Natural resources comprises land, water, air, mineral, forest, wild flora and fauna. They
provided ecosystem services with better quality to human life.
-It is important since it is the need of the hour if we continue our present pace to
overuse natural resources where many of the latter will become scarce and even completely
unavailable. This has something to do with sustainable utilization of major natural resources
such as land, water, air, minerals, forest, fisheries, wild flora and fauna. It is also provides
services to ecosystem in order to provide quality of human life.
-Make a research study on natural resources write paper concept why natural resources
is important to our daily life. List down important ideas regarding the following.
1.The rule of natural resources on land, water, air, minerals, forest ,wild flora and fauna.
2.Write some reaction if we overuse our natural resources.
3.define the following ecosystem, flora, fauna, land, water, air, minerals, forest, and wild flora.
4.How do we manage natural resources.
-Natural resources, an important aspect in the earth that plays important rule to
balance our ecosystem comparing land, water, air, minerals, forest , wild forest and fauna. With
natural resources it has something to do with sustainable utilization of major basic human
needs if properly observed and managed. The following will be benefited.
1 . Human resources
2. More revenues for our future generation
3. All revenues from natural resources must be disclosed in an easily accessible and timely
4. Land management.
3. All revenue from natural resources must be disclosed in an easily accessible and timely
-The government were advised to prevent illicit financial flows from leaving their borders
and work hard to ensure their financial institution and not complicit. All countries were also
advised to signed a multilateral exchange information on tax agreement to prevent tax
Multiple Choices: Encircle the letter of your choice which you think corresponds the correct
4. They are also known as capital converted to commodity inputs to infrastructural process?
A. Industrial development
B. Social responsibility
C. Land tenure policy
D. Resources
9. Aside from plants and animals one of this classified under living resources?
A. Wind
B. Air
C. Sun
D. Water
10. This environment code which incorporate laws on atmosphere will improve the quantity of
air and water resources?
A. EO446
B. EO644
C. EO604
D. EO406
13. The Presidential task force in Water Resources Development and Management was created
by virtue of?
A. EO No.374
B. EO No.473
C. EO No.734
D. EO No.374
14. They provide an integrated approach to the planning and management of the countries
land resources?
A. Land Management Bureau (LMB)
B. Geographic Information System of the Philippines (GIS)
C. Department of Agriculture (DA)
D. Department of Energy and Natural Resources (DENR)
-Natural resources comprises land, water, air, mineral, forest and wild flora and fauna.
These resources provided the ecosystem services that provide better quality to human life.
Why Natural Resources Management Important?
-It is the need of the hour if we continue our present pace of overuse of natural resources
where many of the her will become source and even completely unavailable.
-This has something to do with sustainable utilization of major natural resources such as land,
water, air, mineral, forest, fisheries and wild flora and fauna. It also provides services to
ecosystem in order to provide better quality of to human life.
2. Management revenues for the benefits of the present and future generation?
-Careful and equitable revenues distribution will enable local communities to also see a return
on the extraction of natural resources in their communities. They can help prevent conflict as
well as reinforced legislation and integrating natural resources into national poverty reduction
plans. Government were also advised to set up heritage funds to hold some of the revenues
from natural resources to mitigate future problems when resources are depleted and countries
lack alternative for economic development.
3. All revenues from natural resources must be disclosed in an easily accessible and timely
-Government were advised to prevent illicit financial flows from leaving their borders and work
hard to ensure their financial institution and not complicit. All countries were also advised to
OECD multilateral exchange of information on tax agreement to prevent tax evasion.
4. Land Management- land tenure policies ( Registries of land stipulating which land is
protected for agriculture and for forestry) and having food administrative capacity for land
management by the responsible entity can all prevent land grabbing and ownership of natural
falling into wrong hand.
5. Government and extractive companies should find additional means to develop sustainable
sources of income.
-as many mining jobs are performed by machines instead of humans, firms were encourage
to embraced technology in order to avert risk but to be mindful also of employment creation.
Procurement of natural resources should be undertaken locally. A deep collaboration between
all stake holders can build local capacity as highlight by essential element to private sector
relation with communities.
Methods of Conservation:
1. By law giving protection to animals and plant species or special area of land and water.
1. Nature helps maintain the environment balance and satisfy the needs to the fullest.
2. A wide range of agriculture materials and biological material comes from the plant and
animals, directly or indirectly are used in the production and in the manufacturing of medicine.
3. Resources are known as capital converted to commodity inputs to infrastructural processes.
4.3R concept- Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
Ex: Used paper will reuse by recycling it and turn it into new paper products.
5. Resources is also important for any country to generate energy, one needs fossil fuel and for
industrial development where minerals resources is required.
6. Irrational consumption and over utilization of natural resources has led to socio-economic
and environment problem.
7. Natural resources are available in fixed quantity and they are non-renewable.
8. Natural resources are getting scare with the increasing population, so it is essential to
9. It takes millions of years for the formation of natural resources.
10. Natural resources plays vital role in the economic development of the country by enriching
agriculture, trade, imports and exports.
Natural Resources Exist Without any Action of Humankind. It includes Valued Characteristics
such as Magnetic, Gravitational, Electrical Properties and Forces.
1. Renewable- sun (plant animals) is living resources. Soil, Wind, Air, Water, Non-living
2. Non- Renewable- metals, coal, petrol, natural gas, minerals they are limited in quantity.
Natural Resources are Found in the Earth, Some are Under the Earth surface.
-Sunlight ,air, water, soil, rocks, plants, animals use oxygen from air to breath plant sunlight Co2
air. We eat plants (fruits and Vegetable) we use of woods obtain from plants, plants from paper
coal as source of energy.
Non Renewable- coal and soil they exist for over 300 years under the earth.
1. Improve the quality of life in rural communities and upper river basin by sustainably
managing natural resources with stakeholder participation and ensuring that local institution
will effectively govern river basin resources as enterprise that generates revenue for
conservation of livelihood.
PSBDC- (Philippines Strategy for Biodiversity Conservation) (1994) they are multi-discplinary
team of expert with the following goals.
1. Resource inventory and assessment of flora and fauna in the Subic forest.
2. Promote ecotourism as a tool for biodiversity conservation documentation of indigenous
knowledge system and practice for biodiversity and natural resources management among is
indigenous cultural minorities and documentation of different plants by indigenous people to
sustain their livelihood and cultural activities.
3. Implements protected areas proclaimed under (NIPAS) National Integrated Protected Area
System which provides protection of inhabitants or rare and endangered species of plants and
4. Initial component refer to all areas or island proclaimed as natural park, game refuge and
birds sanctuary, wilderness areas, water shed areas or mangrove reserves as identified virgin
-Environment code EO No.446, which incorporate laws that will improve the quantity of air and
water resources has been endorsed and adoption of appropriate pollution management.
-Code mandates the phase out of leaded gasoline as one of the means of solving air pollution.
1. Energy- Sustainable energy production and utilization production of local energy sources and
promotion and commercialization of new renewable sources of energy to achieve countries
long term self-sufficiently objective while implementing environment safety and protection
measure in all development projects.
2. DOE- Promote energy efficiency through energy audits in commercial industrial and transport
sector and through the implementation of locally founded energy conservation projects.
3. Strategies, Policies and Plans- Policy geared towards energy efficiency include the
formulation of demand side management and energy labelling.
4. Forestry- Through the adoption of master plan for forestry development (MPFD) adopted in
1990 which provider framework for combating deforestation and guiding the long term
development of forestry sector in the Philippines with a total of 15 clustered program into.
1. Man and the program
2. Forest management and products development program.
3. Institutional development program plan targets the reforestations of 1.8 million hectares
to meet country needs of the target the DENR has establish and develop 276,864 hectares of
forest land to date.
5. Freshwater- In October 1996, the Presidential Task Force in Water Resources Development
and Management (PTFWDM) was created by virtue of executive order No. 374 which propose
the creation of a Water Resources Authority of the Philippines (WRAP) that sets the general
frame works for the planning and regulation of water resources with respect to quality,
quantity and tariff.
Status: (PIDS) Philippines Institute for Development Studies conducted study on water pricing.
The study aims to determine the economic value of water for the developments of a more
realistic pricing scheme to consider full cost recovery and other externalities such as public
willingness to pay for water as a commodity. Since then the government recently moved
towards the privatization of the metropolitan waterworks and sewerage system (MWSS) as a
result of order No.311 privatization aimed to improve services standards and expands service
and coverage, increase water supply system efficiency, eliminate fiscal burden of the
government and implement waste water management program (DENR). As concessionaires are
required to provide clear and safe drinking water to 98% of the population in metro manila by
the year 2001 and to expand water supply facilities to include raw water sourcing and
treatment. Waste water development program such as septic tank dislodging treatment and
disposal growing feed sewage collection network and treatment system.
6. Land Management
Coordinating Bodies- Department of Agriculture
-Land Management Bureau (LMB) has developed a national plan on resources management
which aims to provide an integrated approach to the planning and management of the country
land resources that will best suit the demands at the present times.
Strategy are:
1. Integration of environmental consideration in decision making.
2. Proper pricing of natural resources
3. Property right reform
4. Establishment of an integrated protected are system
5. Rehabilitation of degraded ecosystem.
6. Strengthening planning
7. Integrated of population concern and social welfare in development planning.
8. Inducing of growth in rural areas.
9. Promoting of environmental education.
10.Strengthening of citizens participants and constituency building.
AGRIS: International Information System for the Agriculture Science and Technology.
-Make a research on how to manage our natural resources. What are the ways of
adopting legal framework for an effective management of natural resources.
- Write all your research in a separate sheet.
-Make a research program re-socio economic environment?
1. The rule of natural resources for sustainable management on human resources?
2. Write some reaction how the government prevents illicit financial flows to prevent
tax ovation.
3. What are some government set up regarding heritage found in holding revenues for
natural resources to mitigate future problems.
Teaching Points:
-Planning is important to alleviate stress on water and land. Countries are advised to
map their resources so they will know exactly where they are, and transition overtime
to recycle products and renewable energy in order to preserved precious natural
resources how to manage revenues careful and equitable revenue distribution will
enable local communities to see return in the extraction of natural resources in their
respective community. This will help prevent conflict as well as reinforced legislation
and integrating natural resources into national poverty reduction plans. Government
were also advised to set up heritage funds to wild some revenues from natural
resources to mitigate future problems.
Why Government and Extractive Companies Should Find Additional means to Develop
Sustainable Sources of Income?
-Many mining jobs are now performed by machines instead of human. Firms were
encouraged to embrace technology in order to avert risk but to be mindful also to
employment creation. Procurement of natural resources should be undertaken locally. A
deep collaboration between all stakeholders can build local capacity as highlight by
essential elements to private sector relation with communities.
Natural Resources exist without any action of human kind, it includes valued characteristics
such as -magnetic, gravitational, electrical properties and forces.
Natural resources of the earth- Things in nature needed everyday air, to breath, water to drink,
plant to eat, and soil to grow plant.
Natural resources which are found in the earth, some are under the earth surface?
1. Sunlight, air and water.
2. Soil, rocks
3. Plants and Animals
4. Coal and Oil
Non-Renewable- coal and oil-they exist for over 300 years under the earth