Removal of Selected Pharmaceutical Residues from Wastewater using
Activated Carbon from Rice Husks and their Biodegradation using
This thesis is my original work and has not been presented for the award of degree in
any other University.
This thesis has been submitted for examination with our approval as University
JKUAT, Kenya
JKUAT, Kenya
JKUAT, Kenya
I dedicate this work to my family. My wife Peris, my son Chris and my two daughters
Monica and Shiroh. I also dedicate it to my mother Wahu wa Kahara who despite being
very old has waited for me to go through the terrain of getting my third degree.
I thank God for giving me the strength and wisdom to achieve this dream. I wish to
thank my supervisors Prof. Anthony Gachanja, Prof Gathu Nyaga and Dr Jackson
Kiptoo for their guidance throughout the project. My sincere thanks to the Departments
of Chemistry and Food Science and Technology (JKUAT) for allowing me to use their
laboratory facilities for this research project. Much gratitude to my colleagues Josephine,
Joyline, Augustine and Amos for brainstorming and moral support that kept me going.
Lastly, I thank my family, my parents and my siblings. I will always be grateful for their
moral and financial support during my academic journey.
DECLARATION ............................................................................................................ ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................................iv
ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................xxi
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 1
CHAPTER TWO............................................................................................................. 8 Paracetamol........................................................................................................ 13 Nevirapine.......................................................................................................... 15
2.3.1 UV-Visible Spectroscopy .................................................................................... 27
2.4.2 Freundlich Isotherm ............................................................................................ 40
3.7 Characterization of Rice Husks Biochar Carbonated at Different Temperatures . 49
3.14 Biodegradation Experiments ................................................................................ 55
4.2.1 FT-IR Spectra of Raw Rice Husks and Activated Biochar ................................. 61
4.3.2 Recovery.............................................................................................................. 66
4.4 Optimum Carbonation Temperature of the Biochar ............................................. 68
Nevirapine............................................................................................................. 69
Nevirapine ........................................................................................................... 83
CHAPTER FIVE ........................................................................................................... 99
5.1 Conclusions........................................................................................................... 99
Table 4.1: Physical Properties of Rice Husks Carbonated at Different Temperatures . 58
Table 4.2: Method Performance Characteristics for Paracetamol, Trimethoprim and
Nevirapine ..................................................................................................... 67
Table 4.3: Optimized MRM Parameters for Analysis of Pharmaceutical Residues ...... 67
Table 4.4: Langmuir and Freundlich Isotherm Parameters for Adsorption of
Paracetamol, Trimethoprim and Nevirapine ................................................. 79
Table 4.5: Kinetic Parameters for the Removal of Trimethoprim, Paracetamol and
Nevirapine ..................................................................................................... 83
Table 4.6: Adsorption of Pharmaceutical Residues Using Activated Carbon of Rice
Husks in JKUAT WWTP .............................................................................. 86
Table 4.7: Adsorption of Pharmaceutical Residues using Activated Carbon of Rice
Husks in Nairobi River water ........................................................................ 86
Table 4.8: Effect of Heat on Biodegradation ................................................................. 93
Table 4.9: Average Percentage Biodegradation of Pharmaceuticals by Microorganisms
....................................................................................................................... 94
Figure 2.1: Disposal of pharmaceuticals in the environment ......................................... 11
Figure 2.2: Structure of paracetamol (N-(2,3,5,6-tetradeuterio-4-
hydroxyphenyl)acetamide) .......................................................................... 14
Figure 2.3: Structure of trimethoprim (5-[(3, 4, 5-trimethoxyphenyl) methyl]
pyrimidine-2,4-diamine) .............................................................................. 15
Figure 2.4: Structure of nevirapine 5,11-dihydro-6H-dipyrido[3,2-b:2',3'-e][1,4]
diazepine ...................................................................................................... 16
Figure 2.5: Paracetamol catabolic pathway ................................................................... 24
Figure 2.6: Trimethoprim biodegradation pathway . ..................................................... 25
Figure 2.7: Nevirapine biodegradation pathway ............................................................ 26
Figure 2.8: Schematic representation of UV spectrophotometer ................................... 27
Figure 2.9: Schematic representation of LC-MS/MS .................................................... 29
Figure 2.10: Schematic diagram of FT-IR .................................................................... 37
Figure 2.11: Schematic diagram of X-Ray Diffractometer ............................................ 38
Figure 2.12: Schematic diagram of scanning electron microscope................................ 39
Figure 3.1: Map of Nairobi River water basin ............................................................. 43
Figure 3.2: Location of JKUAT waste water treatment plant ........................................ 44
Figure 4.1: Infrared spectra of variation of temperature of rice husks biochar on the
surface functional groups. ......................................................................... 61
Figure 4.2: X-Ray diffraction of rice husks activated carbon carbonated at different
temperatures .............................................................................................. 65
Figure 4.3: Variation of pyrolysis temperature on percentage removal of paracetamol,
trimethoprim and nevirapine..................................................................... 69
Figure 4.4: Optimization of pH on percentage removal of trimethoprim, paracetamol
and nevirapine ........................................................................................... 71
Figure 4.5: Optimization of contact time on percentage removal of trimethoprim,
paracetamol and nevirapine ...................................................................... 72
Figure 4.6: Optimization of adsorbent dose on percentage removal of trimethoprim,
paracetamol and nevirapine ...................................................................... 74
Figure 4.7: Optimization of initial drug concentration on percentage removal of
trimethoprim, paracetamol and nevirapine ............................................... 75
Figure 4.8: Freundlich adsorption isotherm for adsorption of paracetamol................... 76
Figure 4.9: Freundlich adsorption isotherm for adsorption of nevirapine ..................... 76
Figure 4.10: Freundlich adsorption isotherm for adsorption of trimethoprim ............... 77
Figure 4.11: Langmuir adsorption isotherm for adsorption of paracetamol .................. 77
Figure 4.12: Langmuir adsorption isotherm for adsorption of nevirapine ..................... 78
Figure 4.13: Langmuir adsorption isotherm for adsorption of trimethoprim................. 78
Figure 4.14: Pseudo first-order plot for adsorption of trimethoprim ............................. 80
Figure 4.15: Pseudo first-order plot for adsorption of paracetamol ............................... 80
Figure 4.16: Pseudo first-order plot for adsorption of nevirapine ................................. 81
Figure 4.17: Pseudo second order plot for adsorption of paracetamol .......................... 81
Figure 4.18: Pseudo second order plot for adsorption of nevirapine ............................. 82
Figure 4.19: Pseudo second order plot for adsorption of trimethoprim ......................... 82
Figure 4.20: Concentration of paracetamol, nevirapine and trimethoprim in JKUAT
WWTP effluent, influent and in Nairobi river water ................................ 84
Figure 4.21: Effect of trimethoprim concentration on the growth of P. aeroginosa, B.
subtilis, E. coli, and S. aureus ................................................................... 88
Figure 4.22: Effect of nevirapine concentration on the growth of P. aeroginosa, B.
subtilis, E. coli, and S. aureus ................................................................... 89
Figure 4.23: Effect of paracetamol concentration on the growth of P. aeroginosa, B.
subtilis, E. coli, and S. aureus ................................................................... 90
Figure 4.24: Sample chromatogram showing biodegradation of trimethoprim by
Escherichia coli bacteria........................................................................... 91
Figure 4.25: Sample chromatogram showing biodegradation of nevirapine by
Escherichia coli bacteria ......................................................................... 92
Figure 4.26: Sample chromatogram showing biodegradation of paracetamol by
Escherichia coli bacteria........................................................................... 92
Figure 4.27:Percentage degradation of diffrent concentrations of nevirapine by selected
microorganisms .......................................................................................... 96
Figure 4.28: Percentage degradation of different concentrations of trimethoprim by
selected microorganisms ............................................................................ 96
Figure 4.29: Percentage degradation of different concentrations of paracetamol by
selected microorganisms ............................................................................ 97
Appendix I: ANOVA results for the effect of pH on adsorption of trimethoprim ...... 128
Appendix II: ANOVA results for the effect of pH on adsorption of paracetamol ...... 128
Appendix III: ANOVA results for the effect of pH on adsorption of nevirapine ....... 128
Appendix IV: ANOVA results for the effect of contact time on adsorption of
trimethoprim ................................................................................................... 129
Appendix V: ANOVA results for the effect of contact time on adsorption of
paracetamol ..................................................................................................... 129
Appendix VI: ANOVA results for the effect of contact time on adsorption of
nevirapine........................................................................................................ 129
Appendix VII: ANOVA results for the effect of sorbent mass on adsorption of
trimethoprim ................................................................................................... 130
Appendix VIII: ANOVA results for the effect of sorbent mass on adsorption of
paracetamol ..................................................................................................... 130
Appendix IX: ANOVA results for the effect of sorbent mass on adsorption of
nevirapine........................................................................................................ 130
Appendix X: ANOVA results for the initial drug concentration on adsorption of
trimethoprim ................................................................................................... 131
Appendix XI: ANOVA results for the initial drug concentration on adsorption of
paracetamol ..................................................................................................... 131
Appendix XII: ANOVA results for the initial drug concentration on adsorption of
nevirapine........................................................................................................ 131
Appendix XIII: Regression graph of peak area against concentration of nevirapine.. 132
Appendix XIV: Regression graph of peak area against concentration of paracetamol
........................................................................................................................ 132
Appendix XV: Regression graph of peak area against concentration of trimethoprim133
Appendix XVI: ANOVA result for effect of autoclaving on trimethoprim
biodegradation ................................................................................................ 133
Appendix XVII: ANOVA result for effect of autoclaving on nevirapine biodegradation
........................................................................................................................ 133
Appendix XVIII: ANOVA result for effect of autoclaving on paracetamol
biodegradation ................................................................................................ 134
Appendix XIX: ANOVA results for biodegradation of trimethoprim by different
bacteria ............................................................................................................ 134
Appendix XX: ANOVA results for biodegradation of paracetamol by different bacteria
........................................................................................................................ 134
Appendix XXI: ANOVA results for biodegradation of nevirapine by different bacteria
........................................................................................................................ 135
Appendix XXII: ANOVA results on biodegradation by E. coli on variation of different
pharmaceutical molecules ............................................................................... 135
Appendix XXIII: ANOVA results on biodegradation by B. subtilis on variation of
different pharmaceutical molecules ................................................................ 135
Appendix XXIV: ANOVA results on biodegradation by P. aeroginosa on variation of
different pharmaceutical molecules ................................................................ 136
Appendix XXV: ANOVA results on biodegradation by S. aureus on variation of
different pharmaceutical molecules ................................................................ 136
Appendix XXVI: Formula for Calculation of LOD and LOQ ................................... 136
Appendix XXVII: Work flow diagram for solid phase extraction of pharmaceuticals
from wastewater .............................................................................................. 137
Appendix XXVIII: Published papers .......................................................................... 138
Plate 3.1: Biodegradation experimental flasks containing different concentrations of
pharmaceuticals inoculated with bacteria. ................................................... 56
Plate 4.1: SEM Micrographs of rice husks pyrolyzed at temperatures ranging from 300 -
600 ℃............................................................................................................. 64
Presence of pharmaceutical residues in wastewater discharges into rivers disrupts aquatic
ecosystems and human health. The risk of exposure to these pharmaceutical residues
becomes greater since most of them are not degraded during sewage treatment. The aim
of this study was to develop a method of removing paracetamol, trimethoprim and
nevirapine residues from wastewater using activated carbon made from rice husks and
subject them to biodegradation by use of selected microorganisms. Analysis of
pharmaceutical residues was done using liquid chromatography tandem mass
spectrometry. Powdered rice husks were carbonated at different temperatures in the
range of 300℃ - 600 ℃ then activated using phosphoric acid. Biochar carbonated at 500
℃ was found to have the best adsorption properties. Characterization of the biochar was
done using scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and
X-ray diffraction and their efficacy as adsorbents for the three pharmaceutical drugs
evaluated. Adsorption of the three pharmaceutical drugs was found to increase with
increase in contact time and adsorbent dosage, decrease with increase in initial drug
concentration while pH did not have a significant effect on the adsorption rate. The
optimum contact time for the three pharmaceutical drugs was 30 minutes while the
optimum adsorbent dosage found to be 0.10 grams. Adsorption isotherms for the three
pharmaceutical drugs fitted well in both Langmuir and Freundlich models. The
Langmuir isotherms R2 values were 0.9996, 0.9994 and 0.9831 while the Freundlich
isotherm R2 values were 0.977, 0.994 and 0.977 for paracetamol, trimethoprim and
nevirapine, respectively. Kinetic studies were found to fit well in the pseudo-second
order model with R2 values approaching unity. This indicated that chemisorption was
favoured over physisorption. Biodegradation of the three pharmaceutical drugs by
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureas
bacteria was also studied. Biodegradation was found to decrease with an increase in
concentration from 0.5 ppm to 1.5 ppm for paracetamol and nevirapine but increased
with an increase in pharmaceutical concentration for P. aeroginosa. Biodegradation by
the bacteria was highest for trimethoprim (82%) followed by paracetamol (75%) and
nevirapine the least (51%). The study gave a reliable assessment of the risks associated
with the pharmaceuticals to living organisms and the remedial measures through
possible biodegradation. According to the investigations, chemically activated rice husk
biochar was shown to be an effective, low-cost adsorbent for use in removal of
pharmaceutical residues from wastewater. Biodegradation of the three pharmaceuticals
drugs using the selected microorganisms has been shown to be an effective method for
their removal hence it should be tested in the field.
Key words: Pharmaceutical residues; Biodegradation; Wastewater; Activated carbon
residues, they cause endocrine malfunctions. For example, studies have shown that when
male gold fish are exposed to oestrogens they develop gene mutations, low sperm count
and finally develop female features (Kim et al., 2007; Hook et al., 2007). Research on
direct adverse effects on human health is scanty hence more studies are required. (Fawell
and Nieuwenhuijsen, 2003). Pharmaceutical residues are known to cause antibiotic
resistance. Antibiotic resistance is an issue of concern especially in developing countries
where there are currently only few studies which have been documented to assess the
extent of this problem (Neil, 2016).
Pharmaceuticals find their way into the environment through various mechanisms
including direct disposal into the environment, excretion of human and animal waste,
direct release from pharmaceutical industries, veterinary and agricultural practices and
leachate from dumpsites, broken sewer pipes and blocked manholes (Mathenge, 2013).
Another dominant pathway for pharmaceutical release in terrestrial and aquatic
environment is through application of animal manure and biosolids containing excreted
drugs residues to agricultural land as fertilizer which finally leach to the ground and
surface water (Kemper, 2008). They can also be introduced to agricultural land through
irrigation using wastewater (Gulkowska et al., 2008).
population growth, ageing populations, and increased animal husbandry. Different
methods for removal of pharmaceuticals in wastewater have been investigated such as
Ozonation, UV treatment, use of activated carbon, fly ash resins and biosorbents (Isoda,
et al., 2014; Chang et al., 2004; Kilic, 2011). However, some of these methods are
expensive and inaccessible. Hence there is need to develop cheaper and reliable methods
of removing pharmaceuticals residues in wastewater. Biodegradation of pharmaceutical
residues by microorganisms is an area that can be investigated as a viable cheaper option
for removal of pharmaceuticals from wastewater. In biodegradation experiments
microorganisms compete for the primary carbon source, which is usually the compound
that is present at the highest concentration among the more easily degradable carbon
sources. In this case the pharmaceutical is made to be the sole source of carbon and
energy (Gauthier et al., 2010).
The pharmaceuticals selected for this study have been repeatedly found in the
environment and are micro pollutants. These includes one antibiotic, trimethoprim
(TMP) one pain killer, paracetamol (PARA) and one antiretroviral drug, nevirapine
(NEV). The choice of pharmaceuticals drugs was based on their high annual therapeutic
usage, solubility in water, stability in the environment and concern over their possible
effect on human and aquatic organisms
The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of rice husks carbonated at
temperatures ranging from 300℃-600℃ in the removal of selected pharmaceutical
residues from wastewater. The efficacy of selected microorganisms namely,
Pseudomonas aeroginosa, Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureas
in microbial degradation of the selected pharmaceutical drug residues using model
solutions was investigated. Removal of the pharmaceutical residues from real
wastewater was carried out in two study sites namely Jomo Kenyatta wastewater
treatment plant. (JKUAT WWTP) and Nairobi River water.
1.2 Problem Statement
Pollution due to pharmaceutical residues has become a concern and especially in third
world countries such as Kenya. Presence of pharmaceuticals residues in the environment
has serious repercussions to both aquatic organisms and human health. Pollution from
pharmaceutical wastes lead to challenges in getting fresh water and increase the cost of
purifying it. The long-term effects of the pharmaceutical residues to aquatic organisms
and on human health may be considerable. The fact that their ultimate fate is unknown
creates uncertainty which adds to the risks associated with their presence in the
In Kenya only a few studies have been reported on removal of pharmaceutical residues.
(Cecilia et al., 2020; Kairigo et al., 2020; Koreje et al., 2016). These studies only
assessed removal of pharmaceuticals by various wastewater treatment plants, hence the
need for this study. One reason for scant research on removal of pharmaceutical residues
is that, over the last two decades, it was difficult to conduct analyses at trace levels due
to lack of selective and sensitive instruments. But since the late 1990‟s there has been
emergence of numerous analytical methods that has enabled detection of these
compounds in wastewater. One such technique is liquid chromatography tandem mass
spectrometry. This method can measure pharmaceutical concentrations in nanograms per
litre range (Ouma et al., 2021).
In third world countries, wastewater treatment plants are not well equipped to handle
emerging pollutants such as pharmaceutical residues. Different methods have been
developed to transform the pharmaceutical residues into less toxic forms and remove
them from the environment (Smýkalová et al., 2019). Conventionally, WWTPs use
activated sludge processes and biological treatment (bio filtration) to remove waste but
these methods have not been feasible in the removal of pharmaceutical residues
(Mukoko et al.,2015). Passage through WWTPs removes a small percentage of
pharmaceutical waste. (Petrovic et al., 2005). WWTPs are built to separate suspended
solids and to remove easily degradable organic matter (Mulder et al., 2015).
Therefore, there is a need to develop a novel adsorbent that can be used to remove
pharmaceutical residues from wastewater, transform them to less toxic and more
biodegradable forms for easier removal from the environment. One way to achieve this
is to modify agricultural wastes such as rice husks and convert them to adsorbents that
can be used in removal of pharmaceutical wastes. The second way is to subject the
pharmaceutical residues to selected microorganisms and evaluate their possible
In this project, activated carbon prepared from rice (Oryza glaberrima) husks harvested
from Mwea Kirinyaga county, was carbonated at temperatures of 300℃, 400℃ 500℃ and
600℃ and used in the removal of paracetamol, trimethoprim and nevirapine from
wastewater. Biodegradation of the three pharmaceuticals using Pseudomonas
aeroginosa, Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria was
also studied using model solutions that represented wastewater.
1.3 Justification
Several studies have indicated that there is high occurrence of pharmaceutical residues in
water bodies (Ngumba et al., 2016; Koreje et al., 2016). Studies have shown the
inefficiency of wastewater treatment plants in removal of pharmaceuticals residues.
(Kolpin, et al., 2002; Kairigo et al., 2020). Hence numerous methods have been
developed to convert them into less toxic forms and remove them from the environment
(Smkalová et al., 2019; Petrovic et al.,2005). However, their physical and chemical
characteristics affect how well they are removed.
Conventionally WWTPs uses biological treatment (bio filtration) and activated sludge
methods but biofiltration produce metabolites that are toxic to live microorganisms and
more importantly, humans. Hence there is a risk in using them in removal of these
organic pollutants. WWTPs are built to separate suspended solids and to reduce
degradable dissolved organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus, but not for removal of
pharmaceuticals. (Bhamare and Kulkarni, 2019; Leal et al., 2010).
Various methods involving Oxidation Processes have been proposed to be efficient for
the removal of harmful organic compounds in aquatic environments; which include
activated carbon adsorption, membrane filtration, advanced oxidation processes which
involves Fenton and photo Fenton oxidation, ozonation, photolysis, sonolysis and
heterogeneous photo catalysis (Ngumba et al., 2016). But these methods are expensive
hence inaccessible in third world countries.
Hence there is a need to remove these pollutants from aquatic systems, preferably using
a non-hazardous, cost-effective adsorbent with high adsorption capacity. It is also
necessary to subject the pharmaceutical residues to biodegradation using
microorganisms and assess whether their biodegradability and to what extent.
1.4 Hypothesis
1.5 Objectives
ii. To optimize sorption parameters such as pH, contact time, adsorbent dose and
initial drug concentration for removal of paracetamol, trimethoprim and
nevirapine residues from wastewater
iii. To determine the adsorption capacity of the activated rice husks biochar in
removal of paracetamol, trimethoprim and nevirapine from wastewater.
iv. To investigate the efficacy of P. aerogininosa, E. coli B.subtilis and S. aureas
bacteria in biodegradation of paracetamol, trimethoprim and nevirapine in
aqueous media.
The study dealt on pyrolytic synthesis and characterization of biochar derived from rice
husk for removal of pharmaceutical residues from aqueous phase, its efficiency,
adsorptive capacity and adsorption mechanisms. It also evaluated biodegradation of the
selected pharmaceuticals using selected microorganisms.
The present research only dealt with removal of three pharmaceuticals. The biochar for
adsorption of pharmaceuticals was derived only from rice husk biomass not any other
biomasses. Regeneration study of the formulated rice husk biochar was not done. It dealt
with biodegradation using four bacteria and not a range of microorganisms.
Biodegradation experiments used model solutions instead of wastewater.
Paracetamol is a widely used drug for relieving pain and reducing fever. It is sold as over
the counter (OTC) drug worldwide. It is one of the most often detected pharmaceutical
products in sewage treatment plant effluents, surface water, and drinking water.
Detection of this compound is greater in highly populated areas such as urban centers
where drug usage is expected to reach elevated proportions. The Frequent occurrence of
paracetamol in aquatic environments and drinking water has raised a concern about their
potential effects on the environment and human health (De Luna et al.,2012; Wu et al.,
The presence of antibiotics, such as trimethoprim, in natural water affects the
environment in several ways. First, the presence of these kinds of compounds alters the
natural flora and may lead to bacterial resistance. In this context, the development of
economical and efficient advanced water treatment technologies is necessary (Ahmad et
al., 2022; Lee et al., 2021).
syndrome (AIDs) (Peng et al., 2014). It has been reported that up to 60% of
administered dose of antiviral drugs are excreted by patients (Ncube et al., 2018). Just
like other pharmaceutical drugs, the antiviral drugs are eventually released into receiving
aquatic environments via effluent discharge of wastewater treatment plants. WWTPs
removes only a small percentage of antiviral drugs. In some studies it was reported that
the removal rates of nevirapine, lopinavir, efavirenz, and zidovudine after passage
through WWTP were lower than 68% (Abafe et al., 2018; Prasse et al., 2010). WWTPs
have been identified as the primary sources for the discharge of antiviral drugs into the
aquatic environment (Muriuki et al., 2020).
There are three types of pharmaceutical waste; Hazardous, non-hazardous and chemo
pharmaceutical waste. Hazardous waste includes the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) coded pharmaceutical waste or pharmaceuticals that are toxic, reactive, corrosive,
and ignitable. This waste has detrimental effects on the environment and human health.
There are two hazardous waste categories: listed and characteristic waste. Listed wastes
contain pharmaceutical products for commercial use, while characteristic waste is
controlled as they exhibit toxicity, reactivity, corrosivity, and ignitability. Non-
Hazardous waste includes expired medicines, manufacturers sample, loose pills,
damaged or contaminated patient medication, including packaging. Chemo wasteis
obtained from a wide range of drugs used to disrupt the formation of cancer cells.
(Nyaga et al., 2020).
In many developed countries, there are more sensitive instruments which enable
advanced analytical methods for analysis of pharmaceutical residues in aqueous systems.
This leads to increased knowledge and interest in the effects of pharmaceutical products
once released in the environment. However, these advanced methods are not accessible
in developing countries leading to lack of interest in the study of pharmaceutical residues
since they occur in trace concentrations (Zuccato et al., 2006; Fawel and
Niuewenhuijsen, 2003).
It has been reported that there is a link between water bound traces of pharmaceutical
such as hormonally effective substances like estradiol which is used as a contraceptive
pill that bring about shift in the sex ratio of some fish species. The study revealed that
some males become more feminized in that they produce less sperm and instead start to
produce eggs. Such effects may result in a reduction in population sizes of the fish which
may have corresponding implications for the entire food chain (Hook et al., 2007).
Analgesics such as ibuprofen have shown anti-bacterial and antimycotic properties.
Some antidepressants such as Prozac (fluoxetine) and Zoloft (sertraline) have been
reported to affect the spawning of shellfish (Jones, et al., 2004).
Leachates from municipal dumpsites where expired drugs and other medical waste are
dumped is another source of pharmaceutical residues. Shala and Foster, (2010) analyzed
pharmaceuticals in Anacostia River in United States and since the river didn‟t receive
any wastewater discharge, they concluded that landfills or septic leachate could be the
source of contamination. Jones et al. (2004) also associated leaching from landfill sites
directly to the groundwater as a major source of pharmaceuticals in the environment.
Human and animal fecal waste is another contributor of pharmaceuticals in the
environment. According to Khan, (2004), fifty percent of the drugs original compounds
may be excreted unchanged. Some of these wastes are excreted as metabolites or
conjugates which revert to original compounds. Pharmaceutical factories are also known
to release medical waste in the environment. Some waste is disposed during the
manufacturing process in the water system. A study in the USA found a thousand times
higher levels of pharmaceutical ingredients in a wastewater treatment plant receiving
water from such factories than from plants that received no such waste (Kessler, 2010).
Figure 2.1 shows disposal route of pharmaceuticals in the environment.
2.1.3 Regulations Governing Disposal of Pharmaceuticals
The Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB) defines pharmaceutical waste as waste
containing expired medicines, unused or no longer needed drugs including items
containing or contaminated by pharmaceuticals such as bottles, boxes, vials, ampules,
gloves, and masks. Poor pharmaceutical waste management (PWM) may be deleterious
to both human health and the environment, hence, the need for proper regulations
(Sungpyo and Aga, 2007). Pharmaceutical waste management (PWM) is defined as all
activities, both administrative and operational, for handling pharmaceutical waste. The
procedure used to determine the guidelines for water quality gives rise to a vigorous
debate among regulators, environmentalists and industries, each one defending their own
point of view. The stakes are crucial on each side; protection of the environment
including human and animal health on one side and billions of dollars in the market on
the other. One of the major systems of regulation in the world is held in the United
Stated under the jurisdiction of Food and Drug Administration (Sungpyo and Aga,
The Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) is the main Drug Regulatory Authority
responsible for review, approval, and post approval compliance of all the drugs being
marketed in the USA. Post approval changes to any drug product need to be notified to
and approved by FDA before implementation. The environmental assessment procedure
for a new drug is divided into two steps. Firstly, the manufacturer is asked to make an
estimation of the expected introductory concentration (EIC) entering the environment
based on five years of production (Sungpyo and Aga, 2007).
In Kenya the Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB), established under Chapter 244 of the
Pharmacy and Poisons Act (2002), is the body responsible for the registration of
pharmaceuticals and medical devices, whereas for testing and regulatory purposes, it is
the National Quality Control Laboratory. However, it is believed to test less than 20% of
samples. Most of the legal requirements are expected to be met by the importers. They
provide drug samples to Kenya Bureau of Standards for quality checks and registration
and for national policy regulations adopted by the Ministry of Health. This includes an
essential drugs list, using WHO guidelines, whose objective is to promote the
availability of quality pharmaceutical products at affordable prices. (Chemwolo et al.,
The fate of pharmaceuticals in the environment is not well known since some drugs may
be completely degraded in wastewater treatment plants, others remain completely
unaffected (Jones et al., 2004). Adsorption by use of activated carbon and
biodegradation by micro-organisms are the most common methods used to remove these
pharmaceuticals (Ternes and Joss, 2006).
This research focused on three pharmaceuticals, each of which has been found in certain
concentrations in the environment. (Ngumba et al.,2016a; Kairigo et al.,2020).
The main selection parameters of the drugs were their therapeutic use, stability, water
solubility and the lacking knowledge of their occurrence, fate and behavior in the
environment (Feng et al., 2009). The drugs included an antibiotic (Trimethoprim), a pain
killer (Paracetamol) and an antiretroviral (Nevirapine). Paracetamol Trimethoprim
This is a synthetic broad-spectrum antibiotic that inhibits the dihydrofolic acid synthesis
in bacteria, hence killing the bacteria. It is used to treat many bacterial infections such as
urinary tract infections, respiratory infections and middle ear infections (Ryan et al.,
2011). The combination of sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim obstructs two
consecutive steps in the folic acid metabolism, hence interrupts the micro-organisms
synthesis of RNA and DNA (Pérez et al., 2005). In a study carried out by Ryan et al.
(2011), the rate of loss of trimethoprim was found to be enhanced in wastewater effluent
due to indirect photolysis reactions, specifically reactions with hydroxyl radicals and
triplet excited states.
Figure 2.3: Structure of trimethoprim (5-[(3, 4, 5-trimethoxyphenyl) methyl]
pyrimidine-2,4-diamine) Nevirapine
Figure 2.4: Structure of nevirapine 5,11-dihydro-6H-dipyrido[3,2-b:2',3'-e][1,4]
Different methods of removing pharmaceutical residues have been used all over the
world. Most developed countries do monitor the presence of pharmaceutical wastes or
personal care products in wastewater and open water. This practice is uncommon in third
world countries including Kenya due to non-existence of locally suitable technology and
the high economic investment required (Jones, 2003).
Activated sludge processes are employed in most conventional WWTPs. This is because
they produce a secondary effluent that mostly complies with global and national quality
standards for discharge into surface water bodies (Verlichi et al., 2012). The removal of
pharmaceuticals in activated sludge processes includes two main mechanisms,
biotransformation and sorption. Moreover, other mechanisms such as hydrogen bonding,
ion exchange and surface complexation may intervene in the sorption process (Tolls,
2001). For the estimation of the removal via sorption to suspended solids and biomass
solid–water distribution coefficients (Kd) have been introduced, which are defined as the
ratio between the concentrations of a substance in the solid and in the aqueous phase at
equilibrium conditions WWTPs are specifically designed to remove a wide range of
substances including particulate matter, nutrients, pathogens, carbonaceous biological
matter and other macropollutants that can significantly raise the biochemical oxygen
demand (BOD) or chemical oxygen demand ( COD ) of the effluent (Clara et al., 2005).
Several cheaper materials, including industrial and agricultural wastes, have been used
to remove different pollutants from industrial effluents for their safe disposal into the
biosphere. There are different types of adsorbents used in wastewater treatment. They
include use of activated carbon, fly ash, resins and biosorbents. Activated carbon can be
made from different waste products such as coffee residues or shells (Isoda et al., 2014).
Activated carbon is used as an absorbent as well as a catalyst support. It has exceptional
absorption kinetics (Tongpoothorn et al., 2011). Powdered activated carbon (PAC) is
used due to its great surface area and ability to adsorb compounds. It has been used in
several studies for removal of organic matter and other contaminants in wastewater by
adsorption (Negara, et al., 2019; Ndekei et al., 2021). According to a study by Chang et
al. (2004), PAC can efficiently remove estrogens from the aqueous phase with up to
95% efficiency.
Activated carbons are made up of small hydrophobic graphite layers with disordered,
irregular and heterogeneous surfaces bearing hydrophilic functional groups (Soto et al.,
2011). Synthesis of activated carbon is done through physical and chemical activation
process (Hameed et al., 2008; Moussavi et al., 2012; Isoda et al., 2014). Activation is
responsible for enhancing chemical attack on the matrix of the precursor as well as
fragmenting cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin.
2.2.4 Rice Husks as Adsorbents
Adachi et al. (2001), reported rice bran to be a potent sorbent for the removal of
organochlorine compounds and benzene from industrial wastewaters. The rice husk is an
abundant lignocellulosic biomass and this makes it suitable for biochar production.
Lignocellulosic biomasses include those from agricultural residues (corn stover, crop
straws and bagasse), from herbaceous crops, woody plants, forestry residue, wastepaper
and other municipal green wastes that are mainly composed of cellulose, hemicellulose
and lignin (Mohan et al., 2006).
Rice husks are modified through carbonization process which is the conversion of
organic matter into porous carbon skeleton. This is done through heat or chemical
treatment. Heat treatment produces a more porous carbon. Diverse structure and
morphology of carbon materials derived from waste sources can be obtained, depending
on the parameters such as heat or temperature-controlled carbonization process (Wang et
al., 2015; Saito and Arima, (2007).
Carbon materials with high lignin content generally produce the highest biochar yields
when pyrolyzed at moderate temperatures (Demirbas et al., 2008). The porosity of rice
husks biochar can increase with time when the ash is dissolved and removed from the
pores. According to Ahiduzzaman and Sadrui, (2016), chemical activation of biochar by
use of phosphoric acid assists in developing more pores on the surface area of the
biochar which improves its adsorption capacity and porosity qualitatively and
Carbon materials for biochar production such as rice husks are readily available and at
low-cost hence suitable for third world countries (Jindo et al., 2014). Rice husk contains
20% silica, which is present in its hydrated amorphous form. During the pyrolysis
procedure, the silica is converted to cristobalite, which is its crystalline form. The study
involved adsorption of pharmaceuticals using rice husks biochar and biodegradation by
use of microorganisms. A synergy between sorption and biodegradation was found to
improve the removal of trimethoprim. using a highly efficient trimethoprim degrading
bacteria strain, Bacillus subtilis, which was isolated from column reactors. In the
removal process, this bacterium degrades trimethoprim to NH+4, and then further
converted NH+4 to NO3– in a continuous process (Liu, et al., 2018).
Microorganisms compete for the primary carbon source, which is usually the compound
that is present at the highest concentration among the more easily degradable carbon
sources. The dominant compounds in the influent are likely to be lipids or proteins while
the pharmaceuticals are present in low concentrations. Biodegradation is therefore likely
achieved by microorganisms with oligotrophic metabolism (Jones, et al., 2007).
Biodegradation of pharmaceutical compounds is being considered as an environmentally
friendly and low-cost option. It has been demonstrated to have the potential to eliminate
pharmaceuticals by degrading them into innocuous end products such as CO2 and H2O.
Microorganisms are the
A number of research studies on the fate of pharmaceuticals in the developed world use
the available detailed knowledge of consumption patterns and amounts of
pharmaceuticals consumed (Winker, 2008, Lindqvist, 2005). The comparison of quantity
consumed and excreted via urine or feces to sewage system to the quantity detected in
the WWTP influent/effluent gives needed knowledge on the removal efficiency during
the WWTP processes. Most of the researchers focus on summarizing the studies on
pharmaceutical biodegradation in the following aspects: the degrading bacteria, and the
proposed metabolic/biodegrading pathways in microorganisms, enzymes, and possible
intermediates. Pedrouzo et al. (2011) recorded the ability of isolated Penicillium species
to transform paracetamol to 4-aminophenol and acetate. With the use of aryl
acylamidase. 4-aminophenol was found to be a dead-end metabolite.
Another study by Li, et al. (2014) proposed and described the degradation pathway of
paracetamol in soil microorganisms. It was shown that in the first step, the aromatic ring
of paracetamol is hydroxylated to 3-hydroxyparacetamol, oxygenated to N-acetyl-p-
benzoquinone imine, or methylated to p-acetanisidide. N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine is
then metabolized to 1,4-benzoquinone which is more stable and critical toxic metabolite.
p-acetanisidide is transformed to 4-methoxyphenol and in the next step to the 1,4-
dimethoxybenzene. The presence of 2-hexenoic acid in the soil extract suggests the
cleavage of the aromatic ring of paracetamol.
Microorganisms with a high natural ability to metabolize a wide range of various
substances can be used as natural biocatalysts in sewage treatment processes. Unique
features and great versatility of such strains increase the effectiveness of wastewater
treatment and often decompose pollutants poorly susceptible to chemical degradation
(Dasgupta et al., 2013; Sipma et al., 2010). Pharmaceuticals not detected in wastewater
are completely degraded and metabolized in the organism or during transport of sewage
(Jones et al., 2003). Biodegradation by micro-organisms and adsorption by use of
activated carbon are the most common methods used to remove pharmaceuticals.
(Ternes and Joss, 2006).
oxygen environments. It is able to decompose hydrocarbons and has been used in
breakdown of oil spills (Silva et al., 2014).
[ ]
[ ]
Where, Vmax represents the maximum velocity achieved by the system, at maximum
(saturating) substrate concentrations. KM is the Michaelis constant; which is the substrate
concentration at which the reaction velocity is 50% of the Vmax. [S] is the concentration
of the substrate S.
Figure 2.5: Paracetamol catabolic pathway (Zhang et al., 2013)
The recent progress in the understanding of the fundamentals that govern the
degradation of aromatic compounds by E. coli makes this bacterium a very useful model
system to decipher biochemical, genetic, evolutionary, and ecological aspects of the
catabolism of such compounds (Diaz et al., 2001). Although Escherichia coli has long
been recognized as the best-understood living organism, little was known about its
abilities to use aromatic compounds as sole carbon and energy sources. It is involved in
the catabolism of such compounds, like several aromatic acids (phenyl acetic acid, 3 and
4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid, phenyl propionic acid, 3-hydroxyphenylpropionic acid, and
3-hydroxycinnamic acid) and amines (phenyl ethylamine, tyramine, and dopamine)
(Feng et al., 2009). Figure 2.6 shows trimethoprim biodegradation pathway.
Figure 2.7: Nevirapine biodegradation pathway (Bhembe, et al., 2020)
2.3 Analytical Techniques for Determination of Concentration of
and measured. LC differentiates compounds by their Physico-chemical properties and
MS differentiates compounds by mass (specifically their mass-to-charge ratio). It is this
dual selectivity that makes LC-MS such a powerful analytical tool. LC-MS/MS is one of
the analytical techniques used for the determination of pharmaceuticals and their
metabolites because it is highly selective, specific and versatile. Liquid chromatography-
mass spectroscopy is mostly used in the analysis of pharmaceuticals and their
metabolites in a number of matrices. It has been revealed as a powerful analytical
technique for rapid screening of ketoprofen, naproxen, diclofenac and ibuprofen (Olives.
et al., 2012).
of isotope dilution mass spectrometry is now feasible not only in research but also for
routine applications (Jenkins et al., 2004).
The resulting selectivity allows a particular analyte or analytes to be isolated from the
mixture and gives confidence that the correct component is being measured. Since
analytes are separated by their mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) the technique allows for the
use of isotopically labeled internal standards, which may not separate by LC but can be
separated by their mass difference. The use of stable isotopically labelled (SIL) internal
standards can help control variability in a quantitative assay (Stokvis, et al., 2005).
Figure 2.9 shows diagram of LC-MS/MS
In modern times the most extensively applied LC-MS interfaces are based on
atmospheric pressure ionization (API) strategies like electrospray ionization (ESI),
atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI), and atmospheric pressure
photoionization (APPI). Today, electrospray ionization (ESI) and atmospheric pressure
chemical ionization (APCI) are the most common API techniques in routine use for
quantification of small molecules by LC-MS (Nxumalo, 2016).
Matrix effect occurs because the ionization mechanism is prone to disturbance from
some components of the sample, especially with biological samples. If these components
co-elute with the analyte of interest, then data can become biased or have poor precision.
Typically, the ionization mechanism is suppressed, meaning that a lower response than
expected is observed (Ngumba et al., 2016). There are three approaches to reducing this
effect, one is chromatographic. This involves physical separation of the analytes and
interference on column, so they elute at different times. The second one is extraction.
This involves selective removal of the interferences during the sample preparation stage.
The third one is compensation. This is where stable isotopically labelled (SIL) internal
standard or matrix matched standards are used so that any effect is consistent (Stokvis, et
al., 2005).
The elution time of a SIL internal standard will be virtually identical to that of its
unlabeled counterpart and will therefore (in theory) undergo the same amount of matrix
effect. Using response ratio to determine concentrations will therefore compensate
between different matrices. Matrix matching is the process of ensuring that all standards,
quality control (QC) samples and test samples are in an identical matrix so that any ion
suppression is constant (Li, et al., 2019).
30 Electrospray Ionization (ESI)
There have been considerable efforts directed at understanding the mechanisms involved
in ion production for electrospray because understanding how ions are generated from
the mobile phase into the gas-phase is invaluable in diagnosing problems such as loss of
sensitivity and matrix effects (Kang, et al., 2008). There are a number of differing
theories, but ionization takes place in the liquid phase and involves an interactive
process where the LC eluent flows through a metal capillary contained within the probe.
Droplets are formed by nebulization of the LC flow into a spray as it leaves the
electrospray capillary. A charge is transferred onto the droplets by applying a large (2-5
kV) potential difference between the electrospray capillary and counter electrode. The
droplet size is reduced by evaporating the mobile phase by the use of a heated drying
gas. This desolation increases charge density on the surface of the smaller droplets.
Electric repulsion due to the charge density results in droplet fission.
When this exceeds the surface tension of the droplet it results in coulombic fission. Gas-
phase ions are formed as the droplet “explodes” and are sampled typically through some
form of orifice. The main advantage of the use of ESI for quantitative LC-MS is the
formation of protonated or de-protonated molecules with little fragmentation, ideal for
selection of precursor ions and for maximizing sensitivity (Santos et al., 2004). The
major limitation is ion suppression or enhancement effects due to presence of co-eluting
analytes or co-eluting matrix components. This “matrix effect” is recognized as one of
the major sources of uncertainty in LC-MS and LC-MS/MS). In addition, response can
be non-linear at high concentrations and optimum pH for ESI response can conflict with
choices made to control LC selectivity.
coordinated processes: the LC eluent flows through a silica capillary contained within
the probe. Nebulizing the LC flow into a spray result in the formation of droplets. A
heater inside the probe is used to evaporate the solvent, resulting in gas-phase molecules.
Since APCI uses gas-phase ionization, it is less susceptible to ion suppression compared
to ESI. To avoid problems with the analyte signal being suppressed due to preferred
ionization of solvents or additives with relatively higher ionization energies, great care
must be taken while choosing the kind of solvent and additives used for the mobile phase
(Byrdwell, 2001).
The traditional view of the mass spectrometer is of a large, floor standing instrument
utilizing a large electromagnet to provide a high-resolution mass spectrum. In practice,
this type of instrument has seen only limited application for LC-MS. As mentioned
above, most LC-MS instruments use an analyzer comprising several components in
tandem, with the most popular for quantitative LC-MS being the triple quadrupole
(QqQ) spectrometers..
32 Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Despite the availability of a wide range of mass analyzers each with different
performance characteristics, QqQ instruments have been the preferred choice for most
routine targeted quantification assays as they offer the best performance characteristics
for quantitation. The basic principle of QdQ is the selection of a precursor ion,
fragmentation of this ion, usually by collision-induced dissociation (CID) and
measurement of the mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) of the product ions formed. The
traditional approach to mass spectrometry involves scanning a wide mass range to obtain
a mass spectrum.
However, for LC-MS applications QqQ instruments are typically operated in selected
reaction monitoring (SRM) mode which is also called multiple reaction monitoring
(MRM) by some suppliers. This involves continuously monitoring a small number of
selected transitions (i.e., mass numbers) for each analyte, typically, one precursor ion to
a couple of product ions. This approach provides a significant gain in sensitivity
compared with acquiring full spectral data. Further gains have been achieved by steady
innovation in instrumentation. Modern electronic technology and faster data acquisition
interfaces, together with better designs of collision cell to allow faster clearing of ions
from the cell, significantly shorten the minimum dwell times that can be used for each
precursor/product ion pair monitored, without significantly reducing signal-to-noise
ratios (S/N) or introducing crosstalk. The latter is the term used to describe the
phenomenon when the fragment ions from one SRM transition are scanned out during
another transition. The tandem mass spectroscopy has been successfully employed for
the determination of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in bovine plasma using
(Dowling & Malone, 2011). Detectors
Liquid chromatographs are equipped with a means to continuously monitor the column
effluent and to recognize the presence of solute. Only small sample sizes are used with
most HPLC columns, so a detector must have high sensitivity (Tautenhahn, et al., 2008).
The type of detector that has the most universal application is the differential
refractometer. This device continuously monitors the refractive index difference between
the mobile phase (pure solvent) and the mobile phase containing sample (column
effluent). The most widely used HPLC detectors are the photometric detectors. These
detectors measure the extent of absorption of ultraviolet or visible radiation by the
sample. A third type of detector that has only limited use is the fluorescence detector.
This type of detector is extremely sensitive; its use is limited to samples
Most LC instruments are online with an integrator and a computer for data handling. For
quantitative analysis of LC data, operating parameters such as rate of solvent flow must
be controlled. In modern instruments, the whole system including the pump, injector,
detector and data system is under control of a computer.
The adsorbents in LC are typically small diameter porous materials. In the early days of
HPLC, solid supports were coated with a liquid stationary phase. Columns with these
packings had short lifetimes as a gradual decrease in resolution because there was
continuous loss of the liquid stationary phase with use of the column. This problem was
remedied by the discovery of methods for chemically bonded stationary phases. The
major advantage of a bonded stationary phase is stability. Since it is chemically bonded,
there is very little loss of stationary phase with column use. The use of non-polar
chemically bonded stationary phases with a polar mobile phase is referred to as reverse
phase LC. This technique separates sample components according to hydrophobicity. It
is widely used for the separation of all types of biomolecules. Typical solvent systems
are water, methanol, water acetonitrile, and water-tetrahydrofuran mixtures
The eluting power of a solvent is related to its polarity. Chromatographic solvents have
been organized into a list according to their ability to displace adsorbed solutes (eluting
power, ɛ°). The ɛ° increases with an increase in polarity. Using the eluotropic series
makes solvent choice less a matter of trial and error. Occasionally, a single solvent does
not provide suitable resolution of solutes. Solvent binary mixtures can be prepared with
eluent strengths intermediate between the ɛ° values for the individual solvents (Kluters et
al., 2015).
programming units that control gradient elution in a stepwise or continuous manner
(Kluters et al., 2015).
The FTIR instrument sends infrared radiation of about 10,000 to 100 cm-1 through a
sample, with some radiation absorbed and some passed through. FTIR spectrometer
simultaneously collects high-spectral-resolution data over a wide spectral range. This
confers a significant advantage over a dispersive spectrometer, which measures intensity
over a narrow range of wavelengths at a time. The absorbed radiation is converted into
rotational and/or vibrational energy by the sample molecules. The resulting signal at the
detector presents as a spectrum, typically from 4000 cm-1 to 400cm-1, representing a
molecular fingerprint of the sample. Each molecule or chemical structure will produce a
unique spectral fingerprint, making FTIR analysis a great tool for chemical
identification. This technique is useful for analyzing the chemical composition of
smaller particles, typically 10 -50 microns, as well as larger areas on the surface.
36 Working of FT-IR
The interferometer consists of a beam splitter, a fixed mirror, and a mirror that translates
back and forth, very precisely. The beam splitter is made of a special material that
transmits half of the radiation striking it and reflects the other half. Radiation from the
source strikes the beam splitter and separates it into two beams. One beam is transmitted
through the beam splitter to the fixed mirror and the second is reflected off the beam
splitter to the moving mirror. The fixed and moving mirrors reflect the radiation back to
the beam splitter. Again, half of this reflected radiation is transmitted, and half is
reflected at the beam splitter, resulting in one beam passing to the detector and the
second back to the source. It uses the standard KBr method, with spectral resolution set
at 4 cm–1 and the scanning range from 400 to 4000 cm–1 (Ponce et al., 2013). Figure
2.10 shows block diagram of FT-IR.
37 Working of XRD
X-ray diffractometers consist of three basic elements: An X-ray tube, a sample holder,
and an X-ray detector. X-rays are generated in a cathode ray tube by heating a filament
to produce electrons, accelerating the electrons toward a target by applying a voltage,
and bombarding the target material with electrons. When electrons have sufficient
energy to dislodge inner shell electrons of the target material, characteristic X-ray
spectra are produced. Figure 2.11 shows the diagram of XRD.
The Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) is used for observation of specimen surfaces.
When the specimen is irradiated with a fine electron beam (called an electron probe),
secondary electrons are emitted from the specimen surface (Yamada et al., 2004).
Topography of the surface can be observed by two-dimensional scanning of the electron
probe over the surface and acquisition of an image from the detected secondary electrons
SEMs provide a 3D image of the surface of the sample. The number of secondary
electrons that can be detected, and thus the signal intensity, depends, among other things,
on specimen topography (Klein et al., 2012; Butterfield et al., 2017).
The SEM uses Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS) in the production of
elemental maps, which accurately represent the distribution of elements within samples.
The most typical use is elemental analysis, mineral orientation, morphology and
contrasts (Debbie, 2008). Morphology indicates the shape and size, while topography
indicates the surface features of an object or “how it looks”, its texture, smoothness or
roughness. Likewise, composition means elements and compounds that constitute the
material, while crystallography means the arrangement of atoms in the materials (Khan
and Lo, 2018). Due to the very narrow electron beam, SEM micrographs have a
large depth of field yielding a characteristic three-dimensional appearance useful for
understanding the surface structure of a sample (Echlin et al., 2013). Figure 2.12 is the
diagram of Scanning Electron Microscope
Several studies have adopted the use of mathematical modeling and representation to
represent adsorption (Mahmoud et al., 2012; Kilic et al.,2011; Soto et al., 2011).
Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms are the most commonly used isotherms used to
describe adsorption. They form the basis of feasibility study on any potential adsorbent
(Alok et al., 2007).
……………………………………………………………. (2.2)
straight line.
The above equation can be rearranged to give the linearized equation (2.3)
Ce 1 Ce
……………………………………………………………………. (2.3)
qe qm qm
Freundlich isotherm is an empirical equation suited for non-ideal systems with highly
heterogeneous surfaces (Alterior et al., 2008; Hameed et al., 2008). It gives good
interpretation of data over a restricted concentration range. The equation is represented
……………………………………………………….. (2.4)
A plot of Log qe against Ce gives a straight line where the constants and log KF can be
determined from the intercept and the slope respectively. The above equation (2.4) can
be represented in linear form to give equation (2.5)
Log q e Log K f
LogCe ………………………………………………(2.5)
The Pseudo-first order model is based on the assumption that the adsorption rate is
proportional to the number of available sites (Lin and Wang, 2009). The model of
Pseudo first–order is given by equation 2.6.
…… …………………………………………….. (2.6)
(min-1) is the Pseudo first-order rate constant of adsorption. The value of and
are calculated from the slope and intercept respectively of the linear plot of
versus .
2.5.2 Pseudo Second Order Kinetic Model
Nairobi river basin (1.1997° S, 37.1571° E) is made up of three main rivers; Mathare,
Ngong and Nairobi. It flows through many formal settlements including Kawangware,
Majengo and Dandora. All these settlements are densely populated hence prone to poor
disposal of pharmaceuticals. Ngong River which drains to Nairobi River passes through
Africa‟s largest slum, the Kibra slums (Erulkar and Mathaka, 2007; Ngumba et al.,
2016). Figure 3.1 shows the Nairobi River basin.
Figure 3.1: Nairobi River water basin map (K’oreje et al., 2012)
3.1.2 Study Area 2: JKUAT Wastewater Treatment Plant
The rice (Oryza glaberrima) husks were collected from Nice Rice Millers Ltd located at
0`40`0`S and 37‟220`E. It is one of the biggest millers in Mwea Kirinyaga county and is
allocated in Wang`uru town. The rice in Nice Millers Ltd is obtained from farmers in all
sub- county schemes that is Tembere, Nguka (Mwea), Thiba, Wamumu and Karaba. The
rice husks were put in the sacks and then transported to Jomo Kenyatta University of
Agriculture and Technology analytical chemistry laboratory, where preparation of
samples, pyrolysis and adsorption analysis were carried out. Bacteria for biodegradation
experiments were obtained from JKUAT botany laboratories while some were cultured.
Wastewater samples were collected from two sampling points. One was Nairobi River at
the river road junction while the one was JKUAT WWTP. In JKUAT WWTP the
samples were collected before and after treatment, two times a day and four times a
month. Sampling was done in August 2018, which is usually a dry month preceding
short rains. It was done for two consecutive months. From each of the effluent and
influent sampling points, 200cm3 of wastewater were collected by grab method (n=8)
over a period of 8 hours and pooled together into a 1 L composite sample. They were
then taken to Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology analytical
chemistry laboratory where they were stored at 4°C and analyzed within 24 hours. Batch
experiments were done using model solutions made by spiking ethanol-water mixture
50/50 with the three drugs: paracetamol, trimethoprim, and nevirapine. Later
experiments were done using wastewater obtained from Jomo Kenyatta University
WWTP and Nairobi River water.
The rice husk samples were prepared according to the method by Wong et al., (2003).
The rice husks were initially washed thoroughly with tap water to remove mud, any
other adhering particles and other water-soluble impurities. They were then dried at
110°C for 8 hours, ground to fine powder and sieved to obtain a powder with a particle
size of 1 - 2 mm.
3.3 Chemicals and Reagents
Methanol, acetonitrile and formic acid were HPLC-grade and were purchased from
Sigma Andrich (Germany) while paracetamol, trimethoprim and nevirapine standards
were obtained from Universal Corporation Ltd, Kenya. Ultrapure water which was used
throughout the study was obtained from Kenyatta university chemistry laboratory.
Unless otherwise stated all the other reagents used were of analytical grade or above.
3.4 Instrumentation
About100 g of rice husks were carbonated at temperatures of 300℃, 400℃, 500℃ and
600℃. in a muffle furnace (Advatec-KL-420 Japan) for a duration of 2 hours. The
samples were then crushed and sieved to a size of about 800 micrometers and then kept
in an oven at 100℃ for 24 hours (Zhang et al., 2017). The rice husks biochar was then
impregnated with 1 dm3 of 3 M H3PO4, at 80℃ for 3 hours. It was then cleaned with
distilled water until a pH of 7 was attained and dried in an oven at 105°C for 24 hours.
The dried samples were finally stored in a desiccator.
The method proposed by Zhang et al. (2012) was adopted. Moisture content was
determined by oven drying 5.0 g of rice husks at 110℃ for 24 hours.
The experiment was done in triplicate. The moisture content was calculated using
equation 3.1.
The ash content was determined using a method adopted from Otaru et al. (2013). 10.0 g
of rice husks samples carbonated at temperatures of 300℃, 400℃, 500℃ and 600℃,
were oven dried separately at 80℃ for 24 hours. The dried samples were then heated in a
muffle furnace at 800℃ for 3 hours in open crucibles. After heating, the crucibles and
their contents were cooled in a desiccator and then weighed. The experiment was done in
triplicate. The ash content was calculated using equation 3.2.
…………………………………. (3.2)
The bulk density was determined using a method adopted from Sugumaran et al.,
(2012). A glass cylinder (25 cm3) was filled with finely ground activated carbon powder
and dried overnight in an oven at 80℃. The cylinder was cooled and then tapped for 1 - 2
minutes for the carbon to compact and the bulk density calculated using equation 3.3.
…………………..……… (3.3)
The experiments were carried out in triplicate and the average value recorded
The method was adopted from Birbas et al. (2011). Activated carbon of mass 0.1 g was
put into the conical flask containing 25 cm3 of iodine solution. The sample was mixed
with iodine solution for about a minute by swirling. The activated carbon – iodine
mixture was then filtered and 10 cm3 of the filtered solution transfered into another flask
using a volumetric pipette. The filtered solution was then titrated with 0.04 N sodium
thiosulphate solution until it becomes colourless. The experiment was done in triplicate.
Iodine number was calculated as shown in equation (3.4)
Where:(Vb-Vs) is the difference between results of test without biosorbent and the test
with biosorbent (ml of sodium thiosulfate 0,1N); N, normality of sodium thiosulfate
solution (mol/L); MI, Molar mass of iodine (126.9 g/mol); m, the mass of biosorbent (g).
3.6.5 Determination of Percentage Yield
This was done using a method adopted from Gaskin et al. (2008). Rice husks samples
(10.0 g) were put in a muffle furnace and heated at 400℃ for one hour, cooled and
washed several times. This was done in triplicate. The final sample was then dried to a
constant mass in an oven at 110℃. Thereafter, the percentage yield was calculated as
3.7 Characterization of Rice Husks Biochar Carbonated at Different
The functional groups were determined using a Shimadzu 8400 Fourier Transform
Infrared spectrophotometer Shimadzu, Japan operated between 400 and 4000 cm-1. A
0.02 g sample of rice husk activated carbon was ground into a powder and then mixed
with 0.3 g of anhydrous KBr. The pellets were obtained by pressing the mixture in a
vacuum before analysis to obtain respective IR spectra (Wanakai et al., 2019).
This was analyzed using scanning electron microscopy technique (SEM, Quanta FEG
250) at 5.00KV. Everhart – Thornley detector (ETD) was used as a detector and a
working distance (WD) of 10.1 mm was used for high resolution imaging. The activated
carbon sample was ground to a powder and mounted on the standard specimen stubs
using adhesive tape and then coated with gold layer to prevent the sample from charging
(Negara et al., 2019).
3.8 LC-MS/MS Determination of Concentration of Pharmaceuticals
Where Co is the initial concentration (mg/L) Ct is the final concentration after time t
(mg/L). The amount of pharmaceutical adsorbed at equilibrium qe (mg g-1) was
calculated according to the equation
ci ce
Qe= ( )V ………………………………………………. (3.7)
V: the volume of drug solution (L).
A Quattro ultima micromass triple quadruple mass spectrometer (Quattro mass UK) was
used as both the detector and mass analyzer. Nitrogen gas generated by a nitrogen
generator (Peak Scientific UK) was used as a desolvation and cone gas. Desolvation
temperature was 350℃ while source temperature was 150℃. Argon gas was used as a
collision gas at a collision pressure of 2.8 x 10-4 M bars. Analysis was done in electro
spray ionization positive mode (ESI +) operating in a multiple reaction monitoring
(MRM) with a dwell time of 200 ms. Two productions were generated from the
precursor ion with one ion used for quantification while the other was used for
confirmation (Martos et al., 2010).
3.9.1 Linearity
The linear regression equations and correlation co-efficient (R2) for each of the three
pharmaceutical drugs were used to determine linearity (Saadati et al., 2013).
The limit of detection was determined using calibration standards. It was evaluated as
L.O.D = 3.3 σ/s where s is the slope of the calibration curve and σ is the standard
deviation of the four replicate measurements of blank solution (Evard et al., 2016).
The limit of quantitation was determined using calibration standards using the formula;
L.O.Q = 10 σ/s where s is the slope of the calibration curve and σ is the standard
deviation of the response (Ikonen et al., 2020).
3.9.4 Recovery Studies
For recovery studies, duplicate sets of 200 ml of a blank made of water that did not
contain detectable quantities of pharmaceuticals and spiked with paracetamol,
trimethoprim and nevirapine were taken through the extraction process with oasis HLB
(6 c.c 200 mg) SPE cartridges. The recoveries were calculated by comparing the
response of the analyte in the standard solution to that of the post-extract blank spiked
with the analyte at the same concentration, equation 3.7 (Biselli et al., 2013).
…………….………. (3.8)
In this study, rice husks biochar was carbonated at temperatures of 300, 400, 500 and
600℃ for a constant duration of 2 hours. The temperature was varied with an aim of
obtaining the optimum carbonation temperature that would obtain a biochar with the best
adsorption capacity for paracetamol, trimethoprim and nevirapine from wastewater
systems (Fu et al., 2019). The biochar carbonated at the optimum temperature was used
to perform batch equilibrium studies.
solution was placed in 100 ml conical flasks and 0.1 g of activated carbon of rice husks
was added to each flask. The contents were placed on rotator shaker at different time
(min) intervals of 15, 30, 60, 90 and 120 min. After completion of the pre-set intervals,
the solutions were filtered and kept at 4℃. (Nassar et al., 2019).
Five mililitres (5ml) of each drug solution was placed in six different flasks containing
0.0125, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.25.and 0.5 g of activated carbon of rice husks. The flasks were
shaken at 150 rpm for 60 minutes and kept to be analyzed after filtration using LC-
MS/MS (Yu et al., 2020).
Five millilitres (5 ml) of the drug solutions were placed in conical flasks and the pH of
the solutions adjusted using 0.1 M NaOH and 0.1 M HCl. 0.1 g of activated carbon of
rice husks were then added to the flasks containing the different drug solutions at pH of
3, 5, 7, 9 and 11. The contents were placed on a rotator shaker, shaken at 135 rpm,
filtered and the filtrate kept to be analyzed using an LC-MS/MS (Yu et al., 2020).
Five milliliters (5 ml) of aqueous solution of each drug were placed in the conical flasks
containing 0.1 g activated carbon of rice husks containing initial drug concentrations
ranging from 0.1 to 1.5 ppm. The contents were then shaken at 150 rpm and filtered.
using 3 ml methanol HPLC grade followed by 3 ml of deionized water. Sample loading
was done at a flow rate of 10 ml per minute using SPE vacuum manifold the cartridges
were then dried in a vacuum for 10 minutes The analytes were then eluted with 3 ml
methanol and evaporated in a stream of nitrogen and then reconstituted with 1 ml of
water: methanol mixture 80/20 (v/v) (Dasenaki and Thomaidis, 2015).
The assay was prepared using a method by Sharma et al. (2020). Microorganisms all
from American Type Culture Collections (ATCC), included Bacillus subtilis (11778),
Escherichia coli (25922), Staphylococcus aureus (25923) and Pseudomonas aeroginosa
(27853). They were all obtained from botany laboratory at JKUAT. Before initiating
biodegradation studies, the microorganisms were cultured in an optimal nutrient medium
in order to grow a healthy breed of microorganisms that can withstand toxicity of the
pharmaceuticals. Culturing was performed in a laminar flow hood to ensure a sterile
environment (Rechab et al., 2018; Bernal et al., 2017). The healthy isolates were then
transferred onto other plates and stored in a freezer. The medium used was HIMEDIA
M002-5 Nutrient broth which was prepared by dissolving 13.0 grams in 1000 ml de-
ionized water and autoclaved at 121°C. Minimum mineral salt medium (MMSM)
prepared in de-ionized water contained the following compounds; KH2PO4, NH4Cl,
Na2HPO4.2H2O, CaCl2.2H2O, FeCl3.6H2O, MgSO4.7H2O and K2HPO4. The medium‟s
pH was thereafter adjusted to 7.0 and then autoclaved for 20 min at 121°C to kill the
existing microorganisms.
of glucose to alleviate the microorganisms from starvation. The pharmaceuticals were
added in each flask in concentrations to be used for biodegradation experiments. The
microorganisms were allowed to grow in presence of 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 mg/ml of the
respective pharmaceuticals for several days, removed and stored at a temperature of 4℃
(da Silva et al., 2021).
A volume of 98 ml of minimum mineral salt medium (MMSM) was put into 500 ml
conical flasks. They were each spiked with the pharmaceuticals to obtain concentrations
of 0.5 µg / ml, 1.0 µg/ ml and 1.5 µg / ml respectively (Plate 3.1). Two mililitres of
acclimatized bacterial isolate were then placed in each flask to make up a volume of 100
ml. To prevent possible photodegradation, the flasks were covered with aluminium foil.
The temperature was set at 25°C with a rotating speed of 150 rpm. Plate 3.1 shows the
biodegradation flasks containing the spiked minimum mineral salt media and the
Plate 3.1: Biodegradation experimental flasks containing different concentrations
of pharmaceuticals inoculated with bacteria
Three control experiments were set up. The first one without the microorganisms to
account for the drug‟s abiotic degradation, the second with dead biomass to account for
sorption to the biomass and the third one to determine the effect of autoclaving at
temperatures of 121°C meant to kill other microorganisms present (Al-Gheethi et al.,
2019; Gauthier et al., 2010).
Two model solutions were prepared in triplicate flasks containing 50 % deionized water
and 50 % methanol at concentration of 0.5 ppm of each pharmaceutical. One flask was
autoclaved while another was not autoclaved. These flasks were taken through the same
conditions as those used in biodegradation experiments. After the experiment, one
milliliter of each solution was filtered with a PVDF filter and put in an HPLC vial and its
concentration determined using LC-MS/MS.
The abiotic control was also prepared in de-ionized water- methanol mixture, with the
pharmaceutical present in the media but without any microbe. The abiotic control was
used to determine the degradation of the pharmaceuticals in the conditions used during
the experiments (Gauthier et al., 2010).
The dead biomass was prepared by autoclaving the HIMEDIA M002-5 broth containing
each of the selected microorganisms at 121°C for 20 minutes. The broth containing the
non-living cells was then lyophilized overnight in Labconco freeze drier (JAPAN). The
product was then ground into a fine powder and was used as dead biomass. Control with
dead biomass was used to measure the extent to which the pharmaceuticals adsorbed on
to the autoclaved biomass (Lucas et al., 2018; Vasiliadou et al., 2013).
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) was used. Experiments for statistical
data analysis were carried out in triplicates and statistical tools such as mean, standard
deviation, sum of square error (SSE), chi – square test and correlation coefficient (r)
used to process experimental data. Adsorption data was fitted to the Langmuir,
Freundlich, pseudo-first order and pseudo-second-order models. Coefficient of
determination (R2) and chi – square tests were used to determine the best fit for various
The physical properties, ash content, bulk density, iodine number, and percentage yield
that affect the adsorption capacity of a given adsorbent were determined at 300 ℃, 400
℃, 500 ℃, and 600 ℃ and results presented in in Table 4.1.
From Table 4.1, it was observed that the ash content decreased from 40.07 ± 0.02 to
25.00 ± 0.02 with an increase in pyrolytic temperature of between 300 to 600 ℃. The
findings are in concurrence with a study conducted by Ndekei et al., (2021), where it
was found that the ash content of biochar decreases with an increase in pyrolytic
temperature because higher temperatures volatilize the inorganic materials, such as
minerals and salts, which make up the ash. This leaves behind a more carbon-rich
biochar with lower ash content. However, it is important to note that the ash content of
biochar can also be affected by the feedstock used, the particle size, and the pyrolysis
conditions. According to Abdullah et al., (2001), while preparing and characterizing
activated carbon from Gelam wood bark, they recorded the same trend. The lower the
ash content the higher the surface area. Thus, it is preferable to use activated carbon
from rice husks with lower ash content because ash blocks the pores on the carbon
surface, reducing mechanical strength as well as adsorptive capacity.
The bulk density is an important parameter that determines the interparticle spaces
between activated carbon of rice husks (Sharma et al., 2004). From Table 4.1 bulk
density increases with an increase in temperature, that is 620± 0.01 at a temperature of
300 ℃ to 1200± 0.01 at 600 ℃. Iheanacho et al. (2021), while working on adsorption of
phenol onto corn cob activated carbon concluded that bulk density is principally
influenced by the particle size as well as the structure of cellulose-based fiber which is
also dependent on carbonation temperature. It is ideal to use activated carbon from rice
husks with a higher bulk density since it avails more interparticle spaces for adsorbate
molecules to lodge (Sharma et al., 2004). A higher bulk density implies that the
particles are packed more tightly together, which leaves less space between them. This
affects the adsorption capacity of the activated carbon, as the molecules to be adsorbed
need to have space to move around and interact with the surface of the carbon.
Therefore, it is ideal to use activated carbon from rice husks with a higher bulk density
since it avails more interparticle spaces for adsorbate molecules to lodge.
The percentage yield is the difference in weight of the respective samples before and
after carbonization. The percentage yield decreased with an increase in temperature, that
is from 80.6 ± 0.01 - 18.4 ± 0.01 %. As the temperature increases, the equilibrium shifts
to the direction of the endothermic reaction, in the process, releasing volatiles through
pore opening and gasification at high temperatures. Yahya et al. (2018), while reviewing
photocatalyst adsorbents for wastewater treatment found that rice husks carbonated at
high temperatures (400-900 ℃), leads to decomposition of polymeric structures and
production of most of the non-carbon elements, primarily hydrogen, oxygen, and
nitrogen, in the form of tars and gases. The remnants form a rigid carbon skeleton;
aromatic sheets and strips. Aromatic sheets are made up of benzene rings, which are six-
membered rings that are each bonded to three other carbon atoms. Further, aromatic
strips are made up of multiple aromatic sheets that are bonded together.
4.2 Characterization Results
The rice husk's biochar was characterized in terms of functional groups, surface
morphology, and crystalline nature. These factors highly affect the adsorbate-adsorbent
Figure 4.1 indicates the Infrared spectra of raw rice husks and activated carbon obtained
at different temperatures between 300 – 600 ℃.
Transmitance (%)
70 C-H
60 Si-O-Si
50 C-O
40 300 Degrees
400 Degrees
30 500 Degrees
600 Degrees C=O
3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000
Wave number (cm )
The Infrared spectra (Figure 4.1), indicates variation of temperature on the biochar‟s
surface functional groups. The raw rice husk IR spectra depicted four major peaks at
1392 cm-1 (-C-O stretching vibrations), 3402 cm-1 (O-H stretching vibrations), 2368 cm-1
(-C=C stretching vibration), and 1113 cm-1 (C-O group). The peak ranging between
1600~1800 cm-1 is due to the (-C=O stretching vibrations), and 1074 cm-1 (Si-O-Si
group) (Liu et al., 2018). The surface functional groups of activated rice husks are
affected by the temperature at which they are carbonated. At low temperatures, the main
functional groups present are hydroxyl (-OH) groups and alkene (C=C) groups and as
the temperature is increased, these groups are decomposed. The prominent band 1074
cm-1 in the rice husk ash coupled with narrow peaks are attributed to Si–O–Si stretching
(Kiran and Prasad, 2019). The regions (1000-1200 cm-1) contain different bands related
to aromaticity, out-of-plane C–H bending, and their varying degrees of substitution.
With increased temperature from 300 °C to 600 °C (charring), there was a gradual loss
in peaks at 2930 cm-1 and 2368 cm-1.which can be attributed to loss of aromatic
hemicelluloses leaving behind a porous carbon skeleton.
Optimal pyrolytic temperature for ash removal of pharmaceuticals may vary depending
on the specific pharmaceutical and the wastewater matrix. Therefore, it is important to
conduct experiments to optimize the pyrolytic temperature for each specific application.
Further, the functional groups on the surface of the ash affect its adsorption capacity.
Some functional groups, such as hydroxyl groups, are more polar than others and can
form hydrogen bonds with the pharmaceutical molecules.
SEM images of biochar carbonated at different temperatures were taken to compare the
morphological changes in the pore structure. The SEM image of biochar carbonated at 300
℃ (Plate 4.1) shows the presence of a plain surface without well-distinguished pores,
whereas at 400 ℃ regular pores start to form. There is also evidence of several button-like
structures interspaced with small pores, which were lacking in the rice husks carbonated at
300 ℃. The button-like structures and pores for rice husks activated at 400 °C are attributed
to volatiles escaping from the surface because of rapid thermal degradation (Ahmad et al.,
2012). When rice husks are heated to 400 °C, the volatile components of the husk, such as
water, hemicellulose, and cellulose, begin to vaporize. This vaporization creates pressure
inside the husk, which causes the husk to expand and form pores. The volatiles also escape
from the surface of the husk, leaving behind button-like structures.
Rice husks carbonated at 500 °C had regular pores, button-like structures as well as a larger
surface area. At 500 °C the structures of the biochar became more ordered and the pores
became wider. The findings are in concurrence with a study conducted by Mopoung et al.,
(2020) who observed that with a temperature of 500 °C, there was complete degradation of
volatile matter and hence destruction of adjacent walls of micro-pores leading to formation
of wider pores and bigger cracks hence increasing the surface area. Due to the outlined
properties biochar carbonated at 500°C was selected as the optimum. The small valleys and
craters observed were the regions from which the volatiles had escaped. Pyrolysis of the
cellulosic material selectively consumes the matrix leaving the silica fibers. When the
carbonation temperature is increased to 600 ℃ the number of pores reduced and the surface
was covered with a lot of ash. The reduction in porosity can be attributed to the realignment
or destruction of pore structure at higher temperatures. Angin, (2013) while working on
safflower seed cake found that at 600 ℃, biochar had lower surface area owing to the
narrowing or closing of the pores. Plates 4.1 shows the SEM micrographs of rice husks
carbon pyrolyzed at temperatures between 300 - 600 ℃.
Plate 4.1: SEM Micrographs of rice husks pyrolyzed at temperatures ranging from
300 - 600 ℃
From Figure 4.2, it was observed that there were intense broad peaks around 2Ɵ values
of 20 ℃ indicating that pyrolytic temperature did not significantly affect the disordered
carbon particles. A broad single peak indicates that the activated carbon from rice husks
is amorphous. Materials that are amorphous as depicted in the study do not have a
regular crystalline structure, so they do not produce sharp peaks in an XRD spectrum.
Instead, they produce broad peaks.
The broader the peak, the more disordered the material is. A study conducted by
Bidayatul et al. (2018) and Zhu et al. (2014), found that the crystalline nature of
activated carbon affects its adsorption capacity for pharmaceutical residues. Figure 4.2
shows the effect of varying pyrolysis temperature on X-ray diffraction of rice husks
carbonated at temperatures between 300 – 600 ℃ and the raw rice husks.
Intesity (Counts)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
2Theta (Deg)
Figure 4.2: X-Ray diffraction of rice husks activated carbon carbonated at different
4.3.1 Linearity
For all the analytes, linear calibration curves were obtained with a range of between 5-
1000µg/L. The coefficients of determination R2 values were 0.9944, 0.9933 and 0.9901
for paracetamol, trimethoprim and nevirapine respectively while the linear regression
equations were y=13891x +1175, y=134789x +3556 and y=13066x +16. Where y is the
peak area while x is the pharmaceutical concentration. Some representative calibration
curves are given in Appendix XIII-XV.
4.3.2 Recovery
Recovery was evaluated by comparing the peak areas of pre-spiked samples with those
of standards of similar concentrations. 200 cm3 of de-ionised water samples were
spiked with pharmaceutical drugs at concentrations of 0.25 µg/L, 1.0 µg/L and 2.5
µg/L which translates into a range of 50 µg/L, 200 µg/L and 500 µg/L respectively in
the final pharmaceutical samples. The volumes were taken through the SPE process
and later reconstituted. The percentage mean recoveries were paracetamol (65),
trimethoprim (78) and nevirapine (92) as shown in Table 4.2.
The limit of detection (LOD) and the limit of quantification (LOQ) were determined
based on the definition that LOD is the lowest analyte concentration that gives a signal
response with a signal to noise ratio of 3 while LOQ has a signal to noise ratio of 10.
Mathematically they were calculated as
LOD=3.3 σ/s………………………………………...4.1
LOQ=10 σ/s………………………………………...4.2
Where “σ” is the standard deviation of the blank while “s” is the slope of the regression
curve but since the response signal of the blank is zero it is impossible to obtain a peak
area for the blank. The standard deviation of the y intercept was used to approximate the
standard deviation of the response of the blank (Appendix XXVI). Table 4.2: shows the
summary of method performance characteristics for paracetamol, trimethoprim and
nevirapine where linear calibration curves were obtained at concentrations ranging from
Compound Linearity (R2) LOD(µg/L) LOQ(µg/L) Recovery(%)
Results in Table 4.2 show that calibration curves exhibited good linearity with
correlation coefficient r2= 0.99 in almost all the batches. The analytes' LOQ varied
between the three pharmaceuticals, with an overall concentration range of 5.01 µg/L to
8.50 µg/L. The average recoveries for both spiked JKUAT WWTP and Nairobi River
water were paracetamol (65%), trimethoprim (78%) and nevirapine (92%) (Table 4.2).
MRM parameters were also optimized to ensure reproducible and reliable results and are
summarized in Table 4.3.
From Table 4.3 the following information for each compound is revealed. Retention
time (min) is the time it takes for the compound to elute from the mass spectrometer.
Isotopic mass is the mass of the compound, including its isotopes; Parent ion (MZ) is
the mass-to-charge ratio of the molecular ion of the compound; Cone voltage (V) is the
voltage applied to the mass spectrometer cone, which affects the fragmentation of the
compound; Product ion (MZ) is the mass-to-charge ratio of one of the daughter fragment
ions of the compound; Collision energy (CE) is the energy of the collision between the
compound and the gas in the mass spectrometer, which also affects the fragmentation of
the compound.
To find the biochar to be used in the subsequent experiments the adsorption capacity for
the biochar carbonated at different temperatures were tested according to a method by Fu
et al. (2019). The biochars carbonated at different temperatures, were used to adsorb
paracetamol, trimethoprim and nevirapine before optimization process to ascertain the
optimum biochar that will be used for subsequent experiments. Rice husks biochar
carbonated at 500 ℃ was found to have a removal efficiency of 99% for trimethoprim,
85% paracetamol and 80% (Figure 4.3). It was hence used for subsequent sorption
studies. It was used to optimize parameters such as contact time, pH, adsorbent dosage,
and initial drug concentration. It had also been confirmed to be the optimum biochar
during analysis of surface morphology (Plate 4.1). Figure 4.3 shows the effect of
varying pyrolysis temperature on adsorption capacity of paracetamol, trimethoprim, and
Figure 4.3: Variation of pyrolysis temperature on percentage removal of
paracetamol, trimethoprim and nevirapine
This was carried using the biochar carbonated at 500 ℃ since it had been confirmed to
have the highest percentage removal (Figure 4.3, Plate 4.1).
4.5.1 Optimization of pH
The pH of a solution is known to affect the surface charge of the adsorbent which would
in turn affect the adsorbent–adsorbate interactions (Bernal et al., 2017). The electrical
interactions taking place on the solid surface play an important role in adsorption
kinetics (Vergil and Barlas, 2009). This implies that the type of charge on the surface,
the formation of hydrogen bonds, and the diffusion rate are all affected by the electrical
interactions, as well as influence the rate of adsorption. For instance, a positively
charged surface will attract negatively charged adsorbate molecules, and this will
increase the rate of adsorption.
This study revealed that pH did not have a significant effect on adsorption of
trimethoprim, paracetamol and nevirapine (Figure 4.4). Statistical analysis revealed there
is no significant difference (P ≥ 0.05). Analysis of variance for the three pharmaceutical
drugs revealed that the value of F calculated was less than F critical (Appendices I-III).
This therefore revealed that the means of the different pH values were not significantly
different. It was therefore decided that a pH of 7 be taken to be optimum for the rest of
the experiments since drugs are found in water which has a pH value close to 7. Figure
4.4 shows the effect of pH for removal of trimethoprim (TMP), paracetamol (PARA),
and nevirapine (NEV).
% Removal 80
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
The effect of contact time on the adsorption of the three pharmaceutical drugs was
monitored for a period of up to 120 minutes. It was observed that there was an increase
in the percentage removal of the three pharmaceuticals with time. At equilibrium, the
rate of pharmaceutical molecules being adsorbed is equal to the rate at which the
molecules are being desorbed (Mukoko et al., 2015). The three pharmaceutical drugs
required an average optimum time of 30 minutes for maximum adsorption to take place.
The amounts of pharmaceuticals removed within this optimum time were 99%, 65% and
50% for trimethoprim, paracetamol and nevirapine respectively (Figure 4.5). The initial
increase in the adsorption of all three drugs was due to the availability of a large number
of adsorption sites on the adsorbent but adsorption became constant when the pores
became saturated. Also in the first stage, the sorbate molecules are being adsorbed onto a
surface where there are no other such molecules already attached, and consequently the
adsorbent-adsorbate interactions are negligible (Nche et al., 2017). From the results
obtained trimethoprim reached maximum adsorption in 25 minutes, paracetamol in 30
minutes while nevirapine took 35 minutes to reach equilibrium (Figure 4.5). Statistical
analysis of the data revealed that there is a significant difference (P≤0.05) in the amount
of pharmaceutical molecules adsorbed with increase in contact time. ANOVA tests for
the three molecules reveal that the value of F calculated is greater than F critical
implying that there is a significant difference between the means at different time
intervals (Appendices IV-VI). Figure 4.5 shows the effect of contact time on the
percentage removal of trimethoprim, paracetamol, and nevirapine.
TMP % (NEV) % (PARA)
% Removal
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time (mins)
The study revealed that an increase in adsorbent dose increased the amount of
pharmaceutical removed from the solutions. Increasing the adsorbent dose from 0.01125
g to 0.2 g had a subsequent increase in the percent removal of the pharmaceutical in
water. Different masses of activated carbon showed varied adsorption abilities for
trimethoprim, paracetamol, and nevirapine. The trend was that, for the three drugs,
percentage removal increased with an increase in the mass of adsorbent until equilibrium
was attained (Figure 4.6). The optimum adsorbent dosage was found to be 0.1 g with %
removals of 99, 58, and 54 for trimethoprim, paracetamol and nevirapine respectively
(Figure 4.6). Kumar et al (2010), also reported that the percentage removal initially
increased sharply with an increase in adsorbent dosage, but beyond a value of 25 g/L, the
percentage removal reached an almost constant value. This is attributed to an increase in
the number of adsorption sites due to an increase in surface area as the mass increases
(Babel and Kurniawan, 2003). Further increase in adsorbent dose does not alter the
percentage removal. This is due to the binding of almost all pharmaceutical molecules to
the adsorbent surface and the establishment of equilibrium between the molecules on the
adsorbent and in the solution (Garg et al., 2003).
TMP % (NEV) % (PARA)
% Removal
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
Dosage (g)
It was observed that adsorption of the three pharmaceuticals decreases with an increase
in initial concentrations of the three drugs (Figure 4.7). The higher initial adsorption can
be attributed to the availability of more sites on the activated carbon than the solute
molecules in solution (Pakhre and Srivastava, 2012). At higher concentrations, the
pharmaceutical molecules are more than the sites available. The percentage removal of
the three drugs increased with an increase in initial drug concentration up to a maximum
of 88% trimethoprim, 82 % paracetamol, and 75% nevirapine (Figure 4.7). Thereafter,
there is a decrease in removal as the concentration increases.
Statistical analysis of the data reveals that there is a significant difference ( P≤ 0.05) of
the pharmaceuticals at different initial drug concentrations. ANOVA tests for the three
molecules reveal that the value of F calculated is greater than F critical implying that
there is a significant difference between the means at different values of initial drug
concentrations (Appendices X-XII). Figure 4.7 shows the effect of varying initial drug
concentrations on the percentage removal of trimethoprim, paracetamol and nevirapine.
% Removal
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6
Initial Concentration (mg/L)
The distributions of chemical components between the liquid and solid phase of the
adsorbent are explained using Langmuir and Freundlich models. The R2 values for the
Freundlich model were 0.977, 0.994, and 0.977 while the Langmuir adsorption model
was 0.9996, 0.9994, and 0.9831 respectively as summarized in Table 4.4. Both the
Freundlich and Langmuir adsorption plots gave a good fit which meant that the
adsorption of the pharmaceuticals by the rice husks charcoal fitted both the Freundlich
and Langmuir models (Foo and Hameed, 2010). This implies that the adsorption was
monolayer, occurring at finite number of localized sites and multilayer where non
uniform distribution over a heterogenous surface also occurred. Figures 4.8-4.13 show
the plots for Freundlich and Langmuir adsorption isotherms of paracetamol, nevirapine,
and trimethoprim on rice husks activated carbon.
y = a + b*x
0.295 Equation
Weight No Weighting
Residual Sum 4.09584E-6
0.290 of Squares
Pearson's r
Adj. R-Square 0.99434
0.285 Value Standard Error
log qe Intercept 0.34647 0.00271
log qe Slope 0.0534 0.00201
log qe
-1.8 -1.7 -1.6 -1.5 -1.4 -1.3 -1.2 -1.1 -1.0 -0.9
log ce
Equation y = a + b*x
Weight No Weighting
Residual Sum of 2.22826E-5
0.52 Squares
Pearson's r 0.99366
Adj. R-Square 0.98314
Value Standard Error
ce/qe Intercept 0.27663 0.01447
0.51 ce/qe Slope 0.38728 0.0253
0.48 0.50 0.52 0.54 0.56 0.58 0.60 0.62 0.64 0.66
Table 4.4 shows a summary of Langmuir and Freundlich isortherm parameters
Langmuir Feundlich
b qm R2 Kf 1/n n R2
From Table 4.4 The R2 values for the Freundlich model were 0.977, 0.994, and 0.977
while for the Langmuir adsorption model were 0.9996, 0.9994, and 0.9831 respectively.
When these values approach unity, it illustrates that both the Freundlich and Langmuir
adsorption plots gave a good fit which meant that the adsorption of the pharmaceuticals
by the rice husks charcoal obeyed both the Freundlich and Langmuir models
Evaluation of the adsorption kinetics of pharmaceuticals, dyes, and metal ions in water
has been done by application of various kinetic models. In this study, the mechanism of
adsorption was investigated using characteristic constants of adsorption determined from
Lagergren‟s pseudo-first order, and pseudo-second-order kinetic rate equation. Figures
4.14 to 4.19 shows the kinetic studies of the adsorption process for the pseudo-first order
and second order plots for degradation of trimethoprim, paracetamol, and nevirapine
Figure 4.14: Pseudo first-order plot for adsorption of trimethoprim
Figure 4.16: Pseudo first-order plot for adsorption of nevirapine
1000 y = a + b*x
Weight No Weighting
Residual Sum of 8846.52366
800 Pearson's r 0.99144
Adj. R-Square 0.97869
Value Standard Error
t/qt Intercept -51.43541 34.03635
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
t (mins)
Figure 4.18: Pseudo second order plot for adsorption of nevirapine
0 20 40 60 80 100
t (mins)
4.7.1 Kinetic Parameters for the Removal of Trimethoprim, Paracetamol and
The kinetic parameters for the removal of trimethoprim, paracetamol, and nevirapine
using activated carbon of rice husks are summarized in Table 4.5.
Table 4.5: Kinetic Parameters for the Removal of Trimethoprim, Paracetamol and
From the data, the Pseudo- second order model recorded R2 values which were closer to
unity compared to a pseudo-first-order model which was unfavorable, hence the
adsorption of the three pharmaceuticals used pseudo-second-order kinetics meaning that
chemisorption was favoured more than physisorption.This implies that adsorbate
molecules formed chemical bonds with the adsorbent.
After the levels of the three pharmaceuticals were established, they were extracted
through solid phase extraction. The major purpose of SPE is to clean up the sample,
concentrate analytes of interest and removal of matrix that hinder or enhance ionization
(Semreen et al., 2019). Figure 4.20 shows the concentration of paracetamol, nevirapine,
and trimethoprim in JKUAT WWTP effluent and influent and in Nairobi River water.
Figure 4.20: Concentration of paracetamol, nevirapine and trimethoprim in
JKUAT WWTP effluent, influent and Nairobi river water
The occurrence of the selected pharmaceuticals in JKUAT WWTP and Nairobi River
water was investigated (Figure 4.20). In the JKUAT WWTP effluent, Nevirapine had the
highest concentration (500±0.02 ng/L), followed by paracetamol (207±0.01 ng/L) while
trimethoprim was below the detection limit. In the influent, a slightly higher
concentration of nevirapine (600 ± 0.01ng/L) and paracetamol (310±0.01 ng/L) was
recorded while trimethoprim was below the detection limit. The concentrations of the
three pharmaceuticals were highest in Nairobi River wastewater samples. Trimethoprim
had the highest concentration, at 600 ng/L, followed by nevirapine at 235 ng/L, and
paracetamol at 150 ng/L. This agrees with a study conducted by Ngumba et al, (2016)
whose finding was 769 ng/L and 769 ng/L for nevirapine and trimethoprim respectively
in the Nairobi water basin. Kairigo et al. (2020), found higher concentrations of
trimethoprim of 5600 ng/L and 900 ng/L at Mutheu river and Gatei WWTP respectively.
For the influent and effluent samples, there was a decrease in paracetamol concentration
from 310-210 ng/L while nevirapine decreased from 600-235 ng/L. This represents the
removal of between 20-50% by the WWTP. The variation in percentage removal of the
pharmaceuticals is attributed to a number of factors, including the type of WWTP, the
treatment processes, as well as the concentration of the pollutants in the influent and
effluent water. However, the results of this study suggest that the WWTP in question is
not effective at removing these pollutants from wastewater. Such decreasing
concentrations were also reported by other workers (Cecilia et al., 2020; Koreje et al.,
The occurrence of the selected pharmaceuticals in JKUAT WWTP and Nairobi River
water was investigated (Figure 4.20). In the JKUAT WWTP effluent, Nevirapine had the
highest concentration (500±0.02 ng/L), followed by paracetamol (207±0.01 ng/L) while
trimethoprim was below the detection limit. In the influent, a slightly higher
concentration of nevirapine (600 ± 0.01ng/L) and paracetamol (310±0.01 ng/L) was
recorded while trimethoprim was below the detection limit. Nairobi river wastewater
samples had higher concentrations of the three pharmaceuticals. Trimethoprim had the
highest concentration (600±0.02 ng/L) followed by nevirapine (235±0.03 ng/L) while
paracetamol had the lowest concentration at 150±0.02 ng/L. This agrees with a study
done by Ngumba et al, (2016), though they found higher concentrations of nevirapine
(769 ng/L) and trimethoprim (769 ng/L) in the Nairobi water basin. Kairigo et al. (2020),
found higher concentrations of trimethoprim of 5600 ng/L and 900 ng/L at Mutheu river
and Gatei WWTP respectively. For the influent and effluent samples, there was a
decrease in paracetamol concentration from 310-210 ng/L while NVP decreased from
600-235 ng/L. This represents the removal of between 20-50% by the WWTP. Such
decreasing concentrations were also reported by other workers (Cecilia et al., 2020;
Koreje et al., 2016).
The application of rice husk activated carbon to remove paracetamol, trimethoprim and
nevirapine from wastewater obtained from the two sampling sites was evaluated and the
results are depicted in Table 4.6 and 4.7. It should be noted that trimethoprim levels in
JKUAT WWTP were below the detection limit hence its removal using the adsorbent
was not possible.
After subjecting the water samples to the adsorbent at the optimized conditions it was
found to remove 99% of the pharmaceuticals (Table 4.6 and 4.7). Since the
pharmaceuticals were in small concentrations the high percentage removals agrees with
the observation made during optimization on the effect of initial drug concentration
where removal increased with a decrease in initial drug concentration. This can be
attributed to the fact that the adsorbent contains many adsorption sites where the drug
molecules could attach before the sites became saturated (Mukoko et al., 2015).
Figure 4.21: Effect of trimethoprim concentration on the growth of P. aeroginosa,
B. subtilis, E. coli, and S. aureus
Figure 4.22: Effect of nevirapine concentration on the growth of P. aeroginosa, B.
subtilis, E. coli, and S. aureus
Figure 4.23: Effect of paracetamol concentration on the growth of P. aeroginosa, B.
subtilis, E. coli, and S. aureus
4.9.1 Biodegradation Studies
Figure 4.25: Chromatogram for Biodegradation of nevirapine by Escherichia coli
bacteria depicted by reduction in peak area
92 Effect of Autoclaving on the Pharmaceuticals Biodegradation
It was revealed that the change in the concentration of the pharmaceuticals due to
autoclaving was negligible showing that autoclaving did not affect the biodegradation of
the pharmaceuticals except for trimethoprim which was affected minimally (Table 4.8).
Statistical analysis of the data revealed that there was no significant difference ( P ≥
0.05) of the concentrations of the three pharmaceuticals. ANOVA tests for the
concentrations of the three molecules revealed that the value of F calculated was less
than F critical implying that there was no significant difference between the means of the
different values of autoclaved and non-autoclaved pharmaceuticals. (Appendices XVI-
The percentage biodegradation for the three pharmaceutical concentrations of 0.5, 1.0,
and 1.5 ppm was averaged and the results are summarized in Table 4.9.
Table 4.9: Average Percentage Biodegradation by Microorganisms
In the biodegradation process, the pharmaceuticals were aerobically degraded into water
and carbon dioxide as well as used as the essential carbon source for microbial growth
(Chen et al., 2010; Hasan et al., 2011; Jun et al., 2013). When the percentage
degradation for the four microorganisms was averaged for each drug, (Table 4.9) it was
revealed that trimethoprim was the most biodegradable (82%) followed by paracetamol
(73%) while nevirapine was the least at (51%). Analysis of variance revealed that there
is a significant difference in biodegradation of the three pharmaceutical molecules by the
microorganisms since F calculated was higher than F critical (Appendix XIX-XXI).
Between the different microorganisms there is no significant difference since the F
calculated is less than F critical (Appendix XXII-XXV ). Equation 4.3 was used to
tabulate the percentage biodegradation of the selected pharmaceuticals.
Biodegradation % =( ) ………………..(4.3)
4.10 Microbial Degradation of Different Concentrations of Nevirapine,
Trimethoprim, and Paracetamol by E. coli, B. subtilis, S. aureus, and P.
aeruginosa Bacteria
0.5 ppm
1.0 ppm
1.5 ppm
Percentage degradation
E. coli B. subtilis S. aureus P. aeruginosa
0.5 ppm
1.0 ppm
1.5 ppm
Percentage degradation
E. coli B. subtilis S. aureus P. aeruginosa
0.5 ppm
1.0 ppm
1.5 ppm
Percentage degradation
E. coli B. subtilis S. aureus P. aeruginosa
Adsorption and biodegradation are two of the most promising methods for removing
pharmaceutical residues from wastewater. Adsorption is the process of attracting and
retaining molecules on the surface of a solid. Biodegradation is the process of breaking
down organic molecules by living organisms. Biochar derived from activated carbon of
rice husks is a good adsorbent for pharmaceutical residues. It has a high specific surface
area and a large pore volume, which provides a lot of surface area for the molecules to
attach to. Additionally, biochar has a negative charge, which can attract positively
charged pharmaceutical residues. Biodegradation can also be used to remove
pharmaceutical residues from wastewater. There are many different microorganisms that
can degrade pharmaceutical residues. The most effective microorganisms for
biodegradation will depend on the specific pharmaceutical residues present in the
Combining adsorption and biodegradation can be a very effective way to remove
pharmaceutical residues from wastewater. Adsorption can remove the majority of the
residues, and then biodegradation can be used to break down the remaining residues.
This combination of methods can achieve a high level of removal efficiency.
5.1 Conclusions
1. Activated carbon biochar derived from rice husks can remove paracetamol,
trimethoprim and nevirapine from wastewater and model solutions. The biochar
carbonated 500℃ exhibited the best porosity which enabled it to remove over
90% of the three pharmaceutical drugs.
2. FTIR characterization of the rice husks biochar indicates that it was dominated
by a number of functional groups - OH, CH, C=C, C-O, C=O, N-O and Si-O-Si
which are key in the adsorption process while SEM analysis revealed that
biochar carbonated at 500℃ was the optimal. It contained regular shaped pores
which acted as active sites for adsorption. Characterization by XRD revealed a
broad single peak around 2Ø which indicated that the activated biochar was
3. Adsorption parameters results revealed that removal of the pharmaceuticals
under study increases with an increase in contact time, adsorbent dose, whereas
for initial drug concentration it decreases while pH it did not have a significant
effect on the adsorption.
4. Experimental data was fitted to two isotherm models, Langmuir and Freundlich
and the equilibrium fitted well to both isotherms. The adsorption data was fitted
into two kinetic models pseudo first order and pseudo second order and it was
found to fit pseudo second order since the R2 values were closer to unity
compared to pseudo first order.
5. On microbial degradation the torelance of P. aeroginosa B. subtilis, E. coli and
S. aureas to phamaceuticals was tested. It was found that increase in
concentration of the pharmaceuticals leads to a decrease in growth of the
microorganism hence low concentrations of the pharmaceuticals were used.
6. The four microorganisms Pseudomonas aeroginosa, Escherichia coli,
Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis showed good efficacy to biodegrade
paracetamol, trimethoprim and nevirapine.
5.2 Recommendations
The following recommedations can be made from this study and for future work.
1. More studies should be carried out on recyclability of rice husks adsorbent and
the best mode of its disposal after use.
2. Cheaper environmentally friendly adsorbents such as activated carbon of rice
husks should be used extensively in water treatment to remove pharmaceuticals
3. Relevant authorities should provide consumer education on proper disposal of
expired or unused drugs.
4. The efficiency of the rice husk biochar in the removal of other types of
contaminants like organic, inorganic pollutants, pesticides waste effluents should
also be investigated.
5. Authorities should consider separating waste treatment, if possible, at the source
of wastewater prone to high concentrations e.g., hospital wastewater.
6. Pharmaceutical companies should be tasked to assess how their products are
discarded and where necessary make sure that they do not reach the water ways.
7. The results should aid scientists and engineers in planning and designing of
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Appendix I: ANOVA results for the effect of pH on adsorption of trimethoprim
Total 0.00321 9
Total 0.00321 9
Total 0.01016 9
Appendix IV: ANOVA results for the effect of contact time on adsorption of
Source of Variation SS Df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 0.084715 4 0.021179 19.70116 0.002913 5.192168
Within Groups 0.005375 5 0.001075
Total 0.09009 9
Total 0.03909 9
Appendix VI: ANOVA results for the effect of contact time on adsorption of
Total 0.1546 9
Appendix VII: ANOVA results for the effect of sorbent mass on adsorption of
Total 0.08589 9
Appendix VIII: ANOVA results for the effect of sorbent mass on adsorption of
Total 0.026756 11
Appendix IX: ANOVA results for the effect of sorbent mass on adsorption of
Total 0.025667 11
Appendix X: ANOVA results for the initial drug concentration on adsorption of
Total 0.033256 11
Appendix XI: ANOVA results for the initial drug concentration on adsorption of
Total 0.068992 17
Appendix XII: ANOVA results for the initial drug concentration on adsorption of
Total 0.068992 17
Appendix XIII: Regression graph of peak area against concentration of nevirapine
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Concentration (ppm)
15000 R² = 0.9851
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Concentration (ppm)
Appendix XV: Regression graph of peak area against concentration of
Peak Area
y = 134789x + 3556.1
20000 R² = 0.9933
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Concentration (ppm)
Total 0.00175 5
Total 0.000683 5
Appendix XVIII: ANOVA result for effect of autoclaving on paracetamol
Total 0.00055 5
Total 33.5 5
Total 232 5
Appendix XXI: ANOVA results for biodegradation of nevirapine by different
Total 68 3
Total 146 5
Total 302.8333 5
Appendix XXIV: ANOVA results on biodegradation by P. aeroginosa on variation
of different pharmaceutical molecules
Total 98 3
Total 212 3
L.O.Q = 10 σ/s
Appendix XXVII: Work flow diagram for solid phase extraction of
pharmaceuticals from wastewater
Appendix XXVIII: Published papers