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Sealed tender on percentage basis are invited from the PEC registered Contractor / Firms in
appropriate financial (C-06 or higher) specialization EE-04 relevant category. Tender documents can be
obtained from the office of the undersigned during office hours on any working day before the date of
opening of tender on written request / letter head accompanied with attested copy of CNIC, Income tax
registration certificate / ATL of FBR,PEC renewed for the year 2022-23 valid Electrical License . Tenders will
be issued to the proprietor of the Firm / Company or their legally authorized representatives having
registered power of attorney (duly attested). The tenders in sealed cover should be dropped in the tender box
kept in the office of undersigned on 18-01-2023 upto 02:00 P.M. The respective tenders will be opened on
the same day at 02:30 P.M. in the presence of participants.
1 No tender will be sold / issued on the date of opening of tenders and in case of public holiday, the receipt and
opening of tenders will be the next working day.
2 No tender will be issued through post, telegraph or E-Mail.
3 Bid Security @ 5% of bid price is required in the form of Call Deposit only from the Firm / Company’s own
account from any Scheduled Bank of Pakistan in the name of the Executive Engineer, Central EM Division No
II, Pak PWD, Lahore. No tender will be entertained without bid security @ 5% of bid amount.
4 Tenders can be purchased on the prescribed cost (Non-refundable) in the shape of CDR mentioned
against the work along with CDR amounting to 5% of NIT amount from the office of the undersigned
during office hours before the date of opening of tenders. Balance amount of 5% bid price (if any) should
be accompanied with the bid at the time of submission of Tender.
5 The Interested Bidders should have relevant experience & have completed/in hand at least 2 number project of
similar nature having cost equal to 50% or above in the given approved cost.
6 Tender Notice is also available at PPRA Website (www.ppra.org.pk)
7 Any information / query regarding terms & conditions may be clarified from the office of undersigned.
8 Under clause 33(1) of Public Procurement Rules, 2004, the undersigned reserves the right to reject all bids or
proposals at any time prior to the acceptance of bid or proposal.
Sr. Name of work NIT Amount Earnest Tender Fee(in
No. Money shape of
1 Construction of Hajj Complex at Lahore (Admin Block)
05% of bid Rs.5,000/-
(SH Internal Electrification) Rs. 16,811,558/-
(SH Standby Power Provision) amount
NOTE: Uncontested Tenders will be sold upto 25.01.2023 and opened on 26.01.2023 upto 02:00 P.M & at
02:30 P.M respectively. While other terms & Conditions will remain same.
Please arrange the attached advertisement under classified column of any two
Newspapers (Urdu & English) out of the Daily Newspapers according to the requirement as specified
below. The overall expenditure on this account may please be kept minimum and information about
publication, name of newspaper and date may kindly be intimated to the undersigned.
It is certified that necessary funds are available to meet entire cost of the
advertisement during the current financial year 2022-23. The advertisement of tender notice may be
restricted to two leading daily Newspapers. The advertisement bill (in duplicate) dully verified by PID
along with Newspapers may be sent to the Executive Engineer, Central E/M Division No.II, Pak.
P.W.D., Lahore for payment within one week after date of publication of this advertisement.