ISO 21501 4 2018 Amd 1 2023
ISO 21501 4 2018 Amd 1 2023
ISO 21501 4 2018 Amd 1 2023
STANDARD 21501-4
Second edition
Reference number
ISO 21501-4:2018/Amd.1:2023(E)
© ISO 2023
ISO 21501-4:2018/Amd.1:2023(E)
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ISO 21501-4:2018/Amd 1:2023
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N0 = t ⋅ L0 (4)
The counting efficiencies of Formula (2) is equivalent to Formula (3) when N0 is evaluated by
N0 = V ⋅ C 0
Annex A
Counting efficiency
A.1 Introduction
This annex introduces the parallel comparison method and the generator method. The parallel
comparison method is the general method, and the generator method is the alternative method.
Table A.1 summarizes the characteristics of these two methods.
Table A.1 — Characteristics of the parallel comparison method and the generator method
Parallel comparison method Generator method
Liquid or solid particles nebulised from solutions/particle Monodisperse solid or liquid particles are generated
suspensions or dispersed from dry powder; PSL spheres can from aqueous solutions; PSL spheres cannot be used
be used as test particles. as test particles.
Particle size range: typically from 100 nm PSL optical diameter. Particle size range: typically from 0,5 μm.
After drying the aerosol, size classifying the PSL particles with a DEMC (compare ISO 15900 and
ISO 27891; commercial DEMCs can be used for particles up to about 1 μm) or an aerodynamic aerosol
classifier[11] (AAC), applicable up to 5 μm, can be applied if the background of residue particles needs
to be further reduced. This can especially be necessary if the requirements in Clause 7 (see Figure 3)
cannot be fulfilled.
Since PSL aerosol generated from a suspension is electrostatically charged and since DEMC-classified
PSL particles are unipolarly charged, a bipolar diffusion charge conditioner (as known as aerosol
neutralizer) further increases the accuracy of the measurement of the counting efficiency by minimizing
particle losses in both the particle counter to be inspected and the reference particle counter.
After generation and conditioning, the PSL aerosol is fed to the particle counter to be inspected and
the reference particle counter via a device (e.g. a distributing box, see Figures A.1 and A.2) which shall
be designed in such a way that the particle number concentration at the inlet of both particle counters
is as close as possible. The uncertainty associated with the inhomogeneity in the particle number
concentration should be evaluated according to the procedure given in Clause E.2 [1].
The counting efficiency is obtained by calculating the ratio of the particle number concentration
measured by the particle counter under test and the particle number concentration measured by the
reference particle counter. The particle number concentration of the sample should be less than 25 %
of the maximum particle number concentration of both the reference particle counter and the particle
counter under test.
1 filtered dilution air
3 wet or dry PSL dispersion
4 turbulent airjets (
5 reference LSAPC
6 LSAPC under test ISO 21501-4:2018/Amd 1:2023
Figure A.2 — Example of counting efficiency test system
As mentioned before, the method described above is most useful for PSL particles smaller than
approximately 5 μm. If calibration with larger particles (e.g. 10 μm) is required, dry PSL particles
generated with a dry powder dispenser are better suited. The counting efficiency of the LSAPC under
test can decrease considerably for particles with a diameter larger than 1 μm. The monodisperse, dry
PSL powder needs to be free of surfactants to avoid errors during the calibration. Homogenization of
large particles (larger than about 0,5 μm) can require mixing by turbulent airjets as shown in Figure A.2.
Moreover, distributing the aerosol between the reference particle counter and the particle counter to
be inspected in Figure A.1 requires special attention for larger particles since particle losses due to
inertial impaction and gravitational settling become important. To minimize errors, it is recommended
— use a distribution tube in Figure A.2 instead of a distribution box in Figure A.1;
— use isokinetic and isoaxial probes to extract the calibration aerosol for both particle counters;
— use vertical tubing to connect the distribution tube with the particle counters;
— use a large radius of curvature (radius larger than 10 times the inner diameter of the tube), if bends
in the connection tubing cannot be avoided;
— use metallic, grounded tubing with polished inner surface for connection;
— avoid changes in tubing diameter; in particular avoid step changes.
A.2.2 Traceability
A sample traceability chart is shown in Figure A.3. Traceability is provided by calibrating LSAPCs
against a reference LSAPC at a National Metrology Institute (NMI). An example of how to put the
recommendations of this document into practice is provided in Reference [12]. The reference LSAPC
is custom made. The sampled aerosol flow, measured with a traceably calibrated mass flow meter,
is typically set to 60 ml min−1 to avoid coincidence losses. The sampled aerosol enters the detection
chamber through a nozzle with an orifice of 0,2 mm and is surrounded by a sheath-air flow, which
prevents the particle beam from diverging. A laser beam is generated by a continuous-wave laser (5
W) at a wavelength of 532 nm and focused at the point of intersection with the aerosol stream using
a cylindrical lens. This results in a laser beam with a width of 0,7 mm. Particles cross the laser beam
scatter light, which is detected by a photomultiplier tube placed at a 90° angle. The peak detection
algorithm has been traceably validated using a pulse generator coupled to a traceable frequency
The reference LSAPC at NMI is further validated through international inter-comparisons.
Traceably calibrated CPCs can also be used as reference counters for particle diameters up to 1 µm.