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Test-5 (Code-D)

156. The neural system and the
151. Which of the following hormones stimulates the endocrine system jointly
the physiological functions
process of bone resorption and demineralisation as in the body.
well as reabsorption of Cat* by the Choose the correct option to fill in the blanks.
renal tubules?
(1) Thyrocalcitonin (1) Oppose and regulate
(2) Cortisol (2) Co-relate and oppose
(3) Parathormone (3) Coordinate and oppose
(4) Glucocorticoid (4) Coordinate and regulate
152.Choose the odd one w.r.t. 157. In a hypothetical scenario, a person had an
hormones of GIT. accident
(1) Secretin and his fovea centralis got completely damaged.
(2) CCK
(3) ANF Select the option that holds true for the affect on his
(4) Gastrin
153. Which of the following structures is the
basal part of (1) The visual acuity (resolution) gets severely
thalamus, neuroendocrine in function and regulates affected.
a wide spectrum of body functions?
(1) Pineal gland (2) Blind spot is not able to see anything sharply.
(3) Decreased efficiency of transmission of sound
(2) Thymus gland waves to the inner ear.
(3) Pituitary gland
(4) No rods and cones left behind in the retina.
(4) Hypothalamus 158. Match column Iwith column II.
154. Choose the odd one w.r.t. organised endocrine
glands. ColumnI Column ll
(1) Kidneys (2) Thymus (a) Gustatory (i) Ear ossicle
(3) Pituitary (4) Pineal receptors
155.Choose the incorrect feature w.r.t. hormones. (b) Insulin (ii) Amino-acid
(1) Large number of hormones are produced in derivative
(c) Stapes (ii) Taste buds on
(2) These are non-nutrient chemicals
(3) Act as intercellular messengers (d) Epinephrine (iv) Protein hormone
(4) Are produced in trace amounts
Select the correct option.
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Test-5 (Code-D)
AllIndia Aakash Test Series for NEET-2024
a b C
(3) By the formation of
hormone-receptor complex
at the surface of plasma
(1) ii . iv membrane
iv (4) Interacting with the membrane-bound receptors
(2) i
162. The stromal tissue having Leydig cells, which are
(3) ii present ín the intertubular space in testis produce a
(4) iv ii ii group of hormones called

159. Comprehend the given statements. (1) Progesterone

Statement I: Macula is the sensory part of saccule (2) Androgens
and utricle.shne bl (3) Erythropoietin
Statement ll: The crista and macula are the specific (4) ACTH
receptors of the vestibular apparatus responsible 163. Select the hormone that acts on the gastric glands
for maintenance of balance of the body and posture. and stimulates the secretion of HCI and
Choose the correct option. pepsinogen.
(1) Both statements Iand Il are correct (1) Secretín
(2) Both statements Iand I| are incorrect (2) Melatonin
(3) Only statement Iis incorrect (3) Gastrin
(4) Only statement Il is incorrect (4) Thymosin
160. Choose the incorrect option w.r.t. scala media in 164. Choose the correct statement.
sectional view of cochlea.àngeis y (1) The middle layer of the eyeball contains many
(1) Situated between Réissner's membrane and blood vessels and looks bluish in colour.
basilar membrane ia
(2) Situated between scala vestibuli and scala (2) The choroid layer is thin over the posterior
one sixth of the eyeball.
tympani 83keaibasvac (3) Just below the blind spot there is melanin
(3) Filled with endolymph containing a pigmented layer along the
(4) It terminates at the round window which opens periphery called fovea.
to the inner ear
(4) Hypothalamus is the roof of diencephalon.
1o1. Steroid hormones typically alter the activity of their 165. Assertion (A): Adrenaline and noradrenaline are
target cells by rapidly secreted in response to stress of any kind.
to intracellular
(1) Passing their messages Reason (R): These hormones increase alertness,
secondary messenger pupillary constriction, sweating etc.
(2) Entering the target cells and altering their gene
hormone In the light of the above statements, select the
expression via interactionwith
correct option.
receptor complex
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170. The mucus coated receptors which are
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true, (R) ls the correct for receiving the sense of smellare
oxplanation of (A).
the correct (1) Auditory receptors
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, (R) ls not (2) Statoreceptors
explanation of (A).
(3) Gustatory receptors
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Olfactory receptors
(4) (A) ls false but (R) ls true. glands 'X and 'Y
171. GnRHand FSH are secreted by
86, Which of the following hormones acts on the respectively. Select the correct option w.r.t. X and
exocrine part of pancreas and stimulatessecretlon Y.
of water and blcarbonate lons?
(1)ANF (1) Hypothalamus and neurohypophysis
(2) Cholecystokinin (2) Adenohypophysis and neurohypophysis
(3) Adenohypophysis and hypothalamus
(3) Gastrin
(4) Hypothalamus and adenohypophysis
172. The tympanlc membrane is composed of
167.The plasma calcium levels in the body are very
effectively maintained by a balance between the
(1)Very fine hair and wax-secreting glands
skin outside
activitles of (2) Connective tissues covered with
and with mucus membrane inside
(1) Aldosterone and vasopressin outside and
(3) Muscular tissue covered with skin
(2) Mineralocorticoid and cortisol without mucus membrane inside
(3) Thyroxine and GnRH (4) Reissner's and basilar membrane
(4) Thyrocalcitonin and PTH 173. Choose the odd one w.r.t. disorders due
in our hyposecretion of endocrine glands.
168. Aldosterone, the main míneralocorticoid
body, is produced by (1) Dwarfism (2) Diabetes insipidus
(1) Adrenal medulla (3) Graves' disease (4) Simple goitre
(2) Adrenal cortex 174. Consider the figure gíven below.
(3) Thymus gland
(4) Hypothalamus
generate a
169. Select the hormone that does not
second messenger for its action.
(1) Insulin
(2) FSH d
(3) Adrenaline Choose the correct option w.r.t. labelled parts and
their function.
(4) Cortisol
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(1) b ’ Increase the AllIndia Aakash Test
Sound waves efficiency of transmission of
179. Choose the correct
Series for NEET-2024
(2) a Impuises are analysed and the sound is waves during the option w.r.t,of direction of sound
(1) Ear ossicles ’
mechanism hearing.
(3) C’ Ear drum ’
Connects the middle ear cavity with the
pharynx membrane ’ Oval window ’ AuditoryReissner's
Basilar membrane nerve -
(A) d’ Action
potential is
nerves to the visual cortextransmitted by these (2) Ear drum ’ Ear
ossicles -’
areaof brain Cochlear fluids ’ Basilar Oval window
475 Which part of the
Auditory nerve membrane
fine hair and external ear is provided with very
aSeCreung glands? (3) Eustachian tube ’ Ear drum ’ Basilar
(1) Skin of pinna only membrane ’ Oval window ’ Ear ossicles
(2) Auditory meatus ’ Auditory nerve
(3) Membranous onlypg son (4) Oval window
labyrinth i to las Ear ossicles ’ Eustachian tube
(4) Skin of pinna and ’ Auditory nerve ’ Reissner's
externalauditory canal membrane
176.Complete following analogy and select the
the 180. The fluid filled inner ear is called A
and the coiled
correct option. portion of the inner ear is called B
Scala tympani : Perilymph: :Scala vestibuli :
(1) Endolymph Choose the correct option to fill the blanks A and B
(2) Air filled respectively.
(3) Perilymph (4) Vitreous humor (1) Cochlea and Eustachian tube
177.How many structures from the box given below are
(2) Malleus and cochlea
concerned with the inner ear?
(3) Incus and labyrinth
Vestibular apparatus, Cochlea, Semi-circular
canal, Utricle, Macula, Saccule, (4) Labyrinth and cochlea
ampullaris 181. Following structures are associated with
middle ear,
Select the correct option.
(1) Malleus (2) Otolith
(1) 6 Blire a (2) 7
(3) Incus (4) Stapes
(3) 5 eU (4) 3
182. The photoreceptor cells responsible for the
178. In which part of CNS, the nerve impulses are vision are
analysed and the sound is recognised?
(1) Olfactory bulb (1) Cones only
(2) Auditory cortex (2) Rods only
(3) Visual cortex (3) Melanocytes and rods
(4) Organ of Corti (4) Cones and rods

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Series for NEET-2024 hormones is secreted from
R india Aakash Test following
187. Which of the that stimulates
53. Select the incorrect
statement. juxtaglomerular cells of the kidneys
highest visual acuity and the formation of
(1) Fovea is a point of
possesses rods only. (1) Cholecystokinin
available in rods are (2) Erythropoietin
(2) The visual pigments
rhodopsin or visual purple. (3) Atrial natriuretic
transparent gel.
(3)Vitreous chamber is filled with a (4) Catecholamines
thin watery fluid. 188. Read the statements
(4) Aqueous chamber contains
of cones which pOSsess
84. Choose the corect
statement from the following . There are three types photopigments that
w.r.t the human eye. their own characteristic
blue light.
respond to red, green and
(1) Innemost layer,, i.e., sclera contains many stimulated equally, a
blood vessels. II. When cone pigments areproduced.
sensation of white light is
ciliary body.
(2) Anterior part of the choroid forms a Choose the correct option.
region of
(3) No image formation occurs at the (1) Only statement lis correct
and form (2) Only statement Il is
(4) Allthe neurons from retina accumulate incorrect
image at blind spot. (3) Both statements Iand Ilare
(4) Both statements Iand ll are
185.Which of the following hormones are actually mechanism of vision
synthesised by the hypothalamus and are 189. Folowing are the events of the
in arandom manner.
transported axonaily to the pars nervosa?
A. Neural impulses are analysed and an image
(1) MSH and FSH formed on the retina is recognised by the visual
(2) GnRH and ADH cortex.
(3) ADH and oxytocin B. Membrane permeability of photoreceptor cells
(4) GnRH and FSH
C. Ganglionic cells are excited.
D. Signal passes through bipolar cells.
important roles in
186. Thyroid hormones play several E. Action potentials are transmitted by optic
our body, except nerves.
(1) Stimulate the contraction of smooth F. Potential differences are generated in the
(2) Regulation of the BMR photoreceptor cells.
formation G. Dissociation of the retinal from opsin.
(3) Support the process of RBCs
H. The structure of opsin is changed.
(4) Thermogenesis
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Test-5 (Code-D)
All India Aakash Test
Choose the option that represents the Series for NEET-2024
(1) A
correct order. 194. Symptoms of a disease that
large amount of urine, thirst,include excretion of
’D’E’F’G’H absence of ketone bodies in urine dehydration and
(2)-H’G’F-’E’D ’C’ B-’ A results from
(3) A’D’C-’B’G ’H’
F’E (1) Hyposecretion of insulin
(4) G H’
4a0. Which of the given options is not
(2) Hypersecretion of vasopressin
true w.r.t. ANF? (3) Hyposecretion of ADH
(1) Peptide hormone that checks the
RAAS (4) Hypersecretion of aldosterone
(2) Causes dilation of the blood vessels
195. Select the disease which is characterised by severe
(3) Reduces the blood pressure mental retardation, low intelligence quotient,
(4) Inhibits gastric secretion and motility, abnormal skin, deaf-mutism and stunted growth in
191.Choose the correct match w.r.t. chemical nature of
hormones. (1) Goitre (2) Cretinism

(1)| Amino acid Estradiol and (3) Dwarfism (4) Gigantism

derivatives melatonin 196. Select the correct one w.r.t. action of insulin.
(2) Steroids Progesterone and (1) Increases blood glucose levels by promoting
testosterone cellular uptake of glucose
(3) | lodothyronines Thyroxine and (2) Decreases blood glucose levels by stimulating
adrenaline the formation glycogen
(4) Polypeptide. FSH and (3) Increases blood glucose level by promoting
proteins epinephrine glycogen synthesis
192.Which of the following is not included in second (4) Promotes glycogenolysis
messengers? 197.When we move to sunlight from a dark place and all
(1) CAMP (2) ATP of a sudden bright light falls over the eyes, why is a

person unable to see for a moment?

(3) IP3 (4)Ca2+
(1) Because bright light does not stimulate the
T93. Select the group of hormones among the following nerve impulse for a very short time.
membrane of
that can easily pass through the cell
the target celland bind to the intracellular receptors. (2) Due to dilation of pupils to adjust the amount of
(1) FSH, LH, Adrenaline .

(3)) Due to instant breakdown of large amount of

(2) Adrenaline, GnRH, Insulin
(3) Cortisol, Androgen, lodothyronines
(4) Due to dark adaptation
(4) Glucagon, FSH, Noradrenaline
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All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2024 est (o0eD)

198. The olfactory bulbs are the extensions of the brain's 200. Match column I with column II.
Column l Column l
(1) Limbic system
a Tectorial Maintenance of
(2) Medulla oblongata membrane balance of body
(3) Pons b Membranous i. Suspended in
labyrinth perilymph
(4) Cerebellumh ii. Above the rows of
C. Vestibular
apparatus the hair cells
199. Choose the incorrect statement w.r.t. human ear.
(in cochlea)
(1) At the apex of the cochlea, the scala vestibuli Choose the correct option.
ends at the oval window.
(2) Organ of Corti is located on the basilar
membrane. (1) ii

(3) The basilar membrane contains hair cells that (2) ii

act as auditory receptors. (3) ii

(4) The hair cells are present in rows on the internal (4) iii
side of the organ of Corti.

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Test-7 (Code-A) AllIndia Aakash Test Series for NEET2023
43. Monocot leaves usually do not have 147. Isogamy with flagellated gametes is shown by
(1) Reticulate venation (2) Vascular bundles (1) Spirogyra (2) Ulothrr
(3) Mesophyll tissue (4) Cuticle (3) Volvox (4) Polysorera
144. Choose the pair in which both of the algae are 148. Food, structurally very similar to a s
unicellular. glycogen is stored in
(1) Chlorella and Laminaria (1) Ectocarpus (2 FC:

(2) Chlorella and Chlamydomonas (3) Porphyra

(3) Gracilaria and Chlamydomonas 149. The first embryophytes
(4) Laminaria and Sargassum (1) Are heterosporous
145. Gametophytes do not have an independent (2) Do not have free living soorc-,e
existence in
(3) Have unicellular and nor-a2ee i
(1) Vovox (2) Cycas (4) Possess vascular tissues
(3) Funaria (4) Dryopteris
150. Select the plant in which soores
146. Select the incorrect match. filamentous stage called protorsa
(1) Pinus Monoecious (a) Marchantia
(2) Salviìnia Heterosporous (c) Sphagnum
(3) Selaginella - Non photosynthetic sporophyte (1) (a) and (b) 2
(4) Pteris - Photosynthetic gametophyteA (3) Only (c)

SECTION-A (3) Involuntary action
151. Select the odd one w.r.t. bones of upper limb in
humans. (4) Light and dark bands
(1) Radius 153. Comprehend the following statemen:s
(2) Ulna ribs and choose the incorrect one.
(3) Humerus (1) 12 pairs of ribs are bicephalic.
(4) Patella
(2) First seven pairs of ribs are called vee
152. Consider the features given below w.r.t. the muscle
sternal ribs.
fibres of uterus and select the one whose presence
differentiates it from the muscle fibres present in (3) Vertebrochondral ribs are
external anal sphincter.
attached ventra,
the sternum directly with the help of
nya re
(1) Syncytial nucleus cartilage.
(2) Unbranched fibres (4) Last 2 pairs of ribs are not
connected ventra
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Ofrect statement w.r.t.
muscle fibres during
complete changes in the Test-7 (Code A)
to actinscontraction.
(1) The Z-line 158. Scapula is a large
the centre ofattached are pulled
triangular flat
between the A and B ribs. bone situated in
A-band. towards
(2) The
resultanisotropic band reduces in length as a Select the correct option for 'A' and 'B
movement of Z-lines towards each (1) 2nd,7th respectively.
(2) 1st, 5th
(3) The overlap
zone of thin and thick (3) 5th, 8th
increases. filaments (4) 3rd, 8th
(4) H-zone almost
shorteningof sarcomere. along with
159. Select the correct
155, Choose the (1) In humans, the skull articulates with the axís
incorrect match. vertebra with the help of an occipital condyle.
(1)| Nasal and (2) Sternum is a flat bone on the ventral midline of
Paired facial bones thorax.
(3) In humans, there are unequal number of digits
(2)| Sphenoid and Unpaired cranial in upper and lower limb.
bones (4) Pelvic girdle bones help in the articulation of
(3)| Coccyx and Fused vertebral upper limb with axial skeleton.
sacrum bones 160. Which of the following hormones of
(4)| Parietal and adenohypophysis is linked to growth of body?
Paired cranial bones (1) GH (2) ACTH
(3) LH (4) FSH
156. Consider the statements A and B. Select the
161. Neuron X' carries impulses from CNS to the
correct option. effector. This neuron along with the muscle fibres
Statement A: All the mammals have seven cervical connected to it constitutes a
vertebrae. (1) Neuromuscular junction
Statement B: H-zone of striated muscle fibre (2) Motor unit
represents both thick and thin filaments. (3) Sensory unit
(1) Both the statements A and B are correct. (4) Motor-end plate
(2) Both the statements A and Bare incorrect. 162. In humans, the number of tarsals in each hind limb
(3) Only statement A is correct. is equal to the number of
(1) Thoracic vertebrae
(4) Only statement B is correct.
157. The type of movement seen in macrophages IS (2) Cervical vertebrae
(2) Ciliary (3) Palm bones
(1) Flagellar
(4) Muscular (4) Cranial bones
(3) Amoeboid
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Test-7 (Code-A) AlIndia Aakash Test Series for MEET/2123
163. Select the correct option to complete the analogy. (3) Follicular cells of pancreas
Red muscle fibres: High myoglobin content :: White (4) Delta cells of pancreas
167. Select the odd one w.rt. hormones that play arode
muscle fibres

(1) Plenty of mitochondria In the process of RBCformation.

(2) High sarcoplasmic reticulum (1) Glucagon (2) Thyroxine
(3) High oxygen containing pigment (3) Cortisol (4) Androger1s
(4) Associated with aerobic oxidation 168. All of the following are influenced by nelatonin,
164. Assertion (A): lodothyronines are able to interact except
with intracellular receptors thus regulating the gene (1) Menstrual cycle
(2) Defence capability
Reason (R): Lipophilic hormones such as Ts and T4 (3) Thermoregulation
are able to cross the lipid bilayer of cel membrane.
(4) Blood calcium levels
In the light of above statements, select the correct
option. 169. Match the column I with column Il and select the
correct option.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the
correct explanation of (A). Column | Column
(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the a Gastrin (6) Simulates the
correct explanation of (A). secretion of pancreatic
enzymeS and release of
(3) (A) is true, (R) is false.
bile juice
(4) (A) is false, (R) 0s true.
b. Secretin (ii) Simulates the
165. A 14 year old girl was very anxious as she has a secretion of HC and
competitive exam next morning. She tries to sleep pepsinogen
but was not able to do So. All of this is due to the
secretion of emergency hormones. C Cholecystokinin (i) Stimulates secretíon of
water and bícarbonates
Select the odd one w.r.t. functions of secreted
from exocríne pancreas
(1) Pupilary dilation (2) Glycogenolysis (1) a-(), b-(ii), c-(ü)
(3) Protein biosynthesis (4) Piloerection (2) a- (ii), b- (), c -(ii)
166. Hormone 'X secreted by a heterocrine gland acts (3) a - (i), b - (ii), c - (()
mainly on hepatocytes and stimulates (4) a- (i), b - (), C- (1)
glycogenolysis causing hyperglycemia. 170. The hormone that acts on mammary glands and
This hormone is antagonistic to hormone 'Y" which stimulate the formation of alveoliand milk secretion
is secreted by is
(1) a-cells of islets of Langerhans (1) Oxytocin (2) Vasopressin
(2) B-cells of islets of Langerhans (3) Oestrogen (4) Progesterone
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effects ort fproeit1 Test7 (CodeA)
(1) Glucagon
(2) Cortisol
(3) Catecholarnines
(4) Androgens
12 9elect the correct pair
412, 177, ThN
6f organissd
glands. srHMS gadisantar sere aed beween
(1) Testis and thymus
(2) Kidney andadrenal
(3) Liver and panCrOas 3) k aon the vertsa se f
(4) Pancreas and kidney
(4) Thyris jard
173, Allof the following are 17%, The rEISftheoasory
associated with diabetesfunctions epitheliurn erend from
of hormons hat is
mellitus, sxcept ths taeenhronrnert direty irto a pair of broad
(1) Promotes oxidation of tsSZ gns cale which are
(2) Inhibits metabolic
breakdown of fsts se e correct option to fil in the blanks
(3) Promotes
breakdown of glycogen in liver
(4) Enhances glucose uptake by (1) OMasory bub and lirnbic system
174, The
hepato0es (2) Asnygalaand intoirc syssem
hormone that has anti-inflarmmatory action and
can also be used as (3) Hippanps and hypohalarnus
(1) Thymosin
immun08uppressant is
(4) Otatory bub and hypothalamus
(2) Calcitonin
(3) Cortisol (4) Thyroxáne 179. The correc order of oranial
meninges ie., pia
mater (a), arachnord (b) and dura
175.The hypersecretion of thyroid hormones along with mater (c) from
outside to inside is
enlargement of thyroid gland is associated with
(1) Cretinism (1) b-C’a (2) a’b’c
(2) Graves disease
(3) C-b’a (4) b’a’c
(3) Addison's disease (4) Acromegaly
176. 180. The meduila obiongata does not
ANF secreted by atrial wall ínhíbits the secretion of for contains centres
aofmineralocorticoid "X that helps in the maintenance
(1) Respiration
a. Electrolytes (2) Cardiovascular reflexes
b. Body fluid (3) Gastric seoretions
volume (4) Thermoregulation
C. Blood pressure
Testit (Cote A) AllIndia Aakash Test Series for NEET-2023
81. Whieth of the following layers become thick in the SECTION-B
antertor part of the eye ball to form cllary body? 186. In humans, temporal bone is attached to the parietal
() Hs (2) Choroid bone via
(3) Belera (4) Retlna (1) Gliding joint (2) Ball and socket joint
182. What will be the efect on knee-jerk reflex, If the (3) Saddle joint (4) Fibrous joint
interneurons are removed from splnal cord? 187, Select the incorrect statement.
(1) Anexaggerated response (1) Constriction of skin blood vesselsS and
(2) No change in response contraction of skeletal muscles when it is too
cold is an example of negative feedback loop in
(3) No response due to loss of sensatlon humans.
(4) No response with the paintul feeling (2) A steroid hormone named ecdysone controls
183. Select the correct match. the moulting in insects.
(1) Unlpolar neurons -Retina of eye (3) Tryptophan is the precursor of serotornin.
(4) Bowman's gland are located in the kidneys.
(2) Biplar neurons Embryonic stage 188. Cho0se the incorrect statement.
(3) Nisel's granules Cell body (1) Tetany can be caused due to hyposecretion of
(4) Hindbraln Assoclation areas
(2) Cornea is the most sensitive potion of the eye.
184. The dorsal portlon of the midbrain consists of four (3) The thigh muscles of Macaca are striated and
round swellings called
(1) Corpus callosum (4) An acromion process is characteristically found
(2) Corpus luteum in the pelvic girdle of mammals.
(3) Corpora quadrigemina 189. Assertion (A): The myelinated neurons conduct the
(4) Corpus albicans nerve impulse at a higher rate than unmyelinated
186. Select the Incorrect statement.
Reason (R): Saltatory type of impulse conduction
(1) When all the photopigments responsible for Occurs in myelinated neurons.
photopic vision are stimulated equally, a In the light of above
sensatlon of white light is produced. option.
statements, select the correct
(2) Fovea of macula lutea has the greatest visual (1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the
aculty. correct
(3) The association areas in the brain are neither
explanation of (A)
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R)
cleaty sensory nor motor in funtion. is not the
corect explanation of (A)
(4) Fovea ls a plomented spot situated medial to the (3) (A) is true, (R) is false
bllnd spot (4) (A) is false, (R) is true
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100. Select the incorrect match. 194. ldentitly the Incorrect option.
(1) Muscular Genetic Effect on body
dystrophy Hormone
disorder Stimulate contractions of
(1) ADH
(2) Osteoporosis Decreased levels myometrium
of progesterone Increases secretion of
(2) ACTH
(3) Diabetes mellitus Insulin deficiency glucocorticoids
(4)| Myasthenia Autoimmune (3) Testosterone Influence the libido
gravis disease
(4) Thyroxine Regulate BMR
191. Adrenaline and noradrenaline are collectively called
(1) lodothyronines 195. How many of the following hormones given below in
the box are peptide hormones?
(2) Catecholamines
(3) Corticosteroids Glucagon, Thymosin, Aldosterone, Follicle
(4) Fatty acid derivatives stimulating hormone, Epinephrine, Estradiol
192. Select the incorrect statement.
Select the correct option.
(1) GnRH released by master of master gland
stimulates the adenohypophysis to ralease (1) Three
gonadotrophins. (2) Four
(2) Somatostatin raleased by hypothalamus (3) Two
enhances the release of growth hormone.
(3) The neurohypophysis is under the direct neural (4) One
regulation of the hypothalamus. 196. Consider the following statements carefully. Select
(4) Thermoregulation is an important function of the incorrect one.
basal part of diencephalon. (1) Flow of current through chemical synapses is
193. What will be the result ifa stimulus greater than the bidirectional.
threshold stimulus is applied to the skeletal muscle
fibres? (2) Transmission of an impulse across electrical
synapses is very similar to impulse conduction
(1) The strength of contraction will increase. along a single axon.
(2) The contraction occurs with the same force as, (3)
contraction occurs for the threshold stimulus. Electricalsynapses are rare in our body system.
(3) The muscle fibres undergo spasms. (4) The rate of impulse conduction is
a chemicalsynapse than the lesser across
(4) No muscle contraction. electrical synapse.
Space for Rough Work

wer, 8. Pusa Road, New

160. In which of the
characters following the genus name, its two
and its
AllIndia Aakash Test
Series for NEET 2023
matched? class/phylumn are not correctly
164. Which of the
following is not an exclusive feature of
Genus name Two characters (1) They possess a
|Class/Phylum notochord either throughout or
k1) Ctenoplana a.
Shows during early embryonic life.
bioluminescence Ctenophora (2) They possess adorsal and
(3) They all possess jaw.
hollow nerve cord
Ciliated comb
(4) They possess paired pharyngeal gill slits
k2) Taenia |a. 165. The animals which have soft body
flattened body Platyhelminthes surrounded by a
calcareous shell are placed under phylum
b. Bears hooks and
(1) Arthropoda
(2) Mollusca
k3) Pterophyllum a. Presence of air Pisces
bladder (3) Hemichordata
b Gills covered by (4) Echinodermata
operculum 166. All of the following diseases are caused due to
(4) Salamandra la. Tailed amphibian Amphibia hyposecretion by endocrine glands, except
b. A tympanum (1) Diabetes insipidus
represents the (2) Addison's disease
(3) Graves' disease
161. Which of the followingis a common feature between (4) Dwarfism
Periplaneta and Columba? 167. Select the correct antagonistic pair of hormones.
(1) Presence of air sacs connected to lungs (1) Insulin and renin w.r.t. blood pressure
(2) FSH and LH w.r.t. gonads
(2) Absence of chitinous wings
(3) Renin and aldosterone w.r.t. GFR
(3) Presence of crop and gizzard w.r.t. blood
limbs (4) Parathormone and thyrocalcitonin
(4) Presence of scales on hind calciumn
given below in the box are
162. HoW many of the animals 168. Choose the hormone which regulates development
aquatic and viviparous? and maturation of central neural system,
Delphinus, metabolism, erythropoiesis and menstrual cycle.
Ornithorhynchus, Pteropus, Canis,
Equus, Balaenoptera, Felis (1) Melatonin
(2) Thymosin
(1) 7 (3) Thyroxine
(2) 5 (4) TCT
expression by
(3) 2 169. The hormone which regulates gene
the interaction of hormone receptor complex
(4) 3 genome is
Tb3. Choose the incorrect
Electric organ (1) TCT
(1) Torpedo (2) Melatonin
Poison sting
(2) Trygon (3) Thyroxine
(4) Insulin
(3) Pila Bear claspers
(4) Exocoetus Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone
Office: 17/21
178. Choose the correct option to compBete the AliIndia Aakash Test
Series for NEE-2012
Easciola: Triploblastic acoelomate:: Ascarisanalogy. (3)
Adenohypophysis is under Cirect
(1) Diploblastic pseudocoelomate regulation of hypothalamus.
(4) Releasing and inhibitory hormones
(2) Triploblastic coelomate of
hypothalamus reguiate secretions of pars
(3) Triploblastic pseudocoelomate distalis.
(4) Triploblastic acoelomate 184. Select proteinaceous hormone which is
479 In Hydra, àn undifferentiated layer is synthesized by an organised endocrine gland of the
present body.
between ectoderm and endodermn which is called
(1) Growth hormone
(1) Mesoglea
(2) Erythropoietin
(2) Mesoderm
(3) Atrial natriuretic factor
(3) Pseudocoelom (4) Secretin
(4) Coelom 185. Which of the foliowing is not a property of
180. The bilateral symmetry refers to the symmetry when
the body of an organism can be divided into (1) Tre, ae non-nutrient chemicais
(2 Tre, a: as nracellular messengers.
(1) Two unequal halves by a plane passing through
central axis of the animal 3) - - e s are croduced in traces.
(2) Two identical right and left halves only in one (4) Ma seeted by organised endocrine
(3) Two equal halves passing through any plane SECTION-B

(4) Two unequal halves passing through any 186. Choose te correct statement w.r.t
longitudinai plane Systemin an.
are basis of in ovaries of
181. All of the following features (1) There are egntovarioles present
a femaeacn.
classification of animals, except
sperms formed
(2) Spematoonores are pocket of
(1) Nature of coelom within genital pouch.
(2) Body symmetry (3) On an average. females produce 14-16
of celis
(3) Pattern of organisation oothecae. each containing 9-10 eggs.
vestibulum together
(4) Habitat (4) Genital chamber and
the centraf constitute the genital pouch in females.
following hormones acts on
T62. Which of the influences the male libido? becomes blind when its
neuralsystem and 187. Assertion (A): Penplaneta
brain is damaged.
(1) Testosterone ganglion supplies
Reason (R): Supra-oesophageal
(2) Estrogen nerves to compound eyes.
(3) Progesterone and reason, choose the
On the basis of assertion
given below.
(4) GnRH statement W.r.t Correct answer from the options
true but (R) is not the
183. Choose
the incorrect
(1) Both (A) and (R) are
hypothalamus. Correct explanation of
neurosecretory cells
Hypothalamus contains for secretion of Both(A) and (R) are true and (R) is the corect
(2) explanation
() which are responsible of (A)
hormones. (3) (A) is true. (R) is
originating in the hypothalamic
(2) Hormones are released (4) (A) is false, (R) is true
through axons and
neurons, pass
endings. Delhi-1110005. Phone: 011-47623456
from their nerve Tower, 8, Pusa
Road, New
Corporate |19/21
ect statement w.r.t. excretion in 199. Which of the following hormones is not syrnu
by ovary?
berfomed by thin filamentous (1) Progesterone
(2) hPL
an tubute is lined by glandular (3) Relaxin
der epithelium.
(4) Inhibin
ouies syntthesize uric acid which
200. Choose the incorrect statement.
through the hindgut.
(1) MSH is secreted by endocrine cells of
he fat body, nephrocytes and
also help in excretion. adenohypophysis.
one w.r.t. diseases caused by (2) Pars distalis of adenohypophysis is considered
ormones. as anterior lobe of pituitary.
tus (3) Oxytocin and vasopressin are synthesised by
hypothalamus and transported axonally to
(4) In males, FSH and androgens from anterior
pituitary regulate spermatogenesis.

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