4. Explain various logic gates using diodes.
5. Explain the Diode Forward Characteristics for the following models
(a) exponential model
(b) graphical analysis and
(c) Iterative analysis using the exponential model
5. Derive the diode equation when diode is said to be in forward bias condition.
6. Explain constant voltage drop model and the small signal model

1. (a) Explain the Zener diode Characteristics with a neat diagram.
(b) Discuss how a zener diode works as a Voltage shunt regulator
2. (a) Explain the operation of Half wave rectifier with input & output waveforms.
(b) Explain the operation of Full wave rectifier with centered tapped transformer with input &
output waveforms.
3.Draw the circuit diagrams for the following circuits and list out the advantages
and disadvantages of each circuit.
(a) Half-wave Rectifier.
(b) Full wave bridge rectifier
(c) Center taped full-wave rectifier
4.Discuss about Clipping and Clamping
5. Draw the construction and explain the operation with characteristics of
(a)Light emitting diode (LED)
(b)Varactor diode
(c)photo diode
6. Explain construction and operation of npn, and pnp transistor.

7. Explain the input & output waveforms of Common Emitter configuration for transistor in NPN
8. Explain the input & output waveforms of Common Base configuration for transistor in NPN mode
9. Explain the input & output waveforms of Common Collector configuration for transistor in
10. Explain the operation of Full wave bridge rectifier with input & output waveforms.
11. Derive Idc,Irms,Vdc,Vrms,Ripple factor and efficieny of half wave rectifier and full wave
rectifier.(Solve related problems)

1. (a) Explain how a transistor functions like a voltage Amplifier.

(b) Explain about Voltage Transfer Characteristic (VTC) in BJT.
2. Discuss about Hybrid-π Model and T Model
3. Derive R in, AV, Ro & GV of Common Emitter amplifier by using Hybrid-π Model/Small signal model.
(solve related problems).
4. Derive R in, AV, Ro & GV of Common Collector amplifier by using T- model. (solve related problems).
5. Derive R in, AV, Ro & GV of Common Base amplifier by using T- model. (solve related problems).
6. (a) Explain about Small-Signal Voltage Gain in BJT.
(b) Discuss about trans conductance, input resistance at the base and input
resistance atthe emitter.
7. Compare Common-Emitter (CE) amplifier Common-Base (CB)
amplifier, Common-Collector (CC) amplifier.
8. Explain about fixed bias, Self bias, and voltage divider bias.
9. Derive R in, AV, Ro & GV of Common Emitter amplifier with emitter resistance by using T-Model.
10. Derive R in, AV, Ro & GV of Common emitter amplifier by using small signal analysis & design.

1. Explain the n-channel enhancement MOSFET working with suitable diagrams.
2. Explain the operation of N-channel MOSFET for the conditions when VDS is
applied and derive the drain current equations at
(a) VDS is small
(b)VDS < Vov
(c)VDS > Vov
(d) Consider a process technology for which Lmin = 0.4 μm, tox = 8 nm, μn = 45 0
cm2 /V⋅s, and Vt = 0.7 V.
(i) Find Cox and kn’ .
(ii) For a MOSFET with , calculate the values of Vov, VGS, and VDS min
needed to operate the transistor in the saturation region with a dc current I
D = 100 μA.
(iii) For the device in (b), find the values of Vov and VGS required to cause
the device to operate as a 1000- resistor for very small VDS
3. Explain V-I characteristics of the following.
iD –vDS characteristics
iD – vGS characteristics.
4. (a) Draw the diagram of p-channel enhancement MOSFET.
(b) Explain about the MOSFET circuits at DC.(Related problems)
5. (a) Explain about the Small signal voltage gain of MOSFET amplifier design.
(b) Discuss about the Graphical analysis of MOSFET.
6(a) Explain the voltage transfer characteristics of MOSFET
(b) Discuss about the biasing of MOSFET for linear amplification.

1. (a) Discuss about the small signal equivalent circuit models of MOSFET.
(b) Discuss about the T Equivalent circuit model of MOSFET
2. Derive R in, AV, Ro & GV of Common Source amplifier by using small signal analysis
& design.(solve related problems).
3. Derive R in, AV, Ro & GV of Common Gate amplifier by using T-model. (solve related
4. Derive R in, AV, Ro & GV of Common Drain amplifier by using T-model. (solve related
5.(a) Discuss in detail about the characterizing MOSFET amplifiers.
(b) Explain about body effect in MOSFET.
6.Discuss about Common Source MOSFET
7.Explain about MOSFET Biasing using drain to gate feedback resistor and
constant current source techniques.
8.(a) Explain about the small signal voltage gain of small signal model of MOSFET.
(b) Discuss about MOSFET amplifier frequency response
9. Derive R in, AV, Ro & GV of Common Source amplifier with source resistance by using T-Model. 10. (solve .
. related problems).
10. Derive R in, AV, Ro & GV of Common Source amplifier by using small signal analysis & design
1. Draw the structure of p-type and n-type materials
2. Define intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor
3. Define p-type semi conductor and n type semiconductor
4. Draw the circuit diagram of pn junction diode under forward and reverse bias
5. Write the diode current equation and expand the terms.
6. Define Drift current & Diffusion current.
7. List the application of pn junction diode
8. Implement the AND and OR logic circuit using pn junction diode
9. Draw the circuit diagram of small signal model
10. Draw the vi characteristics of pn junction diode
11. Define rectifier
12. Define transition capacitance and junction capacitance
13. Classify the materials

Unit -2
1. What is zener diode and draw the its symbol
2. Draw the circuit diagram of zener as voltage regulator
3. Draw the circuit diagram of HWR
4. Draw the circuit diagram of FWR
5. The efficiency and Ripple Factor of full wave rectifier
6. List the parameters of rectifier
7. Draw the input and output wave forms of full wave rectifier
8. What is varactor diode and give the different names
9. What is transistor
10. Draw the input output characteristics of the CE configuration
Unit – 3
1. List the operating regions of BJT
2. Draw the VTC characteristics of BJT amplifier
3. Draw the symbols of BJT
4. What is Q point and locate on the bjt characteristics
5. Draw the small signal model of the bjt
6. Draw the hybrid-π model equivalent circuits
7. Draw the T model equivalent circuits
8. Write the equations of the collector current and transconductance
9. Draw the circuit diagram of CE configuration
10. List the biasing techniques in BJT
11. Define stability factor

Unit – 4
1. What is the pinch of
2. Draw the physical structure of NMOS transistor
3. Draw the structure of CMOS with neat titles
4. Draw the symbols of NMOS and PMOS
5. Define the channel and what are the majority carriers of n-channel and p-channel
6. Draw the ID-VDS characteristics of NMOS
7. Write the equation for output resistance(ro)in saturation
8. What are the regions of operation of MOSFET
9. What is Q point and locate at output waveform of MOSFET
10. Without dc, if u apply small voltages what happened in the amplifier output, justify
11. Define dc load line
Unit -5
1. Draw the small signal model of
2. What is transconductance and write the equation for it
3. Write the expression for Drain current (ID)
4. Draw the circuit of CS, CD by using any MOSFET
5. Draw the small signal hybrid-π equivalent circuit for common source configuration
6. What is the voltage gain and over all voltage gain of CS configuration
7. Express the input output resistances of CS configuration
8. What is biasing and need of biasing
9. Define bodyeffect
10. Draw the CS amplifier circuit using a constant current source method

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