Reschedule 3rd Sem - Exam. Prog.2023-24

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r,tol)31/c rcxam. Gen. ,r"lrJ#i#A Datet /7.t'>-23
This is for information of all concerned that the TDC (CBCS.) 3rd semester examination 2023-
24 (Fresh/Fail/absent / Back/ Grade ReplacementJ for regular course under choice based credit
systems TCBCS) is hereby rescheduled and the same will commence from 03.01,2024 as per the
following schedule.
TIME: 1,00 P.M to 4.00 P.M. (All the candidates must be in their seat 12.45 P.M)
Duration of the Examination: Three hours. for papers carrying full marks above 50 (e.g. 60,
75, B0 etc.) and Two hours for papers carrying 50 marks or below.
03.oL.2024 Core-S (Honours) Core-S (Honours)
Wednesday Anthropology, Computer Science, Anthropology,
Economics, Education, English, Geography, Computer Application,
Hindi,History, Home Science, I.R.&P.M., Odia Computer Science,
, Mass Communication, Sanskrig Mathematics,
Mathematics, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology.Marine
Psychology, Sociology.
04.oL.2024 Core-S (Honours) Core-5 (Honours)
Thursday Botany, Chemistry, Corporate
Electronics, Accounting /
Geology, Information Human Resource
Technology & Management
Phvsics, Zoologv.
0s.oL.2024 Core-6 (Honours) Core-6 (Honours)
Friday Anthropology, Computer Science, Anthropology,
Economics, Education, English, Computer Application,
Geography, Hindi,History, Home Computer Science,
Science, I.R.&P.M.,Odia, Mass Mathematics,
Communication, Sanskrit, Mathematics, Psychology. Marine
Philosophy, Political Science, Science.
Psychology, Sociology.
o6-oL-2024 Core-6 fHonours) Core-6(Honours)
Saturday Botany, Chemistry, Income Tax Law
Electronics, Geology, and Practice
Physics, Zoology.
Information Technology
& Management,
oB-oL-2024 Core-7 (Honours) Core-7 (Honours)
Monday Anthropology, Computer Science, Anthropology,
Economics, Education, English, Computer Application,
Geography, Hindi,History, Home Computer Science,
Science, I.R.&P.M.,Odia, Mass Mathematics,
Communication, Sanskrit, Mathematics, Psychology. Marine
Philosophy, Political Science, Science.
Psvcholoev, Sociology.
09-oL-2024 Core-7 (Honours) Core-7 [Honours)
Tuesday Botany, Chemistry, Management
Electronics, Principles and
Industrial Chemistry, Applications
Geology, Physics,
Technology &

to-0t-2024 Generic Elective fSubiect-2) Paoer-1 Generic Elective

Wednesday Anthropology, Economics, Hindi (Subiect-2) Paper-1
Education, English, Geography, History, Anthropology,
Home Science, Odia, , LR.&P.M.,, Computer Application,
Sanskrit, Philosophy, Mass Computer Science,
Communication, Sociology, Mathematics,
Mathematics,, Political Science, Psychology. Marine
Psychology, Computer Science, Science.
tt-ot-7.024 Generic Elective Generic Elective-3
Thursday (Subiect-2) Paper-1 Business Statistics
Botany, Chemistry,
Electronics, Food Sc. &
Qu. Cont., Geology,
Industrial Chemistry,
Technology &
Management, Life
Science, Material
Science, Physics,
Polymer Science,
Sericulture, Textile
Science, Zoolog.rr.
t2-ot-2024 SECC.1 SECC-1 SECC-1
Friday Communicative English (Special Paper) Communicative English Communicative
SEC-1 [Special Paper)/Python English [Special
Communicative English Programming Paper)/ E-
SEC-1 Commerce
Communicative English SEC-1
t3-0L-2024 Ethics and values, Unit-lll Ethics and values, Unit-lll Ethics and values,
Saturday Issues of Drug, Tobocco and Alcohol Addiction lssues of Drug, Tobocco and Unit-lll
Alcohol Addiction Issues of Drug,
Tobocco and Alcohol
ARTS Core: (A-3, B-3) SCIENCE Core: (A-3, COMMERCE fCore)
B-3, C-3)
03.01.2024 Economics Botany Core-5
Wednesday CoroorateAccountins/
Companv Law
04.0L.2024 Political Science Physics
05.0L.2024 History Chemistry Core-6
Friday Manaement Princiole
and Annlication /
Income Tax Law and
o6-ot-2024 Education Electronics
o8-0r-2024 Compulsory: English (Paper-2) Geology G.E-3
Monday Bussiness Statistics /
Compulsory: English -2
09-0t-2024 Mathematics Mathematics
rQt ,r'4
L0-oL-z024 IKI'M
/ tL-oL-2024 Home Scrence
/ Thursday
Industrial Chemistry

L2-0t-2024 )r,LL-t- Lommunicative English

[Special SECC-1- SECC-1-
Friday Paper) Communicative Communicative
SEC-1- History of Odish a/ /pedagogical English
Perspective in Educatio n / /DataAnalysis Paper)
[Special English (special
Paper) /
and Computer Application//Renewal SEC-1 E-commerce
Energy and Energy Harvesting Communicative SEC-1
English Computer Application
in Business
L3-0I-2024 Ethics and values, Unit-lll Ethics and values, Ethics and values,
Saturday Issues of Drug, Tobocco and Alcohol Unit-lll Unit-lll
Addiction Issues of Drug, Issues of Drug,
Tobocco and Alcohol Tobocco and Alcohol
Addiction Addiction
L6.O,..2024 uola Information
Tuesdav Technolosv
L7.0L.2024 Philosophy
The respective college Principals are requested to complete
the Practical Examinations within
8 (Eight) days after completion of the Theory Examinatiors.
Regarding practicat Examination in
different General/Honours Subiects, the Examinees are advised
to keep contact with the respective college
omission(s), clashes or any other discrepancies/deficiency, if any,
found in this programme should be
brought to the notice of the undersigned immediately

1'The examinations shall be held as per the programme, even if any of the date(s)
declared as holiday and unless otherwise the examination(s) is/are subsequently
notification or information from the undersigned.
is/are ."rintautua with proper
2'The Dean and Principal/- center Superinte-ndent is requested
to conduct the practical examinations
and to enter the marks in the portal with in the time scheduted
as per the instruciions.
3'The Dean and Principal/ center superintendent should
ensure not to allow the candidates to carry
gadgets, paper slips, printed book materials etc.,
I"H[X.l"Tilra"'"tttonic u"ro." entering in the
4'The Dean and Principal/ center superintendent is requested
to ensure for maintaining all covlD-19
r^11 Distancins Hand washing/ Sanitization compulsory use of
Routine Disinfection etc, ]..s-:.,_"1
must be fouowed"r.."p"lourrr;l,f*;;;;; r#H;ffi";:.:ff.: Mask,
examination hall.
By order
lgytrollerof Examinatidns
d.t BerhampurUniversity
Memo r,to/ )39)O4S)/Exam.G en. (UG)
Copy to
/BU /zZ Date: /J"tz-tt
1' The Principals of all affiliated +3 pgg..e colleges under Berhampur
university for information
and necessary action (E.Mail).There will be examination in
all ihe .on."rn"i college centres.
Further, they are requested to keep contact with the District
Administration for maintenance of
Law and Order for smooth conduct of the examinations.
2' copy to the Secretary to vice-chancellor//P.A. to Registrar//comptroller of Finance,//Asst.
controller of Examinations, Berhampur university for iiformation.
3' copy to the olc, stores, Berhamur university ior information with
the request to supply
required quantity of Blank Answer sheets to the respective
Examination centers well in
'4. Copy to the Section Officer, Examination Conf. U.G. Section//Paper Setting Section for
information and necessary action. Further, he is advised to make necessary arrangements for
conduct of practical Exams, of all courses and intimate the college Principals accoidingly.
5. Copy to Dr. Banamali Khuntia, Web Master Berhampur Univeriity Department
of Computer
Science for information with a request to upload the contents of the Notification in the
University website http://www, for wider circulation.
6. copy to the Director, N.l.c, Berhampur for information and necessary action

Copy to the Notice Board.

{ Berhampur University

Memo tto.l 734{ (30) /Exam. cen. (UG)/BU/zg Date: / J.lz->3

1,. Copy to the Secretary to the Honb'le Chancellor, Berhmpur University, Raj Bhavan,
0disha, Bhubaneswar // Commissioner-Cum-secretary to Government, Department of Higher
Education, Odisha, Bhubaneswar // Director, Higher Education, Odisha, Bhubaneswar
Regional Director of Education, Berhampur, Ganjam / / Chairman, CHSE, Odisha, Bhubaneswar
for information.
2' Copy to the Collector & District Magistrate of Ganjam//Gajapati//Kandhamal//
Koraput// Malkangiri// Nabarangpur// Rayagada Superintendent of police, Berhampur//
Gajapati// Ganjam // Kandhamal// Koraput// Malkangiri //Nabarangpur// Rayagada for
information with a request to maintain law and order for smooth conduci of tire examinations.
3. copy to the Editors(s),The Samaja, Berhampur, The sambada, Berhampur, The
Prameya, Berhampur, The Dharitri, Berhampur, The Anupam Bharat, Berhampur for
information with a request to published the programme in one of the daily's "with Free of
Cost" for information of the students and all concerned.

Cqntroiler of rxamin6dttt'3 ' 1,

flnerhampur University

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