February Happenings
February Happenings
February Happenings
February 2024
“By the sweat of your brow
you will eat your food
until you return to the ground,
since from it you were taken;
for dust you are
and to dust you will return.” – Genesis 3:19
In Christ,
Pastor Lexy Carson
Please continue
to pray for… When Pastor Lexy will be
~Pastor Lexy & those in leadership in the church
~Our Missionaries & Ministries:
in Parish…
*Simon Muhota in Kenya & Crying Children of Pastor Lexy will be in Parish on Tuesday
Africa Orphanage morning/afternoon, Wednesday afternoon
*Don & Marge Cook of Hands on House, India & Thursday morning/afternoon. She can
*Dave Greaver & Midwest Chaplaincy also be reached anytime by phone or
*Love Inc email.
*Hospitality Center for Chinese email: [email protected]
*Chris & Amanda Mikkelson Phone: 605.590.0140
*Todd Co Foster Closet Please call or email any questions or
*Augustana District’s Church Plant in Montevideo, concerns.
~United States, for our economy, leaders, protection
from disasters & terrorists Sunday Services
~Our Police, Military & Medical Professionals If you can't make it to our Sunday Service
Our Parish Members you can watch the Live Stream at 10:30 on
~Our elderly our Facebook page, Salem/Sauk Valley
Lutheran Churches or on our website,
~Hilda Johnson
salem-saukvalleychurches.com when it is
~JoAnn Clay posted after the service.
~Dorte Hagen
~Delores Gillan
~Jim Torstenson
~Neil Johnson
~Darrin Pastian
~Linda Hayes Readers
~Carol Johnson
~Mallory Christianson Readers for February:
~Sharon Iverson February 4: Howard Haider
February 11:
February 18:
Our Friends & Family February 25:
~Shelly Triebenbach
~Loriane Buzik
~Rochelle Peyton
~Denny & Anna Pastian
~Tanner Clay
~Jessie Hoppe Cleaning Groups
~Deb Quistorff-Larsen Cleaning Groups for
~Linda Zins
~Rita Hiltner
February are:
~Rev Nikolas Akwena Salem: Group 2
~Grace Johnson Sauk Valley:
~Sue Klukken
~Sandy Linder If you have anything for the
~Faye Jager newsletter please e-mail Anne at:
~Pat Messer [email protected]
~Tracy Postic or call or text at
~Craig Brent 320.760.4620
~The Dahl Family Thanks!
~Kyle Lieser
-Augustana District Convocation of the
Cross in the Cities February 4th-6th New Years Eve
-Ladies Bible Study February 7th at On New Years Eve we had a potluck,
7:00pm at Sauk Valley played Christmas bingo & had a sing
along with Mick as our director.
-Souper Bowl Sunday February 11th
-Men's Group February 11th 7:00pm
Dan's House
Laurie Kluver, Jen Pastian, Angie Walter, Ione Johnson, Adley &
Eleanor Beach, Dorte Hagen, Lorie Haider, Allison & Isla Beach
A Couple of Laughs
Happy Anniversary
Chris & Jing Rein
Sunday School &
6 pm
Adult Bible Study
Ladies Bible
Study 7 pm
Worship w/Holy
Both at
Communion 10:30
Sauk Valley
Augustana District Convocation of the Cross in the Cities
Happy Birthday Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Bob Thielen Gary Mikkelson
Harland Hector
Henry Larson Dorte Hagen
Sunday School & Joint Council Ash Wednesday
Adult Bible Study meeting 7 pm at 6 pm soup supper
9:15 Salem 7 pm Worship at
Worship w/Holy Sauk Valley
Communion 10:30
Sauk Valley