February Happenings

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February 2024
“By the sweat of your brow
you will eat your food
until you return to the ground,
since from it you were taken;
for dust you are
and to dust you will return.” – Genesis 3:19

Grace and peace,

We find ourselves quickly approaching the season of Lent. On February 14 th , we will
gather for Ash Wednesday which begins the forty days before Easter. Ash Wednesday
is also known for the day we place ashes on our foreheads in the shape of a cross. This
has been a long standing tradition in the Christian church rooted in our passage from
Genesis 3 “…for dust you are and to
dust you will return.”
When Adam and Eve were tempted in the Garden by the serpent, when he placed the
seed of doubt in their ears of “did God really say?” He sent the world into a tailspin, he
created unbelief, a word other than God’s word. And when that word of doubt, of
unbelief hit their ears it created sin which is not believing God’s word. The action of sin,
what seems “wrong” is the reaction to sin, but sin itself runs deeper, to the ear and to
the heart where doubt and unbelief is.
When God finds Adam and Eve, they are hiding and trying to make clothing to cover
themselves and he knows what has taken hold, he knows that the devil and sin itself
have entered his creation. And so, God speaks to Adam and Eve and gives them a
laundry list of punishment including having to leave the Garden, no longer being able to
reap simply from the land but they would have to labor, Eve would have painful
childbirth and they would die. They would return to the ground, God once spoke life into
the dust to create Adam and he will take that breath away.
On Ash Wednesday, you will come forward to receive ashes on your forehead, to hear
that same word that God gave Adam and Eve, the same word that has been spoken for
centuries the word that is for you today that you were created out of the dust, and to
dust you shall return.
But you are not without hope. Just like Adam and Eve were not without hope. God also
gave them a promise that from Eve, a child would come that would come to crush the
head of the serpent. And Jesus has done just that, died on a cross and resurrected to
crush the head of the serpent.
As you receive your ashes, they will be made in the sign of the cross. Your sin, your
death with not get the last word – Christ will, his resurrection from the cross will. God
will speak new life into your ashes. Death has no sting anymore because it is not the
end. Christ, has defeated death, sin and the devil.

In Christ,
Pastor Lexy Carson
Please continue
to pray for… When Pastor Lexy will be
~Pastor Lexy & those in leadership in the church
~Our Missionaries & Ministries:
in Parish…
*Simon Muhota in Kenya & Crying Children of Pastor Lexy will be in Parish on Tuesday
Africa Orphanage morning/afternoon, Wednesday afternoon
*Don & Marge Cook of Hands on House, India & Thursday morning/afternoon. She can
*Dave Greaver & Midwest Chaplaincy also be reached anytime by phone or
*Love Inc email.
*Hospitality Center for Chinese email: [email protected]
*Chris & Amanda Mikkelson Phone: 605.590.0140
*Todd Co Foster Closet Please call or email any questions or
*Augustana District’s Church Plant in Montevideo, concerns.
~United States, for our economy, leaders, protection
from disasters & terrorists Sunday Services
~Our Police, Military & Medical Professionals If you can't make it to our Sunday Service
Our Parish Members you can watch the Live Stream at 10:30 on
~Our elderly our Facebook page, Salem/Sauk Valley
Lutheran Churches or on our website,
~Hilda Johnson
salem-saukvalleychurches.com when it is
~JoAnn Clay posted after the service.
~Dorte Hagen
~Delores Gillan
~Jim Torstenson
~Neil Johnson
~Darrin Pastian
~Linda Hayes Readers
~Carol Johnson
~Mallory Christianson Readers for February:
~Sharon Iverson February 4: Howard Haider
February 11:
February 18:
Our Friends & Family February 25:
~Shelly Triebenbach
~Loriane Buzik
~Rochelle Peyton
~Denny & Anna Pastian
~Tanner Clay
~Jessie Hoppe Cleaning Groups
~Deb Quistorff-Larsen Cleaning Groups for
~Linda Zins
~Rita Hiltner
February are:
~Rev Nikolas Akwena Salem: Group 2
~Grace Johnson Sauk Valley:
~Sue Klukken
~Sandy Linder If you have anything for the
~Faye Jager newsletter please e-mail Anne at:
~Pat Messer [email protected]
~Tracy Postic or call or text at
~Craig Brent 320.760.4620
~The Dahl Family Thanks!
~Kyle Lieser
-Augustana District Convocation of the
Cross in the Cities February 4th-6th New Years Eve
-Ladies Bible Study February 7th at On New Years Eve we had a potluck,
7:00pm at Sauk Valley played Christmas bingo & had a sing
along with Mick as our director.
-Souper Bowl Sunday February 11th
-Men's Group February 11th 7:00pm
Dan's House

-February 12th Joint Council at Salem


-February 14th Ash Wednesday at Sauk

Valley (Lexy) Soup Supper at 6:00pm
worship at 7:00pm

-February 21st Worship at Salem

(Jesse) Supper at 6:00pm worship at

-February 28th at Sauk Valley (Lexy)

Supper at 6:00pm worship at 7:00pm
Salem’s 2024 Council
Painting the Word
Paul Matthys We did a “Painting the Word” session with
Vice President: Pastor & artist Paul Oman on January 24th.
Joyce Buntje We each painted our own Epiphany piece of
Secretary: the Magi following the star.
Ione Johnson It was a lot of fun!!
Ben Redning
Alden Johnson
Lorie Haider
Howard Haider
Darren Pastian
Mike Johnson
Cal Sorenson
Parish Ed:
Konnie Christopherson
Anne Matthys
Jen Pastian
Libby Matthys
Cemetery Board:
Alden Johnson
DeLores Gillan
Gary Mikkelson
Howard & Lorie Haider

Laurie Kluver, Jen Pastian, Angie Walter, Ione Johnson, Adley &
Eleanor Beach, Dorte Hagen, Lorie Haider, Allison & Isla Beach
A Couple of Laughs
Happy Anniversary
Chris & Jing Rein

Sunday School &
6 pm
Adult Bible Study
Ladies Bible
Study 7 pm
Worship w/Holy
Both at
Communion 10:30
Sauk Valley
Augustana District Convocation of the Cross in the Cities
Happy Birthday Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Bob Thielen Gary Mikkelson
Harland Hector
Henry Larson Dorte Hagen
Sunday School & Joint Council Ash Wednesday
Adult Bible Study meeting 7 pm at 6 pm soup supper
9:15 Salem 7 pm Worship at
Worship w/Holy Sauk Valley
Communion 10:30
Sauk Valley

Men’s Group Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday
7 pm at
Rex Clay Sherry LaFrenz

Sunday School & Lenten Service

Adult Bible Study 6 pm soup supper
9:15 7 pm Worship at
Worship w/Holy Salem
Communion 10:30
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Gary Morrison Happy Birthday
Darren Pastian Al Hanson Linda Hayes

Sunday School & Lenten Service

Adult Bible Study 6 pm soup supper
9:15 7 pm Worship at
Worship w/Holy Sauk Valley
Communion 10:30
Sauk Valley
Happy Birthday
Konnie Christopherson

Augustana District Convocation of the Cross in the Cities February 4th-6th

Salem Lutheran Church
16134 170th Ave
Osakis, MN 56360
Congregational Board
President: Paul Matthys
Vice President: Joyce Buntje
Treasure: Ben Redning
Secretary: Ione Johnson

Pastor Lexy Carson

13977 150th Street
Osakis, MN 56360

Sauk Valley Lutheran Church

13959 150th Street
Osakis, MN 56360
Congregational Board
President: Dan Hagen
Vice President: Tom Mikkelson
Treasure: Bob Thielen
Secretary: Ginny Earl

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