This document provides exercises on using basic regular expressions to match patterns in text. It includes examples of regular expression operators like period, asterisk, character classes and anchors. The exercises practice writing regular expressions to match lines from sample text files based on criteria like containing specific words, starting or ending with certain patterns, or having a certain number of characters. The exercises cover matching fields in colon-delimited and other delimited files as well. Answers with regular expressions are provided to check the results.
This document provides exercises on using basic regular expressions to match patterns in text. It includes examples of regular expression operators like period, asterisk, character classes and anchors. The exercises practice writing regular expressions to match lines from sample text files based on criteria like containing specific words, starting or ending with certain patterns, or having a certain number of characters. The exercises cover matching fields in colon-delimited and other delimited files as well. Answers with regular expressions are provided to check the results.
This document provides exercises on using basic regular expressions to match patterns in text. It includes examples of regular expression operators like period, asterisk, character classes and anchors. The exercises practice writing regular expressions to match lines from sample text files based on criteria like containing specific words, starting or ending with certain patterns, or having a certain number of characters. The exercises cover matching fields in colon-delimited and other delimited files as well. Answers with regular expressions are provided to check the results.
This document provides exercises on using basic regular expressions to match patterns in text. It includes examples of regular expression operators like period, asterisk, character classes and anchors. The exercises practice writing regular expressions to match lines from sample text files based on criteria like containing specific words, starting or ending with certain patterns, or having a certain number of characters. The exercises cover matching fields in colon-delimited and other delimited files as well. Answers with regular expressions are provided to check the results.
The data files used in these exercises are in the directory /pub/cs/gboyd/cs160a/samples/Data on hills. Make sure you examine the data file, run your command, and examine your output carefully to determine if your command works correctly. This exercise set has answers at the back. Use them to check your work. All parts of this exercise set require basic regular expressions (BREs), and do not require 'turning on' the extended regular expression operators or using the -E option. Begin by reviewing the Basic Regular Expressions below: General Rules BREs are understood by every Unix command that understands regular expressions, particularly grep, sed, more and vi. • Always quote your regular expressions. For our class, use single-quotes. • Regular expressions can match any part of the line. If you want to control this, use anchors • Dont confuse regular expressions with shell wildcards. Regular expressions are used by one of the commands above to match text. Shell wildcards are used by the shell to match filenames. If you quote your regular expressions, the shell will not confuse them with a wildcard. Consider the file t below: $ cat t abc bc abc1d abcd12 Operator Matches Examples using the file t above . (period) any single character grep '...' matches all but the second line of t * 0 or more of the preceding * is a repetition operator. It repeats the character character (The character to the before it left of the * ) If * is the first grep 'c*d' matches any line with a d (0 or more character in the RE, it matches c's followed by a d) a literal * grep 'c.*d' matches the last two lines. (c followed by 0 or more of any character followed by a d) [1d] one character that is 1 or d grep '[1d]' matches the last two lines [[:class:]] one character that is a member grep '[[:digit:]]' matches the last two lines of class. Commonly-used grep '[[:digit:]][[:digit:]]' matches the classes are last line alpha, digit, space, upper, grep '[[:digit:]][[:alpha:]]' matches the lower, alnum, punct third line [^abc] one character that is any grep '[^d]' matches every line (since each line except a or b or c has a character that is not d) grep '[^d]$' matches all except the third line grep '[^[:alpha:]]' matches the last two lines. (Lines that have a non-alphabetic character.) ^ $ anchors. ^ matches the grep '^a' matches all but the second line beginning-of-line. $ matches grep 'c$' matches the first two lines the end-of-line. grep '[[:digit:]]$' matches the last line.
Exercises-BasicRegularExpressions CS160A Page 1 of 6
This document was produced with free software: on Linux. CS160A EXERCISES-BASICREGULAREXPRESSIONS Boyd Part One Using the file input1, write commands to output only the lines with the following characteristics: 1. that contains the word hello anywhere on the line 2. that start with the word hello 3. that start with any number (any digit) 4. that ends with the word hello 5. that ends with any alphabetic letter (upper- or lower- case) or a question mark 6. that ends with a period (be careful here). 7. that contains only the word hello (it's the only thing on the line) 8. that contain only numbers 9. that contain only numbers, dashes and space characters. 10.containing more than 9 characters (at least 10 characters. A character can be anything) 11.that start with any whitespace character 12.that contain a string. This is anything within double quotes. Allow empty strings like "" 13.repeat the last command, but do not allow empty strings. 14.a phone number. This is three digits followed by a dash followed by four digits. Notice that this outputs phone numbers with area codes as well. 15.This time your phone number should not have an area code - only the three digit, dash, four digit local phone number. (You can assume that your phone number is preceded by a whitespace character.) 16.Last, allow your phone number to be seven consecutive digits as well as the three digit dash four digit type. Part Two In this part we use a delimited file named Depts. It is in the samples directory discussed above. Look at the file Depts. Its format is DeptID:DeptName:EmpID:EmpName The EmpID is an integer. Write commands to output only the lines with the following characteristics: 1. the DeptID begins with an E 2. the DeptID has exactly two digits 3. The DeptName starts with M 4. The DeptName is more than one [alphabetic] word. The words can be separated by multiple spaces. 5. The EmpID is three digits Part Three In this part we will practice with matching lines from other delimited files. The first file, named sorttest, uses the '#' character as the delimiter and it has five fields. Start by examining the sorttest file in the samples directory. Notice that each field has a different format. This, coupled with which field we are interested in, enables us to make simplifying assumptions when working problems. (We will assume the sorttest file is much larger, and this is just a representative sample, so we must be conservative about our assumptions.) Example: Output the lines whose last field is Administrator (exactly). Solution: Since we are interested in the last field, we know that the last field is preceded by # and followed by the end of the line. We can use these facts to write a simple RE: grep '#Administrator$' sorttest Exercises-BasicRegularExpressions CS160A Page 2 of 6 This document was produced with free software: on Linux. CS160A EXERCISES-BASICREGULAREXPRESSIONS Boyd 1. Output lines whose third field is D14 2. Output lines whose first field is a three digit number. 3. Output lines whose next-to-last field has at least one uppercase letter in it Next we will use a standard system file, the /etc/passwd file, to do a few more interesting problems. Take a look at this file using tail /etc/passwd. You will see lines that look like this: gboyd:x:3496:208:Unix/Linux Guy:/users/gboyd:/bin/bash where the fields are username, pass, userid, groupid, gecos, homedir, shell We are going to combine our regular expressions with other tools to extract fields from records we specify. 4. Output the shell field of the user gboyd 5. Output the homedir field of the user cmetzler 6. Output the username field of the account with the userid 10025 7. Output all the usernames whose groupid field is 554 8. Output all the usernames whose gecos field is empty 9. Output the username field of all users whose userid is five digits and whose shell is not /bin/bash
Exercises-BasicRegularExpressions CS160A Page 3 of 6
This document was produced with free software: on Linux. CS160A EXERCISES-BASICREGULAREXPRESSIONS Boyd Answers 1. grep 'hello' input1 2. grep '^hello' input1 3. grep '^[[:digit:]]' input1 4. grep 'hello$' input1 5. grep '[?[:alpha:]]$' input1 6. grep '[.]$' input1 (or, better, grep '\.$' input1 ) (Remember: . is an operator!) 7. grep '^hello$' input1 8. grep '^[[:digit:]]*$' input1 (This will match empty lines. Can you fix it?) 9. grep '^[[:digit:] -][[:digit:] -]*$' input1 (This matches lines with only 1 or more characters that are digits spaces or dashes. Use this example to fix the previous one.) 10.grep '..........' input1 (If it contains more than 10 characters, it contains 10.) 11.grep '^[[:space:]]' input1 12.grep '".*"' input1 or, better, grep '"[^"]*"' input1 13.grep '"..*"' input1 or, better, grep '"[^"][^"]*"' input1 14.grep '[[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]]-[[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]] [[:digit:]]' input1 15.grep '[[:space:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]]-[[:digit:]][[:digit:]] [[:digit:]][[:digit:]]' input1 (This is not perfect, as there can be more digits after the phone number.) 16.grep -e '[[:space:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]]-[[:digit:]] [[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]]' -e '[[:space:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]] [[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]]' input1 (This will be much easier with extended regular expressions.) Part Two In a colon(:)-delimited file, the regular expression '[^:]*:' can be used to skip the contents of a field. (It means any number of non-colons, followed by a colon). Thus, '^[^:]*:x' is a regular expression that matches x at the start of the second field of a colon-delimited file. 1. grep '^E' Depts 2. grep '^.[[:digit:]][[:digit:]]:' Depts (Deptid starts with one alphabetic character.) 3. grep '^[^:]*:M' Depts 4. grep '^[^:]*:[[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]]* *[[:alpha:]]' Depts (note: two spaces between the asterisks) 5. grep ':[[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]]:[^:]*$' Depts (Matches a three-digit number in the next-to-last field.) Part Three 1. Since the format of the third field is unique, all we need to do is specify the field delimiter on each side of our search string (to separate D14 from D144, for example): grep '#D14#' sorttest 2. Since it is the first field, all we need do is specify the beginning-of-line on the left and the field delimiter on the right: grep '^[[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]]#' sorttest 3. This is more difficult, as every field except the first can have an uppercase letter. The only solution here to restrict our match of an upper-case letter to the fourth field is to specify the entire line either starting on the left (the first through fourth fields) or on the right (the fourth and fifth fields). Of course,
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This document was produced with free software: on Linux. CS160A EXERCISES-BASICREGULAREXPRESSIONS Boyd the latter is shorter. We are looking for an upper-case character [[:upper:]]. However, this can be in any position in the field, and to get to it we must skip the other characters. These characters can be anything except the field delimiter. An RE for a single character that is not # is [^#], so we can specify [part of] the fourth field by '[[:upper:]][^#]*#' (The last # separates it from the fifth field.) To distinguish the # in the RE above as the fourth # in the line, we must specify the last field. We don't care what is in it, so each character can be any character except #: '[^#]*' and it is followed by the end-of line. Thus our command is grep '[[:upper:]][^#]*#[^#]*$' sorttest In each of the examples below, execute the command once before the cut command to see the result of the grep, then add the cut command when you are satisfied with the result. 4. This one is simple: specify the contents of the first field using the BOL anchor and delimiter. This isolates the correct line, then extract the field: grep '^gboyd:' /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f7 5. Only the username and field number change: grep '^cmetzler:' /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f6 6. This is a bit more difficult, as there are two internal fields that are integers. It looks like the userid field is preceded by a field that is always x. If this is reliable, we have a simple solution: grep 'x:10025:' /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f1 However, if the use of the preceding field is not reliable, we must skip to the correct field grep '^[^:]*:[^:]*:10025:' /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f1 7. Again, if you can make the simplifying assumption that the groupid field is numeric and the pass field cannot be, you have a simple solution: grep '[[:digit:]]:554:' /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f1 If this is not a valid assumption, you must use the general solution grep '^[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:554:' /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f1 8. It looks like the only field that can be empty is the gecos field. If this is true, the solution is simple: grep '::' /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f1 If this is not a valid assumption you have a bit of a mess again. Since the gecos field is field #5 of 7 it is easiest to specify the pattern from the far end of the record: grep '::[^:]*:[^:]*$' /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f1 9. We will generalize the [simpler] solution where we searched for a specific userid before to get the records with 5-digit userids: grep 'x:[[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]]:' /etc/passwd This is very difficult, so we will introduce an extended regular expression here: grep -E 'x:[[:digit:]]{5}:' /etc/passwd (Note that these are all the student accounts, so the output is about 8000 lines.) Now the output of this command must be searched for lines whose shell is not /bin/bash. This is grep -v ':/bin/bash$' Putting it all together grep -E 'x:[[:digit:]]{5}:' /etc/passwd | grep -v ':/bin/bash$' | cut -d: -f1 Interestingly, this semester, many of these accounts have the shell field /bin/drop. We probably want to exclude them: grep -E 'x:[[:digit:]]{5}:' /etc/passwd | grep -v ':/bin/bash$' |
Exercises-BasicRegularExpressions CS160A Page 5 of 6
This document was produced with free software: on Linux. CS160A EXERCISES-BASICREGULAREXPRESSIONS Boyd grep -v ':/bin/drop$' | cut -d: -f1
Exercises-BasicRegularExpressions CS160A Page 6 of 6
This document was produced with free software: on Linux.