Linux CLInotes
Linux CLInotes
Linux CLInotes
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© Jim Jackson 3-Nov-19
Operating Systems
GNU/Linux & UNIX
Command Line Interface.
This is a quick reference document to aid students carrying out labs and
coursework. The document provides more detail about specific techniques
and commands than can be covered in a lecture.
grep - line based pattern matching ............................................................... 2
Regular Expression Basics ............................................................... 3
echo ........................................................................................................... 13
Linux Pathname Manipulation Commands .................................................... 13
dirname ...................................................................................................... 13
basename .................................................................................................. 13
readlink -f ................................................................................................... 13
diff - show differences between files........................................................... 14
cmp - check if two files are the same ......................................................... 14
md5sum - calculate a file's hash ................................................................ 15
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CLI Commands
Complex actions can be created by combining command utilities together.
There are several important Linux commands which allow the user to create
composite actions that are more sophisticated or specific than can be
achieved with a single command on its own.
grep is a very useful utility for filtering the content of a file or the output
produced by another command on a line by line basis. By default, grep
displays all lines which contain a specified pattern or string.
If is very useful if applied to large text files where the user is only interested in
a small number of lines, the irrelevant lines can be filtered out.
# grep fred userslist.txt
Lists only the lines from the file userslist.txt that contain the string ”fred”.
To omit lines containing a string and pass all other lines through, use the -v
To specify that the target string must be at the start of a line it is prefixed by a
caret "^".
# grep "^The" mydocument.txt
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The special meaning of the "^" and "$" characters using in the target search
string are examples of regular expressions. Regular expression syntax can
be very sophisticated, however users can create their own effective search
expressions with a basic regular expression subset.
Note that, by default grep only supports basic regular expressions to use
the extended regular expression features the the ”-E” option must be
specified or alternatively use Extended Grep (egrep).
Regular Expressions
. (dot) matches any single character
[abc] matches any single character from the set "a ,b or c"
(EH|FK)[0-9][0-9] Matches “EH” or “FK” followed by any two digits.
EH10 and FK12 would match but EH2 would not.
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Expression Quantifiers
Often it is more convenient to match multiples.
In this case we follow the expression with a "*", "+", "?" or {n}
.* Matches any number of any character (i.e. everything)
[0-9]* Matches any string of digits (e.g. phone numbers)
Combined Example
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Try running the “cat” command without any parameters, just “cat” on its own.
You will find that whatever you type gets repeated on the screen. The cat
command is reading its input from the keyboard and outputting it to the
screen, you can terminate this by pressing <Ctrl><D>.
# ls ~ >> homelist.txt
Both standard error can also be combined with standard output so that the
whole can be redirected as one.
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Pipes |
Another powerful technique is to take the output from one command or set of
commands, and use that as input to another. This is referred to as a “pipe”.
grep is useful as a command to "pipe" output through.
“ls” will list all the files in the directory public_html, grep will then filter this list
so that only lines containing the string “html” will pass through and be
Command $(ubstitution)
The result of one command can also be embedded inside another.
For example, the pwd command returns the present working directory; if you
would like to search for any line mentioning this directory from a file then use:-
Here pwd is run first and the result embedded in the command, so it becomes
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Asynchronous vs Sequential
Statements ( ; &)
It is possible to enter multiple commands on a command line by separating
them with semi-colons.
This is useful if the user expects that one of the commands might take a long
while to complete.
Each command will not start until the previous one has completed; This is a
“sequential” list.
Note: the number in square brackets is the "job" number and the number
following it the process ID (PID)
If “&” is put after a command it runs “in the background”, which means that the
command prompt comes back right way and another command can be
entered while the first is still running.
So the previous commands could just as easily be run as:-
# bigpayrolljob &
[1] 10355
# archivesystem &
[2] 10356
# getupdates &
[3] 10357
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All these commands can operate on files or accept input from a "pipe".
For example the following two commands are both valid and equivalent.
# sort biglist.txt
Example of the “ls” command output “piped” the output through sort.
# ls bigdirectory | sort
# ls bigdirectory | sort -r
If you would prefer a numerical sort so that 9 comes before 10 for example
use “-n”
# ls bigdirectory | sort -n
sort also does not have to index on the first character on each line, it can treat
the file as separate columns and sort the output on a particular column (or
"key") much like a spreadsheet application does.
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By default sort expects columns to separated by any whitespace (i.e. tabs or
Example: Sorting using the third column in the text file (-k opton).
If the columns are not delimited by spaces, then the column delimiting
character can be set using the "-t" option.
In the above example, sort assumes the file's data columns are separated by
colons ":" and sorts the output according to the text in column 2.
Alternatively a range of character positions can be used. Here the 8th to 15th
characters will be output.
Like sort, cut is most useful when isolating delimited columns (fields) from a
tabular data file. This is achieved using the "-f" option, however unlike sort the
default column delimiter for cut is the <tab> character, so if the source data's
columns are not separated by tabs then the delimiter must be specified using
the -d option.
For example if mylogfile.txt contains:-
Then the command:-
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As the command takes the third field from each line (-f3), as delimited with
colons (-d:).
Note that cut is also useful for processing single line output.
For example, in the following the filetype extension is extracted from a long
file pathname by using a dot as the field delimiter. This assumes a dot would
never appear in any other position.
If we have a file called ipv4.txt containing the following.
Then uniq would produce the following output.
# uniq ipv4.txt
uniq only removes consecutive identical lines from output, in order to remove
all duplicate lines the output would first need to be put into order using the sort
# sort ipv4.txt | uniq
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find - searching for objects in the
The “find” utility is a very powerful command which allows any file or directory
to be found depending on any of its attributes. To use find you need to specify
where in the filesystem to start looking from.
Look anywhere within the present working directory (.) for a file or directory
named foobar.txt
# find . -name foobar.txt
Search the whole of your own public_html directory for “html” files, note that
the “*” wildcard must be escaped with a “\” in this instance.
# find ~/public_html -name “*.html”
Find any files in your home directory which were modified less than 7 days
# find ~ -type f -mtime -7
Find any files that are bigger than 100000 characters (bytes) which were last
modified more than 31 days ago.
# find / -type f -mtime +31 -size +100000c
find can search based of practically any attribute, some of the most common
are shown below.
-atime days Time in days since the file was last accessed.
-ctime days Days since the file was changed.
(i.e. edit to the content, name or permissions)
-mtime days Number of days since the file's data was last
-newer file File was modified more recently than file.
-perm 755 File's permissions are exactly 755
-size size File uses size space, in 512-byte blocks.
Append size with `b' for bytes or `k' for kilobytes.
-type type File is type type, where type can be `d' for
directory or `f' for file
-user fred File is owned by user.fred
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find can also execute a command on all files that it has found using the
“-exec” option.
Example, find any big old files and remove them, say files over 500Kbytes
which have not been modified within the past year.
# find / -size +500k -mtime +365 -exec rm {} \;
For every file found the command rm filename ; will be executed and the
files will be removed (deleted).
Note that the “{}” shows where the found filename will be inserted.
The exec command must be terminated with a semi-colon, which in this case
has to be escaped with a back slash.
Another Example
Search for any HTML files which have permissions rwx --- --- (700) and
change them to 744.
find is the useful for making any bulk changes to the contents of the file
# man command
# man find
# man grep
With many commands you can also use the ”--help” switch get a brief
overview:- Example: # find --help
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# dirname /root/mydir/subdir/foobar
This command parses a pathname by removing the directory part returning
only the filename.
# basename /root/mydir/subdir/foobar.txt
readlink -f
This will provide an absolute pathname given a relative one.
# readlink -f ~
# readlink -f ../spot/myfile.txt
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Linux File Comparison Commands
Example result:-
< Timeout 120
> Timeout 60
< StartServers 2
< MaxClients 150
> StartServers 4
> MaxClients 300
If you just need to confirm that two text files are the same, without seeing any
differences listed, use the -q switch.
Example result:-
track01.mp3 shangalang.mp3 differ: byte 25, line 1
Note that cmp has a silent option "-s" which stops is outputting to standard
output. However it will still return its "exit status" to the shell, 0(true) if the files
are the same and 1(false) if they are different.
Command "exit status" is used for decision making in scripts.
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md5sum - calculate a file's hash
This command reads any file and computes a 128bit “message digest” based
on the file content.
This 16byte (32 hex character) digest can be considered as a unique
signature for the file.
If the file content has been altered in any way, a completely different digest
value would be produced.
# md5sum wary.7_0_1.iso
Example result:-
577b7c1c22b8a972f2eb9c8bad0ae228 wary.7_0_1.iso
MD5 digest values are very useful for verifying file integrity or identifying if two
files are the same without having to compare them byte by byte.
File repository web sites often list a file’s MD5 signature alongside its
download link so that the user can verify the file’s integrity after they have
downloaded it by running md5sum on the downloaded file.
If MD5 signatures are widely published, it can make it difficult to pass off a
hacked version of a program as the original.
Note: Although it is not easy, it is possible that a hacked version of a file could
be engineered to have the same MD5 signature as the original. For this
reason MD5 sums should only be relied apon for the detection of non-
intentional corruption. In the latter case a Secure Hash Algorithm would be
preferred, e.g. sha1sum, sha256sum or sha512sum.