Business Requirements Document (BRD) Template
Business Requirements Document (BRD) Template
Business Requirements Document (BRD) Template
Month: 20YY
Version: 1.XX
Company Information
BRD Template
1 Version
2 Sign Offs/Approvals
Scrum Master
3 Introduction
3.1 Project Summary
3.1.1 Objectives
[These should describe the overall goal in developing the product, high level descriptions
of what the product will do, how they are aligned to business objectives, and the
requirements for interaction with other systems.]
3.1.2 Background
[Provide a brief history of how the project came to be proposed and initiated, including
the business issues/problems identified, and expected benefit of implementing the
project/developing the product.]
For the new product, use case documentation and diagrams can be helpful to outline
how we want things to work in the future. This helps us compare what we have now (the
"As-Is" process) to what we want to achieve (the "To-Be" process).]
For better tracking, it might be helpful to create a traceability matrix that shows how each requirement connects to the project,
both in terms of how the system should function (functional requirements) and any additional conditions (non-functional
requirements). This way, we can keep tabs on everything throughout the project..]
Security Requirements
Widget creation in the repository shall be
FR-S-001 1 limited to users with Team Lead or
System Administrator,
6.1 Acronyms
[If needed, create a list of acronyms used throughout the BRD document to aid in
6.2 Glossary
[If needed, identify and define any terms that may be unfamiliar to readers, including
terms that are unique to the organization, the technology to be employed, or the
standards in use.]
6.3 References
[Provide a list of documents or web pages, including links, which are referenced in the