NCP Drug Study, Ojoy Dan Joshua L

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College of Nursing

NAME: ___Ojoy, Dan Joshua L.____ YEAR: _BSN3__ AREA OF ASSIGNMENT: __Emergency Room___________________

NURSING CARE PLAN Patient’s Initials: ________________

Acute pain relating to 1. Conveying acceptance of the
Subjective: “Nagstart sya as client’s pain promotes a more
Long term Goal:
Osteosarcoma as evidenced 1. Recognize and convey
sakit sa binti lang hanggang cooperative nurse-patient
by biopsy result and Long term goal: acceptance of the client’s pain After 8 hours of nursing
sa namaga kaya sinabi ko na relationship.
verbalizations of pain and experience. intervention, patient will be
sa parents ko na After 8 hours of nursing
swelling in left distal thigh. able to report pain is
magpacheck up na” as intervention, patient will be 2. Measuring enables the nurse
2.Assess the pain score every 2 controlled and decreased
verbalized by the patient. able to report pain is to assess the amount of pain the
controlled and decreased hours and on need basis patient is experiencing

3.Provide preventive measures 3. Primary function is to direct Short term goal:

Short Term Goal: such as pillows or cushions for support to the affected area and After 2 hours of nursing
support decrease pressure intervention, the patient will
Objective: After 2 hours of nursing
be able to verbalize the
-Received patient awake intervention, the patient will 4. Give an explanation to the 4. Nurses can encourage and
factors that the pain is
and responsive. be able to verbalize the client on how to cope with pain support the client’s use of
methods known to have helped subsiding
- Difficulty standing due to factors that the pain is and cause pain.
swollen left leg subsiding in modifying pain unless they are
specifically contraindicated.
-Soaked Dressing on left 5. Teach relaxation and
distal thigh due to Biopsy distraction techniques. 5. Cognitive-behavioral
-facial grimace upon moving strategies can restore clients’
and standing up 6. Evaluate the effectiveness of sense of self-control, personal
analgesics efficacy, and active participation
-V/S in their own care.
Bp: 120/70 7.Monitor vital signs
Temp: 36.6 6. To identify the most
Pr: 98 O2: 97 appropriate outcome measures
Rr: 21 to determine the effectiveness
of pain management plans.
H: 73
W: 170 7. Elevated or lowered vital signs
as well as changes from the
Pain Scale: 7 client’s baseline may indicate
but are not specific to pain.
College of Nursing

NAME: ___Ojoy, Dan Joshua L.____ YEAR: _BSN3__ AREA OF ASSIGNMENT: __Emergency Room___________________

DRUG STUDY Patient’s Initials: _____________________________


is a non-steroidal anti- Celecoxib is contraindicated Celecoxib interacts with several stomach pain, heartburn, Assess range of motion,
inflammatory drug Celecoxib is to medications, including blood gas, diarrhea, constipation, degree of swelling, and
(NSAID) used to relieve indicated for thinners, steroids, and some nausea, vomiting; pain in affected joints
some symptoms caused symptomatic -patients with known antidepressants. It also interacts swelling in your hands or before and periodically
Brand name: by arthritis, such as treatment of adult hypersensitivity like with lithium, methotrexate, and feet; during therapy. Assess
inflammation, swelling, osteoarthritis (OA) anaphylactic and skin digoxin. Some celecoxib dizziness; or patient for allergy to
Celebrex, Elyxyb, stiffness, and joint pain. and adult reactions interactions can result in higher cold symptoms such as sulfonamides, aspirin, or
Seglentis rheumatoid levels of other medications. stuffy nose, sneezing, sore NSAIDs. Patients with these
arthritis (RA). It -History of throat. allergies should not receive
may be also be asthma, urticaria, or other celecoxib. Assess patient
Generic Name: used to treat acute allergic-type reactions after for skin rash frequently
Celecoxib pain from various taking aspirin or other during therapy.
sources, juvenile NSAIDs. Severe, sometimes
rheumatoid fatal, anaphylactic reactions
Dosage: arthritis in children to NSAIDs, have been
over 2, ankylosing reported in such patients
spondylitis, and
primary -In the setting of
dysmenorrhea. CABG(Coronary Artery
Bypass grafting) surgery

-In patients who have

demonstrated allergic-type
reactions to sulfonamides

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