There are three different types of plumbing systems that are vital in mechanical
planning for the building. It mainly involves creating the water system for an excellent
drainage and sanitation system. It includes sewer pipes, pipe sloping, water pressure
design, and overhead and underground piping. It also involves incorporating safe
access to the water system components like installing specialty roof hatches if the
central water system control is on the rooftop of the building.
During this planning stage, a professional plumber and architects will share and
change specific ideas to suit the needs of the building. Most professional plumbers
also involve electricians as some water system components connect to the power
system, such as water heaters and pumps.
It is crucial to have a professional plumber on the job site to be present in the first
phase of the construction since there are a lot of piping installations such as
drainage pipes, supply lines, and sewer lines to ensure proper installation of those
pipes. Because nowadays, most of the piping’s are mostly concealed under the
building structure to prevent leakages due to tampering.
The following are the plumbing systems that the professional plumber will do:
This plumbing system must be able to cope with backpressure hazards or back
siphonage, and the line should not be in contact with some other plumbing system
that might transmit contamination. The plumbing material on this line should meet
the performance and quality specifications set by the authorities or an accepted
certification organization.
This drinking water plumbing fixtures and piping system require adequate
maintenance and repairs from professional plumbers to minimize wastage and
leakage. A sound installation of these fixtures also prevents leakages and protects
the pipeline from accidental damage and corrosion.
Sewage systems are beneficial in every building structure for the disposal of
wastewater. This system requires proper maintenance from professional plumbers
as they can bring problems to the environment. This sewage system contains many
substances that can be harmful to human beings and other living creatures.
It is vital to understand that this system needs proper management and periodic
inspection and maintenance from professional plumbers to prevent those sewage
Drainage is a vital part of every building design. The main objective of the drainage
system is to systematically remove those excess waters from the surface to maintain
the healthy condition of the building. It includes all the piping that moves rainwater
and other excess liquids to the point of disposal. Its design is to depose water as
quickly as possible to avoid entering those excess water in residential or commercial
A proper drainage system works to avoid excess water from damming in your
surroundings or underground surfaces that can damage your property. Without an
appropriate drainage system, rainwater will quickly build up.
This system helps whisk water from driveways, roofs, walkways, and underground
spaces to avoid flooding. It is imperative in residential areas to prevent structural
damage, mildew, mold, and rotting in residential structures due to flooding.
It doesn’t matter how efficient your drainage system is. The drainage system will
experience clogs, hiccups, or tears over time like any other plumbing system.
Drainage systems require periodic property inspection and maintenance from a
professional plumber to ensure it is working efficiently. Failing to maintain the
drainage system properly can cause severe problems and property damage during
heavy rains.
It is essential to note that the plumbing system is necessary for our daily life. The
professional plumber plays a vital role in keeping the plumbing system efficient in the
building. Whether residential or commercial, all plumbing systems require
maintenance and repairs of their components as time goes by to prevent serious
clogs and fixture damage and keep all the plumbing systems functional every day.
Different Types of Plumbing and
Drainage Systems Used in Buildings
The construction of a building must be preceded by proper planning of the water
supply for its occupants through a proper plumbing and drainage system. A well-
established network and a robust system of proper plumbing and drainage pipes are
very important to maintain a good healthy environment in the building. Every system
has to be well designed without a loophole. To build a sound plumbing system, you
must ensure the quality of the pipes should be good. Along with the water distribution
pipes, the plumbing system of a building includes soil, waste, and vent pipes. The
building’s drainage and sewer system should be connected with a good network.
Mainly three components make a plumbing system and drainage system of a
building robust, the pipes and fittings, drainage, and the fixtures. A good plumbing
system will enhance the life of a building. If a plumbing system of a building is
damaged, it can cause damage to the house, ultimately leading to rot and mold on
walls and floors.
The plumbing system of pipes and fixtures that are installed in a building for the
purpose of distribution of drinkable water and removal of waterborne wastes is
entirely different from the water and sewage systems present in the building. There
are four types of categories considered in the plumbing system.
The drainage system comprises a well-arranged network of drainage pipes, and this
system is used to get rid of human waste. Drainage systems pipes which are
generally used are copper, CPVC, and HDPE pipes. These are made of plastic
which makes them rust-free and lightweight. They have low maintenance and easy
installations. These pipes are pocket friendly and economical.
A regular surface drainage system starts to function when there is excess rainfall or
irrigation operated entirely by gravity.
A controlled surface drainage system consists of check gates placed in the
surroundings of flat basins like those in flatlands.
UPVC pipes and fittings are durable and tough to handle any climatic and natural
condition. The UPVC drainage pipes are manufactured with fine grains, which results
in zero deposits inside the pipe, which triggers the smooth flow of water. These
drainage pipes make the drainage and plumbing system easy and hygienic. These
pipes weigh less but still, they are strong enough to work effectively. Its durability
and pocket-friendly characteristics lead its way to being the highly recommended
product for plumbing and drainage systems across the nation. UPVC drainage and
plumbing pipes are the premium quality products available in the market. UPVC
pipes are manufactured with the latest technology, which ensures long-lasting and
durable nature. UPVC fittings are used in the connection of a group of pipes to a
single supply line. UPVC pine and drainage systems are not affected by chemical
attacks. These pipes are manufactured especially according to ISO standard sizes
which can be fitted at any place.
UPVC pipes and fittings have passed the creep rupture strength – internal pressure
test and resistance to rapid crack propagation test, which specifies a method for
determination of the resistance to constant internal pressure at a constant
temperature. UPVC plumbing and drainage system are the best solutions for all
types of buildings.
Types of Pipes Used for Drinking Water
The main job of different types of water pipe is to transport drinking water safely to
millions of people. The pipes for water are available in a variety of sizes from large
diameters that has the ability to supply an entire town or a pipe with a smaller
diameter that supplies a specific street or maybe a few buildings, or a very small
diameter pipe that is located within an individual building. When it comes to choosing
the best and most reliable water supply pipes, the choices are many! Take a stroll in
the market, and you will be surprised to find so many different types of pipes in the
4. Copper pipes :–
The copper pipes don’t let chemicals get mixed into your drinking water. The copper
pipes can tolerate extreme heat quite well and are also corrosion-resistant, making
them a safe piping system for drinking water purposes. The pipes come in different
thicknesses and sizes. But due to its price and the long labour required to install the
pipes, it is not preferred by most builders.
Features to look out for while buying Drinking Water Supply Pipes-:
2. Long-term service:–
Everyone wants a piping system that is not only safe, but also should be able to
provide a long service life. Water pipes should have the feature to endure hot
temperatures as well as extreme cold temperatures without getting cracked. Pipe
cracking will lead to water leaks. It should be strong enough to provide long-term
4. It is of non-toxic nature :–
Sometimes toxic chemicals get produced in the water that might act as a threat to
our overall health. But a good fitting pipe made from harmless raw materials is
always a better choice as it will not carry any toxic substance that will affect the
health of people when they drink water from it. The installation of the piping system
does not cause any pollution also, making it absolutely safe for the people and the
5. Better for the environment:–
When better quality drinking water is made available to people, it means less use of
bottled water and hence saying no to plastic bottles. Plastics are a big no-no for the
environment, causing heavy damage to the environment! The higher the flows, high
are the chances of getting more benefits to commercial and residential customers.
Why is Top line Industries considered one of the best water pipes supply
industries in India?
The water crisis is a serious problem in India. It is not possible to survive without
water. Water is a very useful and precious resource and should be properly used by
each and every individual. In order to safeguard this precious resource, it is
imperative to use such water pipes that bring water to the taps without any water
contamination. Investing in a good water pipe is indeed very important. When it
comes to picking a durable and good-quality drinking water pipe, you can totally put
your trust in Topline Industries. Their drinking water pipes are durable and long-
lasting, providing a good long-term service. It has the capacity to bear expansion and
contraction of the surrounding soil, automatically increase or decrease its flow rates
and pressure, and is non-toxic and totally safe for use. With new innovations being
introduced in the market every day, we hope to see a better environment by
providing a healthier and safer solution!
Since water pipes transport and carry one of the most valuable resources on the
earth into our homes, workplaces and communities, so investing in a good pipeline
should be on priority. Topline Industries’ water provides a simple way to benchmark
your current practice and take a step up to the better choices available on the market
today! Next time when you are thinking of installing water pipes, think no further than
this industry. After all, a family’s safety and health come first! We hope this article will
now help you to make easy decisions whenever you decide to purchase drinking
water pipes! Stay healthy and hydrated!
1. What are the different types of pipes commonly used in the drinking water
The most commonly used plumbing pipes in drinking water supply lines are copper,
Pipes do vibrate, and that’s called the hammer effect. When the water supply gets
switched off or turned off abruptly, it does result in a vibrating sound that can be
heard throughout the area.