029) Pipe & Cistern (ClassRoom Sheet) - PDF
029) Pipe & Cistern (ClassRoom Sheet) - PDF
029) Pipe & Cistern (ClassRoom Sheet) - PDF
dks Hkjus esa mUgsa fdruk le; (?kaVs esa) yxsxk\ SSC CGL (PRE) 24/07/2023 (Shift-2)
(a) 60 hours (b) 85 hours
CGL PRE, 14/07/2023 (Shift-4)
(c) 70 hours (d) 75 hours
an by
3 1 5. A pipe can fill a tank in 15 hours. Due to
(a) 11 (b) 10
7 7 leakage in the bottom it is filled in 20
hours. If the tank is full, and the pipe is
2 2
(c) 10 (d) 11 closed, how much time will the leak take
7 7
to empty the entire tank?
R s
both the taps are opened at the same time, gSA iassnh esa fjlko ds dkj.k ;g 25 ?kaVs eas Hkjrk
then in how much time will the empty ;fn VSad iwjk Hkj x;k gS vkSj ikbi cn gS] rks fjlko
tank be filled completely? ds }kjk bls [kkyh gksus esa fdruk le; yxsxk\
ty a
,d uy] fdlh Vadh dks 4 ?kaVs esa Hkj ldrk gSA nwljk SSC CHSL 02/06/2022 (Shift- 2)
uy] mlh Vadh dks 6 ?kaVs esa Hkj ldrk gSA ;fn nksuksa
di M
completely filled?
ikbi A] 6 ?kaVs esa VSad
50 »dk
Hkkx Hkj ldrk gS vkSj 1
fjlko ds dkj.k Vadh dks Hkjus8esa?kaVs dk le;
ikbi B mlh VSad dks
18 ?kaVs esa iwjh rjg ls Hkj ldrk
gSA ;fn nksuksa ikbiksa dks ,d gh le; ij •ksy fn;k yxkA fdrus le; esa (?kaVksa esa) fjlko ls VSad dk 30»
tk,] rks •kyh VSad fdrus le; esa (fefuV esa) iw.kZr% fgLlk [kkyh gks tk,xk\
Hkj tk,xk\ SSC CGL MAINS 29/01/2022
7. An inlet pipe can fill a tank in 10 hours and 11. Pipes A, B and C can fill a tank in 30 h,
an other pipe can empty the completely filled 40 h and 60 h respectively. Pipes A, B and
tank in 20 hours. Both the pipes are opened C are opened at 7 a.m., 8 a.m. and 10 a.m.
at 6.30 a.m. When will the tank get filled? respectively on the same day. When will
,d varxZr ikbi fdlh Vadh dks 10 ?kaVs esa Hkj ldrk the tank be full?
gS tcfd ,d cfgxZe ikbi iwjh rjg ls Hkjh gqbZ Vadh ikbi A, B vkSj C fdlh Vadh dks Øe'k% 30] 40
dks 20 ?kaVksa esa [kkyh dj ldrk gSA nksuksa ikbiksavkSj dks
60 ?kaVksa esa Hkj ldrs gSaA
A, B vkSj
ikbiC dks
lqcg 6%30 cts pkyw fd;k tkrk gSA Vadh dc Hkj tk,xh\ ,d gh fnu Øe'k% lqcg 7] 8 vkSj 10 cts pkyw
SSC CHSL 03/07/2019 (Shift- 02)
fd;k tkrk gSA Vadh fdl le; Hkj tk,xh\
(a) 2 : 30 a.m. next day
(b) 2 a.m. next day SSC CGL TIER-II 11/09/2019
(c) 1 a.m. next day (a) 10.00 p.m. (b) 10.20 p.m.
(d) 12:00 midnight (c) 9.20 p.m. (d) 9.40 p.m.
8. P can fill a tank in 5 hours. Q can fill the 12. Pipes A and B can fill a tank in one hour
and two hours respectively while pipe C
same tank in 10 hours. R can empty the
same tank in 20 hours. How much time will can empty the filled up tank in one hour
all the three take together to fill the tank? and fifteen minutes. A and C are turned on
P ,d Vadh dks 5 ?kaVs esa Hkj ldrk
Q mlh
gSAVadh dks together at 9 a.m. After 2 hours, only A is
an by
closed and B is turned on. When will the
10 ?kaVs esa Hkj ldrk
mlh Vadh dks 20 ?kaVs esa [kkyhtank be emptied?
dj ldrk gSA rhuksa feydj mlh Vadh dks Hkjus esa fdrukikbi A vkSj B fdlh Vadh dks Øe'k% ,d ?kaVs vkSj
le; ysxkA
SSC CHSL 13/03/2023 (Shift-02)
nks ?kaVs esa Hkj ldrs gSa ysfdu C Hkjh
ikbi gqbZ Vadh
dks ,d ?kaVs 15 feuV esa [kkyh dj ldrkAgSA vkSj
R s
much time will it take to fill the empty tank (c) 10:30 a.m. (d) 12:20 p.m.
completely? 13. Pipe A and B can fill a tank in 16 hours
di M
ikbi A ,d Vadh dks 12 feuV esa Hkj ldrk gS_ and 24 hours respectively, and pipe C
ikbi B bls 18 feuV esa Hkj ldrk gS] tcfd ikbi alone can empty the full tank in x hours.
C iwjh Hkjh gqbZ Vadh dks 36 feuV esa •kyh dj ldrk All the pipes were opened together at
gSA ;fn lHkh ikbiksa dks ,d lkFk •ksy fn;k tk,] rks 10.30 a.m., but C was closed at 2.30 p.m.
•kyh Vadh dks iwjh rjg Hkjus esa fdruk le; yxsxk\ If the tank was full at 8.30 p.m. on the
SSC CGL TIER I 20/07/2023 (Shift-04) same day, then what is the value of x?
(a) 7 minutes 30 seconds ikbi A vkSjB fdlh Vadh dks Øe'k% 16 vkSj 24 ?kaVs
(b) 10 minutes esa Hkj ldrs gSa rFkk C ikbi
vdsyk Hkjh gqbZ Vadh dks
(c) 9 minutes
(d) 6 minutes x ?kaVs esa [kkyh dj ldrk gSA lHkh ikbiksa dks lqc
10. Pipes A, B and C can fill a tank in 15, 30 10%30 cts ,d lkFk pkyw fd;k x;k ysfdu 2%30p.m.
and 40 hours, respectively. Pipes A, B and esaC dks can dj fn;k x;kA ;fn Vadh mlh fnu 8%30
C are opened at 6 a.m., 8 a.m. and 10 a.m.,
p.m. esa Hkj xbZ]xrks
dk eku Kkr djsaA
respectively, on the same day. When will
the tank be full? SSC CGL TIER-II 12/09/2019
ikbi A, B vkSj C fdlh Vadh dks Øe'k% 15, 30 (a) 64 (b) 48
vkSj40 ?kaVksa esa Hkj ldrs gSaA ,d gh fnu A, ikbi (c) 45 (d) 96
B vkSjC dks Øe'k%6, 8 vkSj10 cts [kksyk tkrk 14. Pipe A and B can fill a tank in 12 minutes
and 15 minutes, respectively. The tank
gSA Vadh fdrus cts Hkj tk,xh\ when full can be emptied by pipe C in x
SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Shift-2) minutes. When all the three pipes are
(a) 3:20 p.m. (b) 11:20 p.m. opened simultaneously, the tank is full in
(c) 7:20 p.m. (d) 5:20 p.m. 10 minutes. The value of x is :
ikbi A vkSj B Øe'k% 12 feuV vksj 15 feuV esa nks ikbiA vkSj ikbi B fdlh Vadh dks Øe'k% 16
,d VSad Hkj ldrs gSaA tc VSad Hkjh gks C rks ikbi vkSj 20 ?kaVs esa Hkj ldrs gSaA
A ls 'kq:vkr
ikbi djrs
}kjkx feuV esa [kkyh fd;k tk ldrk gSA tc rhuksa gq, mUgsa 1 ?kaVs ds fy, ,d ds ckn ,d djds [kksyk
ikbi ,d lkFk [kksys tkrs gSa] rks VSad 10 feuV esa Hkj
tkrk gSA [kkyh Vdh fdrus ?kaVksa esa Hkj tk,xh\
tkrk gSA x dk eku gS & SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Shift- 03)
CGL TIER-II 16/10/2019 3 1
(a) 17 hours (b) 17 hours
(a) 18 (b) 15 5 5
(c) 20 (d) 24 1 3
(c) 17 hours (d) 17
15. Pipe A and B can empty a filled tank in 20 4 4
hours and 15 hours respectively, while pipe 18. Two pipes A and B can fill an empty tank
C alone can fill the same tank in x hours.
in 10 hours and 16 hours respectively.
The three pipes have been opened
They are opened alternately for 1 hour
simultaneously and they took 40 minutes
1 each starting with pipe A first. In how
to finish the (one-eighteenth) part of many hours, the empty tank will be filled?
the tank. The value of x is : nks ikbiA vkSj B fdlh [kkyh Vadh dks Øe'k% 10
ikbi A vkSjB ,d Hkjs VSad dks Øe'k% 20 ?kaVs vkSjvkSj 16 ?kaVs esa Hkj nsrs AgSaA
ls 'kq:vkr
ikbi djrs
an by
15 ?kaVs esa [kkyh dj ldrs gSa] tcfd mlh VSad dksgq, mUgsa ,d&,d djds 1 ?kaVs ds fy, [kksyk tkrk gSA
ikbi C vdsyk x ?kaVksa esa Hkj ldrk gS rhuksa ikbi
fdrus ?kaVksa esa [kkyh Vadh Hkj tk,xh\
1 SSC CGL 06/06/2019 (Shift- 01)
,d lkFk [kksy fn, x, gSa vkSj mUgksaus VSad ds
R s
Hkkx dks [kkyh djus esa 40 feuV dk le; fy;kA
x 1 1
(a) 12 hours (b) 12 hours
a th
dk eku gS & 3 8
SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Shift- 03)
1 1
(a) 21 (b) 30 (c) 12 hours (d) 12 hours
ty a
4 6
(c) 26 (d) 24 19. A monkey climbs a 100 meter high pole.
di M
16. Two pipes A and B can fill an empty tank It climbs 6 meters in the first minute and
in 8 hours and 12 hours respectively. They slides 4 meters in the second minute. Find
are opened alternately for 1 hour each out in how much time will the monkey
starting with pipe A first. In how many climb the pole?
hours will the empty tank be filled?
,d cUnj 100 ehVj Åaps [kEHks ij p<+rk gSA ;g
nks ikbiA vkSj B fdlh [kkyh Vadh dks Øe'k% 8 igyh feuV esa 6 ehVj p<+rk gS vkSj nwljh feuV esa
vkSj 12 ?kaVs esa Hkj nsrs AgSaA
ls 'kq:vkr
ikbi djrs
4 feuV fiQly tkrk gSA Kkr djksa fdrus le; esa
gq, mUgsa ,d&,d djds 1 ?kaVs ds fy, [kksyk tkrk gSA
cUnj [kEHks ij p<+ tk;sxk\
fdrus ?kaVksa esa ;g [kkyh Vadh Hkj tk,xh\
(a) 90 min (b) 95 min
SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Shift- 03) (c) 100 min (d) 120 min
minutes. Find how many hours will it take
22. A and B can fill a tank in 10 and 12 hours
for the leak to empty a full tank.
respectively while C can empty it in 12
hours. If all three taps are opened one by ikbi A ,d VSad dks 12 ?kaVs esa Hkj ldrk gS vkSj
ikbi B bls Hkjus esa 18 ?kaVs ysrk gSA nksuksa ikb
an by
one for 1 hour, how much time will it take
to fill the tank? ,d lkFk •ksyk x;k vkSj ,d fjlko ns•k x;k ftlls
A vkSj B fdlh Vadh dks Øe'k%10 vkSj 12 ?k.Vs esa Hkjus dk le; 48 feuV c<+ x;kA Kkr dhft, fd
Hkj ldrs gS tcfd C bls 12 ?k.Vs esa [kkyh dj ,d Hkjs gq, VSad dks fjlko }kjk •kyh djus esa fdrus
ldrk gSA vxj rhuksa uyksa dks ckjh ls 1&1 ?k.Vk?kaVs yxsaxsA
R s
[kksyk tk, rks Vadh dks Hkjus esa fdruk le; yxsxkA CRPF HCM 27/02/2023 (Shift - 02)
a th
(a) 60 (b) 68
(a) 60 min (b) 65 min
(c) 72 (d) 64
(c) 72 min (d) None of these
26. Pipes A and B can fill a tank in 16 hours
23. A pipe can fill a tank in 4 hours and a leak
ty a
SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Shift- 03) ikbi A vkSjB Øe'k% 43-2 feuV vkSj 108 feuV esa ,d
VSad Hkjrs gSaA C bls
ikbi3 yhVj@feuV ij [kkyh dj
(a) 21 min (b) 20 min
ldrk gSA tc rhuksa ikbi ,d lkFk [kksys tk,axs] rks os 54
(c) 18 min (d) 15 min
feuV esa VSad dks Hkj nsaxsA VSad dh {kerk (yhVj esa)
28. Pipe A and B are filling pipes while C is an
SSC CGL TIE R-II 15/10/2020
emptying pipe. A and B can fill a tank in
72 and 90 minutes respectively. When all (a) 160 (b) 180
the three pipes are opened together, the (c) 216 (d) 200
tank gets filled in 2 hours. A and B are
31. When operated separately, pipe A taks 5
opened together for 12 minutes, then closed
hours less than pipe B to fill a cistern and
and C is opened. The tank will be empty after when both pipe are operated together, the
ikbi A vkSjB Hkjus okys ikbi gSa tcfd ikbi
C [kkyh
an by
cistern get filled in 6 hours. In how much
djus okyk ikbi gSAA vkSjB fdlh Vadh dks Øe'k% 72 time (in hours) will pipe B fill the cistern,
if oprated?
vkSj 90 feuV esa Hkj ldrs gSaA tcfd bu rhuksa ikbi dks
,d lkFk pkyw dj fn;k tkrk gS rks Vadh 2 ?kaVs esa Hkjuy A, tc vyx ls lapkfyr fd;k tkrk gS rks Vadh
tkrh gSA A vkSj B dks 12 feuV rd ,d lkFk pkyw dks Hkjus ds fy, ikbiB ls 5 ?kaVs de ysrk gS vkSj
R s
fd;k tkrk gS] fiQj can djdsC dks pkyw fd;k tkrk gSA tc nksuksa ikbi ,d lkFk lapkfyr gksrs gSa rks Vadh 6
a th
Vadh fdrus le; ckn [kkyh gks tk,xk\ ?kaVs esa Hkj tkrk gSA lapkfyr gksus ij fdrus ?kaVs
es) ikbi B Vadh dks Hkj nsxk\
SSC CGL TIER-II 13/09/2019
SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Shift- 03)
ty a
ikbi gSA
A vkSjB dks ,d lkFk 4 ?kaVs ds fy, •ksyk tqM+k gqvk gSA ;fn lHkh rhu ikbiksa dks ,d lkFk pk
tkrk gS vkSj mlds ckn dsoyA dks can fd;k tkrk dj fn;k tk, rks Vadh dks Hkjus Aesa vkSjB ds }kjk
1 ,d lkFk fy, x, le; dh rqyuk esa 80 feuV vf/d
gS vkSj
C dks •ksyk tkrk gSA Vadh dks Hkjus
19 ?kaVs
esa yxrs gSaAA vkSjB dks 7 ?kaVksa rd pkyw NksM+k tkrk
vkSj yxsA ikbi rFkk
C vdsys Hkjs gq, VSad dks fdrus fnuksa fiQj can djds ikbiC dks pkyw fd;k tkrk gSA
C bl Vadh dks fdrus le; esa [kkyh djsxk\
esa •kyh dj ldrk gS%
CRPF HCM 28/02/2023 (Shift - 03) SSC CGL 06/06/2019 (Shift- 01)
(a) 42 hours (b) 48 hours (a) 45.5 hours (b) 38.5 hours
(c) 45 hours (d) 40 hours (c) 42 hours (d) 49 hours
1. (c) 2.(b) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (a) 6. (a) 7. (a) 8. (b) 9. (c) 10. (a)
11.(c) 12.(d) 13.(d) 14.(c) 15.(b) 16.(c) 17.(d) 18.(c) 19.(b) 20.(a)
21.(a) 22.(d) 23.(d) 24.(d) 25.(c) 26.(b) 27.(a) 28.(b) 29.(c) 30.(c)
31.(d) 32.(d)
an by
R s
a th
ty a
di M