Introduction To Literature

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21st Literature in the Philippines and the Word

 Literature 2. Non-Imaginative Literature
 describes written and sometimes  It is a type of literature that presents
spoken material factual information or events that are
 in Latin, means "writing formed with based on real life.
letters,"  It often uses a straightforward and
 represents the culture and tradition of a objective writing style.
language or people.  It can be used to inform the reader
 SHE – Significant Human Experience about a particular topic, to persuade the
 Latin word – Uteratur – “Litera” reader to adopt a certain viewpoint, or to
simply document events.
Other descriptions of Literature:
 Some examples of non-imaginative
 Oral, written, or visual literature include essays, biographies,
 Imaginative language that realistically histories, and news articles.
portrays thoughts, emotions, and
To demarcate a literary text from a non-literary
experience of the human condition
text follow these criteria:
 Faithful reproduction of man’s experiences
 Story of man  Fictionality
 Product of a culture  Specialized language – jargon
 Lack of pragmatic function
CHARACTERISTICS OF LITERATURE  Ambiguity – quality of being open to
Ellis (1989:30) defines literature as the multiple interpretation
verbal expression of human imagination and – it can be a word, phrase, or
one of the primary means by which a culture statement that can be observe to different
transmits itself. Based on thus definitions, things.
literature contains universal ideas, human
imagination, and human interest written in any NATURE OF LITERATURE
writings and use language as medium to Primarily the language of literature
express human’s ideas and feelings. differs from ordinary language in three ways:

2 TYPES OF LITERATURE (1) language is concentrated and meaningful,

1. Imaginative Literature (2) its purpose is not simply to explain, argue,
 It is a type of literature that uses creative or make a point but rather to give a sense
writing to depict characters, settings, of pleasure in the discovery of a new
and events that are not necessarily experience, and
based on real-world events or people. (3) it demands intense concentration from the
 It often uses elements of fantasy, magic, readers. It indicate that the language of
or supernatural elements. literature has originality, quality, creativity,
 It often uses elements of fantasy, magic, and pleasure.
or supernatural elements.
 Some examples of imaginative literature
Horace also stated that (1) Utile et (2)
include novels, short stories, poems,
Dulce should be contained in literary work. In
and plays.
Latin, it means “sweet and useful” (Mikics,
2007: 95). It means that a literary work should
be Utile (useful) or give benefits and instruct
the reader and Dulce (sweet) or give delightful


1. Recreation
 Literature is a means of reassembling
reality. We want to see what we cannot
see in reality.
2. Recognition
 Literature helps us recognize the people
and their contribution.
3. Redemption
 Literature is a means of modification of
4. Revelation
 Literature is a means of recording
history. It reveals the past, the present,
and the future.

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