RDPS 1.1 Manual
RDPS 1.1 Manual
RDPS 1.1 Manual
The copyright for this manual belongs to CT Systems, The Netherlands. Nothing from this manual may
be copied or published without written permission from CT Systems.
The purpose of this manual is to give the users of the Viking software information on the use of this
This manual may not be considered as a document with which CT Systems could have any
responsibility, legal liability or contractual obligations.
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RDPS Version 1.1
An experienced and careful navigator would never trust on just one expedient when determining his
position, because the accuracy of the position, which is plotted on the chart, depends on the navigation
The Viking software is a precision instrument, which is linked to a receiver. When there are interferences
in the radio signals, the position on the chart may not match with the real position. With the CT Systems
software you can make corrections regarding position, if there is a point from which the coordinates are
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RDPS Version 1.1
Chapter 1: Introduction......................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 About This Manual...................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 About RDPS................................................................................................................................ 6
1.3 Telemetry Data............................................................................................................................ 6
1.4 Physical Connections................................................................................................................. 7
1.5 Schematic System Overview......................................................................................................7
Chapter 3: Mobilisation....................................................................................................................... 12
3.1 Setting Up The RDPS............................................................................................................... 12
3.2 Configuring Viking..................................................................................................................... 12
Optional But Recommended:.................................................................................................13
3.3 Position Check.......................................................................................................................... 13
Recommended Procedure......................................................................................................13
Alternative............................................................................................................................... 13
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting.................................................................................................................22
6.1 Troubleshooting........................................................................................................................ 22
HASP Key Not Recognized.....................................................................................................22
The Position Of The Ship Is Not Visible, Whilst A GPS Is Active.............................................22
The GPS Status Icon Is Red Or Yellow...................................................................................22
No Windows Controls Such As The Task Bar Are Visible........................................................22
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RDPS Version 1.1
Alphabetical Index............................................................................................................................... 25
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RDPS Version 1.1 Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction
This manual is intended as a documented guide for installation, set up and use of the RDPS. Using the
alphabetical index features and settings can easily be looked up.
We recommend reading this manual fully in order to get acquainted with the workings of the RDPS.
The RDPS, RDI, GeoGNSS, GeoGNSS RDPS, and the Viking Software are all products of CT SYSTEMS
BV from The Netherlands.
The Rapidly Deployable Positioning System (RDPS) is designed and built to be a portable and complete
system for precise positioning operations. With all components fitted in a rugged and portable Peli
Case, showing up on a vessel with only the RDPS will assure you of exact positioning of any vessel.
The RDPS comes with highly accurate DGNSS, GNSS compass, AIS, UHF telemetry, industrial Wi-Fi,
rugged notebook, Viking positioning software and all required adapters, cables and antennas. All in one
The philosophy behind the RDPS is that it should be portable, easy to deploy, and easy to use. The
concept is that the hart of the system, the GeoGNSS RDPS, is to be installed outside, eliminating the
need for long antenna cables.
An additional benefit of having the GeoGNSS RDPS located outside is that no cables need to be routed
to the bridge or control room. All communications can go through long rang Wi-Fi, or if needed by a
single and widely available RJ45 ethernet cable.
Simply position the GNSS, Wi-Fi, AIS and optional UHF antennas outside, connect all to the GeoGNSS
RDPS. Then the notebook running Viking will connect to the Wi-Fi antenna directly and gather all data.
The GeoGNSS RDPS has a wide input DC power supply enabling many options for power sourcing.
Always ensure you have followed local regulations concerning wireless transmissions! Where applicable
unsure you have the appropriate license(s).
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RDPS Version 1.1 Chapter 1: Introduction
System Overview
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RDPS Version 1.1 Chapter 1: Introduction
Wireless Wi-Fi
Data to Viking
GNSS Antenna 2
GNSS Antenna 1
PoE WiFi
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RDPS Version 1.1 Chapter 2: What’s in the box
Quantity Product
1 Peli Case 1610 with foam inserts
1 Dell Rugged Latitude + Power Adapter
1 Viking Offshore Software (USB Dongle)
1 GeoGNSS RDPS (Peli Case 1200)
1 Wi-Fi Bullet
2 Trimble LV59 GNSS Antenna
1 Procom UHF Antenna
1 Procom Wi-Fi Antenna
1 AIS Antenna + Magnet Mount
2 Marine Antenna Bracket LV59
2 Procom Antenna Bracket
2 RG223 GNSS Coax Cable, 5 metre, TNC/TNC
1 RG223 UHF Coax Cable, 5 metre, TNC/N
1 RG58 AIS Coax Cable, 5 metre, BNC/FME
1 CT-Lemo PoE Cable Lemo 8p, 5 metre
1 CT-Lemo Serial RS232 Cable (only for SHM model)
1 CT-Lemo Power Cable + Adapter
1 Ethernet Cable RJ45 1.5 metre
The Viking software package is protected by a HASP USB security key. In order to run Viking a HASP
key supplied by CT Systems needs to be inserted into a functioning USB port of the computer.
The HASP key will also contain digital keys for various special functions in the Viking software.
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RDPS Version 1.1 Chapter 2: What’s in the box
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RDPS Version 1.1 Chapter 2: What’s in the box
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RDPS Version 1.1 Chapter 3: Mobilisation
Chapter 3: Mobilisation
• Find a suitable and fixed spot where both GNSS antennas have a good and uninterrupted view
of the full horizon, placing both GNSS antennas as far apart as possible. Connect both using the
TNC/TNC RG223 cables to the GeoGNSS RDPS.
• Connect the Wi-Fi Bullet to the Wi-Fi Procom antenna (make sure not to use the UHF Procom),
and connect the CT-Lemo 8 pin PoE cable to the underside of the Bullet. Recommended to
wrap the underside of the Bullet and part where the Bullet meets the Procom with vulcanising
• Place the AIS antenna with the magnetic mount on a metal surface and connect to the
GeoGNSS RDPS using the BNC/FME RG58 cable.
• If needed connect the UHF Procom to the GeoGNSS RDPS with the TNC/N RG223 cable.
• Make sure all antennas are upright and have as little obstructions around them as is possible.
Recommended to keep line of sight between the targets/receivers of the antennas (i.e. between
Wi-Fi Bullet and notebook).
• Power up the GeoGNSS RDPS using a 9~30 VDC continues power source.
• Install the notebook on the required location and connect it to the RDPS Wi-Fi network, and
power up the Viking software.
Assuming Viking is still configured correctly and has all equipment already configured, and connected in
the Equipment Manager the following steps are necessary for every new mobilisation:
• Set Viking to the Chart Datum and Projection used in your project with Settings → Coordinate
System → Change and selecting the appropriate system. The active system is always shown in
the bottom right of the Viking Screen.
• Using Settings → Ship → Ship Layout and by pressing Create a new vessel layout can be either
drawn directly in Viking, or be imported from a DXF (in metres, front pointing to the right, close
to local coordinates 0,0).
• Once the layout is imported or drawn the most important step is to enter the exact Fix Points for
the GNSS antennas. Near the bottom left of the Ship Layout Editor click on the Fix Points tab
and click on Create Point to create a new Fix Point in the drawing. Using the mouse you can
place it on the exact location of each antenna, optionally using the X, Y & Z coordinates in the
table below they can be fine tuned. Recommended to rename the Fix Points to the names of
each GNSS antenna.
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RDPS Version 1.1 Chapter 3: Mobilisation
• Save the vessel layout with a unique name and make sure that name is selected on the left
before pressing OK.
• Go to Settings → Equipment Manager and make sure that the Fix Point for the GPS is the fix
point of the primary antenna. This can be changed by clicking on GPS and clicking Setup, then
choose Change Position and select the correct fix point. Also check under Advanced in the GPS
setup window that the correct Chart Datums are selected for each type of GPS fix.
• Where needed a heading offset can be given using Settings → Equipment Manager → Heading
→ Advanced.
• Select the newly created object from the list and press Place Object. Heading should be set to
Heading Fixed, and under Source select the GPS receiver from the list and press Ok. Now the
circle should be visible on the nav screen on the exact location of the GNSS antenna.
Recommended Procedure
With the system now up and running a position check is highly recommended. Highly recommend is to
do a position check using a stand alone and highly accurate GNSS, by comparing the output
coordinates of the stand alone GNSS on various locations on the vessel with the coordinates that Viking
calculates of those specific points.
An alternative is to use the GeoGNSS RDPS itself for a position check. This alternative is not
recommended and should only be used if no other means are available and common sense should be
• Draw an accurate outline around your vessel and mark points of the vessel which you want to
check by selecting File → Chart → Create New then in the newly opened Left Hand Side Bar
and using the built in Chart Editor. When finished save the outline as a Viking Chart.
• Go to Settings → View → General → Ship and set the line width to 0 (zero). Now Viking will no
longer draw your vessels layout, but instead you should only see the dynamic object and the
layout that you drew as a Viking Chart.
• Place the primary GNSS antenna (ignore the secondary for now) on strategical points on your
vessel to check if they match up with the drawn overlay.
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RDPS Version 1.1 Chapter 3: Mobilisation
• Set the line width of the vessel back to 1 or higher (Settings → View → General → Ship). The
chart can be removed from the Right Hand Sidebar (F10 - Files).
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RDPS Version 1.1 Chapter 4: Defaults & Software Installation
IP Address & Port Number GNSS Direct GGA, GST, HDT
IP Address & Port Number GNSS GeoGNSS Channel #1:
5017, 115200
IP Address & Port Number UHF GeoGNSS Channel #2:
(read only) 5018, 19200
IP Address & Port Number AIS GeoGNSS Channel #3:
5019, 38400
In the event that a new PC is used or all settings are lost below is an overview of installing and setting
up a new Viking software installation.
◦ Heading → NMEA
◦ Output → Viking
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RDPS Version 1.1 Chapter 4: Defaults & Software Installation
◦ Differential
◦ No Height
◦ No Draft
◦ No Motion
• In the backup tab you could for example have the same as above but for GPS set to Normal. In
backup mode there is no logging or DTM update, just a position and a big warning on the
Configuring Equipment
◦ Settings → Equipment Manager → Click on GPS NMEA → Click Setup (or double click on
◦ Click Change Connection and select the appropriate COM, TCP or UDP and configure (use
the Add button in bottom left to add TCP/UDP)
◦ Using Calibrate set the correct Datum for each GNSS fix mode (important)
• Heading NMEA
• Output Viking
◦ Configure connection
After installing a new Viking installation follow the instructions in the Mobilisation chapter above.
To configure the internal Satel modem the “Satel Configuration Manager” software is needed. It can be
downloaded from the Satel website for free. More details on how to configure and program the satel
can be found in the Satel user manual.
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RDPS Version 1.1 Chapter 4: Defaults & Software Installation
Important to note is that the baud rate (19200) of the internal satel should not be changed, and should
match the internal channel number.
SHM Model
The SHM model is limited to being able only to read from the UHF data over TCP. For full two way
access, or to program the Satel the CT-Lemo Serial cable is needed, and needs to be plugged directly
into the RDPS on the left side.
WZN Model
The WZN model has full read/write access to the Satel over TCP. This does however mean that for
programming the Satel an extra step is needed as the Satel software is limited to only accessing
Comports directly.
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RDPS Version 1.1 Chapter 5: Remote Data Interface
5.1 About
The Remote Data Interface (RDI) is an optional extension to the RDPS. The RDI also consists of a Peli
1200 with an internal industrial device server and coupled with industrial Wi-Fi. The RDI enables remote
and direct access to additional sensors and positioning equipment.
Product Quantity
• Peli Case 1610 with foam inserts 1
• Dell Rugged Latitude + Power Adapter optional 1
• Viking Offshore Software (USB Dongle) optional 1
• RDI (Peli Case 1200) 1
• Wi-Fi Bullet 1
• Procom UHF Antenna optional 1
• Procom Wi-Fi Antenna 1
• Procom Antenna Bracket optional 1
• RG223 UHF Coax Cable, 5 metre, BNC/N optional 1
• CT-Lemo PoE Cable Lemo 8p, 5 metre 1
• CT-Lemo Serial RS232 Cable 2
• CT-Lemo Power Cable + Adapter 1
• Ethernet Cable RJ45 1.5 metre 1
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RDPS Version 1.1 Chapter 5: Remote Data Interface
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RDPS Version 1.1 Chapter 5: Remote Data Interface
RDI Unit
PoE WiFi
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RDPS Version 1.1 Chapter 5: Remote Data Interface
• Install the robotic total station on the static reference object and install the reflectors on the
dynamic object
• Make sure both total stations are working in the same XYZ local world (important)
• Make sure the external data sources are set to 115200 8N1 (otherwise use the local web
interface of the device server in the RDI to edit the RDI settings itself)
• Connect the external data sources to the two Lemo Comports of the RDI
• Power up the RDI, it should automatically connect to the Wi-Fi of the RDPS
◦ Go to Settings → Ship → Ship Layout → Fix Points add the exact locations of the reflectors
to the ship layout, name the first one POS and the second HDT
▪ Configure the primary total stations data connection to the POS Custom XYZ, and set
the position of the POS Custom XYZ’s Fix Point to the POS Fix Point
▪ Press Advanced and configure the parsers for X, Y & Z inputs from the total station
▪ Repeat above for the HDT Custom XYZ and set to the secondary total station
◦ Go to Settings → Ship → Ship Control and set the GPS device to POS Custom XYZ and the
Heading Mode to Secondary GPS and the Heading device to HDT Custom XYZ
• All should be set and Viking should now be using the robotic total stations for positioning and
heading. Highly recommended to do a verification of correct positions and heading using a
stand alone method!
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RDPS Version 1.1 Chapter 6: Troubleshooting
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting
6.1 Troubleshooting
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Viking User Manual Version 1.1
GLONASS - GLObal Navigation Satellite System, the Russian navigational satellite network.
GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite System. Used to refer to any sort of Satellite
navigation. Including GPS, GLONASS and Galileo.
GPS - Global Positioning System. Used as a general term, but officially refers to the
Navstar network of the United States of America's government.
TCP/IP - Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol. The Internet Protocol Suite is
the set of communications protocols used for the Internet and local networks.
USB - Universal Serial Bus, a hardware standard used all over the IT industry. Used
for connecting all sorts of peripherals. A five volt power is also incorporated
into the USB interface.
VCT - Viking Chart file format. Used by Viking to store it's vectorized chart in binary
VMA - Viking Matrix file format. Used by Viking to store 3D DTM matrix data.
VTK - Viking Track file format. Used to store the tracked locations of the vessel in a
binary file format.
www.ctsystems.eu Page 23
Viking User Manual Version 1.1
Version 1.0 08 April Initial release after merging and evolving from previous products;
2020 Portable TMS and Rapid Response System
Version 1.1 06 Modified TCP setting of WZN model, added channel detail.
September UHF Serial only for SHM model notes.
2022 Added notes for WZN UHF config method.
Added Viking networking output config.
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Viking User Manual Version 1.1
Alphabetical Index
9 P
9~30 VDC......................................................12 Philosophy.......................................................6
Physical Connections......................................7
A Position Check..............................................13
About...............................................................6 Projection......................................................12
About RDPS....................................................6
C Regulations.....................................................6
Chart Datum..................................................12 Remote Data Interface..................................18
Components....................................................9 Revision.........................................................24
D Satel..............................................................16
Default RDPS Settings..................................15
G Troubleshooting.............................................22
GPS Status....................................................22
H UHF...............................................................16
HASP Key..................................................9, 22
L VCT...............................................................23
License............................................................6 Viking Installation..........................................15
M VTK................................................................23
Mobilisation...................................................12 W
O Warning.......................................................3, 9
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