Poll Z-18 Zoology
Poll Z-18 Zoology
Poll Z-18 Zoology
Syllabus: Chemical Control and Coordination - II
Choose the Correct Option. (2) Glucocorticoids and testosterone are steroid
1. Read the statements given below and select the
correct option. (3) The immune responses of old person
become weak due to degeneration of pineal
Statement-A: Thymus gland secretes the steroid
hormone called thymosin.
(4) Epinephrine and nor-epinephrine are
Statement-B: Thymosins play an important role
secreted rapidly in response to stress of any
in cell mediated and humoral immunity.
(1) Both statements A and B are correct
5. Match the hormones listed in column-A with the
(2) Both statements A and B are incorrect description in column-B.
(3) Only statement A is correct Column-A Column-B
(4) Only statement B is correct (a) Aldosterone (i) a-cells
2. The adrenal medulla secretes a hormone ‘X’ (b) Cortisol (ii) Mineralocorticoid
commonly called hormone of emergency which is
synergistic to hormone ‘Y’ secreted by adrenal (c) Insulin (iii) b-cells
cortex with respect to certain functions. (d) Glucagon (iv) Glucocorticoid
Select the correct answer for X and Y. (1) (a)-(ii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(i), (d)-(iii)
X Y (2) (a)-(ii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(iii), (d)-(i)
(1) Adrenaline Mineralocorticoid (3) (a)-(iv), (b)-(ii), (c)-(i), (d)-(iii)
(2) Nor-adrenaline Aldosterone (4) (a)-(iv), (b)-(ii), (c)-(iii), (d)-(i)
(3) Nor-epinephrine Catecholamine 6. The corticoids involved in carbohydrate
(4) Adrenaline Glucocorticoid metabolism are called glucocorticoids. Select the
incorrect option w.r.t functions of glucocorticoids.
3. How many from A to E are correct w.r.t functions
of catecholamines? (1) Stimulate gluconeogenesis
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Poll-18 Zoology
pepsin. The inhibition of gastric glands is under 19. Which of the following hormone is not associated
the control of with maintaineace of water and electrolyte
(1) CCK (2) Gastrin
(1) Aldosterone (2) Thyroxine
(3) Secretin (4) GIP
(3) ADH (4) Adrenaline
18. A fall in glomerular blood flow can activate the
RAAS which in turn leads to increase in the blood 20. Procarboxypeptidase present in pancreatic juice
pressure and GFR. is activated by and secreted under the
effect of .
When blood pressure is increased, a peptide
hormone ‘X’ is secreted by the atrial wall to keep Select the option to fill in the blanks correctly.
check on renin angiotensin mechanism. A B
Select the correct option for hormone ’X’. (1) Enterokinase Secretin
(1) Aldosterone (2) ANF (2) HCl Gastrin
(3) GIP (4) ADH (3) Trypsin CCK
(4) Chloride ion GIP
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Poll-18 Zoology
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Poll-18 Zoology
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