June Final
June Final
June Final
JUNE 2024
‘I am the vine. You are the branches. Those who live in me SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE CLASS
while I live in them will produce a lot of fruit. But you can’t 10:30 am in the Fellowship Hall
produce anything without me.”
John 15:5
By saying that believers live in him and he lives in them, Jesus is making
it clear that Christianity is not something we put on externally. We
don’t put it on like clothes. We don’t adopt it as a new lifestyle that
focuses on our own efforts, as do those who practice a holy lifestyle LADIES BIBLE STUDY
they have invented themselves. Rather, Christian faith is a new birth 10:30 am
brought about by God’s Word and Spirit. A Christian must be a new
person from the depths of his heart. Once the heart is born anew in
Christ, these fruits will follow: confession of the gospel, love, obedi-
ence, patience, purity, and so on.
In this passage, Christ warns his disciples that they must remain in his WEDNESDAY BIBLE CLASS
Word. Remaining in the Word leads to genuine, newborn Christians. 10:00 AM
These true Christians produce much fruit. They guard themselves from
the teaching that perverts God’s Word and that tries to make grapes
from thistles and thorns. This will never happen, however, because
each kind produces its own kind. Even if you teach about, strive for,
and pile up good work, your nature won’t change. You must first pos-
sess a new nature. You won’t accomplish anything by striving and ex-
hausting yourself.
The two types of works remain vastly different. The one type of work is
produced by human effort, while the other grows naturally. The works
we make up always require us to strive harder, but they never do as
well as natural growth. In contrast, natural growth stands, moves, lives,
and does what it should naturally. So Christ says, “All other human
teaching cannot succeed because it instructs people to make up works.
But if you live in me, as natural branches live on the vine, you will cer-
tainly produce good fruit.”
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ALTAR FLOWERS: Harry & Regi Grodie ALTAR FLOWERS: Dennis & Cher Niehaus; celebrating
ALTAR GUILD: Marilyn Sims; Linda Wehmeyer 44th anniversary
ELDER: Darin Gittus ALTAR GUILD: Marilyn Sims; Linda Wehmeyer
COUNTER: Dan & Marie Woodcock ELDER: Darin Gittus
FELLOWSHIP: Beautiful Savior COUNTER: Sally Lane & Rebecca Wegman
MUSICIAN: Kay Kinder FELLOWSHIP: Dan & Marie Woodcock
GREETER: Ellen Sims MUSICIAN: Anita Tissi
READER: Pastor Ostermeyer GREETER: Sharon Leriche
SOUND & LIGHTS: Tim Decker; Bob Mullins READER: Bill Kipp
USHER: 1 SOUND & LIGHTS: Tim Decker; Bob Mullins
ALTAR FLOWERS: Beautiful Savior ALTAR FLOWERS: James & Christine Foelsing;
ALTAR GUILD: Marlene Muraski; Kathy Leonard celebrating their anniversary
ELDER: Bob Mullins ALTAR GUILD: Marlene Muraski; Kathy Leonard
COUNTER: Jo & Abbey Sundermeyer ELDER: Bob Mullins
FELLOWSHIP: COUNTER: Jo & Abbey Sundermeyer
GREETER: Marilyn Sims MUSICIAN: Kay Kinder
READER: Bill Crichton GREETER: Dan & Marie Woodcock
SOUND & LIGHTS: Tim Decker; Bob Mullins READER: Dennis Niehaus
USHER: 3 SOUND & LIGHTS: Tim Decker; Bob Mullins
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