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UNIX For BI-ClassBook-Lesson03

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Lesson 03:

Lesson 03: Filters

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July 31, 2020 Proprietary and Confidential -1-
Lesson Objectives

➢ In this lesson, you will learn:

– Filter commands in UNIX:
• Simple Filters
• Advance Filters

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3.1: Simple Filters

What is a Filter?

➢ Filters are central tools of the UNIX tool kit.

➢ Commands work as follows:
– Accept some data as input.
– Perform some manipulation on the inputted data.
– Produce some output.
➢ Most of them work on set of records, with each field of a record delimited by a
suitable delimiter.
➢ When used in combination, they can perform complex tasks too.

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head Command

➢ The head command, by default, will display the first 10 lines of a file.
– Example 1: To display fist 10 lines from file employee:

$head employee
– Example 2: To display first 5 lines from file employee:

$head –5 employee
➢ Single command can be used to display lines from more than one file.

$ head -1 PuneEmp PKPEmp

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tail Command

➢ The tail command is useful to display last few lines or characters of the file.
– Example 1: To display last ten lines from employee:

$tail employee

– Example 2: To display last seven lines:

$tail –7 employee

– Example 3: To display lines from the 10th line till end of the file:

$tail +10 employee

– Example 4: To display last 5 characters of the file:

$tail -5c employee

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cut Command

➢ The cut command retrieves selected fields from a file.

$ cut [options] <filename>

– Options :
• -c : selects columns specified by list
• -f : selects fields specified by list
• -d : field delimiter (default is tab)

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cut Command

– Example 1: To display 2nd and 3rd field from file bookDetails.lst:

$ cut -d"|" -f2,3 bookDetails.lst

– Example 2: To display characters from 1st to 4th and 31st to 35th from file
bookDetails.lst :

$ cut -c1-4,31-35 bookDetails.lst

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paste Command

➢ The paste command is used for horizontal merging of files.

$paste <file1><file2><Enter>
– Options : -d (Field delimiter)

– Example 1: To paste enum.lst and ename.lst files:

$ paste enum.lst ename.lst

– Example 2: To paste enum.lst and ename.lst files with ‘|’ character as delimiter:

$ paste –d’I’ enum.lst ename.lst

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sort Command

➢ The sort command is useful to sort file in ascending order.

$sort <filename>

– Options are:
• -r : Reverse order
• -n : Numeric sort
• -f : Omit the difference between Upper and lower case alphabets
• -t : Specify delimiter
• -k : to specify fields as primary or secondary key
– Example:

$ sort -t"|" +1 bookDetails.lst

$sort –k3,3 -k2,2 employee

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uniq Command

➢ The uniq command fetches only one copy of redundant records and writes the
same to standard output.
– –u option: It selects only non-repeated lines.
– –d option: It selects only one copy of repeated line.
– -c option: It gives a count of occurrences.
➢ To find unique values, the file has to be sorted on that field.
– Example: To find unique values from file duplist.lst

$ uniq duplist.lst

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tee Command

Standard Input Standard


Output file

▪ To display contents of file employee on screen as well as save it in the file:

$ tee user.txt < employee

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3.2: Advanced Filters

find Command

➢ The find command locates files.

find <path list> <selection criteria> <action>

– Example 1: To locate the file named .profile starting at the root directory in the
system -print specify the action:

$ find / -name .profile –print

– Example 2: To locate the file named myfile starting at the root directory in the

find / -type f -name "myfile" -print

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grep Command

➢ The syntax for grep command is as follows:

grep <options> <pattern> <filename(s)>

– Example: The following example will search for the string UNIX in the file books.lst.
The lines which match the pattern will be displayed.

grep 'UNIX' books.lst

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grep Command

➢ Options of grep:
– c : It displays count of lines which match the pattern.
– n : It displays lines with the number of the line in the text file which match the
– v : It displays all lines which do not match pattern.
– i : It ignores case while matching pattern.
– -w : It forces grep to select only those lines containing matches that form whole

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grep Command

– Example 1: To print all lines containing “rose” regardless of case:

$grep -i rose flower.txt

– Example 2: To print all lines containing “rose” as a word:

$grep -w rose flower.txt

– Example 3: To print all lines not containing “rose”:

$grep -v rose flower.txt

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grep Command

➢ Regular Expression:

Expression Description
^ (Caret) match expression at the start of a line, as in ^A.
$ (Question) match expression at the end of a line, as in A$.
\ (Back Slash) turn off the special meaning of the next character, as in \^.
match any one of the enclosed characters, as in [aeiou]. Use Hyphen "-" for a
[ ] (Brackets)
range, as in [0-9].
[^ ] match any one character except those enclosed in [ ], as in [^0-9].
. (Period) match a single character of any value, except end of line.
* (Asterisk) match zero or more of the preceding character or expression.
\{x,y\} match x to y occurrences of the preceding.
\{x\} match exactly x occurrences of the preceding.
\{x,\} match x or more occurrences of the preceding.

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grep Command

➢ Examples of Regular Expression:

Example Description
grep “smile“ files search files for lines with ‘smile’
grep '^smile' files 'smile' at the start of a line
grep 'smile$' files 'smile' at the end of a line
grep '^smile$' files lines containing only 'smile'
grep '\^s' files lines starting with '^s', "\" escapes the ^
grep '[Ss]mile' files search for ‘Smile' or 'smile'
grep 'B[oO][bB]' files search for BOB, Bob, BOb or BoB
grep '^$' files search for blank lines
grep '[0-9][0-9]' file search for pairs of numeric digits

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fgrep Command

➢ The fgrep command is similar to grep command.

➢ Syntax:

$fgrep [ -e pattern_list] [-f pattern-file] [pattern] [Search file]

➢ The fgrep command is useful to search files for one or more patterns, which
cannot be combined together.
➢ It does not use regular expressions. Instead, it does direct string comparison to
find matching lines of text in the input.

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fgrep Command

➢ Options of fgrep command:

– -e pattern_list :
• It searches for a string in pattern-list.
– -f pattern-file :
• It takes the list of patterns from pattern-file.
– pattern
• It specifies a pattern to be used during the search for input.
• It is same as grep command.
– E.g To search employee file for all patterns stored in mypattern file
$ fgrep –f mypattern employee.lst

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egrep Command

➢ The egrep command works in a similar way. However, it uses extended regular
expression matching.
– Syntax:

egrep [ -e pattern_list ] [-f file ] [ strings ] [ file]

– Example: To find all lines with name “aggrawal” even though it is spelled differently:

$ egrep '[aA]gg?[ar]+wal' stud.lst

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➢ In this lesson, you have learnt:

– The head and tail filter commands filter the file horizontally.
– The cut and paste commands filter the file vertically.
– -m option of sort command is used to merge two sorted
– The tee command helps us to send o/p to standard o/p as
well as to file.
– grep, fgrep, and egrep commands use to search files for
some pattern.

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Review Questions

➢ Question 1: ___ command to display directory listing on

screen as well as store it in dirlist.lst.
➢ Question 2: ___ filter commands filter file vertically?
➢ Question 3: ___ filter commands filter file horizontally?

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