Motores v8 Ford
Motores v8 Ford
Motores v8 Ford
4L 303-01B-1
Manual Table of Contents
Cylinder Head .................................................................................................................303-01B-222
Piston —Pin Connecting Rod, Floating Pin ...................................................................303-01B-233
Piston —Pin Connecting Rod, Press Fit ........................................................................303-01B-231
SPECIFICATIONS .............................................................................................................303-01B-284
303-01B-3 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-3
Part Part
Item Number Description Item Number Description
3 — Cylinder Block Module
1 — Induction Module
4 — Cylinder Head Module —
2 — Cylinder Head Module —
The basic engine components consist of: • sequential multiport fuel injection (SFI).
• single overhead camshafts (6250). • aluminum cylinder heads (6049).
• two valves per cylinder. • cast iron, 90-degree V- cylinder block (6010).
303-01B-5 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-5
Part Part
Item Number Description Item Number Description
7 9448 Exhaust Manifold Gasket—,
1 6582 Valve Cover—, RH Romeo
8 9D477 EGR Valve to Exhaust
2 6582 Valve Cover—, RH Windsor
Manifold Tube
9 6881 Oil Filter Adapter— (Romeo
3 12405 Spark Plug— (8 Req’d)
4 6C324 Crankcase Vent Connector
10 9430 Exhaust Manifold—, LH
and Hose
11 9278 Oil Pressure Sensor
5 6754 Oil Level Indicator Tube
12 6714 Oil Bypass Filter
6 6840 Oil Filter Adapter Gasket
303-01B-11 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-11
Part Part
Item Number Description Item Number Description
8 9D477 EGR Valve to Exhaust
1 N808429 Bolt (4 Req’d)
Manifold Tube
2 9E926 Throttle Body
9 N807309 Bolt
3 9E936 Throttle Body Gasket
10 N620480 Screw
4 N808598 Bolt
11 9J472 EGR Vacuum Regulator
5 N808429 Bolt (3 Req’d) Bracket
6 9A589 Throttle Body Spacer 12 N807071 Bolt (2 Req’d)
7 9D475 EGR Valve
303-01B-15 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-15
Part Part
Item Number Description Item Number Description
18 6268 Timing Chain — (RH)
1 6A340 Crankshaft Pulley Bolt
19 6M256 Timing Chain Guide — (RH)
2 N806165 Washer
20 6M269 Timing Chain Tensioner —
3 6312 Crankshaft Pulley
4 N806282 Bolt (4 Req’d)
21 6M274 Timing Chain Tensioner Arm
5 N808102 Bolt — (LH)
6 8678 Belt Idler Pulley 22 6268 Timing Chain — (LH)
7 8509 Water Pump Pulley 23 N60589 Bolt (3 Req’d)
8 N808140 Front Cover Bolt (5 Req’d) 24 6B274 Timing Chain Guide — (LH)
9 N806155 Bolt 25 N606527 Bolt
10 6B288 Camshaft Position Sensor 26 6306 Crankshaft Sprocket—
11 N806155 Bolt (2 Req’d)
12 6C315 Crankshaft Position Sensor 27 12A227 Crankshaft Sensor Ring
13 N808142 Front Cover Bolt (3 Req’d) 28 N806176 Bolt (3 Req’d)
14 6019 Engine Front Cover 29 3A696 Power Steering Pump Assy
15 N606543 Bolt 30 N808529 Front Cover Bolt (2 Req’d)
16 6L266 Timing Chain Tensioner— 31 N806177 Front Cover Bolt (5 Req’d)
(RH) 32 6700 Crankshaft Front Seal
17 6K255 Timing Chain Tensioner Arm 33 N808102 Bolt
— (RH)
303-01B-19 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-19
Intake Manifold
All Vehicles
1. Disconnect the battery ground cable (14301).
For additional information, refer to Section
4.6L Engine
All Vehicles
4.6L Engine
All Vehicles
All Vehicles
All Vehicles
29. Install the air cleaner outlet tube and the engine
air cleaner. For additional information, refer to
Section 303-12.
All Vehicles
1. Disconnect the battery ground cable (14301).
For additional information, refer to Section
All Vehicles
All Vehicles
All Vehicles
4. Position the engine sensor control wiring
harness onto the valve cover studs.
4.6L Engine
All Vehicles
All Vehicles
All Vehicles
Water Pump
Removal and Installation
Crankshaft Pulley
11. Remove the oil pan drain plug (6730) and drain
the engine oil.
303-01B-70 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-70
15. Remove the (A) bolt and the (B) belt idler
pulley (8678).
303-01B-71 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-71
13. Remove the (A) bolt and the (B) belt idler
pulley (8678).
Valve —Seals
Roller Followers
All Vehicles
Windsor Engine
Windsor Engine
All Vehicles
9. Install the roller followers. For additional
information, refer to Roller Followers in this
All Vehicles
1. Raise and support the vehicle. For additional
information, refer to Section 100-02.
All Vehicles
All Vehicles
All Vehicles
Cylinder Head
All Vehicles
1. Remove the intake manifold (9424). For
additional information, refer to Intake Manifold
in this section.
Windsor Engine
All Vehicles
Romeo Engine
All Vehicles
Oil Cooler
All Vehicles
1. Disconnect the battery ground cable (14301).
For additional information, refer to Section
All Vehicles
21. Remove the drain plug and drain the engine oil.
303-01B-163 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-163
30. Remove the oil pan and the oil pump screen
cover and tube together.
All Vehicles
1. CAUTION: Do not use metal scrapers,
wire brushes, power abrasive discs or other
abrasive means to clean the sealing surfaces.
These tools cause scratches and gouges which
make leak paths. Use a plastic scraping tool
to remove all traces of old sealant.
Clean and inspect the mating surfaces.
303-01B-165 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-165
4.6L Engine
25. Note:
Connect the following vacuum connections.
1 EGR vacuum connector
2 engine vacuum supply port.
3 EVR vacuum connector
4 Fuel pressure regulator
303-01B-171 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-171
All Vehicles
2. Note: If the oil pan and the oil pan gasket are
not secured within four minutes, the sealant
must be removed and the sealing area cleaned
with Metal Surface Cleaner F4AZ-19A536-RA
or equivalent meeting Ford specification
WSE-M5B392-A. Allow to dry until there is no
sign of wetness, or four minutes, whichever is
longer. Failure to follow this procedure can
cause future oil leakage.
Apply the silicone at the rear oil seal retainer to
cylinder block sealing surface.
• Use Ford Silicone Gasket and Sealant
F6AZ-19562-AA or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSE-M4G323-A6.
3. Note: If the oil pan and the oil pan gasket are
not secured within four minutes, the sealant
must be removed and the sealing area cleaned
with Metal Surface Cleaner F4AZ-19A536-RA
or equivalent meeting Ford specification
WSE-M5B392-A. Allow to dry until there is no
sign of wetness, or four minutes, whichever is
longer. Failure to follow this procedure can
cause future oil leakage.
Apply the silicone at the engine front cover to
the cylinder block sealing surface.
• Use Ford Silicone Gasket and Sealant
F6AZ-19562-AA or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSE-M4G323-A6.
4. Install the oil pan gasket and the oil pan and
loosely install the 16 bolts.
303-01B-175 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-175
All Vehicles
1. Remove the transmission. For additional
information, refer to Section 307-01A
(4R70W) or Section 307-01B (E4OD).
Romeo Engines
Romeo Engine
All Vehicles
2. Install the transmission. For additional
information, refer to Section 307-01A
(4R70W) or Section 307-01B (E4OD).
All Vehicles
1. Remove the clutch components. For additional
information, refer to Section 308-01.
303-01B-182 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-182
Windsor Engines
303-01B-183 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-183
Romeo Engine
All Vehicles
2. Install the transmission clutch components. For
additional information, refer to Section 308-01.
Slide Hammer
100-001 (T50T-100-A)
Slide Hammer
Rear Crankshaft Seal Replacer
100-001 (T50T-100-A)
303-516 (T95P-6701-BH)
Engine Mount
All Vehicles
1. Disconnect the battery ground cable (14301).
For additional information, refer to Section
19. Remove the drain plug and drain the engine oil.
40. Remove the oil filter insert and remove the oil
Romeo Engine
All Vehicles
42. Lower the vehicle and support the transmission.
All Vehicles
1. With the engine on the engine stand, remove
the engine control sensor wiring (12A581). For
additional information, refer to the appropriate
engine section in Group 303 for the procedure.
Engine (Continued)
Engine (Continued)
Engine (Continued)
Engine (Continued)
Engine (Continued)
Windsor Engine
Engine (Continued)
All Vehicles
Engine (Continued)
Engine (Continued)
25. Clean and inspect the exhaust manifold gaskets;
refer to Section 303-00.
26. Remove the bolt and the oil level indicator tube
Engine (Continued)
Engine (Continued)
Engine (Continued)
Engine (Continued)
Engine (Continued)
Cylinder Head
All Vehicles
Engine (Continued)
Engine (Continued)
Romeo Engine
Engine (Continued)
Windsor Engine
All Vehicles
1. CAUTION: Do not use metal scrapers
or other tools to clean the cylinder head or
damage to the head may occur.
Use a plastic scraper and solvent to clean the
cylinder head.
• Use Metal Surface Cleaner
F4AZ-19A536-RA or equivalent meeting
Ford specification WSE-M5B392-A.
303-01B-226 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-226
Engine (Continued)
Romeo Engine
Engine (Continued)
Windsor Engine
303-01B-228 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-228
Engine (Continued)
Romeo Engine
Engine (Continued)
Windsor Engine
All Vehicles
Engine (Continued)
Engine (Continued)
Engine (Continued)
Engine (Continued)
Engine (Continued)
Engine (Continued)
Engine (Continued)
Piston (Continued)
Special Service Tool(s) Special Service Tool(s)
Crankshaft Seal Replacer Cam Positioning Tool (Romeo)
303-635 303-380 (T91P-6256-A)
All Vehicles
1. Note: Before assembling the cylinder block
(6010), all sealing surfaces must be free of
chips, dirt, paint and foreign material. Also,
make sure the coolant and oil passages are
Lubricate and install the crankshaft upper main
bearings into the cylinder block.
• Use Super Premium 5W30 Motor Oil
XO-5W30-QSP or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSS-M2C153-G.
303-01B-238 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-238
Piston (Continued)
Piston (Continued)
Windsor Engine
Romeo Engine
All Vehicles
Piston (Continued)
Romeo Engine
Piston (Continued)
Piston (Continued)
Piston (Continued)
Piston (Continued)
Piston (Continued)
Piston (Continued)
Piston (Continued)
Piston (Continued)
Piston (Continued)
Windsor Engine
Piston (Continued)
Piston (Continued)
Piston (Continued)
Piston (Continued)
Piston (Continued)
Piston (Continued)
Piston (Continued)
Piston (Continued)
Piston (Continued)
Piston (Continued)
Piston (Continued)
Piston (Continued)
Piston (Continued)
Item Number Description
Piston (Continued)
Item Number Description
6 N808586 4.6L Romeo, M8 x 1.25 x
M6 x 1.0 x 86.35
6 N808529 5.4L, M10 x 1.5 x 1.5 x
7 N808793 4.6L Windsor, M10 x 1.5 x
M6 x 1.0 x 78.1
7 N808586 4.6L Romeo, M8 x 1.25 x
M6 x 1.0 x 86.35
7 N808529 5.4L, M10 x 1.5 x 1.5 x
8 N808142 Windsor Screw and Washer,
Hex Pilot, M10 x 1.5 x 57.5
8 N808586 Romeo, M8 x 1.25 x M6 x
1.0 x 86.35
9 N808142 Windsor, Screw and Washer,
Hex Pilot, M10 x 1.5 x 57.5
9 N806177 Romeo, Bolt, Hex Flange
Head Pilot, M8 x 1.25 x 53
10 N808142 Windsor, Screw and Washer,
Hex Pilot, M10 x 1.5 x 57.5
10 N806177 Romeo, Bolt, Hex Flange
Head Pilot, M8 x 1.25 x 53
11 N808140 Windsor, Stud and Washer,
Hex-Head Pilot, M10 x 1.5 x
M8 x 1.25 x 109.6
11 N806300 Romeo, Stud Pilot, M8 x 1.25
x 1.25 x 91.1
12 N808140 Windsor, Stud and Washer,
Hex-Head Pilot, M10 x 1.5 x
M8 x 1.25 x 109.6
12 N806300 Romeo, Stud Pilot, M8 x 1.25
x 1.25 x 91.1
13 N808140 Windsor, Stud and Washer,
Hex-Head Pilot, M10 x 1.5 x
M8 x 1.25 x 109.6
13 N806300 Romeo, Stud Pilot, M8 x 1.25
x 1.25 x 91.1
14 N808140 Windsor, Stud and Washer,
Hex-Head Pilot, M10 x 1.5 x
M8 x 1.25 x 109.6
14 N806300 Romeo, Stud Pilot, M8 x 1.25
x 1.25 x 91.1
15 N808140 Windsor, Stud and Washer,
Hex-Head Pilot, M10 x 1.5 x
M8 x 1.25 x 109.6
15 N806300 Romeo, Stud Pilot, M8 x 1.25
x 1.25 x 91.1
303-01B-264 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-264
Piston (Continued)
Piston (Continued)
64. Position the oil pan gasket (6710), the oil pan
and the bolts on the engine.
Piston (Continued)
Piston (Continued)
Piston (Continued)
Piston (Continued)
Piston (Continued)
79. Position the (A) left valve cover (6582) and the
valve cover gasket (6584) on the (B) cylinder
head and install the bolts loosely.
Romeo Engine
Piston (Continued)
Windsor Engine
All Vehicles
Piston (Continued)
Romeo Engine
Piston (Continued)
Windsor Engine
All Vehicles
84. Install the engine control sensor wiring
(12A581). For additional information, refer to
the appropriate engine section in Group 303.
Engine (Continued)
All Vehicles
Engine (Continued)
Engine (Continued)
Romeo Engine
Engine (Continued)
Windsor Engine
All Vehicles
9. Note: Align the engine-to-transmission dowels
before installing engine to transmission bolts.
Position the engine in the vehicle, and remove
the Modular lifting bar and the jack supporting
the transmission.
Engine (Continued)
Engine (Continued)
Engine (Continued)
Engine (Continued)
Windsor Engine
All Vehicles
27. Install the intake manifold (9424). For
additional information, refer to Intake Manifold
in this section.
303-01B-282 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-282
Engine (Continued)
Engine (Continued)
32. Install the drive belt (8620). For additional
information, refer to Section 303-05.
Engine (Continued)
41. Start the engine and check for leaks. Stop the
engine and recheck the fluid levels.
Torque Specifications General Specifications
Description Nm Lb-Ft Lb-In Item Specification
Thermostat Housing 20-30 15-22 — Silicone Gasket and WSE-M4G323-A6
Bolts Sealant F6AZ-19562-AA
Idle Air Control Valve a a a
Metal Surface Cleaner WSE-M5B392-A
Screws F4AZ-19A536-RA
Throttle Body Spacer to a a a
Premium Cooling System ESE-M97B44-A
Intake Manifold Bolts Fluid E2FZ-19549-AA (in
Throttle Body to a a a Canada CXC-8-B)
Throttle Body Spacer (in Oregon
Bolts F5FZ-19549-CC)
Timing Chain Guide 8-12 — 71-106 Super Premium SAE XO-5W30-QSP
Bolts 5W30 Motor Oil
Timing Chain Hydraulic 20-30 15-22 — Petrolatum Jelly WSD-M1C226-A
Tensioner Bolts
Water Pump Bolts 20-30 15-22 — General Specifications
Water Pump Pulley 20-30 15-22 — Item Specification
Displacement L (CID) 4.6 (281)
Water Temperature 16-24 12-17 —
Sensor (4.6L Engine Number of Cylinders 8
only) Bore and Stroke mm 90.2 x 90.0
EGR Valve to Exhaust a a a Firing Order 1-3-7-2-6-5-4-8
Manifold Tube Fittings
Oil Pressure (HOT @ 138-310
Brake Booster Vacuum 9-12 — 78-108 1500 rpm) kPa
Hose Bracket Nut a
Drive Belt Tension
Power Steering Bracket 8-12 — 71-106
Cylinder Head and Valve Train b
Upper Bolts
Combustion Chamber 52±.5 c
Power Steering Bracket 35-45 26-33 —
Volume cm
Lower Bolts
Valve Seats Width—Intake 1.9-2.1
42-Pin Bulkhead 4.0-5.5 — 36-49
Connector Bolts
Valve Seats 1.9-2.1
Starter Relay Nuts (5.4L 5-11.2 — 44-99
Width—Exhaust mm
Valve Seats Angle 44.51-45.01 degrees
Accelerator Control 5.9-8.1 — 53-72
Splash Shield Bolts Valve Seats Runout 0.025
(T.I.R.) Max mm
Remote Oil Filter 25 18 -
Adapter Line Bolts (4x4 Valve Arrangement (Left Hand)
Vehicles) (Front-to-Rear) E-I-E-I-E-I-E-I
(Right Hand)
Oil Cooler Insert 55-60 41-44 —
Oil Cooler Bolt (4x4 55-60 41-44 —
Valve Stem to Guide 2.020-0.069
Clearance—Intake mm (0.00078-0.00272)
Motor Mount to 53-72 39-53 — (Inch)
Cylinder Block Bolts
Valve Step to Guide 0.046-0.095 (0.018-0.0037)
Motor Mount Through 68-92 50-68 — Clearance—Exhaust mm
Bolts (Inch)
Oil Pressure Sensor 12-16 — 107-142 Valve Head 44.5- (1.75)
Fan Shroud Bolts 8-10 — 71-88 Diameter—Intake mm
EGR Back Pressure 8-12 — 71-106
Transducer Nuts
a Refer to the procedure in this section.
303-01B-286 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-286
General Specifications General Specifications
Item Specification Item Specification
Valve Head 34.0 (1.34) Valve Tappet—Service 0.016 (0.00063)
Diameter—Exhaust mm Limit mm (Inch)
(Inch) Valve Tappet—Hydraulic 5-25 seconds
Valve Head 42.5- and 32.0 Leakdown Ratec
Diameter—Gauge (1.67 and 1.26) Valve Tappet—Collapsed 0.085-0.45 (0.0335-0.0177)
Diameters mm (Inch) Valve Tappet Gap—
Valve Face Runout Limit 0.05 (0.002) Desired mm (Inch)
mm (Inch) Camshaft
Valve Face Angle 45.25-45.75 degrees Lobe Lift—Intake 6.58939 (0.2594)
Valve Stem Diameter 6.995-6.975 (0.275-0.2746) mm (Inch)
(STD) Lobe Lift—Exhaust 6.58939 (0.2594)
—Intake mm (Inch) mm (Inch)
Valve Stem Diameter 6.970-6.949 (0.274-0.2736) Lobe Lift—Allowable 12.0 (0.472)
(Std) Lobe Lift Loss mm (Inch)
—Exhaust mm (Inch)
Theoretical Valve Lift @ 12.0 (0.472)
Valve Springs— 587.14 N @ 28.02 mm Zero Lash—Intake
Compression Pressure N mm (Inch)
Spec. Length—Intake Theoretical Valve Lift @ 12.0 (0.472)
Zero Lash—Exhaust
Valve Springs— 587.14 N @ mm (Inch)
Compression Pressure N 28.02 mm
@ End Play mm (Inch) 0.025-0.165
Spec. Length—Exhaust (0.00098-0.0065)
Valve Springs—Free 49.55 (1.951) Journal to Bearing 0.025-0.076
Length ( Approximate)— Clearance mm (Inch) (0.00098-0.003
Intake mm (Inch) Journal to Bearing 0.021 (0.0048)
Valve Springs—Free 49.55 (1.951) Clearance—Service Limit
Length (Approximate)— mm (Inch)
Exhaust mm (Inch) Journal Diameter (All) 26.962-26.936
Valve Springs—Installed 244.64 N @ 40.0 mm mm (Inch) (1.061-1.060)
Pressure N @ Spec. Journal Diameter (All)— 27.012-26.987
Length Bearing Inside Diameter (1.063-1.0625)
—Intake (All) mm (Inch)
Valve Spring—Installed 244.64 N @ 40.0 mm Camshaft Runout 0.05 (0.002)
Pressure N @ Spec. mm (Inch)
Length Cylinder Bore
Diameter—Surface Finish 0.2-0.6 Microns
Valve Springs—Installed 10 % Pressure Less @ (RMS)
Pressure N @ Spec. 28.02 mm
Length Diameter—Out-of-Round 0.015 (0.0006)
—Service Limit Limit mm (Inch)
Valve Springs—Installed 2 degrees Diameter—Out-of-Round 0.020 (0.00079)
Pressure N @ Spec. Service Limit mm (Inch)
Length Diameter—Taper Service 0.006 (0.00023)
—Out of Square Limit Limit mm (Inch)
Valve Guide Inner 0.020-0.95 Piston
Diameter mm
Piston—Diameter— 90.177-90.197
Rocker Arm—Ratio 1.75:1 Coded Red 1 mm (Inch) (3.550-3.551)
Valve Tappet—Diameter 16.000-15.988 (0.66-0.629) Piston—Diameter— 90.190-90.210
(STD) mm (Inch) Coded Blue 2 mm (Inch) (3.5507-3.5515)
Valve Tappet—Clearance 0.018-0.069
to Bore mm (Inch) (0.00071-0.00272)
303-01B-287 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-287
General Specifications General Specifications
Item Specification Item Specification
Piston—Diameter— 90.203-90.223 Cylinder Block
Coded Yellow 3 mm (3.513-3.5521) Head Gasket Surface b
(Inch) b
Head Gasket Surface
Piston-to-Bore-Clearance 0.012-0.0026 Finish
mm (Inch) (0.0005-0.001)
Main Bearing Bore 72.401-72.422 (2.85-2.851)
Pin Bore Diameter 22.0015-22.004 Diameter mm (Inch)
mm (Inch) (0.866-0.8663)
Crankshaft and Flywheel
Ring Groove Width— 1.520-1.550 (0.06-0.610)
Compression (Top) Main Bearing Journal 67.483-67-503
mm (Inch) Diameter mm (Inch) (2.65-2.657)
Ring Groove Width— 1.520-1.530 (0.060-0.0602) Connecting Rod Journal— 52.988-53.003
Compression (Bottom) Diameter mm (Inch) (2.087-2.867)
mm (Inch) Crankshaft Free End Play 0/130-0/301
Ring Groove Width—Oil 6.996-7.224 (0.275-0.2844) mm (Inch) (0.0051-0.012)
Ring mm (Inch) Crankshaft Runout to Rear 0.050 MAX (0.002)
Piston Pin—Length 61.93-62.05 (2.44-2.443) Face of Block mm (Inch)
mm (Inch) Connecting Rod Bearings
Diameter mm (Inch) 21.994-21.999 Clearance to Crankshaft— 0.027-0.069 (0.001-0.0027)
(0.866-0.8661) Desired mm (Inch)
Pin to Piston Clearance 0.005-0.010 Clearance to Crankshaft— 0.027-0/069
mm (Inch) (0.0002-0.0004) Allowable mm (Inch) (0.001-0.0027)
Pin to Rod Clearance 0.015-0.040 Bearing Wall Thickness 2.44-2.452 (0.096-0.0965)
mm (Inch) (0.0006-0.00157) (STD) mm (Inch)
Piston Rings—Ring Gap 1.0 MAX (0.0394) Main Bearings
—Compression (Top) Clearance to Crankshaft— 0027-0.065
mm (Inch) Desired mm (Inch) (0.0011-0.0026)
Piston Rings—Ring Gap 1.0 MAX (0.0394) Clearance to Crankshaft— 0.027-0.065
—Compression (Top) Allowable mm (Inch) (0.0011-0.0026)
mm (Inch)
Bearing Wall Thickness 1.920-1.928 (0.075-0.076)
Oil Ring—Side Clearance 1.25 MAX (0.05) (STD) mm (Inch)
mm (Inch)
Connecting Rod, Piston and Rings
Oil Ring—Compression 0.040-0.090
(Top) mm (Inch) (0.0016-0.0031) Connecting Rod—Piston 21.959-21.979
Pin Bore Diameter (0.864-0.865)
Oil Ring—Compression 0.030-0.080 mm (Inch)
(Top) mm (Inch) (0.0012-0.00031)
Connecting Rod— 56.756-56.876 (2.234-2.24)
Oil Ring Snug Fit Crankshaft Bearing Bore
Oil Ring—Service Limit 0.015 MAX (0.0006) Diameter mm (Inch)
mm (Inch) Connecting Rod—Length 150.7 (5.93)
Ring Gap—Compression 0.23-0.49 (Center-to-Center)
(Top) mm (Inch) (0.01-0.02) mm (Inch)
Ring Gap—Compression 0.23-0.49 Alignment (Bore-to-Bore 0.050 per 25
(Bottom) mm (Inch) (0.01-0.02) Max. Diff.) d—Twist (0.0015-0.984)
Ring Gap—Oil Ring 0.05-0.66 (0.006-0.026) mm (Inch)
(Steel Alignment (Bore-to-Bore 0.038 per 25
Rail) mm (Inch) Max. Diff.)—Bend (0.0015-0.984)
Lubrication System mm (Inch)
Oil Capacity—Automatic 6.675±0.125 Side Clearance 0.015-0.45 (0.0006-0.0177)
Transmission (Quarts U.S.) (Assembled
to Crank)—Standard
Oil Capacity—Manual 6.425±0.125 mm (Inch)
Transmission (Quarts U.S.)
303-01B-288 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-288
General Specifications General Specifications
Item Specification Item Specification
Side Clearance 0.05 MAX (0.02) Exhaust 34.12-33.88 mm
(Assembled Valve Face Runout (Limit) 0.05 mm
to Crank)—Service Limit
mm (Inch) Valve Face Angle 45.75-45.25 degrees
Crankshaft Main Bearing 0.020 (0.0007) Valve Stem Diameter
Journal Taper mm (Inch) Intake 6.995-6.975 mm
Crankshaft Main Bearing 0.05 (0.002) Exhaust 6.970-6.949 mm
Journal Runout mm (Inch) Valve Stem Diameter (List
Crankshaft Connecting 0/015 (0.0005) Oversizes)
Rod Intake N/A
Journal Taper mm (Inch) Exhaust N/A
a Newly installed—Refers to the condition of the Valve Spring Compression
NEW drive belt before the engine has made no Pressure
more than one rotation and before the belt has had a
chance to stretch or seat into the pulley grooves. Intake (N @ Spec. 720-800 N @ 28.02 mm
b Head Gasket Surface—WT = 10.0/2.5. Head Gasket Length)
Surface Finish-RZU—13.5 microns. Filter Cut off at Exhaust (N @ Spec. 720-800 N @ 28.02 mm
0.08 mm, TPI @ 3.5 microns below the peak 63% Length)
min. cutoff at 0.8 mm, 0 Ref=2V. Valve Spring Free Length
c Time required for the plunger to leak down 1.6 mm
Intake 53.37 mm
of travel with 222 N force and leak-down fluid in
tappet. Exhaust 53.37 mm
d The pin bore and crank bearing bore must be Valve Spring Installed
parallel and in the same vertical plane within the Pressure N @ Spec.
specified total difference when measured at the ends Length
of a 203 mm bar, 105.5 mm on each side of rod Intake 287.19-321.19 N @ 42.56
centerline. mm
General Specifications Exhaust 287.19-321.19 N @ 42.56
Item Specification
Valve Springs Installed
Displacement 5.4L Pressure N @ Spec.
Length — Service Limit
No. Cylinder 8
Intake 5% Pressure Loss @ 28.80
Bore/Stroke 90.215/105.8 mm mm
Fire Order 1-3-7-2-6-5-4-8 Exhaust 5% Pressure Loss @ 28.80
Cylinder Head/Valve Train mm
Combustion Chamber 43.95 ± 1.5 cc Valve Springs — Out of
Volume Square Limit
Valve Seat Width — 1.3-1.5 mm Intake 2.0 degrees
Intake Exhaust 2.0 degrees
Valve Seat Width — 2.1-1.9 mm Valve Guide Inside 7.044-7.015 mm
Exhaust Diameter
Valve Seat Angle 45.00-44.50 degrees Camshaft
Valve Seat Runout (T.I.R.) 0.025 mm Lobe Lift
Valve Arrangement (Front to Rear) Exhaust 7.49744 mm
Valve Stem Guide Intake 7.11038 mm
Clearance Lobe Lift — Allowable 0
Intake 0.069-0.020 mm Lift Loss
Exhaust 36.0 mm Valve Lift @ Zero Lash
Valve Head Diameter Intake 13.01 mm
Intake 44.63-44.37 mm
303-01B-289 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-289
General Specifications General Specifications
Item Specification Item Specification
Exhaust 13.75 mm Oil Control 0.15-0.65 mm
Camshaft End Play 0.027-0.190 mm Crankshaft
End Play Service Limit 0.025-0.190 mm Main Bearing Journal 67.483-67.503 mm
Journal to Bearing 0.076-0.025 mm Diameter
Clearance Maximum Out-of-Round 0.0075 mm Between Cross
Clearance Service Limit
Maximum Taper 0.004 mm
Journal Diameters 26.962-26.936 mm (Straightness)
Journal Inside Diameter 27.012-26.987 mm Runout: FIM of center 0.05 mm (3 Places)
(Cap Assembled) journals when located on
Camshaft Runout: Full 0.03 mm front and rear journal
Indicator Measurement on Clearance — Crankshaft 0.048-0.024 mm
all journals when Journal to Main Bearing
supported on front and Clearance
rear journals. (4 places)
Connecting Rod Journal 53.003-52.983 mm
Cylinder Bore Diameter Diameter
Grade 1 90.200-90.210 mm
Maximum Out-of-Round 0.0075 mm Between Cross
Grade 2 90.210-90.220 mm Sections
Grade 3 90.220-90.230 mm Maximum Taper 0.004 mm
Piston Crankshaft End Play 0.075-0.377 mm
Piston Diameter (Grade 2) 90.180 ± 0.005 Connecting Rod
at Right Angle to Pin Bore Big End Journal Inside 53.049-53.027 mm
Piston to Bore Clearance (-0.005) to +0.025 mm Diameter with Assembled
Pin Bore Diameter 22.008-22.014 mm Liners
(Piston) Rod Bearing to Journal 0.064-0.026 mm
Pin Diameter 22.0005-22.0030 mm Clearance
Clearance (Neg. or Pos.) 0.01395-0.005 mm Pin Bore Diameter (Rod) 22.024-22.012 mm
Pin Bore Diameter (Rod) 22.012-22.024 mm Rod Length (Centerline 169.1 mm
Clearance 0.009-0.0235 mm
Ring Groove Width
Bore-to-Bore Max. ± 0.05 mm
Top 1.53-1.55 mm Twist
Intermediate 1.52-1.54 mm Bore-to-Bore Max. ± 0.038 mm
Oil Control 3.030-3.050 mm Bend
Piston Ring Gap Side Play (As Assembled
Top 0.13-0.28 mm to Crank)
Intermediate 0.25-0.40 mm Standard Play 0.300 ± 0.175 mm