LD8 Operations Manual

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Operations Manual

12 November 2020

1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 LD8 Receiver............................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Scope ........................................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 System Requirements................................................................................................................................................ 3
1.4 VERIPOS Helpdesk ................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Enabling the LD8 for VERIPOS services ................................................................................................................ 4
1.6 Terms and Abbreviations........................................................................................................................................... 5
1.7 Document Conventions.............................................................................................................................................. 6
1.8 Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment ............................................................................................................ 7
1.9 Disclaimer .................................................................................................................................................................... 8

2 Hardware Overview .................................................................................................................. 9

2.1 Overview and Description.......................................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 LEDs............................................................................................................................................................................. 9
2.3 Interface Panel Connections ...................................................................................................................................11

3 Ethernet and WebUI Connection...............................................................................................12

3.1 Ethernet......................................................................................................................................................................12
3.2 WebUI Connection ...................................................................................................................................................12

4 Configuration and Operation ....................................................................................................13

4.1 WebUI Status ............................................................................................................................................................13
4.2 L-band Configuration................................................................................................................................................15
4.3 Activation and Deactivation of VERIPOS Services..............................................................................................18
4.4 Calculation Configuration ........................................................................................................................................19
4.5 Ethernet Configuration .............................................................................................................................................21
4.6 Output Configuration ................................................................................................................................................23
4.7 Input Configuration ...................................................................................................................................................27
4.8 Rolling Log .................................................................................................................................................................28
4.9 Factory Reset ............................................................................................................................................................29

5 Reference Information .............................................................................................................30

5.1 Commands List Index ..............................................................................................................................................30
5.2 LD8 Output Sentences.............................................................................................................................................31
5.3 NMEA Talker IDs......................................................................................................................................................31

6 Contact Information.................................................................................................................42
6.1 VERIPOS Helpdesk Details ....................................................................................................................................42

7 Appendix ................................................................................................................................43
7.1 L-band Coverage Map .............................................................................................................................................43

LD8 Operations Manual AB-V-MA-00635_RevA4 2


1 Introduction
This document provides the information required to operate a VERIPOS LD8 receiver.

It will help to have the following items available when consulting this document:

• VERIPOS LD8 and associated equipment shipped to site.

• PC or Laptop meeting specified System Requirements.
• The Delivery note provided within the shipment from VERIPOS.
• VERIPOS document LD8 Installation Manual
• VERIPOS document Antenna and Coaxial Cable Installation.
• LD8 FAQ material and Quick Guides, available from https://help.veripos.com.

1.1 LD8 Receiver

The LD8 is a high precision system, built into a lightweight, compact and environmentally protected enclosure
and designed to operate reliably in the most demanding of marine environments. Key system features:

• Supports decimetre level multi-constellation positioning with VERIPOS Apex and Ultra PPP correction
• Compatible with VERIPOS Quantum software
• EN60945 Marine Certif ied
• 555 channels, all constellations, multi frequency tracking
• Simultaneously track up to 3 VERIPOS correction service satellites
• ALIGN® GNSS heading solution
• Supports RTK operations
• Multiple communication interfaces for easy installation
• WebUI configuration utility

1.2 Scope
The purpose of this manual is to provide the information necessary to configure and operate the VERIPOS LD8

1.3 System Requirements

This release of LD8 requires a PC or laptop with Windows 7 or Windows 10 installed, capable of running the latest
version of Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firef ox or Google Chrome (see individual browser
requirements for more information) and an Ethernet port.

1.4 VERIPOS Helpdesk

Throughout this manual, references are made to the VERIPOS Helpdesk. The Helpdesk is a service provided as
f irst point of contact f or all VERIPOS technical enquiries and f ault reports. It is manned 24 hours per day, 365
days per year. Full contact details are listed in the Contact Information section.

For support cases VERIPOS recommend that initial contact is made via [email protected], or by raising a
ticket on VOSS https://help.veripos.com. The Helpdesk will be immediately notified and will begin providing

The Helpdesk is trained to aid with common queries and will escalate tickets to regional technical staff for more
complex issues.

LD8 Operations Manual AB-V-MA-00635_RevA4 3


1.5 Enabling the LD8 for VERIPOS services

VERIPOS correction signals are provided as a chargeable service.
In order f or the LD8 to decode corrections and output a corrected position, it must be activated. The user can
send a request for an activation of services to the VERIPOS Helpdesk and the activation will then be sent via L-
band satellite to the requested unit.

When not in use, some service agreements may allow for deactivation of the service. The activation/deactivation
procedure is detailed in section Activation and Deactivation of VERIPOS Services.


To use VERIPOS correction signals a contract between the users’ company and VERIPOS must be in place.
VERIPOS call this a Service Access License (SAL).

To avoid delays users should record the SAL number associated with the VERIPOS equipment.

The Helpdesk are unable to activate any equipment unless an active SAL exis ts, and its ref erence number
can be determined.

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1.6 Terms and Abbreviations

AC Alternating Current
APEX VERIPOS high accuracy positioning solution
BEIDOU Chinese commissioned GNSS
dB Decibel
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DOP Dilution of Precision
DP Dynamic Positioning
DQI Dif ferential Quality Indicator
EU European Union
GALILEO European commissioned GNSS
GLONASS GLObal NAvigation Satellite System - Russian commissioned GNSS
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
GPS Global Positioning System - United States GNSS
HDOP Horizontal Dilution of Precision
Hz Hertz
ID Identif ication
IP Internet Protocol
IPv4 Internet Protocol version 4
LAN Local Area Network
L-band Signal transmitted to carry correction data to mobile users
LD8 VERIPOS receiver containing combined L-band and GNSS card
LED Light Emitting Diode
NMEA National Marine Electronics Association
PDOP Positional Dilution of Precision
PPP Precise Point Positioning
PPS Pulse Per Second
PRN Pseudo Random Noise
PSN Product Serial Number
PWR Power
QZSS Quasi-Zenith Satellite System - Japanese commissioned GNSS
RJ45 A physical network interface standard used in telecommunications
RTCM Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services
RTK Real-Time Kinematic
SAL Service Access License
SBAS Satellite Based Augmentation System
SMA SubMiniature version A
Standard VERIPOS Single frequency DGPS system
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
UAL User Accuracy Level
UI User Interf ace
Ultra VERIPOS high accuracy position solution
USB Universal Serial Bus
UTC Coordinated Universal Time
VDC Volts Direct Current
VDOP Vertical Dilution of Precision
VOSS VERIPOS Online Support System
WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System
WebUI Web User Interf ace
WEEE Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
Wi-Fi Wireless-Fidelity, a term which ref erences wireless radio frequency networking

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1.7 Document Conventions

1.7.1 Typographical Conventions

Italic or bold text is used to emphasize certain information. Italic is also used in cross-references to other parts
of the document and to other documents.

Bold text is also used for indicators and touch screen “push-buttons” commands.

“Text within quotes” is used when display screens are mentioned in text.

Monospace text is used for input/output strings to/from the device.

1.7.2 Special Notices


A warning indicates the risk of bodily harm or serious damage to the hardware.


A caution indicates the risk of damaging the hardware or adversely impacting the
operation of the system.


A note contains important information to help you make better use of the system.

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1.8 Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment

The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (hereinafter ref erred to as the “WEEE directive”) places
an obligation on EU-based manufacturers, distributors, retailers and importers to take-back electronics products
at the end of their usef ul life. A sister directive, RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) complements the
WEEE directive by banning the presence of specific hazardous substances in the products at the design phase.
The WEEE directive covers all VERIPOS products imported into the EU as of A ugust 13, 2005. EU-based
manuf acturers, distributors, retailers and importers are obliged to f inance the costs of recovery f rom municipal
collection points, reuse, and recycling of specified percentages per the requirements contained in the WEEE

Instructions for disposal of WEEE by users in the European Union

Products which have the undernoted symbol located on either the product itself or its packaging indicates that the
product must not be disposed of with other waste. Instead, it is the user’s responsibility to dispose of the product
by handing it over to a designated collection point for the recycling of WEEE. The symbol shown below is on the
product or on its packaging, which indicates that this product must not be disposed of with other waste. Instead,
it is the user’s responsibility to dispose of their waste equipment by handing it over to a designated collection point
f or the recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment.

The separate collection and recycling of your WEEE at the time of disposal will help to conserve natural resources
and ensure that it is recycled in a manner that protects human health and the environment. For more information
about recycling centres, please contact the local city office, the household waste dis posal service or the product

LD8 Operations Manual AB-V-MA-00635_RevA4 7


1.9 Disclaimer
VERIPOS Limited (hereinafter ref erred to as “VERIPOS”) has taken every care in the preparation of the content
of this Manual (“Manual”). This Manual and its contents are provided “as is” without any representations or
warranties, express or implied. VERIPOS makes no representations or warranties in relation to this Manual and
the content provided herein, including but not limited to the safety, suitability, inaccuracies or typographical errors
of this Manual. There are inherent dangers in the use of any software (including any firmware), and the end user
is solely responsible for determining whether the relevant sof tware provided by VERIPOS and this Manual are
compatible with the end user’s equipment and other software installed on such equipment. End user is also solely
responsible for the protection of equipment and the backup of data.

VERIPOS reserves the right at its sole discretion, but without any obligation, to make amendments or
improvements to, or withdraw or correct any error(s) or omission(s) in any portion of the Manual without notice.
Although VERIPOS makes a reasonable effort to include accurate and up to date inf ormation, VERIPOS does
not warrant or represent that this Manual and its contents are current, complete, accurate and/or free from errors.
VERIPOS does not accept any responsibility or liability f or the accuracy, content, completeness, legality or
reliability of this Manual and the content provided herein.

If you have any questions or comments about this Manual or our Privacy Policy, please contact us at:
[email protected].

The LD8 hardware and associated software is subject to VERIPOS Terms and Conditions Relating to the Provision
of VERIPOS Services.

The sof tware described in this document is f urnished under a licence agreement and/or non-disclosure
agreement. The software may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such agreement. It is against
the law to copy the software on any medium except as specifically provided for in the license or non-disclosure

Copyright © 2020 VERIPOS Limited. All rights reserved.

No part of this Manual and its contents may be reproduced, copied, re-engineered, adapted, redistributed,
published, commercially exploited or transmitted in any f orm, by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying or recording, without the express prior written permission of VERIPOS. Applications for any written
permission should be addressed to VERIPOS House, 1B Farburn Terrace, Dyce, Aberdeen, AB21 7DT, United

Unauthorised reproduction, copying, re-engineering, adaptation, redistribution, publication or commercial

exploitation of this Manual or its contents may be subject to civil as well as criminal sanctions under the applicable
laws. VERIPOS will aggressively protect and enforce its intellectual property rights to the f ullest extent, which may
include seeking all available remedies in the civil or criminal courts if necessary. Where reproduction, copying, re-
engineering, adaptation, redistribution, publication or commercial exploitation of this Manual or its contents has
been permitted by VERIPOS in accordance with this disclaimer, then no changes in the Manual or deletion of any
kind to the Manual may be made. You acknowledge that you do not acquire any ownership rights by accessing,
viewing or utilising this Manual and agree that you shall not hold itself out to any third party as having any
ownership rights to this Manual.

You f urther agree to save, indemnify, defend and hold VERIPOS harmless on written demand, f rom all claims,
losses, damages, costs (including legal costs), expenses and liabilities of any kind and nature, invoked against
VERIPOS by any third party, f or or arising out of, any alleged inf ringement of any proprietary or protected right
arising out of or in connection with your utilisation of this Manual and/or in connection with any representation
made by you to third parties of ownership of any kind with respect to this Manual.

VERIPOS ® is a trademark of VERIPOS Limited and/or its licensors. All other marks used herein are trademarks
of their respective holders. All other marks used herein are trademarks of their respective holders. Veripos Limited
is part of the Hexagon Autonomy and Positioning division of companies of Hexagon AB.

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Hardware Overview

2 Hardware Overview
This section describes the physical characteristics of the LD8, provides information on the different possible LED
statuses and details the interface panel inputs.

2.1 Overview and Description

• The LD8 is a small, lightweight and low power system.
• VERIPOS provide a +9 to +36 VDC power supply with the LD8.
• The unit incorporates front panel LED indicators for status monitoring.
• Command-line driven terminal configuration can be carried out via a web -based interface.

2.2 LEDs
The LD8 has f ive LED indicators to communicate the LD8 receiver status:

Label Description
1. TRANSFER Not currently supported
Indicates the position
status of the receiver
Indicates the status of
3. LOG logging to the receiver
internal memory
4. INS Not currently supported
Indicates the power
5. PWR
status of the receiver

The f ollowing subsections detail the different possible LED states and their corresponding definitions:

2.2.1 PWR LED

State Description
Solid green Operational mode
Solid yellow In the process of booting
Solid red Error, or update of receiver component in progress

2.2.2 GNSS LED

State Description
Solid green PPP (APEX or Ultra) solution
Slow green blink RTK
Fast green blink DGNSS (Standard or SBAS) solution or uncorrected
Solid yellow No solution

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Hardware Overview

2.2.3 LOG LED

State Description

Of f LD8 is connected to a computer as a mounted device

Green blink Logging to internal memory
Green solid Internal logging stopped
alternating blink Logging to internal memory with low memory available

Yellow solid Internal logging stopped with low memory available

Yellow f ast blink Memory is busy
Red solid Internal memory full and system is utilising a rolling log, or memory has corrupted

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Hardware Overview

2.3 Interface Panel Connections

This section details the antenna and data connectivity available from the LD8 interface panel.

2.3.1 Coaxial
The LD8 interf ace panel is fitted with two SMA antenna connectors labelled ANT 1 and ANT 2:

Interface panel of LD8 with two SMA antenna connectors

• The L-band and GNSS position antenna should be connected to the ANT 1 connector.
• Where the LD8 will be used to compute a heading, a second GNSS antenna should be connected to
ANT 2 connector.

Heading Direction

GNSS Heading Solution Direction

2.3.2 Data Cables

The LD8 System is supplied with a multiport adapter that splits out into cabling for COM1, COM2, COM3 and 1
PPS signal from a 26-pin high-density connector:

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Ethernet and WebUI Connection

3 Ethernet and WebUI Connection

The LD8 supports Ethernet (10Base-T/100Base-TX) for configuration and interfacing to other vessel systems. The
Ethernet port supports IPv4 Internet layer and TCP/IP transport.

3.1 Ethernet
A PC or laptop with an Ethernet port and an up -to-date version of Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox
or Google Chrome is required to configure the LD8 for operation. Both Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer come
pre-loaded onto VERIPOS PCs when issued with the unit.

The LD8 is shipped with a f actory default IP address of The connecting PC or laptop should be
conf igured to use the same IP subnet.

If the LD8 needs to be configured to join an existing TCP/IP network, the commands to assist configuration can
be f ound in section Ethernet Configuration.

3.2 WebUI Connection

Once network connectivity has been established to the LD8, open a browser and enter the default LD8 IP of into the address bar. This will load the LD8 WebUI:

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Configuration and Operation

4 Configuration and Operation

There are two ways in which the LD8 can be configured, by using VERIPOS Quantum software, or by using the
LD8 WebUI. Quantum must be used if being used f or system monitoring. If Quantum is not available, system
conf iguration must be performed through the WebUI, which features a terminal application that can be used for
sending commands.

This section introduces the WebUI and details how to perform LD8 system configuration via both the terminal
commands and, where available, the WebUI. For configuration with Quantum please refer to the Quantum User


The LD8 will be supplied with either the WebUI or Quantum. If the WebUI is required but missing
please contact VERIPOS.

4.1 WebUI Status

Once connected to the LD8 via Ethernet and the WebUI has been loaded, the user will be presented with the
LD8 WebUI Home > Status page. This page displays inf ormation relating to the status and behaviour of the
system. To gain access to any other pages or f unctionality it is necessary to use the Login option, found in the
top right-hand corner of the page. To login to the system locate the LD8 serial number, which typically starts with
'NMPL' and can be f ound on the underside of the unit. When prompted, use the LD8 serial number as the
password and click Log In.

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Configuration and Operation

4.1.1 WebUI Status Page Items

At the top of the page is a summary bar containing key system information. Below this, the main body of the LD8
WebUI Home > Status page is split into several boxes, with each box containing useful system information:

Item Description

Positioning Inf ormation relating to the operating mode, calculated position type, latitude, longitude,
height, heading (if available), 2d-SD and datum.
A polar plot, showing currently tracked GNSS satellites. Clicking on any satellite will reveal
elevation, azimuth and signal strength information for that satellite. Highlighted below the
Satellite View
plot are the numbers of satellites used in the solution, (green) unused (orange), and
unhealthy (red).
Inf ormation regarding available ports. Highlights which ports are conf igured f or input
Ports (and/or) output, as well as which are available and in use (green), available but idle
(orange) and not available (grey).
The system logging status. Includes present log file size, the name of the currently logging
item and which messages are being logged.
Device Present CPU and storage usage, system temperature and antenna voltage.

Interference Highlights detected interference.

Heading Heading and pitch information, and baseline length.

4.1.2 Sending Commands via WebUI Terminal

Once a user has logged into the LD8, the system can be configured by using terminal commands. The WebUI
provides a terminal window which can be used for sending commands and receiving status information from the
unit. The WebUI terminal can be accessed by clicking on Tools on the top bar then Terminal.

Commands entered into the input bar can be sent to the unit by using the keyboard Return/Enter key. They will
appear in the terminal in green, with echoed responses from the LD8 appearing in black.

Sending commands will trigger one of three different responses from the LD8:

Status Response
When requesting system status information, such as querying which L-band beam/s are presently being tracked,
the LD8 should respond with an ‘<OK’ echo, followed by the requested information.

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Configuration and Operation

Acknowledgement Response
When successfully making a configuration change a single or multiple line response containing ‘ <OK>’ can be

Rejection of Command
A rejected command will be flagged as such with ‘INVALID MESSAGE’ or ‘ERROR’ appearing somewhere within
the echoed response, or no response will be received. These responses indicate that a command has not been
understood, or that a command has not been successfully implemented.

4.1.3 Saving Changes

Whilst configuring the LD8 via the WebUI terminal, any configuration changes made will not get automatically
saved. Although any configuration changes made may appear to immediately work, without the use of a save
command these changes will be lost in the event of a power cycle. One command is used f or saving network
changes and another command is used for saving all other changes. Once either of the below commands has
been sent an acknowledgement response should be received:

Command Description
SAVEETHERNETDATA Saves any Ethernet configurations
SAVECONFIG Saves all settings excluding Ethernet configurations

4.2 L-band Configuration

Tracking of an L-band beam is required to receive VERIPOS service correction and activation data. This section
will detail how to establish and confirm successful L-band tracking to make use of VERIPOS services.
Auto Beam is the recommended way to manage L-band beam choices. When in this mode, the LD8 will
track up to three beams simultaneously with tracking determined based on available L-band satellites and
elevation. Data received from each of the L-band satellites will be utilised within the calculation eliminating the
need to switch beam in the event of tracking loss.

Using Auto Beam can mitigate against the impact of a single beam failure or masking. Additionally, when using
Auto Beam and transiting across different geographic regions, the LD8 will automatically select available L-band
beams. Whilst in this mode no manual beam selection is required.

The receiver also allows f or selection of a single L-band beam. If a single beam is selected, it will disable the
Auto Beam selection. VERIPOS have six beams available as detailed below and in most regions more than one
beam should be available at all times. A global map with a beam overlay can be found in the Appendix, however
the below table can be used as a general guide:

Beam Name Coverage

98W North America, Gulf of Mexico, South America
AORW North America, Gulf of Mexico, South America, North Sea, West Africa
25E North Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Africa, Persian Gulf, Caspian Sea
IOR Asia, Indian Ocean, East Africa, Persian Gulf, Caspian Sea, East Mediterranean
143.5 Asia, Australasia, Indian Ocean
POR East Asia, Australasia, Alaska

The VERIPOS software Verichart can be used to assess L-band availability by creating coverage charts specific
to a work location.

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Configuration and Operation

Where possible, different VERIPOS receiver units on the same vessel should be set to different beams to
maximise redundancy.

4.2.1 Selecting Beam Via WebUI

To select Auto Beam (or a single beam if required) navigate to Configuration > Positioning and click Receive
(Rover), f ollowed by Next. On the next page expand the PPP section and select either Auto or an available
beam, f ollowed by Apply:

4.2.2 Selecting Auto Beam via Terminal

To enable the use of Auto Beam enter the following:

4.2.3 Selecting a Single Beam via Terminal

The f ormat for assigning a specific L-band beam (98W, AORW, 25E, IOR, 143.5 or POR) is as follows:

4.2.4 Entering a Custom Beam Frequency via Terminal

A custom L-band beam name and frequency (in Hz) can be manually entered, however this should be used only
under the instruction of VERIPOS support. The f ormat for assigning a user L-band beam is as follows:

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Configuration and Operation

4.2.5 Tracked L-band Beam and Signal Strength Status via Terminal
The presently tracked L-band beam/s and signal strength/s can be found by entering:

The returned status will display information relating to any of the beams that are being actively tracked or
searched f or. The tracked L-band beam names will be f ound in quotation marks at the start of each line, i.e.
“25E”. The value af ter the beam name relates to the L-band beam frequency followed by the baud rate, which is
typically 1200 bps. The signal strength will be f ound in the 8th f ield along f or each beam line. Signal strengths
are output in dB and a value of 36.5dB or above is optimal.

When in Auto Beam mode the terminal output will be similar to the below:

LBANDTRACKSTAT WCOM1_30 0 50.5 FINESTEERING 2062 457753.000 0a000020 29e3 15441

"IOR" 1545865000 1200 974c 00c2 0 -91.416 43.052 3.6091 15658.910 298176 2330
746 38166528 290966 0.0000
"25E" 1545825000 1200 974c 00c2 0 -223.267 43.704 3.8057 78985.820 1504384 5 5
192561152 515 0.0000
"AORW" 1545845000 1200 974c 00c2 0 -280.645 40.858 2.8379 78986.523 1504448 607
571 192569344 68081 0.0015

4.2.6 HDR Mode Configuration via Terminal

Enabling HDR mode can assist with L-band tracking when potential interference sources are present. HDR
Mode uses signal processing to dampen potential sources of RF distortion, at the cost of increased CPU
usage. It is recommended that if any L-band tracking issues are observed (intermittent, low or no signal) this
option is enabled.

HDR mode can be enabled by entering:


HDR mode can be disabled by entering:


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Configuration and Operation

4.3 Activation and Deactivation of VERIPOS Services

To activate or deactivate VERIPOS services, firstly ensure that the LD8 is switched on and tracking an L-band
beam with a healthy signal level (>36.5 dB). Tracking of a L-band beam is required as activation and deactivation
updates are sent via the beam.
Email the VERIPOS Helpdesk ([email protected]) with the Unit ID, Vessel Name, SAL number and
services required.


The VERIPOS Helpdesk cannot enable services unless an active SAL exists. To avoid delay,
please make sure that the SAL number is known and available prior to requesting services.

4.3.1 Checking Unit Activation Status via Terminal

To check the present activation status of an LD8 enter:

The unit activation status can be either ENABLE (or) DISABLE.

The unit L-band sync status can be either LOCKED (or) NO_SIGNAL. For activation of VERIPOS services the
unit is required to have a sync status of LOCKED. Refer to section L-band Configuration f or assistance on
selecting an L-band beam if required.

An example of a status message response, with activation status showing DISABLE and Sync status LOCKED:

4.3.2 Checking Unit ID and Activation Service Code via Terminal

If in doubt as to the LD8 unit ID and/or the activation service code enter the following:

The LD8 unit ID is required for VERIPOS to activate services and each activation/deactivation is unique to each
unit ID. The activation service code can be used to determine what services the unit is activated to receive.

In the below terminal output, the unit has been successfully activated and the unit ID has been highlighted,
f ollowed by the service activation code:
VERIPOSINFO WCOM1 0 66.0 FINESTEERING 2039 314993.573 02008020 2bd7 14970
<123456 NCC_CONTROLLED 80000111 "2"

In the below terminal output the unit has not yet been activated. The unit ID has been highlighted and no value
yet exists for the service activation code:
VERIPOSINFO WCOM1 0 66.5 FINESTEERING 2040 378378.140 03008020 2bd7 14970
<123456 UNASSIGNED 00000000 ""


While a unit may be enabled for single PPP services it may not be fully utilising the service as further
conf iguration may be required to choose which VERIPOS PPP service to use (APEX or ULTRA).

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Configuration and Operation

4.4 Calculation Configuration

There are several calculation configuration options which can be changed by the use of commands. These
conf iguration options can update the way in which VERIPOS service types are utilised.

4.4.1 PPP Mode Selection via Terminal

The two PPP solutions that VERIPOS offer, Ultra and Apex, allow for decimetre accuracy positioning. Each of
these services have no range limitations and can be used in any location.

Some VERIPOS service codes include both the Apex and Ultra solutions. The LD8 can only compute one
solution at a time, which can be specified by using the PPPSOURCE command. Where only one of the PPP
services is enabled it is still required to match the selection to the activated service.

Users should ensure that the solution selected matches the service requested f rom the Helpdesk. When
changing the receiver PPP selection this will restart the PPP calculation. Allow time for this to settle before the
PPP solution becomes available.

4.4.2 SBAS Configuration via WebUI

The LD8 is capable of tracking and using correction data f rom Satellite Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS).
If SBAS is enabled a SBAS DGNSS solution will be output in the event of VERIPOS solutions failure.

To enable/disable SBAS navigate to Configuration > Positioning and click Receive (Rover), followed by Next.
On the next page expand the SBAS section. Selecting Off will disable SBAS. To enable SBAS select On and
then select region (Auto is recommended). Click Apply to confirm any changes.

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Configuration and Operation

4.4.3 SBAS Configuration via Terminal

The LD8 SBAS mode can be enabled or disabled via the terminal.

The SBAS positioning mode can be enabled by entering:


The SBAS positioning mode can be disabled by entering:


4.4.4 Heading Offset and Output Frequency Via WebUI

The heading of fset and the heading output rate can be configured within the WebUI by navigating to
Configuration > Heading. The heading offset value can be set between -180o and +180o. The output rate can
be set between 1Hz and 20Hz (this does not apply to the HDT output message). Click Apply to confirm any

4.4.5 Heading Offset and Output Frequency via Terminal

A heading offset and the heading output rate can also be configured via terminal. The heading offset value can
be set between -180o and +180o. The heading offset can be added by entering:
HEADINGOFFSET [headingoffsetindeg]

The output rate can be set between 1Hz and 20Hz (this does not apply to the HDT output message). The last
value of the LOG message is the output rate field (1 = 1Hz, 0.5 = 2Hz, 0.2 = 5Hz, 0.1 = 10Hz, 0.05 = 20 Hz).
The output rate can be set by entering:

LD8 Operations Manual AB-V-MA-00635_RevA4 20

Configuration and Operation

4.5 Ethernet Configuration

Network connectivity to the LD8 is essential f or configuration and implementing changes. The f ollowing sub-
sections detail how to check and change the present IP address settings.

4.5.1 IP Configuration via WebUI

IP addresses can be checked and configured by navigating to Settings > Networking. Within the Ethernet
Window, the DHCP setting can be toggled to Off or On. Toggling DHCP to Off will allow for Static IP address
details to be input. Note the Wi-Fi related features are unavailable at present.


If no connectivity via Ethernet is available, commands can also be sent through the Serial
COM ports.

4.5.2 Checking IP and Subnet Status via Terminal

To check the current IP settings of the LD8 enter the command below:

IP and subnet settings will be returned, proceeded by ETHA, within quotation marks as highlighted below:

LD8 Operations Manual AB-V-MA-00635_RevA4 21

Configuration and Operation

4.5.3 Setting a Static IP via Terminal

The LD8 is preconfigured with a static IP of, however this IP address can be changed to a different
static IP address. The command to change to a static IP follows the structure of:
IPCONFIG [interface_name] [address_mode] [IP_address] [netmask] [gateway]

Example for this:


4.5.4 Changing IP to DHCP via Terminal

The LD8 can be assigned an IP address via DHCP. If changing to DHCP use the IPSTATUSA command to
determine the newly assigned IP address.


Changing the IP address mode to DHCP will require verification of any newly assigned IP
address, which must be performed through connection to one of the three COM ports.

To automatically assign a dynamic IP to the LD8 use the below command:


To change the unit back to a static IP, simply follow the instructions in section ‘Setting a Static IP Via Terminal’.

LD8 Operations Manual AB-V-MA-00635_RevA4 22

Configuration and Operation

4.6 Output Configuration

The LD8 is capable of outputting VERIPOS RTCM Message Command variable
data and a selection of messages via serial port or
• Serial outputs for the three LD8 serial ports can
be ref erenced within commands as required by ZDA GPZDA
using ‘COM1’, ‘COM2’ and ‘COM3’.
• Output over TCP/IP can be established to one of GSV GPGSV
three ports: 3001, 3002 or 3003. These are
ref erenced by using ‘ICOM1’, ‘ICOM2’ and GLL GPGLL
‘ICOM3' respectively. Only one connection can be VTG GPVTG
established to each port.
The available LD8 message types and the
associated command variable to use when
ref erencing each type within the WebUI or terminal HDT GPHDTDUALANTENNA
are as shown on the right:
Note: UKOOA cannot be configured as an output
via WebUI and must be configured using terminal.
See the section Reference Inf ormation for more information on output message formats and compliance.

4.6.1 Configuring Messages Outputs via WebUI

Navigate to Configuration > Ports, where configuration of COM 1-3 and ICOM 1-3 ports is available. Using the
Command variables listed in the table above to specify message type, enter the appropriate command variable
next to the required COM or ICOM port in the Messages field. Select the command variable once it appears in
the Messages f ield as shown below and then click Apply to confirm settings.

To remove any message outputs, click on the ‘ ‘ ’ appearing next to the Command variable and click Apply.

LD8 Operations Manual AB-V-MA-00635_RevA4 23

Configuration and Operation

4.6.2 Specifying Baud Rate via WebUI

To specify a baud rate for COM Ports 1, 2 or 3 navigate to Configuration > Ports click on the cog wheel within
the Port f ield:

A window will open that will allow f or a baud rate of 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 or 115200 to be
selected. Once the appropriate baud rate has been selected, click on Done followed by Apply.

4.6.3 Message Output Rate via WebUI

Once a NovAtel Command variable has been specified a cog wheel will appear within the right hand corner of
the Messages f ield:

Clicking on the settings cog will open a Message Settings window where an output rate can be specified in the
Period f ield. LD8 receivers are capable of outputting messages at rates of 1Hz, 2Hz, 5Hz, 10Hz and 20Hz. Enter
the required rate and click Apply:

LD8 Operations Manual AB-V-MA-00635_RevA4 24

Configuration and Operation

4.6.4 Enabling Message Outputs via Terminal

To enable a message, a single command must be sent for each message on each port. Message types can be
output on COM 1-3 or ICOM 1-3. This, along with the message command variable, should be entered in the
command line. The command to be used is given below with COM1 and GPGGA used as an example:

LD8 receivers are capable of outputting messages at rates up to 20Hz. The last value as part of the LOG
message is the output rate field. See below table for the output rates and the command variables:

Output rate Command variable

1Hz 1
2Hz 0.5
5Hz 0.2
10Hz 0.1
20Hz 0.05

An example of the command for outputting GGA on COM 1 at 20Hz:


4.6.5 Disabling Message Outputs via Terminal

To disable a message from being output, the command below should be issued to the unit. This consists of the
command required, the port and the message type:

To stop all output messages on a single port the command below can be issued stating the port:

4.6.6 Setting GGA Precision Selection via Terminal

It is possible to configure the number of decimal places used in the Latitude and Longitude f ields output in the
GGA Message. The precision can be set to 5, 6, 7 or 8. When changing the precision value, the same value
should be applied to both the Longitude and Latitude. The command requires to state GGA_LATITUDE or
GGA_LONGITUDE, followed by a precision value detailed in the table below:

Precision Latitude Longitude

Command Command
10.5 11.5
11.6 12.6
12.7 13.7

LD8 Operations Manual AB-V-MA-00635_RevA4 25

Configuration and Operation

12.8 14.8

4.6.7 Setting PPP DQI via Terminal

When using either Apex or Ultra PPP services the Differential Quality Indicator is a value reported within GGA
messages to indicate solution status. The LD8 allows for two configurable behaviours for this value.
DQI Behavior Command Variable
When the calculation is converged to a PPP
service the DQI will report the value 2.
When the calculation is converged to a PPP
service the DQI will report the value 5.

The below command example shows the behaviour of the DQI when converged for PPP to a value of 2. The
highlighted area below is where the variable of 2 or 5 should be set:

4.6.8 Setting Baud rates via Terminal

The LD8 allows f or each Serial Port to be set at different baud rates. The f ollowing baud rates are available to
be set: 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 (or) 115200.

To set the baud rate the SERIALCONFIG command should be used along with the port name f or the desired
change. An example of the command is below, with the port and baud rate highlighted:

4.6.9 Setting PPS via Terminal

The LD8 allows f or the PPS polarity to be configured and set to an increase in pulse f rom 0v (POSITIVE) or a
decrease in pulse to 0v (NEGATIVE). The pulse has a width of 2000 microseconds.

An example of the PPSCONTROL command is given below which shows the pulse being set to positive:

PPS output can be disabled by sending the following:


4.6.10 Enabling VERIPOS RTCM Output via Terminal

RTCM can be output on any of the LD8 serial COM ports. Within the terminal window enter the commands
below where updating COM1 with the desired output COM port number.

To change the baud rate of the serial port, send command below. COM should be the same COM port as used
in the initial step and the field 9600 replaced with the appropriate baud rate.

LD8 Operations Manual AB-V-MA-00635_RevA4 26

Configuration and Operation

4.7 Input Configuration

The LD8 is capable of utilising corrections f rom external sources of VERIPOS RTCM (RTCM v2, RTCM v3 or
CMR) and RTK correction data.

4.7.1 Inputting External VERIPOS RTCM via Terminal

To input external corrections, it is required to issue two commands to the unit. These two commands will configure
the required baud rate of input and then set the port for decoding of VERIPOS RTCM data. These commands

The example commands below show configuration of COM1 for input of VERIPOS RTCM data, with a baud rate
of 115200:

4.7.2 Inputting RTK Corrections

The LD8 is capable of utilising corrections from a source of RTK correction data.

To input external corrections, it is required to issue two commands to the unit. These commands will configure
the required baud rate of input and then set the port f or decoding of correction data. These commands are

The commands shown below, show configuration of COM1 for input of RTK RTCM v2 data with a baud rate of
The table below shows the variables required to change for the desired RTK correction format:

Correction Format Command Variable



Note: if configured via Quantum software, LD8 will only be able to input RTCMv3 for the RTK corrections.

LD8 Operations Manual AB-V-MA-00635_RevA4 27

Configuration and Operation

4.8 Rolling Log

4.8.1 Accessing Rolling Log via WebUI

The LD8 is preconfigured to utilise a rolling data log. This data can be used to conduct various types of analysis
or f or troubleshooting purposes by VERIPOS. From this data, RINEX observation logs can be generated, if
required. If RINEX logging is required, please contact VERIPOS Helpdesk.

The Logging Status, current logged f ile’s size and name in addition to the logged messaged are presented on
the Home > Status page of the WebUI:

4.8.2 Downloading Logs via WebUI

Hourly-separated logs can be f ound within Device > Export. Each log f ile will be displayed with a date, time
stamp and also the file size. As the rolling log builds up there may be multiple pages of stored logs.

To download logs, highlight any individual files required and click the Download icon ( ) or alternatively, tick
the Select All option followed by clicking the Download icon ( ) to download all available files.

If requested to provide logs by VERIPOS Support, ensure that the logs cover the period that needs analysing
plus 3 hours prior to the event and 1 hour af ter.

LD8 Operations Manual AB-V-MA-00635_RevA4 28

Configuration and Operation

4.9 Factory Reset

A f actory reset can be performed to revert the LD8 back to default factory settings. This should only be carried
out under the advice of VERIPOS Support.

4.9.1 Factory Resetting via Terminal

A f actory reset should be performed by issuing the case sensitive command:
LUA START factoryreset.lua

LD8 Operations Manual AB-V-MA-00635_RevA4 29

Reference Information

5 Reference Information
5.1 Commands List Index
Commands used within this manual are listed below. Text highlighted in red should be changed as required.

Command Description
The format for assigning a specific L-band
Setting for automatically tracking L-band
IPCONFIG ETHA DHCP Change IP assignment to DHCP

LOG COM1 GPGGA ONTIME 1 Enable message output on a specified port

LOG IPSTATUSA ONCE Check current IP settings
Check tracked L-band beam/s and signal
LOG VERIPOSINFO Check unit ID and activation service code

LOG VERIPOSSTATUSA Check present activation status of LD8

Configure number of Latitude decimal places
in GGA message
Configure number of Longitude decimal
places in GGA message
Set PPS polarity to either positive or negative

PPPSOURCE APEX Select either Ultra or Apex PPP solution

Saves all settings excluding Ethernet
SAVEETHERNETDATA Saves any Ethernet configuration settings
SBASCONTROL DISABLE Disable the SBAS fallback solution
SBASCONTROL ENABLE AUTO Enable the SBAS fallback solution

SERIALCONFIG COM1 9600 N 8 1 N OFF Specify a baud rate for a specified port
SERIALCONFIG COM1 115200 N 8 1 N OFF Input external RTCM specifying port and baud
Disable message output on a specified port

UNLOGALL COM1 Stop all messages on a specified port

LD8 Operations Manual AB-V-MA-00635_RevA4 30

Reference Information

5.2 LD8 Output Sentences

This section outlines the message structure of the following message output types:



5.3 NMEA Talker IDs

The NMEA talker identif ier serves to define the nature of the data being transmitted. The talker is the f irst 2
characters after the $ sign within the NMEA sentence. As the LD8 is capable of utilising more than only the GPS
constellation, the talker has a set value for each constellation. For sentences where the data relates to multiple
constellations the ID ‘GN’ will be found.

Not all NMEA sentences will have a variable talker ID (the GGA and ZDA will be fixed with GP) however all other
NMEA messages will have a variable talker.

Note that the talker ID is determined by the constellation/s in use and cannot be changed to another value.

The table below shows the talker IDs and the represented constellation:

Talker ID Constellation
GA Galileo
BD BeiDou
GN Multiple Constellations

LD8 Operations Manual AB-V-MA-00635_RevA4 31

Reference Information

5.3.1 GGA Sentence

The NMEA GGA sentence contains time and position fix related data for a GPS system. It includes basic
quality information, which is limited to ‘Fix Quality’, ‘Number of Satellites in Use’, ‘HDOP’ and ‘Age of

GGA Sentence Structure & Example

$GPGGA, hhmmss.ss, ddmm.mmmmm, a, dddmm.mmmmm, b, q, xx, p.p, a.b, M, c.d, M, x.x, nnnn *hh
$GPGGA, 123519.00, 4807.03787, N, 01131.00547, E, 1, 15, 0.9, 545.4, M, 46.9, M, 14.0, 0281 *47

GGA Sentence Defined

Field Content
GGA Global Positioning System Fix data
hhmmss.ss UTC of position
ddmm.mmmmm Latitude of position
a N or S, latitude hemisphere
dddmm.mmmmm Longitude of position
b E or W, longitude hemisphere
GPS Quality indicator (0 = invalid, 1 = GPS SPS, 2 = DGNSS fix, 4 = Fixed RTK, 5 =
Float RTK / PPP, 6 = Dead Reckoning), 7 = Manual Input Mode, 8 = Simulation Mode
xx Number of satellites in use
p.p HDOP (Horizontal dilution of precision)
a.b Antenna altitude above/below mean -sea-level
M Units of antenna altitude, meters
c.d The relationship between the geoid and the WGS84 ellipsoid
M Units of meters
x.x Age of differential GNSS data
nnnn Differential reference station ID, 0000 to 1023
*hh Checksum
[CR][LF] Sentence Terminator


The number of decimal places in the GGA message Latitude and Longitude values is configurable,
see section GGA Precision Selection for details. If making changes from 5 decimal places the
sentence will no longer conform with NMEA v3.01.

LD8 Operations Manual AB-V-MA-00635_RevA4 32

Reference Information

5.3.2 GST Sentence

The NMEA GST sentence provides error statistics of the position fix. These statistics follow from the position
calculation process.

GST Sentence Structure & Example

$GNGST, hhmmss.ss, a.aa, b.bb, c.cc, d.dddd, e.ee, f .ff, g.gg *hh
$GNGST, 024603.00, 1.47, 0.11, 0.07, 28.3688,0.10, 0.08, 0.16 *58

GST Sentence Defined

Field Content
GST Estimated error in position solution
hhmmss.ss UTC time in hours, minutes, seconds of the GPS position
RMS value of the standard deviation of the range inputs to the navigation process. Range
inputs include pseudo-ranges and differential DGNSS corrections
b.bb Standard deviation of semi-major axis of error ellipse (meters)
c.cc Standard deviation of semi-minor axis of error ellipse (meters)
d.dddd Orientation of semi-major axis of error ellipse (meters)
e.ee Standard deviation of latitude error (meters)
f.ff Standard deviation of longitude error (meters)
g.gg Standard deviation of altitude error (meters)
*hh Checksum
[CR][LF] Sentence terminator

5.3.3 ZDA Sentence

The NMEA ZDA sentence provides time and time zone information.

ZDA Sentence Structure & Example

$GPZDA, hhmmss.ss, dd, mm, yyyy, null, null *hh
$GPZDA, 201530.00, 04, 07, 2019, , , *6E

ZDA Sentence Defined

Field Content
ZDA Time and Date data
hhmmss.ss UTC time in hours, minutes, seconds of the GPS position
dd Day, 01 to 31
mm Month, 01 to 12
yyyy Year
null Local zone hours (not available)
null Local zone minutes (not available)
*hh Checksum

LD8 Operations Manual AB-V-MA-00635_RevA4 33

Reference Information

5.3.4 GSA Sentence

The NMEA GSA sentence contains the GNSS receiver operating mode, active satellites used in the navigation
solution, and DOP values.

GSA Sentence Structure & Example

$GNGSA, a, 1, cc, cc, cc, cc, cc, cc, cc, cc, cc, cc, cc, cc, d.d, e.e, f .f *hh
$GNGSA, a, b, 02, 12, 15, 20, 21, 24, 25, 29, 32, , , , 1.7, 0.9, 1.5 *58

GSA Sentence Defined

Field Content
GSA GNSS DOP and Active Satellites
Mode (M = Manual mode, forced to operate in 2D or 3D mode,
A = Automatic mode, allowed to automatically switch 2D/3D)
b Fix (1 = Not available, 2 = 2D, 3 = 3D)
PRN ID numbers of satellites used in solution a total of 12 fields
GPS = 1 to 32
cc GLONASS = 65 to 96
As shown in the above example, if less than 12 satellites for one constellation are used null
values will be output in the string.
d.d PDOP
e.e HDOP
f.f VDOP
hh Checksum

5.3.5 VTG Sentence

The NMEA VTG sentence provides the actual course and speed relative to the ground.

VTG Sentence Structure & Example

$GNVTG, ppp.ppp, T, qqq.qgg, M, rr.rrr, N, ss.sss, K,U, *hh
$GNVTG, 167.608, T, 167.608, M, 0.006, N, 0.012, K,D, *3D

VTG Sentence Defined

Field Content
VTG Course over ground and ground speed
ppp.ppp True course over ground
T Degrees True indicator
qqq.qgg Magnetic course over ground
M Degrees Magnetic
rr.rrr Speed over ground, knots
N Nautical speed indicatior (N = Knots)
ss.sss Speed over ground, kilometres/hour
K Speed indicator (K = km/hr)
Positioning mode indicator (A = Autonomous, D = Differential,
E = Estimated (Dead reckoning), M = Manual, N = Data not valid)
*hh Checksum

LD8 Operations Manual AB-V-MA-00635_RevA4 34

Reference Information

5.3.6 GSV Sentence

The NMEA GSV sentence provides information relating to the number of satellites (SV) in view, satellite ID
numbers, elevation, azimuth, and SNR value in one sentence.

GSV Sentence Structure & Example

$GPGSV, a, b, cc, dd, ee, f ff, gg, dd, ee, f ff, gg, dd, ee, f ff, gg, dd, ee, f ff, gg, *hh,
$GPGSV, 4, 1, 13, 02, 10, 043, 41, 05, 05, 103, 38, 10, 04, 238, 42, 12, 13, 030, 44, *7E,
(Satellite 1) (Satellite 2) (Satellite 3) (Satellite 4)

GSV Sentence Defined

Field Content
GSV GNSS Satellites in view
a Total number of sentences (1-9)
b Sentence number (1-9)
cc Total number of satellites in view, within the talker ID constellation
Satellite ID number
dd GPS = 1 to 32
GLONASS = 65 to 96
ee Elevation, degrees (90° maximum)
fff Azimuth, degrees true, 000 to 359
gg SNR (C/No) 00-99 dB-Hz, null when not tracking
hh Checksum


Fields dd, ee, fff and gg will be repeated a maximum of 4 times per sentence, where all
satellite info is already output null values will be output.

5.3.7 GLL Sentence

The NMEA GGL sentence provides Latitude and Longitude position data for the present position.

GLL Sentence Structure & Example

$GNGLL,ddmm.mmmmmmm, a, dddmm.mmmmmmm, b, hhmmss.ss, S, I *hh
$GNGLL, 5708.7104685, N, 00217.1169613, W, 062859.00, A,D *72

GLL Sentence Defined

Field Content
GLL Geographic position - Latitude and Longitude
ddmm.mmmmmmm Latitude of position
a Latitude direction (N or S)
dddmm.mmmmmmm Longitude of position
b Longitude direction (E or W)
hhmmss.ss UTC time of position
S Status (A = data valid ; V = data not valid)
Positioning mode indicator (A = Autonomous, D = Differential,
E = Estimated (Dead reckoning), M = Manual, N = Data not valid)
*hh Checksum

LD8 Operations Manual AB-V-MA-00635_RevA4 35

Reference Information

5.3.8 GRS Sentences

The NMEA GRS sentence provides range residuals for each satellite.

GRS Sentence Structure & Example

$GNGRS, hhmmss.ss,a, b.b,b.b, b.b, b.b, b.b, b.b, b.b, b.b, b.b, b.b, b.b, b.b, ,cc ,dd *67
$GNGRS, 142406.00, 1, - - 1.7, 1.2, - - 1.3, - - - , , 1, 1, *hh
1.1, 0.1, 2.0, 1.3, 0.4, 1.2, 0.2,

GRS Sentence Defined

Field Content
GRS GNSS range residuals
hhmmss.ss UTC time of position
Mode (0 = Residuals were used to calculate the position given in the matching GGA or GNS sentence 1 =
Residuals were recomputed after the GGA or GNS position was computed)
Range residuals for satellites used in the navigation solution. Order matches order of PRN numbers in
cc GNSS System ID (see tables below for further explanation).
dd Ranging Signal ID (see tables below for further explanation).
*hh Checksum

GNSS Constellation: GPS

GNSS System ID: 1 (GP)

Signal Channel: All Signals L1 C/A L1 P(Y) L2 P(Y) L2C-M L2C-L

Ranging Signal ID: 0 1 2 3 4 5

GNSS Constellation: GLONASS

GNSS System ID: 2 (GL)

Signal Channel: All Signals L1 C/A L1 P L2 C/A L2 P

Ranging Signal ID: 0 1 2 3 4

GNSS Constellation: Galileo

GNSS System ID: 3 (GA)

Signal Channel: All Signals E5a E5b E5a+b E6-A E6-BC

Ranging Signal ID: 0 1 2 3 4 5

GNSS Constellation: BeiDou

GNSS System ID: 4 (BD)

Signal Channel: All Signals B1I B1Q B1C B1A B2-a B2-b B2 a+b B2l B2Q
Ranging Signal ID: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B C

GNSS Constellation: QZSS

GNSS System ID: 5 (GQ)

Signal Channel: All Signals L1 C/A L1C (D) L1C (P) L2C-M L2C-L

LD8 Operations Manual AB-V-MA-00635_RevA4 36

Reference Information

Ranging Signal ID: 0 1 2 3 5 6

5.3.9 RMC Sentences

The NMEA RMC sentence provides essential GPS PVT (position, velocity, time) data.

RMC Sentence Structure & Example

$GNRMC,hhmmss.ss, a, ddmm.mmmmmmm, b, dddmm.mmmmmmm, c, dd.ddd, eee.e, ddmmyy f .f, g, h *hh
$GNRMC, 143909, A, 5107.0020216, N, 11402.3294835, W, 0.036, 348.3, 210307, 0.0, E, D *31

RMC Sentence Defined

Field Content
RMC Recommended Minimum Sentence C
hhmmss.ss UTC time of position
a Position status (A = Active V = Void)
ddmm.mmmmmmm Latitude of position
b Latitude direction (N or S)
dddmm.mmmmmmm Longitude of position
c Longitude direction (E or W)
dd.ddd Speed over the ground, knots
eee.e Course over ground, degrees True
ddmmyy Current date
fff.f Magnetic variation, degrees
Magnetic variation direction E/W
g Easterly variation (E) subtracts from True course.
Westerly variation (W) add to True course.
Mode indicator (A = Autonomous, D = Differential, E = Estimated (dead
reckoning), M = Manual input, N = Data not valid)
*hh Checksum

5.3.10 HDT Sentences

The NMEA HDT sentence provides heading information derived from the receiver.

HDT Sentence Structure & Example

$GNHDT, dd.dddd, T hh
$GNHDT, 75.5664,T *36

HDT Sentence Defined

Field Content
HDT Heading (true) message
dd.dddd Heading in degrees
T Degrees True
*hh Checksum

LD8 Operations Manual AB-V-MA-00635_RevA4 37

Reference Information

5.3.11 VERIPOS UKOOA Sentences

The VERIPOS UKOOA sentence is compliant with OGP 373-19 and IMCA S015 (July 2011). For further
inf ormation relating to these standards please visit https://www.iogp.org and https://www.imca-int.com.

VERIPOS UKOOA Sentence Structure & Example

[ 240 7300 VERI 1 2067 295238.0 +0.1 +8.0 057 12.08207N 002 11.53776W 63.997 +50.40 1.151 0.564
1.004 7 0.025 0.054 0.14 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.06 0.05 6.5 P 15{ 20 27 13 30 26 8 21 16 7 10
15 85 77 75 86} 1{ 481}]

VERIPOS UKOOA Sentence Defined

Field Content Notes
1 Open string

Length of
2…5 Number of characters



Shows the calculation

Record used, as different
Identifier calculations can be
labelled: 1, 2, 3 etc

GPS Week
19…23 Since Jan 6th 1980
GPS Time Seconds into current
of Fix GPS Week
Time (in seconds) of
the first character of
Age of
33…37 the data string being
output, minus the
time of position.

38…43 Latency Latency in seconds

Latitude displayed
44…56 Latitude with spaces, dd

57 Hemisphere N or S

Longitude displayed
58…71 Longitude with spaces,

72 Hemisphere E or W

Antenna height (in

Altitude metres) above mean
above MSL sea level (datum for
height calculations)

LD8 Operations Manual AB-V-MA-00635_RevA4 38

Reference Information

Field Content Notes

Separation between
mean sea level and
the WGS84 reference
80…87 ellipsoid (in metres),
based on a Geoid
model as for example

88…94 PDOP

95…101 HDOP

102…108 VDOP

Single Dual
Frequency frequency

0 = None
None or
or Bad

1= 5=
Altitude Altitude
109…110 Fix Status Aiding Aiding
(weighted (weighted
height) height)

2= 6=
Altitude Altitude
hold (2D hold (2D
Fix) Fix)

3 = 3D 7 = 3D
Fix Fix

Smallest outlier (in

Internal metres) that is likely
Reliability to be detected by the
current solution.

Maximum positional
effect (in metres) of
an undetectable error
in an observation.
This quantity is
118…125 related to the Power
of the test (probability
that the MDE would
be detected) and the
Significance level

The Variance and

Covariance terms are
elements from the
126…130 variance-covariance
matrix of the position
fix computation (un -
scaled) in metres².


LD8 Operations Manual AB-V-MA-00635_RevA4 39

Reference Information

Field Content Notes




Shows 95%
95% Error
confidence level of
160…165 the semi-major axis
Semi Major
of the error ellipse in

Shows 95%
95% Error
confidence level of
166…171 the semi-minor axis
Semi Minor
of the error ellipse in

Orientation Orientation of the

Of Semi semi major axis
Major Axis (degrees from true
of Error North)

A test applied to the

Unit Variance.
(P=Pass, F=Fail).
178…179 F Test
A “Fail” may result
from large outliers in
the measurements.

No of
used in the
Fix (n)

PRN numbers are
Variable Numbers of
space separated
used in Fix

Number of
used for
this Fix (00
– 99)

Ids of the
Station ID numbers
Variable Stations
are space separated
used in the

End of
Close string


LD8 Operations Manual AB-V-MA-00635_RevA4 40

Reference Information

Field Content Notes

Line Feed

LD8 Operations Manual AB-V-MA-00635_RevA4 41

Contact Information

6 Contact Information
All initial contacts regarding technical or support issues should be initially addressed to the VERIPOS
Helpdesk. Where appropriate the Helpdesk will refer issues to the regional operations and engineering teams.

6.1 VERIPOS Helpdesk Details

VERIPOS Online Support System (VOSS) http://help.veripos.com
VERIPOS Support telephone +44 1224 965900
VERIPOS Support e-mail [email protected]

LD8 Operations Manual AB-V-MA-00635_RevA4 42


7 Appendix
7.1 L-band Coverage Map

LD8 Operations Manual AB-V-MA-00635_RevA4 43

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