Pipe and Cistern DPP 01 (English)
Pipe and Cistern DPP 01 (English)
Pipe and Cistern DPP 01 (English)
Pipe & Cistern–01 DPP-01
1. A tank is joined with two inlet pipes. If one fills 7. A tank is joined with two inlet pipes A & B. If A
the tank alone in 10 hr and another fills the tank in fills the tank alone in 8 hrs. and B fills the tank in
15 hrs. Together the pipes fill 30-litre water every 12 hrs. If the two pipes are opened for 1 hour
hour. What is the capacity of the tank? alternately starting from A. Then the tank will be
(1) 30 litre (2) 180 litre filled in?
(3) 150 litre (4) 130 litre
(1) 9 (2) 9
2. A pipe can fill a tank in 10 days. Another pipe can 2
fill the tank in 15 days. With the assistance of pipe 1
(3) 8 (4) 8
C they fill the tank in 5 days. Find In how many 2
days can C alone fill the tank?
(1) 30 hours (2) 30 days 8. A tank is joined with two inlet pipes A & B. If A
(3) 25 days (4) 25 hours fills the tank alone in 15 hrs. and B fills the tank in
12 hrs. If Pipe A is opened at 10 am & pipe B at
3. A pipe can fill a tank in 30 hours. Another pipe can 1pm. Then at what time will the tank be full?
fill the tank in 45 hours. With the assistance of pipe
(1) 7:00pm (2) 6:20pm
C they fill the tank in 10 hours. C fills 64 litres of
(3) 5:20pm (4) 6:00pm
water every hour. Find the capacity of the tank?
(1) 90 litres (2) 1440 litres
(3) 144 litres (4) 1400 litres 9. A tank is joined with two inlet pipes and one outlet
pipe. The inlet pipes fill the tank in 10 hrs and 12
4. A tank is joined with two inlet pipes. If one fills hrs and the outlet pipe empties the tank in 15 hrs.
the tank alone in 8 hrs. and another fills the tank in Find In how much time the tank will be full when
11 hrs. Working Together in how many hours they all 3 pipes are open together?
fill the tank? 60
86 12 (1) 5 hrs (2) hrs
(1) hours (2) 4 hours 7
19 19 70 50
19 (3) hrs (4) hrs
(3) hours (4) 10 hours 7 7
10. A tank is joined with one inlet pipe and one outlet
5. 60 taps can fill a tank in 40 hours. They start
pipe. The inlet pipe fills the tank in 16 hrs and
filling together but after every 10 hours, 5 taps
stop working. In how many hours will the tank be both pipes working together fill the tank in 24 hrs.
filled? Find In how much time the outlet pipe empties the
(1) 40 hours (2) 47.5 hours full tank?
(3) 50 hours (4) 52 hours (1) 16 hrs (2) 48 hrs
(3) 24 hrs (4) 40 hrs
6. If th of a cistern is filled in 1 minute, then in
what time the rest of the cistern be filled?
(1) 60 seconds (2) 84 seconds
(3) 12 seconds (4) 84 seconds
Answer Key
1. (2) 6. (2)
2. (2) 7. (2)
3. (2) 8. (2)
4. (2) 9. (2)
5. (2) 10. (2)
There is no need to take another 10 hour interval, Now Together they fill 9 units in 1 hr.
because the tank will be filled before that. assume Remaining work till 1pm = (60 – 12)= 48
it H. Time taken by them to fill the remaining tank
2400 = (600 + 550 + 500 + 450) + 40H 48
2400 – 2100 = 40H 9
300 1
H= = 7.5 hours = 5 hrs
40 3
The tank will be filled in 40 + 7.5 = 47.5 hours 1pm + 5 hrs 20 minutes = 6:20pm
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