Sponsors : The Syrian Arab Republic, Japan
Signatories: Brazil, Somalia, Pakistan, India, France, Russia, Iran, Gabon, Boko
Haram, Switzerland, Ansar Allah, Mozambique, Malta,china;
Agenda -Discussing Alternatives to the ISIL & Al-Qaeda Sanction Regime of the
United Nations Security Council,
Having examined the impact of the resolution 1267,1182, 2249, 2483 and 2610,
Emphasis Security Council Resolution 1456 (2004) which deplores acts of terrorism,
Deply concerned for the falsely accused individuals and organizations due to the
Expecting that Member States must ensure that any measures taken to combat
terrorism comply with all their obligations under international law, in particular
international human rights, refugee and humanitarian law,
Bearing in mind the violent radical ideologies, the acts of terrorism, including those
driven by religious and or ethnic backdrop, extensive and methodical attack
transpiring that directly affect civilians, degrades human rights and violates the
international humanitarian law,
Nothing after 28th October 2023 about the sanctions principle of Ombudsperson will
be discussed for sanctions and the United Nations Body about which is there;
1) Reminds the world forum its primary responsibility in the United Nations
Security Council to the maintain international peace and security;
2) Encourages all Member States to diligently reevaluate the existing 1267
Sanction Regime and reduce the force of sanctions, particularly by,
a) considering conditional or partial removal of sanctions on states or
entities demonstrating credible efforts to comply with the resolution's
b) expanding humanitarian exemptions to alleviate the burden on affected
3) Expresses its appreciation to the initiatives of all the countries who have
provide substantial monetary and medical aid to those affected by the conflict;
4) Declaring that every human being has a right to live and any person who is
killing a human being or trying to enact a suicide bomming has to face the
a) Any person who violates this will have a judicial trial under the law of
the country in which he did this heinous crime,
b) No person by any circumstance will get a bail and after the justice is
given he will be placed under the surveillance of the UN during his
entire sentence;
5) Forbidding all parties involved from doing as follows in order to maintain
regional stability,
a) Using unconventional means, including but not restricted to diplomatic
isolation and influencing media, in order to change the views of
countries which are not directly involved,
b) Using increased means of pressurization adopted by all regional parties
through diplomatic and military means to convince countries to sever
ties other involved parties;
6) Draws the Attention the various loopholes present in sanction regime
1267,these loopholes will be dealt with in the following way,
a) The person who is acting as a middleman for bypass sanction also be
under the same sanctions as the person who is he/she might be helping,
b) The new UN body mentioned in clause 7 will handle the effectiveness of
the sanctions;
7) Designates the establishment of the Observer Group for justice and listing
entities and person into sanction regime , which will be called the “United
Nations Sanctions Forum” (UNSF) this body will work to replace the Office of
Ombudsperson and encourage international efforts of cooperation,
a) The Principle, Functions and powers of the newly formed body is
mentioned in the Annexure 1,
b) Monitor any military activity in the Middle East, which will be recorded
further as to ensure up-to-date lists, Any further actions of United
Nations and international bodies in will also be carried out in
collaboration with the UNSF,
c) Derive funding from the United Nations Regular Budget of an amount as
deemed appropriate by the United Nations Advisory Committee on,
d) Administrative and Budgetary Questions and voluntary additional
donations from members of the United Nations,
e) The newly formed body will have a meeting every 6 months and will be
forbidding all parties involved from doing as follows in order to
maintain regional stability;
8) Declaring that the new body formed under annexure 1 will have the following
principles as mandatory principles,
a) Following IHL law before bringing anyone under sanction regime,
b) Will ensure the right of every individual person is being taken into
c) Giving justice to common citizens of the world who got killed by the
terrorists organization;
9) Taking into consideration the long process of listing and delisting a person or a
entity from the sanction regime the meating of the new body will happen once
in every 90 days;
10)Encourages all parties to engage in constructive dialogue and measure to build
stability in order to foster trust and cooperation in the new body,
a) Recommends establishing clear communication channels between
parties involved in the implementation of sanctions,
b) Encouraging NGOs and other non-state actors to closely monitor such
discussions so as to ensure transparency and build a trust in the Middle
c) Suggests forming safe online communication channels to encourage
virtual dialogue between all regional parties and the creation of an
internationally accessible database monitored by mediators approved by
the involved parties which uploads all results and discussions taken
place during such diplomatic conversations,
d) Expresses its hope for the design of an effective mechanisms to verify
the transparency, accountability and legality during the descriptions of
the reports from the UNSF;
11)Condemns the actions of members states who were using loopholes and other
means to bypass sanction, supply weapons and funds to NSA’s;
12) Emphasizes the importance of relevant UN bodies and agencies to provide
technical assistance and capacity-building support to member states in
implementing the sanction regime while promoting compliance with human
rights obligations;
13) Urged member states to cooperate with the relevant UN bodies and
mechanisms in investigating and prosecuting individuals and entities involved
in terrorist activities while ensuring fair trial guarantees and respect for
international human rights law;
14) Recommends member states to undertake measures to prevent the illicit
development and trafficking of Arms and other Ammunitions, also the
trafficking of Drugs and Persons across borders via which NSAs benefit,
allowing them to run tc continue their operations;
15) Declaring the international community to take strict measures to prevent
NSAs from getting access to Arms and Ammunitions,
a) Implementing strict export controls on advanced technology and
components to prevent them from slipping into the wrong hands,
b) Creation of an international database recording every export and import
of autonomous weapons so as to ensure no artillery goes lost or
c) Enhancing physical security at facilities where weapons are being
manufactured or stored to prevent theft or unauthorized access,
d) Employing encryption and other cybersecurity measures to safeguard
communication and control systems,
e) Establishing a network of intelligence sharing and cooperation among
nations to monitor and detect illicit activities related to theft of Weapons
and Artillery which includes information sharing on trafficking routes,
suspicious transactions, and known extremist groups;
16) Calls upon the numerous bodies of the United Nations help increase the
stability in the Middle East such as,
a) The food and Agricultural Organisation(FAO) to look into the food
shortages happening across the Middle east especially in yemen and
b) United Nations office on drugs and crime (UNODC) to look into the
situation of some nations who have drug related problems in the region
and propose a measure to stop drug related crime in the region,
c) United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) to provide aid and support to
children and pregnant women devastated by war in the region,
d) Encouraging ICRL and other NGO provide medical aid that consists of
sanitary pads, medicine etc to affected regions,
e) Encourages all able countries to boost refugee employment rates to
ensure that affected individuals have a proper means of attaining
financial stability and maintaining a proper flow of income;
f) Request the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC) to
incorporate the human rights dimension in their review and monitoring
efforts of member states' compliance with the amended 1267 resolution;
17) Taking note of the faults and flaws present in the current regime which need
to be mitigated;
18) Recognising the renewal, revision and update of the 1267 regime in order to
mitigate all flaws and faults present;
19) Encouraging the creation of a fair and lawful listing and de-listing criteria;
20) Encouraging the European Union to yield a better communication system
amongst themselves;
21) Condemns the delisting of taliban as it imposes great threat to the whole
22) Encourages states in clusters of geopolitical locations whose economies are
interdependent to engage in collaborative border trade control efforts in order
to exchange flow of information and maintain records of Stockpiles relating to
Arms and or Assets;
23) Declaring any further military action by the non state actors will not be
tolerated and will definitely lead to heavy Consequences,
a) Calls upon the ISIL, Al-Qaeda to stop their military activities
b) Cease the radicalisation to mobilize troops for military action in syria
and iraq,
c) Any further military action in Syria and Iraq will be dealt by the security
24) Declaring accordingly with the consensus of both the parties that,
a) Boko Haram will stop all the violence in North east Nigeria,
b) Nigeria will recognise boko haram as a political party as it will seize all
its weapons to Nigerian Authorities;
c) Calls all countries to abide by this resolution;
25) Reaffirms the right to seek remedy for victims of violence caused by radical
NSAs, and implores parties to this conflict to note and implement remedies that
match the requirement of this reparation,
a) The provision of access to justice for harm suffered,
b) The provision of appropriate restitution, compensation, satisfaction
rehabilitation, and guarantees of non-repetition and prevention,
c) Reparations should be proportionate to the physical and mental harm
undergone and to the gravity of the violations of the civilians’ rights,
d) Reparations can be on an individual or collective basis;
26) Further recommends the international community to lift up all the sanctions
put up to the Russian Federation if they are cooperating with this resolution;
27) Request the United Nations Secretary General to provide a report on the
implementation of this resolution to the United Nations Security Council and
the United Nations General Assembly, in 10 days from the adoption of this
28) Calls upon all countries to abide by this resolution;
29) Reaffirms its readiness to take further measures in case of this resolution is not
implemented properly;
30) Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.
United Nations Sanctions Forum
The United Nations sanction forum here on forth referred to as “the committee” or
In accordance of
1) Article 29 of the UN charter grants power to the Security Council to establish
subsidiary organs,
Principal of the body
The UNSF is created with the sole aim of Recognizing the sovereignty and equality of
all States and on the basis of multilateral institutes, hence ensuring that all voices are
Trusting that all current members of the UNSC have the common goal of standing
united against terrorism and trusting others' intentions is the same as us.
The main aim of this body will be to uphold humanitarian rights while placing
Keeping in mind the stated principles, the functions of this subsidiary body will be
a) This body will be a secure and dedicated forum composed of legal and technical
advisers and experts, along with human rights experts,
d) This body will be tasked with reviewing all and any sanction regime by the United
Nations Security Council; Upon reviewing the proposed regime, the body will point
out, if
any, civil, humanitarian, and logistical fallacy in the proposal; it will also be tasked
with reviewing the use of a particular veto power in certain in special cases like that of
war, and present it to the Secretary General for further assessment to promote equality
between states and countries to not be biased on the world forum,
f) The representatives of conflict prone regions will provide insight based on their first
experiences and steer the body in a more sustainable direction,
g) The flaws will be communicated directly to the secretary General, who will then be
directed to take necessary action,
Funding – The body will receive its funding from the members of the UNGA and
from the PKO (Peacekeeping operation) budget,
a) All acts of terrorism globally fall under the scope of this new body,
d) It will use robust monitoring and evaluation methods to measure the impact of
prevention, track progress and identify areas for improvement under the new
e) No sanction regime can be vetoed upon without the seal of approval from this body,
f) It will protect and promote respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in
counter-terrorism operations and ensure that measures taken by the new body do not
violate the rights of individuals or communities,
g) This body decides if the list of entities that the UNSC deems needed to be
sanctioned is
genuine and/or just and also has the power to give out a “suggested designated entities
list” to the UNSC, based on their findings and current global happenings,
h) Strengthens the foundation of global peace and security that the UNSC is laid upon.