156. The neural system and the
151. Which of the following hormones stimulates the endocrine system jointly
the physiological functions
process of bone resorption and demineralisation as in the body.
well as reabsorption of Cat* by the Choose the correct option to fill in the blanks.
renal tubules?
(1) Thyrocalcitonin (1) Oppose and regulate
(2) Cortisol (2) Co-relate and oppose
(3) Parathormone (3) Coordinate and oppose
(4) Glucocorticoid (4) Coordinate and regulate
152.Choose the odd one w.r.t. 157. In a hypothetical scenario, a person had an
hormones of GIT. accident
(1) Secretin and his fovea centralis got completely damaged.
(2) CCK
(3) ANF Select the option that holds true for the affect on his
(4) Gastrin
153. Which of the following structures is the
basal part of (1) The visual acuity (resolution) gets severely
thalamus, neuroendocrine in function and regulates affected.
a wide spectrum of body functions?
(1) Pineal gland (2) Blind spot is not able to see anything sharply.
(3) Decreased efficiency of transmission of sound
(2) Thymus gland waves to the inner ear.
(3) Pituitary gland
(4) No rods and cones left behind in the retina.
(4) Hypothalamus 158. Match column Iwith column II.
154. Choose the odd one w.r.t. organised endocrine
glands. ColumnI Column ll
(1) Kidneys (2) Thymus (a) Gustatory (i) Ear ossicle
(3) Pituitary (4) Pineal receptors
155.Choose the incorrect feature w.r.t. hormones. (b) Insulin (ii) Amino-acid
(1) Large number of hormones are produced in derivative
(c) Stapes (ii) Taste buds on
(2) These are non-nutrient chemicals
(3) Act as intercellular messengers (d) Epinephrine (iv) Protein hormone
(4) Are produced in trace amounts
Select the correct option.
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Test-5 (Code-D)
AllIndia Aakash Test Series for NEET-2024
a b C
(3) By the formation of
hormone-receptor complex
at the surface of plasma
(1) ii . iv membrane
iv (4) Interacting with the membrane-bound receptors
(2) i
162. The stromal tissue having Leydig cells, which are
(3) ii present ín the intertubular space in testis produce a
(4) iv ii ii group of hormones called
198. The olfactory bulbs are the extensions of the brain's 200. Match column I with column II.
Column l Column l
(1) Limbic system
a Tectorial Maintenance of
(2) Medulla oblongata membrane balance of body
(3) Pons b Membranous i. Suspended in
labyrinth perilymph
(4) Cerebellumh ii. Above the rows of
C. Vestibular
apparatus the hair cells
199. Choose the incorrect statement w.r.t. human ear.
(in cochlea)
(1) At the apex of the cochlea, the scala vestibuli Choose the correct option.
ends at the oval window.
(2) Organ of Corti is located on the basilar
membrane. (1) ii
(4) The hair cells are present in rows on the internal (4) iii
side of the organ of Corti.
SECTION-A (3) Involuntary action
151. Select the odd one w.r.t. bones of upper limb in
humans. (4) Light and dark bands
(1) Radius 153. Comprehend the following statemen:s
(2) Ulna ribs and choose the incorrect one.
(3) Humerus (1) 12 pairs of ribs are bicephalic.
(4) Patella
(2) First seven pairs of ribs are called vee
152. Consider the features given below w.r.t. the muscle
sternal ribs.
fibres of uterus and select the one whose presence
differentiates it from the muscle fibres present in (3) Vertebrochondral ribs are
external anal sphincter.
attached ventra,
the sternum directly with the help of
nya re
(1) Syncytial nucleus cartilage.
(2) Unbranched fibres (4) Last 2 pairs of ribs are not
connected ventra
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effects ort fproeit1 Test7 (CodeA)
(1) Glucagon
(2) Cortisol
(3) Catecholarnines
(4) Androgens
12 9elect the correct pair
412, 177, ThN
6f organissd
glands. srHMS gadisantar sere aed beween
(1) Testis and thymus
(2) Kidney andadrenal
(3) Liver and panCrOas 3) k aon the vertsa se f
(4) Pancreas and kidney
(4) Thyris jard
173, Allof the following are 17%, The rEISftheoasory
associated with diabetesfunctions epitheliurn erend from
of hormons hat is
mellitus, sxcept ths taeenhronrnert direty irto a pair of broad
(1) Promotes oxidation of tsSZ gns cale which are
(2) Inhibits metabolic
breakdown of fsts se e correct option to fil in the blanks
(3) Promotes
breakdown of glycogen in liver
(4) Enhances glucose uptake by (1) OMasory bub and lirnbic system
174, The
hepato0es (2) Asnygalaand intoirc syssem
hormone that has anti-inflarmmatory action and
can also be used as (3) Hippanps and hypohalarnus
(1) Thymosin
immun08uppressant is
(4) Otatory bub and hypothalamus
(2) Calcitonin
(3) Cortisol (4) Thyroxáne 179. The correc order of oranial
meninges ie., pia
mater (a), arachnord (b) and dura
175.The hypersecretion of thyroid hormones along with mater (c) from
outside to inside is
enlargement of thyroid gland is associated with
(1) Cretinism (1) b-C’a (2) a’b’c
(2) Graves disease
(3) C-b’a (4) b’a’c
(3) Addison's disease (4) Acromegaly
176. 180. The meduila obiongata does not
ANF secreted by atrial wall ínhíbits the secretion of for contains centres
aofmineralocorticoid "X that helps in the maintenance
(1) Respiration
a. Electrolytes (2) Cardiovascular reflexes
b. Body fluid (3) Gastric seoretions
volume (4) Thermoregulation
C. Blood pressure
Testit (Cote A) AllIndia Aakash Test Series for NEET-2023
81. Whieth of the following layers become thick in the SECTION-B
antertor part of the eye ball to form cllary body? 186. In humans, temporal bone is attached to the parietal
() Hs (2) Choroid bone via
(3) Belera (4) Retlna (1) Gliding joint (2) Ball and socket joint
182. What will be the efect on knee-jerk reflex, If the (3) Saddle joint (4) Fibrous joint
interneurons are removed from splnal cord? 187, Select the incorrect statement.
(1) Anexaggerated response (1) Constriction of skin blood vesselsS and
(2) No change in response contraction of skeletal muscles when it is too
cold is an example of negative feedback loop in
(3) No response due to loss of sensatlon humans.
(4) No response with the paintul feeling (2) A steroid hormone named ecdysone controls
183. Select the correct match. the moulting in insects.
(1) Unlpolar neurons -Retina of eye (3) Tryptophan is the precursor of serotornin.
(4) Bowman's gland are located in the kidneys.
(2) Biplar neurons Embryonic stage 188. Cho0se the incorrect statement.
(3) Nisel's granules Cell body (1) Tetany can be caused due to hyposecretion of
(4) Hindbraln Assoclation areas
(2) Cornea is the most sensitive potion of the eye.
184. The dorsal portlon of the midbrain consists of four (3) The thigh muscles of Macaca are striated and
round swellings called
(1) Corpus callosum (4) An acromion process is characteristically found
(2) Corpus luteum in the pelvic girdle of mammals.
(3) Corpora quadrigemina 189. Assertion (A): The myelinated neurons conduct the
(4) Corpus albicans nerve impulse at a higher rate than unmyelinated
186. Select the Incorrect statement.
Reason (R): Saltatory type of impulse conduction
(1) When all the photopigments responsible for Occurs in myelinated neurons.
photopic vision are stimulated equally, a In the light of above
sensatlon of white light is produced. option.
statements, select the correct
(2) Fovea of macula lutea has the greatest visual (1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the
aculty. correct
(3) The association areas in the brain are neither
explanation of (A)
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R)
cleaty sensory nor motor in funtion. is not the
corect explanation of (A)
(4) Fovea ls a plomented spot situated medial to the (3) (A) is true, (R) is false
bllnd spot (4) (A) is false, (R) is true
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(4) Two unequal halves passing through any 186. Choose te correct statement w.r.t
longitudinai plane Systemin an.
are basis of in ovaries of
181. All of the following features (1) There are egntovarioles present
a femaeacn.
classification of animals, except
sperms formed
(2) Spematoonores are pocket of
(1) Nature of coelom within genital pouch.
(2) Body symmetry (3) On an average. females produce 14-16
of celis
(3) Pattern of organisation oothecae. each containing 9-10 eggs.
vestibulum together
(4) Habitat (4) Genital chamber and
the centraf constitute the genital pouch in females.
following hormones acts on
T62. Which of the influences the male libido? becomes blind when its
neuralsystem and 187. Assertion (A): Penplaneta
brain is damaged.
(1) Testosterone ganglion supplies
Reason (R): Supra-oesophageal
(2) Estrogen nerves to compound eyes.
(3) Progesterone and reason, choose the
On the basis of assertion
given below.
(4) GnRH statement W.r.t Correct answer from the options
true but (R) is not the
183. Choose
the incorrect
(1) Both (A) and (R) are
hypothalamus. Correct explanation of
neurosecretory cells
Hypothalamus contains for secretion of Both(A) and (R) are true and (R) is the corect
(2) explanation
() which are responsible of (A)
hormones. (3) (A) is true. (R) is
originating in the hypothalamic
(2) Hormones are released (4) (A) is false, (R) is true
through axons and
neurons, pass
endings. Delhi-1110005. Phone: 011-47623456
from their nerve Tower, 8, Pusa
Road, New
Corporate |19/21
ect statement w.r.t. excretion in 199. Which of the following hormones is not syrnu
by ovary?
berfomed by thin filamentous (1) Progesterone
(2) hPL
an tubute is lined by glandular (3) Relaxin
der epithelium.
(4) Inhibin
ouies syntthesize uric acid which
200. Choose the incorrect statement.
through the hindgut.
(1) MSH is secreted by endocrine cells of
he fat body, nephrocytes and
also help in excretion. adenohypophysis.
one w.r.t. diseases caused by (2) Pars distalis of adenohypophysis is considered
ormones. as anterior lobe of pituitary.
tus (3) Oxytocin and vasopressin are synthesised by
hypothalamus and transported axonally to
(4) In males, FSH and androgens from anterior
pituitary regulate spermatogenesis.