NCP - Pain
NCP - Pain
NCP - Pain
Subjective data: Acute pain Surgical tissue Short-term goal: Independent nursing Short-term goal:
“Sakit jud akong related to trauma leads to interventions: GOAL MET
tahi. Ngotngot surgical nociceptor Within 8 hours of 1. Establish trust 1. Fosters
siya.” As procedure activation and nursing intervention, and rapport. cooperation. Within 8 hours of nursing
verbalized by the secondary sensitization. As a the patient will be 2. Assess and 2. Helps in fully intervention, the patient
patient. to post- result, individuals able to: monitor the understanding was able to:
- Pain scale operative suffer ongoing pain - Demonstrate characteristics the patient’s - Demonstrate
of 6/10 incision at rest and increased relaxation of pain. pain and for relaxation
responses to stimuli techniques early techniques to
Objective data: at the site of injury. to manage intervention. manage pain
- Facial - International pain 3. Monitor Vital 3. Establish such as use of
grimacing Association signs. baseline data deep breathing
- Guarding for the Study Long-term goal: for future exercise and
behavior of Pain, comparison. displayed a more
- Narrowe 2017 After 2 days of 4. Instruct 4. Pain is relaxed
d focus nursing intervention, patient to subjective; appearance,
the patient will be report intense serves as an with a pain scale
able to: pain and avenue to of 4/10 where 10
- Verbalize a encourage know if nursing indicates severe
decrease in verbalization interventions pain and 0 as no
pain felt of pain. are effective. pain.
with a
manageable 5. Provide a 5. Promotes rest Long-term goal:
pain scale of quiet and and enhances
2/10, where peaceful coping abilities. NOT ASSESSED.
10 indicates environment
severe pain (e.g.
and 0 as no avoidance of
pain. noise,
lighting) 6. Draws the
6. Educate about patient away
diversional from the
techniques feeling of pain,
such as deep promotes
breathing relaxation and
exercises. decreases
7. Apply cold 7. Cold compress
compress to reduces
the post- swelling and
operative site. alleviates pain.
Dependent nursing