COM510 - Assessment Information Sheet (Updated ODL)
COM510 - Assessment Information Sheet (Updated ODL)
COM510 - Assessment Information Sheet (Updated ODL)
QUIZ (10%)
3. The respective lecturers and their students will agree on a pre-determined online platform to conduct the online quiz.
1. Each student needs to write a term paper on one of the following topics:
a. Discuss the four roles and functions of mass media according to Harold Lasswell with examples of the current media environment in
Malaysian society.
b. Explain the different roles of government branches in Malaysia and examine the reasons for having the separation of power with
examples of the current political situation in the country.
c. Discuss the issue of media violence in Malaysian media using any two of the media effect theories.
d. Explain the two debates on media regulations. Discuss the positive and negative consequences of the media laws and regulations in
2. The essay should be approximately 2000 words, 6 to 7 pages excluding the cover and reference page, Times New Roman 12pts, using
APA7, and 1.5 line spacing. Considering the length will help you to be able to decide how broad or narrow your subject will be.
3. Resources: Library or any available resources. You can also look for any available online resources. Make sure you have hands-on
books and other materials to use as references for your paper.
The following is a general term paper format or layout that you should follow in presenting your topic:
• Cover page: Align the text that contains your name, course number, lecturer’s name, and the date of the deadline in the centre of the
• Abstract: Usually less than a page long, the abstract describes your work. It lets readers know where the term paper is headed, the
issue at hand, and why the subject was interesting or important.
• Introduction: The introduction should begin with a statement of the topic to be discussed. Explain the significance of the topic or problem
at hand and write about how you plan to discuss the issue.
• Body: The body of your text should contain the main points of your topic. Provide information about the subject matter so that the
readers can further understand what is being discussed.
• Results: Explain why your study has led you to believe certain ideas about your topic. How has your view changed from when you
began the study? Has it stayed the same, and why? Tie everything you have been explaining into what you had stated in your
• Discussion: End with a summary and a conclusion about the topic in question. Finish by stating an opening question or by prompting the
readers to continue their own study on the extension of the subject.
COM510 – Mass Media and Malaysian Society
Rubrics for Term Paper (20%)
Total /40
CLO3: Demonstrate autonomous learning towards mass media landscape and Malaysian society. (A3)
Assessment: Written report on case study/analysis to emphasise the attribute ‘autonomous learning’ in MQF 7 LOD
1. Students are required to write a concept paper of 5 pages excluding the cover and reference page (APA7, Times New Roman 12pts or Arial
11pts, 1.5 spacing).
2. It has to include: Introduction, body of contents, conclusion, and list of references (APA7 standard).
3. Choose two local advertisements or short videos produced by organisations (e.g. Petronas, TNB, Malaysia Airlines, etc) for festival/national
celebration that portray Malaysian values (must be available on YouTube) and write two reflection papers/essays for each video.
4. In each essay:
a. Reflect on what did you learn about our society from the video.
b. How do you think media can assist with the propagation of Malaysian values?
c. How does media ownership influence the contents of media based on the video?
d. What would you suggest to local media producers on how to increase the sense of belonging to our country through creative works?
Name: _________________________________________
Criteria 4 3 2 1 Score
Student properly generates Student generates questions Students requires prompts to Questions or problems are
Introduction/ questions and or problems and or problems. generate questions and or lecturer generated.
Topic around a topic. problem.
Numerous detailed Several detailed conclusions Some detailed conclusions are A conclusion is made from
Conclusion conclusions are reached are reached from the evidence reached from the evidence the evidence offered.
Reached from the evidence offered. offered. offered.
Information is gathered from Information is gathered from Information is gathered from Information is gathered from
Information multiple electronic and non- multiple electronic and non- limited electronic and non- either electronic or non-
Gathering electronic sources and cited electronic sources. electronic sources. electronic sources only.
Well organised, demonstrate Well organised but demonstrate Well organised, but demonstrate Weakly organised.
Summary logical sequencing and illogical sequencing or illogical sequencing and
Paragraph sentence structure. sentence structure. sentence structure.
Punctuation and There is one error in There are two or three errors in There are four or more
Grammar capitalisation are correct. punctuation and/or punctuation and/or errors in punctuation and/or
and Spelling capitalisation. capitalisation. capitalisation.
Done in the correct format Done in the correct format with Done in the correct format with Done in the correct format
References with no errors. few errors. some errors. Internet site. with many errors.
Total /24
Total = /25%
COM510 – Mass Media and Malaysian Society
Written Report 35%; Presentation Slides 10%
CLO2: Study the functions and practices of social skills and responsibilities in mass media and Malaysian society. (A3)
Assessment: Presentation and case study report to emphasise social responsibilities related to the attribute of social skills and responsibilities in
1. Students are to get themselves into a group of 4 to 5 members. The same group members are maintained for other group assessments.
2. Each group is required to write a report of 15 to 20 pages excluding the cover and reference page (APA7, Times New Roman 12pts or Arial
11pts, 1.5 spacing).
2. The report has to include: Introduction, body of contents, conclusion, and list of references (APA7 standard).
3. The group is required to prepare 10-15 PowerPoint slides presentation to capture and present the main ideas in the written report.
4. Students will choose only one theme from the following list to elaborate and discuss accordingly:
a. How can media be used to share political ideology to the public? What are some of the examples that you see in Malaysia?
b. Represents marginalised groups (e.g. OKUs, Orang Asli, indigenous people of Sabah Sarawak, etc) and what are the impacts of
such representation on media of your choice towards public perception? Elaborate and provide examples.
c. How can social media influence mental health? What are some of the effects? How to mitigate the negative impact of social media?
d. Discuss the Korean Wave in Malaysia. How does the Korean wave impact Malaysian socio-economic landscape? Elaborate and
provide examples.
e. Explore the issue of media and Islamic identity in Malaysia. How does Malaysian media facilitate the formation of Islamic identity in
contemporary Malaysia? Elaborate and provide examples.
5. Dateline of submission for the presentation slides is on Week 12 and the written report on Week 13 of the semester.
COM510 – Mass Media and Malaysian Society
Rubrics for Group Assignment – Written Report (35%)
Criteria 4 3 2 1 Score
Title, names, date, neatly Evidence of four. Evidence of three. Evidence of two or less.
Title Page finished, no errors.
The introduction is The introduction states the The introduction states the There is no clear
Introduction engaging, states the main main topic and previews the main topic but does not introduction or main topic
topic and previews the structure of the paper. adequately preview the and the structure of the
structure of the paper. structure of the paper. paper is missing.
Each paragraph has Each paragraph has Each paragraph lacks Each paragraph fails to
Body thoughtful supporting detail sufficient supporting detail supporting detail sentences. develop the main idea.
sentences that develop the sentences that develop the
main idea. main idea.
Analysis, Presents an insightful and Presents a thorough Presents a superficial analysis Presents an incomplete
Evaluation and thorough analysis of all analysis of most issues of some issues identified. analysis of the issues
Recommendations issues identified. identified. identified.
Makes appropriate and Makes appropriate Makes appropriate but Makes little or no
powerful connections connections between the somewhat vague connections connections between the
between the issues issues identified. between the issues identified. issues identified.
Supports diagnosis and Supports diagnosis and Supports diagnosis and Supports diagnosis and
opinions with strong opinions with reasons and opinions with limited reasons opinions with few reasons
COM510 – Mass Media and Malaysian Society
arguments and evidence; evidence; presents a fairly and evidence; presents a and little evidence;
presents a balanced and balanced view; interpretation somewhat one-sided argument is one-sided and
critical view; interpretation is is both reasonable and argument. not objective.
both reasonable and objective.
Presents detailed, realistic, Present specific, realistic Present realistic or appropriate Presents realistic or
and appropriate and appropriate recommendations supported appropriate
recommendations clearly recommendations supported by the information presented recommendations with
supported by the information by the information presented and concepts from the reading. little, if any, support from
presented and concepts and concepts from the the information presented
from the reading. reading. and concepts from the
Supplements case study Supplements case study Supplement case study with Supplements case study, if
Research with relevant and extensive with relevant research into limited research into the at all, with incomplete
research into the present the present situation of the present situation of the research and
situation of the company; company; documents all company; provides limited documentation.
clearly and thoroughly sources of information. documentation of sources
documents all sources of consulted.
Depth and complexity of Depth of idea development Unelaborated idea Minimal idea development,
Development of ideas supported by rich, supported by elaborated, development; unelaborated limited and/or unrelated
Ideas engaging and pertinent relevant details. and/or repetitious details. details.
details; evidence analysis,
reflection and insight.
No errors in punctuation, Almost no errors in Many errors in punctuation, Numerous and distracting
Mechanics capitalisation and spelling. punctuation, capitalisation capitalisation and spelling. errors in punctuation,
and spelling. capitalisation and spelling.
COM510 – Mass Media and Malaysian Society
No errors sentence structure Almost no errors in sentence Many errors in sentence Numerous and distracting
Usage and word usage. structure and word usage. structure and word usage. errors in sentence structure
and word usage.
All cited works, both text Some cited works, both text Inconsistencies evident. Few cited works, both text
Citation and visual, are done in the and visuals, are done in the and visual, are done in the
correct format with no correct format. correct format.
Done in the correct format Done in the correct format Done in the correct format with Done in the correct format
References with no errors. with few errors. some errors. Internet site. with many errors.
The conclusion is engaging The conclusion restates the The conclusion does not Incomplete and/or
Conclusion and restates the thesis. thesis. adequately restate the thesis. unfocused.
Total /64
COM510 – Mass Media and Malaysian Society
Rubrics for Presentation Slides (10%)
Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Needs Improvement (1) Score
Student properly generates Student generates questions Students requires prompts to Questions or problems are
Introduction/ questions and or problems and or problems. generate questions and or lecturer generated.
Topic around a topic. problem.
Strong and engaging Introduction provides overview Some overview is given; Introduction does not give
Organisation introduction provides of presentation; presentations connection between overview; organisation is
overview of presentation; supports introduction and ends introduction and presentation is unclear, or presentation
presentation supports with appropriate conclusion. sometimes unclear; conclusion ends without conclusion.
introduction; conclusion is limited.
reinforces main points in
memorable fashion.
Content throughout the Content is presented succinctly Content shows problems with Presentation of content is
Content presentation slides is well for the most part. Research research and succinct disjointed and incoherent;
researched and presented and preparation are evident. presentation; more preparation little evidence of
succinctly; presentation is of the material is necessary. preparation.
well prepared and has
obviously been rehearsed.
Main ideas are presented Main ideas are supported with Some main ideas are supported Main ideas are unclear;
Sources and with depth and effectively appropriate facts, examples, with facts, examples, or details. facts, examples, and details
documentation supported with facts, vivid and details. One or two key More than two key elements are are lacking or fail to support
details, and engaging elements may be missing; 2-3 missing; only 1-2 sources are ideas; presentation lacks
examples. All key elements sources are used, mentioned, used OR mentioned/cited several key elements or
are included. Several and cited. inappropriately. contains inaccuracies; no
sources (3 +) are used, sources are used/
mentioned, and cited. mentioned/cited.
COM510 – Mass Media and Malaysian Society
Visuals are attractive and A few visuals are not attractive All visuals are attractive but few Visuals are unattractive and
Visuals effectively enhance the but all support the do not seem to support the detract from the content of
presentation; show theme/content of the theme/content of the the presentation.
considerable originality presentation. presentation.
illustrate important points.
Background, font formats Background, font formats, and Some interference of Background, font formats,
Formatting (colours, size, type), and graphics generally support the background, font formats, or or graphics make reading
and graphics significantly readability and content of the graphics with readability and and understanding the
mechanics enhance the presentation; presentation; only 1-2 content of the presentation; material difficult detract from
no misspellings or misspellings or grammatical several misspellings or the presentation or; many
grammatical errors. errors. grammatical errors. misspellings or grammatical
Total /24