Online Dating: Searching For A Soulmate

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searching for a soulmate




Watch the suggested YouTube on “When dating went digital”
si=Jh0sBXlWJxdDAcgIand consider how to answer the questions below. You can write your notes in
the given boxes. Remember to be speci c when giving an example. You can take a photo of this slide.
1. Give an example on how couples met when there was no online dating.

2. In which year was online dating introduced?

3. Would you ever consider going on a dating website? Why/Why not?

4. Do you believe that a computer can find your perfect match? Why/Why not?

5. Should you trust the photos and information which people upload of themselves to try and get a date? Why/Why not?

6. Do dating websites really want to help people find love? Why? Why not?

7. Do you agree or disagree that finding a partner online is easier and quicker than going out meeting someone face to face?
Why/Why not?

Match the vocabulary on the left to the de nitions on the right.

overriding 1. a set of procedures: algorithms

2. to bring a couple together for a possible marriage. matchmake
data-driven 3. to have the same interests/opinions: in common
tune in
4. to carry on into the future: long-term
5. to make plans by analysing data: data-driven
6. to talk about weight (1000 kilograms): tonne
7. to talk about the discovery/development of science/inventions: technology
8. to be a matter of great importance: overriding
long-term 9. to talk about a couple having a romantic relationship: courtship
10. to introduce a new product to the market: launch
in common 11. to turn on the radio/TV to listen to or watch: tune in
12. to talk about being sexually attracted to the opposite sex: heterosexual

Match the vocabulary on the left to the de nitions on the right.

1. to give information into a computer (profile/photos): upload
2. information you receive based on what you hear: anecdotally
blind date
3. to meet up with a person you have never seen face to face: blind date
e iciency
4. to connect to the internet: hook up
punch card
5. to talk about something/someone being well organized: efficiency
6. to ignore or not see something: blindness
hook up 7. to talk about something that might happen: indication
8. to rename or change a known product: rebrand
indication 9. to recreate something (product) which has already been invented: reinvent
10. to talk about the main facts of a development: basis
blindness 11. to talk about a product that has just come onto the market: release
12. a card with holes in it as a form of code: punch card
Match the vocabulary on the left to the de nitions on the right.

take o 1. a piece of paper with lots of questions to ask people: questionnaire
2. a large, heavy computer: IBM 650
questionnaire 3. to talk about what you think or feel about something or somebody: attitude
4. well-known for being bad: notoriously
attitude 5. Someone whose occupation it is to build or fix machines: engineer
boom 6. to talk about a product that quickly becomes successful: take off
engineer 7. to show that something is true so that people believe you: proof
8. to talk about a growing product which makes lots of money: boom
IBM 650 9. a phrase used to for a product (usually not difficult to remember): tagline
10. to talk about two people who get on well/or are attracted to each other: chemistry
notoriously 11. people who work for a company and earn a salary: employee

I don’t know about you, PART OF SPEECH
but I seem to always
Write the vocabulary in the correct box(es).
forget what part of
speech a word is.

1. algorithm
2. matchmake
3. have sth. in common
4. long-term noun (N) (phrasal) verb(V) adjective (Adj) idiom
5. data-driven
6. tonne algorithm matchmake long-term
7. technology tonne have sth. In common
launch data-driven
8. overriding technology
9. courtship courtship tune in overriding
10. launch launch heterosexual anecdotally
11. tune in heterosexual
12. heterosexual upload upload
13. upload blind date hook up
14. anecdotally
15. blind date
16. hook up 6
Find synonyms/similar words.

introduce transfer
in common based on hearsay high tech
tonne most important lasting
overriding technology 1000kg rendezvous
courtship launch straight
heterosexual tune in listen in
upload determined by data
blind date shared
hook up anecdotally dating

Ex. data-driven=determined by data 7

10 mins

Let’s talk.
Try to be speci c when giving an example

1. What age should people start dating? Why? How old were you when
you rst started dating?
2. Is it important to look your best when going on a date?
3. How do you feel when meeting someone for the rst time? Why?
4. What would be your ideal rst date? Why?
5. What do you look for in a partner? Why?
6. Do you agree or disagree that men should pay the bill on the rst
date? Why/Why not?
7. What’s the worst thing you could do on a rst date? Why?
8. On a rst date, do you feel that you can be yourself? Why/Why not?
9. How do you feel about women asking men for a date? Why?
10. When going on a date for the rst time, where would be a safe place
to meet? Why?
11. Would you tell your friends that you have met someone online, and
you have decided to go on a date with him/her? Why/Why not?
writing 9

Imagine you are a single man/woman. Write a short

profile for an online dating website (150 words).

NAME: ________________________________________
GENDER: ________________________________________
AGE: ________________________________________
COUNTRY: ________________________________________

Are you looking for a man/woman? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

What are your hobbies and interests? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

What’s your occupation?
What are you looking for in a man/
woman? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Is marriage important for you? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
What about children? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Where do you see yourself 10 years ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

from now? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Put the right words into the boxes below.

1. Her new online shop took off very quickly and earned her a good
monthly salary.
technology 2. Advanced technology such as AI will assist teachers in the classroom.
3. It’s important for teachers to have good chemistry with their students.
courtship 4. His overriding concern is to earn more money to pay off his mortgage.
5. Their relationship only lasted a few weeks, since they didn’t have much in common.
took o
in common 6. If you want a product to sell well, a catchy tagline is vital.
7. People’s attitude towards online dating differs.
basis 8. The UK experienced a baby boom in the 1960s.
9. Nowadays homosexual married couples have the same rights as heterosexual
chemistry upload
10. After a three-year courtship, the couple decided to move in together.
overriding 11. Respect and trust are the true basis for a long-lasting relationship.
attitude 12. The dating website insists that you upload a recent photo with your
Put the right words into the boxes below.

1. Most dating apps don’t like to disclose the algorithms they use, as they like
to keep their methods a secret.
2. After being single for two years, my sister arranged for me to go on a blind date
with one of her co-workers.
3. The government has plans to get people off long-term unemployment and
blind date back into work.
4. The company is highly impressed with her efficiency in running the office.
indication 5. My brother told me to tune in to watch the match this evening.
tune in 6. I tend not to drive at night because of night blindness, I have problems
algorithms seeing where I am going.
reinvent 7. Since the old, wooden wardrobe weighed a tonne, he asked his friends to
help him carry it downstairs.
e iciency 8. She needs to reinvent herself and become a totally new person.
9. The company hired eight new employees to help with the Christmas load.
long-term 10. She had no indication that her boyfriend was going to ask her to marry him,
employees it was a complete surprise.
11. There is little proof that online dating will help you to find your
soulmate. 11
Put the right words into the boxes below.

1. The company thought it a good idea to rebrand their product in the

hope to make more sales.
launch 2. Many people anecdotally say dating apps are a waste of time and
3. The new online website has notoriously high membership prices.
4. The new product will be released later this year and will be in the
rebrand shops by Christmas.
hook up 5. The company uses a punch card machine to check what time an
matchmake employee starts and finishes work.
6. They plan to launch a new, easy to use dating app next month.
notoriously 7. The dating website chose 46 men to matchmake me with, but I didn’t
IBM 650 like any of them.
anecdotally 8. I was asked to fill in a questionnaire to match me with suitable partners.
9. Frank Hamilton designed the IBM 650, which is a data-processing
punch card machine.
10. Once you buy a laptop, you can hook up to the internet.
I don’t know about you, PART OF SPEECH
but I seem to always
Write the vocabulary in the correct box(es).
forget what part of
speech a word is.

1. efficiency
2. blindness noun (N) (phrasal) verb (V) adjective (Adj)
3. indication
4. rebrand e ciency
5. reinvent blindness
6. basis rebrand notoriously
7. release reinvent
8. punch card punch card engineer
9. questionnaire questionnaire take o
10. attitude boom
11. notoriously
12. engineer
take o
13. take off
14. proof
15. boom boom
16. tagline tagline
17. chemistry chemistry
18. employee employee

Find synonyms/similar words.

blindness approach buzzword
indication rebrand worker infamously
release sightlessness
questionnaire attitude competence

notoriously take off attraction foundation

proof hint
tagline chemistry publication

Ex. rebrand = reform 14

10 mins

Let’s talk.
Try to be speci c when giving an example

1. Can you remember going on a not so successful date? What was so awful about it?
2. What was your best date ever? Why?
3. How did your parents meet, and how old were they?
4. What’s a typical conversation on a rst date? Why?
5. Can you name three things you should never talk about on a rst date? Why?
6. What are the positive and negative sides about online dating? Why?
7. Do you think you have to be a certain age to date online? Why?
8. Do you believe it’s possible to marry the person you met online? Are these marriages
more or less successful than couples who have not met online. Why/Why not?
9. Do you believe that people lie online? What kind of lies would they tell?
10. What are the most important questions to ask a person online before going on a
date? Why?
11. Quite often we hear about online love scams. What are some ways of noticing that
you are chatting to a scammer?
Lesson suggestion
Lesson suggestion based on a one on one online lesson, also suitable for the classroom with more students, allow for more time . This can be spit into 2 lessons depending on the time.
Remember that these points are only suggestions. You can always change the order of the slides. Oh, and don’t worry about getting through all the slides 😊 and set them a time to nish a slide,
otherwise you might be there all day 😂
Personally, I nd the discussion slides extremely important, since I want my student to talk as much as possible, so I tend to give out a few of the other slides for homework 👍
How many slides do I teach in 45 mins? Well, I tend to spend about 15 mins on slides 1-2 and 20 mins on slide 7, which only leaves 10 mins, so we usually only get through one or two of the
other slides and the rest is homework, at least two slides 😊

45 mins lesson 1:

1-2 (10 mins with feedback): Go straight into the lesson. Student watches the clip and at the same time taking notes on slide 2 to answer the questions, ask student to take a photo, since it
might not be possible for him/her to see both slides on just one screen. Allow your student the control by stopping and starting the clip on YouTube. Give feedback.

3-5 (15 mins with feedback): Check pronunciation on the left and explain the words if necessary. Encourage student to use a dictionary for the task. Give feedback.
You can give one or both slides as homework.

6 (5 mins including feedback): Explain the part of speech. Student completes the task (not suitable for homework). Check answers. Give feedback

7 (5 mins including feedback): This slide is always good, if you have extra time. Student completes the task. Check answers. Encourage student to use a dictionary for the task. Give feedback.

8: (10 + mins including feedback - grammar… discussion on the topic. Never stop a conversation if it is going well and your student is enjoying it.
Encourage student to structure his/her sentences using “Giving an opinions O/R/EX”, which can be purchased in my store.

9: essay writing maybe as homework or at the beginning of lesson 2 as a discussion . Encourage your student to structure his/her sentences using “O/R/EX”, which can be purchased in my

45 mins lesson 2 (Don’t forget to check homework, if any.):

(5 mins +) check homework

10-12 (15 mins with feedback): Check pronunciation on the left and explain the words if necessary. Encourage student to use a dictionary for the task. Give feedback.
You can give one of the slides as homework.

13 (5 mins including feedback): Explain the part of speech. Student completes the task (not suitable for homework). Check answers. Give feedback.

14 (5 mins including feedback): This slide is always good, if you have extra time. Student completes the task. Check answers. Encourage student to use a dictionary for the task. Give feedback

15 (10 + mins including feedback - grammar… discussion on the topic. Never stop a conversation if it is going well and your student is enjoying it.
Encourage student to structure his/her sentences using “O/R/EX”, which can be purchased in my store. 16
Match the vocabulary on the left to the de nitions on the right.
Key: slide 3

1. a set of procedures: algorithms

2. to bring a couple together for a possible marriage. matchmake
3. to have the same interests/opinions: in common
4. to carry on into the future: long-term
5. to make plans by analysing data: data-driven
6. to talk about weight (1000 kilograms): tonne
7. to talk about the discovery/development of science/inventions: technology
8. to be a matter of great importance: overriding
9. to talk about a couple having a romantic relationship: courtship
10. to introduce a new product to the market: launch
11. to turn on the radio/TV to listen to or watch: tune in
12. to talk about being sexually attracted to the opposite sex: heterosexual


Key: slide 4 Match the vocabulary on the left to the de nitions on the right.

1. to give information into a computer (profile/photos): upload

2. information you receive based on what you hear: anecdotally
3. to meet up with a person you have never seen face to face: blind date
4. to connect to the internet: hook up
5. to talk about something/someone being well organized: efficiency
6. to ignore or not see something: blindness
7. to talk about something that might happen: indication
8. to rename or change a known product: rebrand
9. to recreate something (product) which has already been invented: reinvent
10. to talk about the main facts of a development: basis
11. to talk about a product that has just come onto the market: release
12. a card with holes in it as a form of code: punch card


Key: slide 5 Match the vocabulary on the left to the de nitions on the right.

1. a piece of paper with lots of questions to ask people: questionnaire

2. a large, heavy computer: IBM 650
3. to talk about what you think or feel about something or somebody: attitude
4. well-known for being bad: notoriously
5. Someone whose occupation it is to build or fix machines: engineer
6. to talk about a product that quickly becomes successful: take off
7. to show that something is true so that people believe you: proof
8. to talk about a growing product which makes lots of money: boom
9. a phrase used to for a product (usually not difficult to remember): tagline
10. to talk about two people who get on well/or are attracted to each other: chemistry
11. people who work for a company and earn a salary: employee


Key: slide 6
Write the vocabulary in the correct box(es).

noun (N) (phrasal) verb(V) adjective (Adj) idiom

algorithm matchmake
tonne long-term have sth. In common
courtship tune in data-driven
launch overriding
upload upload anecdotally
blind date
hook up

Find synonyms/similar words.

Key: slide 7 Key: slide 14

algorithm = procedure
matchmake = go-between efficiency = competence
in common = shared blindness = sightlessness
long-term = lasting indication = hint
data-driven = determined by data rebrand = reform
tonne = 1000kg basis = foundation
technology = high tech release = publication
overriding = most important questionnaire = survey
courtship = dating attitude = approach
launch = introduce notoriously = infamously
tune in = listen in take off = launch
heterosexual = straight proof = evidence
upload = transfer boom = increase
anecdotally = based on hearsay tagline = buzzword
blind date = rendezvous chemistry = attraction
hook up = connect employee = worker
Put the right words into the boxes below.
Key: slide 10

1. Her new online shop took off very quickly and earned her a good monthly salary.
2. Advanced technology such as AI will assist teachers in the classroom.
3. It’s important for teachers to have good chemistry with their students.
4. His overriding concern is to earn more money to pay off his mortgage.
5. Their relationship only lasted a few weeks, since they didn’t have much in common.
6. If you want a product to sell well, a catchy tagline is vital.
7. People’s attitude towards online dating differs.
8. The UK experienced a baby boom in the 1960s.
9. Nowadays homosexual married couples have the same rights as heterosexual
10. After a three-year courtship, the couple decided to move in together.
11. Respect and trust are the true basis for a long-lasting relationship.
12. The dating website insists that you upload a recent photo with your profile.

Put the right words into the boxes below.
Key: slide 11
1. Most dating apps don’t like to disclose the algorithms they use, as they like to keep
their methods a secret.
2. After being single for two years, my sister arranged for me to go on a blind date
with one of her co-workers.
3. The government has plans to get people off long-term unemployment and back into
4. The company is highly impressed with her efficiency in running the office.
5. My brother told me to tune in to watch the match this evening.
6. I tend not to drive at night because of night blindness, I have problems seeing where I
am going.
7. Since the old, wooden wardrobe weighed a tonne, he asked his friends to help him
carry it downstairs.
8. She needs to reinvent herself and become a totally new person.
9. The company hired eight new employees to help with the Christmas load.
10. She had no indication that her boyfriend was going to ask her to marry him, it was a
complete surprise.
11. There is little proof that online dating will help you to find your soulmate.
Put the right words into the boxes below.
Key: slide 12

1. The company thought it a good idea to rebrand their product in the hope to
make more sales.
2. Many people anecdotally say dating apps are a waste of time and money.
3. The new online website has notoriously high membership prices.
4. The new product will be released later this year and will be in the shops by
5. The company uses a punch card machine to check what time an employee starts
and finishes work.
6. They plan to launch a new, easy to use dating app next month.
7. The dating website chose 46 men to matchmake me with, but I didn’t like any of
8. I was asked to fill in a questionnaire to match me with suitable partners.
9. Frank Hamilton designed the IBM 650, which is a data-processing machine.
10. Once you buy a laptop, you can hook up to the internet.
Key: slide 13 Write the vocabulary in the correct box(es).

noun (N) (phrasal) verb (V) adjective (Adj)

e ciency
indication notoriously
punch card
questionnaire reinvent
attitude engineer
engineer take o
take o boom

Suggested YouTube clip:

My own work

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