PC55MR -3
PC45MR- 5001
PC55MR- 15001
Shop Manual, contents binder, binder label and tabs ..................................................................... SEN04597-03
40 Troubuleshooting........................................................................................................................ SEN04615-00
100 General information on troubleshooting............................................................................. SEN04650-00
200 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode).................................................................. SEN04651-00
300 Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system (H-mode) ....................................... SEN04652-00
400 Troubleshooting of engine (S-mode).................................................................................. SEN04653-00
Table of contents 1
00 Index and foreword
100 Index SEN04599-03
Composition of shop manual......................................................................................................................... 2
Table of contents ........................................................................................................................................... 4
200 Foreword and general information SEN04600-01
Safety notice ................................................................................................................................................. 2
How to read the shop manual ....................................................................................................................... 8
Explanation of terms for maintenance standard............................................................................................ 10
Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component............................................................................. 12
Handling of connectors newly used for engines............................................................................................ 21
How to read electric wire code ...................................................................................................................... 24
Precautions when carrying out work ............................................................................................................. 27
Method of disassembling and connecting push-pull type coupler................................................................. 30
Standard tightening torque table ................................................................................................................... 33
Conversion table ........................................................................................................................................... 37
01 Specification
100 Specification and technical data SEN04602-00
Specification dimension drawing ................................................................................................................... 2
Working range drawing ................................................................................................................................. 3
Specifications ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Weight table .................................................................................................................................................. 10
Table of fuel, coolant and lubricants.............................................................................................................. 14
40 Troubleshooting
100 General information on troubleshooting SEN04650-00
Points to remember when troubleshooting.................................................................................................... 2
Sequence of events in troubleshooting ......................................................................................................... 3
Checks before troubleshooting ..................................................................................................................... 4
Classification and procedures of troubleshooting ......................................................................................... 5
Information contained in troubleshooting table ............................................................................................. 6
Connection table for connector pin numbers ................................................................................................ 10
T- branch box and T- branch adapter table ................................................................................................... 46
200 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode) SEN04651-00
Before carrying out troubleshooting of electrical system............................................................................... 2
E-1 Engine does not start.............................................................................................................................. 4
E-2 Engine does not stop.............................................................................................................................. 12
E-3 When starting switch is turned ON, any item does not operate.............................................................. 14
E-4 When starting switch is turned ON, some items do not operate............................................................. 16
E-5 Alarm buzzer is abnormal....................................................................................................................... 17
E-6 Engine oil pressure caution is turned ON............................................................................................... 19
E-7 Charge level caution is turned ON.......................................................................................................... 20
E-8 Preheating system does not operate or preheater does not become hot............................................... 22
E-9 Coolant temperature gauge is abnormal ................................................................................................ 24
E-10 Fuel level gauge is abnormal................................................................................................................ 28
E-11 Service meter does not operate while engine is running ...................................................................... 32
E-12 2nd travel speed is not selected ........................................................................................................... 35
E-13 Working lamp does not light up ............................................................................................................ 38
E-14 When work equipment lock (PPC basic pressure lock) lever is set in LOCK,
work equipment still moves.................................................................................................................. 40
E-15 Windshield wiper does not operate ...................................................................................................... 42
E-16 Windshield washer does not operate ................................................................................................... 44
E-17 Defective air conditioner ....................................................................................................................... 46
E-18 KOMTRAX system does not operate normally..................................................................................... 54
300 Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system (H-mode) SEN04652-00
Information contained in troubleshooting table ............................................................................................. 3
H-1 Speed or power of whole work equipment, travel, swing, and blade is low............................................ 4
H-2 Engine speed lowers extremely or engine stalls .................................................................................... 8
H-3 Whole work equipment, travel system, swing system, and blade do not work....................................... 9
H-4 Abnormal sound comes out from around hydraulic pump...................................................................... 13
H-5 Fine control performance or response is low ......................................................................................... 13
H-6 Speed or power of boom is low .............................................................................................................. 14
H-7 Speed or power of arm is low ................................................................................................................. 15
H-8 Speed or power of bucket is low............................................................................................................. 16
H-9 Speed or power of boom swing is low .................................................................................................... 17
H-10 Work equipment does not move singly ................................................................................................ 17
H-11 Work equipment hydraulic drift is large................................................................................................. 18
H-12 Time lag of work equipment is large..................................................................................................... 20
H-13 In compound operation of work equipment, speed of part loaded more is low .................................... 20
H-14 Machine deviates during travel............................................................................................................. 21
H-15 Travel speed or travel power is low (while work equipment is normal) ................................................ 23
H-16 Machine is not steered well or steering power is low ........................................................................... 24
H-17 Travel speed does not change ............................................................................................................. 25
H-18 Travel motor does not work.................................................................................................................. 26
H-19 Speed or power of swing is low ............................................................................................................ 28
H-20 Machine does not swing....................................................................................................................... 30
H-21 Swing acceleration performance is low ................................................................................................ 32
H-22 Machine overruns when it stops swinging............................................................................................ 34
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 07-09
00-100 10
Shop Manual
Safety notice - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
How to read the shop manual- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8
Explanation of terms for maintenance standard - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10
Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12
Handling of connectors newly used for engines - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 21
How to read electric wire code - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24
Precautions when carrying out work - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27
Method of disassembling and connecting push-pull type coupler - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 30
Standard tightening torque table- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 33
Conversion table- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 37
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 00-200 1
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04600-01 Safety notice
Safety notice
(Rev. 2008/08)
Important safety notice
Proper service and repair are extremely important for safe machine operation. The service and repair
techniques recommended by Komatsu and described in this manual are both effective and safe.
Some of these techniques require the use of tools specially designed by Komatsu for the specific pur-
To prevent injury to workers, the symbol k is used to mark safety precautions in this manual. The
cautions accompanying these symbols should always be followed carefully. If any dangerous situa-
tion arises or may possibly arise, first consider safety, and take the necessary actions to deal with the
1. General precautions
k Mistakes in operation are extremely dan- 7) If welding repairs are needed, always have a
gerous. Read the Operation and Mainte- trained and experienced welder carry out the
nance Manual carefully before operating work. When carrying out welding work,
the machine. In addition, read this manu- always wear welding gloves, apron, shielding
al and understand its contents before goggles, cap and other clothes suited for
starting the work. welding work.
1) Before carrying out any greasing or repairs, 8) Before starting work, warm up your body
read all the safety labels stuck to the thoroughly to start work under good condi-
machine. For the locations of the safety tion.
labels and detailed explanation of precau- 9) Avoid continuing work for long hours and
tions, see the Operation and Maintenance take rests at proper intervals to keep your
Manual. body in good condition.
2) Decide a place in the repair workshop to Take rests in specified safe places.
keep tools and removed parts. Always keep
the tools and parts in their correct places. Safety points
Always keep the work area clean and make 1 Good arrangement
sure that there is no dirt, water, or oil on the 2 Correct work clothes
floor. Smoke only in the areas provided for 3 Following work standard
smoking. Never smoke while working. 4 Making and checking signals
Prohibition of operation and handling by unli-
3) When carrying out any operation, always 5
censed workers
wear safety shoes and helmet. Do not wear 6 Safety check before starting work
loose work clothes, or clothes with buttons Wearing protective goggles(for cleaning or grind-
missing. 7
ing work)
q Always wear safety glasses when hitting Wearing shielding goggles and protectors(for
parts with a hammer. welding work)
q Always wear safety glasses when grind- 9 Good physical condition and preparation
ing parts with a grinder, etc. Precautions against work which you are not used
to or you are used to too much
4) When carrying out any operation with 2 or
more workers, always agree on the operating
procedure before starting. Always inform
your fellow workers before starting any step
of the operation. Before starting work, hang
UNDER REPAIR warning tag in the oper-
ator's compartment.
5) Only qualified workers must carry out work
and operation which require license or quali-
6) Keep all tools in good condition, learn the
correct way to use them, and use the proper
ones of them. Before starting work, thor-
oughly check the tools, machine, forklift,
service car, etc.
00-200 2 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
200 Foreword and general information
Safety notice SEN04600-01
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 00-200 3
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04600-01 Safety notice
00-200 4 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
200 Foreword and general information
Safety notice SEN04600-01
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 00-200 5
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04600-01 Safety notice
qIf the load is unstable or the wire rope or 13)If the hoist stops because of a power failure,
chains are twisted, lower the load and lift turn the power switch OFF. When turning on
it up again. a switch which was turned OFF by the
q Do not lift up the load at an angle. ground fault circuit interrupter, check that the
13)When lowering a load, observe the following. devices related to that switch are not in oper-
q When lowering a load, stop it temporarily ation state.
at 30cm above the floor, and then lower it 14)If you find an obstacle around the hoist, stop
slowly. the operation.
q Check that the load is stable, and then re- 15)After finishing the work, stop the hoist at the
move the sling. specified position and raise the hook to at
q Remove kinks and dirt from the wire least 2mabove the floor. Do not leave the
ropes and chains used for the sling work, sling installed to the hook.
and put them in the specified place.
7. Selecting wire ropes
5. Precautions for using mobile crane 1) Select adequate ropes depending on the
a Read the Operation and Maintenance Manu- weight of parts to be hoisted, referring to the
al of the crane carefully in advance and oper- table below.
ate the crane safely. Wire ropes
(Standard "Z" twist ropes without galvanizing)
6. Precautions for using overhead hoist crane (JIS G3525, No. 6, Type 6X37-A)
kWhen raising a heavy part (heavier than 25 Nominal diameter
Allowable load
kg), use a hoist, etc. In Disassembly and of rope
assembly, the weight of a part heavier mm kN ton
than 25 kg is indicated after the mark of 10 8.8 0.9
12 12.7 1.3
14 17.3 1.7
1) Before starting work, inspect the wire ropes, 16 22.6 2.3
brake, clutch, controller, rails, over wind stop 18 28.6 2.9
device, ground fault circuit interrupter, crane 20 35.3 3.6
collision prevention device, and power appli- 25 55.3 5.6
cation warning lamp, and check safety. 30 79.6 8.1
40 141.6 14.4
2) Observe the signals for sling work. 50 221.6 22.6
3) Operate the hoist at a safe place. 60 318.3 32.4
4) Check the direction indicator plates (east, a The allowable load is one-sixth of the
west, south, and north) and the directions of breaking strength of the rope used (Safe-
the control buttons without fail. ty coefficient: 6).
5) Do not sling a load at an angle. Do not move
the crane while the slung load is swinging.
6) Do not raise or lower a load while the crane
is moving longitudinally or laterally.
7) Do not drag a sling.
8) When lifting up a load, stop it just after it
leaves the ground and check safety, and
then lift it up.
9) Consider the travel route in advance and lift
up a load to a safe height.
10)Place the control switch on a position where
it will not be an obstacle to work and
11)After operating the hoist, do not swing the
control switch.
12)Remember the position of the main switch so
that you can turn off the power immediately in
an emergency.
00-200 6 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
200 Foreword and general information
Safety notice SEN04600-01
2) Connection
1] When installing the air conditioner circuit
hoses and tubes, take care that dirt, dust,
water, etc. will not enter them.
2] When connecting the air conditioner
hoses and tubes, check that O-rings (1)
are fitted to their joints.
3] Check that each O-ring (1) is not
damaged or deteriorated.
4] When connecting the refrigerant piping,
apply compressor oil for refrigerant
(equivalent to PAG46)) to its O-rings (1).
a Example of O-ring (Fitted to every
joint of hoses and tubes)
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 00-200 7
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04600-01 How to read the shop manual
q Some attachments and optional parts in this shop manual may not be delivered to certain areas. If one of them is
required, consult KOMATSU distributors.
q Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice.
q Shop manuals are divided into the "Chassis volume" and "Engine volume". For the engine unit, see the engine vol-
ume of the engine model mounted on the machine.
01. Specification
This section explains the specifications of the machine.
40. Troubleshooting
This section explains how to find out failed parts and how to repair them. The troubleshooting is divided
by failure modes. The "S mode" of the troubleshooting related to the engine may be also explained in the
Chassis volume and Engine volume. In this case, see the Chassis volume.
80. Appendix
The section explains the equipment which can not be included in the other sections. This section explains
the structure, function, testing, adjusting, and troubleshooting fo the equipment.
90. Diagrams and drawings (chassis volume)/Repair and replacement of parts (engine volume)
q Chassis volume
This section gives hydraulic circuit diagrams and electrical circuit diagrams.
q Engine volume
00-200 8 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
200 Foreword and general information
How to read the shop manual SEN04600-01
This section explains the method of remanufacturing and repairing engine and replacing parts.
Filing method
File the revised or added pages in the correct order of the page numbers printed in the LIST OF REVISED
q Revision number
When a manual is revised, revision number of each page is increased by 1.
(Example: (1),(2),(3)...)
q Revisions
The revised pages are shown in the LIST OF REVISED PAGES.
Important safety and quality portions are marked with the following symbols so that the shop manual will be
used practically.
Weight of parts of component or parts. Caution necessary when selecting hoisting
wire, or when working posture is important, etc.
3 Tightening torque Places that require special attention for tightening torque during assembly.
5 Oil, coolant Places where oil, etc. must be added, and capacity.
6 Drain Places where oil, etc. must be drained, and quantity to be drained.
In this shop manual, the units are indicated with International System of units (SI). For reference, convention-
ally used Gravitational System of units is indicated in parentheses { }.
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 00-200 9
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04600-01 Explanation of terms for maintenance standard
Standard size Tolerance
a The tolerance may be indicated in the text
and a table as [standard size (upper limit of
tolerance/lower limit of tolerance)].
Example) 120 (–0.022/–0.126)
Standard size
Shaft Hole
-0.030 +0.046
-0.076 0
00-200 10 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
200 Foreword and general information
Explanation of terms for maintenance standard SEN04600-01
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 00-200 11
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04600-01 Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component
To maintain the performance of the machine over a long period, and to prevent failures or other troubles be-
fore they occur, correct "operation", "maintenance and inspection", "troubleshooting", and "repairs" must be
carried out. This section deals particularly with correct repair procedures for mechatronics and is aimed at
improving the quality of repairs. For this purpose, it gives sections on "Handling electric equipment" and "Han-
dling hydraulic equipment" (particularly gear oil and hydraulic oil).
00-200 12 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
200 Foreword and general information
Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component SEN04600-01
3) Disconnections in wiring
If the wiring is held and the connectors are
pulled apart, or components are lifted with a
crane with the wiring still connected, or a
heavy object hits the wiring, the crimping of
the connector may separate, or the soldering
may be damaged, or the wiring may be
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 00-200 13
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04600-01 Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component
00-200 14 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
200 Foreword and general information
Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component SEN04600-01
2) Connecting connectors
1] Check the connector visually.
Check that there is no oil, dirt, or water a If there is any damage or breakage,
stuck to the connector pins (mating replace the connector.
Check that there is no deformation,
defective contact, corrosion, or damage
to the connector pins.
Check that there is no damage or
breakage to the outside of the connector.
a If there is any oil, water, or dirt stuck to
the connector, wipe it off with a dry
cloth. If any water has got inside the
connector, warm the inside of the wir-
ing with a dryer, but be careful not to
make it too hot as this will cause short
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 00-200 15
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04600-01 Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component
00-200 16 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
200 Foreword and general information
Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component SEN04600-01
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 00-200 17
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04600-01 Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component
4. Handling controller
1) The controller contains a microcomputer and
electronic control circuits. These control all of
the electronic circuits on the machine, so be
extremely careful when handling the
2) Do not place objects on top of the controller.
3) Cover the control connectors with tape or a
vinyl bag. Never touch the connector
contacts with your hand.
4) During rainy weather, do not leave the
controller in a place where it is exposed to
5) Do not place the controller on oil, water, or
soil, or in any hot place, even for a short time.
(Place it on a suitable dry stand.
6) Precautions when carrying out arc welding
When carrying out arc welding on the body,
disconnect all wiring harness connectors
connected to the controller. Fit an arc
welding ground close to the welding point.
00-200 18 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
200 Foreword and general information
Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component SEN04600-01
3. Sealing openings
After any piping or equipment is removed, the
openings should be sealed with caps, tapes, or
vinyl bags to prevent any dirt or dust from
entering. If the opening is left open or is blocked
with a rag, there is danger of dirt entering or of
the surrounding area being made dirty by
leaking oil so never do this. Do not simply drain
oil out onto the ground, but collect it and ask the
customer to dispose of it, or take it back with you
for disposal.
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 00-200 19
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04600-01 Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component
6. Flushing operations
After disassembling and assembling the equip-
ment, or changing the oil, use flushing oil to
remove the contaminants, sludge, and old oil
from the hydraulic circuit. Normally, flushing is
carried out twice: primary flushing is carried out
with flushing oil, and secondary flushing is
carried out with the specified hydraulic oil.
7. Cleaning operations
After repairing the hydraulic equipment (pump,
control valve, etc.) or when running the machine,
carry out oil cleaning to remove the sludge or
contaminants in the hydraulic oil circuit. The oil
cleaning equipment is used to remove the ultra
fine (about 3 m) particles that the filter built in the
hydraulic equipment cannot remove, so it is an
extremely effective device.
00-200 20 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
200 Foreword and general information
Handling of connectors newly used for engines SEN04600-01
1) Slide lock L1 to the right.
2) While pressing lock L2, pull out connector(1)
toward you.
a Even if lock L2 is pressed, connector(1)
cannot be pulled out toward you, if part A
does not float. In this case, float part A
with a small screwdriver while press lock
L2 , and then pull out connector(1) toward
Insert the connector straight until it "clicks".
Insert the connector straight until it "clicks".
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 00-200 21
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04600-01 Handling of connectors newly used for engines
While pressing lock (C), pull out connector (3) in the
direction of the arrow.
q 114 engine
Insert the connector straight until it "clicks".
While pressing lock (D), pull out connector (4) in the
direction of the arrow.
Insert the connector straight until it "clicks".
00-200 22 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
200 Foreword and general information
Handling of connectors newly used for engines SEN04600-01
1) Insert the connector to the end, while setting
its groove.
2) Turn housing (H1)in the direction of the arrow
until it "clicks".
Insert the connector straight until it "clicks".
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 00-200 23
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04600-01 How to read electric wire code
In the electric circuit diagram, the material, thickness, and color of each electric wire are indicated by symbols.
The electric wire code is helpful in understanding the electric circuit diagram.
Example: AEX 0.85 L --- Indicates blue, heat-resistant, low-voltage wire for automobile, having nominal
No. of 0.85
(Table 1)
Using tem-
Type Symbol Material perature Example of use
range (°C)
Annealed copper for electric
Low-voltage Conductor
appliance General wiring
wire for automo- AV
(nominal No. 5 and above.)
bile Insulator Soft polyvinyl chloride
-30 to +60
Annealed copper for electric
Thin-cover Conductor
appliance General wiring
low-voltage wire AVS
(nominal No. 3 and below.)
for automobile Insulator Soft polyvinyl chloride
Annealed copper for electric
Heat-resistant Conductor General wiring in extremely cold
low-voltage wire AEX -50 to +110 district, wiring at high ambient tem-
Heat-resistant crosslinked
for automobile Insulator perature place
00-200 24 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
200 Foreword and general information
How to read electric wire code SEN04600-01
2. Dimensions
(Table 2)
Nominal No. 0.5f (0.5) 0.75f (0.85) 1.25f (1.25) 2f 2 3f 3 5
Number of
strands/Diam- 20/0.18 7/0.32 30/0.18 11/0.32 50/0.18 16/0.32 37/0.26 26/0.32 58/0.26 41/0.32 65/0.32
eter of strand
Conductor Sectional
0.51 0.56 0.76 0.88 1.27 1.29 1.96 2.09 3.08 3.30 5.23
area (mm2)
d (approx.) 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.9 1.9 2.3 2.4 3.0
AVS Standard - - - - - - - - -
AV Standard 5.5 7.0 8.2 10.8 11.4 13.0 13.6 16.0 17.6
er D
AEX Standard 5.3 7.0 8.2 10.8 11.4 13.0 13.6 16.0 17.6
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 00-200 25
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04600-01 How to read electric wire code
(Table 3)
Color Code Color of wire Color Code Color of wire
B Black LgW Light green & White
Br Brown LgY Light green & Yellow
BrB Brown & Black LR Blue & Red
BrR Brown & Red LW Blue & White
BrW Brown & White LY Blue & Yellow
BrY Brown & Yellow O Orange
Ch Charcoal P Pink
Dg Dark green R Red
G Green RB Red & Black
GB Green & Black RG Red & Green
GL Green & Blue RL Red & Blue
Gr Gray RW Red & White
GR Green & Red RY Red & Yellow
GW Green & White Sb Sky Blue
GY Green & Yellow Y Yellow
L Blue YB Yellow & Black
LB Blue & Black YG Yellow & Green
Lg Light green YL Yellow & Blue
LgB Light green & Black YR Yellow & Red
LgR Light green & Red YW Yellow & White
Remarks: In a color code consisting of 2 colors, the first color is the color of the background and the second
color is the color of the marking.
Example: "GW" means that the background is Green and marking is White.
(Table 4)
Type of wire AVS or AV AEX
Charge R WG - - - - R -
Ground B - - - - - B -
Start R - - - - - R -
Light RW RB RY RG RL - D -
Instrument Y YR YB YG YL YW Y Gr
Signal G GW GR GY GB GL G Br
Type of cir-
Br BrW BrR BrY BrB - - -
Lg LgR LgY LgB LgW - - -
O - - - - - - -
Others Gr - - - - - - -
P - - - - - - -
Sb - - - - - - -
Dg - - - - - - -
Ch - - - - - - -
00-200 26 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
200 Foreword and general information
Precautions when carrying out work SEN04600-01
When carrying out removal or installation (disassembly or assembly) of units, be sure to follow the general
precautions given below when carrying out the work.
3) If the part is not under hydraulic pressure, the following corks can be used.
Nominal Dimensions
Part No.
number D d L
06 07049 - 00608 6 5 8
08 07049 - 00811 8 6.5 11
10 07049 - 01012 10 8.5 12
12 07049 - 01215 12 10 15
14 07049 - 01418 14 11.5 18
16 07049 - 01620 16 13.5 20
18 07049 - 01822 18 15 22
20 07049 - 02025 20 17 25
22 07049 - 02228 22 18.5 28
24 07049 - 02430 24 20 30
27 07049 - 02734 22.5 22.5 34
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 00-200 27
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04600-01 Precautions when carrying out work
00-200 28 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
200 Foreword and general information
Precautions when carrying out work SEN04600-01
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 00-200 29
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04600-01 Method of disassembling and connecting push-pull type coupler
k Before carrying out the following work, loosen the oil filler cap of the hydraulic tank gradually to
release the residual pressure from the hydraulic tank.
k Even if the residual pressure is released from the hydraulic tank, some hydraulic oil flows out
when the hose is disconnected. Accordingly, prepare an oil container.
Type 1
1. Disconnection
1) Hold adapter (1) and push hose joint (2) into
mating adapter (3) . (Fig. 1)
a The adapter can be pushed in about 3.5
a Do not hold rubber cap portion (4).
2) With hose joint (2) pushed into adapter (3),
press rubber cap portion (4) against adapter
(3) until it clicks. (Fig. 2)
3) Hold hose adapter (1) or hose (5) and pull it
out. (Fig. 3)
a Since some hydraulic oil flows out, pre-
pare an oil container.
2. Connection
1) Hold hose adapter (1) or hose (5) and insert
it in mating adapter (3), aligning them with
each other. (Fig. 4)
a Do not hold rubber cap portion (4).
2) After inserting the hose in the mating adapter
perfectly, pull it back to check its connecting
condition. (Fig. 5)
a When the hose is pulled back, the rubber
cap portion moves toward the hose about
3.5 mm. This does not indicate abnormal-
ity, however.
00-200 30 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
200 Foreword and general information
Method of disassembling and connecting push-pull type coupler SEN04600-01
Type 2
1. Disconnection
1) Hold the tightening portion and push body (7)
straight until sliding prevention ring (6)
contacts contact surface (a) of the hexagonal
portion at the male end. (Fig. 6)
2) While holding the condition of Step 1), turn
lever (8) to the right (clockwise). (Fig. 7)
3) While holding the condition of Steps 1) and
2), pull out whole body (7) to disconnect it.
(Fig. 8)
2. Connection
q Hold the tightening portion and push body (7)
straight until sliding prevention ring (6) con-
tacts contact surface (a) of the hexagonal
portion at the male end. (Fig. 9)
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 00-200 31
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04600-01 Method of disassembling and connecting push-pull type coupler
Type 3
1. Disconnection
1) Hold the tightening portion and push body (9)
straight until sliding prevention ring (8)
contacts contact surface (b) of the hexagonal
portion at the male end. (Fig. 10)
2) While holding the condition of Step 1), push
cover (10) straight until it contacts contact
surface (b) of the hexagonal portion at the
male end. (Fig. 11)
3) While holding the condition of Steps 1) and
2), pull out whole body (9) to disconnect it.
(Fig. 12)
2. Connection
q Hold the tightening portion and push body (9)
straight until the sliding prevention ring (8)
contacts contact surface (b) of the hexagonal
portion at the male end. (Fig. 13)
00-200 32 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
200 Foreword and general information
Standard tightening torque table SEN04600-01
a Figure A a Figure B
Remarks: The widths across flats by thread diameter of flanged bolts (marked with "*") in Fig. A are the
ones indicated in the table for bolts shown in Fig. B.
(Values of tightening torques shown in the table for Fig. A are applied.)
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 00-200 33
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04600-01 Standard tightening torque table
00-200 34 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
200 Foreword and general information
Standard tightening torque table SEN04600-01
5. Table of tightening torques for hoses (taper seal type and face seal type)
a Unless there are special instructions, tighten the hoses (taper seal type and face seal type) to the
torque below.
a Apply the following torque when the threads are coated (wet) with engine oil.
Tightening torque Nm {kgm} Taper seal Face seal
Nominal Width Nominal No.
Thread diame-
No. of across Thread size –Number of
Range Target ter (mm) (Ref-
hose flats (mm) threads, type of
34 – 54 {3.5 – 5.5} 44 {4.5} – 9/16 – 18UNF 14.3
02 19
34 – 63 {3.5 – 6.5} 44 {4.5} 14 – –
22 54 – 93 {5.5 – 9.5} 74 {7.5} – 11/16 – 16UN 17.5
24 59 – 98 {6.0 – 10.0} 78 {8.0} 18 – –
04 27 84 – 132 {8.5 – 13.5} 103 {10.5} 22 13/16 – 16UN 20.6
05 32 128 – 186 {13.0 – 19.0} 157 {16.0} 24 1 – 14UNS 25.4
06 36 177 – 245 {18.0 – 25.0} 216 {22.0} 30 1-3/16 – 12UN 30.2
(10) 41 177 – 245 {18.0 – 25.0} 216 {22.0} 33 – –
(12) 46 197 – 294 {20.0 – 30.0} 245 {25.0} 36 – –
(14) 55 246 – 343 {25.0 – 35.0} 294 {30.0} 42 – –
7. Table of tightening torques for 102, 107 and 114 engine series (Bolts and nuts)
a Unless there are special instructions, tighten the metric bolts and nuts of the 102, 107 and 114 engine
series to the torque below.
Tightening torque
Thread size
Bolts and nuts
mm Nm kgm
6 10 ± 2 1.02 ± 0.20
8 24 ± 4 2.45 ± 0.41
10 43 ± 6 4.38 ± 0.61
12 77 ± 12 7.85 ± 1.22
14 - -
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 00-200 35
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04600-01 Standard tightening torque table
8. Table of tightening torques for 102, 107 and 114 engine series (Eye joints)
a Unless there are special instructions, tighten the metric eye joints of the 102, 107 and 114 engine se-
ries to the torque below.
Thread size Tightening torque
mm Nm kgm
6 8±2 0.81 ± 0.20
8 10 ± 2 1.02 ± 0.20
10 12 ± 2 1.22 ± 0.20
12 24 ± 4 2.45 ± 0.41
14 36 ± 5 3.67 ± 0.51
9. Table of tightening torques for 102, 107 and 114 engine series (Taper screws)
a Unless there are special instructions, tighten the taper screws (unit: inch) of the 102, 107 and 114 en-
gine series to the torque below.
Tightening torque
Material In cast iron or steel In aluminum
Thread size (inch) Nm kgm Nm kgm
1/16 15 ± 2 1.53 ± 0.20 5±1 0.51 ± 0.10
1/8 20 ± 2 2.04 ± 0.20 15 ± 2 1.53 ± 0.20
1/4 25 ± 3 2.55 ± 0.31 20 ± 2 2.04 ± 0.20
3/8 35 ± 4 3.57 ± 0.41 25 ± 3 2.55 ± 0.31
1/2 55 ± 6 5.61 ± 0.61 35 ± 4 3.57 ± 0.41
3/4 75 ± 8 7.65 ± 0.82 45 ± 5 4.59 ± 0.51
00-200 36 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
200 Foreword and general information
Conversion table SEN04600-01
Conversion table
Method of using the conversion table
The conversion table in this section is provided to enable simple conversion of figures. For details of the meth-
od of using the conversion table, see the example given below.
Example: Method of using the conversion table to convert from millimeters to inches
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 00-200 37
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04600-01 Conversion table
Millimeters to inches
1 mm = 0.03937 in
0 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9
0 0 0.039 0.079 0.118 0.157 0.197 0.236 0.276 0.315 0.354
10 0.394 0.433 0.472 0.512 0.551 0.591 0.630 0.669 0.709 0.748
20 0.787 0.827 0.866 0.906 0.945 0.984 1.024 1.063 1.102 1.142
30 1.181 1.220 1.260 1.299 1.339 1.378 1.417 1.457 1.496 1.536
40 1.575 1.614 1.654 1.693 1.732 1.772 1.811 1.850 1.890 1.929
50 1.969 2.008 2.017 2.087 2.126 2.165 2.205 2.244 2.283 2.323
60 2.362 2.402 2.441 2.480 2.520 2.559 2.598 2.638 2.677 2.717
70 2.756 2.795 2.835 2.847 2.913 2.953 2.992 3.032 3.071 3.110
80 3.150 3.189 3.228 3.268 3.307 3.346 3.386 3.425 3.465 3.504
90 3.543 3.583 3.622 3.661 3.701 3.740 3.780 3.819 3.858 3.898
Kilogram to pound
1 kg = 2.2046 lb
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 2.20 4.41 6.61 8.82 11.02 13.23 15.43 17.64 19.84
10 22.05 24.25 26.46 28.66 30.86 33.07 35.27 37.48 39.68 41.89
20 44.09 46.30 48.50 50.71 51.91 55.12 57.32 59.53 61.73 63.93
30 66.14 68.34 70.55 72.75 74.96 77.16 79.37 81.57 83.78 85.98
40 88.18 90.39 92.59 94.80 97.00 99.21 101.41 103.62 105.82 108.03
50 110.23 112.44 114.64 116.85 119.05 121.25 123.46 125.66 127.87 130.07
60 132.28 134.48 136.69 138.89 141.10 143.30 145.51 147.71 149.91 152.12
70 154.32 156.53 158.73 160.94 163.14 165.35 167.55 169.76 171.96 174.17
80 176.37 178.57 180.78 182.98 185.19 187.39 189.60 191.80 194.01 196.21
90 198.42 200.62 202.83 205.03 207.24 209.44 211.64 213.85 216.05 218.26
50 13.209 13.473 13.737 14.001 14.265 14.529 14.795 15.058 15.322 15.586
60 15.850 16.115 16.379 16.643 16.907 17.171 17.435 17.700 17.964 18.228
70 18.492 18.756 19.020 19.285 19.549 19.813 20.077 20.341 20.605 20.870
80 21.134 21.398 21.662 21.926 22.190 22.455 22.719 22.983 23.247 23.511
90 23.775 24.040 24.304 24.568 24.832 25.096 25.361 25.625 25.889 26.153
00-200 38 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
200 Foreword and general information
Conversion table SEN04600-01
50 10.998 11.281 11.438 11.658 11.878 12.098 12.318 12.528 12.758 12.978
60 13.198 13.418 13.638 13.858 14.078 14.298 14.518 14.738 14.958 15.178
70 15.398 15.618 15.838 16.058 16.278 16.498 16.718 16.938 17.158 17.378
80 17.598 17.818 18.037 18.257 18.477 18.697 18.917 19.137 19.357 19.577
90 19.797 20.017 20.237 20.457 20.677 20.897 21.117 21.337 21.557 21.777
kgm to
1 kgm = 7.233
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 7.2 14.5 21.7 28.9 36.2 43.4 50.6 57.9 65.1
10 72.3 79.6 86.8 94.0 101.3 108.5 115.7 123.0 130.2 137.4
20 144.7 151.9 159.1 166.4 173.6 180.8 188.1 195.3 202.5 209.8
30 217.0 224.2 231.5 238.7 245.9 253.2 260.4 267.6 274.9 282.1
40 289.3 296.6 303.8 311.0 318.3 325.5 332.7 340.0 347.2 354.4
50 361.7 368.9 376.1 383.4 390.6 397.8 405.1 412.3 419.5 426.8
60 434.0 441.2 448.5 455.7 462.9 470.2 477.4 484.6 491.8 499.1
70 506.3 513.5 520.8 528.0 535.2 542.5 549.7 556.9 564.2 571.4
80 578.6 585.9 593.1 600.3 607.6 614.8 622.0 629.3 636.5 643.7
90 651.0 658.2 665.4 672.7 679.9 687.1 694.4 701.6 708.8 716.1
100 723.3 730.5 737.8 745.0 752.2 759.5 766.7 773.9 781.2 788.4
110 795.6 802.9 810.1 817.3 824.6 831.8 839.0 846.3 853.5 860.7
120 868.0 875.2 882.4 889.7 896.9 904.1 911.4 918.6 925.8 933.1
130 940.3 947.5 954.8 962.0 969.2 976.5 983.7 990.9 998.2 1005.4
140 1012.6 1019.9 1027.1 1034.3 1041.5 1048.8 1056.0 1063.2 1070.5 1077.7
150 1084.9 1092.2 1099.4 1106.6 1113.9 1121.1 1128.3 1135.6 1142.8 1150.0
160 1157.3 1164.5 1171.7 1179.0 1186.2 1193.4 1200.7 1207.9 1215.1 1222.4
170 1129.6 1236.8 1244.1 1251.3 1258.5 1265.8 1273.0 1280.1 1287.5 1294.7
180 1301.9 1309.2 1316.4 1323.6 1330.9 1338.1 1345.3 1352.6 1359.8 1367.0
190 1374.3 1381.5 1388.7 1396.0 1403.2 1410.4 1417.7 1424.9 1432.1 1439.4
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 00-200 39
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04600-01 Conversion table
kg/cm2 to lb/in2
1 kg/cm2 = 14.2233 lb/in2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 14.2 28.4 42.7 56.9 71.1 85.3 99.6 113.8 128.0
10 142.2 156.5 170.7 184.9 199.1 213.4 227.6 241.8 256.0 270.2
20 284.5 298.7 312.9 327.1 341.4 355.6 369.8 384.0 398.3 412.5
30 426.7 440.9 455.1 469.4 483.6 497.8 512.0 526.3 540.5 554.7
40 568.9 583.2 597.4 611.6 625.8 640.1 654.3 668.5 682.7 696.9
50 711.2 725.4 739.6 753.8 768.1 782.3 796.5 810.7 825.0 839.2
60 853.4 867.6 881.8 896.1 910.3 924.5 938.7 953.0 967.2 981.4
70 995.6 1,010 1,024 1,038 1,053 1,067 1,081 1,095 1,109 1,124
80 1,138 1,152 1,166 1,181 1,195 1,209 1,223 1,237 1,252 1,266
90 1,280 1,294 1,309 1,323 1,337 1,351 1,365 1,380 1,394 1,408
100 1,422 1,437 1,451 1,465 1,479 1,493 1,508 1,522 1,536 1,550
110 1,565 1,579 1,593 1,607 1,621 1,636 1,650 1,664 1,678 1,693
120 1,707 1,721 1,735 1,749 1,764 1,778 1,792 1,806 1,821 1,835
130 1,849 1,863 1,877 1,892 1,906 1,920 1,934 1,949 1,963 1,977
140 1,991 2,005 2,020 2,034 2,048 2,062 2,077 2,091 2,105 2,119
150 2,134 2,148 2,162 2,176 2,190 2,205 2,219 2,233 2,247 2,262
160 2,276 2,290 2,304 2,318 2,333 2,347 2,361 2,375 2,389 2,404
170 2,418 2,432 2,446 2,460 2,475 2,489 2,503 2,518 2,532 2,546
180 2,560 2,574 2,589 2,603 2,617 2,631 2,646 2,660 2,674 2,688
190 2,702 2,717 2,731 2,745 2,759 2,773 2,788 2,802 2,816 2,830
200 2,845 2,859 2,873 2,887 2,901 2,916 2,930 2,944 2,958 2,973
210 2,987 3,001 3,015 3,030 3,044 3,058 3,072 3,086 3,101 3,115
220 3,129 3,143 3,158 3,172 3,186 3,200 3,214 3,229 3,243 3,257
230 3,271 3,286 3,300 3,314 3,328 3,343 3,357 3,371 3,385 3,399
240 3,414 3,428 3,442 3,456 3,470 3,485 3,499 3,513 3,527 3,542
00-200 40 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
200 Foreword and general information
Conversion table SEN04600-01
Fahrenheit-Centigrade conversion: A simple way to convert a Fahrenheit temperature reading into a Centi-
grade temperature reading or vice versa is to enter the accompanying table in the center (boldface column)
of figures. These figures refer to the temperature in either Fahrenheit or Centigrade degrees.
When convert from Fahrenheit to Centigrade degrees, consider the center column to be a table of Fahrenheit
temperatures and read the corresponding Centigrade temperature in the column at the left.
When convert from Centigrade to Fahrenheit degrees, consider the center column to be a table of Centigrade
values, and read the corresponding Fahrenheit temperature on the right.
1°C = 33.8°F
°C °F °C °F °C °F °C °F
–40.4 –40 –40.0 –11.7 11 51.8 7.8 46 114.8 27.2 81 177.8
–37.2 –35 –31.0 –11.1 12 53.6 8.3 47 116.6 27.8 82 179.6
–34.4 –30 –22.0 –10.6 13 55.4 8.9 48 118.4 28.3 83 181.4
–31.7 –25 –13.0 –10.0 14 57.2 9.4 49 120.2 28.9 84 183.2
–28.9 –20 –4.0 –9.4 15 59.0 10.0 50 122.0 29.4 85 185.0
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 00-200 41
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 07-09
00-200 42
01 Specification 1
100 Specification and technical data
Specification dimension drawing..................................................................................................................... 2
Working range drawing ................................................................................................................................... 3
Specifications .................................................................................................................................................. 4
Weight table .................................................................................................................................................. 10
Table of fuel, coolant and lubricants.............................................................................................................. 14
Specifications 1
Machine model
Canopy specification Cab specification
a Values are common to all specifications, unless otherwise specified. (The values of the rubber shoe
specification are shown.)
a Values in [ ] are for steel shoe specification.
a Operating weight of machine with full tank of fuel and a 75 kg operator (ISO 6016).
Machine model
Canopy specification Cab specification
Machine model
Canopy specification Cab specification
Bucket cylinder
Machine model
Canopy specification Cab specification
a Values are common to all specifications, unless otherwise specified. (The values of the rubber shoe specifi-
cation are shown.)
a Values in [ ] are for the steel shoe specification.
a Operating weight of machine with full tank of fuel and a 75 kg operator (ISO 6016).
Machine model
Canopy specification Cab specification
Machine model
Canopy specification Cab specification
Bucket cylinder
Weight table 1
k This weight table is a guide for use when transporting or handing components.
Unit: kg
Machine model
Canopy Cab specification
Serial number 5001 and up
Engine assembly (without oil, coolant) 242 242
• Engine 195 195
• Engine mount 8 8
• PTO 10 10
• Hydraulic pump 29 29
Cooling assembly (excluding coolant and oil) 33 33
Battery 24 24
Revolving frame 518 518
Floor frame 153 —
Canopy assembly 114 —
Handrail 8 —
Operator's cab (with floor frame) — 396
Operator's seat 23 23
Fuel tank (without fuel) 6 6
Hydraulic tank (without hydraulic oil) 39 39
Control valve 42 42
Counterweight 687 687
Swing motor (with brake valve) 15 15
Swing machinery 26 26
Track frame assembly (without track shoe) 920 920
• Track frame 513 513
• Idler assembly 36 × 2 36 × 2
• Recoil spring assembly 18 × 2 18 × 2
• Carrier roller assembly 3×2 3×2
• Track roller assembly 10 × 8 10 × 8
• Travel motor (with reduction gear) 56 × 2 56 × 2
• Sprocket 12 × 2 12 × 2
• Swing circle 59 59
• Center swivel joint 18 18
Unit: kg
Unit: kg
Machine model
Canopy Cab specification
Serial number 5001 and up
Track shoe assembly
• Rubber shoe (350 mm) 242 × 2 242 × 2
• Triple grouser shoe (350 mm) 274 × 2 274 × 2
Boom swing bracket assembly 101 101
Boom assembly 160 160
Arm assembly 96 96
Bucket link assembly 28 28
Bucket assembly (with side cutter) 105 105
Blade assembly 210 210
Boom cylinder assembly 41 41
Arm cylinder assembly 36 36
Bucket cylinder assembly 25 25
Boom swing cylinder assembly 35 35
Blade cylinder assembly 29 29
Unit: kg
242 × 2 242 × 2
274 × 2 274 × 2
101 101
176 176
102 102
28 28
121 121
210 210
41 41
46 46
29 29
39 39
29 29
Unit: l
Reservoir Specified capacity Refill capacity
Hydraulic system 55 20
Fuel tank 65 —
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 05-08 (01)
01-100 16
1. Boss
2. Spring pin
3. Rubber
4. Cover
5. Hydraulic pump
Cooling system 1
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 05-08 (01)
10-100 6
Power train 1
Swing circle 1
Unit: mm
Swing machinery 1
Unit: mm
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 05-08 (01)
10-200 6
Track frame 1
Idler cushion 1
a The following figure shows the rubber shoe specification.
1. Rod
2. Cylinder
3. Recoil spring
4. Rear support
5. Nut
6. Lubricator
Grease: G2-LI
Amount of grease (ml): 120
Unit: mm
Idler 1
Unit: mm
5 Width of tread 18 22
6 Total width 75 —
Track roller 1
Unit: mm
Repair by over-
3 Thickness of tread 26.5 22.5
laying welding
or replace
4 Width of flange 41 35
Carrier roller 1
Unit: mm
Sprocket 1
Unit: mm
2 0
Wear of tip circle diameter 423.99 412
– 3.0 Repair by over-
laying welding or
3 Wear of tip width 26 — 24 replace
4 + 0.5
Wear of bottom width 33 30
– 1.0
5 + 0.492
Thickness of bottom 75.185 69
– 1.075
Track shoe 1
Rubber shoe
Unit: mm
Unit: mm
Standard size Turning limit Repair limit The pin and bush-
1 Link pitch ing are able to use
135 138 143 in reverse until
reach to reverse
If these had
2 Outside diameter of bushing 35 32 29 exceeded the repair
limit, replace pin,
bushing or link
3 Thickness of bushing 6.05 4.55 3.05 assembly.
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 05-08 (01)
10-300 12
Shop Manual
10 Structure,function and
maintenance standard
410 Hydraulic system, Part 1
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 10-410 1
410 Hydraulic system, Part 1
SEN04607-01 Hydraulic components layout drawing
10-410 2 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
410 Hydraulic system, Part 1
Hydraulic tank, filter SEN04607-01
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 10-410 3
410 Hydraulic system, Part 1
SEN04607-01 Hydraulic tank, filter
10-410 4 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
410 Hydraulic system, Part 1
Center swivel joint SEN04607-01
A1: From L.H. travel control valve F2: To blade cylinder head
A2: To L.H. travel motor G1: From blade control valve
B1: From L.H. travel control valve G2: To blade cylinder bottom
B2: To L.H. travel motor T1: To hydraulic tank
C1: From R.H. travel control valve T2: From travel motor drain port
C2: To R.H. travel motor
D1: From R.H. travel control valve 1. Shaft
D2: To R.H. travel motor 2. Rotor
E1: From travel Hi-Lo speed selector valve 3. Slipper seal
E2: To travel Hi-Lo speed selector valve 4. Cover
F1: From blade control valve
Unit: mm
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 10-410 5
410 Hydraulic system, Part 1
SEN04607-01 Travel motor
Travel motor
Type PHV-4B-60B-PT-8882A
Hi 19.11
Theoretical delivery (cm3/rev) Lo 33.08
Hi 2,820
Rated speed (rpm)
Lo 1,630
Brake cracking pressure 0.76
(MPa {kg/cm2}) {7.8}
Speed changing pressure 0.86
2}) {8.8}
(MPa {kg/cm
Automatic speed changing pressure HioLo 23.1{236}
(MPa {kg/cm2}) LooHi 21.6{221}
Reduction ratio 47.53
10-410 6 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
410 Hydraulic system, Part 1
Travel motor SEN04607-01
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 10-410 7
410 Hydraulic system, Part 1
SEN04607-01 Travel motor
q Swash plate (1) has two rear faces (x) and (y),
and is supported by ball (2).
q The travel speed is switched by pressurized oil
from control chamber (a) acting on control piston
(3).This switches the angle of swash plate (1)
between the maximum angle and minimum an-
gle to determine the travel speed.
10-410 8 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
410 Hydraulic system, Part 1
Travel motor SEN04607-01
Operation of motor
At low speed (When motor swash plate angle is at maximum)
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 10-410 9
410 Hydraulic system, Part 1
SEN04607-01 Travel motor
10-410 10 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
410 Hydraulic system, Part 1
Travel motor SEN04607-01
Automatic change of travel speed from high speed (High) to low speed (Low)
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 10-410 11
410 Hydraulic system, Part 1
SEN04607-01 Travel motor
Automatic change of travel speed from low speed (Low) to high speed (High)
10-410 12 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
410 Hydraulic system, Part 1
Travel motor SEN04607-01
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 10-410 13
410 Hydraulic system, Part 1
SEN04607-01 Hydraulic cylinder
Hydraulic cylinder
Boom cylinder
Arm cylinder
Bucket cylinder
10-410 14 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
410 Hydraulic system, Part 1
Hydraulic cylinder SEN04607-01
Bucket cylinder
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 10-410 15
410 Hydraulic system, Part 1
SEN04607-01 Hydraulic cylinder
Unit: mm
Arm 785±78.5Nm{80±8.0kgm}
4 torque of cylinder Bucket 785±78.5Nm{80 ± 8.0 kgm}
Boom swing 676.2 ± 67.6Nm {69 ± 6.9 kgm}
10-410 16 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
410 Hydraulic system, Part 1
Hydraulic cylinder SEN04607-01
Unit: mm
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 10-410 17
410 Hydraulic system, Part 1
SEN04607-01 Solenoid valve
Solenoid valve
2-spool solenoid valve
A: To PPC valve
B: To 2nd travel speed selector valve
P: From hydraulic pump
T: To hydraulic tank
10-410 18 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
410 Hydraulic system, Part 1
Solenoid valve SEN04607-01
When solenoid is turned OFF When solenoid is turned ON
(When circuit is shut off) (When circuit is connected)
q While the signal current is not flowing from the q While the signal current is flowing from the PPC
PPC lock solenoid valve or travel speed selector lock solenoid valve or travel speed selector
switch, solenoid (1) is turned OFF. switch to solenoid (1), solenoid (1) is turned ON.
Accordingly, spool (2) is pressed up by spring q Accordingly, spool (2) is pressed down by push
(3). pin (4).
q As a result, ports (P) and (A) are shut off from q As a result, ports (P) and (A) are connected to
each other and the pilot pressure does not flow each other and the pilot pressure flows into the
into the actuator. actuator.
At the same time, the oil from the actuator flows At the same time, port (T) is closed and the oil
through ports (A) and (T) to the hydraulic tank. does not flow to the hydraulic tank.
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 10-410 19
410 Hydraulic system, Part 1
SEN04607-01 Solenoid valve
q If the oil pressure from the hydraulic pump in-
creases, the oil in port (P) pushes plunger (1)
and its reaction force compresses spring (2) and
moves up plunger (1), and then the oil is relieved
through ports (P) and (T).
Set pressure: 3.14MPa {32 kg/cm2}
10-410 20 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
410 Hydraulic system, Part 1
Solenoid valve SEN04607-01
EPC valve
3. Coil (proportional type)
4. Push pin
5. Valve spool
6. Guide
7. Return spring
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 10-410 21
410 Hydraulic system, Part 1
SEN04607-01 Solenoid valve
When signal current is maximum When signal current is reduced
(When coil is energized and circuit pressure is (When coil is energized and circuit pressure is
maximum) low)
q If the signal current flows from the controller into q If the signal current flowing from the controller
coil (1), coil (1) is energized. At this time, the into coil (1) is reduced, coil (1) is still energized
thrust of coil (1) is maximum. but its thrust is lowered in proportion to the signal
q As a result, spool (2) is pushed down by push pin current.
(3). q As a result, push pin (3) pushes down spool (2)
q Accordingly, all the pressurized oil from the PPC and the pressurized oil from port (A) flows to port
lock solenoid valve flows through port (A), spool (B).
(2), and port (B) to the control valve. At this time, q If the pressure in port (B) increases and the force
port (T) is closed and no oil flows into the tank. applied to face "a" of spool (2) becomes larger
than the thrust of coil (1), spool (2) is pushed up
and port (A) is disconnected from port (B) and
connected to port (T).
q Accordingly, spool (2) moves up and down so
that the thrust of coil (1) will be balanced with the
pressure in port (B).
q As a result, the circuit pressure between the
PPC lock solenoid valve and control valve is
controlled in proportion to the signal current.
10-410 22 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
410 Hydraulic system, Part 1
Multi-control valve SEN04607-01
Multi-control valve
Operation pattern selection drawing (The port names correspond to the symbols in the drawing).
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 10-410 23
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 07-09
10-410 24
Hydraulic pump 1
Type: LPD25 + 25 + DNP21-14.1 + 5.2
Main pump
Function Structure
q The engine rotation and torque transmitted to q Cylinder block (7) is supported to shaft (1) by
the pump shaft is converted into hydraulic spline (a), and shaft (1) is supported by the
energy, and pressurized oil is discharged front and rear bearings.
according to the load. q The tip of piston (6) is a concave ball, and shoe
q It is possible to change the pump delivery by (5) is caulked to it to form one unit. Piston (6)
changing the swash plate angle. and shoe (5) form a spherical bearing.
q It has two discharge ports and it enables to q Rocker cam (4) has flat surface (A). Shoe (5)
supply the pressure individually to each one. is kept pressed against the flat surface (A) and
it slides circularly on flat surface (A). Rocker
cam (4) slides around ball (11).
q Piston (6) carries out relative movement in the
axial direction inside each cylinder chamber of
cylinder block (7).
q Cylinder block (7) seals the pressure oil to
valve plate (8) and carries out relative rotation.
This surface is designed so that the oil pres-
sure balance is maintained at a suitable level.
q The oil inside each cylinder chamber of cylin-
der block (7) is sucked in and discharged
through valve plate (8).
q Hole number of cylinder block (7) is an even
number. So, it is fitted to two grooves of valve
plate (8) alternately.
Operations q When the center line (X) of the rocker cam (4)
becomes in line with the axial direction of the
Operation of pump cylinder block (7) (swash plate angle = 0), the
q Shaft (1) and cylinder block (7) rotate together difference between capacities of (E) and (F)
and shoe (5) slides on the flat surface (A). inside the cylinder block (7) becomes 0, so the
Since the rocker cam (4) leans around ball (11) pump does not carry out any suction or dis-
at this time, the angle (a) between the center charge action of oil. (In actual fact, the swash
line (X) of rocker cam (4) and axis of cylinder plate angle never becomes 0.)
block (7) changes. The angle (a) is called the q In other words, discharge amount of the pump
swash plate angle. is directly proportional to the swash plate angle
q When the center line (X) of the rocker cam (4) (a).
maintains the swash plate angle (a) in relation
to the axial direction of the cylinder block (7),
the flat surface (A) acts as a cam for the shoe
q By this, the piston (6) slides on the inside of the
cylinder block (7), creates a difference
between capacities (E) and (F), then suction
and discharge of oil for the amount of this dif-
ference (F) – (E) will be carried out.
q In other words, oil is discharged as the capac-
ity of the chamber (E) decreases when the cyl-
inder block (7) rotates.
In the meantime, the capacity of the chamber
(F) increases, and the oil is sucked at this pro-
[The figure shows the state of the pump when
suction of the chamber (F) and discharge of
the chamber (E) have completed.]
Servo valve
LS valve
q The LS valve controls the pump discharge
according to the stroke of the control lever, or
the flow rate required by the actuator.
q This valve determines the flow rate required by
the actuator from differential pressure (dPLS)
between main pump discharge pressure (P1L)
and control valve outlet pressure (PLS), then
controls main pump delivery (Q).
[(P1L) is called the pump pressure, (PLS) LS
pressure, and (dPLS) LS differential pressure.]
q To put it concretely, the LS valve senses the
pressure loss [= LS differential pressure PC valve
(dPLS)] caused by the flow of oil from the
q When pump discharge pressure (P1)/(PAVE)
pump through the opening of the control valve
rises, the stroke of the control valve spool is
spool, then controls pump discharge (Q) so
increased and the opening area is increased
that this pressure loss will be constant. Conse-
and pump delivery (Q) is increased. At this
quently, the LS valve supplies the oil according
time, the PC valve limits pump delivery (Q)
to the demand of the control valve.
according to discharge pressure (P1)/(PAVE)
q In the range of fine control, etc. where the oil
so that the pump absorption horsepower will
flow rate does not exceed the pump capacity,
not exceed the engine horsepower. In other
the pump discharge is kept constant even if the
words, the PC valve performs approximate
engine speed is low or full, since the LS valve
constant-horsepower control.
always secures the oil flow rate required by the
q That is, if the load on the actuator is increased
control valve. To solve this problem, the LS
and pump discharge pressure (P1)/(PAVE)
differential pressure is automatically set low to
rises during operation, the PC valve reduces
reduce the discharge when the engine speed
pump delivery (Q). If the pump discharge pres-
is low.
sure lowers, the PC valve increases pump
q The engine speed is sensed by checking pres-
delivery (Q).
sures (GH) and (GL) before and after the fixed
q The relationship between pump discharge
throttle (metering throttle) of the discharge pas-
pressure (P1)/(PAVE) and pump delivery (Q) is
sage of the swing gear pump, and those pres-
shown below.
sures are applied to the third and fourth pressure
q When the machine swings, since the swing
receiving chambers (a2) and (b2) in the LS valve
pump and main pump are installed tandem, the
to change the setting of the LS valve.
torque absorbed in the main pump is lowered
q When the engine speed is low, the swing pump
by the part absorbed in the swing pump.
discharge is reduced and pressures (GH) and
q When the swing pump operates, the total of
(GL) before and after the metering throttle are
the main pump absorption torque and swing
almost the same [the metering differential
pump absorption torque is the total absorption
pressure calculated by (GH) – (HL) is low]. On
torque (100%)
the other hand, when the engine is running at
the full speed, the swing pump discharge is
increased and the metering differential pres-
sure becomes high.
q When the metering differential pressure is high
(the engine speed is high), the LS pressure is
set higher than the normal value. When the
metering differential pressure is low (the
engine speed is low), the LS pressure is set
lower than the normal value.
q The LS valve receives pump pressure (P1L),
LS pressure (PLS), and pressures (GH) and
(GL) before and after the metering throttle of
the swing gear pump. The relationship
between LS differential pressure (dPLS) and
pump discharge (Q) is shown at upper right.
Control valve 1
9-spool valve
General view
(For KUK)
Sectional view
Unit: mm
Unit: mm
Unit: mm
Unit: mm
A9 : To stop valve
B9 : To stop valve
PA9 : To attachment PPC valve
PB9 : To attachment PPC valve
Unit: mm
10-spool valve
Unit: mm
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 05-08 (01)
10-420 24
Outline of CLSS
Features Structure
CLSS stands for Closed center Load Sensing Sys- q The CLSS consists of a variable capacity pis-
tem, and has the following features. ton pump, control valve, and actuators.
q Fine control not influenced by load q The hydraulic pump consists of the pump body,
q Control enabling digging even with fine control PC valve and LS valve.
q Ease of compound operation ensured by flow
divider function using area of opening of spool
during compound operations
q Energy saving using variable pump control
1. Unload valve
Set pressure:
LS pressure + 2.45 MPa {25.0 kg/cm2}
2. Safety valve
Set pressure: 28.9 MPa {295 kg/cm2}
3. Main relief valve
Set pressure: 26.5 MPa {270 kg/cm2}
4. Pump merge-divider valve
5. Logic valve
6. Pressure compensation valve
7. Suction valve
8. Pilot pressure check valve
9. Check valve
10. Back pressure check valve
Set pressure: 0.34 MPa {3.5 kg/cm2}
11. Oil cooler bypass valve
Set pressure: 0.39 MPa {4.0 kg/cm2}
12. Swing relief valve (for gear pump)
Set pressure: 21.6 MPa {220 kg/cm2}
13. Boom lock valve
10-spool valve
(For North America)
1. Spool
2. Spring
Function Operation
q When the control valve is at neutral, pump q Pump discharge pressure (PP1), (PP2) is act-
delivery (Q) discharged by the minimum swash ing on the left end of spool (1), and LS pres-
plate angle is released to the tank circuit. sure (PLS1), (PLS2) is acting on the right end.
When this happens, pump discharge pressure q When the control valve is at neutral, LS pres-
(PP1), (PP2) is set at 2.45 MPa {25.0 kg/cm2} sure (PLS1), (PLS2) is 0, so only pump dis-
by spring (2) inside the valve. [LS pressure charge pressure (PP1), (PP2) has any effect,
(PLS1), (PLS2): 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2}] and (PP1), (PP2) is set only by the load of
spring (2).
q As pump discharge pressure (PP1), (PP2)
rises and reaches the load of spring (2) (2.45
MPa {25.0 kg/cm2}), spool (1) is moved to the
right in the direction of the arrow. Pump dis-
charge pressure (PP1), (PP2) then passes
through the notch (a) in spool (1) and is con-
nected to tank circuit (T).
q In this way, pump discharge pressure (PP1),
(PP2) is set to 2.45 MPa {25.0 kg/cm2}.
1. Spool
2. Spring
Function Operation
q When the control valve is in the fine control q When fine control is carried out on the control
mode, if the demand flow for actuator is less valve, LS pressure (PLS1), (PLS2) is gener-
than the value corresponding to the minimum ated and acts on the right end of spool (1).
swash plate angle of the pump, pump pressure When this happens, the area of the opening of
(PP1), (PP2) is set to LS pressure (PLS1), the control valve spool is small, so there is a
(PLS2) + 2.45 MPa {25.0 kg/cm2}. If the differ- big difference between LS pressure (PLS1),
ential pressure between pump pressure (PP1), (PLS2) and pump discharge pressure (PP1),
( PP2 ) an d LS pr essu re (PL S1), (PL S2) (PP2).
becomes equal to the load of spring (2) (2.45 q When the differential pressure between pump
MPa {25.0 kg/cm2}), the unload valve opens. discharge pressure (PP1), (PP2) and LS pres-
Accordingly, LS differential pressure (PLS) is sure (PLS1), (PLS2) reaches the load of spring
2.45 MPa {25.0 kg/cm2} at this time. (2) (2.45 MPa {25.0 kg/cm2}, spool (1) moves
to the right in the direction of the arrow, and
pump circuit (PP1), (PP2) and tank circuit (T)
are connected.
q In other words, pump discharge pressure
(PP1), (PP2) is set to a pressure equal to the
spring force (2.45 MPa {25.0 kg/cm 2 }) + LS
pressure (PLS1), (PLS2) and LS differential
pressure (dPLS) becomes 2.45 MPa {25.0 kg/
1. Spool
2. Spring
Function Operation
q When the control valve is operated, if the q When the control valve is operated to a bigger
demand flow for actuator exceeds the value stroke, LS pressure (PLS1), (PLS2) is gener-
corresponding to the minimum swash plate ated and acts on the right end of spool (1).
angle of the pump, the outflow to tank circuit When this happens, the area of the opening of
(T) is shut off and all of pump delivery (Q1), the control valve spool is large, so the differ-
(Q2) is sent to the actuator circuit. ence between LS pressure (PLS1), (PLS2)
and pump discharge pressure (PP1), (PP2) is
q For this reason, the differential pressure
between pump discharge pressure (PP1),
(PP2) and LS pressure (PLS1), (PLS2) does
not reach the load of spring (2) (2.45 MPa
{25.0 kg/cm2}), so spool (1) is pushed to the
left by spring (2).
q As a result, pump circuit (PP1), (PP2) and tank
circuit (T) are shut off, and all the pump deliv-
ery (Q1), (Q2) flows to the actuator circuit.
1. Spool
2. Spring
q When the machine travels, the swash plate
angle of the pump becomes maximum. At this
time, the oil flow is controlled according to the
opening rate of the spool (1).
q When the travel control valve is operated sin-
gly, the control valve is separated by the pump
merge-divider valve.
q As a result, the unload valves on (PP1) and
(PP2) sides operate according to the opening
rate of the travel spools (1) on both sides.
Introduction of LS pressure
Work equipment valve (Boom, arm, bucket, boom swing)
LS bypass valve
q This releases the residual pressure of LS pres-
q It makes the speed of the rise in pressure of LS
pressure more gentle. In addition, with this dis-
carded throttled flow, it creates a pressure loss
in the throttled flow of the spool or shuttle
valve, and increases the stability by lowering
the effective LS differential pressure.
q The oil in LS circuit flows through filter (a) and
orifice (b) to the tank circuit.
Function Operation
q If the other actuator is relieved during com- q If the other actuator (right side) is relieved dur-
pound operations, LS introduction throttle (b) ing compound operations, each circuit pres-
of reducing valve (1) divides the flow and sure (PPA), (PA) of the other actuator becomes
sends more oil to the side receiving compen- the same as the pump circuit pressure [(PP) =
sation. relief pressure].
q In this case, spring chamber (PLSA) of the
other actuator becomes the same as pump cir-
cuit pressure (PP) because of the balance of
reducing valve (1).
q (PLSB) passes through LS introduction throttle
(b) of reducing valve (1) and becomes (PLS).
(PLS) is connected to the tank circuit (T) from
LS bypass plug (4), so pressure loss is gener-
ated at LS introduction throttle (b) [the condi-
tion becomes (PLS) < (PLSB)].
q As a result, even if the other actuator is
relieved, a pressure difference is created
between (PP) and (PLS), so more oil flows to
actuator circuit (A) on this side (left side).
q An interconnection circuit is installed to correct
the flow error in both travel circuits during
straight travel.
q With this circuit, the flow rates in both travel
motors become almost the same during
straight travel to reduce travel deviation.
q Dampers (b) are installed to ease the transient
characteristics of sudden opening and closing
of the interconnection circuit when the machine
is steered and the spools are operated sharply.
q Bridge circuits (PA) of both travel circuits are
connected to each other by interconnection cir-
cuit (L). Accordingly, if there is difference
between the oil flow rates in both travel motors,
it is corrected to reduce the travel deviation.
q When the right travel spool (Right 1) is
returned to the neutral position to steer the
machine in the straight travel state, the load
pressures in both travel actuator circuits (PA)
become different (Left A) > (Right A).
q Since the main pump is separated at this time,
oil flows in both travel motors according to the
opening area of the spool.
q The swing and blade sections are the open
center valves of the gear pump. They are
arranged tandem, with the swing section
ahead of the blade section.
Swing section
q If pressure is applied from the PPC valve to the
port (PA8), the spool moves to the left and oil
flows in the port (A8).
q If pressure is applied from the PPC valve to the
port (PB8), the spool moves to the right and oil
flows in the port (B8).
q Load check valve (2) is installed in each spool,
corresponding to ports (A) and (B) of each
q Relief valve (1) for the gear pump is installed to
the swing section.
Blade section
q If pressure is applied from the PPC valve to the
port (PA7), the spool moves to the left and oil
flows in the port (A7).
q If pressure is applied from the PPC valve to the
port (PB7), the spool moves to the right and oil
flows in the port (B7).
q Load check valve (2) is installed in each spool,
corresponding to ports (A) and (B) of each
q The left and right swing PPC pressure and the
arm IN PPC pressure each pass through
check valve inside spring case, are output to
port (BR) from port (PS), and the swing holding
brake is canceled. [The highest pressure is
output to port (BR).]
q The arm and swing are connected by the pilot
circuit inside the control valve.
Logic valve
q This valve changes the pilot pressure to
change the merge-divider valve.
When divided
q If only the travel PPC pressure is applied to
port (b), it is applied to output port (c) of the
pump merge-divider valve as it is. This pres-
sure sets the pump merge-divider valve in the
division mode.
When merged
q If the work equipment PPC pressure (exclud-
ing the swing pressure) is applied to port (a),
the pressure in output port (c) of the pump
merge-divider valve is connected through
spool (1) to spring chamber (d) and used as
seal drain pressure.
q Accordingly, the pump merge-divider valve is
not changed but kept in the merging mode.
Even if the travel PPC pressure is applied
under this condition, spool (1) is kept pressed
and the valve is kept in the merging mode.
Merge-divider valve
When machine travels singly
q When the machine travels singly, the merge-
divider valve spool separates pump pressures
(PP1) and (PP2).
q When the machine travels singly, the travel
port pressure is applied through the logic valve
spool to the right side of merge-divider valve
spool (1). If this pressure exceeds the force of
spring (2), merge-divider valve spool (1) is
pushed to the right and left to separate pump
pressures (PP1), (PP2) and (PP3).
q At this time, LS pressures (PLS1), (PLS2) and
(PLS3) are also separated from each other.
The pump pressure is output to output pres-
sure (PLS) applied to the pump LS valve.
When "work equipment is operated" and when "machine travels and work equipment is operated
Function Operation
q When the work equipment is operated and q When the work equipment is operated, the out-
when the machine travels and the work equip- put of the logic valve spool becomes seal drain
ment is operated simultaneously, the merge- and the oil for changing the pump merge-
divider valve spool merges pump (discharge) divider valve is drained into the tank.
pressures (PP1) and (PP2). q Accordingly, merge-divider valve spool (1) is
pressed to the right by the force of spring (2)
and pump pressures (PP1), (PP2) and (PP3)
are merged. At this time, LS pressures
(PLS1), (PLS2) and (PLS3) are merged, too.
q When the machine travels and the work equip-
ment is operated simultaneously, the travel
port pressure is not applied to the pump
merge-divider valve, since the logic valve
spool is changed. Since the oil for changing
the pump merge-divider valve is drained into
the tank, the oils are merged.
q When the control lever is in neutral, the spring
force of the pump merge-divider valve spool is
larger because of the valve changing force
made by the travel PPC pressure. Accord-
ingly, the oils are merged.
Swing motor 1
Type: LMF16
Type : LMF16
Theoretical discharge : 16.1 cm3/rev
Rated speed : 2,100 rpm
Rated delivery : 34 l/min
Suction valve cracking pressure: 0.04 MPa
{0.45 kg/cm2}
Safety valve set pressure : 18.6 MPa
{190 kg/cm2}
Unit: mm
q This hydraulic motor is a swash plate type axial
piston motor, which converts the hydraulic
force sent from the hydraulic pump to a rotat-
ing movement.
Principle of operation
q The oil sent from the hydraulic pump goes from
valve plate (7) and enters cylinder block (5).
The structure of the motor takes in the oil at
one side only of the (Y – Y) line joining the top
and bottom dead centers of the stroke of piston
q The pressure oil entering one side of cylinder
block (5) generates force F1 [(F1 (N {kg}) = P
(MPa {kg/cm2}) × x/4 D2 (cm2)] pushing each
piston (4) (3 or 4 pistons).
q This force acts on thrust plate (2), but thrust
plate (2) is secured at a certain angle (a) to
output shaft (1), so the force is divided into
force (F2) and (F3).
q Of the divided forces, the radial force (F3) gen-
erates the torque (T = F3 x ri) for line (Y – Y)
joining the top and bottom dead centers.
q The combined force of this torque {T = Σ (F3 x
ri)} goes as a rotating force through the piston
(4) to rotate cylinder block (5).
q Cylinder block (5) is joined to the output shaft
by a spline, so the output shaft rotates and
transmits the torque.
Swing brake When swing and arm control levers are oper-
Operation q The PPC output pressure flows through port
When swing and arm control levers are in neu- (B) into brake chamber (a). The oil in chamber
tral (a) presses down brake spring (13). As a
q Since the PPC output pressure is 0 MPa {0 kg/ result, brake piston (12) moves down and disc
cm2}, brake piston (12) is pushed up by brake (14) and plate (15) are separated, thus the
spring (13). As a result, disc (14) and plate brake is released.
(15) are pressed and the brake works.
The relief valve for the swing motor prevents the
relief pressure from rising sharply to reduce shocks
when the machine starts and stops swinging.
When circuit pressure is P0
q The relief valve does not operate.
PPC valve 1
Work equipment and swing PPC valve
P : From pilot pump through solenoid valve P4 : L.H. PPC valve: swing LEFT port/
P1 : L.H. PPC valve: arm IN port/ R.H. PPC valve: bucket CURL port
R.H. PPC valve: boom RAISE port T : To tank
P2 : L.H. PPC valve: arm OUT port/
R.H. PPC valve: boom LOWER port
P3 : L.H. PPC valve: swing RIGHT port/
R.H. PPC valve: bucket DUMP port
1. Spool
2. Piston
3. Disc
4. Nut (for connecting lever)
5. Joint
6. Plate
7. Retainer
8. Body
9. Filter
Unit: mm
1. Valve 4. Plate
2. Body 5. Piston
3. Collar 6. Bolt
Unit: mm
1. Spool
2. Piston
3. Lever
4. Plate
5. Retainer
6. Body
7. Filter
Unit: mm
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 05-08 (01)
10-430 44
Work equipment 1
Unit: mm
Unit: mm
Measuring point Standard size
Shaft Hole
– 0.025 + 0.1
1 — 45
– 0.064 0
Arm side 55.5
Cylinder head side 55
– 0.5
– 0.025 + 0.039
3 — 50
– 0.064 0
+ 0.5
Boom side 163
– 0.3
Arm side 163
– 1.0
5 — 168.1 ±1
6 — 182
7 — 333.6
8 — 1,685.2 —
9 — 1,395 ±1
10 — 193.5 ±1
11 — 8.2 ±1
12 — 330 ± 0.5
13 — 303 ± 0.5
14 — 230.3 ± 0.5
15 — 871 —
– 0.170 – 0.050
16 — 45
– 0.230 – 0.089
+ 0.7
Link side 168
+ 0.2
Bucket side 170 ±1
– 0.170 – 0.050
18 — 45
– 0.230 – 0.089
+ 0.7
Arm side 168
+ 0.2
Bucket side 170 ±1
Unit: mm
Measuring point Standard size
Shaft Hole
– 0.025 + 0.1
1 — 45
– 0.064 0
Arm side 55.5
Cylinder head side 55
– 0.5
– 0.025 + 0.039
3 — 50
– 0.064 0
+ 0.5
Boom side 163
– 0.3
Arm side 163
– 1.0
5 — 117 ±1
6 — 199.4 ± 0.5
7 — 375.3 ± 0.5
8 — 1,640 ±3
9 — 1,364.5 ±1
10 — 193.3 ±1
11 — 12.8 ±1
12 — 330 ± 0.5
13 — 303 ± 0.5
14 — 230.3 ± 0.5
15 — 871 —
– 0.170 – 0.050
16 — 45
– 0.230 – 0.089
+ 0.7
Link side 168
+ 0.2
Bucket side 170 ±1
– 0.170 – 0.050
18 — 45
– 0.230 – 0.089
+ 0.7
Arm side 168
+ 0.2
Bucket side 170 ±1
Bucket section
Unit: mm
PC45MR, PC55MR-3
Measuring point Standard size Tolerance
1 — 230.3 ± 0.5
2 — 0 —
3 — 719.6 —
4 — 55 —
5 — 55 —
6 — 45° —
7 — 45° —
8 — 13.5 —
9 — 170 ±1
10 — 60 —
11 — 42 —
12 — 258 ±1
13 — 85 —
14 — 85 —
– 0.050
15 — 45
– 0.089
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 05-08 (01)
10-500 10
Floor 1
Tilt floor
a This diagram shows for canopy specification.
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Printed in Japan 05-08 (01)
10-600 4
Shop Manual
10 Structure,function and
maintenance standard
700 Electrical system
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 10-700 1
700 Electrical system
SEN04612-01 Engine control system
1. Battery
2. Starting switch
3. Fuse box
4. Engine stop solenoid
5. Lock lever
6. PPC lock switch
7. Neutral engine start relay
8. Safety relay
9. Starting motor
10. Fuel control lever
11. KOMTRAX terminal
12. KOMTRAX engine cut-out relay
10-700 2 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
700 Electrical system
Engine control system SEN04612-01
Starting engine
q If starting switch (2) is set to the "ON" position,
engine stop solenoid (4) sets the governor stop
lever to the "RUN" position. Accordingly, if the
electric system has a failure, the engine stops,
that is, a fail-safe mechanism is formed.
q If starting switch (2) is set to the "START" posi-
tion while lock lever (5) is in the "LOCK" position,
the start signal flows in starting motor (9) and the
engine starts. If lock lever (5) is in the "FREE"
position, neutral engine start relay (7) operates
to shut off the start signal to starting motor (9),
thus the engine does not start.
q If the machine is equipped with the KOMTRAX
terminal system and receives an engine cut-out
command generated by an external operation,
KOMTRAX terminal (11) turns KOMTRAX en-
gine cut-out relay (12) ON to shut off the current
to starting motor (9), thus the engine cannot
Engine stopped
q If starting switch (2) is set to the "OFF" position,
engine stop solenoid (4) sets the governor stop
lever to the "STOP" position to stop the engine.
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 10-700 3
700 Electrical system
SEN04612-01 Engine control system
(Auto-deceleration specification)
10-700 4 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
700 Electrical system
Engine control system SEN04612-01
Starting engine
q If starting switch (2) is set to the "ON" position,
engine stop solenoid (4) sets the governor stop
lever to the "RUN" position. Accordingly, if the
electric system has a failure, the engine stops,
that is, a fail-safe mechanism is formed.
q If starting switch (2) is set to the "START" posi-
tion while lock lever (5) is in the "LOCK" position,
the start signal flows in starting motor (9) and the
engine starts.
If lock lever (5) is in the "FREE" position, neutral
engine start relay (7) operates to shut off the
start signal to starting motor (9), thus the engine
does not start.
q If the machine is equipped with the KOMTRAX
terminal system and receives an engine cut-out
command generated by an external operation,
KOMTRAX terminal (10) turns KOMTRAX en-
gine cut-out relay (11) ON to shut off the current
to starting motor (9), thus the engine cannot
Stopping engine
q If starting switch (2) is set to the "OFF" position,
engine stop solenoid (4) sets the governor stop
lever to the "STOP" position to stop the engine.
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 10-700 5
700 Electrical system
SEN04612-01 Electrical control system
10-700 6 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
700 Electrical system
Electrical control system SEN04612-01
1. Battery
2. Starting switch
3. Fuse box
4. Machine monitor
5. 2nd travel speed selection solenoid relay
6. Lock lever
7. PPC lock switch
8. PPC lock solenoid relay
9. 2nd travel speed select solenoid valve
10. PPC lock solenoid valve
11. Right work equipment PPC valve
12. Travel PPC valve
13. Left work equipment PPC valve
14. Boom swing PPC valve
15. Blade PPC valve
16. Travel motor
17. Travel pressure switch
18. Travel alarm
19. Engine
20. Hydraulic pump
20a. Servo valve
20b. LS valve
20c. PC valve
21. Control valve
21a. Self-pressure reducing valve
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 10-700 7
700 Electrical system
SEN04612-01 Electrical control system
10-700 8 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
700 Electrical system
Electrical control system SEN04612-01
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 10-700 9
700 Electrical system
SEN04612-01 Electrical control system
Changing travel speed
q If the travel speed selector switch of the blade le-
ver is operated, the motor capacity changes,
thus the travel speed changes.
10-700 10 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
700 Electrical system
Electrical control system SEN04612-01
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 10-700 11
700 Electrical system
SEN04612-01 Auto-deceleration function
Auto-deceleration function
General system drawing
(Auto-deceleration specification)
10-700 12 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
700 Electrical system
Auto-deceleration function SEN04612-01
q If all the control levers are set in neutral when
waiting for a dump truck or a next work, the en-
gine speed is decreased to the control speed au-
tomatically to reduce fuel consumption and
q If any lever is operated, the engine speed in-
creases to the speed set with the fuel control di-
When all levers are set in neutral
q While the engine is running at a speed above the
engine control speed, if all the control levers are
kept in neutral for 4 seconds, the engine speed
is decreased and kept at the engine control
speed until a control lever is operated.
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 10-700 13
700 Electrical system
SEN04612-01 Attachment proportional switch, breaker operation switch, work mode selection, flow control function
10-700 14 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
700 Electrical system
Attachment proportional switch, breaker operation switch, work mode selection, flow control function SEN04612-01
Symbol at work
mode changeover Work mode
switch section
Attachment mode: Attachment pro-
Lights up (a)
portional switch becomes effective
Breaker mode: Breaker operation
Lights up (b)
switch becomes effective
Normal mode: Attachment propor-
Both are off tional switch and breaker operation
switch are ineffective
a If the lighting side of the work mode changeover
switch is depressed again, both sides go off (The
machine is set in the normal mode).
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 10-700 15
700 Electrical system
SEN04612-01 Attachment proportional switch, breaker operation switch, work mode selection, flow control function
(Attachment switch, auto-deceleration specification)
10-700 16 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
700 Electrical system
Attachment proportional switch, breaker operation switch, work mode selection, flow control function SEN04612-01
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 10-700 17
700 Electrical system
SEN04612-01 Attachment proportional switch, breaker operation switch, work mode selection, flow control function
Signal name Output
82 NC (*) ―
83 ATT mode LED Output
Boom swing neutral sensor power sup-
84 Output
ply, Offset left stop solenoid
85 Motor power supply relay Output
86 Travel alarm Output
87 NC (*) ―
88 NC (*) ―
89 NC (*) ―
90 NC (*) ―
91 Breaker mode LED Output
92 Arm crane rotary lamp drive relay Output
93 2nd travel speed selector relay, solenoid Output
94 Bucket dump stop solenoid Output
95 NC (*) ―
96 NC (*) ―
97 NC (*) ―
98 Height limit LED Output
99 NC (*) ―
100 Height limit rotary lamp drive relay Output
101 Motor drive relay (–) Output
102 Boom raise stop EPC Output
103 ATT (Port B) EPC Output
104 NC (*) ―
105 NC (*) ―
106 Auto-deceleration LED Output
107 PPC lock solenoid Output
108 NC (*) ―
109 Motor drive relay (+) Output
110 Arm in stop EPC Output
111 ATT (Port A) EPC, Arm dump EPC Output
112 NC (*) ―
113 NC (*) ―
114 Solenoid load return Input
115 Solenoid load return Input
116 Battery relay secondary power supply Input
117 Solenoid load return Input
118 Solenoid load return Input
119 NC (*) ―
120 Solenoid load return Input
121 Battery relay secondary power supply Input
* : Never connect to NC or malfunctions or failures
will occur.
10-700 18 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
700 Electrical system
Attachment proportional switch, breaker operation switch, work mode selection, flow control function SEN04612-01
1. Knob
2. Dial
3. Spring
4. Ball
5. Potentiometer
6. Connector
q The fuel control dial is installed to the right con-
sole box. Potentiometer (5) is installed under
knob (1). If knob (1) is rotated, the shaft of poten-
tiometer (5) is rotated.
q The resistance of the variable resistor in potenti-
ometer (5) changes and a throttle signal is sent
to the controller.
q The hatched areas in the graph is the abnormal-
ity detection areas. In those areas, the engine
speed is set to high idle.
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 10-700 19
700 Electrical system
SEN04612-01 Attachment proportional switch, breaker operation switch, work mode selection, flow control function
10-700 20 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
700 Electrical system
KOMTRAX system SEN04612-01
KOMTRAX system
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 10-700 21
700 Electrical system
SEN04612-01 KOMTRAX system
KOMTRAX terminal
q The KOMTRAX terminal can obtain various
kinds of information from network signals or in-
put signals in the machine and transmit them
through the wireless communication antenna. It
has a CPU (Central Processing Unit) in it and
also has wireless communication function and
GPS (Global Positioning System) function.
q This terminal has LED lamps and 7-segment in-
dicator lamps used for inspection and trouble-
shooting on its unit.
10-700 22 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
700 Electrical system
KOMTRAX system SEN04612-01
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 10-700 23
700 Electrical system
SEN04612-01 Component parts of system
Machine monitor
a See “Monitor system”.
10-700 24 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
700 Electrical system
Monitor system SEN04612-01
Monitor system
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 10-700 25
700 Electrical system
SEN04612-01 Monitor system
Machine monitor
q The machine monitor has the monitor display function, gauge display function and service meter function.
q The machine monitor has a CPU (Central Processing Unit) in it to process, display, and output the infor-
q If there is a trouble in the machine monitor unit, the monitor does not display normally.
10-700 26 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
700 Electrical system
Monitor system SEN04612-01
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 10-700 27
700 Electrical system
SEN04612-01 Sensors
q The signals from the sensors are input to the panel directly.
q The sensors are classified into contact type and resistance type.
q Either side of a sensor of contact type is always connected to the chassis ground.
Display category Sensor name Type of sensor When normal When abnormal
Caution Engineoil pressure Contact OFF (Open) ON (Closed)
Coolant temperature Resistance ― ―
Fuel level Resistance ― ―
1. Plug 4. Diaphragm
2. Contact ring 5. Spring
3. Contact 6. Terminal
q The engine oil pressure sensor is installed to the engine cylinder block and its diaphragm senses oil pres-
sure. If the oil pressure lowers below the set level, the switch is turned ON.
1. Connector 3. Thermistor
2. Plug
q The coolant temperature sensor is installed to the engine cylinder block. It senses changes of temperature
as changes of resistance of the thermistor in it, and then generates signals according to the measured
10-700 28 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
700 Electrical system
Sensors SEN04612-01
1. Float
2. Arm
3. Variable resistor
4. Connector
q The fuel level sensor is installed to the top of the fuel tank and its float moves up and down according to
the fuel level in the tank.
The movement of the float operates the variable resistor through the arm. As a result, signals of change
in resistance are generated.
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 10-700 29
700 Electrical system
SEN04612-01 Sensors
q The PPC pressure sensor is installed to the con-
trol valve joint of the pilot circuit. It detects pilot
pressure and outputs a variable voltage.
10-700 30 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
700 Electrical system
Sensors SEN04612-01
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 10-700 31
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 07-09
10-700 32
• Engine coolant temperature: Within
operating range
• Relief of 1 pump: Relieve bucket circuit.
Speed when 2 pumps are relieved Min. 2,150 Min. 2,150
• Relief of 2 pumps: Relieve bucket and
swing circuits.
Boom control valve
Stroke of control valve spool
• Hydraulic oil
temperature: When all levers are in 3.23 ± 0.49 3.23 ± 0.49
neutral {33 ± 5} {33 ± 5}
Oil pressure
45 – 55°C
• Run engine at full MPa
LS differential pressure
throttle. {kg/cm2}
While bucket is curled
• Pump outlet 1.57 ± 0.1 1.57 ± 0.1
with no load
pressure – {16 ± 1} {16 ± 1}
(full throttle)
LS pressure
a For measuring posture, see Fig. B at
end of this section.
• No load, max. reach
• Run engine at full throttle.
deg. Max. 40 50
Overrun of swing • Hydraulic oil temperature: 45 – 55°C
(mm) (–) (–)
• Stop after swinging 1 turn and measure
shifting distance of swing circle.
• Value in ( ) is shifting distance of outside
of swing circle.
Max. 30 30
Hydraulic drift
• Stop engine
• Hydraulic oil temperature: 45 – 55°C
• Bucket: Rated load
Boom swing cylinder
(Rated load: 1,422 N {145 kg})
(Retraction and extension of Max. 20 30
• Set machine in above position on slope
of 15° with upper structure at right angle
to its body and measure retraction and
extension of cylinder for 15 minutes.
• Stop engine
Blade (Hydraulic drift of blade • Hydraulic oil temperature: 45 – 55°C
mm Max. 30 45
tip) • Measure hydraulic drift of blade tip from
maximum raising height for 15 minutes.
• Engine coolant temperature: Within
operating range
• Relief of 1 pump: Relieve bucket circuit.
Speed when 2 pumps are relieved Min. 2,150 Min. 2,150
• Relief of 2 pumps: Relieve bucket and
swing circuits.
Boom control valve
Stroke of control valve spool
• Hydraulic oil
temperature: When all levers are in 3.23 ± 0.49 3.23 ± 0.49
neutral {33 ± 5} {33 ± 5}
Oil pressure
45 – 55°C
• Run engine at full MPa
LS differential pressure
throttle. {kg/cm2}
While bucket is curled
• Pump outlet 1.57 ± 0.1 1.57 ± 0.1
with no load
pressure – {16 ± 1} {16 ± 1}
(full throttle)
LS pressure
a For measuring posture, see Fig. B at
end of this section.
• No load, max. reach
• Run engine at full throttle.
deg. Max. 40 50
Overrun of swing • Hydraulic oil temperature: 45 – 55°C
(mm) (–) (–)
• Stop after swinging 1 turn and measure
shifting distance of swing circle.
• Value in ( ) is shifting distance of outside
of swing circle.
Max. 30 30
Hydraulic drift
• Stop engine
• Hydraulic oil temperature: 45 – 55°C
• Bucket: Rated load
Boom swing cylinder
(Rated load: 1,422 N {145 kg})
(Retraction and extension of Max. 20 30
• Set machine in above position on slope
of 15° with upper structure at right angle
to its body and measure retraction and
extension of cylinder for 15 minutes.
• Stop engine
Blade (Hydraulic drift of blade • Hydraulic oil temperature: 45 – 55°C
mm Max. 30 45
tip) • Measure hydraulic drift of blade tip from
maximum raising height for 15 minutes.
a Fig. A a Fig. D
a Fig. B a Fig. E
a Fig. C a Fig. F
a Fig. G a Fig. J
a Fig. H a Fig. K
a Fig. I a Fig. L
a Fig. M a Fig. P
a Fig. N
a Fig. O
a Fig. Q
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 05-08 (01)
20-100 20
Testing/Adjusting item bol Part No. Part Name Q’ty Remarks
Testing engine speed A 799-205-1100 Tachometer kit 1 Digital display: 6.0 – 99,999.9 rpm
799-101-5002 Oil pressure gauge kit 1 Pressure gauge: 2.5, 6, 40, 60 MPa
(Analog) {25, 60, 400, 600 kg/cm2}
Testing engine oil pres- 1
sure F 790-261-1204 Oil pressure gauge kit 1 Pressure gauge: 60 MPa {600 kg/cm2}
2 799-401-2320 Oil pressure gauge 1 Pressure gauge: 1 MPa {10 kg/cm2}
1 795-111-1140 Adapter 1
2 795-111-1150 Clamp 1
Testing and adjusting
fuel injection timing 3 Commercially Dial gauge 1
4 795-111-1160 Extension rod 1
799-101-5002 Oil pressure gauge kit 1 Pressure gauge: 2.5, 6, 40, 60 MPa
Testing and adjusting oil (Analog) {25, 60, 400, 600 kg/cm2}
pressures in work Oil pressure gauge kit
equipment, travel, G 790-261-1204 1 Pressure gauge: 60 MPa {600 kg/cm2}
boom swing, swing, and
blade circuits 799-101-5220 Nipple 1 10 × 1.25 mm
07002-11023 O-ring 1 —
799-101-5002 Oil pressure gauge kit 1 Pressure gauge: 2.5, 6, 40, 60 MPa
(Analog) {25, 60, 400, 600 kg/cm2}
790-261-1204 Oil pressure gauge kit 1 Pressure gauge: 60 MPa {600 kg/cm2}
799-101-5220 Nipple 2 10 × 1.25 mm
Testing LS differential 2
pressure H 07002-11023 O-ring 2 —
Testing/Adjusting item bol Part No. Part Name Q’ty Remarks
or T-adapter assembly 1
Diagnosis for chassis
side sensor, actuator — For ECONO *3 (Max. 21P)
and harness 799-601-2600 • T-adapter 1
(Excl. 799-601-7000)
799-601-7090 • T-adapter 1 For M2P
799-601-7110 • T-adapter For M3P
799-601-7050 • T-adapter For SWP6P (Excl. 799-601-8000)
799-601-7060 • T-adapter For SWP8P (Excl. 799-601-8000)
Testing/Adjusting item bol Part No. Part Name Q’ty Remarks
Testing engine speed 1 4. Run the engine and measure the engine speed
under the following condition.
1) Measuring low idle and high idle speeds:
a Measuring instruments for engine speed Set the fuel control lever to the low idle
Symbol Part No. Part Name and high idle positions and measure the
engine speed.
A 799-205-1100 Tachometer kit
2) Measuring pump relief engine speed:
a Measure the engine speed under the following Lock the work equipment or travel system
condition. to relieve the main pump, run the engine
q Engine coolant temperature: at full throttle, and measure the engine
Within operating range speed.
q Hydraulic oil temperature : 45 – 55°C
Testing and adjusting valve 4. Watching the movement of the valve of the No.
clearance 1
1 cylinder (on the flywheel side), rotate the
crankshaft forward to match stamp line (a) of
the flywheel housing to stamp line (b) of fly-
a Measuring and adjusting tools for valve clear- wheel No. 4.
ance a The cylinder on the flywheel side is the
Symbol Part No. Part Name No. 1 cylinder.
a When the cylinder piston is at the com-
Clearance gauge pression top dead center, the rocker arms
of both intake valve and exhaust valve can
1. Tilt up the floor frame. be moved by the valve clearance. If the
For details, see “How to open and close (tilt) rocker arms do not move, rotate the crank-
floor”. shaft 1 more turn.
a It is easy to confirm it when using a mirror
2. Remove cylinder head cover (1). [1].
3. Remove the inspection window cap (2) of the 5. Insert clearance gauge D between rocker arm
flywheel housing. (3) and valve cap (4) to check the valve clear-
Testing and adjusting fuel 3) Calculate the fuel injection timing angle.
injection timing 1
q The FIR No. depends on the engine
model No.
q The engine model is stamped on the
a Testing and adjusting tools for fuel injection engine nameplate.
timing q Substitute the injection timing No. on
Symbol Part No. Part Name the side of the fuel injection and the
FIR No. in the following calculation
1 795-111-1140 Adapter
2 795-111-1150 Clamp (Fuel injection pump injection timing
Q Commercially No. x 2) + FIR No. = Fuel injection
3 Dial gauge
available timing angle
4 795-111-1160 Extension rod a Example of engine model No.
4D88E-6 having injection timing
1. Setting standard value of fuel injection tim- No. “68”
ing (6.8 × 2) + 4.5 = 13.6 + 4.5
1) Check and record the fuel injection timing = 18.1°
No. of the fuel injection pump indicated on (Fuel injection timing angle)
boss (2) on the engine side of fuel injec-
tion pump housing (1). Consider that 2. Testing fuel injection timing
there is a decimal point in the injection tim- a Some fuel may leak from the fuel injection
ing value. For example, handle 68 as 6.8. pump during the following work. Prepare
a container to receive the leaking fuel
before starting the work.
1) Close the fuel tank valve.
2) Close the water separator handle.
3) Clean the top of the fuel injection pump so
that dirt will not enter when the plunger
plug of the fuel injection pump is removed.
4) Remove fuel injection pump plunger plug
(3) on the top front side of the fuel injec-
tion pump.
5) Install dial indicator adapter Q1 to the 7) Put a wrench on the crankshaft pulley
opening of the fuel injection pump plunger mounting bolt and rotate the crankshaft
and set clamp Q2 to Q1. clockwise, seeing from the gear case side,
until the injection timing mark on the fly-
wheel side is seen through inspection win-
dow (4) of the flywheel.
a If the timing scale angle on the flywheel is 10) Check timing mark (j) to be adjusted on
clear, the timing angle can be obtained by the flywheel side according to the calcula-
measuring the timing scale. tion result of “Setting standard value of
q First, measure the distance between the 2 long fuel injection timing”.
divisions (5° apart from each other). Next,
measure the distance between the TDC mark
and the long division nearest to the TDC mark.
Divide this value with the distance between the
2 long divisions. From the division result, you
can obtain the angle between the TDC mark
and the division nearest to it.
q Example:
If the distance between the 2 long divisions is
about 2.0 cm and the distance between the
TDC mark and the long division near to it is
about 4.0 cm, the division result is about 2.
From this, the angle between the TDC mark
and the long division near to it is 10° (2 × 5°).
As a result, it is seen that the 1st long division 11) Rotate the crankshaft counterclockwise
shows 10° BTDC, the 2nd long division 15° until the dial indicator indicates that the
BTDC, and 3rd long division 20° BTDC. If the fuel injection pump plunger is at the lowest
division result is 3, the angle between the TDC position of the moving stroke. Rotate the
mark and the first long division is 15° (3 × 5°), crankshaft a little to the right and left and
and the 1st long division shows 15° BTDC, the find a point where the dial indicator does
2nd long division 20° BTDC, and 3rd long divi- not move at all and then set the dial indi-
sion 25° BTDC. cator to zero.
12) Rotate the crankshaft counterclockwise
9) Check the timing datum mark (g) of the fly- slowly until the dial indicator indicates that
wheel housing and the TDC (Top Dead the fuel injection pump plunger is raised
Center) mark stamped on flywheel (5). by 2.5 mm.
13) See where timing mark (j) to be set on the
flywheel side (determined by the above
procedure) is for timing datum mark (g) of
the flywheel housing. If timing mark (j) is
at the target timing division mark, the fuel
injection timing is proper. If not, adjust
according to “Adjusting fuel injection tim-
14) If the injection timing is proper, remove the
dial indicator and adapter and return the
removed parts.
3 Plunger plug:
30 – 35 Nm {3.1 – 3.6 kgm}
3. Adjusting fuel injection timing 4) Loosen the 3 nuts securing the fuel injec-
As a result of “Testing fuel injection timing”, if tion pump to the gear case or front plate
the timing mark is not set properly, adjust it and the rear bracket of the fuel injection
according to the following procedure to correct pump.
the fuel injection timing. a If the fuel high-pressure pipe nuts of
1) Keep the dial indicator installed to the fuel the fuel injection pump are loosened,
injection pump and take care that the the pump can be rotated easily.
pointer of the dial gauge will not move. 5) Rotate the fuel injection pump until the dial
2) Rotate the flywheel until timing mark (j) to gauge indicates 2.5 mm.
be set is matched to timing datum mark q To “advance” the fuel injection timing,
(g) of the flywheel. rotate the fuel injection pump and
a Do not rotate the crankshaft during bring its top away from the engine.
the following procedure. q To “delay” the fuel injection timing,
rotate the fuel injection pump and
bring its top near the engine.
6) If the timing mark to be set on the flywheel
is matched to the datum mark on the fly-
wheel housing or engine back plate while
the dial gauge is indicating that the lift of
the fuel injection pump plunger is 2.5 mm,
the fuel injection timing is proper.
7) Tighten the fuel injection pump mounting
nuts and rear bracket.
3 Fuel injection pump mounting nut:
23 – 28 Nm {2.3 – 2.9 kgm}
3 Fuel high-pressure pipe nut:
29 – 34 Nm {3.0 – 3.5 kgm}
3) Check the value indicated by dial gauge 8) Remove the dial gauge and adapter and
Q3. return the removed parts.
q If the indicated value is less than 2.5 3 Plunger plug:
2. Press the intermediate point between the 2. Using a bar, move alternator (6) toward the
crankshaft pulley (1) and fan pulley (2) with a front of the machine and tighten belt tension
force of about 98 N {10 kg}. If the belt (3) adjustment bolt (4).
deflection at this time is 7 – 10 mm, the belt
tension is normal. 3. Tighten alternator mounting nut (5).
Testing clearance in swing circle 4. Hold the arm nearly perpendicular to the
bearings 1
ground, and lower the boom until the track
shoes will be lifted at the machine front.
a The upper structure is raised at the front
a Measuring instruments for swing circle bearing and lowered at the rear at that time.
Symbol Part No. Part Name 5. Read off the value in dial gauge P in this condi-
P Dial gauge a The value indicated in dial gauge P
expresses clearance in the bearings.
a Follow the steps explained below, when mea-
suring clearance in the swing circle bearing in
the actual machine.
k Be careful not to put a hand or foot under
the track shoe, while taking measurement.
Testing and adjusting oil 2) Install nipple G2 and connect oil pressure
pressures in work equipment, gauge G1 (40 MPa {400 kg/cm2}) by hose
travel, boom swing, swing, and
blade circuits 1
a Hydraulic oil temperature for measurement:
45 – 55°C
2. Adjusting main relief valves of swing and 4) Referring to the section of measuring,
blade circuits check the relief pressure again.
a The set pressure of the safety valve of the
swing motor is lower than that of the main
relief valve. Accordingly, the relief pres-
sure of only the blade circuit is obtained.
1) Swing the upper structure to direct the
work equipment valve side toward the rear
of the machine.
a Access from a hole (1).
a Under the work equipment valve at
underside of the machine.
H 799-101-5220 Nipple
07002-11023 O-ring
3 799-401-2701 Differential pressure gauge
799-401-2930 Adapter
02896-11009 O-ring
a Remove the triangular cover from the left rear
of the machine.
Measuring with oil pressure gauge 3. Run the engine at full throttle and measure the
a Since the differential pressure is 1.96 MPa {20 pump discharge pressure under the condition
kg/cm2} at maximum, measure it with the same for measuring with the differential pressure
oil pressure gauges. gauge.
a Read the gauge pointer accurately from
1. Referring to "Measuring with differential pres- the front side of the gauge.
sure gauge", steps 1 and 2, prepare for con-
nection of the oil pressure gauge. 4. Run the engine at full throttle and measure the
LS pressure under the condition for measuring
2. Install nipple H2 and connect oil pressure with the differential pressure gauge.
gauge [2] (40 MPa {400 kg/cm2}) of H1 by hose a Read the gauge pointer accurately from
[1]. the front side of the gauge.
a Use oil pressure gauges having minimum
divisions of 1 MPa {10 kg/cm2}. 5. Calculate the LS differential pressure from the
pump discharge pressure and LS pressure.
a LS differential pressure = Pump discharge
pressure – LS pressure
a If the LS differential pressure is abnormal,
adjust the LS valve according to the above pro-
1. Loosen locknut (2) of LS valve (1) and turn
adjustment screw (3).
a If the adjustment screw is
q Turned to the right, the pressure is
q Turned to the left, the pressure is
3 Locknut:
2. After adjusting, tighten locknut (2).
Adjusting PC valve 1
Testing and adjusting control 2. Install nipple K2 and connect hose [1] to oil
pump circuit oil pressure 1
pressure gauge K1 (6 MPa {60 kg/cm2}).
a Hydraulic oil temperature for measurement:
45 – 55°C
a Remove the triangular cover from the left rear
of the machine.
Testing solenoid valve output 3. Connect oil pressure gauge [3] (6 MPa {60 kg/
pressure 1
cm2}) by hydraulic hose [2].
a Hydraulic oil temperature for measurement:
45 – 55°C
a Measure the pressure at the outlet of each
solenoid valve.
No. Solenoid valve to be measured
1 PPC lock solenoid valve
2 2nd travel speed selection solenoid valve
1 PPC lock
+ 0.49
Lock lever: 2.94 – 0.1
{30 – 1 }
2nd travel
speed selection OFF 0{0}
2nd travel pedal: OFF
2 speed
selection 2nd travel + 0.49
2.94 – 0.1
speed selection ON +5
pedal: ON {30 – 1 }
Testing PPC valve output 3. Connect oil pressure gauge [3] (6 MPa {60 kg/
pressure 1
cm2} by hydraulic hose [2].
a Measure the PPC valve output pressure when 4. Tilt down the floor frame.
the work equipment speed or swing speed is For details, see “How to open and close (tilt)
low or the work equipment does not move. floor”.
a Hydraulic oil temperature for measurement:
45 – 55°C 5. Run the engine at full throttle, operate the lever
(pedal) of the circuit to be measured, and mea-
1. Tilt up the floor frame. sure the PPC valve output pressure.
For details, see “How to open and close (tilt)
a Measuring instruments for swing holding brake 5. Run the engine at full throttle, swing to right or
release pressure left or move the arm IN, and measure the
Symbol Part No. Part Name swing holding brake release pressure.
Oil pressure gauge kit
Oil pressure gauge kit
M 790-261-1204
799-401-3100 Adapter
02896-11008 O-ring
a Hydraulic oil temperature for measurement:
45 – 55°C
Testing Adjusting
1. Set the machine to the travel posture. a If the machine deviates, it can be corrected by
a Extend the bucket cylinder and arm cylin- partially draining the oil discharged more from
der to the stroke end and set the boom the pump through the adjustment plug. (If the
angle to 45°. travel deviation is corrected by this method,
however, the pump discharge is reduced. As a
result, the travel speed, work equipment speed
in compound operation, and relief pressure
may lower.)
2. Check the locations of adjustment plugs (1) 7. Check the travel deviation again according to
and (2) of the main pump. the above described testing procedure. If it is
q (1): Right deviation adjustment plug not corrected completely, adjust it again.
q (2): Left deviation adjustment plug a Do not adjust more than the adjustment
limit of the adjustment plug (2 turns/720°).
Testing oil leakage from work 2. Disconnect the hose on the head side and plug
equipment cylinder 1
the hose on the chassis side.
q Hose (1): Boom cylinder
q Hose (2): Arm cylinder
a Measuring instruments for oil leakage from q Hose (3): Bucket cylinder
work equipment cylinder k Take care not to disconnect the hose
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Note: Bleed air from the swing motor and travel motor only after the oil in the motor cases is drained.
5. Pressurizing hydraulic tank 2. Turn the starting switch ON and set the PPC
1) Before pressurizing the hydraulic tank, lock lever in the reset position.
check the hydraulic oil level. a If the power is not supplied to the PPC
2) Referring to “Pressurizing hydraulic tank”, lock valve, the PPC lock valve does not
pressurize the hydraulic tank. operate. Accordingly, be sure to turn the
starting switch ON.
hydraulic tank 1
2. Loosen the oil filler cap of the hydraulic tank 2. Stop the engine and open the oil filler cap of
gradually to release the pressure from the the hydraulic tank and tighten it again.
3. Start the engine and lower the work equipment
to the ground.
a The hydraulic tank is pressurized by the
above operation.
8. Close the engine rear cover (3). 10. After the floor rises, push up handle (8) until
lock pin (9) is fitted to lock groove (11) of lock
9. Open inspection window (6). While pulling plate (10).
floor lock release lever (7) in the direction of a When lock pin (9) moves to lock groove
the arrow with the left hand, push up handle (8) (11), the 1st locking is completed.
with the right hand in the direction of the arrow
(about 45°). 11. Insert 2nd lock pin (12) in lock hole (13)
q Machine with canopy: The floor and can- securely.
opy rise together.
q Machine with cab: The floor and cab rise 12. Ensure that the lock hook at the top of lock pin
together. (12) is hitched on pin (14) at the insertion sec-
a If the floor does not rise, release lever (7) tion and does not come off.
is not in the release position. In this case, a Check that lock pin (12) is hitched on pin
pull back handle (8) with the right hand (14) and does not come off.
and perform the above procedure again.
k Do not put any part of your body under
the floor while opening or closing the
a Since the gas cylinder assists you in
opening the floor, the operating effort is
increased when the ambient temperature
is low. Take care.
a Cab specification
7) Check that the 7-segment indicator lamp a Go to the next step if you can check
of the KOMTRAX terminal is displaying that the display is “normal”.
normally. a If the display is “abnormal”, repeat
a If the indication is normal, the 7-seg- from procedure 2) again. (“–” is dis-
ment indicator lamp (a) is displayed played continuously.)
for 30 seconds after 6) is completed. 8) Turn the starting switch to the START
(“d”, “0” and “–” are displayed repeat- position, keep it more than 5 seconds, and
edly.) check that the engine does not start.
q Display of the 2nd letter “0” may a If the engine starts, repeat from pro-
be different from the first. cedure 2).
q Display of the 3rd letter “–” a If the engine starts again, the engine
changes 30 seconds after the start lock function does not work nor-
operation of 6). mally. Stop the inspection and check
of the relays and wiring harnesses for
9) Return the starting switch to the ON posi-
tion and keep it there for 5 seconds.
a Do not return the starting switch to
the OFF position.
10) Turn the starting switch to the START
position again and ensure that the engine
11) Check that the 7-segment indicator lamp
of the KOMTRAX terminal is indicating
normally without stopping the engine.
a Go to the next step if you ensured
that the display is [normal]. (It takes
from 90 seconds to 15 minutes before
the display turns normal.)
a If [GPS position data detection trou-
ble ([B] in next page) is indicated,
check if there is any external abnor-
mality on the GPS antenna or cable.
If there is any abnormality, repair it
and repeat from procedure 1) again.
a If [Reception trouble ([C] in next
page)] is indicated, check if there is
any external abnormality on the
appearance of the communication
antenna or cable. If there is any
abnormality, repair it then repeat from
procedure 1) again.
a If [GPS position data detection trou-
ble and reception trouble ([B] and [C]
in next page)] is indicated, check if
there is any external abnormality on
the GPS antenna or cable and com-
munication antenna or cable. If there
is any abnormality, repair it and
repeat from procedure 1) again.
a If [Network trouble] is indicated,
check the display of [LED-4] referring
to “Lamp display of KOMTRAX termi-
nal”. (If CAN is not recognized, check
the CAN harness of the KOMTRAX
terminal, and then if there is any
abnormality, repair it and repeat from
procedure 1) again.)
[A]: Normal finish (It takes at least 90 seconds 12) Turn the starting switch OFF.
for the system to display this) 13) Check that the 7-segment indicator lamp
[B]: GPS position data detection trouble is indicating normally in 10 seconds.
“Check the GPS antenna and cable for a If you checked that the display is
external abnormality.” [Normal], that is the end of the sign-
(It takes 90 seconds – 5 minutes) up test.
[C]: Incomplete receiving a If the display shows [Abnormal],
“Check the communication antenna and r ep eat fr om pr oc ed ur e 1) a gai n
cable for external abnormality.” because the sign-up test has not
(It takes 30 seconds – 1 minute) been completed successfully.
[D]: Network trouble or wiring harness trouble
“The network type selection input does not
agree with the obtained network data.”
“Check the machine wiring for an error.”
In the KOMTRAX system, various information and processing details are displayed on the LED of the upper
surface of the KOMTRAX terminal. Therefore, if a defect is suspected in the system, perform the following
q Check of antennas
q Check of terminal LED displays
Application for the start of use and sign-up test on the machine side must be completed in advance in order
to use KOMTRAX system.
Check of antennas
a Before checking the LED displays, check that there is no abnormality around the communication
antenna and GPS antenna.
q The communication antenna must not be off or damaged.
q The communication antenna cable must not be broken and must be connected to the KOMTRAX termi-
nal normally.
q The GPS antenna must not be off or damaged.
q The GPS antenna cable must not be broken and must be connected to the KOMTRAX terminal nor-
*2 It may take more than 1 minute from turning on the starting switch to the completion of positioning even
in an outdoor place where radio wave can reach.
Positioning is impossible in areas with extremely weak radio waves or areas beyond the reach of radio
1. Turn the starting switch to the OFF position.
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30-100 60
40 Troubleshooting 40
k Stop the machine in a level place, and check that the safety pin, blocks, and parking brake are
securely fitted.
k When carrying out the operation with 2 or more workers, keep strictly to the agreed signals, and
do not allow any unauthorized person to come near.
k If the radiator cap is removed when the engine is hot, hot coolant may spurt out and cause
burns, so wait for the engine to cool down before starting troubleshooting.
k Be extremely careful not to touch any hot parts or to get caught in any rotating parts.
k When disconnecting wiring, always disconnect the negative (–) terminal of the battery first.
k When removing the plug or cap from a location which is under pressure from oil, water, or air,
always release the internal pressure first. When installing measuring equipment, be sure to con-
nect it properly.
The aim of troubleshooting is to pinpoint the basic cause of the failure, to carry out repairs swiftly, and to pre-
vent reoccurrence of the failure. When carrying out troubleshooting, an important point is of course to under-
stand the structure and function. However, a short cut to effective troubleshooting is to ask the operator
various questions to form some idea of possible causes of the failure that would produce the reported symp-
Item Action
1. Check fuel level, type of fuel — Add fuel
2. Check for impurities in fuel — Clean, drain
3. Check for clogging of fuel filter cartridge — Replace
4. Check engine oil level in oil pan, type of oil — Add oil
Lubricating oil,
Classification of troubleshooting
Mode Contents
E-mode Troubleshooting for electrical system
H-mode Troubleshooting for hydraulic and mechanical system
S-mode Troubleshooting for engine unit
Problem that appears on machine
Information related to detected trouble or troubleshooting
<Described contents>
• Standard value in normal state to judge assumed cause
(good or not)
1 • Remarks required to judge whether the cause is good
No. Possible fault
E-mode H-mode S-mode
26 When work equipment lock lever is set in LOCK position, work equipment still E-14
27 Speed or power of boom is low H-6
28 Speed or power of arm is low H-7
29 Speed or power of bucket is low H-8
30 Speed or power of boom swing is low H-9
31 Work equipment does not move singly H-10
32 Hydraulic drift of work equipment is large H-11
33 Time lag of work equipment is large H-12
No. Possible fault
E-mode H-mode S-mode
34 In compound operation of work equipment, speed of part loaded more is low H-13
Possible faults related to travel
35 Machine deviates during travel H-14
36 Speed or power of travel is low (While work equipment operates normally) H-15
37 Machine is not steered well or steering power is low H-16
38 Travel speed does not change H-17
39 Travel motor does not work H-18
Possible faults related to swing
40 Speed or power of swing is low H-19
41 Machine does not swing H-20
42 Swing acceleration is low H-21
43 Machine overruns when it stops swinging H-22
44 Large shock is made when machine stops swinging H-23
45 Large sound is made when machine stops swinging H-24
46 Hydraulic drift of swing is large H-25
Possible fault related to blade
47 Speed or power of blade is low H-26
48 Blade does not move H-27
49 Hydraulic drift of blade is large H-28
Possible fault related to monitor panel
50 When starting switch is turned ON, any item does not operate E-3
51 When starting switch is turned ON, some items do not operate E-4
52 Alarm buzzer is abnormal E-5
53 Engine oil pressure caution is turned ON E-6
54 Charge level caution is turned ON E-7
55 Preheating system does not operate or preheater does not become hot E-8
56 Coolant temperature gauge is abnormal E-9
57 Fuel level gauge is abnormal E-10
58 Service meter does not operate while engine is running E-11
59 2nd travel speed is not selected E-12
60 Working lamp does not light up E-13
Other possible faults
61 Windshield wiper does not operate E-15
62 Windshield washer does not operate E-16
63 Defective air conditioner E-17
64 KOMTRAX system does not operate normally E-18
a The terms of male and female refer to the pins, while the terms of male housing and female housing
refer to the mating portion of the housing.
a The vertical column indicates a part number of T-branch box or T-branch adapter while the horizontal
column indicates a part number of harness checker assembly.
T-adapter kit
Number of pins
Out of kit
Part No. Part name
T-adapter kit
Number of pins
Out of kit
Part No. Part name
T-adapter kit
Number of pins
Out of kit
Part No. Part name
799-601-9330 Case q
799-601-9340 Case q
799-601-9350 Adapter for DRC 40 DRC-40 q
799-601-9360 Adapter for DRC 24 DRC-24 q
799-601-9410* Socket for engine (CRI-T2) 2 G q
Adapter for engine (CRI-T2)
799-601-9420 Adapter for engine (CRI-T3) PFUEL 3 A3 q q
Oil pressure sensor
Socket for engine (CRI-T2)
799-601-9430* 2 P q q
Socket for engine (CRI-T3) PCV
799-601-9440* Socket for engine (CRI-T2) 3 1,2,3 q
795-799-5520* Socket for engine (HPI-T2) 2 S q
Socket for engine (HPI-T2)
795-799-5530* Socket for engine (CRI-T3) 2 C q q
Temperature sensor
Socket for engine (HPI-T2)
795-799-5540* 2 A q q
Socket for engine (CRI-T3) TIM
795-799-5460 Cable for engine (HPI-T2) 3 — q
795-799-5470 Cable for engine (HPI-T2) 3 — q
795-799-5480 Cable for engine (HPI-T2) 3 — q
799-601-4110 Adapter for engine (140-T3) PIM 4 ITT3N q q
799-601-4130 Adapter for engine (CRI-T3) NE, CAM 3 FCIN q q
Adapter for engine (CRI-T3)
799-601-4140 3 FCIG q q
Atomosphere pressure
799-601-4150 Adapter for engine (CRI-T3) POIL 3 FCIB q q
Adapter for engine (CRI-T3)
799-601-4160 2 4160 q q
Oil pressure switch
799-601-4180 Adapter for engine (CRI-T3) PEVA 3 4180 q q
Socket for engine (CRI-T3)
799-601-4190* 3 1,2,3L q q
Commonrail pressure
Socket for engine (CRI-T3)
799-601-4230* 4 1,2,3,4C q q
Air intake pressure/temperature
799-601-4240* Socket for engine (CRI-T3) PAMB 3 1,2,3A q q
799-601-4250* Socket for engine (CRI-T3) PIM 3 1,2,3B q q
799-601-4330* Socket for engine (CRI-T3) G 3 1,2,3,G q q
Socket for engine (CRI-T3)
799-601-4340* 2 2,PA q q
Pump actuator
Socket for engine (CRI-T3)(95)
799-601-4380* 4 1,2,3,4T q
Air intake pressure/temperature
799-601-4260 Adapter for controller (ENG) 4 DTP4 q q
799-601-4211 Adapter for controller (ENG) 50 DRC50 q
799-601-4220 Adapter for controller (ENG) 60 DRC60 q
799-601-4390* Socket for controller (95 ENG) 60 — q
799-601-4280 Box for controller (PUMP) 121 — q
799-601-9720 Adapter for controller (HST) 16 HST16A q
799-601-9710 Adapter for controller (HST) 16 HST16B q
799-601-9730 Adapter for controller (HST) 26 HST26A q
Multi-adapter for
799-601-9890 3, — q
DT2 – 4 and DTM2
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40-100 50
40 Troubleshooting 40
• Engine does not start (Starting motor does not rotat).
• Since the engine starting circuit has a locking function, the engine cannot start if the PPC lock lever
Relative (lock lever) is not in the LOCK position.
information • The lock lever is installed to the right and left side of the canopy specification and to the left side of
the cab specification.
• Engine does not start (Fault in engine stop solenoid).
• The starting motor rotates but the engine does not start.
• Engine does not start (Fuel pump system).
• Carry out following troubleshooting when engine stop solenoid system is normal.
• Engine does not stop.
E-3 When starting switch is turned ON, any item does not operate 1
• When the starting switch is turned from OFF to ON, the following faults occur in the self-check of the
monitor panel.
Failure 1) The warning lamps and indicators do not light up (for 3 seconds).
information 2) The buzzer does not sound (for 1 second).
• The fuel level gauge and coolant temperature gauge do not operate even a while after the starting
switch is turned ON.
Relative • Before starting troubleshooting, check that fuses No. (3) – (13) and No. (8) – (18) and fusible link are
information not broken.
E-4 When starting switch is turned ON, some items do not operate 1
• When the starting switch is turned from OFF to ON, the following faults occur in the self-check of the
monitor panel.
Failure 1) Some warning lamps and indicators do not light up (for 3 seconds).
information 2) The buzzer does not sound (for 1 second).
• The fuel level gauge and coolant temperature gauge do not operate even a while after the starting
switch is turned ON.
• Distinguish this fault from “E-3 When starting switch is turned ON, any item does not operate”.
• The monitor panel performs the following operations to notify abnormal engine oil pressure while the
Failure engine is running.
information 1) The engine oil pressure caution lamp flashes.
2) The buzzer sounds.
• Check that the engine oil pressure is normal.
• When the starting switch is turned from OFF to ON, the monitor panel performs the following opera-
information tions. This does not indicate a fault.
1) The engine oil pressure caution lamp and charge level caution lamp light up.
2) The buzzer does not sound.
• The monitor panel performs the following operations to notify abnormal charge level while the engine
Failure is running.
information 1) The charge level caution lamp flashes.
2) The buzzer sounds.
• Check that the fan belt tension is normal.
• When the starting switch is turned from OFF to ON, the monitor panel performs the following opera-
information tions. This does not indicate a fault.
1) The engine oil pressure caution lamp and charge level caution lamp light up.
2) The buzzer does not sound.
E-8 Preheating system does not operate or preheater does not become hot1
• When the starting switch is set to HEAT, the following preheating system of the monitor panel does
Failure not operate.
information 1) The preheating indicator flashes (for about 18 seconds).
2) The buzzer sounds at start and end of preheating.
Relative • Check that the fusible link is not broken.
information • Refer to troubleshooting E-3, too.
1) The pointer of the gauge does not move from C on the panel
• When the starting switch is turned ON, the pointer of the gauge does not move from C on the panel.
• Check that the coolant temperature is normal.
• While the starting switch is in OFF, the pointer does not move from C. This is not abnormal.
• Refer to troubleshooting E-3, too.
2) The pointer of the gauge does not move from H on the panel
• When the starting switch is turned ON, the pointer of the gauge does not move from H on the panel.
Relative • Check that the coolant temperature is normal.
information • Refer to troubleshooting E-3, too.
Failure • When the starting switch is turned ON, the temperature indicated by the gauge is very different from
information the actual temperature.
Relative • Check that the coolant temperature is normal.
information • Refer to troubleshooting E-3, too.
1) The pointer of the gauge does not move from E on the panel
• When the starting switch is turned ON, the pointer of the gauge does not move from E on the panel.
• Check that the fuel level is normal.
• While the starting switch is in OFF, the pointer does not move from E. This is not abnormal.
• Refer to troubleshooting E-3, too.
2) The pointer of the gauge does not move from F on the panel
• When the starting switch is turned ON, the pointer of the gauge does not move from F on the panel.
Relative • Check that the fuel level is normal.
information • Refer to troubleshooting E-3, too.
3) Fuel level indicated by gauge is very different from actual oil level
Failure • When the starting switch is turned ON, the fuel level indicated by the gauge is very different from the
information actual temperature.
Relative • Check that the fuel level is normal.
information • Refer to troubleshooting E-3, too.
1) Monitor panel does not respond and 2nd travel speed is not selected
• When the 2nd travel speed selection switch is pressed while the engine is running, the monitor panel
Failure does not make the following responses.
information 1) Turning ON/OFF of 2nd travel speed indicator
2) Changing sound by buzzer (Short sound)
• Working lamp does not light up.
• Refer to troubleshooting E-3, too.
Failure • When work equipment lock (PPC basic pressure lock) lever is set in LOCK, work equipment still
information moves.
• Windshield wiper does not operate.
• The engine can start. (If the engine cannot start, carry out troubleshooting E-1 first.)
• Windshield washer does not operate.
• Before starting troubleshooting, check the liquid level in the tank.
• The windshield wiper operates. (If the windshield wiper does not operate, carry out troubleshooting
E-15 first.)
2) Air does not blow out or air flow rate does not change
• Air does not blow out or air flow rate does not change.
Relative • Check in advance that the fuse is normal and the continuity of the wiring harnesses between the con-
information nectors is normal.
8) Water leaks
• Water leaks.
• KOMTRAX system does not operate normally.
• If KOMTRAX system administrator makes request for checking system on machine side for trouble,
carry out following troubleshooting.
• Even if KOMTRAX system has trouble, that trouble does not particularly appear on machine.
• For details of display, see Testing and adjusting, "Lamp display of KOMTRAX terminal".
• Quick and slow blinking periods are as follows.
Quick blinking: Blinking at periods of about 1 second (Lamp is turned ON and OFF repeatedly at peri-
ods of 0.5 seconds)
Slow blinking: Blinking at periods of about 4 seconds (Lamp is turned ON and OFF repeatedly at peri-
ods of 2 seconds)
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40-200 56
40 Troubleshooting 40
a Troubleshooting table collectively carry the following information. Carry out troubleshooting work after
fully grasping their contents.
Phenomena occurring on machine
Information on occurred failures and troubleshooting
Presumed Cause for presumed
cause and failure <Contents>
standard value (The attached No. for filing • The standard values in normalcy by which to judge “good” or “no
in normalcy and reference purpose good” about presumed causes.
only. It does not stand for • References for making judgement of “good” or “no good”
any priority)
H-1 Speed or power of whole work equipment, travel, swing, and blade
is low 1
a Check the combination of the systems which are low in speed or power according to the following table,
then go to the specified troubleshooting item.
Q: Normal
×: Low in speed or power
Whole Trouble-
work Travel Swing Blade shooting
equipment item
× × × × Go to 1)
× × Q Q Go to 2)
Q Q × × Go to 3)
× Q Q × Go to 4)
Q × Q × Go to 5)
× Q Q Q Go to 6)
1) Speed or power of whole work equipment, travel, swing, and blade is low
• Speed or power of whole work equipment, travel, swing, and blade is low
• Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
Relative • When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.
information • Before starting troubleshooting, check that the electric system (solenoid circuit) is normal.
• If a phenomenon disappears as the engine speed is increased, it is not a fault.
Presumed a Prepare with engine stopped, then run engine at full throttle and
cause and carry out troubleshooting.
standard value
Differential pressure
in normalcy
Oil pressure to be Curl bucket with no
measured Set all levers in
load (Move lever to
neutral stroke end)
Defective adjustment or Difference pressure
malfunction of LS valve between pump dis- 3.2 + 00.98 MPa 1.57 ± 0.1 MPa
charge pressure and + 10 2
LS valve input pres- {33 0 kg/cm } {16 ± 1 kg/cm2}
If the oil pressure ratio does not become normal after adjustment,
the LS valve may have a malfunction or a defect in it. Check it
Referring to Testing and adjusting, “Adjusting PC valve”, adjust the
Defective adjustment or PC valve. If the oil pressure does not become normal after
malfunction of PC valve adjustment, the PC valve may have a malfunction or a defect in it.
Check it directly.
5 Malfunction of servo piston The servo piston may have a malfunction. Check it direction.
If any problem is not detected by the above checks, the cause may
6 Defective piston pump be lowering of performance, malfunction, or internal defect of the
piston pump.
• Engine speed lowers extremely or engine stalls.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.
If the oil pressure does not become normal after adjustment, the
relief valve may have a malfunction or a defect in it. Check it
If any problem is not detected by checks 1 – 6 above, the cause
may be lowering of the engine output. Carry out troubleshooting “S-
7 Lowering of engine output
6 Engine lacks output (or lacks power)” in Troubleshooting of engine
H-3 Whole work equipment, travel system, swing system, and blade do
not work 1
a Check the systems which do not work according to the following table, then go to the specified trouble-
shooting item.
Q: Normal
×: Does not work
Whole Trouble-
work Travel Swing Blade shooting
equipment item
× × × × Go to 1)
× × Q Q Go to 2)
Q Q × × Go to 3)
× Q Q × Go to 4)
Q × Q × Go to 5)
× Q Q Q Go to 6)
1) Whole work equipment, travel system, swing system, and blade do not work
• Whole work equipment, travel system, swing system, and blade do not work.
• Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.
• Before starting troubleshooting, check that the electric system (solenoid circuit) is normal.
• Abnormal sound comes out from around hydraulic pump.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.
• Fine control performance or response is low.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.
Clogging of piston pump If the results of 1 – 4 above are normal, the piston pump orifice plug
orifice plug may be clogged. Check it directly.
• Speed or power of boom is low.
Relative • Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
information • When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.
• Speed or power of arm is low.
Relative • Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
information • When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.
• Speed or power of bucket is low.
Relative • Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
information • When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.
• Speed or power of boom swing is low.
Relative • Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
information • When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.
• Time lag of work equipment is large.
Relative • Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
information • When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.
• In compound operation of work equipment, speed of part loaded more is low.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.
2) Machine deviates when it starts (It does not deviate during ordinary travel)
• Machine deviates when it starts (It does not deviate during ordinary travel).
Relative • Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
information • When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.
• Travel speed or travel power is low (while work equipment is normal).
• Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.
• Check that the machine does not deviate during travel.
4 Malfunction of logic valve The logic valve may have a malfunction. Check it directly.
Malfunction of pump merge- The pump merge-divider valve may have a malfunction. Check it
divider valve directly.
Malfunction of travel control The travel control valve spool may have a function. Check it
valve (spool) directly.
Malfunction of travel control
The pressure compensation valve of the travel control valve may
7 valve (pressure compensation
have a malfunction. Check it directly.
a Prepare with engine stopped, then run engine at full throttle and
Defective adjustment or carry out troubleshooting.
8 malfunction of main relief Lever to be operated Main relief pressure
valve 26.5 ± 0.98 MPa
Travel lever operated to relieve
{270 ± 10 kg/cm2}
• Machine is not steered well or steering power is low.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.
• Travel speed does not change or it is low or high.
Relative • Before starting troubleshooting, check that the electric system is normal.
information • When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.
Relationship between defect of PPC circuit check valve and “Travel motor does not work”
PPC circuit check valves (A) – (D) are installed as shown in the following figure to take out the signal pres-
sure for changing the pump merge valve from the travel PPC pressure.
If the checking function of check valves (A) – (D) is lost, the travel motors may not work.
If the results of 1 – 4 above are normal, the swing motor may have a
5 Internal defect of swing motor
defect in it. Check it directly.
Defective seal of swing motor The seal of the suction valve or check valve of the swing motor may
suction valve or check valve be defective. Check it directly.
a Prepare with engine stopped, then run engine at full throttle and
carry out troubleshooting.
Presumed Malfunction of swing controlThe swing control valve spool may have a malfunction. Check it
cause and valve (spool) directly.
standard value a Prepare with engine stopped, then run engine at full throttle and
in normalcy carry out troubleshooting.
Defective adjustment or lock Left control lever Swing relief pressure
3 malfunction of swing motor switch
(safety valve) Operate to relieve by
swinging 19.6 ± 0.98 MPa
(in both directions {200 ± 10 kg/cm2}
Defective seal of swing motor The seal of the suction valve of the swing motor may be defective.
(suction valve) Check it directly.
• Large shock is made when machine stops swinging.
Relative • Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
information • When starting troubleshooting, set the hydraulic oil temperature to 45 – 55°C.
• When upper structure stops swinging, it makes large sound.
Relative • Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
information • When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.
• Speed or power of blade is low.
• Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
Relative • When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.
information • Check that the swing operation is normal. (If the swing speed is also low, carry out troubleshooting
H-1, 3) first. If the travel speed is also low, carry out troubleshooting H-1, 5) first.)
Defective adjustment of gear 21.6 +– 0.49
pump relief valve Operate to lower blade + 10
{220 – 5 kg/cm2}
If the oil pressure does not become normal after adjustment, the
relief valve may have a malfunction or a defect in it. Check it
a Prepare with engine stopped, then run engine at full throttle and
carry out troubleshooting.
Blade control lever PPC valve output pressure
Presumed 2 Malfunction of PPC valve
cause and Set in neutral 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2}
standard value 2.94 +– 0.1
in normalcy Operate to raise or lower blade +5
{30 – 1 kg/cm2}
Malfunction of blade control The blade control valve spool may have a malfunction. Check it
valve spool directly.
a Prepare with engine stopped, then run engine at full throttle and
carry out troubleshooting.
4 Defective blade cylinder
Blade cylinder Leakage from cylinder
Relieve by lowering blade 10 cc/min
Malfunction of load check The load check valve in the control valve spool may have a
valve in control valve spool malfunction. Check it directly.
The suction valve of the control valve may have a malfunction.
Malfunction of suction valve of
6 Check it directly.
control valve
a The suction valve is installed on both sides.
• Blade does not move.
• Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
Relative • When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.
information • Check that the swing operation is normal. (If the machine does not swing, carry out troubleshooting
H-3, 3) first. If the machine does not travel, carry out troubleshooting H-3, 5) first.)
• Hydraulic drift of blade is large.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 05-08 (01)
40-300 40
40 Troubleshooting 40
If we look from these 3 symptoms to find the causes, we find that there is a relationship with 5 causes. Let us
explain here the method of using this causal relationship to pinpoint the most probable cause.
terminal E
in E-mode
When terminal B and terminal C of starting switch are connected,
engine starts
Turn starting switch OFF, When terminal B and terminal C at safety relay outlet are connected,
connect cord, and carry q
out troubleshooting at ON engine starts
Even if terminal B and terminal C at safety relay outlet are connected, q
engine does not start
When safety switch terminal and terminal B of starting motor are con- q
nected, engine starts
While engine is cranked When fuel injection pipe sleeve nut is loosened, fuel does not
with starting motor flow out w w w Q w
c) Exhaust smoke comes out but engine does not start Causes
When starting switch is turned ON and air bleeding plug of fuel filter is removed, fuel
does not flow out Q w w
While engine is cranked When fuel injection pipe sleeve nut is loosened, fuel
with starting motor, does not flow out w
Black w Q w
When engine is cranked, abnormal sound is generated around cylinder head w
When engine is cranked, interference sound is generated around turbocharger w
High idle speed under no load is normal, but speed suddenly drops when load is applied Q w Q
There is hunting from engine (rotation is irregular) Q Q w
Blow-by gas is excessive w
cylinders is low
When engine is cranked, abnormal sound is generated around cylinder head w
Exhaust noise is abnormal w Q
Engine does not pick up smoothly and combustion is irregular Q Q Q w Q
Blow-by gas is excessive w
q q
See S-7
Check breather and breather hose directly q
S-11 Oil is in coolant (or coolant spurts back or coolant level goes down)1
General causes why oil is in coolant Causes
q Internal leakage in lubrication system
When radiator cap is removed and engine is run at low idle, an abnormal number of bubbles appear, or w
coolant spurts back
Suddenly overheated Q w Q
Condition of overheating
Always tends to overheat Q w w Q
Coolant temperature Rises quickly Q w
gauge (if installed) Does not go down from red range w
Radiator coolant level monitor indicates drop of coolant level (if monitor is installed) w
Engine oil level has risen and oil is milky
Fan belt tension is low w
When fan belt is turned, it has play w
There are excessive air bubbles in radiator, coolant spurts back w
Check items
When light bulb is held behind radiator core, no light passes through w
Radiator shroud, inside of underguard are clogged with dirt or mud w w
Coolant is leaking because of cracks in hose or loose clamps w
Coolant flows out from radiator overflow hose w
Fan belt whines under sudden acceleration w
When operation of thermostat is carried out, it does not open at cracking temperature q
Temperature difference between upper and lower tanks of radiator is slight q
Inspect radiator core directly q
When operation of radiator cap is carried out, its cracking pressure is low q
Inspect fan belt, pulley directly q
When coolant temperature is measured, it is found to be normal q
When exhaust manifold is touched immediately after starting engine, temperature of some
cylinders is low w Q
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 05-08 (01)
40-400 24
Cate- Komatsu
Part number Q'ty Container Main features and applications
gory code
• Used to prevent rubber gaskets, rubber cush-
LT-1A 790-129-9030 150 g Tube
ions, and cork plugs from coming out.
• Used for plastic (except polyethylene,
polypropylene, tetrafluoroethylene and vinyl
20 g Polyethylene
LT-1B 790-129-9050 chloride), rubber, metal, and non-metal parts
(2 pcs.) container
which require immediate and strong adhe-
Polyethylene • Features: Resistance to heat and chemicals.
LT-2 09940-00030 50 g
container • Used to fix and seal bolts and plugs.
Adhesive: 1 kg • Used to stick and seal metal, glass, and plas-
LT-3 (Set of adhesive Can
Hardener: 500 g tics.
and hardener)
LT-4 790-129-9040 250 g • Used to seal plugs.
Holtz MH 705 790-129-9120 75 g Tube • Heat-resistant seal used to repair engines.
• Quick-setting adhesive.
ThreeBond Polyethylene • Setting time: Within 5 sec. to 3 min.
790-129-9140 50 g
1735 container • Used mainly to stick metals, rubbers, plastics,
and woods.
• Quick-setting adhesive.
• Quick-setting type.
Aron-alpha Polyethylene
790-129-9130 2g (max. strength is obtained after 30 minutes)
201 container
• Used mainly to stick rubbers, plastics, and
• Features: Resistance to heat and chemicals.
Loctite Polyethylene
79A-129-9110 50 cc • Used for fitted portions used at high tempera-
648-50 container
• Used to stick or seal gaskets and packings of
LG-1 790-129-9010 200 g Tube
power train case, etc.
• Used to seal various threaded portions, pipe
Polyethylene joints, and flanges.
LG-5 790-129-9080 1 kg
container • Used to seal tapered plugs, elbows, and nip-
ples of hydraulic piping.
• Features: Silicon-based heat and cold-resis-
Gasket sealant
tant sealant.
LG-6 790-129-9020 200 g Tube • Used to seal flange surfaces and threaded
• Used to seal oil pan, final drive case, etc.
• Features: Silicon-based quick-setting sealant.
LG-7 790-129-9070 1 kg Tube • Used to seal flywheel housing, intake mani-
fold, oil pan, thermostat housing, etc.
• Features: Silicon-based, heat and cold-resis-
tant, vibration-resistant, impact-resistant seal-
ThreeBond 419-15-18131 100 g Tube
• Used to seal transfer case, etc.
Komatsu code Part number Q'ty Container Main features and applications
• Used for rough surfaces such as the circle gear
LG-9 top seal which does not need to be clamped,
ThreeBond 790-129-9310 200 g Tube water resistance of the clearance at the welded
1206D area, etc.
• Can be coated with paint.
Gasket sealant
Komatsu code Part number Q'ty Container Main features and applications
SUNSTAR • Used as primer for cab side.
PAINT PRIMER 20 ml (Using limit: 4 months after date of manu-
580 SUPER facture)
SUNSTAR 417-926-3910
• Used as primer for glass side.
20 ml (Using limit: 4 months after date of manu-
PRIMER 580 container
SUNSTAR Ecocart • Used as adhesive for glass.
PENGUINE 22M-54-27210 320 ml (Special (Using limit: 6 months after date of manu-
SUPER 560 container) facture)
SUNSTAR • Used to seal joints of glass parts.
PENGUINE 417-926-3920 320 ml (Using limit: 4 months after date of manu-
SEAL No. 2505 facture)
Caulking material
a Tools with part number 79QT-QQQ-QQQQ cannot be supplied (they are items to be locally manufac-
a Necessity: t.........Cannot be substituted, must always be installed (used).
q.........Extremely useful if available or, can be substituted with commercially available
a New/Remodel: N .........Tools with new part numbers, newly developed for this model.
: R .........Tools with upgraded part numbers, remodeled from items already available for
other models.
:Blank:...Tools already available for other models, can be used without any modification.
a Tools marked Q in the Sketch column are tools introduced in the sketches of the special tools (See
Sketches of special tools).
Component Symbol Part No. Part Name Nature of work, remarks
790-101-5151 • Plate 1
2 Press fitting of oil seal
790-101-5021 • Grip 1
01010-50816 • Bolt 1
01010-51225 • Bolt 1
790-101-5331 • Plate 1
Press fitting of outer race
4 (large)
790-101-5221 • Grip 1
01010-51225 • Bolt 1
Press fitting of bearing
Disassembly, assembly of 5 796-760-9110 Push tool t 1
swing motor and swing
Press fitting of bearing
machinery assembly 6 790-445-3810 Push tool t 1
790-101-5001 Push tool KIT q 1
790-101-5081 • Plate 1
1 Press fitting of bushing
Disassembly, assembly of L 790-101-5021 • Grip 1
idler assembly
01010-50816 • Bolt 1
Component Symbol Part No. Part Name Nature of work, remarks
790-101-5081 • Plate 1
3 Press fitting of bushing
Disassembly, assembly of 790-101-5021 • Grip 1
track roller assembly
01010-50816 • Bolt 1
L 790-101-5081 • Plate 1
Press fitting of ball bearing
5 and cap
790-101-5021 • Grip 1
01010-50816 • Bolt 1
Disassembly, assembly of
carrier roller
790-101-5001 Push tool KIT q 1
790-101-5111 • Plate 1
6 Press fitting of dust seal
790-101-5021 • Grip 1
01010-50816 • Bolt 1
Disassembly, assembly of Disassembly, assembly of
recoil spring assembly M 792-371-1400 Sleeve t 1 recoil spring assembly
Disassembly, assembly of Disassembly and assem-
hydraulic pump assembly S 796T-13S-1010 Torque adapter q 1 N Q bly of mounting bolt for
hydraulic pump
790-101-2501 Push puller q 1
790-101-2510 • Block 1
790-101-2520 • Screw 1
791-112-1180 • Nut 1
Disassembly, assembly
of center swivel joint T Separation of rotor and
790-101-2540 • Washer 1 swivel joint
790-101-2630 • Leg 2
790-101-2570 • Plate 4
790-101-2560 • Nut 2
790-101-2660 • Adapter 2
Component Symbol Part No. Part Name Nature of work, remarks
790-101-5021 • Grip 1
01010-50816 • Bolt 1
790-101-5021 • Grip 1
01010-50816 • Bolt 1
790-201-1560 • Plate 1
790-201-1550 • Plate 1
790-201-1570 • Plate 1
796-720-1640 Ring q 1
Boom, arm
07281-00909 Clamp q 1
796-720-1740 Ring q 1
7 Bucket
07281-00809 Clamp q 1
796-720-1650 Ring q 1
Swing, blade
07281-01029 Clamp q 1
Removal, installation of
operator’s cab glass X 2 793-498-1210 Lifter (Suction cup) t 2 Fixing of window glass
(stuck glass)
Note: Komatsu cannot accept any responsibility for special tools manufactured according to these sketches
F1. Wrench
S. Torque adapter
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 06-08 (01)
50-100 12
Removal and installation of fuel 4. Make mark (7) on the gear case to record the
injection pump assembly 1 relative position of stamp line (5) of the fuel
injection pump body to stamp line (6) of the
Removal gear.
a When installing the fan, line up the match
a Check that the identification mark (M) of the
fan is on outside.
11. Remove nut (16) from the end of the fuel injec-
tion pump drive shaft.
a Take care not to drop the nut into the
a Never loosen mounting bolts (17) of pump
drive gear (3). (If the flange and pump drive
gear move from each other, it becomes
very difficult to adjust the injection timing.)
12. Using puller, push out the pump drive shaft
from the gear.
a Referring to the following figure, install the fuel
a The cylinder of the engine on the flywheel side
is the No. 1 cylinder.
3 Nut at shaft end:
113 – 123 Nm {11.5 – 12.5 kgm}
a Install the fuel injection pump temporarily, and
then tighten the nut at the shaft end first.
a Adjust the injection angle. For details, see
Testing and adjusting, “Testing and adjusting
fuel injection timing”.
2. Tilt open floor frame (2). For details, see Test- 8. Remove undercover (10) and disconnect hose
ing and adjusting, “How to open and close (tilt) (11). [*2]
9. Disconnect overflow hose (9) and radiator 13. Remove undercover (15) and disconnect radi-
upper hose (10). [*1] ator lower hose (16). [*2]
[*1], [*2]
3 Hose clamp:
8.8 ± 0.5 Nm {90 ± 5 kgcm}
3 Mounting bolt
(18): 59 – 74 Nm {6 – 7.5 kgm}
(19), (20):
98 – 123 Nm {10 – 12.5 kgm}
Removal and installation of 4. Open cover (3) and remove cover (4).
engine and hydraulic pump
assembly 1
k Disconnect the cable from the negative (–)
terminal of the battery.
8. Remove 2 air cleaner mounting bolts (8). 15. Loosen alternator fixing bolt (15) and belt ten-
sion adjustment bolt (16) to remove alternator
belt (17).
30. Remove throttle cable clamp (42) and move 35. Sling the engine and hydraulic pump assem-
the cable aside. bly.
31. Disconnect hydraulic hoses (43) and (44). 36. Disconnect ground cable (51).
33. Disconnect exhaust pipe (49). 38. Lift off engine and hydraulic pump assembly
a Check for undisconnected wiring and pip-
ing when removing the assembly.
a Take care of interference with the other
parts while removing the assembly.
4 Engine and hydraulic pump assembly:
250 kg
3 Hose clamp:
8.8 ± 0.5 Nm {90 ± 5 kgcm}
3 Radiator hose clamp:
8.8 ± 0.5 Nm {90 ± 5 kgcm}
a Adjust the alternator belt tension. For
details, see Testing and adjusting, “Testing
and adjusting alternator belt tension”.
a Adjust the cable tension. For details, see
Testing and adjusting, “Adjusting fuel con-
trol lever”.
2 Muffler bracket mounting bolt:
Adhesive (LT-2)
3 Muffler bracket mounting bolt:
59 – 74 Nm {6 – 7.5 kgm}
2 Mounting nut: Adhesive (LT-2)
3 Mounting nut:
59 – 74 Nm {6 – 7.5 kgm}
q Bleeding air
a Bleed air. For details, see Testing and
adjusting, “Bleeding air from each part”.
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 06-08 (01)
50-200 16
Removal [*1]
1. Remove the canopy and floor frame (opera- 3 Mounting bolt:
tor's cab and floor frame) assembly. For 98 – 123 Nm {10 – 12.5 kgm}
details, see “Removal and installation of floor
frame assembly”. q Refilling with oil (Hydraulic tank)
a Add oil through the oil filler to the specified
2. Disconnect hoses (1) – (5). level. Run the engine to circulate the oil
through the system. Then, check the oil
level again.
q Bleeding air
a Bleed air. For details, see Testing and
adjusting, “Bleeding air from each part”.
Part No. Part name
1 796T-126-1210 Wrench t 1 N Q
790-101-5001 Push tool KIT t 1
790-101-5151 • Plate 1
790-101-5021 • Grip 1
01010-50816 • Bolt 1
790-101-5201 Push tool KIT q 1
790-101-5271 • Plate 1
F 790-101-5221 • Grip 1
01010-51225 • Bolt 1
2) Remove snap ring (4), thrust washer (5),
790-101-5201 Push tool KIT q 1
No. 1 planetary gear (6), needle roller
790-101-5331 • Plate 1 bearing (7), spacer (8), and thrust washer
790-101-5221 • Grip 1 (9).
01010-51225 • Bolt 1 3) Remove snap ring (10), and then remove
5 796-760-9110 Push tool t 1 No. 1 planetary carrier (11) from No. 2 sun
gear (10a).
6 790-445-3810 Push tool t 1
4. No. 2 planetary carrier assembly 4) Remove bearing (21) from No. 2 planetary
1) Remove snap ring (12), thrust washer carrier (20).
(13), No. 2 planetary gear (14), needle
roller bearing (15), spacer (16), and thrust
washer (17).
3. No. 2 planetary carrier assembly 4) Using tool F1, measure the starting torque
1) Using tool F6, press fit bearing (21) to No. of pinion shaft (24) and check that it is in
2 planetary carrier (20). the following range.
q Press fitting force: q Starting torque: Max. 13.2 Nm {1.35
2.94 – 11.18 kN {0.3 – 1.14 ton} kgm}
2) Set No. 2 planetary carrier and bearing 5) Install thrust washer (17), spacer (16),
assembly (19) to pinion shaft (24) and needle roller bearing (15), No. 2 planetary
press fit it with a press, etc. carrier (14), thrust washer (13), and snap
a Turning the case, press fit gradually. ring (12).
2 Spline: Grease (G2-LI) a Check that there is no play in the No.
q Press fitting force: 2 planetary gear.
4.90 – 18.8 kN {0.50 – 1.92 ton}
4. No. 1 planetary carrier and No. 2 sun gear 6. Filling with oil
assembly Add power train oil into the swing machinery
1) Install No. 1 planetary carrier (11) to No. 2 case.
sun gear (10a), and then install snap ring
Swing machinery case:
2) Install thrust washer (9), spacer (8), nee- Approx. 1.3 l (TO10)
dle roller bearing (7), No. 1 planetary gear
(6), thrust washer (5), and snap ring (4). 7. Swing motor assembly
a Check that there is no play in the No. Fit the O-ring and install swing motor assembly
1 planetary gear. (1).
3 Mounting bolt:
98 – 123 Nm {10 – 12.5 kgm}
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 06-08 (01)
50-300 10
Part No. Part name
790-101-5001 Push tool KIT q 1
790-101-5081 • Plate 1
L 790-101-5021 • Grip 1
01010-50816 • Bolt 1
2 791-430-3230 Installer t 1 3. Using tool L2, install floating seals (7) to sup-
ports (3) and (6).
a In this section, only the assembly procedure is a Remove all grease and oil from the con-
explained. tact surface of the O-ring and the floating
Assembly a Coat the sliding surface of the floating seal
1. Using tool L1, press fit 2 bushings (10) to idler with engine oil (EO30-CD) before install-
(9). ing, and be careful not to let any dirt or
dust stick to it.
Part No. Part name
M 792-371-1400 Sleeve t 1
1. Piston
1) Remove valve (1).
2) Remove piston (2).
3. Cylinder Assembly
1) Remove snap ring (8), then remove 1. Cylinder
spacer (9) from cylinder (10). 1) Install O-ring (12) and backup ring (13) to
2) Remove dust seal (11). cylinder (10).
3) Remove O-ring (12) and backup ring (13). 2) Install dust seal (11).
3) Fit spacer (9) and secure with snap ring
2. Recoil spring
1) Assemble cylinder assembly (7), spring
(6), and stopper (5).
2) Using tool M, set recoil spring to press. a After assembling the recoil spring, check
k The recoil spring is under large that the out-of-parallel between surface
installed load, so be sure to set the (a) of cylinder (7) and surface (b) of stop-
tool properly. Failure to do this is per (5) is less than 0.5 mm.
3) Apply hydraulic pressure slowly to com-
press spring, then fit nut (4) and install
screw (3).
a Installed height of spring:
Rubber shoe specification: 202.2 mm
Steel, road liner specification:
238.2 mm
a Installed load of spring:
Rubber shoe specification:
42.4 kN {4,326 kgm}
Steel, road liner specification:
26.9 kN {2,748 kgm}
3. Piston
1) Tighten plug (1) temporarily.
a Grease will come out from grease
hole (c), so tighten completely, then
turn back approx. 2 turns.
2) Add approx. 120 cc of grease (G2-LI)
inside cylinder.
3) Assemble cylinder (2) and push in until
grease comes out from grease hole (c).
4) When grease comes out, tighten valve (1).
a After tightening the valve, check that
the grease fitting is facing the outside
(just beside) of the chassis.
Disassembly and assembly of track 3. Set floating seal (4) in collars (1) and (2) by
roller assembly 1 using tool L4.
a Clean the O-ring and the O-ring contact
Special tools surface to degrease completely and dry
a Apply engine oil (EO30-CD) to the floating
Part No. Part name
790-101-5001 Push tool KIT q 1
790-101-5081 • Plate 1
L 790-101-5021 • Grip 1
01010-50816 • Bolt 1
4 791-430-3230 Installer t 1
1. Press fit two pieces of bushing (7) in roller (6)
using tool L3.
4. Set the O-ring and install shaft (3) in the roller.
Disassembly and assembly of 3. Fill the inside of the roller with grease.
3 Inside portion of roller:
carrier roller assembly 1
Approx. 30 cc of grease (Shell Alvania
Special tools Grease EP-2 or equivalent)
4. Install shaft (3) to roller.
Part No. Part name
5. Using snap ring pliers, install snap ring (2).
a Install the snap ring so that the edge on
the inside faces the tip of the shaft.
790-101-5001 Push tool KIT q 1
790-101-5081 • Plate 1
790-101-5021 • Grip 1
01010-50816 • Bolt 1
790-101-5001 Push tool KIT q 1
790-101-5111 • Plate 1
790-101-5021 • Grip 1
01010-50816 • Bolt 1
1. Using tool L5, press fit 2 ball bearings (6) to
roller (5). 6. Using tool L5, press fit cap (1).
2 Fill the ball portion of the bearing with a Cap press-fitting depth (a): 10 mm
grease (Shell Alvania Grease EP-2 or
k When aligning the pin holes, never
insert your fingers in them.
2 Sliding surfaces of pin and swing
Molybdenum disulfide grease (LM-P)
2 Greasing after installation:
Grease (Hyper white grease)
2 Lever mounting bolt: Adhesive (LT-2)
3 Lever mounting bolt:
98 – 123 Nm {10 – 12.5 kgm}
2 Revolving frame assembly mounting
bolt: Adhesive (LT-2)
3 Revolving frame assembly mounting
bolt: 117.6 – 137.2 Nm {12 – 14 kgm}
q Bleeding air
a Bleed air. For details, see Testing and
adjusting, “Bleeding air from each part”.
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 06-08 (01)
50-400 12
2 Lever mounting bolt: Adhesive (LT-2)
3 Lever mounting bolt:
153 – 190 Nm {15.5 – 19.5 kgm}
q Bleeding air
a Bleed air. For details, see Testing and adjust-
ing, “Bleeding air from each part”.
Disassembly and assembly of 4. Remove dust seal (6), 3 plugs (7), and 4 plugs
center swivel joint assembly 1 (8) from swivel shaft (5).
Part No. Part name
790-101-2501 Push puller q 1
790-101-2510 • Block 1
790-101-2520 • Screw 1
791-112-1180 • Nut 1
T 790-101-2540 • Washer 1
790-101-2630 • Leg 2
790-101-2570 • Plate 4
790-101-2560 • Nut 2
790-101-2660 • Adapter 2
1. Remove bolts (1) and plate (2).
1. Install O-ring (11), backup ring (12), and 7 slip-
per seals (13) to rotor (9).
Applicable machine model: PC55MR-3 4. Remove dust seal (6), plug (7), and 4 plugs (8)
from swivel shaft (5).
Special tools
5. Remove ring (10), O-ring (11), and 8 packings
Part No. Part name
790-101-2501 Push puller q 1
790-101-2510 • Block 1
790-101-2520 • Screw 1
791-112-1180 • Nut 1
T 790-101-2540 • Washer 1
790-101-2630 • Leg 2
790-101-2570 • Plate 4
790-101-2560 • Nut 2
790-101-2660 • Adapter 2
1. Remove bolts (1) and plate (2).
1. Install O-ring (11) and 8 packings (13) to rotor
Part No. Part name
S 796T-13S-1010 Torque adapter q 1 N Q
k Disconnect the cable from the negative (–)
terminal of the battery.
1. Release the pressure inside the hydraulic tank. 6. Remove throttle cable clamp (5) and move the
For details, see Testing and adjusting, “Releas- cable aside.
ing residual pressure from hydraulic tank”.
7. Disconnect hydraulic hoses (6) and (7).
2. Loosen drain plug (1) to drain the hydraulic oil.
6 Hydraulic oil: 20 l
q Bleeding air
a Bleed air. For details, see Testing and adjust-
ing, “Bleeding air from each part”.
10. Sling work equipment pump assembly (13) and
remove the 4 work equipment pump mounting
bolts with tool S.
Disassembly and assembly of a In this section, only the precautions for disas-
hydraulic cylinder assembly 1 sembly are described.
cylinder (3), flatten the cylinder head side of
Part No. Part name washer (25) and washer caulking part (a) on
the cylinder side.
790-502-1003 Cylinder repair stand t 1
790-101-1102 Hydraulic pump t 1
2 790-330-1100 Wrench assembly t 1
Socket (Width across
flats: 41 mm) t 1
Socket (Width across
flats: 46 mm) t 1
790-302-1390 (Width across flats: t 1
46 mm, long type)
Socket (Width across
flats: 50 mm) t 1
790-302-1490 (Width across flats: t 1
50 mm, long type)
790-302-1470 (Width across flats: t 1
55 mm, long type)
790-201-1702 Push tool KIT t 1
790-101-5021 • Grip 1
01010-50816 • Bolt 1
U 4
790-201-1731 • Push tool 1
790-201-1751 • Push tool 1
790-201-1741 • Push tool 1
790-201-1761 • Push tool 1
790-201-1500 Push tool KIT t 1
790-101-5021 • Grip 1
01010-50816 • Bolt 1
5 790-201-1540 • Plate 1
790-201-1560 • Plate 1
790-201-1550 • Plate 1
790-201-1570 • Plate 1
6 790-720-1000 Expander q 1
796-720-1640 Ring q 1
07281-00909 Clamp q 1
796-720-1740 Ring q 1
07281-00809 Clamp q 1
796-720-1650 Ring q 1
07281-01029 Clamp q 1
1. Cylinder
1) Press fit bushing (24) to cylinder (3).
2) Press fit 2 dust seals (23) to cylinder (3).
2. Piston rod
1) Press fit bushing (22) to piston rod (6).
2) Press fit 2 dust seals (21).
6) Set piston rod assembly (2) to tool U1. 5. Piston rod assembly
7) Using tool U3, install piston nut (4). 1) Install piston rod assembly (2) to cylinder
a Width across flats of piston nut: (3).
(Unit: mm)
Model Boom Arm Bucket Swing
PC45MR-3 50 55 50 55
PC55MR-3 50 65(*) 50 55
PC55MR-3 736
± 73.6 961 ± 96.1 863 ± 86.5
{75 ± 7.5} {98 ± 9.8} {88 ± 8.8}
6. Piping
Install cylinder piping.
3 Sleeve nut
Boom cylinder:
84 – 123 Nm {8.5 – 12.5 kgm}
Arm cylinder:
128 – 172 Nm {13 – 17.5 kgm}
Bucket cylinder:
84 – 123 Nm {8.5 – 12.5 kgm}
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 06-08 (01)
50-500 16
Removal and installation of work 3. Sling boom cylinder (10) temporarily and
equipment assembly 1 remove the plate and head-side pin (11). [*1]
a Lower the boom cylinder onto a block, etc.
k Release the residual pressure in the hydrau-
lic circuit. For details, see Testing and adjust-
ing, “Releasing residual pressure from
hydraulic circuit.”
k Extend the boom cylinder and bucket cylin-
der to the stroke end and lower the work
equipment to the ground.
k Set the work equipment lock lever in the
LOCK position.
1. Disconnect connector (1) and remove the wir-
ing harness from the boom.
kWhen aligning the pin holes, never
insert your fingers in them.
2 Sliding surfaces of pin and boom:
Molybdenum disulfide grease (LM-G)
2 Greasing after installation:
Grease (Hyper white grease)
a Adjust clearance “a” between boom cylin-
der head (14) and boom (15) to 1 mm or
less with the shim.
q Set shim thickness: 1 mm
kWhen aligning the pin holes, never
insert your fingers in them.
2 Sliding surfaces of pin and swing
Molybdenum disulfide grease (LM-G)
2 Greasing after installation:
Grease (Hyper white grease)
• Bleeding air
a Bleed air. For details, see Testing and
adjusting, “Bleeding air from each part”.
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Printed in Japan 06-08 (01)
50-600 4
a On the 5 faces of the operator's cab, including (1) Right sash window glass assembly
the ceiling, panes (1) – (9) are stuck. (Ceiling (2) Right front lower triangular window glass
(9) is a clear plate.) (3) Right rear window glass
a When replacing front window glass (8), remove (4) Rear window glass
front window assembly. (It is impossible to (5) Left rear window glass
replace only the front window glass while the (6) Door upper window glass
front window assembly is installed to the oper- (7) Door lower window glass
ator’s cab.) (8) Front window glass
a For the procedure for replacing the front win- (9) Clear plate
dow assembly, see “Removal and installation (10) Double-sided adhesive tape
of front window assembly”. (11) Center trim seal
a Precautions for removing and installing (The figure shows the operator's cab
glass of a wheel loader.)
q When removing and installing the glass,
be sure to put on protective goggles.
q When using primer or degreasing solvent,
take care of fire and ventilation extremely.
q If a shock is given to an edge of the glass,
the glass is broken easily. Handle the
glass with care.
q If primer, caulking material, or adhesive
gets in your eye, wash your eye with much
water, and then consult an eye doctor.
Special tools
Part No. Part name a If the window glass is broken finely, it may
be removed with knife [4] and a screw-
X 2 793-498-1210 Lifter (Suction cup) t 2 a Widening the cut with a screwdriver, cut
the adhesive and double-sided adhesive
Removal tape with knife [4].
a Remove the window glass to be replaced
according to the following procedure. (The figure shows the operator's cab of a
wheel loader.)
1. Using seal cutter [1], cut the adhesive between
broken window glass (12) and operator's cab
(metal sheet) (13).
3) Evenly apply paint primer to the surfaces 4) Evenly apply glass primer to the sticking
to stick double-sided adhesive tapes (10) surfaces of window glass (14).
and the surfaces out of those surfaces on 2 Glass primer:
operator's cab (13) which will be coated SUNSTAR GLASS PRIMER 435-41
with the adhesive. a Do not apply the primer more than 2
2 Paint primer: times. (If it is applied more than 2
SUNSTAR PAINT PRIMER 435-95 times, its performance will be low-
a Do not apply the primer more than 2 ered.)
times. (If it is applied more than 2
times, its performance will be low-
a Install the double-sided adhesive tape from the
end of the round part of each corner of the
q Bottom frame
q Dimension (c): 2.4 mm
4) Apply the adhesive according to step 5 (The figure shows the operator's cab of
above. PC200-7.)
a Do not apply the adhesive to the
above water draining area.
5) Install sliding sash assembly (1) to opera-
tor's cab (13).
a Press the sash assembly firmly to
eliminate clearance from its periph-
a If the adhesive is projected, wipe it off
immediately before it is set.
Removal and installation of front 4. Remove bolts (4) and separate pull-up link (5)
window assembly 1 from the sash and set it up toward the ceiling.
1. Lower the front window assembly.
2. Remove wiper motor (1) and wiper blades (2). 5. Holding the handle, release the latch and
a Remove the coiled cable for the wiper remove the front window assembly (6).
from the sash and secure it in the opera-
tor's cab.
3. Remove rollers (3) (right and left) from the bot-
tom of the sash. q Carry out installation in the reverse order to
5. Disconnect 4 work equipment PPC hoses (5) – 9. Disconnect connectors (12) – (15) at the front
(8). [*1] of the revolving frame.
6. Pull out fuel controller cable (9) disconnected 10. Sling the floor frame assembly.
from the e ngin e toward th e front of the
machine. [*2] 11. Disconnect wire (16) from the floor frame.
a Record the route of the cable.
12. Loosen 2 bolts (17) gradually and alternately to
7. Disconnect 4 travel PPC hoses (11). [*3] disconnect damper (18).
a Hose identification marks:
Right front: Black/Yellow
Right rear: Yellow/Green
Left front: Yellow/Brown
Left rear: Yellow/Orange
14. Remove right and left bolts (20) and pull out
pin (21). [*5]
a Adjust the cable tension. For details, see
Testing and adjusting, “Adjusting fuel con-
trol lever”.
[*3], [*4]
a When connecting, check the identification
marks and colors.
k Do not insert your finger when positioning.
6. Disconnect 4 work equipment PPC hoses (7) – 10. Disconnect connectors (14) – (17) at the front
(10). of the revolving frame.
7. Pull out fuel controller cable (11) disconnected 11. Sling the floor frame assembly.
from the engin e toward th e front of the
machine. [*4] 12. Disconnect wire (18) from the floor frame.
a Record the route of the cable.
13. Loosen 2 bolts (19) gradually and alternately to
8. Disconnect 4 travel PPC hoses (12). [*5] disconnect damper (20).
a Hose identification marks:
Right front: Black/Yellow
Right rear: Yellow/Green
Left front: Yellow/Brown
Left rear: Yellow/Orange
6 Coolant 8.5 l
a Apply compressor oil (ND-OIL8) to the
threaded part of each refrigerant pipe and
tighten the pipe with double spanner.
3 M16 x 1.5 thread of tube:
11.8 – 14.7 Nm {1.2 – 1.5 kgm}
M24 x 1.5 thread of tube:
29.4 – 34.3 Nm {3.0 – 3.5 kgm}
17. Lift off operator cab and floor frame assembly
(25). [*4]
a Check for undisconnected wiring and pip- a When connecting, check the identification
ing when removing the assembly. colors.
a Take care of the balance while removing
the assembly. [*5]
a Adjust the cable tension. For details, see
4 Operator cab and floor frame assembly:
Testing and adjusting, “Adjusting fuel con-
400 kg trol lever”.
[*6], [*7]
a When connecting, check the identification
marks and colors.
k Do not insert your finger when positioning.
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Printed in Japan 06-08 (01)
50-700 18
Removal and installation of air 2) Pull up the front window. When it stops
conditioner unit assembly moving backward, push up grips (2) until
they are locked securely.
(If equipped) 1
k Stop the machine on a level place, lower
the work equipment to the ground, and set
the work equipment lock lever in the LOCK
k Disconnect the cable from the negative (–)
terminal of the battery.
k In the case that you do not drain the cool-
ant, if you disconnect the heater hose when
the coolant temperature in the radiator is
high, you may be scalded. In this case, wait
until the coolant temperature lowers and
then disconnect the heater hose.
k Collect the air conditioner refrigerant 3. Remove front window (lower side) (4).
(R134a) from air conditioner circuit in a Hold knobs (5) and pull up and remove the
advance. window, and then store it at the rear of the
a Ask professional traders for collecting and fill- operator's seat in the operator's cab.
ing operation of refrigerant (R134a).
a Never release the refrigerant (R134a) to the
2. Retract front window (upper side) (1) in the 4. Remove the floor mat and right PPC hose
ceiling. cover (6).
1) Hold right and left grips (2) in the opera-
tor's cab and pull them toward you, keep-
ing lock levers (3) down.
13. Remove 4 air conditioner unit assembly a When installing, check that the O-ring is fitted
mounting bolts (20). to each joint of the air conditioner hoses.
a Check that each O-ring is free from damage
and deterioration.
a Charge the air conditioner circuit with refriger-
ant (R134a).
a Refrigerant (R134a): 550 ± 50 g
a Apply compressor oil (ND-OIL8) to the
threaded part of each refrigerant pipe and
tighten the pipe with double spanner.
3 M16 x 1.5 thread of tube:
11.8 – 14.7 Nm {1.2 – 1.5 kgm}
14. Tilt down the floor frame. M24 x 1.5 thread of tube:
29.4 – 34.3 Nm {3.0 – 3.5 kgm}
15. Pull air conditioner unit assembly (21) toward
you and remove it and control panel together. q Refilling with coolant
a After pulling out the air conditioner unit a Add coolant through the coolant filler to
assembly halfway, disconnect connector the specified level. Run the engine to cir-
F11. culate the coolant through the system.
Then, check the coolant level again.
2. Remove 4 mounting bolts (3) and KOMTRAX q Carry out installation in the reverse order to
terminal (4). removal.
(Canopy specification)
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Printed in Japan 06-08 (01)
50-800 6
Shop Manual
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 90-100 1
100 Hydraulic diagrams and drawings
90-100 2 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
Hydraulic circuit diagram Hydraulic circuit diagram
PC45MR-3, PC55MR-3
PC45MR-3, PC55MR-3
a This figure covers the equipment and devices that are unavailable as optional items in some areas.
PC45MR-3, PC55MR-3 90-100 3
Hydraulic circuit diagram Hydraulic circuit diagram
PC45MR-3, PC55MR-3
PC45MR-3, PC55MR-3
a This figure covers the equipment and devices that are unavailable as optional items in some areas.
PC45MR-3, PC55MR-3 90-100 5
Hydraulic circuit diagram Hydraulic circuit diagram
PC45MR-3, PC55MR-3
PC45MR-3, PC55MR-3 (Auto-deceleration specification)
(Auto-deceleration specification)
a This figure covers the equipment and devices that are unavailable as optional items in some areas.
PC45MR-3, PC55MR-3 90-100 7
100 Hydraulic diagrams and drawings
Hydrauilc circuit diagram SEN04618-01
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 90-100 9
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Printed in Japan 07-09
90-100 10
Shop Manual
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 90-200 1
200 Electrical diagrams and drawings
90-200 2 PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3
Electrical circuit diagram (1/3) Electrical circuit diagram (1/3)
PC45MR-3, PC55MR-3
PC45MR-3, PC55MR-3
a This figure covers the equipment and devices that are unavailable as optional items in some areas.
PC45MR-3, PC55MR-3 90-200 3
Electrical circuit diagram (2/3) Electrical circuit diagram (2/3)
PC45MR-3, PC55MR-3
PC45MR-3, PC55MR-3
PC45MR-3, PC55MR-3 90-200 5
Electrical circuit diagram (3/3) Electrical circuit diagram (3/3)
PC45MR-3, PC55MR-3
PC45MR-3, PC55MR-3
PC45MR-3, PC55MR-3 90-200 7
Connector list and stereogram
Connector list and stereogram PC45MR-3, PC55MR-3
PC45MR-3, PC55MR-3
Canopy specification Canopy specification
Address of stereogram
Connector Number
Model Component name Canopy Cab
No. of pins
A2 X 2 T ra ve lo ilp re ssu re sw itch L -1 L -1
D1 X 2 D io d e (fo r e n g in e sto p so le n o id ) K -9 K -9
D2 X 2 D io d e (C te rm in a lin p u t) S -8 T -9
F1 X 4 In te rm e d ia te co n n e cto r (B R , C circu its) M -7 M -7
F2 YAZAKI-Y 2 Intermediate connector (battery power supply circuit) M-7 M-7
F3 SWP 6 Intermediate connector (harness between floor and machine) L-8 L-8
F4 SWP 8 Intermediate connector (harness between floor and machine) L-8 L-8
F5 D T -T 2 P P C lo ck sw itch (le ft) T -6 T -5
F7 D T -T 4 W ip e r m o to r [C a b sp e cifica tio n ] — O -3
F8 M 2 Intermediate connector (cigarette lighter) [Cab specification] — P-8
F9 DT-T 2 Optional power supply [Canopy specification] R-9 —
F 11 KES1 3 H e a te r [C a b sp e cifica tio n ] — O -3
F 12 KES1 4 H e a te r sw itch [C a b sp e cifica tio n ] — T -4
F 13 M 2 H o rn sw itch O -6 O -5
F14 DT-T 2 PPC oil pressure lock switch [Canopy specification] O-5 —
F 15 A M P 0 70 20 M a ch in e m o n ito r O -7 O -6
F 16 KES0 2 S p e a ke r (rig h t) [C a b sp e cifica tio n ] — T -9
F 17 PA 9 R a d io [C a b sp e cifica tio n ] — O -6
F 18 KES0 2 S p e a ke r (le ft) [C a b sp e cifica tio n ] — T -5
F 19 S U M IT O M O 3 R o o m la m p [C a b sp e cifica tio n ] — Q -9
F20 SWP 12 Intermediate connector (main option harness) T-5 T-4
F21 DT-T 2 Revolving warning lamp [Canopy specification, if equipped] R-9 —
F21 M 2 Revolving warning lamp [Cab specification, if equipped] — Q-9
PC45MR-3, PC55MR-3
90-200 9
200 Electrical diagrams and drawings
PC45MR-3,PC55MR-3 90-200 11
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Printed in Japan 07-09
90-200 12