Iso 1996 2 1987

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First edition



Acoustics - Description and measurement of

environmental noise -

Part 2 :
of data pertinent
to land use
Acoustique - Caracthsation et mesurage du bruit de l environnement -
ISO 1996-2:1987
Partie 2 : Saisie des
donnhes pertinen tes pour l utiiisation des sols

Reference number
ISO 1996-2: 1987 (E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International
Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Esch member
body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern-
mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.

Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to

the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by
the ISO Council. They are approved in accordance with ISO procedures requiring at
least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting.
International Standard ISO 1996-2 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 43,
A coustics. (
ISO 1996-2 together with ISO 1996-1 : 1982 and ISO 1996-3 ISO 1996-2:1987
: 1987 cancel and replace
ISO Recommendation
R 1996 : 1971, of which they constitute a technical revision.
Users should note that all International Standards undergo revision from time to time
and that any reference made herein to any other International Standard implies its
latest edition, unless otherwise stated.

0 International Organkation for Standardkation, 1987

Printed in Switzerland

Acoustics - Description and measurement of

enviro.nmentaI noise - .
Part 2 :
Acquisition of data pertinent to land use

0 Introduction a) a description of the environmental noise in a specified

area of land to be made in a uniform way;
0.1 ISO 1996 comprises the following three Parts :
b) the compatibility of any land use activity or projected
activity to be assessed with respect to.existing or predicted
Part 1 : Basic quantities and procedures.
Part 2 : Acquisition of data pertinent to land use.

Part 3 : Application to noise Iimits. 2 References

This part of ISO 1996 describes methods to be used for
ISO 1996-1, Acoustics - Description and measurement of
environmental noise - Part 7 : Basic quantities and
measuring and describing
general land use.
environmental (
noise relevant to
procedures. 1)

ISO 1996-2:1987 IEC Publication 651, Sound level meters.

The use of different measuring methods, such as continuous
integration, sampling
techniques and measurements under
I EC Pu blication 804, lntegating-averaging Sound level meters.
selected meteorological coriditions, is considered.8c288045effe/iso-1996-2-1987
methods or scale model investigations may also be used.

This part of ISO 1996 does not deal in detail with calculation
3 Def initions
methods. If, however, such methods are used to obtain data
For the purposes of this part of ISQ 1996, the definitions given
pertinent to land use, it is important that the noise be described
in ISO 1996-1 together with the following definitions apply.
in a way that is consistent with the requirements of this part of
ISO 1996.
3.1 Cand use : An existing or intended use of a delineated
The purpose of this part of ISO 1996 is to provide methods for area of land.
the acquisition of data for describing environmental noise.
Using these data as a basis, authorities may establish a System 3.2 noise zone : Region where the long-term average rating
for selecting the appropriate land use, as far as levels of noise level lies between two specified levels such as, for example,
are concerned, for a specified area, or the sources of noise - between 65 and 70 dß. The noise zone number for this example
existing or planned 7 which are acceptable with respect to is 65-70 dB.
land use, existing or planned.

This part of ISO 1996 does not give guidance on the estimation 3.3 receiver : Person or group of persons who are or who
of the Overall uncertainty of the results, but this shoutd be are expected to be exposed to environmentat noise.
considered in each specific case, if possible.

lt does not specify noise limits. 4 Acquisition of data .<

For the purpose of acquisition of data relevant to land use, the

1 Scope and field of application following basic information is required :

This part of ISO 1996 describes methods for the acquisition of a) geographicat description of the area under consider-
data which provide descriptors that enable ation;

1) Cross-references to specific clauses, sub-clauses, etc. in ISO 1996-1 apply to the first edition published in 1982.
ISO 1996-2: 1987 (EI

b) description of the main characteristics of the sources of 6 dB. If the components are only just detectable by the observer and
noise pertinent to this area; demonstrated by narrow-band analysis, an adjustment of 2 to 3 dB
may be appropriate.
c) description of the Situation of the receiver, such as
location, occupation, use and features of the immediate 4.1.4 Impulse adjustment, KZ
If impulse is an essential characteristic of the Sound within a
NOTE - If possible, information on prevailing meteorological specified time intervat, an adjustment may be applied, for this
conditions in the area under consideration should be given, preferably time interval, to the measured equivalent continuous
as statistical information on wind Speed and direction, on precipitation A-weighted Sound pressure level. The value of this adjustment
and temperature (including the occurrence of temperature inversions)
shall be stated.
for a typical time interval, such as a year or any other suitable time

1 A method of describing the impulse characteristic of the Sound

4.1 Acoustical data
within the specified time interval is to measure the differente between
the A-weighted Sound pressure level, determined with time-weightinq
4.1.1 General characteristic I averaged over the same time interval, and LAeq r The
Sound pressure levels should be determined simultaneousl;. The
Basic acoustical data are equivalent continuous A-weighted Character of the noise may be further illustrated by determining the
peak level and the number of impulses during a specified time interval.
Sound pressure levels determined over the reference time
intervals and rating levels for the same reference time intervals 2 For large-amplitude noise, such as the noise generated by sonic
with additional information on the characteristics of the noise, booms, mining or quarry blasts, measurements with C-weighting are
if required. used in some countries to determine the rating level.

4.1.2 Rating level

4.2 Meteorological adjustment
The rating level shall be determined
intervals related to the characteristics
over reference
of the source(s)
and To extrapolate from a value of the equivalent continuous
A-weighted Sound pressure levei measured under selected
( meteorological conditions to a long-term value, a meteoro-
The rating level, (LA, &, foreach reference time interval, logical adjustment may be used (sec 5.3 in ISO 1996-1).
given by the formula ’ ISO 1996-2:1987
(L Ar,T)i = tLAeq, T)i + Kli + K2i 4.3 Long-term average Sound level
where The long-term average Sound Level, &a I.T, in decibels, for a
given reference time interval, is given by the following formula :
(L Aeq, 7-h is the equivalent continuous A-weighted Sound

pressure level during the ith reference time interval;
1 o”e 1 (j. Aeq, 7-h
LAeq,U- = lo b
4i is a tone adjustment applica ble to the ith reference i=l
time interval;
K2,- is an impulse adjustment applica ble to the ith
reference time interval. N is the number of samples of the reference time interval;

NOTE - If the tone or impulse characteristics are present for only a

(L Aeq,T 1.I is the equivalent continuous A-weighted Sound
part of the reference time intetval, the values of Kl and K2 may be
pressure level in the ith Sample, in decibels.
adjusted to take account of the duration.

4.1.3 Tone adjustment, K, 4.4 Long-term average rating level

Jf tonal components are essential characteristics of the Sound The long-term average rating level, LAr .LT, in decibeis, for a
within a specified time interval, an adjustment may be applied, given reference time interval, is given by the following formula :
for that time interval, to the measured equivalent continuous
A-weighted Sound pressure levei. The value of this adjustment
shall be stated.

NOTE - In some practicai cases, a prominent tonal component may

LAr,l.T = l” ‘g
10°gl (I,Ar, T)i
be detected in one-third octave spectra if the level of a one-third octave
band exceeds the level of the adjacent bands by 5 dß or more, but a
narrow-band frequency analysis may be required in Order to detect
precisely the occurrence of one or more tonal components in a noise N is the number of samples of the reference time interval;
Signal. If tonal components are clearly audible and their presence tan
be detected by a one-third octave analysis, the adjustment may be 5 to UdAr, T)i is the rating level in the ith Sample, in decibels.

ISO 1996-2 A987 (El

4.5 Percentile level b) representative of the average level of a specified zone or

area (e.g. taking into account local shielding effects,
In some cases, it may be desirable to describe a noise Situation topographical features, etc. );
by the use of both the ‘equivalent continuous A-weighted
Sound pressure level and the distribution of A-weighted Sound c) at locations which characterize the noise which results
pressure levels. For this purpose, percentile levels such as L,,, from emissions by various sources that tan be identified in
L,, and L, may be determined. the area under consideration; this allows noise to be
determined at other locations in the area by means of
calculations based on the propagation of Sound.

5 Determination of long-term average Sound

5.3.2 Microphone Position
level and lang-term average rating level
The height of the microphone shall be Chosen according to the
5.1 General actual or expected height of the receiver. In potentially built-up
areas, the preferred measurement height shall be 3 to 11 m. In
In general, these quantities are determined from measurements all other cases,. see 5.2.1 in ISO 1996-1.
and/or calculations. The results shall be representative of the
Sound pressure level at a specified location. The measurement NOTE - By choosing the greater measurement height, the influence
technique used, for example the instrumentation, the number of ground effects and low barriers is reduced and the reproducibility is
of microphone positions, the number and duration of improved, but the measured Level wil,l generally be higher than that
measurement time intervals, depends on the nature of the measured close to the ground.
Sound sources and the receivers, and on the significance of the
results for land use. In the case of outdoor measurements near buildings,
measurements shall be carried out at locations where the noise
Results that include contributions from exceptional Sounds that to which a building is exposed is of interest. Unless otherwise
are not typical for the noise received at a specified location shall specified, the preferred measurement positions are 1 to 2 m
be stated separately, if necessary. from the facade,
, and 1,2 to 1,5 m above each floor level of

5.2 lnstrumentation ( If it is desired to minimize

measurements should, whenever
the influence of reflections,
possible, be made at least
3,5 m away from any reflecting structure or 0,5 m in front of an
See clause 4 in ISO’ 1996-1.
ISO 1996-2:1987
open window.

measured value. If measurements are made in the plane of the facade

If a recording. device (e.g. a tape recorder, digital recorder, etc.) at least 3,5 m from the edge of the facade, no corrections need be
is used, its e-ffect on theaccuracy of the meaiurements shall be made. To characterize the effects of the Walls of a proposed building,
taken into account. the addition of 3 dB to the free-field values may be useful in Order to
determine the Sound pressure level near the Walls.

The heights of the microphones shall be stated in the test

5.3 tocation and number of measurement report.
The microphone should be orientated to be most uniformly
5.3.1 General sensitive to the incident Sound.

The measurement of equivalent c.ontinuous A-weighted Sound 5.3.3 Location of grid Points in an area
pressure I’evels shall be carried out at those outdoor locations
that are appropriate for the acoustical description of the The density of grid Points in an area de’pends on the spatial
environment under consideration. The measurement positions resolution required for the study concerned and the spatial
shall be indicated on a map. Variation of Sound pressure Ievels of t,he noise. This Variation is
strongest in the ‘vicinity of sources and large obstacles. The
The location and number of measurement positions will depend density of grid Points should, therefore, be higher in these
on the required spatial resolution for the environment under places. In general, the differente in Sound pressure levels
consideration. between adjacent grid Points should not be greater than 5 dB.
If significantly higher differentes are encountered, intermediate
The measurement positions may be grid Points shall be used.

a) Chosen at approximately equally spaced positions over 5.3.4 Locationb) representative of an area
the area under consideration (e.g. at the intersections of
grid lines on the map) - contours of equal levels of noise If spatial variations of the Sound pressure level are small, or only
tan be drawn by interpolation between the Points; a small area is under consideration, location(s) may be selected

ISO 1996-2.: 1987 (E)

such that measurements will be representative for the whole 5.4.3 Measurement time intervals
area. A preliminary Survey may be useful to identify such
location(s). Measurement time intervals shall be Chosen so that all
significant variations of noise emission and transmission are
covered. Furthermore, the choice of the measurement time
5.3.5 Locations used for the description of sources intervals shall be such that the long-term average Sound level or
rating level is determined with the desired accuracy.
If it is desired to evaluate the contributions of various Sound
sources individually or as a class, measurement positions
should usually be Chosen in the vicinity of each of the sources
in Order to reduce the influence of the others. If the noise displays a clear periodicity, the
measurement time intervaJs shall cover at least one period. If
The Sound pressure levet of the noise at the other positions tan continuous measurements over this period cannot be made,
be estimated by interpolation and extrapolation, taking due measurement time intervals shall be Chosen so that each
account of attenuation as a result of the geometrical spreading represents a part of the cycle and so that, together, they
of the Sound, atmospheric absorption, ground effects, screen- represent the complete cycle.
ing effects, etc.
lf the Sound pressure level varies stepwise, the measurement
NOTE - The number of measurement positions tan be reduced when time intervals shall be selected so that each represents a period
interpolation is possible by means of a suitable propagation model within which the noise level may be considered to be
which permits the calculation of Sound pressure levels at intermediate approximately steady.

lf the noise varies at random, measurement time intervals shall

be Chosen so as to give sufficient independent samples to give
5.4 Selection of time intervals a significant estimation of the long-term average Sound level.

5.4.1 Reference time interval iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW If the noise is of the fly-over or pass-by type (i.e. the noise
varies during the fly-over and is absent during a considerable
For the selection of appropriate
time intervals,
reference and measurement
it may be necessary to investigate the noise
Portion of the reference time interval), measurement time
intervals shall be Chosen so that the Sound exposure level, LA,,
Situation over relatively long time periods during which Survey of the fly-over or pass-by tan be determined.
measurements may be taken. ISO 1996-2:1987
Reference time intervals shall be specified to cover8c288045effe/iso-1996-2-1987
human activities and variations in the Operation of the Source, To facilitate the comparison of results, it may be
e.g. density of traffit and working hours for industrial plants. convenient to carry out measurements under selected
meteorological conditions which are reproducible and
In relation to human activities, one reference time interval may correspond to quite stable Sound propagation conditions. In
be Chosen for the day and another for the night. Reference time particular, when there is one dominant Source, it may be
intervals for evenings, for weekends and for holidays may also convenient to choose meteorological conditions which
be established. correspond to enhanced propagation from the Source to the
receiver and/or to the specified area and to adopt measurement
When different human activities take place in a Single reference time intervals corresponding to the following conditions :
time interval, an adjustment to the levels, as a function of the
time at which these activities take place, may be introduced - wind direction within an angle of + 45O of the direction
when determining the rating level for that reference time connecting the centre of the dominant Sound Source and
interval. Any such adjustments and the time intervals to which the centre of the specified area, with the wind blowing from
they were applied shall be recorded in the test report. the Source to the receiver;

- wind Speed between 1 and 5 mls, measu red ata height

5.4.2 Long-term time interval of 3 to 11 m above the ground;

- no strong temperature inversions near the ground;

For the purpose of land use, it is the responsibility of the
cognizant authority also to specify the long-term time interval.
The choice of the long-term time interval is related to the noise
- no heavy precipitation.
control objective, the nature and activity of the receiver, the
operation of the sources and variations in propagation
conditions. 1 lt should always be ascertained that the wind noise at the
microphone does not interfere with the measurements.
NOTE - The long-term time interval should be Chosen so that long-
term variations in noise emission are covered. lt will frequently be of 2 There will be systematic differentes between the results of
the Order of several months. If the noise Situation considered is measurements under selected meteorological conditions and those
restricted to a weil defined part of the year, for example summertime obtained under random meteorological conditions. Compensation tan
with special activities, the long-term time interval may be restricted to be made for these systematic differentes by the use of a meteoro-
that part of the year. logical adjustment of the rating level.

ISO 1996-2: 1987 (EI

5.5 Acquisition of acoustical data 6 Prediction of noise levels

In many cases, the purpose of describing environmental noise

5.5.1 General
is to predict the noise arising from planned, but non-existent,
installations, such as industrial plants, and facilities for road, air
The acousticai data are acquired during the measurement time
and rail traffit.
interval. Two methods tan be used to acquire the data (see
5.5.2 and 5.5.3).
In such situations, the Problems should be approached through
5.5.2 Continuous integration the use of suitable methods of calculation or by scale model
In this method, the measurement time interval covers the whole
reference time interval except for time intervals where the As universally agreed prediction models do not exist, the
measurement conditions could lead to erroneous results, e.g. method adopted should be carefully described in each case.
in periods of strong wind, heavy rain, or contributions of non-
typical noise. NOTE - When available, prediction models accepted by relevant
authorities should be used.
NOTE - This method gives the maximum accuracy, but the gain in
accuracy compared with that obtained with sampling techniques
cannot always be justified in relation to the increase in the Overall
measurement efforts.

5.5.3 Sampling techniques 7 Noise zones, representation of results

The long-term values of the equivalent continuous A-weighted In addition to reporting the results of measurements of existing
Sound pressure level and the rating level are calculated from environmental noise and the results of calculations of noise
sampfes of measurement time intervals within the reference from projected activities, a presentation in terms of noise zones
time interval. may be useful. lt is recommended that contours indicating
In this case, the total measurement iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW
time interval will only be a
boundaries between zones in multiples of 5 dB be used.
Reference to zones should be made by quoting the upper and
fraction of the reference time interval and will consist of a
number of distinct time intervals separated by intervals where
no measurement is performed.
lower noise limits, in decibels.

If the different zones are identified on a map of the area under

ISO 1996-2:1987 consideration by means of colours or hatching, it is
5.6 Long-term average
Sound level and long-
recommended that the combination of colours (or hatching)
term average rating level 8c288045effe/iso-1996-2-1987
and classes specified in table 1 be used.

From the results obtained according to 5.2 to 5.5, the long-term

average Sound level tan be calculated as specified in 4.3 and NOTE - In some cases, it may be sufficient to use a zone width of
IO dB; in such cases, colours (or hatching) as specified in table 2
the long-term average rating level tan be calculated as specified
should be used.
in 4.4.

Table 1
- .---.--
Noise zone
Colour Hatching

Below 35 Light green Small Points, low density

35 to 40 Green Medium Points, medium density
40 to 45 Dark green Big Points, high density
45 to 50 Yellow Vertical lines, low density
50 to 55 Ochre Verticai lines, medium density
55 to 60 Orange Vertical Iines, high density
60 to 65 Cinnabar Cross-hatching, low density
65 to 70 Carmine Cross-hatching, medium density
70 to 75 Lilac red Cross-hatching, high density
75 to 80 Blue Broad vertical stripes
80 to 85 Dark blue Completely black
-- --- --

Table 2

Noise zone Hatching

Below 45 Green Medium Points, medium density

45 to 55 Yellow Vertical Jines, low density
55 to 65 Orange Verticai lines, high density
65 to 75 Red Cross-hatching, medium density
75 to 85 Blue Broad vertical stripes
-,_rP-FzF.a , i. _- ...- v---a aL-3

ISO 1996-2: 1987 (E)

The details and scale of the map depend on b) the nature and state of the: grou nd be tween noise
source(s) and measuremen t position(s);
the size, structure and use of ther area considered;
c) the variabiiity of emission of noise sources.
- the Object of pianning (large-scaie decision on location
for new sources and new receivers, Change in land use, final
decision on the iocation for new receivers);
8.3 Qualitative data
- Stage of the planning procedure. *
The foilowing information shall be recorded :

The noise map shall be estabiished on an officiai map, of a

given scale, displaying relevant details of buiidings, traffit a)’ the purpose of the measurements and/or caiculations;
:instaiiations, industrial areas, agricuiturai areas, Vegetation and
contours of height above sea levei. b) a description of the Sound sourcek);

The mapping shali be performed either by displaying the areas c) a description of the receiverk);
fof equal noise zones or by drawing their contours or by a
combination of area contours.
d) the characteristics of the Sound;
‘The map should show the locations where data were measured
40) or caiculated (X). the connotation of the Sound;

f) for an area or zone :

t8 Information to be rec,orded - the noise zones and the noise map, if required,

8.1 Measurement technique

iTeh STANDARD- PREVIEW where applicable,
other positions,
or extrapolation
a description
of the Sound
-‘The following information shall be recorded :
( propagation model used; ,,

a) the type of instrumentation, measurement procedure

and any calculation used; 9) geographicai Parameters of the area or location;
ISO 1996-2:1987
b) a description
of the time aspect of the measurements, h) the land use (existing and planned).
i.e. the reference 8c288045effe/iso-1996-2-1987
and measurement time intervats, inciuding
detaiis of sampling, if used;
8.4 Quantitative data
c) measurement positions.
The following information shall be recorded :

a) the equivalent continuous A-weighted Sound pressure

<,8.2 Conditions prevailing during measurements levels for each reference time interval;

The foiiowing information shall be recorded :

b) the rating levels for each reference time interval;
a) meteorological- conditions described by two sets of
data : c) the long-term average Sound level and, if possible, an
estimate of the variability, preferably the Standard deviation
1) qualitative data, such as rainy, drizziy, dry, wet, of the measurements over the reference time intervals for
cloudy, sunny, etc., the stated conditions together with the number of
measurements, the formula and the quantity used;
2) quantitative data, such as
d) the long-term average rating levei and, if possible, an
- the direction and Speed of the wind, measured in estimate of the variability, preferably the Standard deviation
such a way that the data are representative of the over the reference time intervals for the stated conditions
Sound propagation from the Source to the receiver together with the number of measurements, the formula
during the measurement time interval; unless and the quantity used.
othetwise specified, these measurements should be
made outdoors in the open country at a height
between 3 and 11 m above the ground,
9 Information to be reported
- thermal gradient, if required, measured between
1 and 11 m above the ground,

- relative humidity;

A report on prediction of should also include the d) the Sound absorption in the air;
fol lowing information :
e) conditions of Sound propagation (absorption by the
a) a description of the Sound propagation used or ground, trees or shrubs, buildings, etc. 1;
facilities for measurements on scale modeis;

f) meteorologicai conditions adopted;

b) locations and features characterizing the noise emitted
by the Source, e.g. traffit intensity and characteristics,
Sound power level, frequency spectrum; g) location(s) of receiverk);

c) the Sound attenuation ref lections by the Walls of h) positionk) and Sound levelts) of the Source(s)
buildings and barriers; considered.


ISO 1996-2:1987

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