114E Series: Engine

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Model Serial Number


00 Index and foreword

1 00 Index and foreword

114E-5 SERIES 00-1

00 Index and foreword

Index (ALL-0310-001-A-00-A)
00 Index and foreword ....................................................................................................................... 00-1
Index ......................................................................................................................................... 00-2
Foreword, safety and general information ..................................................................................... 00-5
Important safety notice ......................................................................................................... 00-5
How to read the shop manual.............................................................................................. 00-12
Explanation of terms for maintenance standard .................................................................... 00-14
Handling equipment of fuel system devices .......................................................................... 00-16
Handling of intake system parts........................................................................................... 00-17
Handling of hydraulic equipment.......................................................................................... 00-18
Method of disconnecting and connecting of push-pull type coupler ......................................... 00-20
Handling of electrical equipment.......................................................................................... 00-23
How to read electric wire code............................................................................................. 00-31
Precautions when performing operation ............................................................................... 00-34
Standard tightening torque table.......................................................................................... 00-39
List of abbreviation ............................................................................................................. 00-45
Conversion table ................................................................................................................ 00-50
01 Specification................................................................................................................................. 01-1
Table of contents ........................................................................................................................ 01-2
General information .................................................................................................................... 01-3
Exhaust gas regulation ......................................................................................................... 01-3
Specifications............................................................................................................................. 01-6
Applicable machines ............................................................................................................ 01-6
Specifications ...................................................................................................................... 01-7
General view ..................................................................................................................... 01-10
Engine performance curve .................................................................................................... 01-6
10 Structure and function ................................................................................................................... 10-1
Table of contents ........................................................................................................................ 10-2
Components layout..................................................................................................................... 10-3
Components layout drawing.................................................................................................. 10-3
Intake and exhaust system parts .................................................................................................. 10-5
Intake and exhaust system layout drawing ............................................................................. 10-5
Intake and exhaust system circuit diagram ............................................................................. 10-6
Air cleaner ........................................................................................................................... 10-8
KVGT.................................................................................................................................. 10-9
Aftercooler......................................................................................................................... 10-16
EGR system piping drawing ................................................................................................ 10-17
EGR system circuit diagram ................................................................................................ 10-19
EGR valve......................................................................................................................... 10-21
EGR cooler........................................................................................................................ 10-23
KCCV layout drawing ......................................................................................................... 10-25
KCCV ventilator ................................................................................................................. 10-28
KDPF................................................................................................................................ 10-32
Engine main body parts............................................................................................................. 10-36
Cylinder head .................................................................................................................... 10-36
Cylinder block .................................................................................................................... 10-38
Main moving parts.............................................................................................................. 10-40
Vibration damper................................................................................................................ 10-43
Timing gear ....................................................................................................................... 10-44
Front cover ........................................................................................................................ 10-45
Valve system ..................................................................................................................... 10-46
Flywheel............................................................................................................................ 10-47
Lubrication system.................................................................................................................... 10-48
Lubrication system parts layout drawing ............................................................................... 10-48
Lubrication system circuit diagram ....................................................................................... 10-50
Oil pump ........................................................................................................................... 10-51
Boost oil pump ................................................................................................................... 10-52
Oil filter.............................................................................................................................. 10-53
Oil cooler........................................................................................................................... 10-54

00-2 114E-5 SERIES

00 Index and foreword

Regulator valve.................................................................................................................. 10-55

Safety valve....................................................................................................................... 10-56
Oil pan .............................................................................................................................. 10-57
Fuel system ............................................................................................................................. 10-58
Fuel system parts layout drawing......................................................................................... 10-58
Fuel system circuit diagram................................................................................................. 10-60
Supply pump ..................................................................................................................... 10-64
Pre-filter ............................................................................................................................ 10-68
Main filter .......................................................................................................................... 10-69
Cooling system......................................................................................................................... 10-70
Cooling system parts layout drawing.................................................................................... 10-70
Cooling system circuit diagram............................................................................................ 10-71
Drive pulley ....................................................................................................................... 10-73
Water pump....................................................................................................................... 10-77
Thermostat ........................................................................................................................ 10-78
Electrical equipment.................................................................................................................. 10-80
Alternator .......................................................................................................................... 10-80
Starting motor .................................................................................................................... 10-84
Intake air heater ................................................................................................................. 10-88
Engine wiring harness ........................................................................................................ 10-89
Engine controller ................................................................................................................ 10-91
Sensor .............................................................................................................................. 10-97
20 Standard value tables.................................................................................................................... 20-1
Table of contents ........................................................................................................................ 20-2
Standard service value table........................................................................................................ 20-3
Standard value table for engine ............................................................................................. 20-3
Running-in standard and performance test standard ............................................................... 20-9
50 Disassembly and assembly ........................................................................................................... 50-1
Table of contents ........................................................................................................................ 50-2
Related information on disassembly and assembly ........................................................................ 50-3
How to read this manual ....................................................................................................... 50-3
Coating materials list ............................................................................................................ 50-5
Special tool list..................................................................................................................... 50-9
Sketch of special tool.......................................................................................................... 50-11
Disassembly and assembly ....................................................................................................... 50-12
General disassembly of engine ........................................................................................... 50-12
General assembly of engine................................................................................................ 50-31
Removal and installation procedure of supply pump unit alone............................................... 50-70
Engine front oil seal replacement procedure ......................................................................... 50-74
Engine rear oil seal replacement procedure.......................................................................... 50-77
60 Maintenance standard................................................................................................................... 60-1
Table of contents ........................................................................................................................ 60-2
Intake and exhaust system parts .................................................................................................. 60-3
KVGT.................................................................................................................................. 60-3
Engine main body parts............................................................................................................... 60-4
Cylinder head ...................................................................................................................... 60-4
Cylinder block ...................................................................................................................... 60-6
Cylinder liner ....................................................................................................................... 60-8
Crankshaft......................................................................................................................... 60-10
Piston ............................................................................................................................... 60-12
Connecting rod .................................................................................................................. 60-13
Vibration damper................................................................................................................ 60-15
Timing gear ....................................................................................................................... 60-16
Camshaft .......................................................................................................................... 60-17
Valve and valve guide......................................................................................................... 60-19
Rocker arm........................................................................................................................ 60-21
Flywheel............................................................................................................................ 60-23
Lubrication system.................................................................................................................... 60-25
Oil pump ........................................................................................................................... 60-25

114E-5 SERIES 00-3

00 Index and foreword

Index.................................................................................................................................................................... 1

00-4 114E-5 SERIES

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

Foreword, safety and general information (ALL-0370-001-A-00-A)

Important safety notice (ALL-1120-012-A-01-A)

(Rev. 2012/10)
• Appropriate servicing and repair are extremely important to ensure safe operation of the machine. The
shop manual describes the effective and safe servicing and repair methods recommended by Komatsu.
Some of these methods require the use of the special tools designed by Komatsu for the specific purpose.
• The symbol mark k is used for such matters that require special cautions during the work. The work
indicated by the caution mark should be performed according to the instructions with special attention to
the cautions. Should hazardous situation occur or be anticipated during such work, be sure to keep safe
first and take every necessary measure.

General precautions knowledge of welding perform the work. When

performing welding work, always wear welding
k Inappropriate handling causes an extreme gloves, apron, shielding goggles, cap, etc.
danger. Read and understand what is • Before starting work, warm up your body
described in the operation and maintenance thoroughly to start work under good condition.
manual before operating the machine. Read • Avoid continuing work for long hours and take
and understand what is described in this rests with proper intervals to keep your body in
manual before starting the work. good condition. Take a rest in a specified safe
• Before performing any greasing or repairs, read
all the safety labels stuck to the machine. For Safety points
the locations of the safety labels and detailed 1 Good arrangement
explanation of precautions, see the operation 2 Correct work clothes
and maintenance manual.
3 Observance of work standard
• Locate a place in the repair workshop to keep
4 Practice of making and checking signals
the tools and removed parts. Always keep the
Prohibition of operation and handling by
tools and parts in their correct places. Always 5
unlicensed workers
keep the work area clean and make sure that Safety check before starting work
there is no dirt, water or oil on the floor. Smoke
Wearing protective goggles (for cleaning or
only in the areas provided for smoking. Never 7 grinding work)
smoke while working.
Wearing shielding goggles and protectors (for
• When performing any work, always wear the 8 welding work)
safety shoes and helmet. Do not wear loose
9 Good physical condition and preparation
work cloths, or clothes with buttons missing.
Precautions against work which you are not
1. Always wear the protective eyeglasses when 10 used to or you are used to too much
hitting parts with a hammer.
2. Always wear the protective eyeglasses when Preparation
grinding parts with a grinder, etc. • Before adding oil or making any repairs, place
• When performing any work with two or more the machine on a firm and level ground, and
workers, always agree on the working procedure apply the parking brake and chock the wheels or
before starting. While working, always keep tracks to prevent the machine from moving.
conversations of the work between your fellow • Before starting work, lower the work equipment
workers and your self on any step of the work. (blade, ripper, bucket, etc.) to the ground. If it is
During the work, hang the warning tag of not possible to lower the equipment to the
"UNDER WORKING" in the operator's ground, insert the lock pin or use blocks to
compartment. prevent the work equipment from falling. And be
• Only qualified workers must perform the work sure to lock all the work equipment control levers
and operation which require license or and hang a warning tag on them.
qualification. • When performing the disassembling or
• Keep the tools in good condition. And learn the assembling work, support the machine securely
correct way to use the tools, and use the proper with blocks, jacks, or stands before starting the
ones among them. Before starting the work, work.
thoroughly check the tools, lift truck, service • Remove all of mud and oil from the steps or
vehicle, etc. other places used to get on and off the machine
• If welding repairs is required, always have a completely. Always use the handrails, ladders of
trained and experienced welder with good

114E-5 SERIES 00-5

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

steps when getting on or off the machine. Never • When removing piping, prevent the fuel or oil
jump on or off the machine. When the scaffold is from spilling out. If any fuel or oil drips onto the
not provided, use steps or stepladder to secure floor, wipe it off immediately. Fuel or oil on the
your footing. floor can cause you to slip and can even cause
Precautions during work • As a general rule, do not use gasoline to wash
• For the machine equipped with the battery parts. Do not use gasoline to clean the electrical
disconnect switch, check that the system parts, in particular.
operating lamp is turned off before starting the • Reinstall the parts removed to their original
work. Then, turn the battery disconnect switch to places. Replace the damaged parts and the
OFF (Q) position and remove the switch key. For parts which must not be used with new ones.
the machine not equipped with the battery When installing the hoses and wiring harnesses,
disconnect switch, remove the cable from the be careful that they are not damaged by
battery before starting the work. Be sure to contacting with other parts when the machine is
remove the negative end (-) of the battery cable operated.
first. • When connecting the high pressure hoses and
• Release the remaining pressure in the circuits tubes, make sure that they are not twisted. The
completely before the work when the parts in the damaged high pressure hoses and tubes are
circuits of oil, fuel, coolant and air are very dangerous when they are installed. So, be
disconnected or removed. When the cap of the extremely careful when connecting the high
oil filter, drain plug or oil pressure pickup plug is pressure pipings. In addition, check that their
removed, loose them slowly to prevent the oil connections are correct.
from spurting out. • When assembling or installing the parts, be sure
• When removing or installing the checking plug or to tighten the bolts to the specified torque. When
the piping in the fuel circuit, wait 30 seconds or installing the protective parts such as guards, or
longer after the engine is shut down and start the parts which vibrate violently or rotate at high
the work after the remaining pressure is speeds, be sure to check that they are installed
released from the fuel circuit. correctly.
• Immediately after the engine is shut down, the • When aligning 2 holes, never insert your fingers
coolant and oil in the circuits are hot. Be careful or hand into the holes. Align the holes with care
not to get scalded by the hot coolant and oil. so that your fingers are not caught in the hole.
Start the work after checking that the coolant • When measuring hydraulic pressure, check that
and oil are cooled down sufficiently. the measuring tools are correctly installed.
• Start the work after the engine is shut down. Be • Pay attention to safety when removing and
sure to shut down the engine when working on installing the tracks of the track type machines.
or around the rotating parts in particular. When When removing the track, it separates suddenly.
checking the machine without shutting down the The workers should not stand at either end of
engine (measuring oil pressure, rotational speed, the track.
oil or coolant temperature), take extreme care • If the engine is operated for a long time in a
not to get caught in the rotating parts or the closed place which is not ventilated well, you
working equipment. may suffer from gas poisoning. Accordingly,
• The hoist or crane must be used to sling the open the windows and doors to ventilate the
components weighing 25 kg or heavier. Check place well.
the slings (wire rope, nylon sling, chain and
hook) for damage before the work. Use the Precautions for slinging work and making
slings with ample capacity and install them to signals
the proper places. Operate the hoist or crane • Only one appointed worker must make signals
slowly to prevent the component from hitting any and co-worker must communicate with each
other part. Do not work with any part still raised other frequently. The appointed signaler must
by the hoist or crane. make specified signals clearly at the place
• When removing the part which is under internal where the signaler is well seen from the
pressure or reaction force of the spring, always operator's seat and where the signaler can see
leave 2 bolts in diagonal positions. Loosen those the working condition easily. The signaler must
2 bolts gradually and alternately and release the always stand in front of the load and guide the
pressure, then, remove the part. operator safely.
• When removing the part, be careful not to break 1. Do not stand under the load.
or damage the electrical wiring. The damaged 2. Do not step on the load.
wiring may cause electrical fires. • Check the slings before starting sling work.

00-6 114E-5 SERIES

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

• Keep putting on the gloves during sling work. • Apply wire ropes to the middle part of the hook.
(Put on the leather gloves, if available.)
a Slinging near the tip of the hook may cause
• Measure the weight of the load by the eye and
the rope to slip off the hook during hoisting.
check its center of gravity.
The strength of the hook is maximum at its
• Use the proper sling according to the weight of
central part.
the load and method of slinging. If too thick wire
ropes are used to sling a light load, the load may
slip and fall.
• Do not sling a load with 1 wire rope only. If do so,
the load may rotate or the sling gets loose and
the sling may slip off. Install 2 or more wire ropes

k Slinging with one rope may cause turning

of the load during hoisting, untwisting of
the rope, or slipping of the rope from its
original slinging position on the load,
which can result in a dangerous accident.
• Hanging angle must be 60 degrees or smaller as • Do not use twisted or kinked wire ropes.
a rule. • When slinging up a load, observe the following.
• When hanging a heavy load (25kg or heavier),
1. Wind up the rope slowly until the wire rope
the hanging angle of the rope must be narrower
tensions. When putting your hands on the
than that of the hook.
wire ropes, do not grasp them but press them
a When slinging a load with 2 ropes or more, down from above. If you grasp them, your
the larger the hanging angle is, the larger the fingers may be caught.
tension of each rope. The figure bellow 2. After the wire ropes are stretched, stop the
shows the variation of allowable load in kg crane and check the condition of the slung
when hoisting is made with 2 ropes, each of load, wire ropes, and pads.
which is allowed to sling up to 9.8 kN 3. If the load is unstable or the wire rope or
{1,000kg} a load vertically, at various chains are twisted, lower the load and lift it
hanging angles. When the 2 ropes sling a up again.
load vertically, up to 2000 kg of total weight 4. Do not lift up the load at an angle.
can be suspended. This weight is reduced to • When lowering a load, pay attention to the
1000 kg when the 2 ropes make a hanging following.
angle of 120 degrees. If the two ropes sling a 1. When lifting down a load, stop it temporarily
2000 kg load at a hanging angle of 150 at 30 cm above the floor, and then lower it
degrees, each rope is subjected to a force as slowly.
large as 4000 kg. 2. Check that the load is stable, and then
remove the sling.
3. Remove kinks and dirt from the wire ropes
and chains used for the sling work, and put
them in the specified place.

Precautions for using mobile crane

a Read the Operation and Maintenance Manual of
the crane carefully in advance and operate the
crane safely.

Precautions for using overhead traveling crane

k The hoist or crane must be used to sling the
components weighing 25 kg or heavier. A
• When installing wire ropes to an angular load,
part weighing 25 kg or heavier in
apply pads to protect the wire ropes. If the load
"disassembly and assembly" section is
is slippery, apply proper material to prevent the
wire rope from slipping. indicated with the symbol of 4 .
• Use the specified eye bolts and fix wire ropes,
chains, etc. to them with shackles, etc.

114E-5 SERIES 00-7

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

• Before starting work, check the wire ropes, Nominal

diameter of rope Allowable load
brake, clutch, controller, rails, over winding
prevention device, ground fault circuit interrupter mm kN ton
for electric shock prevention, crane collision 50 221.6 22.6
prevention device, and energizing warning lamp, 60 318.3 32.4
and check the following safety items.
• Observe the signals for sling work. a The allowable load is calculated as one sixth of
• Operate the hoist at a safe place. the breaking load of the rope to be used (safety
• Be sure to check the directions of the direction coefficient: 6).
indication plate (north, south, east and west) and
the operating button. Precautions for disconnecting and connecting
hoses and tubes in air conditioner circuit
• Do not sling a load at an angle. Do not move the
crane while the slung load is swinging. Disconnection
• Do not raise or lower a load while the crane is
k When replacing the air conditioner unit, air
moving longitudinally or laterally.
• Do not drag a sling. conditioner compressor, condenser or
• When lifting up a load, stop it just after it leaves receiver drier, etc., collect the refrigerant (air
the ground and check safety, and then lift it up. conditioner gas: R134a) from the air
• Consider the travel route in advance and lift up a conditioner circuit before disconnecting the
load to a safe height. air conditioner hoses.
• Place the control switch in a position where it will
a Ask a qualified person for collecting, adding and
not be an obstacle to work and passage.
filling operations of the refrigerant (air
• After operating the hoist, do not swing the
conditioner gas: R134a). (Only registered
control switch.
persons can work.)
• Remember the position of the main switch so
that you can turn off the power immediately in an a Never release the refrigerant (air conditioner
emergency. gas: R134a) to the atmosphere.
• Shut down the main switch when the hoist stops
k If refrigerant gas (air conditioner gas: R134a)
because of a blackout. When turning on a switch
which is turned OFF by the ground fault circuit gets in your eyes, you may lose your sight.
interrupter for electric shock prevention, check And if it touches your skin, you may suffer
that the devices related to that switch are not in from frostbite. Put on protective eyeglasses,
operating condition. gloves and working clothes with long
• If you find an obstacle around the hoist, stop the sleeves while collecting the refrigerant or
operation. filling the air conditioner circuit with the
• After finishing the work, stop the hoist at the refrigerant.
specified position and raise the hook to at least 2
• When loosening the nuts fixing air conditioner
meters above the floor. Do not leave the sling
hoses and tubes, be sure to use 2 wrenches;
attached to the hook.
use one wrench to fix and use the other one to
Selecting wire ropes loosen the nut.
• Select adequate ropes depending on the weight
of the parts to be hoisted, referring to the table
• When installing the hose for the air conditioner
circuit, take care not to allow invasion of dirt,
Wire rope (JIS G3525, 6 x 37 - Type A)
dusts and water into the hose.
(Standard Z twist wire ropes without galvanizing) • Check that the O-rings are fitted to the joints
Nominal when connecting the air conditioner piping.
diameter of rope Allowable load • Once an O-ring is used, it is deformed and
mm kN ton deteriorated. Accordingly, do not reuse it.
10 8.8 0.9 • When removing the O-rings, use a soft tool so
that the piping is not damaged.
12 12.7 1.3
• Check that the O-ring is not damaged or
14 17.3 1.7
16 22.6 2.3 • Apply compressor oil for refrigerant (R134a) to
18 28.6 2.9 the O-ring.
20 35.3 3.6
25 55.3 5.6 a However, do not apply oil to the threaded
portion of a bolt, nut or union.
30 79.6 8.1
40 141.6 14.4

00-8 114E-5 SERIES

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

Manufacturer Part name

VALEO THERMAL ZXL100PG (equivalent to
• When tightening nuts of the air conditioner
hoses and tubes, be sure to use 2 wrenches.
Use one wrench to fix and tighten the nut with
the other wrench to the specified torque (Use a
torque wrench for tightening).
a Example of fitting of O-ring
• An O-ring is fitted to every joint of the air
conditioner piping.

For tightening torques, see "Others",

"Precautions for disconnection and connection
of air conditioner piping".

114E-5 SERIES 00-9

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

Precautions to prevent fire (ALL-0000-17B-K-03-A)

• Fire caused by fuel, oil, coolant or window • Remove any dry leaves, chips, pieces of
washer fluid paper, coal dust, or any other flammable
Do not bring any flame or fire close to flammable materials accumulated or attached to or
substances such as fuel, oil, coolant or window around the engine exhaust manifold, muffler,
washer fluid.There is danger that they may catch or battery, or on the undercovers.
fire. Always observe the following. • To prevent fires from being caught, remove
• Do not smoke or use any flame near fuel or any flammable materials such as dry leaves,
other flammable substances. chips, pieces of paper, coal dust, or any
• Shut down the engine before adding fuel. other flammable materials accumulated
• Do not leave the machine when adding fuel around the cooling system (radiator, oil
or oil. cooler) or on the undercover.
• Tighten all the fuel and oil caps securely. • Fire coming from electric wiring
• Be careful not to spill fuel on overheated Short circuits in the electrical system can cause
surfaces or on parts of the electrical system. fire. Always observe the following.
• After adding fuel or oil, wipe up any spilled • Keep all the electric wiring connections clean
fuel or oil. and securely tightened.
• Put greasy rags and other flammable • Check the wiring every day for looseness or
materials into a safe container to maintain damage. Reconnect any loose connectors or
safety at the workplace. refasten wiring clamps. Repair or replace any
• When washing parts with oil, use a non- damaged wiring.
flammable oil. Do not use diesel oil or • Fire caused by piping
gasoline.There is danger that they may catch Check that all the clamps for the hoses and
fire. tubes, guards, and cushions are securely fixed
• Do not weld or use a cutting torch to cut any in position.
pipes or tubes that contain flammable liquids. If they are loose, they may vibrate during
• Determine well-ventilated areas for storing oil operation and rub against other parts.There is
and fuel. Keep the oil and fuel in the danger that this may lead to damage to the
specified place and do not allow hoses and cause high-pressure oil to spurt out,
unauthorized persons to enter. leading to fire and serious personal injury or
• When performing grinding or welding work death.
on the machine, move any flammable • Fire around the machine due to highly heated
materials to a safe place before starting. exhaust gas
This machine is equipped with KDPF (Komatsu
Diesel Particulate Filter).
KDPF is a system for purifying soot in exhaust
gas.Its exhaust gas discharged during
purification process (regeneration) can be at
higher temperature than that from existing
models. Do not bring any flammable material
close to the outlet of the exhaust pipe.
• When there are thatched houses, dry leaves
or pieces of paper near the work site, set the
9 J D 0 1 7 2 0
system to disable the regeneration before
starting work to prevent fire hazards due to
highly heated exhaust gas.
See the operation and maintenance manual
for the setting procedure.
• Explosion caused by lighting equipment
• When checking fuel, oil, battery electrolyte,
or coolant, always use lighting equipment
with anti-explosion specifications.
• When taking the electrical power for the
lighting equipment from the machine itself,
9 J D 0 1 7 2 1
follow the instructions in the operation and
• Fire caused by accumulation or attachment maintenance manual.
of flammable material

00-10 114E-5 SERIES

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

Action if fire occurs (ALL-0000-17A-K-01-A)

• Turn the starting switch to OFF position to stop

the engine.
• Use the handrails and steps to get off the
• Do not jump off the machine. You may fall or
suffer serious injury.
• The fume generated by a fire contains harmful
materials which have a bad influence on a
human body when they are sucked.
Don't breathe a fume.
• After a fire, there may be harmful compounds
left. If it touches your skin it may have a bad
influence on your body.
Be sure to wear rubber gloves when handle the
materials left after the fire.
The material of the gloves, which is
recommended is polychloroprene (Neoprene) or
polyvinyl chloride (in the lower temperature
When wearing cotton-work-gloves, wear rubber
gloves under them.

114E-5 SERIES 00-11

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

How to read the shop manual (ALL-0320-010-A-03-A)

(Rev. 2012/10)
• Some attachments and optional parts described in this shop manual may not be arranged for certain
areas. Contact your Komatsu distributor if one or some of them are required.
• Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice.
• The shop manuals are available for "Machine part" and "Engine part". For the engine, see the shop
manual for the same model of the engine as the one which is mounted on the machine.

Composition of shop manual

• This shop manual describes the technical information required for the services performed in a workshop.
The shop manual is divided into the following chapters for the convenience of use.
00. Index and foreword
• This section includes the index, foreword, safety and basic information.
01. Specification
• This section explains the specifications of the machine.
10. Structure and function
• This section explains the structure and function of the machine. The section of "Structure and function"
serves not only to give an understanding for the structure of each component, but also serves as
reference material for troubleshooting.
20. Standard value table
• The standard values for a new machine and trouble shooting are described. This standard value table is
used for testing and adjusting, and determining a failure at troubleshooting.
50. Disassembly and assembly
• This section explains the procedures for removing, installing, disassembling, and assembling each part or
component and the special tools for the works as well as precautions for doing them safely. In addition,
tightening torque, and quantity and weight of coating material, oil, grease, and coolant required for the
works are also explained.
60. Maintenance standard
• This section describes the maintenance standard values for each component. This section gives the
criterion values for each component and required remedy at disassembly or maintenance.

00-12 114E-5 SERIES

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

Important safety and quality portions are marked with the following symbols so that the shop manual is used
Symbol Item Remarks
Safety The special safety precautions required for performing work are
k described.
The special technical precautions or other precautions for preserving
a Caution standards required when performing work are described
The weight of part or component and the cautions required when
4 Weight selecting hoisting wire or when working posture is important are
Tightening The tightening torques that require special attention during assembly
3 torque work are indicated.
The places to be coated with adhesives, grease, etc. during assembling
2 Coat
are indicated.
Oil, coolant The places where oil, coolant, etc. must be added and the quantity to be
5 added are indicated.
Places where oil, coolant, etc. must be drained and the quantity to be
6 Drain
drained are indicated.

• In this shop manual, the units are indicated with International System of units (SI).
• For reference, Gravitational System of units which is used to be used is indicated in parentheses of { }.

114E-5 SERIES 00-13

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

Explanation of terms for maintenance standard (ALL-0330-006-A-01-A)

(Rev. 2012/10)
• The chapter of maintenance standard shows judgement criteria to determine the products to be replaced
or to be reused. The judgement criteria are described by using the following terms.

Standard dimension and tolerance • When some parts are repaired, the value of
• To be accurate, the finished dimension of a part performance/function is set to the standard
is slightly different from one to another. value.
• The finished dimension of a part specifies the
allowable difference from the standard
dimension which is set first.
• The dimension set as the standard is called the
standard dimension and the range of difference
from this standard dimension is called the
• An indication example of a standard dimension
and tolerance is shown in the following table.
(The standard dimension is entered on the left
side and the tolerance is entered with a positive
or negative symbol on the right side)
Standard dimension Tolerance
• The tolerance may be indicated in the text and a
table as "standard dimension (upper limit of
tolerance/lower limit of tolerance)."
Example: 120(-0.022/-0.126)
• Usually, the dimension of a hole and the
dimension of a shaft to be inserted into the hole
are indicated by the same standard dimension
and different tolerances of the hole and shaft.
The tightness of fit is decided by the tolerance.
• An indication example of a shaft and hole is
shown in the following table.
Standard interference
(The standard dimension is entered on the left
• When the diameter of a hole of a part shown in
side and the tolerance of the shaft is entered
with a positive or negative symbol at the center the given standard dimension and tolerance
table is smaller than that of the shaft to be
and that of the hole on the right side)
inserted, the difference between those
Standard Tolerance diameters is called the "interference".
dimension Shaft Hole • Subtract the maximum dimension of the hole
-0.030 +0.046 from the minimum dimension of the shaft and
-0.076 0 call it (A). Subtract the minimum dimension of
the hole from the maximum dimension of the
Standard clearance and standard value shaft and call it (B). The range between (A) and
• The clearance made when new parts are (B) is the "standard interference".
assembled is called the standard clearance, • After repairing or replacing some parts, measure
which is indicated by the range from the the dimension of their hole and shaft and check
minimum clearance to the maximum clearance. that the interference is in the standard range.
• When some parts are repaired, the clearance is
generally adjusted to the standard clearance. Repair limit and allowable value or allowable
• The values indicating performance and function dimension
of new products or equivalent are called the • The dimensions of parts change because of the
"standard value", which is indicated by a range wear or deformation while they are used. When
or a target value. the dimension changes exceeding certain value,

00-14 114E-5 SERIES

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

the parts can not be used any longer. This value

is called "repair limit".
• If a part is worn to the repair limit, it must be
replaced or repaired.
• The performance and function of the products
lower while they are used. When the value of the
performance and function lowers exceeding a
certain limit and it influences the operation etc.,
this value is called the allowable value or
allowable dimension.
• A product whose dimension is out of the
allowable value, must be repaired. However,
since the allowable values are generally
estimated through various tests or experiences
in most cases, the judgement must be made in
consideration of the operating condition and
customer's requirement.

Allowable clearance
• Parts can be used until the clearance between
them is increased to a certain limit. The limit at
which those parts cannot be used is called the
"allowable clearance".
• If the clearance between the parts exceeds the
allowable clearance, they must be replaced or

Allowable interference
• The allowable maximum interference between
the hole of a part and the shaft of another part to
be assembled is called the "allowable
• The allowable interference shows the repair limit
of the part of smaller tolerance.
• The parts whose interferences are out of the
allowable interference must be replaced or

114E-5 SERIES 00-15

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

Handling equipment of fuel system devices (PC-AD00-2A4-K-00-A)

(Rev. 2012/01)
• The common rail fuel injection system (CRI)
consists of more precise parts than the parts
used in the conventional fuel injection pump and
nozzle. If foreign material enters this system, it
may cause a failure. Use special care to prevent
entry of the foreign material when servicing the
fuel system.

Use care for working environment

• Avoid filter change or repairing the machine in
rain or high winds, or at places where there is a
lot of dust.
Sealing openings
• Plug the pipes and the openings of the
components which are removed with the caps,
tapes, vinyl bags, etc. to prevent foreign material
from entering. Never perform repair works under
the condition that the openings are left as they
are or plugged with cloths as foreign material
may enter or environment may be polluted by
the oil leaked. Do not discard the waste oil
somewhere or other. Hand it over to your
customer for disposal, or dispose it by yourself.

How to clean parts when dirt is stuck

• If any dirt or dust sticks the parts of the fuel
system, clean it off thoroughly with clean fuel.

Precautions for replacing fuel filter cartridge

• Be sure to use the Komatsu genuine fuel filter
• The common rail fuel injection system (CRI)
consists of more precise parts than the parts
used in the conventional fuel injection pump and
nozzle. In order to prevent foreign material from
entering this system, the filter employs a
specially high performance of filter element. If a
filter element other than the genuine one is used,
the fuel system may have a failure. Accordingly,
never use such a filter element.

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00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

Handling of intake system parts (PC220-A900-2A4-K-00-A)

• The Komatsu Variable Geometry Turbocharger
(KVGT) consists of more precise parts (variable
mechanism) than the parts used in the
conventional turbocharger. If foreign material
enters this system, it may cause a failure. Use
special care to prevent entry of the foreign
material when servicing the air intake system.

Be careful of working environment

• Avoid the repair work of the machine in rain or
strong wind or at the places where there is a lot
of dust.
Sealing openings
• Plug the pipes and the openings of the
components which are removed, with the caps,
tapes, vinyl bags, etc. to prevent foreign material
from entering. Never perform repair works under
the condition that the openings are left open or
plugged with rag since foreign material may

114E-5 SERIES 00-17

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

Handling of hydraulic equipment (ALL-C000-2A4-P-01-A)

(Rev. 2012/10)
• With the increase in pressure and precision of the hydraulic components, the most common cause of a
failure is dirt (foreign material) in the hydraulic circuit. Therefore, the special care must be taken when
adding hydraulic oil,or when disassembling or assembling the hydraulic components.

Be careful of working environment

• Avoid adding hydraulic oil, replacing filters, or
repairing the machine in rain or high winds, or at
places where there is a lot of dust.

Disassembly and maintenance work in the field

• When disassembly or maintenance work of the
hydraulic is performed in the field, there is
danger of dust entering the components. It is
also difficult to check the performance of the
components after repairs, so it is desirable to
use the component exchange service. The
disassembly and assembly of the hydraulic
components must be performed in the specially
arranged dustproof workshop and the Preventing intrusion of foreign materials during
performance test of the components must be refilling operations.
performed with the special testing equipment. • Care must be taken when adding hydraulic oil so
that foreign material does not enter. Keep the oil
filler port and the area around it, oil supply pump
and oil container clean. If an oil cleaning device
is used, it is possible to remove the dirt that is
collected during storage. It is a surer means.

Plugging of opening (prevention of flowing out

of oil)
• Plug the pipes and the openings of the
components which are removed (when plugs
are not prepared, seal with caps, tapes, vinyl
bags, etc.) to prevent entry of foreign material Replacing hydraulic oil while its temperature is
and flowing out of oil. Never leave the openings high
• When the hydraulic oil is warm, it flows easily. In
of the pipes and hoses without being covered or
addition, sludge can also be drained from the
plugged with cloth as foreign material may enter
them or environment may be polluted by the oil circuit together with the oil. So, it is better to
leaked. Do not discard the waste oil somewhere change the hydraulic oil while it is warm. When
or other. Hand it over to your customer for changing the hydraulic oil, the old oil must be
disposal, or dispose it by yourself. drained as much as possible. (Drain the oil not
only from the hydraulic tank, but also from the
filter housing and the drain plug hole in the
circuit.) If the old oil is left in the system, the
contaminant and sludge in the oil mix with the
new oil and shorten the life of the new hydraulic

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00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

Flushing operations
• After disassembling the equipment or when
changing the hydraulic oil with new one, flush
the system to remove the contaminant and
sludge left in the hydraulic circuit as well as the
oil which includes them. Normally, flushing is
performed twice. Primary flushing is performed
by use of the flushing oil and the secondary
flushing is performed by use of the specified
hydraulic oil.

Cleaning operations
• After repairing the hydraulic equipment (pump,
control valve, etc.) or when the machine is in
operation, perform oil cleaning to remove the
sludge or contaminant in the hydraulic oil circuit.
The oil cleaning equipment can remove the ultra
fine (approximately 3 μm) particles that the filter
built in the hydraulic equipment can not remove.
So, it is an extremely effective device.

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00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

Method of disconnecting and connecting of push-pull type coupler (ALL-

(Rev. 2012/01)

k Loosen the oil filler cap of the hydraulic tank slowly to release the remaining pressure in the
hydraulic tank.

k Even if the remaining pressure is released from the hydraulic tank, some hydraulic oil flows out
when the hose is disconnected. Accordingly, prepare an oil container.

Type 1 (ALL-C930-925-P-01-A)

Disconnection Connection
1. Hold adapter (1) and push hose joint (2) into 1. Hold hose adapter (1) or hose (5) and insert it in
mating adapter (3). (Fig. 1) mating adapter (3) aligning them with each other.
(Fig. 4)
a It can be pushed in by approximately 3.5mm.
a Do not hold rubber cap part (4).
a Do not hold rubber cap portion (4).
2. After inserting the hose fitting in the adapter on
2. While pushing hose joint (2) into adapter (3),
the other side perfectly, pull it back to check the
push rubber cap (4) against adapter (3) until
connecting condition. (Fig. 4)
"click" is heard. (Fig. 2)
3. Hold hose adapter (1) or hose (5) and pull it out. a When the hose fitting is pulled back, the
(Fig. 3) rubber cap will move toward the hose,
however, it is not a problem.
a Since some hydraulic oil flows out, prepare
an oil container.

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00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

Type 2 (ALL-C930-925-P-02-A)

Disconnection Connection
1. While holding the fitting, push body (7) in straight 1. While holding the fitting, push body (7) in straight
until sliding prevention ring (6) hits contact until sliding prevention ring (6) hits contact
surface (a) at the hexagonal part on the male surface (a) at the hexagonal part on the male
side. (Fig. 6) side to connect it. (Fig. 9)
2. While keeping the condition of Step 1, turn lever
(8) to the right (clockwise). (Fig. 7)
3. While keeping the conditions of Steps 1 and 2,
pull out whole body (7) to disconnect it. (Fig. 8)

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00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

Type 3 (ALL-C930-925-P-03-A)

Disconnection Connection
1. While holding the fitting, push body (9) in straight 1. While holding the fitting, push body (9) in straight
until sliding prevention ring (8) hits contact until sliding prevention ring (8) hits contact
surface (b) at the hexagonal portion on the male surface (a) at the hexagonal portion on the male
side. (Fig. 10) side to connect them. (Fig. 13)
2. While keeping the condition of Step 1, push
cover (10) straight until it hits contact surface (b)
of the hexagonal portion on the male side. (Fig.
3. While keeping the conditions of Steps 1 and 2,
pull out whole body (9) to disconnect it. (Fig. 12)

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00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

Handling of electrical equipment (ALL-E000-2A4-P-01-A)

(Rev. 2012/11)

• To maintain the performance of the machine over a long period, and to prevent failures or troubles before
they occur, correct "operation", "maintenance and inspection" "troubleshooting", and "repairs" must be
performed. This section deals particularly with correct repair procedures for mechatronics components
and is aimed at improving the quality of repairs. For this purpose, it describes the working procedures in
"Handling of electrical equipment".

Precautions for handling electric equipment

Handling wiring harnesses and connectors

• Wiring harnesses consist of wires connecting
one component to another component,
connectors used for connecting and
disconnecting one wire from another wire, and
protectors or tubes used for protecting the wires.
• Compared with other electrical components
fitted in boxes or cases, wiring harnesses are
more likely to be affected by the direct effects of
rain water, heat, or vibration. Furthermore,
during inspection and repair operations, they are
frequently removed and installed again, so they Defective crimping or soldering of connectors
are likely to suffer deformation or damage. For
this reason, it is necessary to be extremely • The pins of the male and female connectors are
careful when handling the wiring harnesses. attached to wires by crimping or soldering. If
excessive force is applied to the wire, the joining
area may become loose, which may result in a
defective connection or breakage.

Main failures occurring in wiring harness

Defective contact of connectors (defective
contact between male and female connectors) Disconnections in wiring
• Problems with defective contact are likely to • If the wiring harness is pulled to disconnect the
occur because the male connector is not connector, or the components are lifted with a
properly inserted into the female connector,or crane while the wiring harness is still connected,
because one or both of connectors are or a heavy object hits the wiring harness, the
deformed or the position is not correctly aligned, crimping of the connector may separate, or the
or because there is corrosion or oxidization of soldering may be damaged, or the wiring
the contact surfaces. The corroded or oxidized harness may be broken.
contact surfaces may become shiny again (and
contact may become normal) by connecting and
disconnecting the connectors approximately 10

114E-5 SERIES 00-23

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

blow it with compressed air and spray it with

electrical contact restorer.
a When wiping the joint portion of the
connector, be careful not to apply excessive
force or deform the pins.
a If there is oil or water in the compressed air, it
causes the contacts to become dirtier. So,
remove the oil and water from the
compressed air completely before cleaning
the connector with the compressed air.

High-pressure water entering connector

• The connector is designed to make it difficult for
water to enter (drip-proof structure), but if high-
pressure water is sprayed directly on the
connector, water may enter the connector,
depending on the direction of the water jet.
Accordingly, take care not to spray water over
the connector.
The connector is designed to prevent water from
entering, but once water does enter, it is difficult
to drain it. If water should get into the connector,
the pins will be short-circuited by the water. So if
any water gets in, immediately dry the connector Removing, installing, and drying connectors
and wiring harnesses
or take other appropriate action before passing
Disconnecting connectors
electricity through it.
1. Hold the connectors when disconnecting.
• Disconnect connectors by holding the
connector bodies. For the connectors held by
a screw, loosen the screw fully, then hold the
male and female connectors with each hand
respectively and pull them apart horizontally.
For the connectors with lock stopper, press
down the stopper with your thumb and pull
the connectors apart.
a Never pull the connector with one hand.

Entry of water, mud or dirt when disconnecting a

• If any water, mud or dirt is stuck to the outside
surface of a connector, it can enter inside the
connector when the connector is disconnected.
Before disconnecting the connector, wipe off any
stuck water or dirt by using a piece of dry cloth
or blow it with compressed air.
Oil, mud or dirt stuck to connector
• If any oil or grease is stuck to the connector and
an oil film is formed on the mating surface of the 2. When removing from clips
male and female pins, the oil prevents electricity • Both of the connector and clip have stoppers,
from passing through, resulting in defective which are engaged with each other when the
contact. If any oil or grease, mud or dirt is stuck connector is connected.
to the connector, wipe it off with a dry cloth or

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00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

• Check that there is no oil, dirt or water stick

to the connector pins (joint portion).
• Check that the connector pins are free from
deformation, defective contact, corrosion, or
• Check that external surfaces of the
connectors are free from damage or
a If any oil, water or dirt is stuck to the
connector, wipe it off with a dry cloth. If any
water is inside the connector, warm the
connector and the inside of the wiring
• When removing a connector from a clip, pull harness with a dryer. But be careful not to
the connector in a parallel direction to the clip make it too hot as it causes short circuit.
for removing stoppers. a If there is any damage or breakage, replace
a If the connector is pried up and down or the connector.
to the right and left, the housing may 2. Fix the connector securely.
break. • Align the connectors correctly, and fit them
securely. For the connectors with the lock
stopper, push in the connectors until "click" is

3. Action to take after removing connectors

• After removing the connector, cover it with
the vinyl bag to prevent entry of dust, dirt,oil
or water in the contact portion. 3. Correct the protrusion of the boot and
misalignment of the wiring harness
a If the machine is left disassembled for a • For connectors fitted with the boot, correct
long time, it is particularly easy for any extrusion of the boot. In addition, if the
improper contact to occur, so always wiring harness or the clamp is out of the
cover the connector. position, put it in its original position.
a If the connector cannot be corrected
easily, remove the clamp and adjust the

Connecting connectors
1. Check the connector visually.

114E-5 SERIES 00-25

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

• If the connector clamp is removed, be sure to Drying wiring harness

return it to its original position. And check • If there is any oil or dirt on the wiring harness,
that it is securely installed. wipe it off with a dry cloth. Avoid washing by
using steam. If the wire harness must be
washed in water, do not apply high pressure
water or steam directly to the wiring harness. If
water gets directly on the connector, do as
1. Disconnect the connector and wipe off the water
with a dry cloth.
a If the connector is to be blown with dry
compressed air, there is a risk that oil in the
air may cause defective contact of the
conditioner, remove oil and water in the air
before starting air blow.
Handling of Deutsch connector (DT8-pin, DT12-
1. While pressing locks (a) and (b) from each side
respectively, pull out female connector (2).

2. Dry the inside of the connector with a dryer.

If water gets inside the connector, use a dryer to
dry the connector.
a Hot air from the dryer can be used, but
regulate the time to use hot air in order to
prevent the connector or related parts from
Connection becoming too hot, as it causes deformation
1. Push in female connector (2) horizontally until or damage to the connector.
the lock clicks. (Arrow: x)
2. Since locks (a) and (b) may not be set
completely, push in female connector (2) with
curving movement until the locks are set
normally. (Arrow: x, y, and z)
a Lock (a) in the figure is pulled down (not set
completely), and lock (b) is set completely.

3. Perform a continuity test on the connector.

After drying, leave the wiring harness
disconnected and perform a continuity test to
check for any short circuits between pins caused
by water.
a After the connector is completely dried, blow
the contact restorer and reassemble them.

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00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

2. While pressing lock (L2), pull out connector (1).

Handling of connectors used on engine

Slide, lock type

1. Slide lock (L1) to the right.
2. While pressing lock (L2), pull out connector (1)
toward you.
a In the case that even if lock (L2) is pressed,
connector (1) cannot be pulled out toward
you unless part A floats, float part A with a
small flat-head screwdriver while pressing
lock (L2), and then pull out connector (1)
toward you.
a Lock (L2) is located in the back of connector

1. Insert the connector securely until a click is Connection
1. Insert the connector securely until a click is
1. Slide down lock (red) (L1). Pull lock type
1. Disconnect the connector (2) by pulling lock (B)
(on the wiring harness side) of connector (2)

114E-5 SERIES 00-27

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

Connection Connection
1. Insert the connector securely until a click is 1. Insert the connector securely until a click is
heard. heard.
Push lock type
(BOSCH-3) Disconnection
Disconnection 1. While pressing lock (E), pull out connector (5) in
the direction of the arrow.
1. While pressing lock (C), pull out connector (3) in
the direction of the arrow.
• 114 series

1. Insert the connector securely until a click is
• 107 series (SUMITOMO-2)
1. While pressing lock (E), pull out connector (5) in
the direction of the arrow.

a If the lock is located on the underside, use

flat-head screwdriver [1] since you cannot
insert your fingers.
While pushing up lock (C) of the connector Connection
with flat-head screwdriver [1], pull out 1. Insert the connector securely until a click is
connector (3) in the direction of the arrow. heard.

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Foreword, safety and general information

1. While pressing lock (E), pull out connector (5) in
the direction of the arrow.
a Pull the connector straight up.

1. Insert the connector to the end while aligning its
grove to the other.
2. Turn housing (H1) in the direction of the arrow
until it "clicks".

1. Insert the connector securely until a click is
1. While pressing lock (D), pull out connector (4) in
the direction of the arrow.

Handling controller
• The electronic circuits for control including the
microcomputers are assembled in the controller.
These electronic circuits in the controller must
be handled with care as they control the
• Do not place objects on top of the controller.

1. Insert the connector securely until a click is
Turn-housing type (Round green connector)
1. Turn housing (H1) in the direction of the arrow.
a Unlock the connector by turning housing (H1).
When the lock is release the housing is felt
tight to turn.
2. Pull out housing (H1) in the direction of the • Cover the control connectors with tape or a vinyl
arrow. bag. Never touch the connector contacts.
a Housing (H1) is left on the wiring harness • During rainy weather, do not leave the controller
side. in a place where it is exposed to rain.
• Do not place the controller on oil, water, or soil,
or in a place that can be heated to a high

114E-5 SERIES 00-29

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

temperature even for a short period of time.

(Place it on a suitable dry stand.)

• Precautions when performing arc welding

When performing arc welding on the machine
body, disconnect all the wiring harness
connectors connected to the controller. Put the
arc welding ground to the place close to the
welding point.

Precautions for troubleshooting electrical

• Be sure to turn the starting switch to the "OFF"
position before disconnecting or connecting the
• Before performing troubleshooting, check all the
related connectors for loose connection.
a Check the related connectors for their
performance by disconnecting and
connecting them several times.
• Be sure to connect all the disconnected
connectors before proceeding to the next step.
a If the starting switch is turned to the "ON"
position with the connectors disconnected,
the failure which is not related to the part
which is actually failed.
• When performing the troubleshooting for the
circuit (measurement of voltage, resistance,
continuity, current, etc.), shake the related wiring
harnesses and connectors several times and
check that the multimeter reading does not
a If there is any value change on the
multimeter, there may be a defective contact
in the circuit.

00-30 114E-5 SERIES

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

How to read electric wire code (ALL-E500-030-P-00-A)

(Rev. 2012/10)
• In the electrical circuit diagram, material, thickness and color of each electric wire are indicated by
symbols. The wire code is helpful in understanding the electrical circuit diagram.
Example) AEX 0.85 L: Indicates blue, heat-resistant, low-voltage wire for automobile, having nominal No. of
Indicates type of wire by symbol.
Type, symbol, and material of wire are shown in Table 1.
(Since the use of AV and AVS wires depends on size (nominal No.), their symbols are not
indicated on the diagram.)
Indicates size of wire by nominal No.
Size (Nominal No.) is shown in Table 2.
Indicates color of wire by color code.
Color codes are shown in Table 3.

Type, symbol, and material

• AV and AVS are different in thickness and outside diameter of the coating. CAVC has a circular
compressed conductor. It differs from AV and AVS in the outside diameter of conductor and thickness of
the coating. And AEX is similar to AV in thickness and outside diameter of the coating but different from AV
and AVS in material of the coating.
(Table 1)
Type Sym- Conductor Example of use
Insulator material range (°C) in
bol material
Low-voltage For large current wiring
wire for AV
automobile (nominal No. 5 and above)
General wiring
wire for AVS
automobile (nominal No. 3 and lower)
Soft polyvinyl chloride -30 to +60
(Type 1) Annealed
Thin-cover copper for
low-voltage electric For mid- to small-size
wire for CAVS appliance excavators
automobile (nominal No. 1.25 and lower)
(Type 2)
Heat- General wiring for extremely
resistant low- Heat-resistant cross cold weather specification
voltage wire AEX linked polyethylene -50 to +110
for Wiring at high ambient
automobile temperature place

114E-5 SERIES 00-31

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

(Table 2)
Nominal No. 0.5f (0.5) 0.75f (0.85) 1.25f (1.25) 2f 2 3f 3 5
Number of
strands/ 20/ 30/ 11/ 50/ 16/ 37/ 26/ 58/ 41/ 65/
Diameter of 0.18 0.18 0.32 0.18 0.32 0.26 0.32 0.26 0.32 0.32
Conductor Cross-
sectional 0.51 0.56 0.76 0.88 1.27 1.29 1.96 2.09 3.08 3.30 5.23
area (mm2)
d (approx.) 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.9 1.9 2.3 2.4 3.0
AVS Standard 2.0 2.2 2.5 2.9 2.9 3.5 3.6 —
Coating D

AV Standard — — — — — — — 4.6
AEX Standard 2.0 2.2 2.7 3.0 3.1 — 3.8 4.6

Nominal No. 8 15 20 30 40 50 60 85 100

Number of
strands/ 108/ 127/ 169/ 217/
50/0.45 84/0.45 41/0.80 70/0.80 85/0.80
Diameter of 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80
Conductor Cross-
sectional 7.95 13.36 20.61 35.19 42.73 54.29 63.84 84.96 109.1
area (mm2)
d (approx.) 3.7 4.8 6.0 8.0 8.6 9.8 10.4 12.0 13.6
AVS Standard — — — — — — — — —
Coating D

AV Standard 5.5 7.0 8.2 10.8 11.4 13.0 13.6 16.0 17.6
AEX Standard 5.3 7.0 8.2 10.8 11.4 13.0 13.6 16.0 17.6

Nominal No. 0.5f 0.5 0.75f 0.85 1.25f 1.25

Number of
strands/ 7/round 11/round 16/round
— — —
Diameter of compression compression compression
Conductor Cross-
sectional — 0.56 — 0.88 — 1.29
area (mm2)
d (approx.) — 0.9 — 1.1 — 1.4
Coating D

CAVS Standard — 1.6 — 1.8 — 2.1

a "f" of nominal No. denotes "flexible".

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00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

Color codes table

(Table 3)
Color Code Color of wire Color Code Color of wire
B Black LgW Light green & White
Br Brown LgY Light green & Yellow
BrB Brown & Black LR Blue & Red
BrR Brown & Red LW Blue & White
BrW Brown & White LY Blue & Yellow
BrY Brown & Yellow O Orange
Ch Charcoal P Pink
Dg Dark green R Red
G Green RB Red & Black
GB Green & Black RG Red & Green
GL Green & Blue RL Red & Blue
Gr Gray RW Red & White
GR Green & Red RY Red & Yellow
GW Green & White Sb Sky Blue
GY Green & Yellow Y Yellow
L Blue YB Yellow & Black
LB Blue & Black YG Yellow & Green
Lg Light green YL Yellow & Blue
LgB Light green & Black YR Yellow & Red
LgR Light green & Red YW Yellow & White

a Remarks: In a color code consisting of 2 colors, the first color is the color of the background and the
second color is the color of the marking.
GW means that the background is "Green" and marking is "White".

Types of circuits and color codes

Type of wire AVS, AV, CAVS AEX
Charge R WG — — — — R —
Ground B — — — — — B —
Start R — — — — — R —
Light RW RB RY RG RL — D —
Instrument Y YR YB YG YL YW Y Gr
Signal G GW GR GY GB GL G Br
Type of — — —
Br BrW BrR BrY BrB
Lg LgR LgY LgB LgW — — —
O — — — — — — —
Others Gr — — — — — — —
P — — — — — — —
Sb — — — — — — —
Dg — — — — — — —
Ch — — — — — — —

114E-5 SERIES 00-33

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

Precautions when performing operation (ALL-1160-927-A-00-A)

(Rev. 2012/11)
• When performing "testing and adjusting" of the machine, "removal and installation" and "disassembly and
assembly" of the components, observe the following general cautions.

Precautions for removal and disassembly work

• If the cooling water contains coolant, dispose of it correctly as chemicals. Do not drain it to the sewage
• After disconnecting the hoses or tubes, plug them to prevent dirt or dust from entering.
• When draining oil, prepare a container with sufficient capacity.
• Check the match marks which indicate the installing position, and put match marks on the places where
they seem necessary before removal of the components to prevent any mistake when assembling.
• To prevent any excessive force from being applied to the wiring, always hold the connectors when
disconnecting the connectors. Do not pull the wires.
• Attach the tags to wires and hoses to show their installing positions to prevent any mistake when
• Check the number and thickness of the shims, and keep them in a safe place.
• When hoisting the components, prepare the slings with sufficient strength.
• When using forcing screws to remove any component, tighten the forcing screws uniformly and
• Before removing any component, clean the surrounding area and cover the component to prevent any
foreign material from entering after removal.
• After disconnecting the piping or removing a pipe joint, install the following plugs.
a The O-rings in the table are emergency parts used for disassembly or transportation of the machine.
When assembling, confirm the part numbers in the parts book and use the parts conforming to the
using condition.
Disconnection of face seal type hoses and tubes

Hose side Pipe joint side

Nominal No. O-ring (3)
Plug (1) Nut (2)
02 07376-70210 02789-00210 02896-11008
03 07376-70315 02789-00315 02896-11009
04 07376-70422 02789-00422 02896-11012
05 07376-70522 02789-00522 02896-11015
06 07376-70628 02789-00628 02896-11018

00-34 114E-5 SERIES

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

Disconnection of taper seal type hoses and tubes

Hose side Pipe joint side

Nominal No.
Plug (1) Nut (2)
02 07376-50210 07222-00210
03 07376-50315 07222-00312
04 07376-50422 07222-00414
05 07376-50522 07222-00515
06 07376-50628 07222-00616
10 07376-51034 07222-01018
12 07376-51234 07222-01219
14 07376-51443 07222-01422

Disconnection of split flange type hoses and tubes

No- Bolt pitch (mm) Hose side Tube side

minal Split flange Sleeve head O-ring (4) Bolt (5) Washer (6)
a b Flange (1)
No. (2) (3)
07379- 01010-
04 38.1 17.5 07371-30400 07378-10400 07000-12021 01643-50823
00400 80825
07379- 01010-
05 42.9 19.8 07371-30500 07378-10500 07000-13022 01643-50823
00500 80830
07379- 07372-
06 47.6 22.2 07371-30640 07378-10600 07000-13025 01643-51032
00640 51035
07379- 07372-
10 52.4 26.2 07371-31049 07378-11000 07000-13032 01643-51032
01044 51035
07379- 07372-
58.7 30.2 07371-31255 07378-11200 07000-13038 01643-51032
01250 51035
07379- 01010-
66.7 31.8 07371-51260 07378-11210 07000-13038 01643-51232
01260 81245
07379- 07372-
14 69.9 35.8 07371-31465 07378-11400 07000-13048 01643-51232
01460 51240

114E-5 SERIES 00-35

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

No- Bolt pitch (mm) Hose side Tube side

minal Split flange Sleeve head O-ring (4) Bolt (5) Washer (6)
a b Flange (1)
No. (2) (3)
07379- 01010-
79.4 36.5 07371-51470 07378-11410 07000-13048 01643-31445
01470 81455
07379- 07372-
77.8 42.8 07371-32076 07378-12000 07000-12060 01643-51232
02071 51240
07379- 01010-
96.8 44.5 07371-52080 07378-12010 07000-12060 01643-31845
02080 81865
07379- 07372-
24 88.9 50.8 07371-12484 07378-12400 07000-12070 01643-51232
02484 51240
07379- 07372-
30 106.4 62 07371-13010 07378-13000 07000-12085 01643-51645
03010 51650
34 120.6 69.8 07379-03411 07371-13411 07378-13400 07000-12100 01643-51645
07379- 07372-
40 130.2 77.8 07371-14012 07378-14000 07000-12110 01643-51645
04012 51650
50 152.4 92 07379-05011 07371-15011 07378-15000 07000-12135 01643-51645

Removal of pipe joints of O-ring boss type

Nominal No. Plug (1) O-ring (2)

08 07040-10807 07002-10823
10 07040-11007 07002-11023
12 07040-11209 07002-11223
14 07040-11409 07002-11423
16 07040-11612 07002-11623
18 07040-11812 07002-11823
20 07040-12012 07002-12034
24 07040-12412 07002-12434
30 07041-13012 07002-13034
33 07040-13316 07002-13334
36 07041-13612 07002-13634
42 07040-14220 07002-14234
52 07040-15223 07002-15234

Removal of pipe joints of taper pipe thread type

00-36 114E-5 SERIES

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

Nominal Plug (1)

Nominal No.
thread size Square head type (A) Hexagonal socket head (B)
01 R 1/ 8 07042-00108 07043-00108
02 R 1/ 4 07042-00211 07043-00211
03 R 3/ 8 07042-00312 07043-00312
04 R 1/ 2 07042-00415 07043-00415
06 R 3/ 4 07042-00617 07043-00617
10 R1 07042-01019 07043-01019
12 R1 1/4 07042-01222 07043-01222
14 R1 1/2 07042-01422 07043-01422
20 R2 07042-02026 07043-02026

Precautions for installation and assembly work

• Tighten the bolts and nuts (sleeve nuts) to the specified torque (KES), unless otherwise specified.
• Install the hoses without twist and interference, and securely fasten the clamps located in-between if they
• Replace all of the gaskets, O-rings, cotter pins, and lock plates with new parts.
• Bend the cotter pins and lock plates securely.
• When applying adhesive, clean and degrease the part, and apply 2 to 3 drops of adhesive to the threaded
• When applying liquid gasket, clean and degrease the surface, and apply it uniformly after making sure that
the surface is free from dirt or damage.
• Clean all of the parts, and repair any damage, dents, burrs, or rust found on them.
• Coat the rotating parts and sliding parts with engine oil.
• Coat the surfaces of the press-fitting parts with molybdenum disulfide lubricant (LM-P).
• After installing the snap ring, check that the snap ring is settled in the ring groove completely.
• When connecting wiring harness connectors, clean the connectors to remove oil, dirt, or water, then
connect them securely.
• Use the eye bolts with no fatigue and deformation and screw them in securely. Match the directions of the
eyes and the hook.
• When installing split flanges, tighten the bolts uniformly and alternately to prevent excessive tightening on
one side.
• As a rule, apply liquid gasket (LG-5) or liquid sealant (LS-2) to the threaded portion of each taper male
screws which receives pressure.
However, if the threaded portion is difficult to degrease, you may use a seal tape.
• When winding a seal tape onto a right-handed taper male screw, wind it clockwise in the advancing
direction of the threads, seeing from the screw end and starting at the third thread.
a If you wind the seal tape in the opposite direction, it becomes loose and comes off or its end part is
pushed out, and that can cause oil leakage.

114E-5 SERIES 00-37

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

a When the hydraulic cylinder is used for the first time after reassembly of the hydraulic equipment such as
the hydraulic cylinder, pump, etc. and piping after removing them for repair, be sure to perform air bleeding
of the hydraulic circuit according to the following procedure.
1. Start and run the engine at low idle.
2. Repeat the operation to extend and retract each cylinder of the work equipment to approximately 100
mm before the stroke end 4 to 5 times.
3. Operate the hydraulic cylinder 3 to 4 times to the end of its stroke.
a After the completion of repair and when operating the machine which is stored long term, perform the air
bleeding with the same procedure as the one described above.

Precautions at the time of completing work

Refilling of coolant, oil and grease
• When the coolant is drained, tighten the drain valve securely, then refill the coolant reservoir with the
coolant Komatsu recommends to the specified level. Start the engine to circulate the coolant in the piping,
and add the coolant to the specified level again.
• When the hydraulic components are removed and installed, refill the oil reservoir with the oil Komatsu
recommends to the specified level. Start the engine to circulate the oil in the piping, and add the oil to the
specified level again.
• If the hydraulic piping or hydraulic equipment is removed, be sure to bleed air from the system after
rebuilding the parts, by referring to "Testing and adjusting".
• Supply the specified amount of grease to the work equipment parts.
Testing installed condition of cylinder heads and manifolds
• Check the cylinder head and intake and exhaust manifold mountings for looseness.
• If any bolt is loose, retighten it.
a For the tightening torques, see the "Disassembly and assembly".
Testing of engine piping for damage and looseness
Check the piping for damage, the mounting bolts and nuts for looseness, and the joints
Intake and exhaust for air suction and exhaust gas leakage.
If any part is loosely installed or damaged, retighten the bolts or repair the parts.
Check the piping for damage, the mounting bolts and nuts for looseness, and the joints
Cooling system for water leakage.
If any part is loosely installed or damaged, retighten the bolts or repair the parts.
Check the piping for damage, the mounting bolts and nuts for looseness, and the joints
Fuel system for fuel leakage.
If any part is loosely installed or damaged, retighten the bolts or repair the parts.
Check of KDPF or muffler and exhaust pipe for damage and looseness
• Visually check the KDPF or muffler, exhaust pipe and their mounting parts for a crack and damage. If any
part is damaged, replace it.
• Check the mounting bolts, nuts, and clamps of the KDPF or muffler, exhaust pipe and their mounting parts
for looseness.
If any part is loosely installed, retighten the bolts.
Check of KDPF or muffler function
• Check the KDPF or the muffler for unusual noise comparing to the noise when they are new.
If any unusual noise is heard, repair KDPF or muffler, referring to "Troubleshooting" and "Disassembly and

00-38 114E-5 SERIES

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

Standard tightening torque table (ALL-M140-03B-P-01-A)

(Rev. 2012/10)

Table of tightening torque for bolts and nuts

Unless otherwise specified, tighten the metric bolts and nuts to the torque shown in the table below.

Thread diameter Width across flats

Tightening torque (Nm {kgm})
(mm) (mm)
6 11.8 to 14.7 {1.2 to 1.5}
(*2) 10
8 27 to 34 {2.8 to 3.5}
(*2) 12
10 59 to 74 {6.0 to 7.5}
(*1, *2) 14
12 98 to 123 {10.0 to 12.5}
(*1, *2) 17
14 22 157 to 196 {16 to 20}
16 245 to 309 {25 to 31.5}
(*1) 22
18 27 343 to 427 {35 to 43.5}
20 30 490 to 608 {50 to 62}
22 32 662 to 829 {67.5 to 84.5}
24 36 824 to 1,030 {84 to 105}
27 41 1,180 to 1,470 {120 to 150}
30 46 1,520 to 1,910 {155 to 195}
33 50 1,960 to 2,450 {200 to 250}
36 55 2,450 to 3,040 {250 to 310}
39 60 2,890 to 3,630 {295 to 370}
*1: Split flange bolt.
*2: Flanged bolt.

114E-5 SERIES 00-39

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

a Tighten the following flanged bolt on which "7" is stamped on its top to the tightening torque shown in the
following table.

Thread diameter Width across flats

Tightening torque (Nm {kgm})
(mm) (mm)
6 10 5.9 to 9.8 {0.6 to 1.0}
8 12 13.7 to 23.5 {1.4 to 2.4}
10 14 34.3 to 46.1 {3.5 to 4.7}
12 17 74.5 to 90.2 {7.6 to 9.2}

Unless otherwise specified, tighten the unified coarse threaded bolts and nuts to the torque shown in the table

Type of bolt A B
Nominal No. - Tightening torque (Nm {kgm}) Tightening torque (Nm {kgm})
threads per inch,
type of thread Range Target Range Target
1/4-20UNC 9.8 to 14.7 {1 to 1.5} 12.7 {1.3} 2.9 to 3.9 {0.3 to 0.4} 3.43 {0.35}
5/16-18UNC 24.5 to 34.3 {2.5 to 3.5} 29.4 {3} 6.9 to 8.8 {0.7 to 0.9} 7.8 {0.8}
3/8-16UNC 44.1 to 58.8 {4.5 to 6} 52.0 {5.3} 9.8 to 14.7 {1 to 1.5} 11.8 {1.2}
7/16-14UNC 73.5 to 98.1 {7.5 to 10} 86.3 {8.8} 19.6 to 24.5 {2 to 2.5} 21.6 {2.2}
1/2-13UNC 108 to 147 {11 to 15} 127 {13} 29.4 to 39.2 {3 to 4} 34.3 {3.5}
9/16-12UNC 157 to 216 {16 to 22} 186 {19} 44.1 to 58.8 {4.5 to 6} 51.0 {5.2}
5/8-11UNC 226 to 294 {23 to 30} 265 {27} 63.7 to 83.4 {6.5 to 8.5} 68.6 {7}
3/4-10UNC 392 to 530 {40 to 54} 461 {47} 108 to 147 {11 to 15} 127 {13}
7/8-9UNC 637 to 853 {65 to 87} 745 {76} 177 to 235 {18 to 24} 206 {21}
1-8UNC 883 to 1,196 {90 to 122} 1,040 {106} 245 to 333 {25 to 34} 284 {29}
1 1/8-7UNC 1,187 to 1,608 {121 to 164} 1,393 {142} 333 to 451 {34 to 46} 392 {40}
1 1/4-7UNC 1,598 to 2,157 {163 to 220} 1,873 {191} 451 to 608 {46 to 62} 530 {54}
1 1/2-6UNC 2,354 to 3,177 {240 to 324} 2,765 {282} 657 to 892 {67 to 91} 775 {79}

00-40 114E-5 SERIES

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

Unless otherwise specified, tighten the unified fine threaded bolts and nuts to the torque shown in the table

Type of bolt A B
Nominal No. - Tightening torque (Nm {kgm}) Tightening torque (Nm {kgm})
threads per inch,
type of thread Range Target Range Target
1/4-28UNF 14.7 to 19.6 {1.5 to 2} 17.7 {1.8} 3.9 to 4.9 {0.4 to 0.5} 4.41 {0.45}
5/16-24UNF 34.3 to 39.2 {3.5 to 4} 37.3 {3.8} 7.8 to 9.8 {0.8 to 1} 8.8 {0.9}
3/8-24UNF 53.9 to 68.6 {5.5 to 7} 61.8 {6.3} 14.7 to 19.6 {1.5 to 2} 16.7 {1.7}
7/16-20UNF 83.4 to 108 {8.5 to 11} 96.1 {9.8} 24.5 to 29.4 {2.5 to 3} 26.5 {2.7}
1/2-20UNF 127 to 167 {13 to 17} 147 {15} 34.3 to 49.0 {3.5 to 5} 41.2 {4.2}
9/16-18UNF 186 to 245 {19 to 25} 216 {22} 49.0 to 68.6 {5 to 7} 58.6 {6}
5/8-18UNF 255 to 343 {26 to 35} 294 {30} 73.5 to 98.1 {7.5 to 10} 83.4 {8.5}
3/4-16UNF 441 to 598 {45 to 61} 520 {53} 127 to 167 {13 to 17} 147 {15}
7/8-14UNF 716 to 961 {73 to 98} 843 {86} 196 to 265 {20 to 27} 226 {23}
1-14UNF 1,020 to 1,373 {104 to 140} 1,196 {122} 284 to 382 {29 to 39} 333 {34}
1 1/8-12UNF 1,353 to 1,844 {138 to 188} 1,598 {163} 382 to 520 {39 to 53} 451 {46}
1 1/4-12UNF 1,804 to 2,432 {184 to 248} 2,118 {216} 510 to 686 {52 to 70} 598 {61}
1 1/2-12UNF 2,707 to 3,658 {276 to 373} 3,177 {324} 765 to 1,030 {78 to 105} 892 {91}

Table of tightening torque for O-ring boss piping joints

a Unless otherwise specified, tighten the pipe joint for O-ring boss to the torque shown in the table below.

Thread Width Tightening torque (Nm {kgm})

Nominal No. diameter across flats
(mm) (mm) Range Target
02 14 Varies 35 to 63 {3.5 to 6.5} 44 {4.5}
— 18 depending 59 to 98 {6.0 to 10.0} 78 {8.0}
03, 04 20 on type of 84 to 132 {8.5 to 13.5} 103 {10.5}
05, 06 24 connector. 128 to 186 {13.0 to 19.0} 157 {16.0}

114E-5 SERIES 00-41

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

Thread Width Tightening torque (Nm {kgm})

Nominal No. diameter across flats
(mm) (mm) Range Target
10, 12 33 363 to 480 {37.0 to 49.0} 422 {43.0}
14 42 746 to 1,010 {76.0 to 103} 883 {90.0}

Table of tightening torque for O-ring boss plugs

a Unless otherwise specified, tighten the plug for O-ring boss to the torque shown in the table below.

Thread Width Tightening torque (Nm {kgm})

Nominal No. diameter across flats
(mm) (mm) Range Target
08 8 14 5.88 to 8.82 {0.6 to 0.9} 7.35 {0.75}
10 10 17 9.8 to 12.74 {1.0 to 1.3} 11.27 {1.15}
12 12 19 14.7 to 19.6 {1.5 to 2.0} 17.64 {1.8}
14 14 22 19.6 to 24.5 {2.0 to 2.5} 22.54 {2.3}
16 16 24 24.5 to 34.3 {2.5 to 3.5} 29.4 {3.0}
18 18 27 34.3 to 44.1 {3.5 to 4.5} 39.2 {4.0}
20 20 30 44.1 to 53.9 {4.5 to 5.5} 49.0 {5.0}
24 24 32 58.8 to 78.4 {6.0 to 8.0} 68.6 {7.0}
30 30 32 93.1 to 122.5 {9.5 to 12.5} 107.8 {11.0}
33 33 — 107.8 to 147.0 {11.0 to 15.0} 127.4 {13.0}
36 36 36 127.4 to 176.4 {13.0 to 18.0} 151.9 {15.5}
42 42 — 181.3 to 240.1 {18.5 to 24.5} 210.7 {21.5}
52 52 — 274.4 to 367.5 {28.0 to 37.5} 323.4 {33.0}

Table of tightening torque for hose (taper seal type and face seal type)
a Unless otherwise specified, tighten the hose fittings (taper seal type and face seal type) to the torque
shown in the table below.
a The table is applied to the threads coated with engine oil (wet threads)

00-42 114E-5 SERIES

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

Tightening torque (Nm {kgm}) Taper seal Face seal

Nominal across Nominal No. - Thread root
No. of flats Thread size threads per diameter
Range Target
hose (mm) (mm) inch, type of (mm)
thread (reference)
34 to 54 {3.5 to 5.5} 44 {4.5} — 9/16-18UN 14.3
02 19
34 to 63 {3.5 to 6.5} 44 {4.5} 14 — —
22 54 to 93 {5.5 to 9.5} 74 {7.5} — 11/16-16UN 17.5
24 59 to 98 {6.0 to 10.0} 78 {8.0} 18 — —
04 27 84 to 132 {8.5 to 13.5} 103 {10.5} 22 13 /16-16UN 20.6
05 32 128 to 186 {13.0 to 19.0} 157 {16.0} 24 1 -14UNS 25.4
06 36 177 to 245 {18.0 to 25.0} 216 {22.0} 30 1 3/16-12UN 30.2
(10) 41 177 to 245 {18.0 to 25.0} 216 {22.0} 33 — —
(12) 46 197 to 294 {20.0 to 30.0} 245 {25.0} 36 — —
(14) 55 246 to 343 {25.0 to 35.0} 294 {30.0} 42 — —

Table of tightening torque for face seal joints

a The tightening torque table below applies to the seal joint (sleeve nut type)
a The table is applied to the threads coated with engine oil (wet threads).

Tightening torque (Nm {kgm}) Face seal

Outer Width
diameter of across flats Nominal No. - Thread root
pipe (mm) (mm) Range Target threads per inch, diameter (mm)
type of thread (reference)
8 19 14 to 16 {1.4 to 1.6} 15 {1.5} 9/16-18UN 14.3
10 22 24 to 27 {2.4 to 2.7} 25.5 {2.6} 11/16-16UN 17.5
12 24 {27} 43 to 47 {4.4 to 4.8} 45 {4.6} 13/16-16UN 20.6
15 {16} 30 {32} 60 to 68 {6.1 to 6.8} 64 {6.5} 1 -14UNS 25.4
22 {20} 36 90 to 95 {9.2 to 9.7} 92.5 {9.4} 1 3/16-12UN 30.2
Reference: The face seal joint of the dimension in ( ) is also used, depending on the specification.

Tightening torque table for bolts and nuts on 102,107 and 114 series engines
a Unless otherwise specified, tighten the metric threads bolts and nuts used on the 102, 107 and 114 series
engines to the torques shown in the table below.
Thread diameter (mm) Tightening torque (Nm {kgm})
6 10 ± 2 {1.02 ± 0.20}
8 24 ± 4 {2.45 ± 0.41}
10 43 ± 6 {4.38 ± 0.61}
12 77 ± 12 {7.85 ± 1.22}
14 —

114E-5 SERIES 00-43

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

Tightening torque table for 102, 107, and 114 series engines (joint bolts)
a Unless otherwise specified, tighten the metric joint bolts used on the 102, 107, and 114 series engines to
the torque shown in the table below.

Thread diameter (mm) Tightening torque (Nm {kgm})

6 8 ± 2 {0.81 ± 0.20}
8 10 ± 2 {1.02 ± 0.20}
10 12 ± 2 {1.22 ± 0.20}
12 24 ± 4 {2.45 ± 0.41}
14 36 ± 5 {3.67 ± 0.51}

Tightening torque table for tapered screws on 102,107, and 114 series engines (National taper pipe
thread (NPT))
a Unless otherwise specified, tighten the National taper pipe threaded (NPT) screws used on the 102, 107,
and 114 series engines to the torques shown in the table below.
Material of female screw In cast iron or steel In aluminum
Nominal thread size Tightening torque (Nm {kgm}) Tightening torque (Nm {kgm})
1/16 15 ± 2 {1.53 ± 0.20} 5 ± 1 {0.51 ± 0.10}
1/ 8 20 ± 2 {2.04 ± 0.20 15 ± 2 {1.53 ± 0.20}
1/ 4 25 ± 3 {2.55 ± 0.31} 20 ± 2 {2.04 ± 0.20}
3/ 8 35 ± 4 {3.57 ± 0.41} 25 ± 3 {2.55 ± 0.31}
1/ 2 55 ± 6 {5.61 ± 0.61} 35 ± 4 {3.57 ± 0.41}
3/ 4 75 ± 8 {7.65 ± 0.82} 45 ± 5 {4.59 ± 0.51}

00-44 114E-5 SERIES

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

List of abbreviation (ALL-0360-005-A-00-A)

(Rev. 2013/03)
• This list of abbreviations includes the abbreviations used in the text of the shop manual for parts,
components, and functions whose meaning is not immediately clear. The spelling is given in full with an
outline of the meaning.
• Abbreviations that are used in general society may not be included.
• Special abbreviations which appear infrequently are noted in the text (marked with a).
• This list of abbreviations consists of 2 parts. The first part is a list of the abbreviations used in the text of
the manual, and the second part is a list of the abbreviations used in the circuit diagrams.

List of abbreviations used in the shop manual

Purpose of use (major
Abbrevia- Actual word spelled applicable machine (*), or Explanation
tion out equipment/device)
With this function, when the tires skid (wheels
Anti-skid Brake Travel and brake stop rotating), the brakes are released, and
ABS System when the wheels start to rotate, the brakes are
(HD, HM)
applied again.
Automatic Idling This function automatically sets the idle
AISS Engine
Setting System speed.
A lever is used to perform the steering
Advanced Joystick Steering operations instead of a steering wheel.
AJSS Steering System Moreover, it shifts gear and changes direction
When the accelerator pedal is released while
Automatic Retarder Travel and brake the machine is traveling downhill, this function
ARAC automatically applies the retarder with a
Accelerator Control (HD, HM)
constant braking force.
When the accelerator pedal is released while
Travel and brake the machine is traveling downhill, this function
Automatic Retarder
ARSC automatically applies the retarder to ensure
Speed Control (HD, HM) that the machine speed does not accelerate
above the speed set by the operator.
Travel and brake When the tires spin on soft ground surfaces,
Automatic Spin
ASR this function automatically uses the optimum
Regulator (HD, HM) braking force to drive both wheels.
A device that can be fixed onto a machine in
ATT Attachment Work equipment
order to enable it to do different jobs.
Brake When the retarder is not being used, this
Brake cooling oil valve bypasses part of the brake cooling oil to
control valve (HD) reduce the load on the hydraulic pump.
Controller Area Communication and One of communication standards that is used
Network electronic control in the network on the machine.
A regulator valve which is installed to KCCV
Crankcase Depression
CDR Engine ventilator. It is written as CDR valve and it is
not used independently.
This system can simultaneously actuate
Closed-center Load multiple actuators regardless of the load
CLSS Hydraulic system
Sensing System (provides better combined operation than O.L.
Engine controller electronically controls
supply pump, common rail, and injector. This
CRI Common Rail Injection Engine
function maintains optimum fuel injection
amount and fuel injection timing.
Electronic control device uses the signals
Electronic Control from the sensors on the machine. This signal
ECM Electronic control system
Module indicates the optimum actuation to the
actuators. (Same as E.C.U.)

114E-5 SERIES 00-45

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

Purpose of use (major

Abbrevia- Actual word spelled applicable machine (*), or Explanation
tion out equipment/device)
Transmission Proportional electromagnetic valve that
Electronic Control
ECMV gradually increases oil pressure to engage
Modulation Valve (D, HD, WA, etc.)
clutch and reduces transmission shock.
Electronically This system ensures smooth high-speed
Travel travel by absorbing vibration of machine
ECSS Controlled Suspension
System (WA) during travel with hydraulic spring effect of
Electronic control device uses the signals
from the sensors on the machine. This signal
ECU Electronic Control Unit Electronic control system indicates the optimum actuation to the
actuators. (Same as E.C.M.)
This function recirculates part of exhaust gas
Exhaust Gas Engine to combustion chamber in order to reduce
Recirculation combustion temperature, controls emission of
Equipment This system allows data (filter, oil replacement
Management interval, malfunctions on machine, failure
EMMS Machine monitor
Monitoring System code, and failure history) from each sensor on
the machine to be checked on the monitor.
Electromagnetic This mechanism allows actuators to be
EPC Hydraulic system
Proportional Control operated in proportion to the current supplied.
This structure protects the operator's head
from falling objects. (Falling Object Protective
Falling Object Cab and canopy Structure)
Protective Structure
This performance is standardized as ISO
Forward-Neutral- Operation
F-N-R Forward-Neutral-Reverse
Global Navigation A general term for positioning system using
GNSS Satellite System Communication satellites such as GPS, GALILEO, etc.
Global Positioning This system uses satellites to determine the
GPS System (KOMTRAX, KOMTRAX current location on the earth.
This function uses a combination of hydraulic
Steering motor and bevel shaft to control difference in
Hydrostatic Steering
HSS travel speed of right and left tracks.
System (D) Accordingly machine can turn without using
steering clutch.
Transmission This function uses a combination of hydraulic
Hydro Static pump and hydraulic motor to shift the speed
Transmission (D, WA) range steplessly without using gears.
Information and A general term for the engineering and its
Communication Intelligent Machine socially applied technology of information
Technology Control processing and communication.
This valve is installed at inlet port of pump,
Inlet Metering Actuator Engine and it adjusts fuel intake amount in order to
control fuel discharge of supply pump. Same
as I.M.V.
This is a device to detect the angular velocity
Inertial Measurement Intelligent Machine
IMU and acceleration of the 3 axes that control
Unit Control
This valve is installed at inlet port of pump,
and it adjusts fuel intake amount in order to
IMV Inlet Metering Valve Engine
control fuel discharge of supply pump. Same
as I.M.V. (I.M.A.)
This mechanism separates oil in blowby gas
Komatsu Closed Engine and returns it to the intake side to afterburn it
Crankcase Ventilation there. It primarily consists of filters.

00-46 114E-5 SERIES

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

Purpose of use (major

Abbrevia- Actual word spelled applicable machine (*), or Explanation
tion out equipment/device)
Komatsu Catalyzed This filter captures soot in exhaust gas.
KCSF Engine
Soot Filter It is built in to KDPF.
The catalyst used for purifying exhaust gas.
Komatsu Diesel
KDOC Engine This is built in KDPF or assembled with the
Oxidation Catalyst
This component is used to purify the exhaust
gas. KDOC (catalyst) and KCSF (filter to
Komatsu Diesel Engine capture soot) are built-in it.
Particulate Filter
It is installed in place of the conventional
This function recovers the drive force of the
wheels by braking automatically with the
Komatsu Traction Travel and brake optimum force and at the same time activates
KTCS Control System the inter-axle differential lock when the wheels
(HM system)
idle while the machine travels on the soft
ground road.
Komatsu Variable
The turbocharger on which the cross-section
KVGT Geometry Engine
area of the exhaust passage is made variable.
Image display equipment such as a monitor
LCD Liquid Crystal Display Machine monitor which assembles in the liquid crystal element.
It refers to semiconductor element that emits
LED Light Emitting Diode Electronic parts light when the voltage is applied in forward
Local Interconnect Communication and One of communication standards that is used
Network electronic control in the network on the machine
Function that detects differential pressure of
LS Load Sensing Hydraulic system pump and controls discharge amount
corresponding to load.
Low Voltage Communication and One of communication standards that is used
LVDS Differential Signaling electronic control in the network on the machine
This indicates engine intake air flow.It is not
Engine used independently but it is used as combined
MAF Mass Air Flow
with sensor.Mass air flow sensor can be called
as MAF sensor.
Service that allows transmission and
Multimedia Messaging reception of short messages consisting of
MMS Communication characters or voice or images between cell
Electric and hydraulic Device actuated to open electric or hydraulic
NC Normally Closed circuits that are normally closed if not
Electric and hydraulic Device actuated to close electric or hydraulic
NO Normally Open
systems circuits that are normally open if not actuated.
Open-center Load Hydraulic system that can operate multiple
OLSS Hydraulic system actuators at the same time, regardless of the
Sensing System
PC Hydraulic system A function used to correct oil pressure.
System in which a controller instantly
Palm command control Steering analyses data from each lever, pedal, and
PCCS system dial, and performs optimum electronic control
of the engine and transmission.
This valve is installed at inlet port of pump and
Pre-stroke Control Engine it adjusts fuel intake amount in order to control
Valve fuel discharge amount of supply pump.

114E-5 SERIES 00-47

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

Purpose of use (major

Abbrevia- Actual word spelled applicable machine (*), or Explanation
tion out equipment/device)
Used for controlling proportional pressure.
Proportional Pressure Hydraulic system This system moves actuators in proportion to
Control the oil pressure.
Piston Pump and Hydraulic system
PPM Piston pump and motor.
Motor (D, PC, etc.)
PTO Power Take Off Power transmission Power take-off mechanism
Power Tilt and power Work equipment This function performs hydraulic control of the
PTP tilt and pitch of the bulldozer blade.
Pitch dozer (D)
If a machine tips over, this structure protects
the operator with the seat belt fastened from
Roll-Over Protective being crushed. (Operator Protective Structure
ROPS Cab and canopy When Tipping)
This performance is standardized as ISO
Le Systeme Abbreviation for the "International System of
International d’ Unites Units". It is the universal unit system and "a
SI (International unit Unit single unit for a single quantity" is the basic
system) principle applied.
It refers to an actuator consisting of a solenoid
and an iron core that is moved by the
SOL Solenoid Electric system
magnetic force when the solenoid is
Hydraulic and electric Solenoid valve that switches over direction of
TWV 2-Way Valve
systems flow.
Variable Flow Turbocharger variable in route of exhaust
VFT Engine
Turbocharger passage.
*1: Code for applicable machine family
D: Bulldozer
HD: Dump truck
HM: Articulated dump truck
PC: Hydraulic excavator
WA: Wheel loader
List of abbreviations used in the circuit diagrams
Abbreviation Actual word spelled out
A/C Air Conditioner
A/D Analogue-to-Digital
A/M Air Mix Damper
ACC Accessory
ADD Additional
AUX Auxiliary
BR Battery Relay
CW Clockwise
CCW Counter Clockwise
ECU Electronic Control Unit
ECM Electronic Control Module
ENG Engine
EXGND External Ground
F.G. Frame Ground
GND Ground
IMA Inlet Metering Actuator
NC No Connection

00-48 114E-5 SERIES

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

Abbreviation Actual word spelled out

SIG Signal
SOL Solenoid
STD Standard
PRESS Pressure
SPEC Specification
SW Switch
TEMP Temperature
T/C Torque Converter
T/M Transmission

114E-5 SERIES 00-49

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

Conversion table (ALL-2150-931-A-00-A)

(Rev. 2012/10)

Method of using the conversion table

• The unit conversion table enables the simple conversion in the figures between the different units. For
further details of the method of use of the conversion table, see the examples given below.
Example: Method of using the conversion table to convert a unit from millimeters to inches
Conversion of 55 mm into inches
1. Locate the number 50 in the vertical column at the left side, take this as (A), and then draw a horizontal
line from (A).
2. Locate the number 5 in the row across the top, take this as (B), then draw a vertical line down from (B).
3. Take the point where the 2 lines cross as (C). This point (C) gives the value when converting the unit from
millimeters to inches. Therefore, 55 mm = 2.165 in.
Conversion of 550 mm into inches
1. The number 550 does not appear in the table, so divide it by 10 (move the decimal point one place to the
left) to get 55 mm.
2. Then convert 55 mm to 2.165 in by the same procedure as above.
3. The original value (550 mm) was divided by 10, so multiply 2.165 inches by 10 (move the decimal point
one place to the right) to get the original value. This gives 550 mm = 21.65 in. Therefore, 550 mm = 21.65
Millimeters to inches
1 mm = 0.03937 in
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 0.039 0.079 0.118 0.157 0.197 0.236 0.276 0.315 0.354
10 0.394 0.433 0.472 0.512 0.551 0.591 0.630 0.669 0.709 0.748
20 0.787 0.827 0.866 0.906 0.945 0.984 1.024 1.063 1.102 1.142
30 1.181 1.220 1.260 1.299 1.339 1.378 1.417 1.457 1.496 1.536
40 1.575 1.614 1.654 1.693 1.732 1.772 1.811 1.850 1.890 1.929
50 1.969 2.008 2.017 2.087 2.126 2.165 2.205 2.244 2.283 2.323
60 2.362 2.402 2.441 2.480 2.520 2.559 2.598 2.638 2.677 2.717
70 2.756 2.795 2.835 2.847 2.913 2.953 2.992 3.032 3.071 3.110
80 3.150 3.189 3.228 3.268 3.307 3.346 3.386 3.425 3.465 3.504
90 3.543 3.583 3.622 3.661 3.701 3.740 3.780 3.819 3.858 3.898

00-50 114E-5 SERIES

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

Millimeters to inches
1 mm = 0.03937 in
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 0.039 0.079 0.118 0.157 0.197 0.236 0.276 0.315 0.354
10 0.394 0.433 0.472 0.512 0.551 0.591 0.630 0.669 0.709 0.748
20 0.787 0.827 0.866 0.906 0.945 0.984 1.024 1.063 1.102 1.142
30 1.181 1.220 1.260 1.299 1.339 1.378 1.417 1.457 1.496 1.536
40 1.575 1.614 1.654 1.693 1.732 1.772 1.811 1.850 1.890 1.929
50 1.969 2.008 2.047 2.087 2.126 2.165 2.205 2.244 2.283 2.323
60 2.362 2.402 2.441 2.480 2.520 2.559 2.598 2.638 2.677 2.717
70 2.756 2.795 2.835 2.847 2.913 2.953 2.992 3.032 3.071 3.110
80 3.150 3.189 3.228 3.268 3.307 3.346 3.386 3.425 3.465 3.504
90 3.543 3.583 3.622 3.661 3.701 3.740 3.780 3.819 3.858 3.898

Kilograms to pounds
1 kg = 2.2046 lb
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 2.20 4.41 6.61 8.82 11.02 13.23 15.43 17.64 19.84
10 22.05 24.25 26.46 28.66 30.86 33.07 35.27 37.48 39.68 41.89
20 44.09 46.30 48.50 50.71 51.91 55.12 57.32 59.53 61.73 63.93
30 66.14 68.34 70.55 72.75 74.96 77.16 79.37 81.57 83.78 85.98
40 88.18 90.39 92.59 94.80 97.00 99.21 101.41 103.62 105.82 108.03
50 110.23 112.44 114.64 116.85 119.05 121.25 123.46 125.66 127.87 130.07
60 132.28 134.48 136.69 138.89 141.10 143.30 145.51 147.71 149.91 152.12
70 154.32 156.53 158.73 160.94 163.14 165.35 167.55 169.76 171.96 174.17
80 176.37 178.57 180.78 182.98 185.19 187.39 189.60 191.80 194.01 196.21
90 198.42 200.62 202.83 205.03 207.24 209.44 211.64 213.85 216.05 218.26

l to U.S. Gallons
1 l = 0.2642 U.S.Gal
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 0.264 0.528 0.793 1.057 1.321 1.585 1.849 2.113 2.378
10 2.642 2.906 3.170 3.434 3.698 3.963 4.227 4.491 4.755 5.019
20 5.283 5.548 5.812 6.076 6.340 6.604 6.869 7.133 7.397 7.661
30 7.925 8.189 8.454 8.718 8.982 9.246 9.510 9.774 10.039 10.303
40 10.567 10.831 11.095 11.359 11.624 11.888 12.152 12.416 12.680 12.944
50 13.209 13.473 13.737 14.001 14.265 14.529 14.795 15.058 15.322 15.586
60 15.850 16.115 16.379 16.643 16.907 17.171 17.435 17.700 17.964 18.228
70 18.492 18.756 19.020 19.285 19.549 19.813 20.077 20.341 20.605 20.870
80 21.134 21.398 21.662 21.926 22.190 22.455 22.719 22.983 23.247 23.511
90 23.775 24.040 24.304 24.568 24.832 25.096 25.361 25.625 25.889 26.153

114E-5 SERIES 00-51

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

l to U.K. Gallons
1 l = 0.21997 U.K.Gal
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 0.220 0.440 0.660 0.880 1.100 1.320 1.540 1.760 1.980
10 2.200 2.420 2.640 2.860 3.080 3.300 3.520 3.740 3.950 4.179
20 4.399 4.619 4.839 5.059 5.279 5.499 5.719 5.939 6.159 6.379
30 6.599 6.819 7.039 7.259 7.479 7.699 7.919 8.139 8.359 8.579
40 8.799 9.019 9.239 9.459 9.679 9.899 10.119 10.339 10.559 10.778
50 10.998 11.281 11.438 11.658 11.878 12.098 12.318 12.528 12.758 12.978
60 13.198 13.418 13.638 13.858 14.078 14.298 14.518 14.738 14.958 15.178
70 15.398 15.618 15.838 16.058 16.278 16.498 16.718 16.938 17.158 17.378
80 17.598 17.818 18.037 18.257 18.477 18.697 18.917 19.137 19.357 19.577
90 19.797 20.017 20.237 20.457 20.677 20.897 21.117 21.337 21.557 21.777

kgm to ft.lb
1 kgm = 7.233 ft.lb
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 7.2 14.5 21.7 28.9 36.2 43.4 50.6 57.9 65.1
10 72.3 79.6 86.8 94.0 101.3 108.5 115.7 123.0 130.2 137.4
20 144.7 151.9 159.1 166.4 173.6 180.8 188.1 195.3 202.5 209.8
30 217.0 224.2 231.5 238.7 245.9 253.2 260.4 267.6 274.9 282.1
40 289.3 296.6 303.8 311.0 318.3 325.5 332.7 340.0 347.2 354.4
50 361.7 368.9 376.1 383.4 390.6 397.8 405.1 412.3 419.5 426.8
60 434.0 441.2 448.5 455.7 462.9 470.2 477.4 484.6 491.8 499.1
70 506.3 513.5 520.8 528.0 535.2 542.5 549.7 556.9 564.2 571.4
80 578.6 585.9 593.1 600.3 607.6 614.8 622.0 629.3 636.5 643.7
90 651.0 658.2 665.4 672.7 679.9 687.1 694.4 701.6 708.8 716.1
100 723.3 730.5 737.8 745.0 752.2 759.5 766.7 773.9 781.2 788.4
110 795.6 802.9 810.1 817.3 824.6 831.8 839.0 846.3 853.5 860.7
120 868.0 875.2 882.4 889.7 896.9 904.1 911.4 918.6 925.8 933.1
130 940.3 947.5 954.8 962.0 969.2 976.5 983.7 990.9 998.2 1005.4
140 1012.6 1019.9 1027.1 1034.3 1041.5 1048.8 1056.0 1063.2 1070.5 1077.7
150 1084.9 1092.2 1099.4 1106.6 1113.9 1121.1 1128.3 1135.6 1142.8 1150.0
160 1157.3 1164.5 1171.7 1179.0 1186.2 1193.4 1200.7 1207.9 1215.1 1222.4
170 1129.6 1236.8 1244.1 1251.3 1258.5 1265.8 1273.0 1280.1 1287.5 1294.7
180 1301.9 1309.2 1316.4 1323.6 1330.9 1338.1 1345.3 1352.6 1359.8 1367.0
190 1374.3 1381.5 1388.7 1396.0 1403.2 1410.4 1417.7 1424.9 1432.1 1439.4

00-52 114E-5 SERIES

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

kg/cm2 to lb/in22
1 kg/cm2 = 14.2233 lb/in22
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 14.2 28.4 42.7 56.9 71.1 85.3 99.6 113.8 128.0
10 142.2 156.5 170.7 184.9 199.1 213.4 227.6 241.8 256.0 270.2
20 284.5 298.7 312.9 327.1 341.4 355.6 369.8 384.0 398.3 412.5
30 426.7 440.9 455.1 469.4 483.6 497.8 512.0 526.3 540.5 554.7
40 568.9 583.2 597.4 611.6 625.8 640.1 654.3 668.5 682.7 696.9
50 711.2 725.4 739.6 753.8 768.1 782.3 796.5 810.7 825.0 839.2
60 853.4 867.6 881.8 896.1 910.3 924.5 938.7 953.0 967.2 981.4
70 995.6 1,010 1,024 1,038 1,053 1,067 1,081 1,095 1,109 1,124
80 1,138 1,152 1,166 1,181 1,195 1,209 1,223 1,237 1,252 1,266
90 1,280 1,294 1,309 1,323 1,337 1,351 1,365 1,380 1,394 1,408
100 1,422 1,437 1,451 1,465 1,479 1,493 1,508 1,522 1,536 1,550
110 1,565 1,579 1,593 1,607 1,621 1,636 1,650 1,664 1,678 1,693
120 1,707 1,721 1,735 1,749 1,764 1,778 1,792 1,806 1,821 1,835
130 1,849 1,863 1,877 1,892 1,906 1,920 1,934 1,949 1,963 1,977
140 1,991 2,005 2,020 2,034 2,048 2,062 2,077 2,091 2,105 2,119
150 2,134 2,148 2,162 2,176 2,190 2,205 2,219 2,233 2,247 2,262
160 2,276 2,290 2,304 2,318 2,333 2,347 2,361 2,375 2,389 2,404
170 2,418 2,432 2,446 2,460 2,475 2,489 2,503 2,518 2,532 2,546
180 2,560 2,574 2,589 2,603 2,617 2,631 2,646 2,660 2,674 2,688
190 2,702 2,717 2,731 2,745 2,759 2,773 2,788 2,802 2,816 2,830
200 2,845 2,859 2,873 2,887 2,901 2,916 2,930 2,944 2,958 2,973
210 2,987 3,001 3,015 3,030 3,044 3,058 3,072 3,086 3,101 3,115
220 3,129 3,143 3,158 3,172 3,186 3,200 3,214 3,229 3,243 3,257
230 3,271 3,286 3,300 3,314 3,328 3,343 3,357 3,371 3,385 3,399
240 3,414 3,428 3,442 3,456 3,470 3,485 3,499 3,513 3,527 3,542

114E-5 SERIES 00-53

00 Index and foreword
Foreword, safety and general information

Conversion of Fahrenheit to Celsius
• A simple way to convert a Fahrenheit temperature reading into a Celsius temperature reading or vice
versa is to see the number in the center column of the following table. The figures on the following table
show the temperatures in both Fahrenheit and Celsius.
• When converting from Fahrenheit to Celsius degrees, consider the center column to be a table of
Fahrenheit temperatures and read the corresponding Celsius temperature in the column at the left.
• When converting from Celsius to Fahrenheit degrees, consider the center column to be a table of Celsius
values, and read the corresponding Fahrenheit temperature on the right.
1°C = 33.8°F
°C °F °C °F °C °F °C °F
-40.4 -40 -40.0 -11.7 11 51.8 7.8 46 114.8 27.2 81 177.8
-37.2 -35 -31.0 -11.1 12 53.6 8.3 47 116.6 27.8 82 179.6
-34.4 -30 -22.0 -10.6 13 55.4 8.9 48 118.4 28.3 83 181.4
-31.7 -25 -13.0 -10.0 14 57.2 9.4 49 120.2 28.9 84 183.2
-28.9 -20 -4.0 -9.4 15 59.0 10.0 50 122.0 29.4 85 185.0
-28.3 -19 -2.2 -8.9 16 60.8 10.6 51 123.8 30.0 86 186.8
-27.8 -18 -0.4 -8.3 17 62.6 11.1 52 125.6 30.6 87 188.6
-27.2 -17 1.4 -7.8 18 64.4 11.7 53 127.4 31.1 88 190.4
-26.7 -16 3.2 -7.2 19 66.2 12.2 54 129.2 31.7 89 192.2
-26.1 -15 5.0 -6.7 20 68.0 12.8 55 131.0 32.2 90 194.0
-25.6 -14 6.8 -6.1 21 69.8 13.3 56 132.8 32.8 91 195.8
-25.0 -13 8.6 -5.6 22 71.6 13.9 57 134.6 33.3 92 197.6
-24.4 -12 10.4 -5.0 23 73.4 14.4 58 136.4 33.9 93 199.4
-23.9 -11 12.2 -4.4 24 75.2 15.0 59 138.2 34.4 94 201.2
-23.3 -10 14.0 -3.9 25 77.0 15.6 60 140.0 35.0 95 203.0
-22.8 -9 15.8 -3.3 26 78.8 16.1 61 141.8 35.6 96 204.8
-22.2 -8 17.6 -2.8 27 80.6 16.7 62 143.6 36.1 97 206.6
-21.7 -7 19.4 -2.2 28 82.4 17.2 63 145.4 36.7 98 208.4
-21.1 -6 21.2 -1.7 29 84.2 17.8 64 147.2 37.2 99 210.2
-20.6 -5 23.0 -1.1 30 86.0 18.3 65 149.0 37.8 100 212.0
-20.0 -4 24.8 -0.6 31 87.8 18.9 66 150.8 40.6 105 221.0
-19.4 -3 26.6 0 32 89.6 19.4 67 152.6 43.3 110 230.0
-18.9 -2 28.4 0.6 33 91.4 20.0 68 154.4 46.1 115 239.0
-18.3 -1 30.2 1.1 34 93.2 20.6 69 156.2 48.9 120 248.0
-17.8 0 32.0 1.7 35 95.0 21.1 70 158.0 51.7 125 257.0
-17.2 1 33.8 2.2 36 96.8 21.7 71 159.8 54.4 130 266.0
-16.7 2 35.6 2.8 37 98.6 22.2 72 161.6 57.2 135 275.0
-16.1 3 37.4 3.3 38 100.4 22.8 73 163.4 60.0 140 284.0
-15.6 4 39.2 3.9 39 102.2 23.3 74 165.2 62.7 145 293.0
-15.0 5 41.0 4.4 40 104.0 23.9 75 167.0 65.6 150 302.0
-14.4 6 42.8 5.0 41 105.8 24.4 76 168.8 68.3 155 311.0
-13.9 7 44.6 5.6 42 107.6 25.0 77 170.6 71.1 160 320.0
-13.3 8 46.4 6.1 43 109.4 25.6 78 172.4 73.9 165 329.0
-12.8 9 48.2 6.7 44 111.2 26.1 79 174.2 76.7 170 338.0
-12.2 10 50.0 7.2 45 113.0 26.7 80 176.0 79.4 175 347.0

00-54 114E-5 SERIES


Model Serial Number


01 Specification
2 01 Specification

114E-5 SERIES 01-1

01 Specification
Table of contents

Table of contents (ALL-0310-002-A-00-A)

01 Specification................................................................................................................................. 01-1
Table of contents ........................................................................................................................ 01-2
General information .................................................................................................................... 01-3
Exhaust gas regulation ......................................................................................................... 01-3
Specifications............................................................................................................................. 01-6
Applicable machines ............................................................................................................ 01-6
Specifications ...................................................................................................................... 01-7
General view ..................................................................................................................... 01-10
Engine performance curve .................................................................................................... 01-6

01-2 114E-5 SERIES

01 Specification
Exhaust gas regulation

General information (ALL-0000-001-A-00-A)

Exhaust gas regulation (ENG-A000-017-K-00-A)

• The 3 main diesel engine emissions that adversely impact the human body and the environment are the
1. NOx (nitrogen oxides): causes breathing problems and acid rain
2. HC (hydrocarbons): causes photochemical smog
3. PM (particulates in air such as soot): causes cancer and breathing problems
• NOx are produced when the nitrogen (N2) in air reacts with oxygen (O2) at high temperatures. These
substances are produced when a diesel engine combustion takes place with too much air (nitrogen). To
reduce NOx, it is necessary to lower the combustion temperature in the cylinder to suppress the oxidation
of N (nitrogen). Therefore, an air-cooled aftercooler (2) is used for lowering the temperature of the air from
turbocharger (1).
• HC is the main component of fuel. HC in the blowby gas holds the most part of hazardous materials
emitted from a diesel engine, however, this has been released into the air.
• Incomplete combustion produces HC and also PM, which are solid particles adhering to soot, etc.
Generally, there is a antinomy relation between NOx and PM (trying to reduce either results in increase of
the other). To reduce PM, combustion has been improved by using common rail (3), microparticulating the
fuel spray by using an electronically controlled high-pressure fuel injection system, reducing the injection
period, and optimizing the injection timing.
• Emission regulations are established in Japan, US, and various regions in Europe. The history of the USA
regulations from the 1st (Tier 1) to 4th (Tier 4) is traced in the following table. (Transition of USA EPA(*1)
emission regulations, for engine rated horsepowers 130 kW to 560 kW)
The horizontal axis shows the NOx + NMHC(*2) level, and the vertical axis shows the PM level. In the 4th
(Tier 4) regulation, both the NOx + NMHC and PM standards are tightened to levels approx. 1/7 of the 3rd
(Tier 3) regulation. This 4th regulation is referred to as "Tier 4 regulation"(*3).
*1: United States Environmental Protection Agency
*2: General term for hydrocarbons (HC) that have a high photochemical reactivity.
*3: There are 2 stages in Tier 4. The 1st stage is referred to as "Tier 4 Interim", for which actions are taken
this time. The 2nd stage is referred to as "Tier 4 Final".

114E-5 SERIES 01-3

01 Specification
Exhaust gas regulation

Actions taken to meet the Tier 4 regulation (ENG114-A000-018-K-00-A)

1. Engine
2. Air cleaner
3. Air-cooled aftercooler
4. EGR cooler
dP: KDPF differential pressure and outlet pressure sensor
ECU (CM2250): Engine controller
EGRSOL: EPC valve (for EGR)
EGRV: EGR valve

01-4 114E-5 SERIES

01 Specification
Exhaust gas regulation

MAF: Mass air flow and temperature sensor

PAMB: Ambient pressure sensor
PCCV: Crankcase pressure sensor
PEX: Exhaust manifold pressure sensor
PIM: Intake manifold pressure sensor
REV: Turbocharger speed sensor
SEGR: EGR valve lift sensor
SVGT: KVGT position sensor
T: Temperature sensor in KDPF
T1: EGR orifice temperature sensor
TIM: Intake manifold temperature sensor
VGTSOL: EPC valve (for KVGT)
• Tier4 is improved mainly over Tier3 in the following points.
1. Employment of EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) cooler (4) (reduction of NOx)
2. Increase of intake air quantity in low engine speed range by changing turbocharger (KVGT) speed
(reduction of PM)
3. Oxygen concentration control by EGR ratio control corresponding to operating condition attained by
employing high-precision EGR valve (EGRV), mass air flow and temperature sensor (MAF), and engine
controller (CM2250), and by sensing condition of each part of EGR circuit (reduction of NOx and PM)
4. Fine spraying of injected fuel by increasing common rail pressure and fuel injection pressure (reduction
of PM)
5. Internal circulation of blowby gas by employing blowby reductor (KCCV) (reduction of HC)
6. Employment of soot-capturing filter (KCSF) (reduction of PM)
7. Employment of oxidation catalyzer (KDOC) (reduction of NOx)
8. Control of characteristic dispersion of injectors with engine controller (CM2250)
9. Improvement of combustion chamber (reduction of NOx, PM, and fuel consumption)
10. Automatic control of fuel injection and turbocharger (KVGT) by recognizing high altitude with ambient
pressure sensor (PAMB) (reduction of NOx and PM at high altitude)
11. Speed (REV) detection of turbocharger (KVGT) (Protection of KGVT)
12. When clogging of the soot-capturing filter (KCSF) is detected with KDPF delta pressure (dp), engine
controller (CM2250) performs regeneration (*) process (automatic regeneration) as needed, or the need of
manual regeneration is displayed on machine monitor (for maintaining of KDPF function).
*: This is a new function used for purifying (oxidizing) soot accumulated in the soot-capturing filter (KCSF)
inside the KDPF.
• HB335–1, HB335LC-1, HB365–1, and HB365LC-1 are applicable toTier3 standards, and the following
functions are not equipped.
1. Blowby reductor (KCCV)
2. KDPF related functions (KCSF, KDOC)

114E-5 SERIES 01-5

01 Specification
Applicable machines

Specifications (ALL-2111-001-A-00-A)

Applicable machines (ENG114-A000-00V-K-00-A)

Engine Engine serial No. Machine model

D65PX-17 Bulldozer
SAA6D114E-5 PC360LC-10 Hydraulic excavator
HB335LC–1 Hybrid hydraulic
HB365–1 excavator

01-6 114E-5 SERIES

01 Specification

Specifications (ENG107-2110-001-A-00-A)

Applicable machines: D65EX-17, D65PX-17, D65WX-17 (ENG114-2110-030-A-00-A)

Engine model SAA6D114E-5

No. of cylinders–bore x stroke mm 6 –114 x 144.5
Piston displacement l {cc} 8.85 {8,850}
Firing order – 1-5-3-6-2-4
Overall length mm 1,215
Overall width mm 950
Overall height (excluding exhaust
Dimensions mm 1,615
Overall height (including exhaust
mm –
kW {HP}/
Rated horsepower (Gross) 163.7 {219} / 1,950 {1,950}
min–1 {rpm}
Nm {kgm}/
Max. torque (Gross) 1,050 {107.1} / 1,450 {1,450}
min–1 {rpm}
Performance Max. speed with no load (High idle
min–1 {rpm} 2,100 ± 50 {2,100 ± 50}
Min. speed with no load (Low idle
min–1 {rpm} 825 ± 25 {825 ± 25}
Fuel consumption ratio at rated
g/kWh {g/HPh} 227 {169}
Dry weight (excluding KDPF) kg 996
Fuel injection system – High-pressure common rail type
Fuel injection system control – Electronic control type
Lubricating oil amount (Refill capacity) l 30 (25)
Coolant amount l 12.8
Alternator – 24V, 60A, 90A (if equipped)
Starting motor – 24V, 7.5kW, 11kW (if equipped)
KVGT (Turbocharger) – HOLSET HE431Vh

114E-5 SERIES 01-7

01 Specification

Applicable machines: PC360LC-10 (ENG114-2110-030-A-01-A)

Engine model SAA6D114E-5

No. of cylinders–bore x stroke mm 6 –114 x 144.5
Piston displacement l {cc} 8.85 {8,850}
Firing order – 1-5-3-6-2-4
Overall length mm 1,624
Overall width mm 981
Overall height (excluding exhaust
Dimensions mm –
Overall height (including exhaust
mm 1,530
kW {HP}/
Rated horsepower (Gross) 202 {271}/ 1,950 {1,950}
min–1 {rpm}
Nm {kgm}/
Max. torque (Gross) 1,171 {119} / 1,450 {1,450}
min–1 {rpm}
Performance Max. speed with no load (High idle
min–1 {rpm} 2,050 ± 30 {2,050 ± 30}
Min. speed with no load (Low idle
min–1 {rpm} 1,000 ± 25 {1,000 ± 25}
Fuel consumption ratio at rated
g/kWh {g/HPh} 216 {161}
Dry weight (excluding KDPF) kg 865
Fuel injection system – High-pressure common rail type
Fuel injection system control – Electronic control type
Lubricating oil amount (Refill capacity) l 35 (30)
Coolant amount l 12.7
Alternator – 24 V, 60 A
Starting motor – 24 V, 11 kW
KVGT (Turbocharger) – HOLSET HE431Vh

01-8 114E-5 SERIES

01 Specification

Applicable machines: HB335-1, HB335LC-1, HB365-1, HB365LC-1 (ENG114-2110-030-A-

Engine model SAA6D114E-5
No. of cylinders–bore x stroke mm 6 –114 x 144.5
Piston displacement l {cc} 8.85 {8,850}
Firing order – 1-5-3-6-2-4
Overall length mm 1,614
Overall width mm 993
Overall height (excluding exhaust
Dimensions mm –
Overall height (including exhaust
mm 1,625
kW {HP}/
Rated horsepower (Gross) 202 {271}/ 1,950 {1,950}
min–1 {rpm}
Nm {kgm}/
Max. torque (Gross) 1,171 {119} / 1,450 {1,450}
min–1 {rpm}
Performance Max. speed with no load (High idle
min–1 {rpm} 2,050 ± 30 {2,050 ± 30}
Min. speed with no load (Low idle
min–1 {rpm} 700 ± 25 {700 ± 25}
Fuel consumption ratio at rated
g/kWh {g/HPh} 216 {161}
Dry weight kg 850
Fuel injection system – High-pressure common rail type
Fuel injection system control – Electronic control type
Lubricating oil amount (Refill capacity) l 40 (38)
Coolant amount l 12.7
Alternator – 24 V, 60 A
Starting motor – 24V, 7.5kW, 11kW (if equipped)
KVGT (Turbocharger) – HOLSET HE431Vh

114E-5 SERIES 01-9

01 Specification
General view

General view (ENG107-2180-001-A-00-A)

Applicable machines: D65EX-17, D65PX-17, D65WX-17 (ENG114-2180-041-A-00-A)

Left side
a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Center of crankshaft
2. Rear face of flywheel housing

01-10 114E-5 SERIES

01 Specification
General view

Right side
a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Center of crankshaft
2. Rear face of flywheel housing

114E-5 SERIES 01-11

01 Specification
General view

Front side
a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Center of crankshaft
2. Cylinder center

01-12 114E-5 SERIES

01 Specification
General view

Back side
a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Center of crankshaft
2. Cylinder center

114E-5 SERIES 01-13

01 Specification
General view

Applicable machines: PC360LC-10 (ENG114-2180-041-A-01-A)

Left side
a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Center of crankshaft
2. Rear face of flywheel housing

01-14 114E-5 SERIES

01 Specification
General view

Right side
a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Center of crankshaft
2. Rear face of flywheel housing

114E-5 SERIES 01-15

01 Specification
General view

Front side
a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Center of crankshaft
2. Cylinder center

01-16 114E-5 SERIES

01 Specification
General view

Back side
a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Center of crankshaft
2. Cylinder center

114E-5 SERIES 01-17

01 Specification
General view

Applicable machines: HB335-1, HB335LC-1, HB365-1, HB365LC-1 (ENG114-2180-041-A-

Left side
a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Center of crankshaft
2. Rear flange back side

114E-5 SERIES 01-1

01 Specification
General view

Right side
a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Center of crankshaft
2. Rear flange back side

01-2 114E-5 SERIES

01 Specification
General view

Front side
a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Center of crankshaft
2. Center of cylinder

114E-5 SERIES 01-3

01 Specification
General view

Rear side
a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Center of crankshaft
2. Center of cylinder

01-4 114E-5 SERIES

01 Specification
General view

Dimensions table (ENG114-2110-2A4-A-00-A)

a These dimensions are given for reference when the engine is set on a test bench.
Unit: mm
Dimension of each part
Engine Machine model
D65PX-17 1,215.1 1,614.6 396.9 949.8
PC360LC-10 1,647 1,530 444 981
1,614 1,625 500 993

114E-5 SERIES 01-5

01 Specification
Engine performance curve

Engine performance curve (ENG107-2170-001-A-01-A)

Applicable machines: D65EX-17, D65PX-17, D65WX-17 (ENG114-2170-34E-A-00-A)

Rated horsepower: 163.7 kW {219 HP}/1,950 rpm (Gross)

Max. torque: 1,050 Nm {107.1 kgm}/1,450 rpm (Gross)

01-6 114E-5 SERIES

01 Specification
Engine performance curve

Applicable machines: PC360LC-10 (ENG114-2170-34E-A-01-A)

Rated horsepower: 202kW {271 HP}/1,950 rpm (Gross)

Max. torque: 1,171 Nm {119 kgm}/1,450 rpm (Gross)

114E-5 SERIES 01-7

01 Specification
Engine performance curve

Applicable machines: HB335-1, HB335LC-1, HB365-1, HB365LC-1 (ENG114-2170-34E-A-


Rated horsepower: 202 kW {271 HP} / 1,950 min–1 {1,950 rpm}(Gross)

Max. torque: 1.171 Nm {119 kgm} / 1,450 min–1 {1,450rpm}(Gross)

01-8 114E-5 SERIES


Model Serial Number


10 Structure and function

3 10 Structure and function

114E-5 SERIES 10-1

10 Structure and function
Table of contents

Table of contents (ALL-0310-002-A-00-A)

10 Structure and function ................................................................................................................... 10-1
Table of contents ........................................................................................................................ 10-2
Components layout..................................................................................................................... 10-3
Components layout drawing.................................................................................................. 10-3
Intake and exhaust system parts .................................................................................................. 10-5
Intake and exhaust system layout drawing ............................................................................. 10-5
Intake and exhaust system circuit diagram ............................................................................. 10-6
Air cleaner ........................................................................................................................... 10-8
KVGT.................................................................................................................................. 10-9
Aftercooler......................................................................................................................... 10-16
EGR system piping drawing ................................................................................................ 10-17
EGR system circuit diagram ................................................................................................ 10-19
EGR valve......................................................................................................................... 10-21
EGR cooler........................................................................................................................ 10-23
KCCV layout drawing ......................................................................................................... 10-25
KCCV ventilator ................................................................................................................. 10-28
KDPF................................................................................................................................ 10-32
Engine main body parts............................................................................................................. 10-36
Cylinder head .................................................................................................................... 10-36
Cylinder block .................................................................................................................... 10-38
Main moving parts.............................................................................................................. 10-40
Vibration damper................................................................................................................ 10-43
Timing gear ....................................................................................................................... 10-44
Front cover ........................................................................................................................ 10-45
Valve system ..................................................................................................................... 10-46
Flywheel............................................................................................................................ 10-47
Lubrication system.................................................................................................................... 10-48
Lubrication system parts layout drawing ............................................................................... 10-48
Lubrication system circuit diagram ....................................................................................... 10-50
Oil pump ........................................................................................................................... 10-51
Boost oil pump ................................................................................................................... 10-52
Oil filter.............................................................................................................................. 10-53
Oil cooler........................................................................................................................... 10-54
Regulator valve.................................................................................................................. 10-55
Safety valve....................................................................................................................... 10-56
Oil pan .............................................................................................................................. 10-57
Fuel system ............................................................................................................................. 10-58
Fuel system parts layout drawing......................................................................................... 10-58
Fuel system circuit diagram................................................................................................. 10-60
Supply pump ..................................................................................................................... 10-64
Pre-filter ............................................................................................................................ 10-68
Main filter .......................................................................................................................... 10-69
Cooling system......................................................................................................................... 10-70
Cooling system parts layout drawing.................................................................................... 10-70
Cooling system circuit diagram............................................................................................ 10-71
Drive pulley ....................................................................................................................... 10-73
Water pump....................................................................................................................... 10-77
Thermostat ........................................................................................................................ 10-78
Electrical equipment.................................................................................................................. 10-80
Alternator .......................................................................................................................... 10-80
Starting motor .................................................................................................................... 10-84
Intake air heater ................................................................................................................. 10-88
Engine wiring harness ........................................................................................................ 10-89
Engine controller ................................................................................................................ 10-91
Sensor .............................................................................................................................. 10-97

10-2 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
Components layout drawing

Components layout (ALL-A000-001-K-04-A)

Components layout drawing (ENG114-A000-04D-K-00-A)

a The D65EX–17 is shown as an example. The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Starting motor
2. EGR cooler
3. Engine oil filter
5. KCCV ventilator

114E-5 SERIES 10-3

10 Structure and function
Components layout drawing

6. Alternator
7. Vibration damper and crankshaft pulley
8. Auto-tensioner
9. Air cleaner
10. KVGT
11. Supply pump
12. Boost oil pump
13. Engine controller
14. Oil pan
15. Oil cooler

10-4 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
Intake and exhaust system layout drawing

Intake and exhaust system parts (ENG107-A900-001-K-00-A)

Intake and exhaust system layout drawing (ENG114-A900-04D-K-00-A)

a The D65EX–17 is shown as an example. The shape is subject to machine models.

2. EGR valve
3. Air intake connector
4. Exhaust manifold
5. EGR cooler
B: From EGR valve
C: From aftercooler
D: To intake manifold
E: From air cleaner
F: To aftercooler
G: From exhaust manifold

114E-5 SERIES 10-5

10 Structure and function
Intake and exhaust system circuit diagram

Intake and exhaust system circuit diagram (ENG114-A900-052-K-00-A)

1. Air cleaner
3. Air cooled aftercooler
4. Intake air heater
5. Intake manifold
6. Exhaust manifold
7. EGR valve
8. KCCV ventilator
10. EGR cooler
11. Breather
12. Engine oil pan
13. Engine
A: From atmosphere
B: To atmosphere
C: To oil pan

10-6 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
Intake and exhaust system circuit diagram

Function (ENG107-A900-042-K-00-A)

• A variable displacement turbocharger KVGT (KOMATSU Variable Geometry Turbocharger), EGR system
(EGR valve and EGR cooler) which sends a part of exhaust gas back to the combustion chamber in order
to suppress generation of NOx, KDPF (KOMATSU Diesel Particulate Filter) which purify the exhaust gas,
and a blowby gas recirculation system KCCV (KOMATSU Closed Crankcase Ventilation) are introduced
for this engine.
• Clean air is necessary to maintain the engine performance. If dirt or dust enters, the engine can get
damaged and the performance may be degraded.
• Air flows through air cleaner (1), KVGT (2), and air cooled aftercooler (3) into the engine.
• The KVGT has a variable geometry mechanism not found in conventional turbochargers. The KVGT can
get seriously damaged if foreign material enters the KVGT. Therefore, a high quality air cleaner is
essential for the engine. Follow the procedures in the Operation and Maintenance Manual to clean or
replace the air cleaner element, and be careful not to let foreign material enter the system during
replacement work.
• Intake air flows from air cleaner (1) into the compressor side of KVGT (2). The air charged at KVGT (2) is
cooled at air cooled aftercooler (3). The air then flows through air intake manifold (5) and then into the
cylinders for combustion.
• Exhaust gas is sent from exhaust manifold (6) to the turbine side of KVGT (2). Thus the turbine impeller is
driven by the energy of the exhaust gas.
• The engine controller outputs signals to the EGR system for opening EGR valve (7) most properly
according to the load on the engine to attain both clean exhaust gas and low fuel consumption.
• When EGR valve (7) opens, a part of the exhaust gas (EGR gas) flows from exhaust manifold (6) through
EGR piping to the EGR cooler.
• The exhaust gas cooled by EGR cooler (10) flows through EGR valve (7) and mixes with the intake air and
then flows in the intake manifold (5).
• KDPF (9) features a newly designed mechanism and is installed to meet the new exhaust gas regulations.
The KDPF consists of KDOC (oxidation catalyzer) and KCSF (soot collecting filter).
• Particulate soot in the exhaust gas are collected to purify the exhaust gas.

114E-5 SERIES 10-7

10 Structure and function
Air cleaner

Air cleaner (ENG114-A910-041-K-00-A)

a The D65EX–17 is shown as an example. The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Vacuator valve
2. Inlet
3. Air cleaner clogging sensor or dust indicator mounting
4. Outlet
5. Mass air flow, temperature sensor mounting
6. Rectifier wire net
7. Outer element
8. Inner element
Specifications (ENG114-A910-030-K-00-A)

• Type: Cyclone pack type

• Filtering area (outer element): 9.94 m2
• Filtering area (inner element): 1.33 m2
Operation (ENG107-A910-044-K-00-A)

• Since inlet (2) is set in the tangential direction, air is given sufficient centrifugal force by the simple spiral
guide vanes (8), not by guide plates.
• Air containing dust is sucked in vertically through inlet (2) and the dust is separated by the centrifugal
effect by guide vane (8).
• More than 99.9% of the dust is removed by outer element (7) and clean air is sucked in the engine through
inner element (9) and outlet (4).
• The dust and water separated by guide vane (8) swirl along the inside wall of body and enter vacuator
valve (1) and then are discharged out automatically.
• Rectifier wire net (6) rectifies the air flow to the mass air flow and temperature sensor which is important to
the engine control.

10-8 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function

KVGT (ENG114-AA10-041-K-00-A)

KVGT: Abbreviation for KOMATSU Variable Geometry Turbocharger and it is variable displacement
a The shape is subject to machine models.

114E-5 SERIES 10-9

10 Structure and function

1. Blower housing
2. KVGT speed sensor
3. Hydraulic actuator
4. Turbine housing
5. Plate
6. Vane
7. Nozzle ring
8. Push rod
9. Shaft
10. Blower impeller
11. Turbine impeller
12. Piston
A: Air intake inlet
B: Air intake outlet
C: Exhaust inlet
D: Exhaust outlet
Operation (ENG114-AA10-044-K-00-A)

1. Air cleaner
4. EGR cooler
5. EGR valve
C: Blower impeller
T: Turbine impeller
• The new exhaust gas regulation not only requires to control emissions at high engine speeds but also at
low engine speeds. To meet the requirements, the EGR ratio is increased. (EGR ratio = volume of EGR/
intake air flow)
• To obtain a high EGR ratio especially at low engine speeds, the turbine inlet pressure (P3) must be higher
than the boost pressure (P2). A variable displacement turbocharger (KVGT), in which the exhaust gas
pressure hitting the turbine impeller (T) can be adjusted, is introduced.
• The charged pressure rises faster, also contributing to suppress the generation of PM (particles) due to
insufficient oxygen at low engine speeds.
• The turbine impeller (T) drives the blower impeller (C) via a shaft. In turn the blower impeller (C) sends a
large amount of air to the cylinders for combustion. When the air flow from KVGT (2) increases, more fuel
can be injected, and the engine output increases.
• Since the density of the air and the amount of oxygen increases when the air is cooled, more fuel can be
injected, and the engine output increases.

10-10 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function

a Adequate amount of clean high quality oil is required to maintain the KVGT performance. Be sure to use
Komatsu genuine high quality oil. Follow the procedures in the Operation and Maintenance Manual when
replacing oil or oil filter.

• Exhaust gas enters from (C) of turbine housing (4), flows through section (P) and out from (D). Section (P)
is surrounded by plate (5) and nozzle ring (7) fixed on turbine housing (4), and vane (6).
• The passage area changes when push rod (8) slides right or left.
• The hydraulic actuator (3) moves piston (12) in the actuator up/down by using the oil pressure controlled
at the EPC valve installed to the EGR valve, and also controls the right/left slide of push rod (8).
• Exhaust gas hits vane (6), and then turbine impeller (11) drives blower impeller (10) via shaft (9). This
works as a compressor and the air entered from (A) is compressed and sent out from (B).
• When the exhaust gas pressure at the inlet (C) of turbine housing (4) is low (at low engine speeds), push
rod (8) slides to the right to narrow section (P).
• Then the exhaust gas pressure to turbine impeller (11) increases, the turbocharger speed also increases,
and more air (oxygen) is inhaled.
• The turbocharger speed is sensed by KVGT speed sensor (2).

When nozzle ring is closed

• At low engine speeds, exhaust gas inlet passage (P) is narrowed (L1). (Not completely closed)
• When the turbine inlet pressure increases while the nozzle ring is closed, the flow speed to the turbine
increases and the turbocharger speed increases.

114E-5 SERIES 10-11

10 Structure and function

When nozzle ring is open

• At high engine speeds, exhaust gas inlet passage (P) is widened (L2).
• As the engine speed and the turbine inlet pressure (exhaust gas pressure) increases, exhaust gas inlet
passage (P) widens (L2) to effectively apply the exhaust gas pressure to turbine impeller (11).

a Nozzle ring (7), vane (6), and push rod (8) are integrated and slide together but do not rotate.
a KVGT position sensor is installed to hydraulic actuator (3). The KVGT position sensor is calibrated
together with the variable mechanism in the KVGT, and values are stored in the memory inside the KVGT
position sensor. If any of the hydraulic actuator (3), KVGT position sensor, or KVGT body fails, replace the
whole KVGT.
Hydraulic actuator operation
• Hydraulic actuator (6) is moved by the oil pressure controlled by EPC valve (8) installed to EGR valve
• The force for the movement is the oil pressure supplied from boost oil pump (12).
a The D65EX–17 is shown as an example. The shape is subject to machine models.

10-12 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function

• Position of hydraulic actuator (6) is sensed by KVGT position sensor (5) and the signals are fed back to
engine controller (7).

114E-5 SERIES 10-13

10 Structure and function

1. Air cleaner
2. Mass air flow and temperature sensor
4. KVGT speed sensor
5. KVGT position sensor
6. Hydraulic actuator
7. Engine controller
8. EPC valve (for KVGT)
10. EGR system (EGR cooler, EGR valve)
11. EGR orifice temperature sensor
C: Blower impeller
T: Turbine impeller

KVGT control system

• Based on information from KVGT position sensor (5), mass air flow and temperature sensor (2), and
KVGT speed sensor (4), etc., the engine controller (7) moves hydraulic actuator (6) by using the oil
pressure controlled by EPC valve (8), to move the piston.
• A good response at high altitudes is maintained by sensing high elevations with the ambient pressure
sensor, and automatically controlling the fuel injection and the KVGT.
• The KVGT is protected by controlling its speed to prevent overspeeds.

• Cooled oil from the engine oil cooler is sent through the supply pipe to the KVGT for lubrication.
• Oil is sent to the bearing housing to lubricate the shaft bearing and thrust bearing.
• Return oil is drained from the return pipe connected to the bottom of the bearing housing and falls to the oil

10-14 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function

• Coolant from the cylinder block enters the center housing to cool the KVGT.
• Coolant return flows from the center housing and joins the flow at the EGR cooler outlet piping, then flows
through the water inlet connector to the water pump.

114E-5 SERIES 10-15

10 Structure and function

Aftercooler (ENG114-A9A0-041-K-00-A)

a The D65EX–17 is shown as an example. The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Core
2. Tank
3. Tube
4. Fin
A: Intake air outlet
B: Intake air inlet
Specifications (ENG114-A9A0-030-K-00-A)

• Cooling method: Air-cooled type

• Core type: Rectangular aluminum wave fin
• Fin pitch: 8/2 ± 1
• Total heat dissipation area: 15.89 m2

10-16 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
EGR system piping drawing

EGR system piping drawing (ENG114-A9J0-04D-K-00-A)

EGR: Abbreviation for Exhaust Gas Recirculation.

a The D65EX-17 is shown as an example. The shape is subject to machine models.

2. EGR valve
3. Air intake pipe
4. Air intake connector
5. Exhaust manifold
6. EGR cooler

114E-5 SERIES 10-17

10 Structure and function
EGR system piping drawing

Function (ENG107-A9J0-042-K-00-A)

• EGR valve (driven hydraulically)

Controls the gas flow from the exhaust system to the air intake system. Since the exhaust pressure is
higher than the boost pressure, the exhaust gas flows to the air intake side.
• EGR cooler
Cools the exhaust gas.
Engine coolant is used for cooling.
• Air intake connector
Returns the air from the air-cooled aftercooler and exhaust gas from the EGR valve to the air intake side.
• Each sensor
Controls the EGR according to the operating condition.
Troubleshoots the system.
• Controls each part of the EGR circuit and controls the EGR rate according to the operating condition to
ensure clean exhaust at all times.
• Since the EGR circuit is monitored and troubleshooted, a serious trouble is prevented.

10-18 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
EGR system circuit diagram

EGR system circuit diagram (ENG107-A9J0-052-K-00-A)

a EGR: Abbreviation for Exhaust Gas Recirculation

1. Air cleaner
3. Ambient pressure sensor
4. Aftercooler
5. EGR orifice temperature sensor
6. EGR cooler
7. EGR valve
8. Hydraulic actuator (power piston)
9. EPC valve (for EGR valve)
10. EGR valve lift sensor
11. EPC valve (for KVGT)
12. Exhaust manifold
13. Boost oil pump
14. Air intake manifold
15. Charge (boost) pressure and temperature sensor
16. Engine controller
C: Blower impeller
T: Turbine impeller
Operation (ENG107-A9J0-044-K-00-A)

• The engine controller outputs signals for opening EGR valve (7) most properly according to the load on
the engine to attain both clean exhaust gas and low fuel consumption.
• When EGR valve (7) opens, a part of the exhaust gas (EGR gas) flows from exhaust manifold (12)
through EGR piping to EGR cooler (6).

114E-5 SERIES 10-19

10 Structure and function
EGR system circuit diagram

• The exhaust gas cooled by EGR cooler (6) flows through EGR valve (7) and mixes with the intake air in
the air intake connector, and then flows in the air intake manifold (14).

10-20 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
EGR valve

EGR valve (ENG107-A9K1-041-K-00-A)

a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Valve
2. Spring
3. Power piston
4. Spool
5. Spring
6. EGR valve lift sensor
7. EPC valve (for EGR valve)
8. EPC valve (for KVGT)
A: EGR gas inlet (from EGR cooler)
B: EGR gas outlet (to intake manifold)
C: Servo drive oil inlet
D: Servo drive oil outlet
E: KVGT control oil pressure outlet
F: KVGT drive oil pressure outlet

• The EGR valve consists of the EGR gas flow control mechanism and the EPC valves
• There are two EPC valves, one for the EGR valves control and one for the KVGTcontrol.

114E-5 SERIES 10-21

10 Structure and function
EGR valve

Operation (ENG107-A9K1-044-K-00-A)

• Oil from the boost oil pump flows into the EGR valve from port (C). Control pressure from the EPC valve
flows into port (E).
• Spool (4) is pressed to the right by the reaction force of spring (5), and EGR valve (1) is closed by the
reaction force of spring (2) Therefore, exhaust gas from the EGR cooler does not flow to the intake side.
• To open EGR valve (1), first the control pressure from the EPC valve enters port (E). Spool (4) moves to a
position whereat this control pressure and the force of spring (5) are balanced.
• The hydraulic circuit in power piston (3) opens, and then the oil from the boost oil pump entering from port
(C) pushes power piston (3) to the left.
• Oil from the boost oil pump acts on power piston (3) and generates force (Fp).
• When force (Fp) becomes larger than reaction force (Fs) of spring (2), EGR valve (1) opens and then
exhaust gas will flow to the intake side.
• Since the hydraulic circuit to spool (4) is closed by movement of power piston (3), power piston (3) stops at
a position determined by spool (4).
• The valve position is controlled by the engine controller by controlling the spool position with the control
pressure of the EPC valve.
• A servo mechanism prevents external force applied to valve (1) from acting on spool (4), which is in
contact with power piston (3).
• Position of spool (4) is sensed by the EGR valve lift sensor.

10-22 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
EGR cooler

EGR cooler (ENG107-A9L0-041-K-00-A)

a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Tube
A: EGR gas inlet
B: Air vent
C: Coolant outlet
D: EGR gas outlet (to EGR valve)
E: Coolant inlet

1. Flat tube
2. Inner fin

114E-5 SERIES 10-23

10 Structure and function
EGR cooler

Operation (ENG107-A9L0-044-K-00-A)

• The EGR gas enters from (A) and flows through 11 flat tubes (1).
• Coolant enters from (E) and flows around flat tube (1) in shell and then goes out from (C).
• The EGR gas is effectively cooled by flat tubes (1) with inner fins (2) and flows out from EGR gas outlet

10-24 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
KCCV layout drawing

KCCV layout drawing (ENG114-A180-04D-K-01-A)

KCCV: Abbreviation for KOMATSU Closed Crankcase Ventilation

a D65EX-17 is shown as an example. The shape is subject to machine models.

1. KCCV ventilator
114E-5 SERIES 10-25
10 Structure and function
KCCV layout drawing

3. Breather
4. Flywheel housing
5. Check valve
6. CDR valve
7. Crankcase pressure sensor
A: Blowby gas (from flywheel housing)
B: Blowby gas from which engine oil was removed (to KVGT)
C: Engine oil (to oil pan)
• Blowby gas has been emitted to the atmosphere so far. Since the emission regulation has become strict
and blowby gas must be controlled now, the blowby gas intake recirculation system is employed.
• Blowby gas (A) contains ingredients of the engine oil. If it is recirculated to KVGT (2) as it is, it causes the
following problems. To prevent this, a filter is installed to KCCV ventilator (1) to remove the engine oil.
1. Lowering of performance of turbocharger and aftercooler caused by sticking engine oil
2. Abnormal combustion in engine
3. Malfunction of each sensor caused by sticking engine oil
• This system is not adopted to HB335-1, HB335LC-1, HB365-1, and HB365LC-1.
Blowby gas is released to atmosphere similarly to SAA6D114E-3 for Tier3 regulation.
Operation (ENG107-A180-044-K-00-A)

a The figure on the left shows the flow of blowby gas released to the atmosphere from conventional engines.
The figure on the right shows the flow of blowby gas recirculated to the intake system by the KCCV

1. Air cleaner
3. Aftercooler
4. Cylinder block (crankcase)
5. Breather

10-26 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
KCCV layout drawing

6. KCCV ventilator
7. Oil pan
• Engine oil mist is removed from blowby gas (A) in cylinder block (4) by the filter in KCCV ventilator (6), and
then the cleaned gas (B) is recirculated to the intake side of the KVGT.
• Removed engine oil (C) flows through a check valve and falls to the oil pan.

114E-5 SERIES 10-27

10 Structure and function
KCCV ventilator

KCCV ventilator (ENG114-A18H-041-K-01-A)

a The shape is subject to machine models.

a KCCV is not mounted to HB335-1, HB335LC-1, HB365-1, and HB365LC-1.

1. Case
2. CDR valve
3. Crankcase pressure sensor
4. Relief valve
5. Impactor
6. Filter
A: Blowby gas inlet (from breather)
B: Blowby gas outlet (to KVGT intake side)
C: Oil drain port (to oil pan)
Function (ENG107-A18H-042-K-00-A)

• When blowby gas is recirculated to the intake side of the KVGT, the pressure inside the crankcase
becomes negative, and dust may be sucked in through the crankshaft seals. Therefore, CDR valve
(regulator valve) controls the pressure inside the crankcase.
• If the filter in the KCCV ventilator clogs, pressure inside the crankcase increases and oil may leak, so clog
of filter is detected by crankcase pressure sensor.
• There are two types of filters that differ by the filter replacement method; the top load type (removed
upward) and the bottom load type (removed downward).
Operation (ENG107-A18H-044-K-00-A)

• Blowby gas enters (A) and large oil particles in the engine oil mist are separated when it flows through the
hole of impactor (5) in filter (6).
• Small oil particles are separated by filter (6).
• The separated oil flows along the case wall to oil drain port (C), and then flows into the oil pan.

10-28 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
KCCV ventilator

• When the crankcase pressure becomes negative, CDR valve (2) operates to prevent the crankcase
pressure from becoming excessively negative.
• The crankcase pressure sensor (3) senses the blowby gas pressure (crankcase pressure).
• If the engine controller judges from the value sensed by the crankcase pressure sensor (3) that the filter is
clogged, it displays failure code CA555 and then displays CA556 if the pressure increases further.
• Relief valve (4) is installed inside case (1) and operates to protect the KCCV ventilator and engine when
filter (6) is blocked.
CDR valve (ENG107-A18A-041-K-00-A)

CDR: Abbreviation for Crankcase Depression Regulator

1. Diaphragm
2. Spring
A: Crankcase side
B: KVGT side (intake side)
• The CDR valve is a regulator valve which prevents excessive negative crankcase pressure (P1).
• Normally, diaphragm (1) is pushed up by spring (2) and blowby gas flows from crankcase side (A) to
KVGT side (intake side) (B).
• When intake air flow at KVGT side (intake side) (B) increases and crankcase pressure (P1) decreases, the
reaction force of spring (2) yields to ambient pressure (P2). The diaphragm shuts the passage and
temporarily blocks the flow.
• Then, when blowby gas accumulates in the crankcase and pressure (P1) recovers, the diaphragm is
pushed up again and blowby gas starts to flow again.

114E-5 SERIES 10-29

10 Structure and function
KCCV ventilator

Forming of condensed water and emulsion (ENG107-A18H-14H-K-00-A)

1. Air cleaner
3. Aftercooler
4. Engine
5. Breather
6. KCCV ventilator
7. Oil pan

• If the machine is continuously operated in a low load condition at low ambient temperatures, the moisture
in the blowby gas may condense instead of evaporating away. The water will flow through KCCV ventilator
(6) to oil pan (7). The following occurs:
Moisture in the blowby gas condenses inside KCCV piping (A).
The condensed water flows through the drain circuit to the oil pan.
The water in the oil pan evaporates.
When the vapor condenses again at a relatively cool place inside the engine, it mixes with oil and
forms a milky mixture. This mixture is so-called "mayonnaise sludge" (*).
*: A mixture of oil and water, emulsified like mayonnaise (emulsion)
5. Mayonnaise sludge will deposit during low load operation when various parts in the engine are not
warmed up enough.
• Mayonnaise sludge is formed at low temperature areas that cause condensation, such as inside of
breather (B), back side of head cover (C), and dipstick (D).

10-30 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
KCCV ventilator

• Mayonnaise sludge will evaporate away as the engine is operated under load and the engine oil
temperature increases.
• Mayonnaise sludge found in oil is harmless, however, when the engine coolant is found in oil, the engine
must be checked for coolant leaks.

114E-5 SERIES 10-31

10 Structure and function

KDPF (ENG114-A9H0-041-K-01-A)

KDPF: Abbreviation for Komatsu Diesel Particulate Filter

a The shape is subject to machine models.
a KDPF is not mounted to HB335-1, HB335LC-1, HB365-1, and HB365LC-1.

1. Inlet unit
2. KDOC inlet temperature sensor
3. KDOC outlet temperature sensor
4. KCSF unit
5. Centralized connector box
6. KDPF outlet temperature sensor
7. Outlet unit
8. KDPF differential pressure sensor port
9. KDPF differential pressure sensor
10. KDPF differential pressure sensor port
11. KDOC unit
12. Hanger bracket
13. Sensor bracket
14. Sensor bracket band
15. Water drain port
A: From KVGT
B: Exhaust
C: Water drain
• KDPF consists of inlet unit (1) which receives the exhaust gas, KDOC unit (11) which houses the oxidation
catalyzer, KCSF unit (4) which houses the soot-capturing filter with catalyzer, and outlet unit (7) which

10-32 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function

contains the "weir" to discharge the exhaust gas and prevent rainwater from entering KCSF unit (4)
through the outlet.
• KDOC unit (11) consists of ceramic honeycomb with oxidation catalyzer.
• The ceramic honeycomb works to properly oxidize NO (nitrogen monoxide) contained in the exhaust gas
into NO2 (nitrogen dioxide) and burn the fuel injected during automatic regeneration (*1) and manual
stationary regeneration.
• The ceramic honeycomb is protected with a mat made of special fibers to prevent breakage of the ceramic
under the vibrations from the engine and chassis.
• This mat also protects the outside of KDPF from being heated by the ceramic which becomes hot during
• KCSF unit (4) also consists of ceramic honeycomb with oxidation catalyzer, similarly to KDOC unit (11).
This ceramic honeycomb captures soot.
• Inside KCSF, there are many cells partitioned by ceramic walls. Cells plugged at the inlet side and cells
plugged at the outlet side are alternately arranged.
• KDPF has 3 temperature sensors and one differential pressure sensor (integrated sensor of KDPF
differential pressure sensor and KDPF outlet pressure sensor).
• These 3 temperature sensors are used to monitor the functions of KDOC and KCSF and troubleshoot
various items by combining the sensed temperatures.
• The differential pressure sensor detects the soot level accumulated in KCSF by detecting the pressure
difference over KCSF. It is also used to troubleshoot many items, similarly to the temperature sensors.
*1: Soot purification (oxidation) treatment
k The surface and nearby piping of KDPF are very hot while the engine is running and for a time after
the engine is stopped. When you are required to work near KDPF, take extreme care not to get

Function (ENG107-A9H0-042-K-00-A)

A: Flow of exhaust gas

1 KDOC (oxidation catalyzer)
3 Sealing (ceramic)

114E-5 SERIES 10-33

10 Structure and function

4 Cell
5 Ceramic honeycomb
• KDPF is installed to meet the latest very severe emission regulations. It captures almost all PM
(Particulate Matter) contained in the engine exhaust gas to clean the exhaust gas.
• KCSF (2) is made of ceramic. Inside KCSF, there are many cells partitioned by ceramic walls. Cells
plugged at the inlet side and cells plugged at the outlet side are alternately arranged.
• The soot deposited in KCSF (2) are naturally oxidized and burned away by the effect of KDOC (1), in
operating conditions with relatively high exhaust gas temperatures. (This is referred to as "passive
• On the other hand, when the exhaust temperature is relatively low, in conditions such as continued low
load operations, the deposit of soot in KCSF (2) increases.
• The engine controller continuously monitors the amount of deposited soot by estimating from the
operating conditions and calculating from the signals of the differential pressure sensor installed to KCSF
• When the soot deposit exceeds a certain level, and the engine is operated with the exhaust gas
temperature exceeding a certain level, the engine controller executes "automatic regeneration" to burn
(oxidize) the soot.
• During automatic regeneration, the engine controller automatically controls the fuel injection timing and
the KVGT to raise the exhaust temperature. This operation is called "exhaust temperature-raising control".
• As the exhaust temperature increases, the engine controller automatically performs calculations based on
the exhaust temperature at KDOC (1) inlet and flow of the exhaust gas, so that KCSF (2) can efficiently
burn (oxidize) the soot.
• KDOC (1) burns (oxidizes) the soot by utilizing the function of the catalyzer.
• Automatic regeneration is not performed when regeneration is executed from the machine monitor, or
when the outside air temperature is extremely low, and when the exhaust gas temperature is not high
enough to burn soot because the engine has been operated at low loads for a while. Thus, soot deposit in
the KCSF (2) will increase.
• If the soot deposit in the KCSF (2) exceeds a certain level, it will be necessary to perform "manual
stationary regeneration" to burn away (oxidize) the soot in the KCSF (2).
• If the soot deposit exceeds the acceptable level, the exhaust gas flow will be restricted. This can increase
fuel consumption, degrade engine combustion, or cause other problems.
• If the soot deposit exceeds the limit to safely perform "manual stationary regeneration", the KDPF fails and
replacement becomes unavoidable. Make sure to follow the procedures in the Operation and
Maintenance Manual when performing "manual stationary regeneration"
Types of regeneration (ENG107-A9H0-042-K-01-A)

a Regeneration refers to a process of purifying (oxidizing) the soot deposited in the soot collecting filter
(KCSF) inside the KDPF.
1. Passive regeneration
When the exhaust temperature is relatively high, the catalyst effect of the KDOC to oxidize soot will be
stronger and the soot deposit in the KCSF will be naturally burned away.
2. Active regeneration
1) Automatic regeneration
If the soot deposit exceeds a certain level, the engine controller switches to exhaust temperature-
raising control (*1), performs fuel dosing (*2), and automatically starts the regeneration process.
Another type of automatic regeneration is performed by the engine controller at certain intervals,
regardless of the amount of soot deposited in the KCSF.
*1: The fuel injection timing and the KVGT are controlled to raise the exhaust temperature.
*2: Fuel is injected to increase the exhaust temperature and accelerate the regeneration process. No.
1, 2, and 3 injectors are used for fuel dosing.
2) Manual stationary regeneration (*3)
When the exhaust temperature does not reach a certain level due to the machine operating condition,
or when regeneration is disabled by the operator, automatic regeneration will not be performed and the
soot deposit in the KCSF may increase. In such conditions, the machine monitor displays a manual
stationary regeneration request on the screen. The operator must perform regeneration by operating
the machine monitor on its screen. A regeneration feature is also provided for the technician who
should use this feature from the machine monitor menu after engine controller replacement, KDPF
replacement, and KCSF ash cleaning. (= Regeneration for service (*3))

10-34 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function

*3:For details, see the Shop Manual for the applicable machine.
• A KDPF drying feature is provided to prevent excessive accumulation of unburned fuel in the KDPF
when the machine is operated for a long time with low exhaust temperature.
• When certain conditions are met, the engine controller automatically switches control to increase
the exhaust temperature to dry the KCSF. If some of the conditions for automatic drying are not met,
manual stationary regeneration may be requested.
a Follow the procedures in the Operation and Maintenance Manual when starting and stopping
KDPF regeneration.
a Be sure to use ultra-low-sulfur diesel fuel. Non-specified fuels may cause KDPF failure.
a Be sure to use the specified Komatsu genuine oil for the KDPF. Non-specified oils may cause
KDPF clogging in a short time, resulting in increased fuel consumption or KDPF failure.
a Do not modify the KDPF itself or exhaust pipes. Modifications disturb normal operation of the
KDPF, leading to a failure.
a Do not apply impacts to the KDPF by stepping on, dropping, or striking it. The KDPF contains a
ceramic honeycomb, which can be damaged by strong impacts.
a The engine controller performs automatic regeneration even when the amount of soot deposit is
low. Since this is programmed to maintain the KDPF performance, this is normal.
a During automatic regeneration and manual stationary regeneration, the KVGT automatically
operates and the engine sound changes. The flow of exhaust gas through the KDPF changes
and the exhaust sound changes, but this is normal.
a During automatic regeneration and manual stationary regeneration, especially at low
temperatures, white smoke may come out from the exhaust pipe for a short time, but this is
normal. Be sure to perform regeneration at a well ventilated place since carbon monoxide can
be produced.
a During automatic regeneration and manual stationary regeneration, a strange odor may be
smelled from the exhaust pipe, but this is normal.
a During automatic regeneration and manual stationary regeneration, the exhaust temperature at
the exhaust pipe can exceed 650 °C. Make sure that there is no flammable material near the
exhaust system to prevent fire. Make sure that nobody is standing in front of the exhaust pipe,
and pay sufficient attention to safety of the environment.
a KDPF temperature values are shown below for reference.
DOC_In (KDOC inlet DOC_Out (KDOC outlet KDPF_Out (KDPF outlet
temperature sensor) temperature sensor) temperature sensor)
Not regenerating (idling) 100 to 250 °C
Regenerating (under
exhaust temperature-raising 100 to 250 °C 400 to 550 °C
control: 1,000 rpm)

114E-5 SERIES 10-35

10 Structure and function
Cylinder head

Engine main body parts (ENG107-R402-001-K-00-A)

Cylinder head (ENG114-A100-041-K-00-A)

a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Cylinder head
2. Cylinder head cover
3. Head bolt
4. Injector assembly

10-36 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
Cylinder head

Specifications (ENG107-A100-030-K-00-A)
Cylinder head
• Direct fuel injection type
• Integral type
• 4-valve
Valve seat
• Intake side: Valve seat inserts are press fitted
• Exhaust side: Valve seat inserts are press fitted

Injector assembly
• Installation: Dry type (without sleeve)

114E-5 SERIES 10-37

10 Structure and function
Cylinder block

Cylinder block (ENG114-A300-041-K-00-A)

a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Main bearing cap

2. Main bearing cap bolt
3. Cylinder block
4. Camshaft bushing
a: Center of crankshaft
b: Cylinder block back side

10-38 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
Cylinder block

Specifications (ENG114-A300-030-K-00-A)
Cylinder block
• Crankshaft: 7 bearings
• Camshaft section: 7 bearings

Cylinder liner
• Wet type
• Finish of inside wall: plateau honing

114E-5 SERIES 10-39

10 Structure and function
Main moving parts

Main moving parts (ENG114-R403-001-K-00-A)

a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Crankshaft
2. Front crankshaft gear (42 teeth)
3. Main bearing
4. Connecting rod bearing
5. Connecting rod
6. Cylinder block
7. Cylinder liner
8. Piston
9. Connecting rod bushing
10. Piston pin
11. Top ring
12. Second ring

10-40 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
Main moving parts

13. Oil ring

14. Connecting rod cap
15. Connecting rod cap bolt
16. Main cap bolt
17. Main cap
Specifications (ENG114-R403-030-K-01-A)
• Closed die forging
• Journal induction hardening

• Toroidal combustion chamber for direct fuel injection
• Aluminum piston (shaker)

Piston ring

• Top ring (1): Barrel face, keystone, inner cut, and hard chrome plating
• Second ring (2): Taper, and hard chrome plating
• Oil ring (3): With coil expander, M-shape steal ring, and hard chrome plating

Connecting rod
D65EX-17、 D65PX-17、D65WX-17、PC360LC–10

114E-5 SERIES 10-41

10 Structure and function
Main moving parts

HB335–1, HB335LC–1, HB365–1, HB365LC–1

• Closed die forging
• The cap bolt is screwed-in type, torque plus angle method, and with lubrication hole.

10-42 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
Vibration damper

Vibration damper (ENG114-A5E0-041-K-00-A)

a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Vibration damper
2. Crankshaft pulley
3. Mounting bolt
Function (ENG107-A5E0-042-K-00-A)

• The vibration damper absorbs the torsional vibration that acts on the crankshaft and prevents damage and
abnormal wear of the crankshaft and gears.

114E-5 SERIES 10-43

10 Structure and function
Timing gear

Timing gear (ENG114-A5A0-041-K-00-A)

a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Boost oil pump gear (24 teeth)

2. Idler gear (23 teeth)
3. Crankshaft gear (42 teeth)
4. Camshaft gear (84 teeth)
5. Supply pump gear (84 teeth)
Function (ENG114-A5A0-042-K-00-A)

• Timing (crankshaft) gear (3) and camshaft gear (4) are in mesh to to time the opening-closing of the intake
and exhaust valves to the up-down of the pistons.

10-44 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
Front cover

Front cover (ENG114-A5B2-041-K-00-A)

a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Front gear cover

2. Front gear housing
3. Gasket
4. Front seal cover
5. Front seal

114E-5 SERIES 10-45

10 Structure and function
Valve system

Valve system (ENG114-A700-041-K-00-A)

• The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Camshaft gear (84 teeth)

2. Thrust plate
3. Camshaft
4. Intake valve
5. Exhaust valve
6. Valve spring
7. Valve seal
8. Valve cotter
9. Adjustment screw
10. Locknut
11. Rocker arm
12. Push rod
13. Tappet

10-46 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function

Flywheel (ENG114-A560-041-K-00-A)

a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Flywheel housing
2. Starting motor
3. Ring gear (148 teeth)
4. Flywheel
5. Rear seal
Specifications (ENG114-A560-030-K-00-A)
Rear seal
• For wet type: Double lip

114E-5 SERIES 10-47

10 Structure and function
Lubrication system parts layout drawing

Lubrication system (ENG107-AB00-001-K-00-A)

Lubrication system parts layout drawing (ENG114-AB00-04D-K-00-A)

a The D65EX-17 is shown as an example. The shape is subject to machine models.

10-48 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
Lubrication system parts layout drawing

1. EGR valve
2. Boost oil pump
4. Engine oil filter

114E-5 SERIES 10-49

10 Structure and function
Lubrication system circuit diagram

Lubrication system circuit diagram (ENG114-AB00-052-K-00-A)

1. Strainer
2. Oil pump
3. Regulator valve
4. Bypass valve
5. Oil cooler
6. Oil filter
7. Safety valve
8. KVGT lubyication
9. Main gallery lubrication
10. Lubyication of bearings
11. Boost oil pump
12. Regulator valve
13. EPC valve (for KVGT)
14. KVGT
15. EPC valve (for EGR valve)
16. EGR valve
17. Piston cooling gallery
18. Piston cooling
19. Oil pan

10-50 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
Oil pump

Oil pump (ENG114-AB50-041-K-00-A)

a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Drive gear (24 teeth)

2. Bushing
3. Drive shaft
4. Housing
5. Idler shaft
6. Idler gear (23 teeth)
7. Back plate
8. Inner rotor (drive rotor)
9. Outer rotor (planetary rotor)
Specifications (ENG114-AB50-030-K-00-A)

• Type: Trochoid pump

• Speed: Engine speed x 1.75
Function (ENG107-AB50-042-K-00-A)

• The oil pump feeds engine oil which lubricates the inside of the engine.
• The pump is installed between the oil pan and regulator valve circuit, and is driven by the camshaft.

114E-5 SERIES 10-51

10 Structure and function
Boost oil pump

Boost oil pump (ENG114-A9N0-041-K-00-A)

a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Regulator valve
A: Discharge port
B: Suction port
Specifications (ENG114-A9N0-030-K-00-A)
Oil pump
• Type: Gear pump
• Speed: Engine speed x 1.0

Regulator valve
• Cracking pressure: 1.43 ± 0.1 MPa {14.6 ± 1 kg/cm2}
Function (ENG107-A9N0-042-K-00-A)

• The boost oil pump feeds engine oil which drives the EGR valve and the KVGT.
• The pump is installed between the main gallery and EGR valve and KVGT circuit, and is driven by the
• The pump feeds oil pressure to the EGR valve drive, EGR valve control, KVGT drive, and KVGT control

10-52 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
Oil filter

Oil filter (ENG114-ABC0-041-K-00-A)

a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Filter cartridge
2. Safety valve
3. Plug
4. Filter head
Function (ENG107-ABC0-042-K-00-A)

• During the engine lubrication process, impurities such as carbon, sludge, and wear particles will mix in the
engine oil. The filter removes these impurities.
• A safety valve is provided to bypass the engine oil when the filter gets clogged.
• To make filter cartridge replacement easier, this is remotely mounted on some machines.

114E-5 SERIES 10-53

10 Structure and function
Oil cooler

Oil cooler (ENG114-B810-041-K-00-A)

a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Oil cooler core assembly

2. Oil pump
3. Regulator valve
4. Safety valve
a: Oil pump gear
b: Crankshaft gear
Specifications (ENG114-B810-030-K-00-A)
Oil cooler
• Number of element steps: 15
Function (ENG107-B810-042-K-00-A)

• This is installed in the circuit between the regulator valve and oil filter to cool the engine oil.

10-54 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
Regulator valve

Regulator valve (ENG114-ABD4-041-K-00-A)

a The oil filters layout, shape of oil pan and piping are subject to machine models.

1. Plug
2. Spring
3. Plunger valve
4. Oil filter
5. Safety valve
6. Oil cooler
A: To oil cooler
B: From lubricating oil pump
C: To oil pan
D: From lubricating oil filter
E: From lubricating oil filter
F: To main gallery

Specification (ENG114-ABD4-030-K-00-A)

Cracking pressure: 517 kPa {5.3 kg/cm2}

114E-5 SERIES 10-55

10 Structure and function
Safety valve

Safety valve (ENG114-ABD0-041-K-00-A)

a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Plug
2. Spring
3. Plunger valve
4. Oil filter
5. Safety valve
6. Oil cooler
A: To oil cooler
B: From lubricating oil pump
C: To oil pan
D: From lubricating oil filter
E: From lubricating oil filter
F: To main gallery
Specifications (ENG114-ABD0-030-K-00-A)

Cracking pressure: 345 kPa {3.5 kg/cm2}

10-56 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
Oil pan

Oil pan (ENG114-AB20-041-K-00-A)

a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Oil level gauge

2. Oil suction pipe
3. Oil pan
4. Oil level sensor
5. Drain valve

114E-5 SERIES 10-57

10 Structure and function
Fuel system parts layout drawing

Fuel system (ENG107-AD00-001-K-00-A)

Fuel system parts layout drawing (ENG114-AD00-04D-K-00-A)

a The shape is subject to machine models.

10-58 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
Fuel system parts layout drawing

1. Main filter
2. Injector
3. Inlet connector
4. Check valve
5. Supply pump
6. Common rail
7. High-pressure pipe
8. Pressure limiter valve
9. Feed pump
A: From pre-filter
B: To main filter

114E-5 SERIES 10-59

10 Structure and function
Fuel system circuit diagram

Fuel system circuit diagram (ENG114-AD00-052-K-00-A)

1. Main filter
2. Supply pump
3. Injector
4. Common rail
5. Check valve
6. Pressure limiter valve
7. Fuel tank
8. Water separator
9. Pre-filter
10. Priming pump
11. Lift pump
12. ECM cooling plate
13. Check valve
14. Feed pump

10-60 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
Fuel system circuit diagram

Operation (ENG114-AD00-044-K-00-A)

• The fuel system is of an electronically controlled high-pressure common rail type. The high-pressure
common rail system consists of four main components:
• Feed pump (low pressure pump) (12), supply pump (high-pressure pump) (2), common rail (4), and
injectors (3).
• The fuel system uses injectors (3) driven by solenoids.
• The engine controller (EC) controls the solenoid in each injector (3) to control the fuel supply and timing to
the injector (3).
• By controlling the solenoids electronically, the flow and timing are precisely controlled.

2. Supply pump
3. Injector
4. Common rail
EC: Engine controller
PS: Common rail pressure sensor
• Supply pump (2) sends high-pressure fuel to common rail (4). High-pressure fuel is held in common rail
• The engine controller (EC) controls the solenoid in each injector (3) to control the fuel supply and timing to
the injector (3).
• Fuel flows through the pre-filter (with a water separator) to feed pump (12).
• Fuel discharged from feed pump (12) is filtered at main filter (1) and then enters supply pump (2).

• Fuel in supply pump (2) is pressurized in the two plunger-pump.

• Common rail (4) holds fuel and acts as a fuel manifold to distribute fuel to the supply line of each injector
• Engine controller (EC) monitors the pressure sent from supply pump (2) to common rail (4) by using
common rail pressure sensor (PS) provided inside common rail (4).
• The pressure detected by common rail pressure sensor (PS) is used by engine controller (EC) to regulate
the fuel output from supply pump (2).
• Pressure limiter valve (6) (common rail pressure relief valve) is also installed in common rail (4).

114E-5 SERIES 10-61

10 Structure and function
Fuel system circuit diagram

• Pressure limiter valve (6) is a safety valve to release pressure if the common rail pressure exceeds the
threshold setting.
• Fuel released from pressure limiter valve (6) flows from common rail (4) through a fuel return line to the
fuel tank.
• High-pressure fuel flows to the side of injector (3), and when the solenoid is energized, the needle inside is
lifted and fuel is injected.

Injector and inlet connector

• Since the clearance inside the injector nozzle is extremely small, dirt will cause sticking of the injector
nozzle. Before servicing the fuel system, it is important to clean all fuel connections.
• Before starting the repair work of the fuel system, cap or cover all open fuel connections.

• High-pressure fuel is supplied from common rail (7) through high-pressure pipe (11) and inlet connector
(1) to injector (17).
• By tightening retaining nut (18) of inlet connector (1), inlet connector (1) is pressed against the body of
injector (17). High-pressure pipe (11) is connected to inlet connector (1) by tightening the sleeve nut.
• Connection between inlet connector (1) and high-pressure pipe (11) is extremely important. If the
tightening of retaining nut (18) is insufficient, the connecting surfaces are not sealed, and high-pressure
fuel will leak.
• If the tightening torque of retaining nut (18) is excessive, inlet connector (1) and injector (17) will be
deformed, also leading to a leak of high-pressure fuel.
• Since these leaks occur inside the parts, they cannot be found visually. This can result in failure codes,
low engine output, and engine starting problems.

10-62 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
Fuel system circuit diagram

• Inlet connector (1) contains an edge filter to break small foreign materials in the fuel. The edge filter uses
high pulsation pressure to break particles into smaller pieces so that they can flow through the injector fuel

• All injectors return fuel to a common return circuit in the cylinder head.
• Excessive fuel flows from the return circuit through the spill tube installed to the rear of the cylinder head to
the fuel tank.
• A check valve is installed to the rear of the cylinder head, where the spill tube is installed.
• The cylinder head and spill tube are connected with a quick disconnect fitting or an eye joint.

114E-5 SERIES 10-63

10 Structure and function
Supply pump

Supply pump (ENG114-AD70-041-K-00-A)

a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Feed pump
2. Supply pump
3. IMV (*) solenoid connector
* IMV: Abbreviation for Inlet Metering Valve
A: Fuel inlet (from pre-filter)
B: Fuel outlet (to main filter)
C: Fuel inlet (from main filter)
D: Fuel outlet (to common rail)
E: Drain (to fuel tank)
Specifications (ENG114-AD70-030-K-00-A)

• Type: Plunger pressure feed

• Lubrication method: lubricated by fuel
Function (ENG107-AD70-042-K-00-A)

• The supply pump consists of a feed pump (low-pressure pump) and a supply pump (high-pressure pump)
is driven by the power from the camshaft.
• The feed pump (low-pressure pump) supplies fuel to the main filter.
• The supply pump (high-pressure pump) sends fuel to the common rail.

10-64 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
Supply pump

Operation (ENG114-AD70-044-K-00-A)

• A lift pump is used for priming the pump at start- up.

• The lift pump runs for approximately 60 seconds after key on. Once the engine is started, the feed pump is
able to maintain prime without any assistance from the lift pump.
• The ECM and ECM cooling plate must be removed for access to the lift pump and lift pump fuel lines.
• This is accomplished by disconnecting the engine harnesses and the quick disconnect type fuel lines first.
Removal of the ECM cooling plate capscrews allows the ECM, cooling plate, lift pump and lift pump
plumbing to be removed as one assembly.

• The feed pump output is routed to a 2- micron fuel main filter. The filtered fuel returns to the fuel pump
actuator housing.
• The supply pump is driven by the engine camshaft. The feed pump is driven by the pump camshaft
through an internal coupling.

114E-5 SERIES 10-65

10 Structure and function
Supply pump

• Each of the two plunger-pump is driven by a three lobed camshaft. The pump camshaft is located in the
cam housing module by tapered roller bearings.
• The bearings that support the pump camshaft, as well as the tappets, rollers and pump camshaft itself are
lubricated with engine oil. These are the only components in the pump lubricated with engine oil.
• Engine oil to the supply pump is supplied through a drilling in the engine gear housing. The oil passes
from the engine gear housing to the supply pump cam housing.
• A small O-ring in a recess on the back of the engine gear housing is used to seal this passage.

• Pressurized fuel from the feed pump is supplied to the supply pump actuator. The fuel pump actuator is
opened or closed by the ECM to maintain the appropriate common rail pressure.
• An air-bleed orifice fitting in the supply pump actuator housing aids in purging air from the fuel supply.
• Because of the air-bleed orifice fitting, some fuel that is supplied by the gear pump will return to drain at all

10-66 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
Supply pump

• Fuel that is metered past the supply pump actuator will enter inlet drilling in the supply pump inlet drilling
and pass the inlet check valve and fill the pumping chamber by pressing the plunger-pump downward.
• When the camshaft pushes the plunger-pump upward, fuel will reach common rail pressure and cause the
outlet check valve to lift. Fuel will then enter the outlet drilling of the supply pump and exit the high
pressure fuel line to the common rail.

114E-5 SERIES 10-67

10 Structure and function

Pre-filter (ENG107-AEA0-041-K-00-A)

a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Connector
2. Clear bowl
3. Filter cartridge
4. Water-in-fuel sensor
5. Hand primer (priming pump)
6. O-ring
7. Drain valve
Function (ENG107-AEA0-042-K-00-A)

• Fuel from the fuel tank flows through the pre-filter to the supply pump.
• The pre-filter is a fuel filter with a water separator and collects the water removed from the fuel.
• A water-in-fuel sensor is provided to detect the amount of separated water.

10-68 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
Main filter

Main filter (ENG114-AED0-041-K-00-A)

a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Pressure pickup plug

2. Filter head
3. Cartridge
Function (ENG107-AED0-042-K-00-A)

• Fuel from the feed pump (low-pressure pump) flows through the main filter to the supply pump (high-
pressure pump).
• The main filter removes impurities from the fuel.
• To make cartridge replacement easier, this is remotely mounted on some machines.

114E-5 SERIES 10-69

10 Structure and function
Cooling system parts layout drawing

Cooling system (ENG107-B110-001-K-00-A)

Cooling system parts layout drawing (ENG114-B110-04D-K-00-A)

a The D65EX-17 is shown as an example. The shape is subject to machine models.

1. EGR cooler
3. Water pump
4. Oil cooler
A: From radiator
B: To radiator

10-70 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
Cooling system circuit diagram

Cooling system circuit diagram (ENG114-B110-052-K-00-A)

1. Radiator
2. Thermostat
3. Cylinder head
5. EGR cooler
6. Cylinder block
7. Engine oil cooler
8. Water pump
a: Flow when thermostat is open
b: Flow when thermostat is closed

114E-5 SERIES 10-71

10 Structure and function
Cooling system circuit diagram

1. Coolant inlet from radiator

2. Water pump suction
3. Coolant flow through lubricating oil cooler
4. Block lower water manifold (to cylinders)
5. Coolant supply to cylinder head
6. Coolant return from cylinder head
7. Block upper water manifold
8. Thermostat bypass
9. Coolant return to radiator

10-72 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
Drive pulley

Drive pulley (ENG114-B110-041-K-00-A)

Water pump drive (ENG114-B400-041-K-00-A)

a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. V-belt
2. Crankshaft pulley
3. Tension pulley
4. Water pump
5. Alternator
A: To radiator
B: From radiator
a, b, c, d, e: Outside diameter of pulley

114E-5 SERIES 10-73

10 Structure and function
Drive pulley

Specification (ENG114-B400-030-K-00-A)

Outside diameter of pulley

Unit: mm
Engine Machine a (Water pump) b (Alternator) c (Tension) d (Idler) e (Crank)

SAA6D114E- —
D65PX-17 102 80 73 219

10-74 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
Drive pulley

Fan drive (ENG114-B400-041-K-01-A)

a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. V-belt
2. Tension pulley
3. Water pump
4. Auto-tensioner
5. Alternator
6. Fan pulley
7. Fan
8. Crankshaft pulley
9. Idler pulley
A: To radiator (Coolant)
B: From radiator (coolant)
a, b, c, d, e, f : Outside diameter of pulley
• Since auto-tensioner (4) is installed, tension pulley (2) automatically adjusts tension of V-belt (1) to keep
same level.

114E-5 SERIES 10-75

10 Structure and function
Drive pulley

Specifications (ENG114-B400-030-K-04-A)

Outside diameter of pulley

Unit: mm
a (Water
Engine Machine model b (Alternator) c (Tension) d (Idler) e (Idler) f (Crank)
PC360LC–10 102 80 73 73 74 219
E-5 102 80 73 73 – 219

10-76 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
Water pump

Water pump (ENG107-BA10-041-K-00-A)

a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Impeller
2. Water seal
3. Pump body
4. Pulley
5. Drive shaft
A: Coolant inlet
B: Coolant outlet (to engine)
Specifications (ENG107-BA10-030-K-00-A)

• Type: Centrifugal type, poly V-belt drive

Function (ENG114-BA10-042-K-00-A)

• The water pump circulates coolant through the entire engine to prevent engine from overheating.
• Engine power is transmitted to the pulley via a V-belt to drive the impeller.

114E-5 SERIES 10-77

10 Structure and function

Thermostat (ENG114-BA30-041-K-00-A)

a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Piston
2. Spring
3. Case
4. Bypass spring
5. Bypass valve

10-78 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function

Specifications (ENG114-BA30-030-K-00-A)

Cracking Full open Valve

Engine Machine model temperature (°C) temperature (°C) Lift (mm)
D65PX-17 70 ± 2 83 Min. 10
HB335LC–1 81 ± 2 94 Min. 10

114E-5 SERIES 10-79

10 Structure and function

Electrical equipment (ENG107-AK50-001-K-00-A)

Alternator (ENG-AKK0-001-K-00-A)

Alternator with built-in regulator (Open type, 60A) (ENG114-AKK0-041-K-00-A)

a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Alternator
2. Alternator pulley
3. Terminal E
4. Terminal B
5. Terminal R
6. Internal electric circuit diagram
6A. Field coil
6B. Initial energizing resistance
6C. Regulator

10-80 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function

Specifications (ENG114-AKK0-030-K-00-A)

Specifica- Outside Weight
Engine Machine model Type Number of
tion diameter (kg)
D65WX-17 Open type,
Poly V-
SAA6D114E- PC360LC–10 manufactured by 24 V, 60
Nikko Electric ribbed with 80 11.0
5 HB335–1 A
Industry 8 ribs

114E-5 SERIES 10-81

10 Structure and function

Alternator with built-in regulator (Open type, 90A) (ENG114-AKK0-041-K-01-A)

a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Alternator
2. Alternator pulley
3. Terminal B
4. Terminal E
5. Terminal R
6. Internal electric circuit diagram
6A. Field coil
6B. Initial energizing resistance
6C. Regulator

10-82 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function

Specifications (ENG114-AKK0-030-K-01-A)

Outside diameter
Engine Machine model Type Specifications Weight (kg)
(available as an
Open type,
manufactured by
SAA6D114E-5 (available as an Nikko Electric
24 V, 90 A 80 19
Industry Co.
(available as an

114E-5 SERIES 10-83

10 Structure and function
Starting motor

Starting motor (ENG-AK70-001-K-00-A)

For 7.5kW (ENG114-AK70-041-K-00-A)

a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Pinion gear
2. Magnetic switch
3. Starting motor (body)
4. Terminal B
5. Terminal C
6. Air hole for waterproof test
7. External electrical circuit diagram
7A. Safety relay
7B. Starting motor
S: To terminal C of starting motor
R: To terminal R of alternator
E: To ground
8. Connector specification
A Type: 2P connector (male)
B Type: 2P drip proof connector (male)

10-84 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
Starting motor

Specifications (ENG114-AK70-030-K-04-A)

Specifica- Number of Weight Connector

Engine Machine model Type specifica-
tion pinion teeth (kg)
D65WX-17 Water-proof, oil-proof
SAA6D114- type, manufactured by 24 V, 7.5
HB335–1 12 15.5 B
E-5 Nikko Electric Industry kW

114E-5 SERIES 10-85

10 Structure and function
Starting motor

For 11kW (ENG114-AK70-041-K-01-A)

a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Pinion gear
2. Starting motor assembly
3. Magnetic switch
4. Terminal B
5. Terminal C
6. Safety relay
7. External connection diagram (2–pole connector type)
7A. Safety relay section
7B. Starting motor section
E: To chassis ground
R: To alternator terminal R
S: To terminal C of starting motor
A Type : 2P connector (male)
B Type : 2P drip proof connector (male)

10-86 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
Starting motor

Specifications (ENG114-AK70-030-K-05-A)

Number of Weight Connector

Engine Machine model Type Specification
pinion teeth (kg) specifications
as an option)
as an option)
as an option)
PC360LC–10 Water-proof, oil-
proof type,
SAA6D114- HB335–1(available manufactured by 24 V, 11 kW
as an option) 11 18 B
E-5 Nikko Electric
(available as an Industry
as an option)
(available as an

114E-5 SERIES 10-87

10 Structure and function
Intake air heater

Intake air heater (ENG114-AM51-041-K-00-A)

1. Heater coil
2. Housing
3. Internal electrical circuit diagram
Specifications (ENG107-AM51-030-K-00-A)

• Type of heater: Electrical intake air heater (ribbon heater)

• Rated voltage: 22 V (DC)
• Load current: 100 A

10-88 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
Engine wiring harness

Engine wiring harness (ENG114-AK51-041-K-00-A)

a The D65EX-17 is shown as an example. The shape is subject to machine models.

1. To KVGT speed sensor

2. To KVGT position sensor

114E-5 SERIES 10-89

10 Structure and function
Engine wiring harness

3. To charge (boost) pressure & temperature sensor

4. To injector wiring harnesses
5. To connector box
6. To EGR valve lift sensor
7. To common rail pressure sensor
8. To EGR orifice temperature sensor
9. To ambient pressure sensor
10. To engine controller
11. To Bkup (camshaft) speed sensor
12. To supply pump
13. To machine wiring harness
14. To coolant temperature sensor
15. To CAN terminating resistor
16. To oil pressure switch
17. To exhaust manifold pressure sensor
18. To Ne (crankshaft) speed sensor

10-90 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
Engine controller

Engine controller (PC220-AP70-041-K-00-A)

Function (ENG107-AP70-042-K-00-A)

• The engine controller CM2250, co-developed by Komatsu and Cummins, is adopted.

• It performs calculations based on input signals from various sensors to output signals for optimized engine
• The engine controller shares information with other controllers on the machine through the network (CAN)
and optimally controls the engine according to the machine conditions.
• By mounting the controller on the engine, serviceability in the field is improved.
• The controller is mounted with rubber vibration isolators to reduce the effect of vibration.

114E-5 SERIES 10-91

10 Structure and function
Engine controller

Engine controller system diagram (ENG107-AP70-052-K-00-A)

10-92 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
Engine controller

Input and output signals (PC-AP70-03C-K-00-A)

• The following is the list of the symbols used for signal category in the input/output signal table.
A: Power supply
B: Input
C: Ground/Shield/Return
D: Output
E: Communication
DRC26-60P(1)[ECM J1(CN-CE01)]
Pin No. Signal name Signal category
1 (*1) —
2 (*1) —
3 Crankcase pressure sensor B
4 (*1) —
5 Charge temperature sensor B
6 Intake air temperature (MAF) sensor B
7 CAN_C (+) E
8 CAN_B (+) (KOMNET/r) E
9 Bkup (camshaft) speed sensor (+) B
10 (*1) —
11 (*1) —
12 (*1) —
13 GND C
14 Coolant temperature sensor B
15 Charge pressure sensor B
16 Ambient pressure sensor B
17 CAN_C (-) E
18 CAN_B (-) (KOMNET/r) E
19 (*1) —
20 (*1) —
21 Sensor power supply (12 V) A
22 GND C
23 Mass air flow and temperature sensor B
24 Water-in-fuel sensor B
25 (*1) —
26 Ne (crankshaft) speed sensor (+) B
27 (*1) —
28 (*1) —
29 (*1) —
30 IMV(+) D
31 Engine oil pressure switch B
32 GND C
33 (*1) —
34 (*1) —
35 (*1) —
36 Sensor power supply (5 V) A
37 NE (crankshaft) speed sensor (-) C
38 (*1) —
39 (*1) —
40 IMV (-) C
41 (*1) —
42 (*1) —

114E-5 SERIES 10-93

10 Structure and function
Engine controller

Pin No. Signal name Signal category

43 Injector #4 (+) D
44 Injector #5 (+) D
45 Injector #6 (+) D
46 Injector #3 (+) D
47 Injector #2 (+) D
48 Injector #1 (+) D
49 (*1) —
50 (*1) —
51 (*1) —
52 (*1) —
53 Injector #4 (-) C
54 Injector #5 (-) C
55 Injector #6 (-) C
56 Injector #3 (-) C
57 Injector #2 (-) C
58 Injector #1 (-) C
59 GND C
60 Sensor power supply (5 V) A
*1: Never connect these pins. Malfunctions or failures may occur.

DRC26-60P(2)[ECM J2(CN-CE02)]
Pin No. Signal name Signal category
1 (*1) —
2 (*1) —
3 (*1) —
4 (*1) —
5 (*1) —
6 EGR actuator (+) D
7 (*1) —
8 (*1) —
9 (*1) —
10 KVGT actuator (+) D
11 (*1) —
12 (*1) —
13 (*1) —
14 (*1) —
15 (*1) —
16 EGR actuator (-) C
17 (*1) —
18 GND C
19 (*1) —
20 KVGT actuator (-) C
21 GND C
22 (*1) —
23 (*1) —
24 CAN_B (+) E
25 CAN_B (-) E
26 (*1) —
27 (*1) —
28 (*1) —
29 (*1) —
30 Sensor power supply (5 V) A

10-94 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function
Engine controller

Pin No. Signal name Signal category

31 Sensor power supply (5 V) A
32 KVGT speed sensor (+) B
33 KVGT speed sensor (-) C
34 Exhaust manifold pressure sensor B
35 (*1) —
36 (*1) —
37 (*1) —
38 KVGT position sensor B
39 (*1) —
40 (*1) —
41 (*1) —
42 (*1) —
43 (*1) —
44 Common rail pressure sensor B
45 (*1) —
46 GND C
47 GND C
48 EGR orifice temperature sensor B
49 (*1) —
50 (*1) —
51 (*1) —
52 (*1) —
53 (*1) —
54 (*1) —
55 (*1) —
56 (*1) —
57 (*1) —
58 (*1) —
59 EGR valve lift sensor B
60 (*1) —
*1: Never connect these pins. Malfunctions or failures may occur.

*1: Never connect these pins. Malfunctions or failures may occur.
Pin No. Signal name Signal category
1 Continuous power supply (24 V) A
2 Continuous power supply (24 V) A
3 Starting switch ACC signal B
4 Intake air heater relay (+) D
5 (*1) —
6 (*1) —
7 (*1) —
8 (*1) —
9 System operating lamp D
10 (*1) —
11 Continuous power supply (24 V) A
12 Continuous power supply (24 V) A
13 GND C
14 (*1) —
15 (*1) —
16 (*1) —

114E-5 SERIES 10-95

10 Structure and function
Engine controller

Pin No. Signal name Signal category

17 CAN_A (+) (KOMNET/c) E
18 CAN_A (-) (KOMNET/c) E
19 GND C
20 (*1) —
21 GND C
22 GND C
23 (*1) —
24 (*1) —
25 (*1) —
26 (*1) —
27 (*1) —
28 (*1) —
29 (*1) —
30 (*1) —
31 GND C
32 GND C
33 (*1) —
34 (*1) —
35 (*1) —
36 (*1) —
37 (*1) —
38 (*1) —
39 (*1) —
40 (*1) —
41 GND C
42 Sensor power supply (5 V) A
43 GND C
44 (*1) —
45 KDOC inlet temperature sensor B
46 (*1) —
47 (*1) —
48 KDOC outlet temperature sensor B
49 Idle validation signal 1 B
50 Idle validation signal 2 B
51 Throttle signal B
52 Sensor power supply (5 V) A
53 (*1) —
54 KDPF outlet temperature sensor B
55 KDPF differential pressure sensor B
56 (*1) —
57 (*1) —
58 KDPF outlet pressure sensor B
59 (*1) —
60 (*1) —

10-96 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function

Sensor (ALL-E700-001-P-00-A)

Sensors layout drawing (ENG114-AK50-04D-K-00-A)

114E-5 SERIES 10-97

10 Structure and function

List of sensor (ENG114-AK50-056-K-00-A)

No. Sensor Connector label name

1 KVGT speed sensor VGT_REV
2 KVGT position sensor SVGT
3 KDOC inlet temperature sensor TEMP1
4 KDPF differential pressure and outlet pressure sensor PDPF
5 Crankcase pressure sensor PCCV
6 EGR orifice temperature sensor C22
7 Exhaust manifold pressure sensor C26
8 Coolant temperature sensor C3
9 Engine oil level sensor *1
10 Air cleaner clogging sensor AF1
11 KDOC outlet temperature sensor TEMP2
12 KDPF outlet temperature sensor TEMP3
13 Common rail pressure sensor C21
14 Charge (boost) pressure & temperature sensor C14
15 Ambient pressure sensor C31
16 Ne (crankshaft) speed sensor C19
17 Bkup (camshaft) speed sensor C15
18 Engine oil pressure switch OIL PRESSURE SWITCH
19 Mass air flow and temperature sensor MAF
20 EGR valve lift sensor SEGR
– Water-in-fuel sensor WIF1
*1: The installation depends on the machine model.

10-98 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function

KVGT speed sensor (ENG-AAQ4-041-K-00-A)

KVGT: Abbreviation for KOMATSU Variable Geometry Turbocharger

1. Sensor
2. O-ring
3. Connector

Function (ENG-AAQ4-042-K-00-A)
• This sensor, installed to KVGT in the engine, outputs the pulse voltage due to the rotation of KVGT
a The 3-pole connector is applied for this sensor, however, available pins are the pin No. 1 and No. 2 only,
and it has no pin No. 3.

114E-5 SERIES 10-99

10 Structure and function

KVGT position sensor (ENG-AAQ3-041-K-00-A)

KVGT: Abbreviation for KOMATSU Variable Geometry Turbocharger

1. O-ring (small)
2. O-ring (large)
3. Sensor
4. Connector

Function (ENG-AAQ3-042-K-00-A)
• This sensor, installed to KVGT in the engine, detects the location of the nozzle ring which is built in KVGT
to output the corresponding variable voltage.

Output characteristics
• The relation between stroke and output voltage is as shown in the following graph.

10-100 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function

KDOC inlet temperature sensor (ENG-A9HG-041-K-00-A)

KDOC: Abbreviation for KOMATSU Diesel Oxidation Catalyst

1. Sensor
2. Connector

Function (ENG-A9HG-042-K-00-A)
• This sensor, installed to the inlet side of KDOC which is built in KDPF, converts the temperature variation
into the resistance variation, and outputs the corresponding signals.

114E-5 SERIES 10-101

10 Structure and function

KDPF differential pressure and outlet pressure sensor (ENG-A9HL-041-K-00-A)

KDPF: Abbreviation for KOMATSU Diesel Particulate Filter

1. High-pressure port
2. Low-pressure port
3. Connector
4. Sensor

Function (ENG-A9HL-042-K-00-A)
• This sensor, installed to KDPF, detects the inlet pressure and outlet pressure of KDPF to output the
corresponding variable voltage.
• The output pressure difference is the difference between the KDPF inlet pressure which is detected at
high-pressure port (1) and the KDPF outlet pressure which is detected at low-pressure port (2).
• The KDPF outlet pressure is output as a pressure which is detected at low-pressure port (2).
Crankcase pressure sensor (ENG-A18C-041-K-00-A)

1. Connector
2. Sensor
3. O-ring

Function (ENG-A18C-042-K-00-A)
• This sensor, installed to the inlet side of KCCV head portion, detects the crankcase pressure (blowby
pressure) to output the corresponding variable voltage.

10-102 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function

EGR orifice temperature sensor (ENG-A9U5-041-K-00-A)

EGR: Abbreviation for Exhaust Gas Recirculation

1. Connector
2. Sensor
3. Washer

Function (ENG-A9U5-042-K-00-A)
• This sensor, installed on the EGR gas piping between EGR cooler and EGR valve of the engine, converts
the temperature variation into the resistance variation, and outputs the corresponding signals.
Exhaust manifold pressure sensor (ENG-AAN5-041-K-00-A)

1. O-ring
2. Sensor
3. Connector

Function (ENG-AAN5-042-K-00-A)
• This sensor, installed to the pressure outlet tube installed to the exhaust manifold of the engine, detects
the exhaust pressure to output the corresponding variable voltage.

114E-5 SERIES 10-103

10 Structure and function

Coolant temperature sensor (ENG-BA87-041-K-00-A)

1. Connector
2. Sensor
3. O-ring

Function (ENG114-BA87-042-K-00-A)
• This sensor, installed on the cylinder head of the engine, converts the temperature variation into the
resistance variation, and outputs the corresponding signals.
Engine oil level sensor (ENG-AB45-041-K-00-A)

1. Connector
2. Bracket
3. Float
4. Switch

Function (ENG-AB45-042-K-00-A)
• This sensor, installed on the side face of the oil pan, turns "OFF" by the lowered float, if the oil level
becomes lower than specified.

10-104 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function

Air cleaner clogging sensor (PC-A968-041-K-01-A)

1. Adapter
2. Hood
3. Indicator
4. Connector

Function (PC-A968-042-K-00-A)
• This sensor is installed on the air cleaner outlet side. The switch is turned to "ON" position, if the air
cleaner is clogged and the pressure level drops to the specified level (negative pressure).

114E-5 SERIES 10-105

10 Structure and function

KDOC outlet temperature sensor (ENG-A9HH-041-K-00-A)

KDOC: Abbreviation for KOMATSU Diesel Oxidation Catalyst

1. Sensor
2. Connector

Function (ENG-A9HH-042-K-00-A)
• This sensor, installed to the outlet side of KDOC which is built in KDPF, converts the temperature variation
into the resistance variation, and outputs the corresponding signals.
KDPF outlet temperature sensor (ENG-A9HJ-041-K-00-A)

KDPF: Abbreviation for KOMATSU Diesel Particulate Filter

1. Sensor
2. Connector

Function (ENG-A9HJ-042-K-00-A)
• This sensor, installed to the outlet side of KDPF, converts the temperature variation into the resistance
variation, and outputs the corresponding signals.

10-106 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function

Common rail pressure sensor (ENG114-AE28-041-K-00-A)

1. Sensor
2. Connector

Function (ENG-AE28-042-K-00-A)
• This sensor, installed to the common rail in the engine, detects the fuel pressure to output the
corresponding variable voltage.

114E-5 SERIES 10-107

10 Structure and function

Charge (boost) pressure and temperature sensor (ENG-AAM7-041-K-00-A)

1. Connector
2. Sensor
3. O-ring

Function (ENG-AAM7-042-K-00-A)
• This sensor is installed to the engine intake manifold. It detects the engine intake air pressure and its
temperature, and outputs signals as a variable voltage for pressure, and as variable resistance for
a "Charge pressure and temperature" are the engine intake air pressure and temperature of a turbocharged
engine. These are also referred to as "boost pressure and temperature" or "intake air pressure and

Output characteristics

10-108 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function

Ambient pressure sensor (ENG-AAP2-041-K-00-A)

1. Connector
2. Sensor

Function (ENG-AAP2-042-K-00-A)
• This sensor, installed to the air intake cover at the engine top side, detects the ambient pressure to output
the corresponding variable voltage.

Output characteristics

114E-5 SERIES 10-109

10 Structure and function

Ne (crankshaft) speed sensor (ENG114-AG42-041-K-00-A)

1. O-ring
2. Sensor
3. Connector

Function (ENG114-AG42-042-K-00-A)
• This sensor, installed to the rear left side of the engine cylinder block, outputs the pulse voltage due to the
gear rotation.

10-110 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function

Bkup (camshaft) speed sensor (ENG-AG62-041-K-00-A)

1. O-ring
2. Sensor
3. Connector

Function (ENG114-AG62-042-K-00-A)
• This sensor, installed to the ring of cam shaft on the engine front cover, outputs the pulse voltage due to
the gear rotation.

114E-5 SERIES 10-111

10 Structure and function

Engine oil pressure switch (ENG114-ABK6-041-K-00-A)

1. Connector
2. Sensor
3. O-ring

Specifications (PC220-ABK6-030-K-00-A)
Contact type: Normally closed

Function (ENG114-ABK6-042-K-00-A)
• This oil pressure switch is installed to the cylinder block. It detects engine oil pressure, and turns the
switch to "ON" position when the pressure goes below the specified value.

10-112 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function

Mass air flow and temperature sensor (ENG-A96H-041-K-00-A)

1. Connector
2. O-ring
3. Sensor

Function (ENG-A96H-042-K-00-A)
• This sensor is installed to the outlet side of air cleaner, converts the variations of intake air flow and
temperature into the resistance variation, and outputs the corresponding signals.
a The "MAF (Mass Air Flow)" means the "intake air flow".

114E-5 SERIES 10-113

10 Structure and function

EGR valve lift sensor (ENG-A9S2-041-K-00-A)

EGR: Abbreviation for Exhaust Gas Recirculation

1. O-ring (small)
2. O-ring (large)
3. Sensor
4. Connector

Function (ENG-A9S2-042-K-00-A)
• This sensor, installed to EGR valve in the engine, detects the EGR valve opening to output the
corresponding variable voltage.

Output characteristics
• The relation between stroke and output voltage is as shown in the following graph.

10-114 114E-5 SERIES

10 Structure and function

Water-in-fuel sensor (PC-AEB3-041-K-00-A)

1. Connector
2. Tube
3. Sensor
4. O-ring

Function (PC-AEB3-042-K-00-A)
• This sensor is installed to the cup of fuel prefilter.
• This sensor outputs a signal when detecting water exists in the fuel beyond the specified level.

114E-5 SERIES 10-115

10-116 114E-5 SERIES

Model Serial Number


20 Standard value tables

4 20 Standard value tables

114E-5 SERIES 20-1

20 Standard value tables
Table of contents

Table of contents (ALL-0310-002-A-00-A)

20 Standard value tables.................................................................................................................... 20-1
Table of contents ........................................................................................................................ 20-2
Standard service value table........................................................................................................ 20-3
Standard value table for engine ............................................................................................. 20-3
Running-in standard and performance test standard ............................................................... 20-9

20-2 114E-5 SERIES

20 Standard value tables
Standard value table for engine

Standard service value table (ALL-A000-001-K-00-A)

Standard value table for engine (ENG107-A000-033-K-00-A)

Applicable machines: D65EX-17, D65PX-17, D65WX-17 (ENG114-A000-033-K-01-A)

Engine SAA6D114E-5
Standard value
Item Measurement condition Unit for new Repair limit

Max. speed with no load rpm 2,100 ± 50 2,100 ± 50
Engine speed
Min. speed with no load rpm 825 ± 25 825 ± 25
Necessary speed for (at 0°C) rpm – –
starting (at -20°C) rpm 80 –

Air intake and exhaust system

Air intake resistance Whole speed range Max. 3.73 {380} 7.45 {760}
Boost pressure kPa 120 to 160 93
At rated horsepower
(aftercooler inlet) {mmHg} {900 to 1,200} {700}
temperature Whole speed range (20°C) °C Max. 650 Max. 700
(Turbine outlet)
• Engine coolant Engine outlet
temperature: Within (between
operating range Bosch
turbocharger Max. 1.2 Max. 1.5
• Relieve the arm and KDPF index
Exhaust gas color circuit at the arm IN inlet)
stroke end, and set
swing lock ON KDPF outlet
• After keeping for 5 Bosch
(Exhaust pipe – Max. 0.5
seconds in normal outlet) index
Intake valve mm 0.305 0.152 to 0.559
Valve clearance
Exhaust valve mm 0.559 0.381 to 0.813
EGR valve drive oil MPa
At low idle Min. 1.2 {12.2} Min. 1.2 {12.2}
pressure {kg/cm2}
KVGT drive oil MPa
At low idle Min. 1.2 {12.2} Min. 1.2 {12.2}
pressure {kg/cm2}

Main body
Compression Engine oil temperature: 40 to 60°C MPa
Min. 2.6 {26.5} 2.1 {21.4}
pressure Engine speed: 250 to 280 rpm {kg/cm2}
At rated horsepower kPa
Blowby pressure Max. 1.96 {200} Max. 2.94 {300}
(when KCCV is disconnected) {mmH2O}

114E-5 SERIES 20-3

20 Standard value tables
Standard value table for engine

Engine SAA6D114E-5
Standard value
Item Measurement condition Unit for new Repair limit

Lubrication system
At rated horsepower
Engine oil MPa 0.34 to 0.59
SAE15W-40 0.21 {2.1}
temperature: Min. 80° {kg/cm2} {3.5 to 6.0}
Hydraulic system C
At low idle
Engine oil MPa
SAE15W-40 Min. 0.15 {1.5} Min. 0.08 {0.8}
temperature: Min. 80° {kg/cm2}
Oil temperature Whole speed range (inside oil pan) °C 80 to 110 Max. 120
At continuous rated horsepower
Oil consumption % Max. 0.15 Max. 0.3
(Ratio to fuel consumption)

Cooling system
Radiator pressure Cracking pressure (Differential kPa
– –
valve pressure) {kg/cm2}
Fan speed At rated speed rpm – –
Between alternator belt Deflection adjustment –
and crankshaft pulley when
Belt tension pressed with mm
Between air finger force of
compressor and 98 N {10 kg} 15 to 18 –
crankshaft pulley

20-4 114E-5 SERIES

20 Standard value tables
Standard value table for engine

Applicable machines: PC360LC-10 (ENG114-A000-033-K-02-A)

Engine SAA6D114E-5
Standard value
Item Measurement condition Unit for new Repair limit

Max. speed with no load rpm 2,050 ± 50 2,050 ± 50
Engine speed
Min. speed with no load rpm 1,000 ± 25 1,000 ± 25
Necessary speed for (at 0°C) rpm – –
starting (at -20°C) rpm – –

Air intake and exhaust system

Air intake resistance Whole speed range Max. 3.73 {380} 7.45 {760}
Boost pressure kPa 167 to 207 133
At rated horsepower
(aftercooler inlet) {mmHg} {1,250 to 1,550} {1,000}
temperature Whole speed range (20°C) °C – –
(Turbine outlet)
• Engine coolant Engine outlet
temperature: Within (between
operating range Bosch
turbocharger Max. 2.0 Max. 2.5
• Relieve the arm and KDPF index
Exhaust gas color circuit at the arm IN inlet)
stroke end, and set
swing lock ON KDPF outlet
• After keeping for 5 Bosch
(Exhaust pipe – Max. 0.5
seconds in normal outlet) index
Intake valve mm 0.305 0.152 to 0.559
Valve clearance
Exhaust valve mm 0.559 0.381 to 0.813
EGR valve drive oil MPa
At rated horsepower Min. 1.2 {12.2} Min. 1.2 {12.2}
pressure {kg/cm2}
KVGT drive oil MPa
At rated horsepower Min. 1.2 {12.2} Min. 1.2 {12.2}
pressure {kg/cm2}

Main body
Compression Engine oil temperature: 40 to 60°C MPa
Min. 1.2 {12.2} Min. 1.2 {12.2}
pressure Engine speed: 250 to 280 rpm {kg/cm2}
At rated horsepower kPa
Blowby pressure Max. 1.57 {160} Max. 2.55 {260}
(when KCCV is disconnected) {mmH2O}

114E-5 SERIES 20-5

20 Standard value tables
Standard value table for engine

Engine SAA6D114E-5
Standard value
Item Measurement condition Unit for new Repair limit

Lubrication system
At rated horsepower
Engine oil MPa 0.34 to 0.59
SAE15W-40 0.21 {2.1}
temperature: Min. 80° {kg/cm2} {3.5 to 6.0}
Hydraulic system C
At low idle
Engine oil MPa
SAE15W-40 Min. 0.15 {1.5} Min. 0.08 {0.8}
temperature: Min. 80° {kg/cm2}
Oil temperature Whole speed range (inside oil pan) °C 80 to 110 Max. 120
At continuous rated horsepower
Oil consumption % Max. 0.15 Max. 0.3
‘Ratio to fuel consumption)

Cooling system
Radiator pressure Cracking pressure kPa
– –
valve (Differential pressure) {kg/cm2}
Fan speed At rated speed rpm – –
Automatic Automatic
Deflection when pressed with finger adjustment adjustment
Belt tension mm
force of 98 N {10 kg}
(Auto-tensioner) (Auto-tensioner)

20-6 114E-5 SERIES

20 Standard value tables
Standard value table for engine

Applicable machines: HB335-1, HB335LC-1, HB365-1, HB365LC-1 (ENG114-A000-033-K-

Engine SAA6D114E-5
Standard value
Item Measurement condition Unit for new Repair limit

Engine water High idle rpm 2,050 ± 30 2,050 ± 30
Engine speed temperature: 75 to 85° Low idle rpm 700 ± 25 700 ± 25
C Rated speed rpm 1,950 1,950

Air intake and exhaust system

• Engine water temperature: 75 to
• Hydraulic oil temperature: 45 to
Boost pressure 120 to 160 {900
55°C kPa {mmHg} Max. 93 {700}
(aftercooler inlet) to 1,200}
• Swing lock ON
• Arm IN relief + One-touch power
maximizing ON
Engine water Sudden
Bosch index Max. 2.5 Max. 3.0
Exhaust gas color temperature: 75 to 85° acceleration
C High idle Bosch index – Max. 1.0
Intake valve mm 0.305 0.152 to 0.559
Coolant temperature:
Valve clearance Normal temperature Exhaust mm 0.559 0.381 to 0.813

Main body
Compression • Engine oil temperature: 40 to 60°C MPa
Min. 2.6 {26.5} Min. 2.1 {21.4}
pressure • Engine speed: Min. 170 rpm {kg/cm2}
• Engine water temperature: 75 to
• Hydraulic oil temperature: 45 to kPa
Blowby pressure Max. 1.57 {160} Max. 2.55 {260}
55°C {mmH2O}
• Arm IN relief + One-touch power
maximizing ON

Lubrication system
At rated MPa 0.34 to 0.59
• Engine water Min. 0.21 {2.1}
temperature: 75 to horsepower {kg/cm2} {3.5 to 6.0}
Hydraulic system
85°C MPa
• SAE15W-40 Low idle Min. 0.15 {1.5} Min. 0.08 {0.8}
KVGT drive oil MPa
Low idle Min. 1.2 {12.2} Min. 1.2 {12.2}
pressure • Engine water {kg/cm2}
temperature: 75 to Within oil
85°C pressure
KVGT control oil • Hydraulic oil fluctuation MPa 0.3 to 1.0 0.3 to 1.0
pressure temperature: 45 to range in {kg/cm2} {3.1 to 10.2} {3.1 to 10.2}
55°C whole speed
Oil temperature Whole speed range (inside oil pan) °C 80 to 110 Max. 120

114E-5 SERIES 20-7

20 Standard value tables
Standard value table for engine

Engine SAA6D114E-5
Standard value
Item Measurement condition Unit for new Repair limit

Cooling system
Between fan pulley and alternator
pulley Automatic Automatic
Fan belt tension mm adjustment adjustment
Deflection when pressed with finger (Auto-tensioner) (Auto-tensioner)
force of 98 N {10 kg}
Between compressor pulley and fan
Air conditioner pulley
compressor belt mm 11 to 13 11 to 13
tension Deflection when pressed with finger
force of 60 N {6.2 kg}

20-8 114E-5 SERIES

20 Standard value tables
Running-in standard and performance test standard

Running-in standard and performance test standard (ENG114-A000-034-K-00-A)

Applicable machines: D65EX-17, D65PX-17, D65WX-17 (ENG114-A000-034-K-01-A)

Running-in standard
Engine SAA6D114E-5
1 2 3 4 5
Running time min. 2 10 2 3 10
Engine speed rpm 825 1,000 1,200 1,600 1,950
Dynamometer N {kg} 0 {0} 98 {10} 245 {25} 637 {65} 1,118 {114}
Output kW {HP} 0 {0} 7.4 {9.86} 22 {29.5} 76 {103} 163.7 {219}

a The loads for the dynamometer in this table shows the value when the dynamometer arm is 716 mm long.

Performance test standard

Engine SAA6D114E-5
Rated horsepower Max. torque Max. speed Min. speed
Test item
with no load with no load
tion value 163.7 kW/1,950 rpm 1,050 Nm/1,450 rpm
- 2,100 rpm 825 rpm
(Gross {219 HP/1,950 rpm} {107.1 kgm/1,450 rpm}
Engine rpm 1,950 1,450 2,100 825
Dynamom- N 1,118 1,472
– –
eter load {kg} {114} {150}
Output kW 163.7
(Gross – – –
value) {HP} {219}
Torque Nm 1,050
(Gross - – –
value) {kgm} {107.1}
sec/300 - – – –
tempera- °C 69 to 81 69 to 81 69 to 81 69 to 81
°C 80 to 110 80 to 110 80 to 110 80 to 110
Lubricating MPa 0.34 to 0.59 Min. 0.15
oil – –
pressure {kg/cm 2} {3.5 to 6.0} {Min. 1.5}
tempera- °C Max. 600 Max. 650 – –

a This table shows the standard values obtained by using the JIS correction coefficients.
a This table shows the standard values when the air cleaner and the KDPF are installed and no load is
applied to the alternator.
a The dynamometer load in this table shows the value when the dynamometer arm is 716 mm long.
a Use ATSM D975 diesel oil as the fuel.
a Use SAE15W-40 as lubricating oil.

114E-5 SERIES 20-9

20 Standard value tables
Running-in standard and performance test standard

Applicable machines: PC360LC-10 (ENG114-A000-034-K-02-A)

Running-in standard
Engine SAA6D114E-5
1 2 3 4 5
Running time min. 2 10 2 3 10
Engine speed rpm 1,000 1,000 1,200 1,600 1,950
Dynamometer N {kg} 0 {0} 98 {10} 245 {25} 637 {65} 1,384 {141}
Output kW {HP} 0 {0} 7.4 {9.86} 22 {29.5} 76 {103} 202 {271}

a This table shows the values when the fan is not installed.
a The loads for the dynamometer in this table shows the value when the dynamometer arm is 716 mm long.

Performance test standard

Engine SAA6D114E-5
Rated horsepower Max. torque Max. speed Min. speed
Test item
with no load with no load
tion value 202 kW/1,950 rpm 1,171 Nm/1,450 rpm
- 2,050 rpm 1,000 rpm
(Gross {271 HP/1,950 rpm} {119 kgm/1,450 rpm}
Engine rpm 1,950 1,450 2,050 825
Dynamom- N 1,383 1,635
– –
eter load {kg} {141} {167}
Output kW 202
(Gross – – –
value) {HP} {271}
Torque Nm 1,171
(Gross - – –
value) {kgm} {119}
sec/300 – – –
consump- 20
tempera- °C 83 to 95 83 to 95 83 to 95 83 to 95
°C 80 to 110 80 to 110 80 to 110 80 to 110
Lubricating MPa 0.34 to 0.59 Min. 0.15
oil – –
pressure {kg/cm }
2 {3.5 to 6.0} {Min. 1.5}
tempera- °C Max. 700 Max. 750 – –

a This table shows the standard values obtained by using the JIS correction coefficients.
a This table shows the standard values when the air cleaner and the KDPF are installed and no load is
applied to the alternator.
a The dynamometer load in this table shows the value when the dynamometer arm is 716 mm long.
a Use ATSM D975 diesel oil as the fuel.
a Use SAE15W-40 as lubricating oil.

20-10 114E-5 SERIES

20 Standard value tables
Running-in standard and performance test standard

Applicable machines: HB335-1, HB335LC-1, HB365-1, HB365LC-1 (ENG114-A000-034-K-

Running-in standard
Engine SAA6D114E-5
1 2 3 4 5
Running time min. 2 10 2 3 10

Engine speed rpm 700 700 1,200 1,600 1,950

Dynamometer N {kg} 0 {0} 98 {10} 245 {25} 637 {65} 1,384 {141}
Output kW {HP} 0 {0} 7.4 {9.86} 22 {29.5} 76 {103} 202 {271}

a The loads for the dynamometer in this table shows the value when the dynamometer arm is 716 mm long.

Performance test standard

Engine SAA6D114E-5
Rated horsepower Max. torque Max. speed Min. speed
Test item
with no load with no load
tion value 202 kW/1,950 rpm 1,171 Nm/1,450 rpm
- 2,050 rpm 700 rpm
(Gross {271 HP/1,950 rpm} {119 kgm/1,450 rpm}
Engine rpm 1,950 1,450 2,050 700
Dynamom- N 1,383 1,635
– –
eter load {kg} {141} {167}
Output kW 202
(Gross – – –
value) {HP} {271}
Torque Nm 1,171
(Gross - – –
value) {kgm} {119}
sec/300 – – –
consump- 20
tempera- °C 83 to 95 83 to 95 83 to 95 83 to 95
°C 80 to 110 80 to 110 80 to 110 80 to 110
Lubricating MPa 0.34 to 0.59 Min. 0.15
oil – –
pressure {kg/cm }
2 {3.5 to 6.0} {Min. 1.5}
tempera- °C Max. 700 Max. 750 – –

a This table shows the standard values obtained by using the JIS correction coefficients.
a This table shows the standard values when the air cleaner and the muffler are installed and no load is
applied to the alternator.
a The dynamometer load in this table shows the value when the dynamometer arm is 716 mm long.
a Use ATSM D975 diesel oil as the fuel.
a Use SAE15W-40 as lubricating oil.

114E-5 SERIES 20-11

20 Standard value tables
Running-in standard and performance test standard

20-12 114E-5 SERIES


Model Serial Number


50 Disassembly and assembly

5 50 Disassembly and assembly

114E-5 SERIES 50-1

50 Disassembly and assembly
Table of contents

Table of contents (ALL-0310-002-A-00-A)

50 Disassembly and assembly ........................................................................................................... 50-1
Table of contents ........................................................................................................................ 50-2
Related information on disassembly and assembly ........................................................................ 50-3
How to read this manual ....................................................................................................... 50-3
Coating materials list ............................................................................................................ 50-5
Special tool list..................................................................................................................... 50-9
Sketch of special tool.......................................................................................................... 50-11
Disassembly and assembly ....................................................................................................... 50-12
General disassembly of engine ........................................................................................... 50-12
General assembly of engine................................................................................................ 50-31
Removal and installation procedure of supply pump unit alone............................................... 50-70
Engine front oil seal replacement procedure ......................................................................... 50-74
Engine rear oil seal replacement procedure.......................................................................... 50-77

50-2 114E-5 SERIES

50 Disassembly and assembly
Related information on disassembly and assembly

Related information on disassembly and assembly (ALL-3851-001-A-00-A)

How to read this manual (ALL-0320-011-A-00-A)


Removal and installation of TTTT assembly • The general tools required for "Installation" are
Special tools listed as [1], [2], ..., without description of part
• The special tools required for removal and number, part name, and quantity.
installation work are described in the list as • Marks used in "Installation" section are
symbols such as A1, ..., X1. Part number, part explained below.
name, necessity, and quantity are described. k: This mark shows safety-related precautions
• Mark used in the column of necessity are which must be followed when performing the
explained below. work.
t: Tools are not substituted, must always be
equipped (used). a : This mark gives knowledge or precautions
q: Tools extremely useful if available or tools when performing the work.
that can be substituted with commercially
available tools. 4 : This mark shows the weight of the part
• For details and the sketches of the special tools, or equipment.
see "Special tool list" and "Sketches of special
tools." 2 : This mark shows a specific coating
agent to be used.
• In "Removal" section, the work procedures, 3 : This mark shows the specified
precautions and know-how to do the work, and tightening torque.
the amount of oil and coolant to be drained are
described. 5 : This mark shows the amount of oil or
• The general tools required for "Removal" are coolant to be added.
listed as [1], [2], ..., without description of part • For details of oil or coolant to be
number, part name, and quantity. added after installation, see
• Marks used in "Removal" section are explained Specification "Table of fuel, coolant
below. and lubricants".
k: This mark shows safety-related precautions Disassembly and assembly of TTTT assembly
which must be followed when performing the Special tools
work. • The special tools required for disassembly and
assembly work are described in the list as
a : This mark gives knowledge or precautions
symbols such as A1, ..., X1. Part number, part
when performing the work.
name, necessity, and quantity are described.
[*1]: This mark indicates that knowledge or • Mark used in the column of necessity are
precautions for the assembly installation work are explained below.
given in the "Installation" section. t: Tools are not substituted, must always be
equipped (used).
6 : This mark shows the amount of oil or q: Tools extremely useful if available or tools
coolant to be drained. that can be substituted with commercially
available tools.
4 : This mark shows the weight of the part • For details and the sketches of the special tools,
or equipment. see "Special tool list" and "Sketches of special
Installation tools."
• The work procedure of "Installation" is in the Disassembly
reversed order to removal unless otherwise • "Disassembly" describes the work procedure as
specified. well as the precautions, knowledge, and drain
• For knowledge and precautions required for amounts of oil and coolant required for the work.
"Installation", a [*1] mark is assigned to the • The general tools required for "Disassembly" are
"Removal" work procedure to indicate the work listed as [1], [2], ..., without description of part
item of the installation knowledge or precaution. number, part name, and quantity.

114E-5 SERIES 50-3

50 Disassembly and assembly
Related information on disassembly and assembly

• Marks used in the section of "Disassembly" are

explained below.
k: This mark shows safety-related precautions
which must be followed when performing the

a : This mark gives knowledge or precautions

when performing the work.

6 : This mark shows the amount of oil or

coolant to be drained.

4 : This mark shows the weight of the part

or equipment.
• "Assembly" describes the work procedure as
well as the precautions, knowledge, and drain
amounts of oil and water required for the work.
• The general tools required for "Assembly" are
listed as [1], [2], ..., without description of part
number, part name, and quantity.
• Marks used in the section of "Assembly" are
explained below.
k: This mark shows safety-related precautions
which must be followed when performing the

a : This mark gives knowledge or precautions

when performing the work.

4 : This mark shows the weight of the part

or equipment.
2 : This mark shows a specific coating
agent to be used.
3 : This mark shows the specified
tightening torque.

5 : This mark shows the amount of oil or

coolant to be added.
• For details of oil or coolant to be
added after installation, see
Specification "Table of fuel, coolant
and lubricants".

50-4 114E-5 SERIES

50 Disassembly and assembly
Related information on disassembly and assembly

Coating materials list (ALL-3540-071-A-00-A)


a The coating materials such as adhesives, liquid gasket, and grease used for disassembly and assembly
are listed below.
a For coating materials not listed below, use the equivalent of products shown in this manual.

Komatsu code Part No. Capacity Container Main features and applications
• Use to prevent rubber gaskets, rubber
LT-1A 790-129-9030 150 g Tube cushions, and cork plugs from coming
• Use for plastic (except polyethylene,
20 g Polyethy- polypropylene, tetrafluoroethylene and
LT-1B 790-129-9050 (contained 2 lene vinyl chloride), rubber, metal, and non-
pieces) container metal parts which require immediate
and strong adhesion.
• Features: Resistance to heat and
Polyethy- chemicals
LT-2 790-129–9180 50 g lene • Use to prevent bolts and plugs from
container coming loose and as sealant.
790-129-9060 1 kg • Use to bond and seal metal, glass and
LT-3 Set of adhesive Can plastics.
and hardener 500 g
LT-4 790-129-9040 250 g lene • Use to seal plugs for blank holes.
• Heat-resistant seal used to repair
Holts MH705 790-129-9120 75 g Tube engines
• Instantaneous adhesive
Polyethy- • Curing time: From 5 sec. to 3 min.
ThreeBond 1735 790-129-9140 50 g lene • Use mainly to bond metals, rubbers,
container plastics, and woods.
• Instantaneous adhesive
2g Polyethy- • Quick-curing type (max. strength is
Aron Alpha 201 790-129-9130 (contained 5 lene obtained after 30 minutes)
pieces) container • Use mainly to bond rubbers, plastics,
and metals.
• General-purpose instantaneous
adhesive with excellent resistance to
Loctite 499 428-99-80070 20 cc Tube heat and impact
• Use on the bushing mounting faces of
axle supports.
Polyethy- • Features: Resistance to heat and
Loctite 648-50 79A-129-9110 50 cc lene chemicals
container • Use to bond high-temperature fit parts.

114E-5 SERIES 50-5

50 Disassembly and assembly
Related information on disassembly and assembly

Liquid gasket
Komatsu code Part No. Capacity Container Main features and applications
• Use to seal various threaded parts,
LG-5 Polyethy- pipe joints, and flanges.
790-129-9080 1 kg lene
ThreeBond 1110F • Use to seal taper plugs, elbows, and
container nipples for hydraulic piping.
• Features: Silicon-based heat and cold-
LG-6 resistant sealant.
790-129-9160 250 g Tube • Use to seal flange surface and
ThreeBond 1215 threaded parts.
• Use to seal oil pan, final drive case, etc.
• Features: Silicon-based quick-curing
LG-7 sealant
790-129-9170 150 g Tube • Use to seal flywheel housing, intake
ThreeBond 1207C manifold, oil pan, thermostat housing,
LG-8 • Features: Silicon-based heat, vibration,
419-15-18131 100 g Tube and shock-resistant sealant.
ThreeBond 1207B • Use to seal transfer case, etc.
• Use for rough surfaces such as the
LG-9 circle gear top seal which is not
790-129-9310 200 g Tube clamped by bolts, gaps in the weld
ThreeBond 1206D which must be caulked, etc.
• Can be coated with paint.
• Use as lubricant or sealant when the
790-129-9320 200 g Tube radiator hoses are put on.
ThreeBond 1206E • Can be coated with paint.
• Feature: Can be used together with
LG-11 solid gaskets.
790-129-9330 200 g Tube
ThreeBond 1121 • Use for covers of the transmission case
and steering case etc.
ThreeBond 1211 790-129-9090 100 g Tube • Liquid gasket used to repair engine

Molybdenum disulfide lubricant

Komatsu code Part No. Capacity Container Main features and applications
• Use to prevent galling and seizure of
press-fitted parts, shrinkage-fitted
LM-P 09940-00040 200 g Tube parts, and threaded parts.
• Use to lubricate linkages, bearings, etc.
• Spray type
• Thin molybdenum disulfide films are
made on metal surfaces to prevent the
LM-S 09995-00250 190 g Can metals from galling.
• Use for the drive shaft splines, needle
bearings, various link pins, bolts, etc.

50-6 114E-5 SERIES

50 Disassembly and assembly
Related information on disassembly and assembly

Seizure prevention compound

Komatsu code Part No. Capacity Container Main features and applications
• Feature: Seizure and galling prevention
compound with metallic super-fine-
LC-G grain, etc.
— — Can
NEVER-SEEZ • Use for the mounting bolt in the high
temperature area of the exhaust
manifold and the turbocharger, etc.

Komatsu code Part No. Capacity Container Main features and applications
G2-LI SYGA-16CNLI • Lithium grease with extreme pressure
G0-LI(*) SYG0-400LI-A Various Various lubrication performance, general
*: For cold districts (*) purpose type.
SYG0-16CNLI (*)
• Use for parts under heavy load.
Molybdenum SYG2-400M 400 g x 10 Bellows- • Do not use this grease for rolling
disulfide grease type bearings like swing circle bearings,
SYG2-400M-A 400 g x 20 container etc. and spline.
LM-G(G2-M) SYGA-16CNM 16 kg Can • Use this grease for work equipment
pins only when installing them, but
do not use it afterward.
Hyper white SYG2-400T • Higher seizure resistance, heat
grease Bellows-
SYG2-16CNT 400 g type resistance, and waterproof than
G2-T molybdenum disulfide grease
SYG0-400T(*) 16 kg container
G0-T(*) • Not conspicuous on machine since
SYG0-16CNT(*) Can color is white.
*: For cold districts
G2-B Bellows-
SYGA-16CNB • Since this grease is biodegradable in
G2-BT(*) 400 g type
SYG2-400BT(*) container short period, it has less impact on
*: For use at high 16 kg microorganisms, animals, and plants.
temperature and
under high load
• Feature: Silicon-based grease with
wider operating temperature range and
G2-S superior thermal oxidative stability to
— 200 g Tube prevent deterioration of rubber and
ThreeBond 1855 plastic.
• Use for oil seals of the transmission,
• Feature: Urea (organic) grease with
heat resistance and long life, inclusion
427-12-11871 2 kg Can • Use for rubber, bearing and oil seal in
ENS grease
Caution: Do not mix with lithium

114E-5 SERIES 50-7

50 Disassembly and assembly
Related information on disassembly and assembly

Komatsu code Part No. Capacity Container Main features and applications
Glass • Use to accelerate hardening of
Loctite 712 428-99-80080 100 ml
container instantaneous adhesive.
SUNSTAR Paint • Use as primer for cab side.
Glass (Effective period: 4 months after
Surface Primer 20 ml
container manufacture)
SUNSTAR Glass • Use as primer for glass side.
Glass (Effective period: 4 months after
Primer 580 20 ml

For adhered window glass

container manufacture)
• Use as primer for painted cab sheet
SUNSTAR Paint metal surface.
Surface Primer 22M-54-27230 20 ml (Effective period: 4 months after
435-95 manufacture)
• Use as primer for black ceramic-
SUNSTAR coated glass surface and for hard
PRIMER 435-41 22M-54-27240 150 ml Steel can polycarbonate-coated surface.
for glass (Effective period: 4 months after
• Use as primer for sash (alumite
SUNSTAR sash Glass surface treatment).
primer GP-402 22M-54-27250 20 ml (Effective period: 4 months after

Komatsu code Part No. Capacity Container Main features and applications
• Use "S" as adhesive for glass in
For adhered window glass

high temperature months (during

SUNSTAR Polyethy- summer) and "W" in low
Penguin Seal 580 417-926-3910 320 ml lene temperature months (during winter).
SUPER "S" or "W" container (Effective period: 4 months after
• Use as adhesive for glass.
Sika Japan Cartridge (Effective period: 6 months after
20Y-54-39850 310 ml
Sikaflex 256HV manufacture)
SUNSTAR Ecocart • Use as adhesive for glass.
Penguin Super 22M-54-27210 320 ml (special (Effective period: 6 months after
560 container) manufacture)

Caulking material
Komatsu code Part No. Capacity Container Main features and applications
SUNSTAR • Use to seal glass-to-glass joint.
For adhered window glass

Penguin Seal 417-926-3920 330 ml Cartridge (Effective period: 4 months after

No.2505 manufacture)
• Use to seal front window.
SEKISUI Silicone Cartridge (Effective period: 6 months after
20Y-54-55130 333 ml
Sealant 83 manufacture)

• Translucent white seal used for joint

GE TOSHIBA seals between glasses
SILICONES 22M-54-27220 333 ml Cartridge
(Effective period: 12 months after
TOSSEAL381 manufacture)

50-8 114E-5 SERIES

50 Disassembly and assembly
Related information on disassembly and assembly

Special tool list (ENG114-3530-061-A-00-A)

a Tools with part number 79*T-***-****: are not supplied (to be locally manufactured).
a Necessity
t: Tools are not substituted, must always be equipped (used).
q: Tools extremely useful if available or tools that can be substituted with commercially available tool.
a New/redesign
N: Tools with new part numbers, newly developed for this model.
R: Tools, with advanced part numbers, developed by improving existing tools for other models.
Blank: Tools already available for other models that can be used without any modification.
a Tools marked withQin the Sketch column have the sketches. (See Sketches of special tools)


Work Part No. Part name Detail of work, remarks

A Repair stand t 1
Disassembly and Special for KOMATSU
assembly of engine 790T-901-6030 Q repair stand
B Adapter t 1
Special for CUMMINS
795-799-2280 repair stand
Removal and 795-102-2103
installation of air intake Spring pusher
C q 1
valve and exhaust 795-799-8800
Removal and
installation of piston D 795-100-2800 Piston ring tool t 1
Installation of piston E 795-921-1100 Piston holder t 1 f 75 - 175 mm
Removal of injector F 795-799-6700 Puller t 1
790-331-1120 Wrench (angle) q 1
Angle tightening of bolt J
795-799-2240 Angle gauge q 1
Adjustment of valve Commercially Feeler gauge
K q 1
clearance available
Adjustment of
backlash and end play Commercially Dial gauge stand
L q 1
of gear available
Removal of inlet
M 795-799-8150 Remover q 1
Sling for engine
N 795-799-9300 Lifting tool q 1
Removal and
installation of supply P 795-799-1390 Remover q 1
Removal and Fuel spray prevention
installation of cylinder Q 795-799-8910 cap pliers q 1
head valve seal
Removal and 1 795-799-2170 Liner puller q 1
installation of cylinder R
liner 2 795-799-2310 Extension q 1
Installation of cylinder Cylinder liner driver
S 795-799-2110 q 1
Installation of front seal T 795-799-8120 Oil seal driver q 1

114E-5 SERIES 50-9

50 Disassembly and assembly
Related information on disassembly and assembly


Work Part No. Part name Detail of work, remarks

Removal and
installation of main U 795-799-2270 Remover, installer q 1
Rotating crankshaft V 795-799-1131 Gear q 1
Tightening injector
W 795-799-7110 Torque wrench q 1
wiring harness nut
Measuring cylinder
X 795-790-2210 Gauge q 1
head bolt length
Installation of cylinder Clamp set
Y 795-799-2190 q 1

50-10 114E-5 SERIES

50 Disassembly and assembly
Related information on disassembly and assembly

Sketch of special tool (ENG114-3531-066-A-00-A)

Note: Komatsu cannot accept any responsibility for special tool manufactured according to this sketch.

B: Adapter

114E-5 SERIES 50-11

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

Disassembly and assembly (ENG107-A000-001-K-00-A)

General disassembly of engine (ENG114-A000-530-K-00-A)

a This document describes the general

disassembly procedure for SAA6D114E-5.
Before starting your work, check the shapes,
quantities, locations, etc. of the installed parts
since they depend on the machine model.
1. Preparation work
Before disassembling the engine, check its parts
for cracking, damage, etc. and clean it generally
and carefully for accurate inspection of its parts
and quick disassembly and assembly.
a Before cleaning the engine, carefully seal or
remove the openings, electric parts, and
wiring connectors so that water does not 5) Disconnect blowby hose (6).
enter them. a Press lock (L) to pull out the connector.
a Prepare stable engine stands (blocks [1]) 6) Remove connector (7) at oil filler port inlet.
and secure engine assembly (1) on them so
that it does not tip over.

4 Engine assembly:
Approx. 900 kg
(Weight depends on the applicable
machine model)

3. Fuel filter and hose

1) Disconnect fuel hoses (2) and (3) from fuel
filter (1).
a Removal of fuel hose
While pressing the fittings (right and left)
at the hose end, pry the hose end face
with a screwdriver to disconnect.
2. Oil filler port
1) Disconnect clamp (2) of oil filler port (1).
2) Loosen hose clamp (3) and remove oil filler
port (1).
3) Disconnect tube clamp (4).
4) Remove tube (5).

2) Disconnect clamp (5) that are bundling fuels

hoses (2), (3) and (4).
3) Remove fuel filter (1) and bracket (6) as a

50-12 114E-5 SERIES

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

8) Disconnect wiring harness (2) from engine

controller (1).
a Wiring harness (2) is locked with
hexagonal socket head bolt (10) (4 mm).
9) Disconnect clamp (11) securing wiring
harness (2) together with bracket (12).
10)Disconnect clamp (13) securing wiring
harness (2).
11)Disconnect clamp (14) securing wiring
harness (2).
a Wiring harness (2) is tightened together
with the clamp of blowby hose (15).
4) Disconnect tube clamp (7).
5) Disconnect tube (8).

12)Remove bracket (8) on engine controller (1).

13)Remove bracket (16).
6) Remove fuel hose (2).
14)Remove engine controller (1).
7) Remove fuel hose (3).
8) Remove fuel hose (4). a Ground cable (17) is tightened together
9) Remove fuel hose (9). with the engine controller mounting bolt.

4. Engine controller 5. Engine controller cooling plate and fuel lift pump
1) Disconnect Ne (crankshaft) speed sensor 1) Remove engine controller cooling plate (2)
connector (3). and bracket (1).
2) Disconnect engine oil pressure switch 2) Remove fuel lift pump (3) on the back side of
connector (4). engine controller cooling plate (2).
3) Disconnect fuel lift pump connector (5). 3) Remove ground (3) and oil pressure switch
4) Disconnect Bkup (cam) speed sensor connector (4).
connector (6).
5) Remove bolt (7) for wiring harness (2).
6) Disconnect wiring harness (2) from bracket
7) Disconnect clamp (9) for wiring harness (2).

114E-5 SERIES 50-13

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

4) Disconnect clamp (11) for wiring harness

(10) from bracket (9).
5) Disconnect EGR valve pipe (1) from EGR
valve (8).
a Take care to prevent the gasket from
coming off.
6) Remove wiring harness bracket (9) from
EGR valve (8).
7) Remove EGR valve (8).

6. EGR valve
1) Disconnect EGR orifice temperature sensor
connector (2) of EGR valve pipe (1).

8) Loosen hose clamp (10) and remove EGR

valve pipe (1).

2) Disconnect wiring harness connectors (3),

(4) and (5).
• Connector (3): KVGT position sensor
• Connector (4): KVGT speed sensor
• Connector (5): Connector box
3) Disconnect hoses (6) and (7).
• Hose (6): KVGT control hydraulic circuit
• Hose (7): KVGT drive hydraulic circuit
7. Wiring harness assembly
Disconnect the connector, clamp and band, and
remove the wiring harnesses assembly.
• Coolant temperature sensor connector (2)

50-14 114E-5 SERIES

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

• Supply pump connector (15)

• Wiring harness connectors (16): three places
• Wiring harness clamp (17)
• Band (18)

• Exhaust manifold pressure sensor connector

• Wiring harness clamp (4)

• Charge (boost) pressure and temperature

sensor connector (19)
• Common rail pressure sensor connector (20)
• Wiring harness clamp (21)
• Wiring harness bracket (22)

• Bands (5), (8) and (9)

• Wiring harness clamps (6), (7) and (10)

8. Intake manifold
1) Disconnect sandwich clamp (2) from high-
pressure pipe (3) of intake manifold (1).
a Remove sandwich clamp (2) together
with high-pressure pipe (3).

• Wiring harness clamps (11), (12) and (13)

2) Disconnect clamp (4) for supply pump

connector (5) from intake manifold (1).
3) Remove intake manifold (1).

• Ambient pressure sensor connector (14)

114E-5 SERIES 50-15

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

9. Blowby hose 11.Tubes and hoses

Remove blowby hose (1). 1) Disconnect hose (1) and tube (2) at portion
2) Disconnect tube clamp (3).
3) Loosen hose clamp (4) and remove tube (2).
4) Remove tube (5).

10.Installation to engine repair stand

1) Remove dipstick pipe (1).
a The shape depends on the applicable
machine model.
5) Remove tube (6) and bracket (7).
6) Disconnect tub clamp (8) and remove tube
7) Disconnect hoses (10) and (11) from EGR
cooler (12).

2) Install tool B to engine assembly (2).

3) Sling engine assembly (2) and install it to tool
A repair stand.

4 Engine assembly:
8) Disconnect hose (14) from KVGT (13).
Approx. 880 kg 9) Remove bracket (16) from exhaust manifold
(Weight depends on the applicable (15) together with connector block (17) and
machine model) hoses (10), (11) and (14).
4) Drain the engine coolant and engine oil.

6 Engine oil:
Approx. 24 l

50-16 114E-5 SERIES

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

12.KVGT 14.Alternator belt

1) Loosen hose clamp (1) and disconnect tube Remove alternator belt (1).
(2). a Attach a wrench to portion (A) (width across
2) Disconnect tube (3). flats: 12.7 mm) of tensioner assembly (2),
and rotate the wrench in the direction
opposite to the winding-up direction to
decrease alternator belt (1) tension.

k Rotate the wrench after making sure it is

securely attached to portion (A) of
tensioner assembly (2). (If you try to
rotate the wrench before it is securely
attached due to the strong spring force of
tensioner assembly (2), it can disengage
and cause serious physical injuries.)

k After removing alternator belt (1), return

3) Lift off KVGT (4).
tensioner assembly (2) slowly and
30 kg k Take care not to get your fingers caught
between the pulley and alternator belt (1)
during work.

13.Starting motor assembly

Remove mounting bolt (2) and nut (3), and
remove starting motor assembly (1). 15.Alternator
1) Remove alternator (1).
2) Remove brackets (2) and (3).

114E-5 SERIES 50-17

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

16.Pulley and lifting plate 2) Remove thermostat (1).

1) Remove pulley (1) and wiring harness
brackets (2) and (3).
2) Remove plate (4).

19.Coolant inlet connector

1) Remove coolant inlet connector (1).
2) Remove plug (2).
17.Belt tensioner
Remove belt tensioner (1).

20.Water pump
Remove water pump (1).
1) Remove coolant outlet connector (2).
a The shape depends on the applicable
machine model.

50-18 114E-5 SERIES

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

21.Oil filter and oil cooler

a Before removing the oil filter and oil cooler,
place an oil container under them.
1) Remove oil filter (1).

23.Exhaust manifold
1) Remove bracket (1).
2) Remove exhaust manifold (2).
a Take care to prevent the gasket from
coming off when disconnecting the
2) Remove bolt (6), and remove cover (2) and
cover gasket (3).
3) Remove oil cooler (4) and cooler gasket (5).

24.Head cover and rocker housing

1) Remove head cover (1).
22.EGR cooler
1) Remove mounting bolt (1), then separate
EGR cooler (2) from exhaust manifold (3).
a Take care to prevent the gasket from
falling when disconnecting the above.
2) Remove tube (4) below the EGR cooler.
3) Remove EGR cooler (2).
4) Remove tube (5).

2) Disconnect wiring harness (2) from the

a Locations of wiring harnesses
Color of cable Cylinder No.
a Yellow Right side
1, 3, 5
b Orange Left side
c Red Right side
2, 4, 6
5) Remove bracket (6). d Brown Left side
6) Remove plugs (7) and (8).

114E-5 SERIES 50-19

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

3) Remove mounting bolt (3) and remove 7) Disconnect tube (10).

rocker housing (4). 8) Disconnect tube (11).
9) Disconnect tube clamp (12).
10)Remove tube (13).

25.High-pressure pipe
1) Remove 14 fuel spray prevention caps (8) of
high-pressure pipes (1) to (7). 26.Supply pump
1) Remove cap (1) of the front gear cover.

2) Loosen sandwich clamp (9) of high-pressure

pipes (1) to (7). 2) Remove nut (2) and washer (3).
3) Loosen the sleeve nut of common rail side
for high-pressure pipes (1) to (7).
4) Loosen the sleeve nut of injector side for
high-pressure pipes (1) to (7).
5) Remove the bolt of sandwich clamp (9)
mounting bracket for high-pressure pipes (1)
to (7).
6) Remove high-pressure pipes (1) to (7).
a Remove high-pressure pipes together
with the sandwich clamp mounting

3) After removing the washer, tighten nut (2)

4) Rotate the crankshaft in the normal direction
to set stamp (a) of supply pump drive gear
(4) to the top, and set the No. 1 cylinder to
the compression top dead center (TDC).

50-20 114E-5 SERIES

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

5) Install tool P to the front gear cover using bolt 28.Common rail and connector block
[1] (M8 x 1.25). 1) Remove mounting bolts (1) and (2), and
remove common rail (3).

6) Remove four nuts (5) and bolts (6) and (7),

and remove bracket (8). 2) Remove wiring harness bracket (4).
7) Alternately tighten bolts [1] of tool P, which is 3) Remove connector block (5).
installed in Step 5, and disconnect the supply
pump drive shaft from the supply pump drive
8) Remove tool P, then remove supply pump

29.Rocker arm and crosshead

1) Remove 12 mounting bolts (1), and remove
rocker arm assembly (2).
a Loosen lock nut (4), then loosen
27.Boost pump adjustment screw (5) a few turns so that
1) Disconnect hose (1) from cylinder block (2). the tension of the valve spring is not
2) Remove two bolts (3) and remove boost applied to rocker arm mounting bolts (1).
pump (4). 2) Remove crosshead (3).

114E-5 SERIES 50-21

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

a Record the positions and shapes of holes

(a) and (b).

2) Remove bolt (3) and remove holder (4).

3) Using tool F, pull up injector (5).

30.Push rod a Do not pry up the injector top.

Remove 12 push rods (1).

31.Injector assembly
a Before removing the inlet connector, remove
all mud, etc. sticking around it so that mud,
etc. does not enter the hole of the connector.
1) Remove retaining nuts (1) and remove six
inlet connectors (2).
a Use tool M to remove the inlet

32.Intake manifold cover

Remove intake manifold cover (1).

50-22 114E-5 SERIES

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

a Remove bracket (2) which is tightened

together with the cover.

2] Remove upper seat (5) and valve spring

33.Cylinder head assembly
1) Remove the 26 bolts (1) and remove cylinder
head assembly (2).

3] Place the cylinder head assembly

sideways and pull out valve (6).
a Apply a marking to valve (6) so that
later you are able to identify which
4 Cylinder head assembly: cylinder head it should be combined.
95 kg

4] Remove valve seals (7-1) and (7-2) on

2) Disassemble the cylinder head according to the upper side of the head.
the following procedure. • Exhaust Valve: (7-1)
1] Using tool C, compress valve spring (3) • Intake Valve: (7-2)
to remove valve collet (4). • Use tool Q to remove the valve seals.

114E-5 SERIES 50-23

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

34.Front cover 2] Remove front oil seal carrier assembly (4)

1) Remove vibration damper (1). from front cover (3).

2) Remove 26 mounting bolts (2) and remove 3] Remove front oil seal (5).
front cover (3).

3) Remove the front oil seal according to the 35.Supply pump drive gear
following procedure. Remove supply pump drive gear (1).
1] Remove dust seal (6) from front oil seal
carrier assembly (4).

36.Oil pump

50-24 114E-5 SERIES

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

Remove four bolts (1) and oil pump assembly (2).

1) Remove bolt (3) and remove thrust plate (4).

37.Oil pan
a Set oil pan upward.
1) Remove 32 bolts (1) and remove oil pan (2).

2) Remove camshaft gear assembly (1) by

turning it.

2) Remove suction tube (3), bracket (4) and

bed plate (5).

39.Gear housing
Remove five bolts (1) and remove gear housing

a Rotate the crankshaft, and align the mark of
camshaft gear assembly (1) with the mark of
crankshaft gear (2).

114E-5 SERIES 50-25

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

1) Install lock plate [1] and remove mounting
bolt (1).

2) Remove rear oil seal (2).

2) Install eyebolt [2] to flywheel (2) and lift it off.

4 Flywheel:
60 kg

43.Piston and connecting rod assembly

1) Rotate the crankshaft and bring the piston to
be removed to the bottom dead center.
2) Scrub the carbon off the top wall of the liner
with fine sandpaper.
a Before removing the piston and
41.Flywheel housing assembly connecting rod assembly, measure the
Remove 12 bolts (1) and remove flywheel side clearance between the connecting
housing (2). rod and crankshaft with tool K.
3) Apply a marking to each of connecting rod
4 Flywheel housing: caps (1) and connecting rods (2) on
respective cylinders.
60 kg
4) Remove bolt (3).
5) Tap connecting rod cap (1) with a plastic
hammer, and remove connecting rod cap (1)
and connecting rod bearing as a unit.

42.Rear cover
1) Remove rear cover (1).

50-26 114E-5 SERIES

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

a Store them carefully not to damage the

mating faces of the connecting rod and
connecting rod cap. If damaged, the
connecting rod and connecting rod cap
must be replaced.
6) From the oil pan side, push the piston and
connecting rod assembly into the cylinder
using a wooden bar ro similar object take it
out from the cylinder head side while
supporting piston (4).
a Take care not to damage the inside of the
cylinder with a corner of the connecting
rod. 4] Using tool D, remove piston ring (7).
a Put the cylinder No. mark on the piston.

a Store the piston, connecting rod,

7) Remove the other piston and connecting rod bearing, piston ring and piston pin in a
assemblies according to the above set for each cylinder No.
procedure. 44.Ne (crankshaft) speed sensor connector
Disconnect Ne (crankshaft) speed sensor
a Take care not to damage the sliding
connector (1).
portions of the pistons and bearings.
8) Disassemble the piston and connecting rod
assembly according to the following
1] Remove snap ring (5).


2] Remove pin (6) to disconnect piston (4)

and connecting rod (2).
3] Remove the snap ring on the opposite

114E-5 SERIES 50-27

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

a Before removing the crankshaft, measure its

end play with tool L.

5) Lift off crankshaft (4).

a When lifting up the crankshaft, take care
1) Remove mounting bolt (2) of main cap (1). not to hit it against the cylinder block.
2) Mark the position number on main cap (1). a Keep the crankshaft in a safe place so
a Check that the embossed letters of that its sliding portions does not be
"ABBTV", which situate in portion (A) on damaged.
the side face of the main cap, are
directed toward the rear of the cylinder 4 Crankshaft:
block. 85 kg

3) Insert bolt (2) into the bolt hole of main cap 6) Remove speed sensor ring (5).
(1), and remove the main cap while shaking

7) Remove one upper thrust bearing (6) at the

center and six upper bearings (7).
4) Remove lower main bearing (3) from main
cap (1). a Mark the installation position on the main
caps, upper bearings, and upper thrust
a Mark the position number of the removed bearings (use the back side for the
bearing on its backside. (Do not use the bearings), and store them in a set for
bearing's sliding surface for the record.) each cap. And take care not to damage
these parts.

50-28 114E-5 SERIES

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

46.Tappet 1) Apply marking (A) to the cylinder liner

Remove 12 tappets (1). installing position and install tool R on the top
of the cylinder block.
a Set arm [5] in such that it does not touch
supporting sections [1], [2], [3] and [4] of
cylinder liner (1).
a Set tool R in such a way that it comes to
the center of the top of the cylinder liner.

47.Piston cooling nozzle

Remove bolts (1) and remove six piston cooling
nozzles (2).

2) Rotate jack bolt [6] of tool R clockwise to pull

up cylinder liner (1) from cylinder block (2),
then remove cylinder liner (1) using both
a Mark the position No. on the removed
cylinder liner.

48.Cylinder liner
a Before removing the cylinder liner, measure
its protrution using tool L.

49.Cylinder block
1) Sling and disconnect cylinder block (1) from
repair stand (Tool A).

114E-5 SERIES 50-29

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

4 Cylinder block:
245 kg
2) Remove tool B from cylinder block (1).

50-30 114E-5 SERIES

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

General assembly of engine (ENG114-A000-710-K-01-A)

a This document describes the general a When reusing the cylinder liner, install it to its
disassembly procedure for SAA6D114E-5. original position and then set its installation
Before starting your work, check the shapes, direction by turning it by 45 deg. from the
quantities, locations, etc. of the installed parts original position. (Move the pitted surface of
since they depend on the machine model. the cylinder liner from the position where it
has been pitted.)
a When reusing a part, be sure to install it to its
original position.
1. Cylinder block
1) Install tool B to the cylinder block.
2) Sling cylinder block (1) and install it to repair
stand (Tool A).

4 Cylinder block:
245 kg

1) Apply engine oil to the O-ring sealing portion

of cylinder liner (1).
a Apply a little amount of oil just before
inserting the cylinder liner.
2 O-ring sealing portion:
Engine oil (EO15W-40)
2) Install O-ring (3) to cylinder liner (1).
2. Cylinder liner a When fitting the O-ring, check that it is not
a Before inserting the cylinder liner, clean it to twisted.
remove all deposits and broken pieces from
sealing faces (A), (B) and (C) and polish
those faces until the machined surfaces
appear. (At this time, take care not to scrub
a Apply clean engine oil to surfaces (A) and
2 Sealing surfaces (A) and (B):
Engine oil (EO15W-40)

3) Push cylinder liner (1) into cylinder block (2)

using both hands.
a If the cylinder liner does not enter the
cylinder block smoothly, check the
cylinder block for burrs and sharp fins
since O-ring can be damaged by them.
4) Using tool S, press fit cylinder liner (1).

114E-5 SERIES 50-31

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

a When reusing a the tappet, be sure to

combine it with the same camshaft as before.
a Do not install a used tappet to a new
1) Apply engine oil to the tappet.
2 Tappet:
Engine oil (EO15W-40)

5) Using tool Y and cylinder head mounting bolt

(4), install cylinder liner (1).
3 Mounting bolt:
68 ± 10 Nm {6.93 ± 1.02 kgm}

2) Install 12 tappets (1).

6) After press fitting the cylinder liner, measure

the projection of the cylinder liner with tool L.
a Measure the projection at four places
equally spaced on the periphery.
a Protrusion of cylinder liner: 0.026 to 0.122 a Do not turn the cylinder block more than
mm 90 deg. Otherwise, tappets come off from
the mounting holes.
4. Piston cooling nozzle
Install six piston cooling nozzles (2) and secure
them with bolt (1).
3 Mounting bolt:
27 ± 3 Nm {2.75 ± 0.31 kgm}

7) If the protrusion of the cylinder liner changes

0.025 mm or greater within 180 deg. of the
liner periphery, repeat Steps 5) and 6) to set
it in the specified dimension.
3. Tappet

50-32 114E-5 SERIES

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

5. Crankshaft
4 Crankshaft:
1) Install six upper bearings (7) and one upper
85 kg
thrust bearing (6).
a Install them by aligning the protruding
portion of each bearing to the notch of the
cylinder block.
a Check that no dirt or dust is sticking to the
back side of the bearing before
a Apply engine oil to the inside of the
bearing. In this case, do not apply engine
oil to the back side of the bearing.
a When reusing bearings, check the marks
that are put on them when they are
4) Install lower bearing (3) aligning its
removed, and install them in their original
protruding portion to the notch of main cap
2 Inside of bearing:
a Check the position number on the back
Engine oil (EO15W-40) side of the bearing.

2) Install speed sensor ring (5). 5) Apply engine oil to the journal surfaces of the
1] Use new bolts (Do not reuse the removed crankshaft.
2 Crankshaft journal surface:
2] Tighten the bolts on the right side and left
side alternately. Engine oil (EO15W-40)
6) When installing main cap (1), check the
3 Mounting bolt: mounting position mark on it and then direct
8 ± 2 Nm {0.82 ± 0.2 kgm} the embossed letters of "ABBTV" in portion
"A" toward the rear side of the cylinder block.
a Push in by hitting it lightly with a plastic
hammer or rubber hammer.
7) Tighten main cap mounting bolts (2) in the
sequence shown in the figure ([1] to [14]).
a Apply engine oil to the bolts.
2 Mounting bolt:
Engine oil (EO15W-40)

3) Sling and install crankshaft (4).

a Install it carefully so as not to damage its

114E-5 SERIES 50-33

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

8) After tightening the bolts, turn the crankshaft

(4) to make sure it rotates smoothly.
9) Measure the end play of the crankshaft (4)
using tool L.
a End play: 0.109 to 0.360 mm

3 Main cap mounting bolt:

1] 60 ± 5 Nm {6.1 ± 0.51 kgm}
2] 115 ± 5 deg. (by using angle
tightening tool J).

6. Piston and connecting rod assembly

1) Using tool D, install piston rings (7) to the

• When not using tool J

Put paint marks on the main cap and
bolts, and retighten the bolts by 115 ± 5
2) Fitting oil ring
a Fit oil ring (9) so that its abutment joint is
at 180 deg. from the end of expander (8).

50-34 114E-5 SERIES

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

3) Fit second ring (10) with the "TOP" stamping 1] Apply engine oil to the piston pin hole and
mark, which is near the abutment joint, piston pin.
directed upward. 2 Piston pin hole and piston pin:
4) Fit top ring (11) with the "dot" mark, which is
Engine oil (EO15W-40)
near the abutment joint, directed upward.
5) When fitting each ring, set the abutment joint
off the thrust, anti-thrust, and piston axis

2] Insert piston pin (6) and assemble piston

(4) to connecting rod (2).
3] Install snap rings (5) to both sides.

a Apply engine oil to the piston rings and

piston skirt.
2 Piston ring and piston skirt:
Engine oil (EO15W-40)
6) Assembling of piston and connecting rod
a Make sure that when the "FRONT" mark
in section (A) of piston (4) is set facing
upward, the match mark of the
connecting rod cap comes to section (B)
of connecting rod (2).

7) Install bearing (12) to connecting rod (2) and

connecting rod cap (1).
a Check that the back side of the bearing is
free from foreign matter.
a Install the bearing by aligning the
protruding portion of the bearing to the
notches of the connecting rod and
connecting rod cap.

114E-5 SERIES 50-35

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

8) Set the crankshaft to the bottom dead center

position for the cylinder to be installed, and 3 Mounting bolt (Tighten both bolts
apply engine oil to the inside of the cylinder. alternately)
2 Inside of cylinder: • HB335–1,HB335LC-1
Engine oil (EO15W-40) HB365–1,HB365LC-1
9) Set the "FRONT" mark of piston (4) in the 1] 30 ± 5 Nm {3.06 ± 0.51 kgm}
front side of the cylinder block and insert the 2] 50 ± 5 Nm {5.1 ± 0.51 kgm}
piston and connecting rod assembly.
3] 60 ± 5 deg. (Use angle
a Check the directions of the end gap of the tightening tool J)
piston rings again. • Machine model other than
models previously mentioned
a When inserting the connecting rod, take
care not to damage the wall of the 1] 30 ± 5 Nm {3.06 ± 0.51 kgm}
cylinder. 2] 70 ± 5 Nm {7.14 ± 0.51 kgm}
a When inserting the connecting rod, take 3] 60 ± 5 deg. (Use angle
care not to hit the cooling nozzle with it. tightening tool J)

a Using tool E, compress the piston rings

and push in the piston head with a wood
bar, etc.

• When not using tool J

Put paint marks on the connecting rod
cap and bolts, and retighten the bolts by
10)Tighten connecting rod cap (2) using bolt (1) 60 ± 5 deg.
according to the following procedure.
a Apply engine oil to the threaded portion of
the bolt and inside of the connecting rod
2 Inside of connecting rod bearing:
Engine oil (EO15W-40)

50-36 114E-5 SERIES

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

3 Mounting bolt:
40 ± 2.0 Nm {4.08 ± 0.20 kgm}

11)After installing the piston and connecting rod

assembly, turn the crankshaft to check that it
rotates smoothly. 8. Camshaft
12)Measure the end play between the
connecting rod and crankshaft using tool K. a Rotate the crankshaft to set the No. 1
cylinder to the top dead center.
a Side clearance: 0.130 to 0.275 mm
1) Apply engine oil to the camshaft bore,
camshaft journal and lobe, then install
camshaft gear assembly (1) while lightly
pushing and rotating it.
a When installing the camshaft, take care
not to damage the cam bushing.
2 Sliding surface of camshaft:
Engine oil (EO15W-40)

7. Front gear housing

1) Install guide bolts [1], then install gasket (1).

2) Align the timing mark of camshaft gear

assembly (1) to that of crankshaft gear (2).

a Protrusion of gasket from oil pan

mounting surface: Max. 0.25 mm
2) Install gear housing (2).
a After tightening the gear housing
temporarily, remove the guide bolt.
a Tighten the mounting bolts in the
numerical order shown in the figure ([1] to
[5]). 3) Install thrust plate (4) using bolt (3).

114E-5 SERIES 50-37

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

3 Mounting bolt: 2 Space in pump rotor and idler

24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm} shaft bore:
Engine oil (EO15W-40)

4) Measure the end play of camshaft gear

assembly (1) using tool L.
2) Tighten oil pump assembly (2) temporarily
a The end play depends on the thickness of using bolt (1).
the thrust plate and the groove of the
a End play: 0.10 to 0.36 mm

a Insert oil pump idler shaft (3) into the

positioning hole of the cylinder block
5) Measure the backlash of camshaft gear
assembly (1) using tool L.
a Backlash: 0.075 to 0.325 mm

3) Tighten oil pump mounting bolts (1) in the

sequence shown in the figure ([1] to [4]).
3 Mounting bolt:
9. Oil pump
1st time: 15 ± 1 Nm {1.53 ± 0.1
1) Fill the space in the pump rotor and idler
shaft bore with engine oil and rotate the rotor
by two turns. 2nd time: 24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41

50-38 114E-5 SERIES

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

4) Rotate the crankshaft by one turn and 12.Supply pump

measure backlash (C) between the oil pump 1) Before installing the supply pump, check that
and idler gear using L. dowel pin (1) of the supply pump drive shaft
a Backlash: 0.205 ± 0.125 mm is not damaged.
a If the dowel pin is damaged, replace the
supply pump and supply pump gear.

10.Water pump
Install water pump (1).
3 Mounting bolt: 2) Install a new O-ring (2) to the supply pump
24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm} flange.
2 O-ring (2):
Engine oil (EO15W-40)
3) Install a new O-ring (3) to the supply pump
lubrication port.
4) Using contact cleaner, clean the contact
surface between the periphery of supply
pump drive shaft and the inner diameter side
of the supply pump gear.
5) Before installing the supply pump, check that
the contact surface between the periphery of
the supply pump drive shaft and the inner
diameter side of the supply pump gear is dry
and free from foreign matter.
11.Supply pump gear
When installing supply pump gear (2), align its
timing mark "00" to timing mark "0" of camshaft
gear assembly (1).
a Rotate the crankshaft in the normal direction
to set stamped line of the supply pump gear
to the top, and set the No. 1 and No. 6
cylinders to the compression top dead center

114E-5 SERIES 50-39

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

6) Align dowel pin (1) of supply pump drive 10)Tighten nut (7).
shaft (5) to key slot (b) of supply pump gear
3 Mounting nut:
(4) and push it into the slot.
180 ± 13 Nm {18.4 ± 1.33 kgm}

7) Install washer (6) to supply pump drive shaft

(5), and tighteen nut (7) loosely. 13.Front oil seal
1) Set tool T on front oil seal (8) from pilot [1]
a Pilot [1] is a plastic part provided inside
the front oil seal. Since it functions as the
guide tool when installing the crankshaft,
you must not remove it from the front oil

8) Tighten nut (9) until its looseness is

eliminated, then fix supply pump (8).
2 Mounting nut (9):
Adhesive (LT-2)
a Mounting bolts on the cylinder head side
and supply pump flange side must be
tightened after the cylinder head is
2) Install front oil seal (8) from inside of front oil
seal carrier (7).
9) Tighten supply pump mounting nut (9).
a The installed height of the front oil seal
3 Mounting nut (9):
must be the same as that of the inner flat
43 ± 6 Nm {4.38 ± 0.61 kgm} surface of the front oil seal carrier.

50-40 114E-5 SERIES

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

3) Apply pilot [1] to the crankshaft and push it

by hand into the crankshaft together with
front oil seal carrier (7).
4) Remove pilot [1].

14.Engine front cover

a Check that the end corner and lip sliding
surface of the crankshaft are free from flaw,
burr, sharp fin, rust, etc.
5) Apply liquid gasket to the following portions
a Do not apply oil or grease to the crankshaft
and install front oil seal carrier (7).
and seal lip. Thoroughly wipe off oil and
• All circumferences (a) of inside of front oil grease from the crankshaft.
seal carrier (7)
1) Install cover (5) using mounting bolt (6).
• Threaded portion (b) of bolt (9) and
contact surface (c) of front oil seal carrier 2 Cover mating face:
• Threaded portion (d) of nut (10) Liquid gasket (LG-7)
2 Portions (a), (b), (c) and (d)
indicated in the figure:
Liquid gasket (LG-7)

2) Tighten the mounting bolts in the numerical

order shown in the figure ([1] to [26]).
3 Mounting bolt:
6) Tighten mounting nut (10) of front oil seal Tightening
Position of bolt Size of bolt torque
carrier (7) in the sequence shown in the
figure ([1] to [5]). 1, 5, 8, 10, 16, 30 ± 2 Nm
17, 19, 20, 22, M8 x 1.25 – 25 {3.06 ± 0.2
3 Mounting nut: and 23 kgm}
8 ± 1 Nm {0.82 ± 0.1 kgm} 30 ± 2 Nm
M8 x 1.25 – 35
2 {3.06 ± 0.2
(Stud bolt) kgm}
M8 x 1.25 – 25 30 ± 2 Nm
4, 7, and 13 {3.06 ± 0.2
(Stud bolt) kgm}
3, 6, 9, 11, 12, 40 ± 2 Nm
14, 15, 18, 21, M8 x 1.25 – 25 {4.08 ± 0.2
24, 25, and 26 kgm}

114E-5 SERIES 50-41

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

3) Remove pilot tool [1] from the front seal.

3) Using alignment tool (positioning tool) (A)
4) Install dust seal (9).
attached to the rear oil seal, push rear oil
a Push in the dust seal until it reaches the seal (2) into rear cover (1) up to a proper
oil seal. depth.
4) Remove alignment tool (A).

15.Rear oil seal

1) Apply neutral detergent to the periphery of 16.Rear cover
the rear oil seal.
1) Clean, degrease, and dry the gasket faces
a Portion (P) is a plastic part provided against the rear cover and cylinder block.
inside the rear oil seal. Since it functions 2) Clean, degrease, and dry the seal lip sliding
as the pilot (guide tool) when installing surface (peripheral surface of the
the crankshaft, you must not remove it crankshaft).
from the rear oil seal.

2) Install rear oil seal (2) to rear cover (1). a Check that the end corner and lip sliding
surface of the crankshaft are free from
flaws, burrs, sharp fins, rusts, etc.
3) After install guide pin [1] and gasket (3),
apply pilot (P) to crankshaft (4) and push it by
hand into crankshaft (4) together with rear
cover (1).

50-42 114E-5 SERIES

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

2 Housing mounting face:

Liquid gasket (LG-7)
4) Remove the pilot (P).

9) Measure facial runout and radial runout of

the rear oil seal to the crankshaft.
a Facial runout: Max. 0.38 mm
5) Adjust rear cover (1) and both sides (B) of oil a Radial runout: Max. 0.25 mm
pan rail to the same height. 10)Install seal (5) to seal cover (1).
• Horizontal direction: Max.0.00 ± 0.10 mm
• Vertical direction: Max. 0.150 mm

11)Cut off the protrusion of gasket (3). (on both

6) Install alignment tool (A) again, and check
that rear oil seal (2) is inserted to a proper a Protrusion from bottom of cylinder block:
depth. Max.0.25 mm

a Leave alignment tool (A) installed without a Take care so that the cut gasket does not
trying to remove it. drop in the engine.
7) Remove the guide pin and tighten mounting
bolts in the sequence shown in the figure ([1]
to [8]).
3 Mounting bolt:
13 ± 2 Nm {1.33 ± 0.2 kgm}
8) Remove alignment tool (A).

17.Oil pan
1) Apply liquid gasket to the clearance e range
between the cylinder block and gear housing,
and between the cylinder block and rear

114E-5 SERIES 50-43

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

2 Clearance e range:
Liquid gasket (LG-7)

2) Install guide pin [1] to cylinder block (1), and

install gasket (2) to them.

6) Apply liquid gasket to the entire

circumference of oil pan (6) at the gasket
side mating face.
2 Oil pan:
3) Install bed plate (3). Liquid gasket (LG-7)
4) Insert the gasket to the end flange and install
suction tube (4).
2 Flange:
Liquid gasket (LG-7)
3 Flange mounting bolt:
10 ± 2 Nm {1.02 ± 0.2 kgm}

7) Install oil pan (6) using mounting bolts (7).

8) Tighten oil pan mounting bolts (7) in the
numerical order shown in the figure ([1] to
3 Mounting bolt:
24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm}
5) Apply liquid gasket to the hatched portion of
the bed plate side mating face and install
gasket (5).
2 Gasket (Mating face of bed plate):
Liquid gasket (LG-7)

50-44 114E-5 SERIES

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

3 Mounting bolt:
77 ± 12 Nm {7.85 ± 1.22 kgm}

4) After installing the flywheel housing,

measure the radial runout and facial runout
with tool L.
a Radial runout: Max. 0.20 mm
a Facial runout: Max. 0.20 mm
• Measurement of radial runout
1) Install tool L to the crankshaft end.
2) Set the probe of the dial gauge perpendicular
to the spigot joint portion of the flywheel
18.Flywheel housing assembly
3) Set the dial gauge reading to “zero”, rotate
1) Apply a continuous bead of liquid gasket 1 to the crankshaft by one turn, and measure the
3 mm in diameter to the mounting flanged difference between the indicated lowest and
surface of the flywheel housing and around highest values.
the mounting bolt holes.
a After the crankshaft is rotated by one turn,
2 Mounting flanged surface and check that the dial gauge indicates the
around mounting bolt holes: value at the start of rotation.
Liquid gasket (LG-7)
2) Install flywheel housing (1) using mounting

4 Flywheel housing:
60 kg

• Measuring facial runout

1) Similarly to measurement of the radial runout,
set the probe of the dial gauge perpendicular
to the end face of the flywheel housing.
a When measuring, bring the crankshaft to
3) Tighten flywheel housing mounting bolts (2) the front or rear side so that an error does
in the numerical order shown in the figure ([1] not be caused by the end play.
to [12]). 2) Set the dial gauge reading to “zero”, rotate
the crankshaft by one turn, and measure the
difference between the indicated lowest and
highest values.

114E-5 SERIES 50-45

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

19.Flywheel 3) After installing the flywheel, measure the

1) Install guide bolt [2] and flywheel (1). radial runout and face runout with tool L.

a Apply a continuous bead of liquid gasket a Radial runout: Max. 0.13 mm

1 to 3 mm in diameter around the bolt a Facial runout: Max. 0.20 mm
holes on the crankshaft mounting surface • Measurement of radial runout
(eight places). 1) Set tool L to the flywheel housing.
2 Flywheel mounting surface: 2) Bring the dial gauge probe into contact with
faucet joint portion (a) or the outer perimeter
Liquid gasket (LG-7)
surface of the flywheel at a right angle.
3) Give the flywheel one turn and measure the
4 Flywheel:
largest difference among the values
60 kg indicated by the dial gauge.
a Give the flywheel one turn and check that
the dial gauge indicates the same value
as the one at the start of rotation.
• Measuring facial runout
1) As in the case of measurement of radial
runout, bring the dial gauge probe into
contact with end surface (b) near the outer
perimeter of the flywheel at a right angle.
a When measuring, bring the crankshaft to
the front or rear side so that an error does
not be caused by the end play.
2) Give the flywheel one turn and measure the
2) Procedure for tightening bolts largest difference among the values
1] Install lock plate [1]. indicated by the dial gauge.
2] Tighten the mounting bolts in the
numerical order shown in the figure ([1] to
3 Mounting bolt:
137 ± 7 Nm {14.0 ± 0.71 kgm}

20.Cylinder head assembly

1) Assemble the cylinder head according to the
following procedure:

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50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

1] Install valve seals (7-1) and (7-2).

• Exhaust Valve: (7-1)
• Intake Valve: (7-2)

a Hit the valve stem lightly with a plastic

hammer to check that the valve collet is
fitted to the groove of the valve stem.
2] Apply engine oil to the valve stem and the 2) Before tightening the cylinder head mounting
inside of valve guide, and install valve (6). bolts, check the following:
1] Measure stem length (a) of each
2 Valve stem and inside of valve
mounting bolt and check that it is within
the allowable limit length of the bolt.
Engine oil (EO15W-40) 2] Allowable limit length of bolt: Max. 162.6
a If a bolt is out of the allowable limit, do
not reuse it but replace it.

3] Turn the topside of cylinder head upward,

and then install valve spring (3) and
upper seat (5).

3) Check that there is no dirt or foreign objects

on the cylinder head mounting surface and
inside the cylinder, then install cylinder head
gasket (8) to cylinder block (1).
a Check that the holes of the gasket is fitted
to the those of the cylinder block.

4] Using tool C, compress valve spring (3)

to install valve collet (4).

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50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

4) Install cylinder head assembly (2) to cylinder

block (1).

4 Cylinder head assembly:

95 kg

5) Tighten bracket (12) of supply pump (9) to

cylinder head (2) according to the following
1] Tighten bracket (12) temporarily using
bolts (10) and (11).
2] Tighten cylinder head side mounting bolt
a First, tighten the mounting bolts by two or (10).
three turns with the fingers, and then
tighten them according to the following 3 Mounting bolt (10):
procedure. 43 ± 6 Nm {4.38 ± 0.61 kgm}
2 Threaded portion and seat of bolt: 3] Tighten mounting bolt (11) of supply
pump flange side.
Engine oil (EO15W-40)
3 Mounting bolt (11):
3 Cylinder head mounting bolt:
77 ± 12 Nm {7.85 ± 1.22 kgm}
1] 50 ± 7 Nm {5.1 ± 0.71 kgm}
2] 150 ± 10 Nm {15.3 ± 1.02 kgm}
3] Loosen every bolt by 360 deg.
4] 115 ± 5 Nm {11.7 ± 0.51 kgm}
5] Check that the bolt is tightened
to 115 ± 5 Nm {11.7 ± 0.51 kgm}.
6] 120 ± 5 deg. (Using angle
tightening tool J)

21.Intake manifold cover

1) Install gasket (3) to cylinder head (4).
2 Both sides of gasket:
Liquid gasket (LG-7)

• When not using angle tightening tool J

Put paint marks on the cylinder head and
bolts, and retighten the bolts by 120 ± 5

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50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

2) Install intake manifold cover (1) and bracket

3 Mounting bolt:
24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm}
a Note that some bolts are to be tightened
when installing the high-pressure pipe.
(Not every bolt is tightened at this point.)

22.Injector assembly
a Check that the injector sleeve is free of
scratches and dirt.
a When replacing the injector with a new one,
replace the inlet connector with a new one,
2) Install gasket (12) and O-ring (13) to injector
1) Check inlet connector (11) along the 3) Apply engine oil to the O-ring and head side
following items. If any problems are found, of injector (7).
replace it.
2 O-ring and head side of injector:
1] Burrs or wear are recognizable in front
end (a) and rear end (b) of the inlet Engine oil (EO15W-40)
2] There is foreign matter in the edge filter at
rear end (c) of the inlet connector.
3] The O-ring at upper portion (d) of the inlet
connector is cracked or deteriorated.
4] There is a worn part or an uneven seat
contact mark on seating face (e) in the
front end of the inlet connector.
a If high-pressure fuel leaks through the
inlet connector, the seating surface
erodes and fine streaks or cracks
appears. If the above phenomenon is
observed, replace the inlet connector and 4) Insert injector (7) into the cylinder head,
injector. directing its fuel inlet hole toward the intake

114E-5 SERIES 50-49

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

8) Tighten mounting bolts (5) of holder (6)

3 Bolt:
10 ± 2 Nm {1.02 ± 0.2 kgm}
a The top of the holder must be in parallel
with the top of the cylinder head.
• Allowable angle: 2.4 deg.
9) Tighten inlet connector (11) permanently
using the retaining nut.
3 Retaining nut (10) (permanent
5) Install holder (6) and screw mounting bolts
(5) three to four turns by fingers. 50 ± 4 Nm {5.1 ± 0.41 kgm}
a Apply liquid gasket to (f) (hatched area) of
the cylinder head and retaining nut (10).
2 Cylinder head and retaining nut
(10) (f) (hatched area):
Liquid gasket (LG-7)

6) Apply engine oil to the O-ring and head side

mounting hole of inlet connector (11).
2 O-ring and head side of inlet
Engine oil (EO15W-40)
7) Secure inlet connector (11) by tightening
retaining nut (10) lightly.
a Then, tighten the retaining nut
permanently. Be sure to tighten to the
specified torque each time. If the
tightening torque is insufficient or too high,
fuel may leak into the engine.
3 Retaining nut:
15 ± 5.0 Nm {1.53 ± 0.51 kgm}

23.Push rod
1) Apply engine oil to the push rod socket.
2 Push rod socket:
Engine oil (EO15W-40)
2) Install push rod (1).
a Check that the push rod is in the tappet.

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50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

Adjust the valve clearance according to the

following procedure.
a Adjust the valve clearance so that the
clearance between the crosshead and rocker
arm comes to the following value.
a Valve clearance (when the engine is cold)
Unit: mm
Intake valve Exhaust valve
0.30 ± 0.08 0.56 ± 0.08
1) Rotate the crankshaft in the normal direction
24.Rocker arm and crosshead to set stamped line (a) of supply pump drive
gear (1) to the top, and set the No. 1 cylinder
1) Install crosshead (3). to the compression top dead center (TDC).
2) Install rocker arm assembly (2) and tighten
bolt (1).
a Check that the spherical portion of
adjustment screw (5) is fitted properly in
the socket of push rod (4), and tighten the
mounting bolt.
3 Mounting bolt:
65 ± 5 Nm {6.63 ± 0.51 kgm}

2) When the No. 1 cylinder is at the

compression top dead center, adjust the
valve clearance indicated by q of the valve
arrangement drawing.

a When reusing the crosshead, install the

same intake and exhaust valves in the
same direction because the shapes of its
holes (a) and (b) are different,
• A new crosshead may be installed in
either direction.

3) Insert feeler gauge K between rocker arm (2)

and crosshead (3), and fix adjustment screw
(4) lightly so that you can move it.
4) Tighten lock nut (5) in this position.
3 Lock nut:
24 ± 2.4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.24 kgm}
a After tightening the lock nut, check the
valve clearance again.

25.Adjustment of valve clearance

114E-5 SERIES 50-51

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

3 Mounting bolt:
9 ± 2 Nm {0.92 ± 0.2 kgm}

5) After adjusting all of the valves marked with

q, rotate the crankshaft in the normal
direction by one turn to face stamped line (a)
of supply pump gear (1) to the bottom, and 27.Common rail pressure sensor and pressure
set the No. 6 cylinder to the compression top limiter
dead center. 1) To replace common rail pressure sensor (2),
follow the procedures below.
a Do not remove common rail pressure
sensor (2) from common rail (1) unless
replacement of the sensor is necessary.
a Once the common rail pressure sensor is
removed from the common rail, be sure to
replace it with a new one.
1] Before removing the common rail
pressure sensor, throughly remove any
mud or other foreign objects from the
area around it and clean it.
2] Remove the common rail pressure
6) While the No. 6 cylinder is at the
compression top dead center, adjust the
3] Check the common rail pressure sensor
valve clearances marked with Q in the valve
connector for crack, breakage, damage of
arrangement drawing.
the seal, foreign matter on the pin and
a The adjustment procedure is as same as corrosion, bend and breakage of the pin.
Steps 3) and 4). 4] Install a new common rail pressure
7) After completing adjustment of every valve sensor.
clearance, install cap (6).
2 Threaded portion of common
rail pressure sensor:
Gear oil (#90)
3 Common rail pressure sensor:
70 ± 5 Nm {7.14 ± 0.51 kgm}
2 Threaded portion of adapter:
Gear oil (#90)
3 Adapter:
37 ± 4 Nm {3.77 ± 0.41 kgm}

26.Ne (crankshaft) speed sensor connector

Install Ne (crankshaft) speed sensor connector

50-52 114E-5 SERIES

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

28.Common rail, high-pressure pipe and connector


k Do not use high-pressure pipes with

bending modification.

k Be sure to use the genuine high-pressure

pipe fixing clamp and observe the
tightening torque.

k Install each high-pressure pipe and wiring

harness at least 10 mm apart from each
2) To replace pressure limiter (3), follow the other.
procedures below. a When installing each high-pressure pipe,
1] Before removing the pressure limiter, check the taper seal of its joint (portion (a):
thoroughly remove mud or other foreign part of 2 mm from the end) for visible
objects from area around it and clean it. lengthwise slit (b) and spot (c), and check
2] Remove the pressure limiter. portion (d) (end of taper seal: part at 2 mm
3] If the leakage from the pressure limiter from the end) for stepped-type wear caused
exceeds the specified value, do not reuse by fatigue that is able to be felt with your
it. finger nail. If any of those defects exist, they
4] Check that there is no damage on high- may cause fuel leakage. In this case, replace
pressure fuel sealing surfaces (a) on the the high-pressure pipe.
pressure limiter and common rail.
5] Install a new pressure limiter.
2 Threaded portion of pressure
Gear oil (#90)
3 Pressure limiter:
100 ± 4 Nm {10.2 ± 0.41 kgm}
a Excessive tightening can cause
leakage. Take care not to tighten too
6] Check that adapter (4) is not damaged.
a If adapter (4) is removed, use new 1) Install common rail (16) and tighten it
copper washer (5) and apply new temporarily using mounting bolts (17) and
gear oil (#90) to the adapter and (18). (Manual tightening)
tighten it.
3 Adapter:
37 ± 4 Nm {3.77 ± 0.41 kgm}

2) Install high-pressure pipe (7) between the

supply pump and common rail.

114E-5 SERIES 50-53

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

a Install the high-pressure pipe together 3 Mounting nut:

with sandwich clamp (9) and tighten the 24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm}
bracket lightly.
3 Sleeve nut:
37 ± 4 Nm {3.77 ± 0.41 kgm}
3) Install high-pressure pipes (1) to (6) between
the common rail and injector.
a Install the high-pressure pipe together
with sandwich clamp (9) and tighten the
bracket lightly.
3 Sleeve nut:
37 ± 4 Nm {3.77 ± 0.41 kgm}
4) Tighten the mounting bolt for common rail
(16) to the specified torque. 11)Install tube (12). (center side of supply pump
3 Mounting bolt: and centralized block)
43 ± 4.0 Nm {4.38 ± 0.41 kgm} 3 Joint bolt:
5) Loosen every sandwich clamp (9) for the 24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm}
high-pressure pipes.
6) Tighten the bracket of sandwich clamp (9) 3 Tube clamp mounting bolt (15):
that fixes the high-pressure pipe. 43 ± 6 Nm {4.38 ± 0.61 kgm}
12)Install tube (13). (left side of common rail
3 Mounting bolt:
pressure limiter and centralized block)
24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm}
3 Joint bolt:
a Tighten the sandwich clamp of high-
24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm}
pressure pipe (3) after installing the
13)Install tube (14). (right side of cylinder head
intake manifold.
and centralized block)
7) Tighten sandwich clamp (9).
3 Joint bolt:
3 Mounting bolt:
24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm}
6 Nm {0.61 kgm}
8) Install 14 fuel spray prevention caps (8).
a Set the slits of each bellows out and
a The fuel spray prevention caps are
installed so that fuel does not spout over
the hot parts of the engine and catch fire
when it leaks for some reason.

29.Rocker housing and head cover

1) Install the gasket to rocker housing (1).
2) Install rocker housing (1) to cylinder head (2).
3) Tighten mounting bolts in the sequence
shown in the figure ([1] to [7]).
3 Mounting bolt:
24 ± 4 Nm {2.4 ± 0.4 kgm}
9) Install connector block (10). 4) When you have removed injector connectors
(7), install them to rocker housing (1).
3 Mounting bolt:
3 Injector wiring harness connector:
24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm}
10)Install wiring harness connector bracket (11). 10 ± 2 Nm {1.02 ± 0.2 kgm}

50-54 114E-5 SERIES

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

5) Install wiring harness (4) to injector (3). a Take care when installing wiring harness
(4) to prevent it from bumping against the
3 Mounting nut:
inner wall of rocker housing (1),
1.25 ± 0.25 Nm {0.13 ± 0.03 kgm} disengaging from guide (8) or being bent
a Locations of wiring harnesses forcibly.
Color of cable Cylinder No. a Be sure to maintain a minimum clearance
a Yellow Right side of 3 mm (E) between wiring harness (4)
1, 3, 5 and rocker housing (1).
b Orange Left side
c Red Right side a Be sure to maintain a minimum clearance
2, 4, 6
d Brown Left side of 3 mm (F) between wiring harness (4)
and rocker arm (6).

a Install injector wiring harness terminals

6) Install the gasket to head cover (9), and
(5) in a direction that does not interfere
install head cover (9) to rocker housing (1).
with the movement of rocker arm (6).
3 Head cover mounting bolt:
12 ± 2 Nm {1.22 ± 0.2 kgm}

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50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

7) Install lifting plate (10) to cylinder head (2). 2) Install coolant outlet connector (2).
3 Mounting bolt: a The shape depends on the applicable
77 ± 12 Nm {7.85 ± 1.22 kgm} machine model.
3 Mounting bolt:
24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm}

30.Boost pump
1) Install the gasket and install boost pump (4)
using two mounting bolts (3). 32.Coolant inlet connector
3 Mounting bolt: 1) Install coolant inlet connector (1).
77 ± 12 Nm {7.85 ± 1.22 kgm} 3 Mounting bolt:
2) Install hose (1) to cylinder block (2).
24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm}
3 Sleeve nut: 2) Install plug (2).
25 ± 1.5 Nm {2.55 ± 0.15 kgm} 3 Plug:
85 ± 8 Nm {8.67 ± 0.82 kgm}

31.Thermostat and coolant outlet connector

1) Fit gasket and install thermostat (1). 33.EGR cooler and exhaust manifold
1) Install plugs (4) and (5).
3 Plug (4):
115 ± 12 Nm {11.7 ± 1.22 kgm}

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50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

3 Plug (5): 4) Install EGR cooler (2) to exhaust manifold (1)

36 ± 5 Nm {3.67 ± 0.51 kgm} and EGR mount bracket (3), then tighten the
2) Install EGR mount bracket (3). bracket by your fingers.
5) Tighten mounting bolt (7) for EGR cooler (2)
3 Mounting bolt: and exhaust manifold (1).
43 ± 6 Nm {4.38 ± 0.61 kgm}
3 Mounting bolt:
43 ± 6 Nm {4.38 ± 0.61 kgm}
6) Tighten mounting bolts (8) for EGR cooler (2)
and EGR mount bracket (3).
7) Install tube (9) to EGR cooler (2).
3 Mounting bolt:
9.5 ± 2 Nm {0.97 ± 0.2 kgm}
3 Hose clamp:
8.8 ± 0.5 Nm {0.9 ± 0.05 kgm}

3) Install a new gasket and install exhaust

manifold (1).

34.Starting motor assembly

1) Apply a continuous bead of liquid gasket (A)
4 mm in diameter on the gasket.
2 Both sides of gasket:
3 Mounting bolt (6) tightening Liquid gasket (LG-7)
1] Tighten bolts in the in the
numerical order of [1] to [12]
shown in the figure to a torque of
53 ± 5 Nm {5.4 ± 0.51 kgm}.
2] Only as for bolts [1] to [4] shown
in the figure, retighten them to a
torque of 53 ± 5 Nm {5.4 ± 0.51
kgm} in the numerical order.

2) Install the gasket, then install starting motor

assembly (1) using bolt (2) and nut (3).

114E-5 SERIES 50-57

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

30 kg

1) Install tube (4).

4) Tighten mounting nut (5) and hose clamp (6)

for KVGT (1).
a Install one of mounting nuts (5a) to the
3 KVGT mounting nut:
55 ± 6 Nm {5.61 ± 0.61 kgm}
3 Hose clamp:
5 ± 1 Nm {0.51 ± 0.1 kgm}

2) Install new gasket (2) to exhaust manifold


5) Install bracket (7).

a Since two mounting bolts are used for the
sensor bracket, too, tighten them after the
sensor bracket is installed.
3) Install KVGT (1) by slinging and install it by
inserting tube (4) to the hose. 3 Mounting bolt:
43 ± 6 Nm {4.38 ± 0.61 kgm}
6) Install tube (8) and tighten bracket (7) lightly.
7) Install the gasket and install tube (8) to EGR
cooler (9).
3 Mounting bolt:
24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm}
8) Install tube (8) and tighten bracket (7) firmly.
3 Mounting bolt:
43 ± 6 Nm {4.38 ± 0.61 kgm}

50-58 114E-5 SERIES

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

9) When connector block (11) is disconnected 13)Install sensor bracket (15) to bracket (7).
from bracket (10) during disassembly, install
3 Mounting bolt:
connector block (11) and bracket (10).
43 ± 6 Nm {4.3 ± 0.6 kgm}
3 Mounting bolt: 14)Install tube (16).
24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm}
3 Sleeve nut (sensor bracket side):
10)Install bracket (10), which is installed with
connector block (11) and hoses (12), (13) 24.5 ± 9.5 Nm {2.5 ± 0.97 kgm}
and (14), to exhaust manifold (3). 3 Sleeve nut (exhaust manifold
3 Mounting bolt: side):
43 ± 6 Nm {4.38 ± 0.61 kgm} 18 ± 3 Nm {1.84 ± 0.31 kgm}
11)Install hoses (12) and (13) to the EGR cooler
3 Sleeve nut:
15 ± 1 Nm {1.53 ± 0.1 kgm}

36.Oil cooler, oil filter and tubes

1) Install cooler gasket (5) and oil cooler (4).
2) Install cover gasket (3) and oil cooler cover
(2) using bolts (6).

12)Install the gasket and install hose (14) to

KVGT (1).
3 Joint bolt:
40 ± 4 Nm {4.08 ± 0.41 kgm}
a When hose (14) is disconnected from
connector block (11)
3 Sleeve nut:
36 ± 4 Nm {3.67 ± 0.41 kgm}

3) Tighten the bolts in the numerical order

shown in the figure [1] to [11].

114E-5 SERIES 50-59

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

3 Mounting bolt: 7) Install tube (17) to plug (16), which is

1] 15 ± 4 Nm {1.53 ± 0.41 kgm} installed to KVGT (15) and the cylinder block.
2] 27 ± 4 Nm {2.75 ± 0.41 kgm} 3 Joint bolt (KVGT side):
40 ± 5 Nm {4.08 ± 0.51 kgm}
3 Sleeve nut (cylinder block side):
35 ± 5 Nm {3.57 ± 0.51 kgm}

4) Install tube (9) to plug (7) and EGR cooler

3 Hose clamp (10):
5 ± 1 Nm {0.51 ± 0.1 kgm} 8) Apply engine oil (EO15W-40) to the oil filter
3 Mounting nut (oil pump bracket) seal.
(11): 9) Supply clean engine oil (EO15W-40) into the
oil filter.
10 ± 2 Nm {1.02 ± 0.2 kgm}
10)Install oil filter hoses (1).
3 Mounting bolt (bracket on EGR
3 Oil filter:
cooler side) (12):
13 ± 2 Nm {1.33 ± 0.2 kgm}
24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm}
• Tighten the oil filter by three quaters turns
after its sealing face touches the seat.

5) Install hose (13) to tube (9).

6) Install tube (14) to oil cooler cover (2).
1) Install bracket (2).
3 Mounting bolt:
43 ± 6 Nm {4.38 ± 0.61 kgm}
2) Tighten bracket (3) lightly.
3) Install alternator (1) to brackets (2) and (3).
3 Mounting bolt (4):
98 to 123 Nm {9.99 to 12.5 kgm}
3 Mounting bolt (5):
43 ± 6 Nm {4.38 ± 0.61 kgm}

50-60 114E-5 SERIES

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

38.Belt tensioner 3) Install wiring harness bracket (3).

Install belt tensioner (2) using mounting bolt (1).
3 Mounting bolt:
3 Mounting bolt: 43 ± 6 Nm {4.38 ± 0.61 kgm}
43 ± 6 Nm {4.38 ± 0.61 kgm}

40.Vibration damper
39.Pulley and lifting plate Install vibration damper (1).
1) Install lifting plate (4) using mounting bolt (5). 3 Mounting bolt:
3 Mounting bolt: 200 ± 10 Nm {20.4 ± 1.02 kgm}
43 ± 6 Nm {4.38 ± 0.61 kgm}

41.Removal from engine repair stand

2) Install pulley (1) and wiring harness bracket 1) Sling engine assembly (2) and disconnect it
(2) to lifting plate (4). from tool A (repair stand).
3 Mounting bolt:
4 Engine assembly:
43 ± 6 Nm {4.38 ± 0.61 kgm}
Approx. 880 kg
(Weight depends on the applicable
machine model)
2) Remove tool B (adapter) from engine
assembly (2).

114E-5 SERIES 50-61

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

3) Place and fix engine assembly (2) on stable 43.Intake manifold (intake cover)
engine stand [1]. 1) Install new gasket (4) to intake manifold
cover (5).

4) Apply adhesive to the guide of dipstick pipe

(1), then drive it in. 2) When intake heater (2) and intake connector
2 Mounting portion of dipstick tube: (3) are removed from intake manifold (1),
install them according to the following
Adhesive (LT-4)
1] Install in the order of intake connector (3),
gasket (7), intake heater (2), gasket (7),
plate (8), gasket (7) and intake manifold
2] Tighten them using the mounting bolts.
a Tighten the bracket together with
3 Mounting bolt:
24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm}

42.Engine oil pressure switch connector and plug

Install engine oil pressure switch connector (1)
to the cylinder block.
3 Engine oil pressure switch connector:
18 ± 3 Nm {1.84 ± 0.31 kgm}

3) Install intake manifold (intake cover) (1).

50-62 114E-5 SERIES

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

3 Mounting bolt: 3 Mounting bolts (6) and (7):

24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm} 24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm}
4) Install sandwich clamp (6) for the high-
3 Mounting nut (10):
pressure pipe to intake manifold (1).
10 ± 2 Nm {1.02 ± 0.2 kgm}
3 Mounting bolt:
24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm}

• Wiring harness clamps (11), (12) and (13)

3 Mounting nuts (11), (12) and (13):
44.Wiring harness assembly
Install the connector, clamp and band, then 10 ± 2 Nm {1.02 ± 0.2 kgm}
install the wiring harnesses assembly.
• Coolant temperature sensor connector (2)

• Ambient pressure sensor connector (14)

• Supply pump connector (15)
• Exhaust manifold pressure sensor connector • Wiring harness connectors (16): three places
(3) • Wiring harness clamp (17)
• Wiring harness clamp (4) • Band (18)

3 Mounting bolt (4): 3 Mounting bolt (15):

24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm} 24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm}
3 Mounting nut (17):
24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm}

• Bands (5), (8) and (9)

• Wiring harness clamps (6), (7) and (10)

114E-5 SERIES 50-63

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

• Charge (boost) pressure and temperature 7) Install EGR orifice temperature sensor
sensor connector (19) connector (8) to EGR valve piping (3).
• Common rail pressure sensor connector (20)
• Wiring harness clamp (21)
• Wiring harness bracket (22)
3 Mounting bolt (21):
10 ± 2 Nm {1.02 ± 0.2 kgm}
3 Mounting bolt (22):
24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm}

8) Install hoses (9) and (10) from KVGT to EGR

valve (1).
• Hose (9): KVGT control hydraulic circuit
• Hose (10): KVGT drive hydraulic circuit
3 Sleeve nut (hose (9)):
25 ± 1.5 Nm {2.55 ± 0.15 kgm}
3 Sleeve nut (hose (10)):
45.EGR valve 15 ± 1 Nm {1.53 ± 0.1 kgm}
1) Install the gasket to intake manifold (2), and 9) Install wiring harness connectors (11), (12)
install EGR valve (1). and (13) to EGR valve (1).
• Connector (11): KVGT position sensor
• Connector (12): KVGT speed sensor
• Connector (13): Connector box

3 Mounting bolt:
43 ± 6 Nm {4.38 ± 0.61 kgm}
2) Install the hose part of EGR valve piping (3)
46.Fuel lift pump and engine controller cooling plate
to tube (4).
3) Install the gasket and install EGR piping (3) 1) Install fuel lift pump (3) to engine controller
to EGR valve (1). cooling plate (2).

3 Mounting bolt: 3 Mounting bolt:

24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm} 10 ± 2 Nm {1.02 ± 0.2 kgm}
4) Install bracket (5) to the stud bolt.
3 Mounting nut:
24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm}
5) Tighten hose clamp (6) permanently.
3 Hose clamp:
10.5 ± 0.5 Nm {1.07 ± 0.05 kgm}
6) Install wiring harness (7) to bracket (5).

50-64 114E-5 SERIES

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

a When installing ground cable (4), provide

a clearance between it and engine
controller (1).
3 Mounting nut:
24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm}

2) Lightly push valve (4) of the check valve from

the arrow side to check whether it moves
smoothly and the sealing face closes

3) Install bracket (6).

3 Mounting nut:
10 ± 2 Nm {1.02 ± 0.2 kgm}
4) Install wiring harness (5) to the engine
a Wiring harness (5) is locked with
hexagonal socket head bolt (7) (4 mm).
3 Mounting bolt:
3 ± 1 Nm {0.31 ± 0.1 kgm}
3) Install engine controller cooling plate (2) and
bracket (1).
3 Bracket mounting bolt:
43 ± 6 Nm {4.38 ± 0.61 kgm}

5) Fix wiring harness (5) using bolt (8).

3 Mounting bolt (8):
24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm}
6) Install wiring harness (5) to bracket (9).
47.Engine controller 7) Install Ne (crankshaft) speed sensor
1) Install engine controller (1) to engine connector (10).
controller cooling plate (2) using mounting 8) Install engine oil pressure switch connector
bolts (3). (11).

3 Mounting bolt:
24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm}
2) Install ground cable (4).

114E-5 SERIES 50-65

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

9) Install clamp (12) for securing wiring harness 3) Install fuel hose (3).
(5). 4) Install fuel hose (2).
5) Install fuel hose (7).
3 Mounting bolt:
6) Install bracket (5) to bundle fuel hoses (2),
24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm} (3) and (4).
10)Install clamp (14) for securing wiring harness
(5), together with bracket (13). 3 Mounting bolt:
43 ± 6 Nm {4.38 ± 0.61 kgm}
3 Mounting bolt (clamp (14)):
24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm}
3 Mounting bolt (bracket (15)):
43 ± 6 Nm {4.38 ± 0.61 kgm}
11)Install wiring harness (5) to bracket (6).
12)Install fuel lift pump connector (16).
13)Install Bkup (cam) speed sensor connector

7) Install fuel filter (1) together with bracket (6).

8) Install fuel hoses (2) and (3) to fuel filter (1).

48.Fuel filter and hose

1) Install bracket (8) using bolt (9).
3 Mounting bolt:
43 ± 6 Nm {4.38 ± 0.61 kgm}
2) Install fuel hose (4).
49.Blowby hose and oil filler port
1) Install blowby hose (1).
2) Install hose clamps (3) and (4).
a Install them in such a way that the wiring
harness clamp comes to the outside.
3 Mounting bolt:
24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm}

50-66 114E-5 SERIES

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

9) Install tube clamps (9) (three places).

3 Mounting bolt:
24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm}

3) Install oil filler port inlet connector (2).

4) Install blowby hose (1) to oil filler port inlet
connector (2).
a Insert it until a clicking sound of lock (L) is
heard. 10)Install oil filler port (10) to oil filler port inlet
5) Tighten hose clamp (5). connector (2), then tighten tube clamp (11).
11)Tighten hose clamp (12) for oil filler port (10).

6) Install tube (6) which is used between the

EGR valve and boost pump. 50.Alternator belt
Install alternator belt (1).
3 Sleeve nut :
a Attach a wrench to portion (A) (width across
25 ± 1.5 Nm {2.55 ± 0.15 kgm}
flats: 12.7 mm) of tensioner assembly (2),
7) Install tube clamps (7) (three places).
and rotate it in direction opposite to the
3 Mounting bolt: winding-up direction.
24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm}
k Rotate the wrench after making sure it is
securely attached to portion (A) of
tensioner assembly (2). (If you try to
rotate the wrench before it is securely
attached due to the strong spring force of
tensioner assembly (2), it can disengage
and cause serious physical injuries.)

k After installing alternator belt (1), return

tensioner assembly (2) slowly and

k Take care not to get your fingers caught

8) Install tube (8) which is used between the between the pulley and alternator belt (1)
EGR valve and oil filler port inlet connector. during work.
3 Sleeve nut:
25 ± 1.5 Nm {2.55 ± 0.15 kgm}

114E-5 SERIES 50-67

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

a Be sure to maintain a minimum clearance of

15 mm between wiring harness (3) and
alternator belt (1).

a Clean and degrease the engine and the parts

around it in advance so that you can easily
be able to find fuel leakage.
51.Tightening torque of sensors 1) Spray color checker (developer) over the
When reinstalling or replacing the sensors, joint of the supply pump, common rail,
tighten them to the following torque. injector and high-pressure pipe.
Sensor name Tightening torque 2) Run the engine at speed below 1,000 rpm
18 ± 3 Nm {1.84 ± and stop it after its speed is stabilized.
Coolant temperature sensor 3) Stop the engine and check the fuel piping
0.31 kgm}
18 ± 3 Nm {1.84 ± and compornent for fuel leakage.
Engine oil pressure switch
0.31 kgm} a Check mainly around the high-pressure
Ne (crankshaft) speed 9 ± 2 Nm {0.92 ± 0.2 circuit parts coated with the color checker
sensor kgm} for fuel leakage.
Bkup (camshaft) speed 9 ±2 Nm {0.92 ± 0.2
sensor kgm} a If any fuel leakage is detected, repair it
8 ± 2 Nm {0.82 ± 0.2 and perform testing again from Step 2).
Ambient pressure sensor 4) Run the engine and keep its speed at low
Charge (boost) pressure 3 ± 1 Nm {0.31 ± 0.1 idle.
and temperature sensor kgm} 5) Stop the engine and check the fuel piping
and compornent for fuel leakage.
Exhaust manifold pressure 20 ± 3 Nm {2.04 ±
sensor 0.31 kgm} a Check mainly around the high-pressure
EGR orifice temperature 20 ± 3 Nm {2.04 ± circuit parts coated with the color checker
sensor 0.31 kgm} for fuel leakage.
10 ± 2 Nm {1.02 ± 0.2
Fuel level sensor kgm} a If any fuel leakage is detected, repair it
43 ± 6 Nm {4.38 ± and perform testing again from Step 2).
Fuel sensor bracket 0.61 kgm} 6) Run the engine and keep its speed at high
52.Check for fuel leakage 7) Stop the engine and check the fuel piping
a If supply pump (1), common rail (2), or high- and compornent for fuel leakage.
pressure pipe is removed or installed, check a Check mainly around the high-pressure
for fuel leakage according to the following circuit parts coated with the color checker
procedure after assembling the engine. for fuel leakage.
a If any fuel leakage is detected, repair it
and perform testing again from Step 2).
8) Run the engine at full speed and apply a load
on the engine.
a When checking while the components to
be checked are mounted on the machine,
stall the torque converter or relieve the
main pump.
9) Stop the engine and check the fuel piping
and compornent for fuel leakage.

50-68 114E-5 SERIES

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

a Check mainly around the high-pressure

circuit parts coated with the color checker
for fuel leakage.
a If any fuel leakage is detected, repair it
and perform testing again from Step 2).
a If no fuel leakage is detected, the
inspection process is completed.

114E-5 SERIES 50-69

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

Removal and installation procedure of supply pump unit alone (ENG114-AD70-924-


Removal (ENG114-AD70-520-K-00-A)

1. Disconnect wiring harness connector (1).

2. Disconnect wiring harness clamp (2). [*1]

10.After removing the washer, tighten nut (13)

11.Rotate the crankshaft in the normal direction to
set stamp (a) of supply pump drive gear (15) to
3. Disconnect fuel hoses (4), (5) and (6) from the top, and set the No. 1 cylinder to the
supply pump (3). compression top dead center (TDC).
4. Remove fuel spray prevention cap (7).
5. Loosen sandwich clamp (8) and remove bracket
(9) mounting bolt.
6. Remove high-pressure pipe (10) together with
sandwich clamp (8) and bracket (9).
7. Disconnect tube (11) from supply pump (3).

12.Install tool P to the front gear cover using bolt [1]

(M8 x 1.25).

8. Remove cap (12) of the front gear cover.

13.Remove four nuts (16) and bolts (17) and (18),

and remove bracket (19).
14.Alternately tighten bolts [1] of tool P, which is
installed in Step 12, and disconnect the supply
pump drive shaft from the supply pump drive
9. Remove nut (13) and washer (14). gear.
15.After removing tool P, remove supply pump (3).

50-70 114E-5 SERIES

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

4. Install a new O-ring (22) to the supply pump

lubrication port.
5. Using contact cleaner, clean the contact surface
between the periphery of supply pump drive
shaft and the inner diameter side of the supply
pump gear.
6. Before installing the supply pump, check that the
contact surface between the periphery of the
supply pump drive shaft and the inner diameter
side of the supply pump gear is dry and free
from foreign matter.

Installation (ENG114-AD70-720-K-00-A)

Install the supply pump according to the following

1. Rotate the crankshaft in the normal direction to
set stamp (a) of the supply pump drive gear to
the top, and set the No. 1 cylinder to the
compression top dead center (TDC).

7. Align dowel pin (20) of supply pump drive shaft

(23) to key slot (b) of supply pump gear (15) and
push it into the slot.

2. Before installing the supply pump, check that

dowel pin (20) of the supply pump drive shaft is
not damaged.
a If the dowel pin is damaged, replace the
supply pump and supply pump gear.

8. Install washer (14) to supply pump drive shaft

(23), and tighten nut (13) temporarily.

3. Install a new O-ring (21) to the supply pump

2 O-ring (21):
9. Tighten nut (16) temporarily until its looseness is
Engine oil (EO15W-40) eliminated, then fix supply pump (3).

114E-5 SERIES 50-71

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

2 Mounting nut (16):

Adhesive (LT-2)
10.Tighten supply pump mounting nut (16).
3 Mounting nut (16):
43 ± 6 Nm {4.38 ± 0.61 kgm}
11.Tighten bracket (19) temporarily using bolts (17)
and (18).
12.Tighten cylinder head side mounting bolt (17).
3 Mounting bolt (17):
43 ± 6 Nm {4.38 ± 0.61 kgm}
13.Tighten supply pump flange side mounting bolt
(18). 16.High-pressure pipe

3 Mounting bolt (18): k Do not use high-pressure pipes with

77 ± 12 Nm {7.85 ± 1.22 kgm} bending modification.

k Be sure to use the genuine high-pressure

pipe fixing clamp and observe the
tightening torque.

k Install each high-pressure pipe and wiring

harness at least 10 mm apart from each
a When installing each high-pressure pipe,
check the taper seal of its joint (portion (a):
part of 2 mm from the end) for visible
lengthwise slit (b) and spot (c), and check
14.Tighten nut (13). portion (d) (end of taper seal: part at 2 mm
from the end) for stepped-type wear caused
3 Mounting nut: by fatigue that is able to be felt with your
180 ± 13 Nm {18.4 ± 1.33 kgm} finger nail. If any of those defects exist, they
may cause fuel leakage. In this case, replace
the high-pressure pipe.

15.Install cap (12) of the front gear cover.

1) Install high-pressure pipe (10) between the

supply pump and common rail.
a Install the high-pressure pipe together
with sandwich clamp (8) and tighten the
bracket (9) lightly.
3 Sleeve nut :
37 ± 4 Nm {3.77 ± 0.41 kgm}

50-72 114E-5 SERIES

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

2) Loosen sandwich clamp (8) for the high-

pressure pipes.
3) Tighten bracket (9) of sandwich clamp (8)
fixing the high-pressure pipe.
3 Mounting bolt:
24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm}
4) Tighten sandwich clamp (8).
3 Mounting bolt:
6 Nm {0.61 kgm}
5) Install two fuel spray prevention caps (7).
a Set the slits of each bellows out and
a The fuel spray prevention caps are
installed so that fuel does not spout over
the hot parts of the engine and catch fire
when it leaks for some reason.
6) Install tube (11).
3 Joint bolt:
24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm}

Carry out the following installation in the order

reverse to removal.
Wiring harness clamp (2)
3 Mounting bolt:
24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm}

114E-5 SERIES 50-73

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

Engine front oil seal replacement procedure (ENG114-A350-924-K-00-A)

Removal (ENG114-A350-520-K-00-A)

1. Remove alternator belt (1).

a Attach a wrench to portion (A) (width across
flats: 12.7 mm) of tensioner assembly (2),
and rotate the wrench in the direction
opposite to the winding-up direction to
decrease alternator belt (1) tension.

k Rotate the wrench after making sure it is

securely attached to portion (A) of
tensioner assembly (2). (If you try to
rotate the wrench before it is securely
2) Remove front oil seal carrier assembly (7)
attached due to the strong spring force of
from front cover (5).
tensioner assembly (2), it can disengage
and cause serious physical injuries.)

k After removing alternator belt (1), return

tensioner assembly (2) slowly and

k Take care not to get your fingers caught

between the pulley and alternator belt (1)
during work.

3) Remove front oil seal (8).

2. Remove five bolts (4) and remove vibration

damper (3).

Installation (ENG114-A350-720-K-00-A)

1. Wipe off foreign matters adhering to crankshaft

flange (A) using a clean cloth.
2. Set tool T on front oil seal (8) from pilot [1] side.
a Pilot [1] is a plastic part provided inside the
front seal. Since it functions as the guide tool
when installing the crankshaft, you must not
remove it from the front oil seal.
3. Remove the front oil seal according to the
following procedure.
1) Remove dust seal (6) from front oil seal
carrier assembly (7).

50-74 114E-5 SERIES

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

3 Mounting nut: 8 ± 1 Nm {0.82 ± 0.1

8. Install dust seal (6).
a Push in the dust seal until it reaches the front
oil seal.

3. Install front oil seal (8) from inside of front oil seal
carrier (7).
4. Apply pilot [1] to the crankshaft and push it by
hand into the crankshaft together with front oil
seal carrier (7).
5. Remove pilot [1].
9. Install vibration damper (3).
3 Mounting bolt (4):
200 ± 10 Nm {20.4 ± 1.02 kgm}

6. Apply liquid gasket to the following parts and

install front oil seal carrier (7).
• All circumferences (a) of inside of front oil
10.Alternator belt
seal carrier (7)
Install alternator belt (1).
• Threaded portion (b) of bolt (9) and contact
surface (c) of front oil seal carrier a Attach a wrench to portion (A) (width across
• Threaded portion (d) of nut (10) flats 12.7 mm) of tensioner assembly (2) and
rotate it in the direction opposite to the
2 Portions (a), (b), (c) and (d)
winding-up direction.
indicated in the figure: Liquid
gasket (LG-7)
k Rotate the wrench after making sure it is
securely attached to portion (A) of
tensioner assembly (2). (If you try to
rotate the wrench before it is securely
attached due to the strong spring force of
tensioner assembly (2), it can disengage
and cause serious physical injuries.)

k After installing alternator belt (1), return

tensioner assembly (2) slowly and

k Take care not to get your fingers caught

between the pulley and alternator belt (1)
7. Tighten mounting nut (10) of front oil seal carrier
during work.
(7) in the sequence shown in the figure [1] to [5].

114E-5 SERIES 50-75

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

a Be sure to maintain a minimum clearance of

15 mm between wiring harness (3) and
alternator belt (1).

50-76 114E-5 SERIES

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

Engine rear oil seal replacement procedure (ENG114-A510-924-K-00-A)

Removal (ENG114-A510-520-K-00-A)

1. Remove mounting bolts (2), set guide bolts and

lift off flywheel (1).

4 Flywheel assembly:
60 kg

5. Remove rear oil seal (7) from rear cover (6).

2. Sling flywheel housing (4), remove mounting

bolts (3) and lift off flywheel housing (4).

4 Flywheel housing:
60 kg

Installation (ENG114-A510-720-K-00-A)

1. Clean, degrease, and dry the gasket faces

against the rear cover and cylinder block.
2. Clean, degrease, and dry the seal lip sliding
surface (peripheral surface of the crankshaft).

3. Remove four oil pan mounting bolts (5), eight

housing mounting bolts (8) and remove rear
cover (6).
a Take care when separating the rear cover
from the oil pan gasket not damage the
a Insert a feeler gauge between the rear cover
and oil pan gasket, then move the gauge
back and forth to separate them. a Check that the end corner and lip sliding
surface of the crankshaft are free from flaws,
a If the oil pan gasket is damaged, remove the burrs, sharp fins, rusts, etc.
oil pan and replace the gasket. [*1] 3. Apply neutral detergent to the periphery of the
rear oil seal.
6 Engine oil:
a Portion (P) is a plastic part provided inside
Approx. 24 l the rear oil seal. Since it functions as the pilot
4. Remove seal (11) from rear cover (6). (guide tool) when installing the crankshaft,
you must not remove it from the rear oil seal.

114E-5 SERIES 50-77

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

4. Install rear oil seal (7) to rear cover (6). 2) Apply a little more thicker liquid gasket to two
hatched portions (c) in the figure.
2 Hatched portions (c):
Liquid gasket (LG-7)

5. Using alignment tool (positioning tool) (A)

attached to the engine rear seal, push rear oil
seal (7) into rear cover (6) up to a proper depth.
6. Remove alignment tool (A).
7. After Install guide pin [2] and gasket (10), apply
pilot (P) to crankshaft (9) and push it by hand
into crankshaft (9) together with rear cover (6).
a Cut gasket (10) so that its protrusion (d) from
the oil pan surface is 0.25 mm or less.
a Take care so that the cut gasket may not fall
in the engine.
a Adjust rear cover (1) and both sides of oil pan
rail to the same height.
a Horizontal direction: Max.0.00 ± 0.10 mm
a Vertical direction: Max. 0.150 mm
Apply liquid gasket according to the following 8. Remove the pilot (P).
1) Apply liquid gasket to the area in the figure
being enclosed by a heavy line at the bottom
face of rear cover (6).
a Apply a continuous bead of liquid gasket
3 mm in diameter to the area enclosed by
a heavy line.
2 Rear cover bottom face:
Liquid gasket (LG-7)

50-78 114E-5 SERIES

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

a Facial runout: Max. 0.38 mm

a Radial runout: Max. 0.25 mm
15.Install seal (11) to seal cover (6).

9. Install alignment tool (A) again and check that

rear oil seal (7) is inserted to a proper depth.
a Leave alignment tool (A) installed without
trying to remove it. 16.Apply a continuous bead of liquid gasket 1 to 3
10.Tighten oil pan mounting bolt (5) temporarily. mm in diameter to the mounting flanged surface
11.Remove guide pin [2], which is installed in Step of the flywheel housing and around the mounting
8, and tighten eight rear cover mounting bolts (8) bolt holes.
in the sequence shown in the figure [1] to [8].
2 Mounting flanged surface and around
3 Mounting bolt: mounting bolt holes:
13 ± 2 Nm {1.33 ± 0.2 kgm} Liquid gasket (LG-7)
17.Tighten temporarily flywheel housing (4) using
mounting bolt (3).

4 Flywheel housing:
60 kg
18.Tighten flywheel housing mounting bolts (3) in
the sequence shown in the figure [1] to [12].
3 Mounting bolt:
77 ± 12 Nm {7.85 ± 1.22 kgm}

19.After installing the flywheel housing, measure

the radial runout and facial runout with tool L.
a Radial runout: Max. 0.20 mm
12.Tighten oil pan mounting bolt (5) permanently.
a Facial runout: Max. 0.20 mm
3 Mounting bolt: • Measurement of radial runout
24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm} 1) Install tool L to the crankshaft end.
13.Remove alignment tool (A). 2) Set the probe of the dial gauge perpendicular
14.Measure facial runout and radial runout of the to the spigot joint portion of the flywheel
rear oil seal to the crankshaft. housing.

114E-5 SERIES 50-79

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

3) Set the dial gauge reading to “zero”, rotate 21.Secure the flywheel and flywheel housing using
the crankshaft by one turn, and measure the the lock plate, combination wrench [3] and such,
difference between the indicated lowest and and tighten the bolts in the sequence shown in
highest values. the figure [1] to [8].
a After the crankshaft is rotated by 1 turn, 3 Mounting bolt:
check that the dial gauge indicates the 137 ± 7 Nm {14.0 ± 0.71 kgm}
value at the start of rotation.

• Measuring facial runout

1) Similarly to measurement of the radial runout,
set the probe of the dial gauge perpendicular
to the end face of the flywheel housing.
a When measuring, bring the crankshaft to
the front or rear side so that an error does
not be caused by the end play.
2) Set the dial gauge reading to “zero”, rotate
the crankshaft by one turn, and measure the
difference between the indicated lowest and
highest values.

22.After installing the flywheel housing, measure

the radial runout and facial runout using tool L.
a Radial runout: Max. 0.13 mm
a Facial runout: Max. 0.20 mm
• Measurement of radial runout
1) Set tool L to the flywheel housing.
2) Bring the dial gauge probe into contact with
faucet joint portion (a) or the outer perimeter
surface of the flywheel at a right angle.
3) Give the flywheel one turn and measure the
largest difference among the values
indicated by the dial gauge.
20.Install the guide bolt and then install flywheel
(1). a Give the flywheel one turn and check that
the dial gauge indicates the same value
a Apply a continuous bead of liquid gasket 1 to
as the one at the start of rotation.
3 mm in diameter around the bolt holes on
• Measuring facial runout
the crankshaft mounting surface (eight
1) As in the case of measurement of radial
runout, bring the dial gauge probe into
2 Flywheel mounting surface: contact with end surface (b) near the outer
Liquid gasket (LG-7) perimeter of the flywheel at a right angle.
a When measuring, bring the crankshaft to
4 Flywheel: the front or rear side so that an error does
60 kg not be caused by the end play.

50-80 114E-5 SERIES

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

2) Give the flywheel one turn and measure the 4. Insert the gasket to the end flange and install
largest difference among the values suction tube (15).
indicated by the dial gauge.
2 Flange:
Liquid gasket (LG-7)
3 Flange mounting bolt:
10 ± 2 Nm {1.02 ± 0.2 kgm}

Carry out the following installation in the order

reverse to remonal.
When the oil pan is removed for replacement of the
5. Apply liquid gasket to the hatched portion of the
gasket, install the oil pan according to the following
bed plate side mating face and install gasket
1. Apply liquid gasket to the clearance e range
between the cylinder block and gear housing, 2 Gasket (mating face of bed plate):
and between the cylinder block and rear cover. Liquid gasket (LG-7)
2 Clearance e range:
Liquid gasket (LG-7)

2. Install guide pin [4] to cylinder block (12) and

install gasket (13) to them.

6. Apply liquid gasket to the entire circumference of

oil pan (17) at the gasket side mating face.
2 Oil pan:
Liquid gasket (LG-7)
3. Install bed plate (14).

114E-5 SERIES 50-81

50 Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly

7. Install oil pan (17) using mounting bolt (5).

8. Tighten oil pan mounting bolts (5) in the
sequence shown in the figure [1] to [32].
3 Mounting bolt:
24 ± 4 Nm {2.4 ± 0.4 kgm}

50-82 114E-5 SERIES


Model Serial Number


60 Maintenance standard
6 60 Maintenance standard

114E-5 SERIES 60-1

60 Maintenance standard
Table of contents

Table of contents (ALL-0310-002-A-00-A)

60 Maintenance standard................................................................................................................... 60-1
Table of contents ........................................................................................................................ 60-2
Intake and exhaust system parts .................................................................................................. 60-3
KVGT.................................................................................................................................. 60-3
Engine main body parts............................................................................................................... 60-4
Cylinder head ...................................................................................................................... 60-4
Cylinder block ...................................................................................................................... 60-6
Cylinder liner ....................................................................................................................... 60-8
Crankshaft......................................................................................................................... 60-10
Piston ............................................................................................................................... 60-12
Connecting rod .................................................................................................................. 60-13
Vibration damper................................................................................................................ 60-15
Timing gear ....................................................................................................................... 60-16
Camshaft .......................................................................................................................... 60-17
Valve and valve guide......................................................................................................... 60-19
Rocker arm........................................................................................................................ 60-21
Flywheel............................................................................................................................ 60-23
Lubrication system.................................................................................................................... 60-25
Oil pump ........................................................................................................................... 60-25

60-2 114E-5 SERIES

60 Maintenance standard

Intake and exhaust system parts (ENG107-A900-001-K-00-A)

KVGT (ENG114-AA10-034-K-00-A)

KVGT: Abbreviation for KOMATSU Variable Geometry Turbocharger

Unit: mm
No. Item Criteria Remedy
Radial play (Play in radial Replace KVGT as
1 direction) 0.254 to 0.356 an assembly
End play (play in axial hydraulic actuator,
2 direction) 0.025 to 0.127 KVGT position

114E-5 SERIES 60-3

60 Maintenance standard
Cylinder head

Engine main body parts (ENG107-R402-001-K-00-A)

Cylinder head (ENG114-A100-034-K-00-A)

60-4 114E-5 SERIES

60 Maintenance standard
Cylinder head

Unit: mm
No. Item Criteria Remedy
End-to-End Max.: 0.203 Repair by
Distortion of mounting grinding or
1 surface to cylinder block
Side-to-Side Max.: 0.075 replace cylinder
Procedure Target (Nm {kgm})
1st stage 50{5.1}
Tightening torque for 2nd stage 150{15.3}
cylinder head mounting bolt 3rd stage Loosen 360 deg Tighten and
(apply engine oil to threads retighten
4th stage 115 {11.7}
2 and seat surface)
5th stage 115 {11.7}
6th stage retighten 120 deg
Using limit of nominal length Replace
for cylinder head mounting Less than 162.6 cylinder head
bolt. mounting bolt
Replace nozzle
3 Protrusion of injector nozzle 2.43 to 3.18 or gasket
Tightening torque for injector Target (Nm {kgm})
4 holder mounting bolt
9.8 {1.0}
Tightening torque for head
5 cover mounting bolt 12{1.2}

* : However, see "Disassembly and assembly" for the assembly procedure.

114E-5 SERIES 60-5

60 Maintenance standard
Cylinder block

Cylinder block (ENG114-A300-034-K-00-A)

60-6 114E-5 SERIES

60 Maintenance standard
Cylinder block

Unit: mm
No. Item Criteria Remedy
End-to-End Max. 0.075 Repair by
strain of cylinder mounting grinding or
face Side-to-Side Max. 0.075 replace
Thickness of main bearing Replace metal
2 3.446 to 3.454
Inside diameter of cam Correct or
3 bushing mounting hole Max. 64.013 replace block
Inside diameter of cam Replace cam
4 bushing Max. 60.120 bushing
Tightening torque for main Procedure Target (Nm {kgm})
Tighten and
5 cap mounting bolt (apply 1st stage 60 {6.1}
engine oil to threads) 2nd stage retighten 120 deg.
Tightening torque for oil pan Target (Nm {kgm})
6 mounting bolt
28 {2.8}
Tightening torque for Tighten
7 crankshaft pulley mounting 200 {20.4}

114E-5 SERIES 60-7

60 Maintenance standard
Cylinder liner

Cylinder liner (ENG114-A340-034-K-00-A)

Unit: mm

No. Check item Criteria Remedy

Inside diameter of cylinder

114.000 to 114.040
liner Repair cylinder
1 Roundness of cylinder liner Repair limit 0.04 liner
Taper of cylinder liner Repair limit 0.04
2 Protrusion of cylinder liner 0.026 to 0.122 cylinder liner or
cylinder block
Outside diameter of cylinder Repair cylinder
3 130.938 to 130.958
liner liner
Inside diameter of cylinder
4 liner bore in cylinder block 130.900 to 130.950 cylinder liner or
cylinder block

60-8 114E-5 SERIES

60 Maintenance standard
Cylinder liner

Unit: mm

No. Check item Criteria Remedy

Clearance between cylinder

5 liner and cylinder block Min. 0.229

114E-5 SERIES 60-9

60 Maintenance standard

Crankshaft (ENG114-A530-034-K-00-A)

60-10 114E-5 SERIES

60 Maintenance standard

Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Replace thrust
1 End play 0.107 to 0.360 bearing metal
Standard size Tolerance
Standard 98.019
Outside diameter of main 0.25 undersize 97.769
journal Use undersize
0.50 undersize 97.519 ±0.013
journal or
0.75 undersize 97.269 replace
1.00 undersize 97.019
Roundness of main journal Max. 0.0064
Taper of main journal Max. 0.013
Replace main
Clearance of main journal 0.051 to 0.111 bearing metal
Standard size Tolerance
Standard 76.013
Outside diameter of 0.25 undersize 75.763
crankshaft pin journal ±0.013
0.50 undersize 75.513 Use undersize
0.75 undersize 75.263 journal or
1.00 undersize 75.013 replace
Roundness of crankshaft pin
journal Max. 0.0064
Taper of crankshaft pin
journal Max. 0.013
Clearance of crankshaft pin
0.024 to 0.100 connecting rod
bearing metal

114E-5 SERIES 60-11

60 Maintenance standard

Piston (ENG114-A580-034-K-00-A)

Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Top ring 0.30 to 0.40
Clearance at piston ring end Replace piston
1 gap 2nd ring 0.70 to 1.00 ring or piston
Oil ring 0.30 to 0.60
Outside diameter of piston
2 pin 44.997 to 45.003 Peplace piston
or piston pin
Inside diameter of piston pin
3 45.006 to 45.012

60-12 114E-5 SERIES

60 Maintenance standard
Connecting rod

Connecting rod (ENG114-A590-034-K-01-A)

a The material of connecting rod metal of undersize is not the same between top and bottom. The metal at
upper side is marked "UPR" to identify top or bottom.

114E-5 SERIES 60-13

60 Maintenance standard
Connecting rod

Unit: mm
N- Remedy
Item Criteria
Inside diameter of
1 connecting rod bushing 45.023 to 45.035
(Spare part is
(When installing bushing)
half finished.)
Clearance of connecting rod
2 0.024 to 0.10 Replace
connecting rod
Thickness of connecting rod
3 2.457 to 2.469 metal
Inside diameter of mounting Replace
4 hole of connecting rod metal 80.987 to 81.013 connecting rod
Tightening torque of Procedure Target (Nm {kgm})
connecting rod cap 1 stage 30 {3.1}
mounting bolt 2 stages 70 {7.1}/ 50 {5.1} ( *1) Tightening and
5 retightening
(Apply engine oil to bolt
threaded part and nut seat 3 stages Retighten 60 °deg.
Clearance of connecting rod Replace
6 0.130 to 0.275 connecting rod
*1: Indicates the value of HB335–1, HB335LC–1, HB365–1, HB365LC–1.

60-14 114E-5 SERIES

60 Maintenance standard
Vibration damper

Vibration damper (ENG114-A5E0-034-K-00-A)

Unit: mm
No. Item Criteria Remedy

Tightening torque of Target (Nm {kgm}) Tighten and

vibration damper retighten
200 {20.4}
Convex and concave of
― Free from convex and concave Replace
vibration damper

114E-5 SERIES 60-15

60 Maintenance standard
Timing gear

Timing gear (ENG114-A5A0-034-K-00-A)

Unit: mm
No. Item Criteria Remedy
A Backlash of oil pump gear 0.08 to 0.33
Backlash of each
― B Backlash of camshaft gear 0.08 to 0.33 Replace
C Backlash of idler gear 0.08 to 0.33

60-16 114E-5 SERIES

60 Maintenance standard

Camshaft (ENG114-A5G0-034-K-00-A)

114E-5 SERIES 60-17

60 Maintenance standard

Unit: mm
No. Item Criteria Remedy
Replace thrust
1 End play 0.10 to 0.36 plate
Outside diameter of Correct or
2 camshaft bearing journal 59.962 to 60.013 replace
Thickness of camshaft thrust
3 plate 9.40 to 9.60 Replace
Tightening torque of Target (Nm {kgm})
4 camshaft thrust place Tighten
mounting bolt 24 {2.4}

60-18 114E-5 SERIES

60 Maintenance standard
Valve and valve guide

Valve and valve guide (ENG114-A700-034-K-00-A)

114E-5 SERIES 60-19

60 Maintenance standard
Valve and valve guide

Unit: mm
No. Item Criteria Remedy
Depression of valve in Replace valve
1 cylinder head (A) 0.70 to 1.16
or valve seat
Intake side Min. 2.06
2 Thickness of valve rim (B) Replace valve
Exhaust side Min. 1.65
Valve Angle Repair limit
Intake side 30 deg. Judge contact Replace valve
3 Valve seat angle
surface condition or valve seat
Exhaust side 45 deg. by vacuum test.
Outside diameter of valve
4 7.96 to 7.98 Replace
cylinder head
5 Diameter of valve guide bore 8.019 to 8.039
Inside diameter of valve
6 13.15 to 13.65 Correct
insert bore

60-20 114E-5 SERIES

60 Maintenance standard
Rocker arm

Rocker arm (ENG114-A770-034-K-00-A)

Unit: mm
No. Item Criteria Remedy
Outside diameter of rocker Replace rocker
1 Min. 24.950
arm shaft arm shaft
Diameter of rocker arm shaft Replace rocker
2 Max. 25.013
hole arm
Replace rocker
Clearance between rocker
3 Max. 0.063 arm or rocker
arm shaft and rocker arm
arm shaft
Tightening torque for locknut Target (Nm {kgm})
4 of rocker arm adjustment Tighten
24 {2.4}
Valve Repair limit
5 Valve clearance (when cold) Intake side 0.305 Adjust
Exhaust side 0.559
6 Outside diameter of tappet 31.243 to 31.258 Replace tappet

114E-5 SERIES 60-21

60 Maintenance standard
Rocker arm

Unit: mm
No. Item Criteria Remedy
Tightening torque of rocker Target (Nm {kgm})
7 arm mounting bolt Tighten
65 {6.6}

60-22 114E-5 SERIES

60 Maintenance standard

Flywheel (ENG114-A560-034-K-00-A)

114E-5 SERIES 60-23

60 Maintenance standard

Unit: mm
No. Item Criteria Remedy
Radial runout of flywheel
1 housing Repair limit: 0.20
Facial runout of flywheel correct
2 housing Repair limit: 0.20
Tightening torque for Target (Nm {kgm})
3 flywheel housing mounting Tighten
77 {7.85}
Flywheel Limit
4 Facial runout of flywheel For clutch 0.013/ f25.4 Reassemble,
For torque Diameter (actual measurement) x correct
converter 0.0005
5 Radial runout of flywheel Repair limit: 0.13
Tightening torque for Target (Nm {kgm})
flywheel mounting bolt Tighten and
6 (apply engine oil to threads retighten
137 {14.0}
and seat surface)

60-24 114E-5 SERIES

60 Maintenance standard
Oil pump

Lubrication system (ENG107-AB00-001-K-00-A)

Oil pump (ENG114-AB50-034-K-00-A)

Unit: mm
No. Item Criteria Remedy
Clearance of rotor in axial
1 0.025 to 0.127
Clearance between outer
2 0.178 to 0.381 Replace oil pump
rotor and body
Clearance between outer
3 0.025 to 0.178
rotor and inner rotor
Tightening torque of oil Target (Nm {kgm})
4 Tighten and retighten
pump mounting bolt 24{2.4}

114E-5 SERIES 60-25



Aftercooler ................................................... 10-16 Handling equipment of fuel system devices..... 00-16
Alternator ..................................................... 10-80 Handling of electrical equipment .................... 00-23
Applicable machines ....................................... 01-6 Handling of hydraulic equipment .................... 00-18
Handling of intake system parts ..................... 00-17
How to read electric wire code ....................... 00-31
B How to read the shop manual ........................ 00-12
Boost oil pump.............................................. 10-52 How to read this manual .................................. 50-3

Camshaft ..................................................... 60-17 Important safety notice .................................... 00-5
Coating materials list....................................... 50-5 Intake air heater............................................ 10-88
Components layout drawing ............................ 10-3 Intake and exhaust system circuit diagram ........ 10-6
Connecting rod ............................................. 60-13 Intake and exhaust system layout drawing ........ 10-5
Conversion table .......................................... 00-50
Cooling system circuit diagram ...................... 10-71 K
Cooling system parts layout drawing .............. 10-70
Crankshaft ................................................... 60-10 KCCV layout drawing .................................... 10-25
Cylinder block.......................................10-38, 60-6 KCCV ventilator............................................ 10-28
Cylinder head .......................................10-36, 60-4 KDPF .......................................................... 10-32
Cylinder liner .................................................. 60-8 KVGT ....................................................10-9, 60-3

Drive pulley .................................................. 10-73 List of abbreviation........................................ 00-45
Lubrication system circuit diagram.................. 10-50
Lubrication system parts layout drawing ......... 10-48
EGR cooler .................................................. 10-23 M
EGR system circuit diagram .......................... 10-19
EGR system piping drawing........................... 10-17 Main filter ..................................................... 10-69
EGR valve ................................................... 10-21 Main moving parts ........................................ 10-40
Engine controller........................................... 10-91 Method of disconnecting and connecting of
Engine front oil seal replacement procedure.... 50-74 push-pull type coupler ................................. 00-20
Engine performance curve............................... 01-6
Engine rear oil seal replacement procedure .... 50-77
Engine wiring harness ................................... 10-89
Exhaust gas regulation.................................... 01-3 Oil cooler ..................................................... 10-54
Explanation of terms for maintenance standard ...00- Oil filter ........................................................ 10-53
14 Oil pan ......................................................... 10-57
Oil pump ............................................ 10-51, 60-25
Flywheel ............................................ 10-47, 60-23
Front cover................................................... 10-45 Piston .......................................................... 60-12
Fuel system circuit diagram ........................... 10-60 Pre-filter ....................................................... 10-68
Fuel system parts layout drawing ................... 10-58 Precautions when performing operation.......... 00-34

General disassembly of engine ...................... 50-12 Regulator valve ............................................ 10-55
General view ................................................ 01-10 Removal and installation procedure of supply
pump unit alone .......................................... 50-70
Rocker arm .................................................. 60-21
114E-5 SERIES 1

Running-in standard and performance test

standard....................................................... 20-9

Safety valve ................................................. 10-56
Sensor......................................................... 10-97
Sketch of special tool .................................... 50-11
Special tool list ............................................... 50-9
Specifications ........................................ 01-6–01-7
Standard tightening torque table .................... 00-39
Standard value table for engine........................ 20-3
Starting motor............................................... 10-84
Supply pump ................................................ 10-64

Thermostat................................................... 10-78
Timing gear ........................................ 10-44, 60-16

Valve and valve guide ................................... 60-19
Valve system ................................................ 10-46
Vibration damper ................................ 10-43, 60-15

Water pump ................................................. 10-77

2 114E-5 SERIES
Form No. SEN05537–01

All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10–13

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