Topic 6 - Exercise

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190 Chapter 6 Developing a Project Plan

Exercises Creating a Project Network

1. Here is a partial work breakdown structure for a wedding. Use the method described
in the Snapshot from Practice 6.1: The Yellow Sticky Approach to create a network
for this project.
Note: Do not include summary tasks in the network (i.e., 1.3, Ceremony, is a summary
task; 1.2, Marriage license, is not a summary task). Do not consider who would be
doing the task in building the network. For example, do not arrange “hiring a band” to
occur after “florist” because the same person is responsible for doing both tasks. Focus
only on technical dependencies between tasks.
Hint: Start with the last activity (wedding reception), and work your way back to the
start of the project. Build the logical sequence of tasks by asking the following ques-
tion: In order to have or do this, what must be accomplished immediately before this?
Once completed, check forward in time by asking this question: Is this task(s) the only
thing that is needed immediately before the start of the next task?
Work Breakdown Structure
1. Wedding project
1.1 Decide on date
1.2 Marriage license
1.3 Ceremony
1.3.1 Rent church
1.3.2 Florist
1.3.3 Create/print programs
1.3.4 Hire photographer
1.3.5 Wedding ceremony
1.4 Guests
1.4.1 Develop guest list
1.4.2 Order invitations
1.4.3 Address and mail invitations
1.4.4 Track RSVPs
1.5 Reception
1.5.1 Reserve reception hall
1.5.2 Food and beverage Choose caterer Decide on menu Make final order
1.5.3 Hire DJ
1.5.4 Decorate reception hall
1.5.5 Wedding reception
Chapter 6 Developing a Project Plan 191

Drawing AON Networks

2. Draw a project network from the following information. What activity(ies) is a burst
activity? What activity(ies) is a merge activity?
ID Description Predecessor
A Survey site None
B Excavate site A
C Install power lines B
D Install drainage B
E Pour foundation C, D

3.* Draw a project network from the following information. What activity(ies) is a burst
activity? What activity(ies) is a merge activity?
ID Description Predecessor
A Identify topic None
B Research topic A
C Draft paper B
D Edit paper C
E Create graphics C
F References C
G Proof paper D, E, F
H Submit paper G

4. Draw a project network from the following information. What activity(ies) is a burst
activity? What activity(ies) is a merge activity?

ID Description Predecessor
A Contract signed None
B Survey designed A
C Target market identified B
D Data collection B, C
E Develop presentation B
F Analyze results D
G Demographics C
H Presentation E, F, G

5. Draw a project network from the following information. What activity(ies) is a burst
activity? What activity(ies) is a merge activity?
ID Description Predecessor
A Order review None
B Order standard parts A
C Produce standard parts A
D Design custom parts A
E Software development A
F Manufacture custom parts C, D
G Assemble B, F
H Test E, G

* The solution to this exercise can be found in Appendix One.

192 Chapter 6 Developing a Project Plan

AON Network Times

6. From the following information, develop an AON project network. Complete the
forward and backward pass, compute activity slack, and identify the critical path.
How many days will the project take?
ID Description Predecessor Time
A Survey site None 2
B Excavate site A 4
C Install power lines B 3
D Install drainage B 5
E Pour foundation C, D 3

7. The project information for the custom order project of the Air Control Company is
presented here. Draw a project network for this project. Compute the early and late
activity times and the slack times. Identify the critical path.
ID Description Predecessor Time
A Order review None 2
B Order standard parts A 3
C Produce standard parts A 10
D Design custom parts A 13
E Software development A 18
F Manufacture custom hardware C, D 15
G Assemble B, F 10
H Test E, G 5

8. You have signed a contract to build a garage for the Simpsons. You will receive a
$500 bonus for completing the project within 17 working days. The contract also
contains a penalty clause in which you will lose $100 for each day the project takes
longer than 17 working days.
Draw a project network given the information below. Complete the forward and
backward pass, compute the activity slack, and identify the critical path. Do you
expect to receive a bonus or a penalty on this project?

ID Description Predecessor Time (days)

A Prepare site None 2
B Pour foundation B 3
C Erect frame C 4
D Roof C 4
E Windows C 1
Doors C 1
G Electrical D, E, F, G 3
H Rough-in frame F, G 2
I Door opener H, I 1
J Paint J 2
K Cleanup 1

9. You are creating a customer database for the Hillsboro Hops minor league baseball
team. Draw a project network given the information in the table that follows. Complete
the forward and backward pass, compute activity slack, and identify the critical path.
How long will this project take? How sensitive is the network schedule? Calcu-
late the free slack and total slack for all noncritical activities.
Chapter 6 Developing a Project Plan 193

ID Description Predecessor Time (days)

A Systems design None 2
B Subsystem A design A 1
C Subsystem B design A 1
D Subsystem C design A 1
E Program A B 2
F Program B C 2
G Program C D 2
H Subsystem A test E 1
I Subsystem B test F 1
J Subsystem C test G 1
K Integration H, I, J 3
L Integration test K 1

10. K. Nelson, project manager of Print Software, Inc., wants you to prepare a project
network; compute the early, late, and slack activity times; determine the planned
project duration; and identify the critical path. His assistant has collected the fol-
lowing information for the Color Printer Drivers Software Project:
ID Description Predecessor Time
A External specifications None 8
B Review design features A 2
C Document new features A 3
D Write software A 60
E Program and test B 40
F Edit and publish notes C 2
G Review manual D 2
H Alpha site E, F 20
I Print manual G 10
J Beta site H, I 10
K Manufacture J 12
L Release and ship K 3

11. *A large Southeast city is requesting federal funding for a park-and-ride project.
One of the requirements in the request application is a network plan for the design
phase of the project. Sophie Kim, the chief engineer, wants you to develop a proj-
ect network plan to meet this requirement. She has gathered the activity time esti-
mates and their dependencies shown here. Show your project network with the
activity early, late, and slack times. Mark the critical path.
ID Description Predecessor Time
A Survey None 5
B Soils report A 20
C Tra c design A 30
D Lot layout A 5
E Approve design B, C, D 80
F Illumination E 15
G Drainage E 30
H Landscape E 25
I Signage E 15
J Bid proposal F, G, H, I 10

* The solution to this exercise can be found in Appendix One.

194 Chapter 6 Developing a Project Plan

12. You are creating a customer database for the Lehigh Valley IronPigs minor
league baseball team. Draw a project network given the information below.
Complete the forward and backward pass, compute activity slack, and identify
the critical path.
How long will this project take? How sensitive is the network schedule? Calcu-
late the free slack and total slack for all noncritical activities.
ID Description Predecessor (days)
A Systems design None 2
B Subsystem A design A 1
C Subsystem B design A 2
D Subsystem C design A 1
E Program A B 2
F Program B C 10
G Program C D 3
H Subsystem A test E 1
I Subsystem B test F 1
J Subsystem C test G 1
K Integration H, I, J 3
L Integration test K 1

13. *You are completing a group term paper. Given the project network that follows,
complete the forward and backward pass, compute activity slack, and identify the
critical path. Use this information to create a Gantt chart for the project. Be sure to
show slack for noncritical activities.

Group Term Paper

Identify Research Draft Create Proof Submit
topic topic paper graphics Paper
1 5 3 1 1 1


SL Description

LS DUR LF Identify topic

Research topic
Draft paper
Edit paper
Create graphics
Final Draft
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

* The solution to this exercise can be found in Appendix One.

Chapter 6 Developing a Project Plan 195

14. You are managing a product upgrade project for Bangkokagogo. Given the project
network that follows, complete the forward and backward pass, compute activity
slack, and identify the critical path. Use this information to create a Gantt chart for
the project. Be sure to show slack for noncritical activities.

Interview Product
5 4 3


1 2 Graphics
3 3

3 2
I Legend


5 Description


Product Upgrade Project Gantt Chart

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Project Team
Interview Users
Survey Users
ID New Features
Acquire Materials
Dev Mrkt Campaign
Produce Prototypes
Design Graphics
Conduct Marketing
Perform Sales Calls

15. You are creating a database for the Oklahoma City Thunder NBA Basketball team.
Given the project network that follows, complete the forward and backward pass,
compute activity slack, and identify the critical path. Use this information to create
a Gantt chart for the project.
196 Chapter 6 Developing a Project Plan


System Test
Analysis System
2 3 2 3


10 5 ES ID EF

SL Description


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Problem Definition
System Analysis
Design I/Q
Design Database
Develop Input Screens
Develop Input Reports
Create Database
Test System
Implement System

Computer Exercises
16. The planning department of an electronics firm has set up the activities for devel-
oping and production of a new MP3 Player. Given the information below, develop
a project network using Microsoft Project. Assume a five-day workweek and the
project starts on January 4, 2017.

Activity Description Activity Activity Time

ID Predecessor (weeks)
1 Sta None 2
2 Develop market program 1 3
3 Select channels of distribution 1 8
4 Patent 1 12
5 Pilot production 1 4
6 Test market 5 4
7 Ad promotion 2 4
8 Set up for production 4, 6 16

The project team has requested that you create a network for the project, and deter-
mine if the project can be completed in 45 weeks.
Chapter 6 Developing a Project Plan 197

17. Using Microsoft Project, set up the network and determine the critical path for
Phase 1 of the Whistler Ski Resort project. The project workweek will be 5 days

Whistler Ski Resort Project

Given the fact that the number of skiing visitors to Whistler, B.C., Canada, has been
increasing at an exciting rate, thanks to the 2010 Winter Olympics, the Whistler Ski
Association has been considering construction of another ski lodge and ski complex. The
results of an economic feasibility study just completed by members of the staff show that
a winter resort complex near the base of Whistler Mountain could be a very profitable
venture. The area is accessible by car, bus, train, and air. The board of directors has voted
to build the 10-million-dollar complex recommended in the study. Unfortunately, due to
the short summer season, the complex will have to be built in stages. The first stage (year 1)
will contain a day lodge, chair lift, rope tow, generator house (for electricity), and a park-
ing lot designed to accommodate 400 cars and 30 buses. The second and third stages will
include a hotel, ice rink, pool, shops, two additional chair lifts, and other attractions. The
board has decided that stage one should begin no later than April 1 and be completed by
October 1, in time for the next skiing season. You have been assigned the task of project
manager, and it is your job to coordinate the ordering of materials and construction
activities to ensure the project’s completion by the required date.
After looking into the possible sources of materials, you are confronted with the
following time estimates. Materials for the chair lift and rope tow will take 30 days and
12 days, respectively, to arrive once the order is submitted. Lumber for the day lodge,
generator hut, and foundations will take 9 days to arrive. The electrical and plumbing
materials for the day lodge will take 12 days to arrive. The generator will take 12 days
to arrive. Before actual construction can begin on the various facilities, a road to the
site must be built; this will take 6 days. As soon as the road is in, clearing can begin
concurrently on the sites of the day lodge, generator house, chair lift, and rope tow. It
is estimated that the clearing task at each site will take 6 days, 3 days, 36 days, and
6 days, respectively. The clearing of the main ski slopes can begin after the area for the
chair lift has been cleared; this will take 84 days.
The foundation for the day lodge will take 12 days to complete. Construction of the
main framework will take an additional 18 days. After the framework is completed,
electrical wiring and plumbing can be installed concurrently. These should take 24 and
30 days, respectively. Finally, the finishing construction on the day lodge can begin;
this will take 36 days.
Installation of the chair lift towers (67 days) can begin once the site is cleared, lum-
ber delivered, and the foundation completed (6 days). Also, when the chair lift site has
been cleared, construction of a permanent road to the upper towers can be started; this
will take 24 days. While the towers are being installed, the electric motor to drive the
chair lift can be installed; the motor can be installed in 24 days. Once the towers are
completed and the motor installed, it will take 3 days to install the cable and an addi-
tional 12 days to install the chairs.
Installation of the towers for the rope tow can begin once the site is cleared and the
foundation is built and poured; it takes 4 days to build the foundation, pour the con-
crete and let it cure, and 20 days to install the towers for the rope tow. While the towers
are being erected, installation of the electric motor to drive the rope tow can begin;
this activity will take 24 days. After the towers and motor are installed, the rope tow
can be strung in 1 day. The parking lot can be cleared once the rope tow is finished;
this task will take 18 days.
198 Chapter 6 Developing a Project Plan

The foundation for the generator house can begin at the same time as the foun-
dation for the lodge; this will take 6 days. The main framework for the generator
house can begin once the foundation is completed; framing will take 12 days.
After the house is framed, the diesel generator can be installed in 18 days. Finish-
ing construction on the generator house can now begin and will take 12 more
1. Identify the critical path on your network.
2. Can the project be completed by October 1?

Optical Disk Preinstallation Project

18. The optical disk project team has started gathering the information necessary to
develop the project network—predecessor activities and activity times in weeks.
The results of their meeting are found in the following table.
Activity Description Duration Predecessor
1 Define scope 6 None
2 Define customer problems 3 1
3 Define data records and relationships 5 1
4 Mass storage requirements 5 2, 3
5 Consultant needs analysis 10 2, 3
6 Prepare installation network 3 4, 5
7 Estimate costs and budget 2 4, 5
8 Design section “point” system 1 4, 5
9 Write request proposal 5 4, 5
10 Compile vendor list 3 4, 5
11 Prepare mgmt. control system 5 6, 7
12 Prepare comparison report 5 9, 10
13 Compare system “philosophies” 3 8, 12
14 Compare total installation 2 8, 12
15 Compare cost of support 3 8, 12
16 Compare customer satisfaction level 10 8, 12
17 Assign philosophies points 1 13
18 Assign installation cost 1 14
19 Assign support cost 1 15
20 Assign customer satisfaction points 1 16
21 Select best system 1 11, 17, 18, 19, 20
22 Order system 1 21

The project team has requested that you create a network for the project, and deter-
mine if the project can be completed in 45 weeks.

Lag Exercises
19. From the following information, compute the early, late, and slack times for each
activity. Identify the critical path.
Chapter 6 Developing a Project Plan 199

Code Lag 2

A Debug
Design Lag 2

Assemble Install
Lag 3
Lag 4 1 3 1


SL Description SL

LS Duration LF

20. Given the following information, compute the early, late, and slack times for the
project network. Which activities on the critical path have only the start or finish
of the activity on the critical path?


A B Lag 1 Paint Open
Pave Parkin
Post Prepare Lot
Signs Lag 10 Site 2 1
1 3

Dig Lay Black Signage
Legend Trenches Pipe Fill
ES ID EF 5 1
5 3


LS Duration LF Lag 3 Lag 3

200 Chapter 6 Developing a Project Plan

21. *Given the information in the following lag exercises, compute the early, late, and
slack times for the project network. Which activities on the critical path have only
the start or finish of the activity on the critical path?

Lag 3
Lag 3 5

Interview Lag 4


Def. New Order Prototype Field Test
Features Comps Lag 5
5 2 8 10
Lag 10


SL Description SL

LS Duration LF

22. Given the network below, compute the early, late, and slack time for each activity.
Clearly identify the critical path.

Lag 1

Build Install
Cabinets Cabinets
7 2

Lag 5
3 Tear
Lag 2 Inspect

C 2 1
Lag 5

SL Description SL

LS Duration LF

* The solution to this exercise can be found in Appendix One.

Chapter 6 Developing a Project Plan 201

CyClon Project
23. The CyClon project team has started gathering information necessary to develop a
project network—predecessor activities and activity time in days. The results of
their meeting are found in the following table:
Activity Description Duration Predecessor
1 CyClon Project
2 Design 10
3 Procure prototype parts 10 2
4 Fabricate parts 8 2
5 Assemble prototype 4 3, 4
6 Laboratory test 7 5
7 Field test 10 6
8 Adjust design 6 7
9 Order stock components 10 8
10 Order custom components 15 8
11 Assemble test production unit 10 9, 10
12 Test unit 5 11
13 Document results 3 12

Part A. Create a network based on the above information. How long will the project
take? What is the critical path?
Part B. Upon further review the team recognizes that they missed three finish-to-start
lags. Procure prototype parts will involve only 2 days of work but it will take 8 days for the
parts to be delivered. Likewise, Order stock components will take 2 days of work and 8
days for delivery and Order custom components 2 days of work and 13 days for delivery.
Reconfigure the CyClon schedule by entering the three finish-to-start lags. What
impact did these lags have on the original schedule? On the amount of work required
to complete the project?
Part C. Management is still not happy with the schedule and wants the project com-
pleted as soon as possible. Unfortunately, they are not willing to approve additional
resources. One team member pointed out that the network contained only finish-to-
start relationships and that it might be possible to reduce project duration by creating
start-to-start lags. After much deliberation the team concluded that the following rela-
tionships could be converted into start-to-start lags:
∙ Procure prototype parts could start 6 days after the start of Design.
∙ Fabricate parts could start 9 days after the start of Design.
∙ Laboratory test could begin 1 day after the start of Assemble prototype.
∙ Field test could start 5 days after the start of Laboratory test.
∙ Adjust design could begin 7 days after the start of Field test.
∙ Order stock and Order custom components could begin 5 days after Adjust design.
∙ Test unit could begin 9 days after the start of Assemble test production unit.
∙ Document results could start 3 days after the start of Test unit.
Reconfigure the CyClon schedule by entering all nine start-to-start lags. What impact
did these lags have on the original schedule (Part A)? How long will the project take?
Is there a change in the critical path? Is there a change in the sensitivity of the network?
Why would management like this solution?

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