December: First Presbyterian Church, Mission

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First Presbyterian Church, Mission

Where God’s love makes all the difference!

DECEMBER ...another RGV Connections publication

Grace, Mercy & Peace to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Sunday “Aaron, the Allergic Shepherd”
December 5 Presented by the
6:30 PM FPC Mission—SonShine Players
There’s a new shepherd on the job in Bethlehem, but he’s
got a problem: He’s allergic to sheep!
Meanwhile, a MIRACLE is about to happen up the street in
a local stable. This unforgettable musical will delight everyone – the story is
wonderful and our SonShine Players are adorable.
This year, our young troupe of students would like to invite you to share a bit of
Christian love with the children at Su Casa de Esperanza. Although there is no
admission charge to enjoy “Aaron, the
Allergic Shepherd,” we would invite you FPC — WORSHIP SCHEDULE:
to bring a gift to donate to the Su Casa
kids – these are children under 5 years 8:30am Worship
9:30am Sunday School
old and anything you can give will make
Adult Education
their lives a little bit better. The list
10:30 am Worship
below provides a few suggestions.
Thanks & see you there!!
Baby cereal Pampers—Newborn Paint Brushes & paints
Baby Clothing Pampers – Graduates Smart Sips
size 0-4T Crusiers all sizes Gerber—beverage
Baby food –fruit & veggie Tricycles Children’s Books, 1-3 yr.

Baby Shoes & socks Wet Ones – (wipes) Toys – ages 0 – 4 years

Caps / Hats / Booties Infant Swing Jumbo Crayons

Car seat for newborn Puppets / Pull toys High Chair

Enfamil baby formula Puzzles / Balls Infant Activity Gym

Receiving Blankets Painting Aprons Playpen

Onesies – size 0-24months Jumbo Coloring Books Stroller
Pacifiers Easel for painting Blocks / Dolls / Cars
First Presbyterian Church, Mission PAGE 2

Who’s Who at FPC DECEMBER 2010


Mike Hudsonpillar Lowell Hudsonpillar
Clerk Treasurer
[email protected] [email protected]
585-3265 / 330-7922 581-3990 / 279-1739

Tom Smith Nicole Cruz

Maintenance Christian Ed
[email protected] [email protected]
580-0303 / 222-4183 584-1948 / 451-7171

Keith Dietrich John Cain

Church Growth Youth/Young Adult
[email protected] [email protected]
584-3433 / 844-8024 581-6861 / 342-0460

Judy Mayes Mike Manuel

Outreach Fellowship
[email protected] [email protected]
585-1198 / 343-8716 583-1756 / 330-1608

Judy Alexander Carla Badgley

Congreg. Care Planning
[email protected] [email protected]
580-0712 / 778-3232 581-2558 / 458-1181

Bill Ellisor Dot Harrigan

Stewardship Worship
[email protected] [email protected]
424-7502/303-564-5803 581-8414 / 358-8357

DAVID [email protected]
585-4829 church
DIERCKSEN 585-1548 home
330-1043 mobile
First Presbyterian Church, Mission PAGE 3

A Word From Pastor Dave DECEMBER 2010

Adventures in Advent
I don‘t know about you but I get to this time of year
and wonder, ―How did Advent get here without me
realizing it?‖ I guess Advent‘s arrival should not
surprise us because the word ―Advent‖ comes from
the Latin for ‗coming‘… So we are in a constant time
of preparation and expectation of the coming of the Christ Child and also for
the Second Coming of Christ.
Advent originated as a time of preparation for people entering the church
family, prior to their baptism on Epiphany, January 6th. Now, sometime
between the 4th and 7th centuries, the season of Advent varied between
three to seven weeks in different parts of Christendom. The Church
eventually set the season‘s length at four Sundays, emphasizing the Old
Testament prophecies of the coming of the Messiah.
The lighting of the Advent wreath is a familiar
custom during this season in churches and in
homes. A wreath is usually made of evergreen
branches and adorned with three purple
candles and one rose pink candle, with a
single white candle in the middle.
On each Sunday in Advent a candle is lit until,
at last, all four candles are burning. The
increasing light shed by the candles
represents our increasing joy as the day of
Jesus‘ coming approaches. The rose is lit on
the third Sunday of Advent, known as Gaudete
Sunday- ―Let us rejoice‖.
As the candles are lit over the four week
period, we are reminded of the four centuries
of waiting between the prophet Malachi and the birth of Christ, it also
symbolizes the darkness and fear and hopelessness receding and the
shadows of sin falling away as more and more of Christ‘s light is shed into
the world.
Finally, during the Christmas Eve Service, the white candle is lit to proclaim
that Jesus, the Light of the World has come and we rejoice because the
long held promise of God, has been realized…
Please join us during this Advent Season to prepare your heart and life for
the coming of Jesus… Blessings, Pastor Dave +
First Presbyterian Church, Mission PAGE 4

Mission, Youth DECEMBER 2010

Americorp Hosting
On November 14, First Presbyterian Church of
Mission was pleased to welcome a group of
young men and women from across the country.
These 11 young people, representing Americorp
are here to rebuild and repair damage caused by
the storms that damaged dwellings in south
Texas the past two summers. This was a
diverse group of young people from all parts of
the U.S. Two of them—Karly Bennet (California), and Megan Schwartz
(Washington)—were from the Pacific coast. Three—Cole Russell
(Oklahoma), BronteRiley (Arizona), and John Halverson (Montana)—were
also westerners. Two, Meghan Pitsch (Michigan), and Anna Marini (Illinois)
from the Midwest, while two--Ayisan Yusuf and Rob Bennett--were
On November 16, John Cain
called seeking some help. He, along
with Bill Freeman, Libby Freeman and
John Watkins were in the middle of
preparing a meal for our guests to be
served the next evening. Two phone
calls later, we had Bill and Kathy
Dickey, Dick and Karen Ives, Jerry
and Linda Vander Ploeg there to help
with the setup and clean up. We were also joined by Judy Mayes to
complete the setup and clean up crew. The promise of John, John and Bill‘s
fajitas was not lost on those who volunteered for the effort! We were also
thrilled to have Libby Freeman‘s baked beans, potato salad, and three kinds
of pie, chocolate, apple and pecan to top off the meal. The meal was
preceded by a short prayer by Pastor Dave, and by introductions of all at the
hall. Once the food had been served, the conversation began. It was truly a
delightful evening with some very special young people, who were our guests
for a total of two weeks.
We will have the opportunity to host more young people as the year
progresses. Most will have the same kinds of tasks ahead of them. The
hospitality shown to this group of young people will certainly not be forgotten.
Thanks to those who so quickly responded to the call for help!
First Presbyterian Church, Mission PAGE 5

Music Ministry DECEMBER 2010

Make a Joyful Noise Unto the Lord with Music!

Presented by
The FPC Mission Chancel Choir
Bells of Faith
Alta Uhrmacher, organ
Crystal Wallace, piano
Rene Peynado, percussion
Naishla Sanchez, soprano
Richard Weenink, tenor
David Diercksen & Pam Sherwood, narrators
Pat Hudsonpillar, director

December 12
8:30 & 10:30 worship services


December 19th will
mark the next
installment in the 13th
Annual Celebration
Sunday Concert
Series at FPC!
These concerts are sponsored by the church as a community service – free of
charge and open to the public.
Our December Celebration Sunday Concert will feature the Sweet Adelines.
The award winning Magic Valley Chorus is a proud member of Sweet Adelines
International, the largest international organization of women singers committed
to the preserving and performing the art form of barbershop harmony. This
exuberant group performs around the Rio Grande Valley – don‘t miss this
performance, which is guaranteed to
put you in the Christmas Spirit!
This concert is on Sunday, December December 19: The Sweet Adelines
19th and begins at 6:30 PM. Please January 16: Julie McClaren, pianist
join us for this very entertaining February 20: Alta Uhrmacher, organ
evening of music! March 13: Salomon Lopez, tenor
First Presbyterian Church, Mission PAGE 6

FPC Youth Profile DECEMBER 2010

An Awesome FPC Kid You Should Know: COLTON WATKINS

Aerospace Aeronautics is a field that
Colton Watkins might be pursuing five
years from now. Presently, Colton is a
sophomore at Sharyland High School who
enjoys biology, but can also be found
participating in FFA, specifically in the
category of building skills. He is working
on a dresser with the help of his CTE
Career and Technical Education teacher
Mr. Brad Wood.
This summer Colton and his father John Watkins spent 12 days on a rigorous scouting
trip in Philmont, New Mexico. To prepare for the backpacking trip, his scout troop
trained by hiking the off road trails with full packs at the Mission Bike Trails near
Bentsen State Park. Colton has participated in Boy Scouts since 5th grade. He said,
―The most memorable part of the trip this summer was climbing Mount Phillips.‖ The
trip included the challenge of high altitudes, carrying all supplies on your back, hiking
with 47 pound backpacks, and at times rainy weather. Last summer Colton went on a
125 mile canoe trip seeing the beauty of the lakes of Minnesota first hand.
With all of this rugged outdoorsman ship in his blood, Colton thinks people might be
surprised to know that he prefers cats to dogs. He rescued a beautiful black kitten
several years ago. According to his mother Laurel Watkins, ―Kitty‖ is definitely a one
person cat. Kitty’s person is Colton. Colton can get Kitty to come inside by clapping
his hands three times whereas either John or Laurel could call him for hours without
Colton has been an active member of First Presbyterian Church. He has participated in
SonShine Players, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Bells of Hope, and has
served as liturgist. Not surprisingly being the grandson of Roscoe and Betty Watkins,
Colton enjoys listening to all types of music especially classical, but is not fond of rap.
He has taken piano lessons from Pat Hudsonpillar since kindergarten. Colton has
attended camp at Mo Ranch and would gladly participate with the Mission Service
Project if given the opportunity. Colton would like to see more young people his age
attend FPC.
He believes that one common misconception that older people may have about today’s
youth is that young people are lazy. He believes that teens like him have a lot of
potential if properly channeled. One way he displays this energy is by working at
Weaks Martin Implement on Saturdays. Colton’s favorite Bible story is centered on the
challenges that Job endured. When Colton was asked about something he definitely
would not want to see changed at FPC, he said Pastor Dave. He wants to keep Pastor
Dave. One thing is for sure Colton is definitely an Awesome FPC Kid you should
First Presbyterian Church, Mission PAGE 7

Ministry Spotlights DECEMBER 2010


ADULT FELLOWSHIP - Elder Mike Manuel -
- Elder John Cain -
Fellowship is an
The goals of Youth & Young Adult
important part of
Fellowship are twofold:
First Presbyterian
1. Provide an opportunity for junior
Church and we
high and high school kids to
hope to provide
participate in activities such as
many opportunities
service/mission projects, devotional
for fellowship outside, as well as inside
studies, Presbyterian meetings (Mid-
the sanctuary.
Winter Meeting), as well as fun
From providing coffee and lemonade
2. Give these young adults a time to
for Sunday School and after services
visit in a setting just for them.
to fellowship breakfasts and special
Some of the activities planned for activities, our goal is welcoming friends
2011 include: new and old to join us at FPC.
-Super Bowl Party
-Valentine's Day Dinner If you would like more information on
-Tailgate for Vipers/Killer Bees game getting involved in this ministry, talk to
-Roadrunner Baseball Game Mike Manual—583-1756.
For more information on youth &
young adult activities and events, contact
John Cain — 581.6861.


Developing in Christ’s Love
Christian Education at First Presbyterian Church
focuses on the development of your walk with Christ.
As Christians and children of Christ, we love one
another and provide the caring environment where we
study scripture and grow in our discipleship.
For more information on opportunities to get involved
with Christian Education, talk to Nicole Cruz—584-1948
or [email protected].
First Presbyterian Church, Mission PAGE 8

Ministry Spotlights DECEMBER 2010

Congregational Care: A Note from Judy

November has been an exciting month for congregational
care. We put out the list of items requested by the troops and, as
usual you came through with flying colors. On November 10,
Linda Ingram, Sue Leerhoff, and I packed Thanksgiving boxes
for the troops sent them in time to be received by the holiday.
Your response was terrific. We had many items—more than
would fit in the boxes. We decided to also send a box for
Christmas. The Christmas boxes will be sent out on December first. They will
include home baked cookies as well as other donated items.
A huge thank you to all of you who donated items, baked cookies, or helped with
the postage. Without our working together we could never have made the project
such a success.
If you have questions or are interested in more information about getting
involved with this committee, please call Judy Alexander at 580-0712. Thank


This is the time we ask our people to take a step of faith
and make a pledge of time and money to God’s work at FPC.
We have problems in our lives and in our Church
Community . Praise God for our problems. Praise releases
God’s power into our situation and puts us in the will of
God. We need to continue to praise God for our situation as
it is. Trust God to make it happen. Live your Faith.
How to live by Faith. Hebrews 11:6 –―And without faith
it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe
that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.‖
1. Diligently Seek – 1. God is our Total Resource – He
In everyday life & decisions can be, He wants to be.
2. Add to your Faith – 2. God is a Rewarder –
Make a deposit, pledge, of needs, concerns, desires.
Praise God for all of our Members, Winter Texans and Friends that are giving
their tithe, time and offerings to our Church Ministries. Praise God for the
volunteers and staff working together with God to make it happen.
Special thanks to our Pastor Dave for his teaching and preaching. Thanks also to
Elder Nicole Cruz and Elder Don Badgley for speaking on stewardship in
First Presbyterian Church, Mission PAGE 9

Outreach DECEMBER 2010


December is here and, as usual, it‘s a very busy
time of the year. We are traveling, Christmas shopping
for that special gift for those special people in your life,
and cooking the delicious holiday treats. Well there is
one more thing we do here at First Presbyterian Church
in Mission that needs to be added to the list. This is the
time we give Christmas Food Baskets to low income
families. In the past several years we have collected
enough money to give 40 families enough groceries to
help out for the holidays.
This is where you come in. We at FPC cannot do it without your help.
We will be asking for your generous donations of money, time and talent. We
will be meeting at Sam‘s in Pharr on Thursday, December 16th to shop,
Friday, December 17th at the Church to sort and pack and Saturday,
December 18th to deliver. If you would like to participate in any or all of these
events, please contact Judy Mayes, 956-343-8716 (cell), 956-585-1198
(home) or by email at [email protected].
Thank you for all of your help in the past and hope to see you for this
most joyous time!

Have some info for the next newsletter??

Got a story about why you love FPC?
Want to share your favorite recipe??
Our goal for this newsletter is that it reflects
who we are and what we do at First
Presbyterian Church—Mission. The most
important part of this newsletter is YOU!
So, please send your suggestions to editor,
Heather Marks.
Send to: [email protected]

Share your snapshots of FPC

Fellowship, Service, & FUN
for future newsletter editions!
email to [email protected]
Mission, TX 78572
1102 Ash Drive
First Presbyterian Church—Mission

First Presbyterian
Church, Mission
1102 Ash Drive Mission, Texas 78572
Phone: 956-585-4829

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