Ijarbs 14
Ijarbs 14
Ijarbs 14
A Review: Flare up of green leaf hopper in early transplanted super fine rice
Mazher Farid Iqbal1, Muzzammil Hussain2, Muhammad Anjum Ali3, Masood Qadir Waqar4, Faryad
Hussain5 and Sohaib Aslam6
Adaptive Research Station, Sialkot
Adaptive Research Farm, Gujranwala
Directorate General Agriculture (Extension & A. R.) Punjab-Pakistan
Directorate of Agriculture (Adaptive Research) Punjab-Lahore
Forman Christian College Lahore-54600
*Corresponding author: [email protected]
This article reviews on flare up of leaf hopper a vector of tungro virus in early transplanted Super Fine rice at Tehsil Noshera
Virkan and Gujranwala in agro-ecological zone of Adaptive Research Gujranwala during 2011. Pest Scouting survey was
conducted to evaluate the infestation of hopper. Success of monitoring system in crop was measured by its ability to provide early
detection of vector (green leaf hopper) by using Integrated Pest Management Techniques with the consultation of plant doctors.
This article discusses on spectral reflectance of factors controlling the presence of a vector related to tungro outbreak. This
recorded information was disseminated to the farming community next year to avoid early transplantation of Super Fine Rice to
save their energy and economics.
Keywords: Survey, Green leaf hopper, Vector, Tungro, IPM, Plant Doctors.
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the main staple food, export hand the weather and soil conditions influenced the
item in world along Pakistan; it is primary source of seasonal development and geographical distribution of
energy and protein. The global population is 6.4 plant diseases (Jones, 1924). However we should
billion expected to reach 7.5 billion by 2020 and 9 know about the vector of disease development to save
billion by 2050. Most of the population increase economics of the farmer. Heavy doses of nitrogenous
occurs in developing countries like Asia and Africa fertilizer also effected the disease development in
where rice is a staple food. Rice is cultivated in 154 paddy crop (Chaudary et al., 2009). Scientists reported
million hectare with annual production of 60 million that weather is clearly an important factor in the
tones and average productivity of 3.9 (Sheikh et al., variability of disease development certainly when
2011). Rice fetches premium price in worlds market there is no fluctuation of relative humidity and
because of its good characteristic, aroma and high temperature (Asia et al., 1967). Severe loss in yield
yielding variety. Recent years the importance of was recorded due to attack of insect pest and
sustainable agriculture has risen to become one of the pathogens to the paddy (Munoz, 2008). Most diseases
most important issues in agriculture. However insect infected in Asia on rice crop are directly related to
pest and diseases caused major threat to the farmers, climatic condition (Shahjahan et al., 1986). The timely
so that it is important to find out alternate control detection of symptoms and applying IPM techniques
measures against disease development to increase are challenging side of disease control (Yao et al.,
yield and quality (Batish et al., 2007). On the other 2009). A tungro vector is directly affected to the crop,
Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol.Sci. 2(1): (2015): 98–101
however IPM strategies should be adopted with the controlling (Azzam and Chancellor, 2002; Wardburtan
consultation of plant doctors to save energy, fuel and et al 1997). The most serious tangro infection was
economics of farmers under agro-ecological zone of reported in 2011 in some villages of Tehsil Noshera
Adaptive Research, Gujranwala. Virkan, Gujranwala at agro-ecological zone of
Adaptive Research Gujranwala when more than 200
I-A vector (Green leaf hopper) hectares of rice fields were affected by tungro and
yield losses about Rs.20 million.
Tungro virus is transmitted by six leaf hopper species
five of which are in genus Nephotettix. Due to its III- Variety
close biological relationship with rice, green leaf
hopper N. vireseens (Distant) is the most important Rice varieties have been determined as major
vector species (Hibino and Cabunagan, 1986). N. contributor in tungro emergence because some
vireseens has higher transmission efficiency than other varieties are resistant to tungro (Azzam and
vector species and is usually more abundant in Chancellor, 2002). Early transplanted coarse rice
irrigated rice fields. N. vireseens lay eggs in patches (super fine) is most susceptible against this pest than
up to 44 in tissues of leaf sheath of rice tillers (Cheng late transplanted.
and Pathak, 1971). After hatching there are 5 nymph
stages before adult emergence. At optimum IV-Immigration of leaf hopper
temperature (30-35 oC) single generation completed in
25 days, hence up to 11 generations are possible in a Green leaf hopper adults in rice crop emigrated from
year in tropical area where there is continuous rice one field to other, regenerated rice plants and
cultivation (Valle et al 1986; Valle et al 2001). Green volunteers weeds. Early season immigration rates are
Leaf hopper become major insect-pest in early highest in areas where planting times are highly
transplanted coarse rice especially super fine and is variable and where overlapping crops are found
able to transmit rice tungro virus. Haphazard use of (Widiarta et al 1990). N.vireseens is not a strong flier
chemical pesticides to control the vector would not and usually disperses over short distances; trapping
effective measure due to pesticide residues which studies suggested that its movement distance was up to
effected human health (Iqbal et al 2009). Some times 30 km in radius (Cooter et al 2000; Reley et al 1987).
symptoms are detected too late or beyond the action Immigration and ovi-position of green leaf hoppers
level. The high usage of nitrogenous fertilizers with depends upon availability of nutrients in rice plants
high temperature triggers the flare up of insect pest (Chancellor et al 1997).
population that cause tungro virus (Mark and Camille,
2011). Success of monitoring system can be measured Management strategies
by its ability to provide an early detection of pests that
preventing a serious out break (Othman et al 1999). Forecasting of Tungro virus
II-Tungro Outbreak Vector outbreak and its risks in rice grown area
induced researchers or plant doctors to study critical
Diseases in rice crop become one of the most epidemiological factors and give forecasting to the
important causes of quality and yield reduction. farmers about this threat.
Tungro is the most important rice virus spread by a
vector i.e. green leaf hopper (Ling, 1972). Tungro is Cultural control
one of the most damaging and destructive diseases of
rice in Pakistan. Flare up of a vector caused severe 1-Virus sources and densities of immigrant vector
infection which affected hundreds of hectares of rice population should be eradicated. Modeling studies had
crop and resulted in 100% mortality of rice plants been suggested that early transplanted coarse rice
recorded. The damage depends upon variety, early (Super fine) was most affective than late transplanted
transplantation, plant stage, population of insect pest (Holt and Chancellor 1997). In Pakistan Tungro virus
and climatic conditions. Many of the farmers in South incidence was highest in early transplanted rice was
and South East Asia described that rice tungro virus is contradictory to Wardburtan et al (1997).
act as cancer, because of its damage and difficulty of
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