Edu542 Sas Lesson 20
Edu542 Sas Lesson 20
Edu542 Sas Lesson 20
The topic in this module is concentrated on the ICT tools for teaching language. Before we proceed, let us find
out what you might have known about the concepts to be discussed in this module. Kindly answer the following
questions below and write it in column 1:
2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, part 1 (3 mins)
What I Know Questions: What I Learned (Activity 4)
1. What is an ICT?
1) Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)
Most of the things we use and do nowadays involve
the use of technology. Students and teachers make
use of these when they try to communicate, to learn,
to access information, to entertain, and even to help
them in daily tasks. All these technologies that
surrounds us are known today as Information and
Communications Technology (ICT). The United
Nations development Programme defined ICT as
basically information-handling tools – a varied set of
goods, application and services that are used to
produce, store, process, distribute and exchange
information. Computers are considered part of ICT.
Even old technologies are also part of ICT. (Vindollo
Image source: & Buendia, 2016)
As mentioned by Vindollo & Buendia (2016), ICT has transformed every aspect in the teaching and
learning process, let’s find out the roles of ICT in Education:
It can serve multiple teaching functions. ICT can be used as drill and practice, to help solve
problems, to access information in different fields.
It can be used in different teaching and learning modes. These learning modes include:
classroom interactive learning, independent learning, networked learning, organizational
learning and managed learning.
Information can be delivered in an instant. Because of the internet, you can deliver information
in a wide coverage at low cost.
Significantly, literacy in ICT is fundamental to life in our modern technological society. To equip students
to be literate lifelong learners and global citizens of the 21st century, we must successfully integrate ICT
into both the language curriculum and the language pedagogical practice. Read the article below and
find out the ICT tools for English language (also Filipino language) teaching and learning.
Technology can also be an extension of the classroom and can be time saving. Finally, technology can
promote language learning with fresh authentic and motivating materials directly usable from the Internet.
Using blended learning, which they define as “a language course that combines a face-to-face classroom
component with an appropriate use of technology”, Pete Sharma and Barney Barret (2007: 7) suggest that
“positive learning outcomes are most apparent when clear roles are assigned to the teacher and to the
technology.” In the following section, we will be reviewing the ICT tools that are used in ELT. The
categorization of the tools presented are adapted from Erben et al., (2009).
Similarly, E-books have many functionalities. Learners can use them to develop their reading skill. For
instance, e-books have added audio, interactive tasks and built-in dictionaries. Another advantage of this tool
is that learners can access e-books on several devices such as tablets, mobile phones, and laptops.
Listening/speaking-facilitative e-tools
The listening skill can be developed through ICT tools such as:
E-assessment tools
Tony Erbe et al., (2009) list three basic performance types of assessment, namely, performances, portfolios,
and projects. The main difference between these types of assessment and standardized traditional tests lies in
the fact that with the alternative assessment tools, the leaner “produces evidence of accomplishment of
curricula objectives”. This evidence is put in the form of a performance, project, or portfolio and can be
“archived and used at a later date with other pieces of learning evidence as a compilation of proof to
demonstrate achievement.” Erben et al., (2009: 153)
This article has attempted to review the rationale behind ICT use in education. We have also tried to classify
ICT tools and their use in ELT. Some of these tools are designed for communication while others are made to
help learners be creative. Language skills can also be developed through ICTs
4) Activity 5: Check for Understanding (5 mins) Multiple choices – Circle the letter of your answer.
1. How do students and teachers make use of available technologies?
a. for communication c. for learning
b. for entertainment d. all of the above
2. These are basically referred as basically information-handling tools.
a. ITC c. ICT
b. technology d. all of the above
3. Which is NOT true?
a. ICT’s are used to distribute and exchange information.
b. Computers are considered part of ICT.
c. Old technologies are also part of ICT.
d. none of the above
4. Which is NOT a role of ICT in education?
a. It can serve multiple teaching functions.
b. ICT replaces the convention education curriculums
c. It can be used in different teaching and learning modes.
d. Information can be delivered in an instant.
5. Which of the following indicates the advantages for using technology in language teaching?
a. technology can be motivating
b. it offers the possibility to work autonomously or interact and collaborate with others.
c. technology provides instant feedback on language performance
d. all of the above
6. The use of ICT tools to teach English boosts learning in terms of
a. attitudes, autonomy & authenticity c. authenticity, atmosphere & autonomy
b. autonomy, attitude & amplification d. none of the above
7. Which is NOT an example of e-creation tools?
a. instant messaging c. web publishing
b. presentations software d. podcasting
8. What do you call the software that promotes communication among students and teachers?
a. e-creation tools c. e-communication tools
b. e-assessment tools d. facilitative e-tools
9. Examples of these tools include online boards, online journals, blogs, wikis, and e-books.
a. e-creation tools c. e-communication tools
b. e-assessment tools d. facilitative e-tools
10. Which ICT tool involves playing with and using language to create, explore, and discover while
producing content and learning performances that can be measured?
a. e-creation tools c. e-communication tools
b. e-assessment tools d. facilitative e-tools
11. Which are spaces where learners work in collaborative projects?
a. blogs c. portfolio online
b. wikis d. boards
12. What can help learners use to help them develop their reading skill?
a. e-books c. journals
b. wikis d. blogs
13. They are web-based platforms that allow teachers and learners to manage and organize their
work electronically.
a. LMS c. VLE
b. ICT d. IDK
14. Which is a syndicated video file?
a. podcast c. vodcast
b. penzu d. e-books
15. Synchronous refers to
a. real-time interaction c. it occurs with a time delay
b. sharing of file d. a Bluetooth like facility
Just a quick reminder, please don’t forget to mark your place now in the work tracker below, so you will
be able to personally monitor how much work you have accomplished and at the same time, how
much work there is left to do.
Below are the FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) which you might have in mind to ask.
**For Activity 3.1 and 3.2, outputs may vary and each completed task will be given 10 points..