Spma ICMD 2009

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PT Suparma Tbk.

Paper and Allied Products

Head Office Jl. Sulung Sekolahan No. 6A Summary of Financial Statement

PO BOX 448, Surabaya 60174 (Million Rupiah)
Phone (031) 353-9888, 353-3799 (Hunting) 2007 2008 2009
Fax (031) 353-3827 Telex 31916 SPM SB IA
Total Assets 1,501,892 1,564,902 1,432,637
E-mail: [email protected] Current Assets 364,529 405,862 348,790
Website: www.ptsuparmatbk.com of which
Cash and cash equivalents 5,550 7,683 7,393
Factory Jl. Mastrip No. 856 Trade receivables 115,137 139,978 129,536
Karangpilang, Surabaya 60221 Inventories 237,772 252,540 200,416
Phone (031) 766-6666 (Hunting) Non-Current Assets 1,137,362 1,159,039 1,083,847
of which
Fax (031) 766-3287 Fixed Assets-Net 1,055,583 1,072,580 1,037,309
E-mail: [email protected] Deffered Tax Assets-Net 81,432 76,303 33,664
Website: www.ptsuparmatbk.com
Liabilities 825,757 903,069 743,873
Business Paper and Packaging Current Liabilities 90,239 136,023 251,561
Company Status PMDN of which
Accrued Expenses 10,770 27,898 17,936
Trade payables 35,229 48,903 22,573
Financial Performance: The Company successfully booked Taxes payable 3,789 3,429 5,358
net income at IDR26.932 billion in 2009, while in previous year Non-Current Liabilities 735,518 767,047 492,312
suffered net loss at IDR14.302 billion. Shareholders' Equity 676,135 661,832 688,765
Brief History: Established in 1976 under the name of PT Paid-up capital 596,819 596,819 596,819
Paid-up capital
Supar Inpama. In 1978 the name was changed to its current in excess of par value 598 598 598
form. The product of the company consists of HVS, carton and Retained earnings (accumulated loss) 78,718 64,416 91,348

craft liner under the trademarks of Suparma, Calculator Com- Net Sales 815,410 1,037,542 1,019,726
Cost of Goods Sold 663,201 887,967 900,410
puter, Telephone, Green Label Paper Cap Gajah and Elephant. Gross Profit 152,209 149,575 119,316
The main raw materials used by the company are pulp and re- Operating Expenses 39,320 51,643 55,169
Operating Profit 112,889 97,932 64,147
cycled paper. Other Income (Expenses) (73,544) (107,105) 8,964
Products are marketed directly to consumers, the major- Profit (Loss) before Taxes 39,346 (9,173) 73,111
ity being printing businesses and paper wholesalers. Profit (Loss) after Taxes 27,397 (14,302) 26,932

Per Share Data (Rp)

Earnings (Loss) per Share 18 (10) 18
Equity per Share 453 444 462
Dividend per Share n.a n.a n.a
Closing Price 270 87 205

Financial Ratios
PER (x) 14.70 (9.08) 11.36
PBV (x) 0.60 0.20 0.44
Dividend Payout (%) n.a n.a n.a
Dividend Yield (%) n.a n.a n.a

Current Ratio (x) 4.04 2.98 1.39

Debt to Equity (x) 1.22 1.36 1.08
Leverage Ratio (x) 0.55 0.58 0.52
Gross Profit Margin (x) 0.19 0.14 0.12
Operating Profit Margin (x) 0.14 0.09 0.06
Net Profit Margin (x) 0.03 n.a 0.03
Inventory Turnover (x) 2.79 3.52 4.49
Total Assets Turnover (x) 0.54 0.66 0.71
ROI (%) 1.82 (0.91) 1.88
ROE (%) 4.05 (2.16) 3.91

PER = 11.39x ; PBV = 0.51x (June 2010)

Financial Year: December 31
Public Accountant: Adi Jimmy Arthawan

(million rupiah)
2010 2009
June June

Total Assets 1,479,184 1,468,193

Current Assets 349,915 318,523
Shareholders Non-Current Assets 1,129,269 1,149,670
PT Gloriajaya Gempita 29.74% Liabilities 772,443 778,838
Shangton Finance Limited 15.58% Shareholders' Equity 706,741 689,355
PT Mahkotamutiara Mustika 14.87% Net Sales 580,868 466,711
UBS AG, Singapore 11.06% Profit after Taxes 17,976 27,523
Cashpoint Investments Limited 7.00%
Strategy Finance Limited 7.00% ROI (%) 1.22 1.87
Public 14.75% ROE (%) 2.54 3.99

214 Indonesian Capital Market Directory 2010

PT Suparma Tbk. Paper and Allied Products

Board of Commissioners Board of Directors

President Commissioner Jan Karunia Janto President Director Welly
Commissioners Paul Liputra, Suhartojo Tjandra, Directors M.B. Lanniwati, Hendro Luhur, Edward Sopanan
Joseph Sulaiman, Subiantara
Number of Employees 559

No Type of Listing Listing Date Trading Date Number of Shares Total Listed
per Listing Shares
1 First Issue 16-Nov-94 16-Nov-94 26,000,000 26,000,000
2 Company Listing 16-Nov-94 13-Jun-95 60,500,000 86,500,000
3 Bonus Shares 26-Aug-96 26-Aug-96 64,875,000 151,375,000
4 Stock Dividend 26-Aug-96 26-Aug-96 4,325,000 155,700,000
5 Stock Split 29-Dec-97 29-Dec-97 155,700,000 311,400,000
6 Bonus Shares 27-Sep-99 27-Sep-99 616,572,000 927,972,000
7 Stock Dividend 07-Aug-00 07-Aug-00 157,755,240 1,085,727,240
8 Stock Dividend 11-Oct-00 11-Oct-00 -93,680,582 992,046,658
9 Additional Listing Without
Pre-emptive Rights 23-Nov-07 23-Nov-07 500,000,000 1,492,046,658

PT Gadjah Tunggal, PT DBS Securities

Stock Price, Frequency, Trading Days, Number and Value of Shares Traded and Market Capitalization

Stock Price and Traded Chart

Stock Price (Rp) Million Shares
350 300






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Jan-09 Feb-09 Mar-09 Apr-09 May-09 Jun-09 Jul-09 Aug-09 Sep-09 Oct-09 Nov-09 Dec-09 Jan-10 Feb-10 Mar-10 Apr-10 May-10 Jun-10

Institute for Economic and Financial Research 215

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