CH 7
CH 7
CH 7
The central issue of comparative statics is finding a rate of change which is identifiable win
the problem of finding the derivative of some function y fax Provided
only an infinitesimal change
in x is being considered
dont need to find me limit each time as there are various rules of differentiation to find the
derivatives directly
Y K Cconstant function
Y x
Y x Power anition
All these have smooth continuous graphs and hus differentiable everywhere
The symbol is saying to tone the derivative or or to differentiate with respect to variable x
The function to be operated on is y fax or h
The proof is as follows Given text k we have foul k for any value of N Thus he value
of f an as defined in G 13 is
Notethe difference between f exo o and flex1 0 The former is referring to a specific
value a x i.e Yo while the latter is saying that the derivative function f has a value a
Al discussed the derivative has its geometric counterpart in the slope or a curve The graph or
a constant unction say fixed lost r 19 1200 is just a straight horizontal line with a
Zeroslope throughout which means that the derivative must be zero for all valves a Q
dda 1200 O
For the lose a larger integers n lit 3 first note thefollowing identities
Xt N 2 terms on me right
M1 x2 t Nxt N 3 terms on me right
Int xn t Nen z
t Nexn s t t Nn n terms on the right C21
On the basis or 7.7 we can express me derivative co the power function feel x at X N as
f x1niYI
tim 3t
x on xn it Nxn 2 f N'x Nn by 7.2
Isn xn t In Nxn 2 t t BuNn sum limit theorem
Nh t Nn t t N a total co n terms
n Nn 17.37
N is any valve or x mus it can be generalised to
f 1 7 nx n t
Y JI whith Jx X
x 12 2
f ch 3 1 3 and F 27 3 272 12
Itmust be emphasised hat one must find the derivative cirst and then substitute dieterent values
or x
We can provide the proof as follows consider hat eor any value a x say X N the
derivative is
f en Idn toffee lit exist Inge
Int Product limit theorem
Iii Iid
c 44151 limit or a constant
from 7.3
Again N is any value a x so it can be generalised to f ext an x
74 2 3 3 7377 28 3 76 2 3 to
We can apply this to the well known principle mat fixed cost doesnt arrect Mc given
93 49 t to a 775
the MC anation for infinitesimal output change is the limit Yaa or hisderivative a C
302 89710
whereas It represents FC and its eliminated through the derivation process thus not accenting MC
In general is a primitive function 7 text represents a total function then the derivative
d dx
is its marginal anction We can plot both functions graphically
f e C'd or fE C f is continuous
f ec or feC f is continuously differentiable
Product Rule
The derivative of his product of two differentiable functions is equal to me first anction times
he derivative or he second unction pus the second auction times he derivative or he airsa unction
IIamhTderivative Yhens cxi
a zanag'cxl ox according to 7.9
12 37 6 7 t 2C 3
lox tidy
This can be check by multiplying fix g txt and differentiate the result
fix g ex
xt 3 7
6 3 t gx2
18 x't lox
fix 9413 big 54794
is 4.51
By adding and subtracting fax and in the numerator thereby leaving the original magnitude
uncharged we can transform theQuotient on the right side or 7.5 as follows
gagged t gon
Substituting his car the Quotient on the right of 7.5 and toning its limit we men get
We can evaluate the 4 limits expressions The first one is 510 and the third is genl
the limit a a constantThe remaining to G 13 respectively
two are according gin and f en
mus 7.5 reduces to
The product rule is preferable man the alternative a fax and directly and
multiplying get
differentiate by product a hot as its applicable when he anctions are given in the general
form while he alternative approach requires specirit unctions We can illustrate his
and hows the alternative approach wont work But as R is a product a feat and a itself we can
The first component Q denotes output and its always positive t ca represents the slope or me
AR curve plotted against Q Since AR and Price are the same thing
The AR is men simply the inverse or the demand curve or the Product of the firm i e he demand
curve plotted after the Pand Q axes are reversed
Under pure competition he AR is a straight horizontal line f ca7 0 and from 7.7 MR An o
Under imperfect competition the AR love is normally downward scoping as in Fis 7.7 so that
5 EI CO and from 7.7 MR ARCO for all Positive levels of output In his case he MR curve
must lie below the AR curve
We see hot 0J om 746 besides we're trying to rind Ho the output under consideration N
Thus the distance Nf N by which he MRcurve must lie below AR at output N is
Accordingly if we mark k 6 43 directly below me MR curve then point K must be a point on
the MRcurve
The same procedure can be used to find all otherpoints on the MR curve All we must do for
any chosen point G on the curve is to first Find a tangent line to the AR curve at G hat will
meet the vertical axis at some point I
Note hot we must find the value of the derivative at the relevant output t en before
being able to draw thetangent line except for a linear AR curve as thetangent line is simply
he given line itself
Quotient Rule
The derivative of the Quotient or two functions fax I gext is
g 541851,5Gt
In the numerator or the rhs expression we find two productterms each involving the derivative of
each anstion note that f ex appears in the positive term while g ex in the negativeterm
7 5
II 291,42 Fair
FI w
Im tense ao
The Quotient expression following the limit sign can be rewritten in the form
fax g N FCN gox
By adding and subtracting fan goal in the numerator and rearranging we get
fan gcn t fans gon fan g ex
ffcx gcn
x N
59 919ft
Substituting into 7.8 and taking the limit
I G I focal CI 7g
is c ca
E CEI C 107
Cef Eo
Since c'Cal MC and ca a AC the economic meaning of 7.10 is he slope of the
AC is positive zero negative ire the Mc curve lies above intersects or lies below the AC
This is illustrated here in the TC auction
a3 1292 t GOA
To the left 9 6 AC is declining and has MC lies
below it and vile versa to me right At 9 6 Ac has a
slope a Zero and MC AC
73 Rules a Diorerentiation Involving functions of Diererent Variables
We'll now consider two differentiable nations each has a distinct IV
Chain Rule
to we have a differentiable function Z fay and we have Y g ex then the derivative a 2
with respect to x is eaval to his derivative a z win respect to y times the derivative a Y with
respect to x symbolically
It g dg thy g ex G in
Theres an intuition
for his role Given Ax there must be a corresponding At via Yg ex and his
Ax will bring about a AZ via 2 564 Thus heres a chain reaction
AX ay I AZ
The two linus entail two difference Quotients AY Ax and A2 Ay which when multiplied
5 Ex
which is a difference Quotient relating Az to Ax Taming the limit or ecru or this will turn them
into a derivative i.e we'll have dady Cdt dx d7dx which is 7.11
We can extend this easily given Z fay y gal and x how then
II df dat Ew f ey g ex how
F Z 342 4 2 5 then
124 1262 5
12 Z Y 3 4 73 Ex 2
of I 3 2
3 2
role we can take a shortcut by defining a new intermediate variable 7 3 2 so
2 7 and 4 42 3 2
The derivative dx is hen
dx It of 17416 2 73
17 x2 3 2716 2 37 377122 617172
16 28 9 40
Imisis just proving the well known economic results that MRM MR MR
The existence co an inverse means hat not only given a value a x will produce a uniaue
value a Y a unique value co x will also be produced given a value a 7 This is a unia
Given fax ie successively larger values or the lux always lead to successively larger
values a taxi i.e iz
x1 X2 3 Fix 7 FCxal
then the action f is said to be a strithy increasing unction While it successive increase in
A practical way to test strict monotonicity is whether the derivative fix always adhere to
his fame algebraic sign Geometrically he slope is either always upwards downwards
So firm's demand curve Q FCP that has a negative slope throughout is strictly decreasing
as such it has me inverse P 5 Cal which gives the AR curve since PEAR
4 5 25
has dx 5 Which is positive regardless a x thus the auction is strictly increasing An invers
exists and Lou now it can be found by solving 4 5 25 for X i.e
X FY 5
Thisinverse function is also strictly increasing because dy 1570 for all values of Y
Generally is exist men boh the original and he inverse must beshiny monotonic
an inverse
Its easy to verify hot his graph a Y fix and x f ey are the same with the axes reversed
dxidy musttake me some sign as dyidx To verily we can look at example 5 where dyedx
When the inverse isnt easily obtained the inverse function rule will be very useful
ttx rind dxidy Since
dy dx 5 41 170
for any value x he given function is strictly increasing and an inverse exists which we can
find as
dy dy dx 54 1
While its only appliiable for a one to one function we can add restrictions to make a anction
two separate auctions so earn being strictly monotonic in the vesmitted domain
7 4 Partial Differentiation
Before applying derivative to iomparative statins we must discus partial derivative where we can
Partial Derivatives
7 5 Cx x2 xn 7.12
where Xi i t 2 i n are all independent at each other so each can vary without affecting theomer
I t undergoes a change Ax while x2 xn remain fixed there will be a corresponding change
If we take the limit of lax as Ax so that limit will constitute a derivative a partial
derivative a Y with respect to xi similar partial derivatives can be definedwith other lbs The process
is called partial diecerentiation
symbol We can also use use fi ta f instead d f'cx7 so in the case a Y tcu v w we
have fu fu Fw Now we can define
IF I alimo If
Techniques a Partial Diererentiation
The main difference of partial direerentiation is that we're holding In 17 variables constant while
holding one variable to vary Theidea staid be similar win handling ionstents in direerentiation
EI fr xz 3 xi tx x taxi rind he part der Note hat ie we'rediorerentiating 272 1
we're treating Xi as a constant Assuch xu will drop out ie its an additive constant but will be
retained if its a multiplicative constant So
2 1 If Gx t x2
2 2 fi x t8 2
I cu u cut a cut zu we can the part der Win the product rule Holding u constant
Geometric Interpretation or Partial Derivatives
We can geometrically illustrate the concept of Partial derivative Consider production unction a Chill
2912k Cor Qu 20
We can hurs have two part der and 21 Cor Qe
Qu relates to the change of output with change in capital holding labour fixed and the same
idea with Qu in respect to labour So Qu is the MPPu while Qc is MPP
Geometrically we can depiif G Ch L as a production surface in 3 space shown in Cig7 u
When 1 4 Qe is equal totheslope of the curve at pointC and so on Qc is also a function
of k because we can fix ko at various levels
Gradient Vectors
All thepartial derivatives or a unction is called the gradient vector or gradient of auction fi
grad taxi xz xn fi fi Snl
where Fiz dy 2xi we can also use it So tf Cx Xz Ant
Market Model
Lets consider me one commodity model a 3.1 which can be written in the form a two equations
Q atbp demand
Q std P supply
p GI 7.19
at aging 7.15
To find how an infinitesimal change in one variable affect P one only has to differentiate one
Parameter sum as Yaa which the sign shows the direction a P will move when the Parameter
a changes
Note the difference between 129 which is appropriate to thedemand anation alone while
24129 refers to
the equilibrium Quantity Thus he part der A P and a are referred to as
comparative static derivatives
111 Ita
171 Ib
Since all parameters are restricted to being positive we can conclude
311 37 o and
3 co
We can plot them so each diagram represents a change in one or the parameters We are
Plotting Q on thevertical
gig pictures an increase in the parameter a to a This
means that a higher vertical intercept for he demand curve
While the slope of b doesnt change the increase in a results
in a parallelshier of the demand are to D
It then creates a new eauilibrium Pt which is what
sa 70 is saying although for the sake of exposition we've
first the graphical method is subject to dimensional restrictions as heres a limit of how many
endogenous and parameters can be graphically represented
Second he differential result yields a higher level of generality meaning hat 716 will remain
valid regardless of the parameters as longas thesigns are latisfied
So the comparative statics confusions of his model are applicable to an infinite numbers of
combinations a linear demand and supply actions
There are explanations for the restrictions on the values co the parameters L is positive because
in autonomous consumption 13is positive as its MPC tis positive as there are othersources
a income other man taxi and finally f represents income tax rate so it cant be loot
We can solve the model by substituting the third into the second and substitute me resultinto
the first
4 02
9 1
We can thus obtain 6 comparative shhis derivatives Among these three have special Policy
If 70 17 s
so 7.207
Rea art to t 607
9.4 16 56
341 1 13 13817 Iggy 5h72
05 41
719 gives us the government expenditure multiplier whith has a positivesign because P is Cl
and 13870 7.20 is he nonincome tax multiplier it shows how a change in T will arrest the
equilibriumincome This is negative in the present modes because the denominator is positive
and the numerator negative Finally 7.11 pint a multiplier but it tells us how much an increase
in f will lower heavilibrium income
aim us an
V31 V32 V33
The general answer to the rate of change a the solution x with respect to exogenous
In this system a three equations each gives a particular solution value as a function co the
exogenous final demand Port der co these produces g comparative statics derivative
Vii Un V3
It un sun
4 147 Y 17,5 us
which is on expansion a 7.23
Reading 7.27 as hree distinct columns we may combine the three derivatives in each column into
a vector matrix
c 3 Ii
Since these are basically the columns of the matrix V by former consolidation we can summarise
the nine derivatives in a single matrix derivative 242d Given x Vd we can write
ve A
Thus the inverse co the Leontine gives the summary or the comparative statics derivatives These
are useful as they provide the answer to me Question If we change he planning targets as
reelected in Cdi da edn how must we change he output goals to meet the direct and
indirect requirements to avoid bottlenesu
71 271 3 2
7 24
71 4xi tizz x g xp
If we get all 4 Part der
3 exit tax taxation
33 L
and arrange them into a square matrix in a prescribed order called a Jacobian matrix
denoted I and takes its determinant the result will be the Jacobian determinant 111
131 III III Exiting taxation
1 1 Ii l
More generally
Yi t C Xuxa xn
Ya 5 x axe Xn
Yn S CX an xn
we can derive a total a n part dev Adopting the notation fi 2x we can write
t i 1
241 2x 74112xn
7 27
am am
A Jacobian test for me existence a functional dependants is provided by the following theorem 1a
the value is zero then the functions are hnitionally linearly or nonlinearly dependent
As an example thetwo anations in 7.24 he Jacobian as given in7.25 has the value
1 I 24 x t 36 2 Caux t36 27 0
Thus the Jacobian vanishes and the two unctions are linearly dependant
In the case of linear anitions the idea a IA 1 0 is he some win the Jacobian so Ako
is just a special application a me Jacobian criterion a functional dependence
2 717122
10 51