PS 3207UWg
PS 3207UWg
PS 3207UWg
User’s Manual
Version: 1.0
(December, 2005)
Copyright 2005/2006 by this company. All rights reserved. No part of this
publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval
system, or translated into any language or computer language, in any form or
by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual or
otherwise, without the prior written permission of this company.
Federal Communication Commission
Interference Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a
Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of FCC Rules. These limits are
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or
more of the following measures:
FCC Caution
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to
the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful
interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,
including interference that may cause undesired operation.
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure set forth for an
uncontrolled environment. In order to avoid the possibility of exceeding the
FCC radio frequency exposure limits, human proximity to the antenna shall
not be less than 20cm (8 inches) during normal operation.
The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must not be co-located or operating in
conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
This equipment is designed with the utmost care for the safety of those who
install and use it. However, special attention must be paid to the dangers of
electric shock and static electricity when working with electrical equipment. All
guidelines of this and of the computer manufacture must therefore be allowed
at all times to ensure the safe use of the equipment.
The ETSI version of this device is intended for home and office use in Austria,
Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and the United
The ETSI version of this device is also authorized for use in EFTA member
states: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland.
This company makes no representations or warranties, either expressed or
implied, with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaims any
warranties, merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Any software
described in this manual is sold or licensed "as is". Should the programs
prove defective following their purchase, the buyer (and not this company, its
distributor, or its dealer) assumes the entire cost of all necessary servicing,
repair, and any incidental or consequential damages resulting from any defect
in the software. Further, this company reserves the right to revise this
publication and to make changes from time to time in the contents hereof
without obligation to notify any person of such revision or changes.
1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................... 1
1.1 Product Introduction........................................................ 2
1.2 Product Package ............................................................ 3
1.3 Network Printing Architecture.......................................... 4
1.3.1 Print Server Network Functions..................................................... 5
1.3.2 Network Printing Functions for Clients ......................................... 5
1.3.3 Network Printing Functions for Network Server........................... 8
1.4 Network Printing Environment......................................... 9
1.5 Contents of the User’s Manual...................................... 11
1.6 Firmware & Printing Function........................................ 13
2. HARDWARE INSTALLATION ........................................ 14
3. WINDOWS PEER-TO-PEER NETWORK........................ 15
3.1 System Architecture...................................................... 16
3.2 Administrator Installation and Setup.............................. 18
3.3 Administrator Utilities .................................................... 26
3.4 Client Installation and Setup ......................................... 27
3.5 Client Utilities................................................................ 32
3.5.1 Network Ports Quick Setup ......................................................... 32
3.5.2 Remote Ports (Utility).................................................................. 34
3.6 Windows Add Printer Procedure ................................... 37
4. WINDOWS NT/2000/2003 NETWORK............................ 41
4.1 System Architecture...................................................... 42
4.2 Windows NT/2000/2003 Server Installation and Setup.. 43
4.3 User Installation and Setup........................................... 45
5. NETWARE NETWORK ................................................... 46
5.1 System Architecture...................................................... 47
5.2 NetWare 3.x/4.x/5.x Installation & Setup....................... 49
5.2.1 Installation Using PCONSOLE ................................................... 49
1.1 Product Introduction
Thank you for pur cha sin g and usin g ou r print ser ver.
Th is pr int serve r allows your printer to becom e a sha red
de vice on the netwo rk. It o ffe rs pr int ing flexib ility and
mana geabil it y on you r Local Are a Networ k at an e xtremel y
low cost and w ith an ab solute minimum setup and
ma inten ance requir ed.
With the h elp o f Inst allation Wiza rd, you can easil y
and in stantl y co mplete the settin gs fo r the print ing
en vironment, and start enjoying the fant a stic fe ature s
provided b y the pr int ser ve r.
1.2 Product Package
This pac kage conta ins the following co mpon ents:
One Antenna
1.3 Netw ork Printing Arc hitecture
This section illustr ate s how pr int se rver funct ion s and
operate s on the networ k. Be for e you in stall and u se pr int
se r ver, it is strongl y recommend ed that you read this
se ction co mpletel y, and select onl y the chapter s you n eed
accordin g to your networ k ope rat ing syste m by “Content s
of th e U ser ’s Manual ” in n e xt sect ion.
Pr int Se rve r
Client U ser
1 .3 .1 Print S erve r Netw ork Functions
Print Server
Un ix Print Server
NetWare ServerWindows NT Server
Client User
Un ix Print Server
NetWare ServerWindows NT Server
Common op eratin g syste ms for clients ar e cl assified a s
followin g:
Windows 95/98SE/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003
P1 P2
Windows 98 P1
Print Server
MIS-2 Print Server
UN IX / Linux
1 .3 .3 Ne tw ork Printing Functions for Netw ork Se rver
Network Server
Un ix Print Server
NetWare ServerWindows NT Server
Windows N T/2000/2003
NetWa re 3. x/4.x/5. x
1.4 Netw ork Printing Env ironment
Common netwo rk environment ar e cla ssified as
followin g:
NetWa re Networ k ( see below)
1.5 Conte nts of the User’s Manual
Chapter 2 e xplains pr int se r ve r’ s hardwa re installat ion
and con figuration. It is stron gl y r ecom mended for you to
Chapter 11 In Window s XP SP2, you ma y not find any
print se rver l isted on the “Ava ilabl e Ports” in “Networ k
Port s Quic k Setup”. Plea se follow the in struct ion in this
chapter and r esolve the proble m.
1.6 Firmw are & Printing Function
The pr int server provide s a complete network print ing
solution. The feature set is listed below:
PTPP ( Peer-to-Peer-Printin g)
IPP Printin g
Apple Talk
SMB Pr inting
2. Hard w are In stall ation
NOTE1: MUST use the power adapter shipped with the print
server, do NOT use any other power adapter from any
3. W ind ow s P eer- to -Peer
Net wo rk
3.1 System Arc hitecture
Print ser ve r supports Window s Pe er-to- Pe er networ k
print ing mode, which is su itable for most med ium and small
network en viron ments. Th rough quic k and simple
in stallation pro cedure, user s c an immed iat ely en jo y the
convenienc e o f n etwork pr int ing.
2. C lient In stallation and Configurat ion (re fer to
se ction 3 for more detailed in formation).
3.2 Administrator Insta llation and Setup
The Admin istrator In stallation can b e per for med on
Window s 95/98SE/M e/NT/2000/X P/2003 with the sa me
use r inter face. Be for e the in stallation, plea se ver ify that
your netwo rk proto col is in stalled on your PC (TC P/IP, IPX
and/or NetBEUI). It w ill be h elp ful in your installat ion
proce ss.
3. The “Utilitie s Setup” w indow will be displ ayed.
Click “Ne xt”.
5. Select the component s you want to inst all. It is
highl y recom mend ed to install all pro vided components.
Click “Ne xt” to cont inue.
7. The system will start to in stall the ut ilit ie s
automat ically.
8. You ha ve co mplet ed the in stallation phase and
prepa re to configu re the Print Ser ve r. The “Choose Pr int
Ser ve r” will list all Pr int Ser ver s with in the networ k. Select
the Print Ser ve r you would l ike to con figu re and cl ick
NOTE 1: If this is the first time you configure the Print Server,
the “Print Server Name” is the last 6-digit of MAC ID
with prefix “PS”. Please check the MAC ID on the
print server.
NOTE 2: The list can only display the devices from the same
9. Specify a recognizabl e na me fo r the P rint S er ve r
and clic k “Ne xt”.
11. The configuration sum mary is displayed in the
window. Now, you ha ve completed th e “ Pr int Se r ver S etup”.
Click “Fin ish ” and your system will add network po rt of the
Pr int Se rve r to you r PC automat ically.
The Adm in istrator Installat ion Progra m have e xe cuted
the in stallation procedur e that perform s the followin g tasks:
3.3 Administrator Utilities
After Ad ministr ator Inst allation is complet ed, there
will be fou r util itie s in p rint ser ver’ s Pro gr am folder.
3.4 Clie nt Insta llation and Setup
The C lient In stallation c an be performed on Windows
95/98SE/M e/NT/2000/XP/2003 with the sa me user interfa ce.
Befo re the in stallation pro cedure, please con fir m that your
PC has connected to the networ k and in stalled at lea st one
network protocol.
3. The “Utilitie s Setup” w indow will be displ ayed.
Click “Ne xt”.
5. Specify the program folder where the pro gr a m icons
will be add ed to, cl ic k “ Ne xt”.
7. Now, the installation procedure is co mpleted, you
are re ad y to set up the cl ient’s computer. All netwo rk port s
of the P rint S er ve r s detect ed on the network will be added
to your PC automaticall y, clic k “Continue”.
After th e inst allation, you have co mplet ed the
followin g tasks:
3.5 Clie nt Utilities
After Client Installation is completed, the re w ill be
three tools in print se r ver’ s P rogra m fold er.
Remote Port s
Durin g the cl ient’s in stallat ion pro cedur e, the system
will automat ically sear ch for all pr int se rve rs on the
network, and add the m into the print er port s of the cl ient’ s
compute r ( se e below).
Please be a war e that N etwor k Ports Qu ick Setup Utilit y
can onl y dete ct and con figur e all print ser ver s on the sa me
network, it cannot search and configu re pr int ser ve rs on
other subnet s across networ k se gm ent s. You must use
Remote Port s Utilit y descr ibed in the ne xt sect ion to
mana ge re mote ( across n etwor k segment s) p rint ser ver s.
Step2. Enter pr int ser ver ’ s name, IP addr ess, select
used po rts, and ent er LPR queue na me o f e ach
port. Click “Ok”.
3.6 Window s Add Printer Proced ure
After addin g a “Networ k Port” of the p rint ser ver to
your PC b y Administrator or C lient In stallat ion Pro gr a m,
you can follow the procedure d escribed b elow to add
printe r to the Windows. Not e that followin g “Add Pr inter”
steps a re running in Windo ws XP, the step s in other
Operatin g Systems are similar.
Step4. S elect “Loc al print er atta ched to this
compute r” and m ake sure that “ Automatic ally
detect and install my Plu g and Pla y pr inte r” is
not selected. C lic k “Ne xt”.
Step6. S elect a suit able pr inter manufacture r and the
printe r mod el and cl ic k “Ne xt”. If your pr inter
is not in the l ist, cl ick “Have D isk… ” to inst all
the drive r o f th e pr inter. After in stallat ion, the
printe r mod el will be added to the l ist.
Step8. Choose to print the test page o r not. It is
recom mend ed to print a test pa ge. C l ic k
“Ne xt”.
4. W indow s NT/2000/ 2003
Net wo rk
4.1 System Arc hitecture
In Windows n etwor k environment, other than the Peer-
to-Pe er n etwor k pr int ing a rch ite cture d escrib ed in the
pre vious chapter, we al so offer the Ser ve r-B ased Print ing
architecture for Windows NT/2000/2003 ser ver. Only one
Window s NT/2000/2003 is required to have W indows PTPP
(Pe er-to -P eer Printin g) d river in stalled and sh ar e the
print ing se rvice on the networ k. Other networ k u ser s can
simpl y connect to the ser ver and acc ess the shared p rinter
(see b elow).
4.2 Window s NT/2000/2003 Server
Installatio n and Setup
Please follow the procedur e s de scr ibed below for
in stallation and construct a peer-to-p eer conn ect ion (P TPP)
between Windows NT/2000/2003 Ser ver and Print Ser ver.
4.3 User Installatio n and Setup
5. NetWare Net w ork
5.1 System Arc hitecture
We imple mented NetWar e printe r shar ing functionalit y
into the print se r ver it self, thus allowin g on e or more
printe rs attached by a print ser ver to be connected to the
network. We ha ve d eveloped the pr int server to support
NetWare pr int se rver.
Print Queue
Windows 98
Netware Server
Print Server
Windows 2000
Pr inting perfo rm ance is enhan ced.
5.2 NetWare 3.x/4.x/5.x Insta llation &
Once your pr int ser ve r is conne cted to your Ethernet
network, you can set it up for use with you r networking
so ftw are.
6. You ha ve now succe ssfully c reated the print queue
that your pr int ser ver w ill ser ve. Pre ss the Escape
ke y unt il the Availabl e Options m ain menu is
13. Pr e ss E scape, and an swer Ye s to the S a ve
Chan ges qu estion.
16. Repeatedly pr ess E scape to e xit the PCONSO LE
pro gra m.
6. UNIX S ystem Netw or k
6.1 Introd uction
The print ser ver is a va ilable for TCP/ IP printing by
Unix LPD ( Line Pr inter D ae mon) protocol. The LPD
protocol originated w ith Unix r elease is ba sed on the B SD
ve r sion of Un ix and supported under mo st versions of Unix.
5. Pr int a test pa ge .
6.2 Enable Print Server’s TCP/IP S upport
The default con figu rat ion of the p rint ser ver is w ith
TC P/ IP support enabled. An yw ay, you can configur e the
print ser ver to enable TC P/ IP support using the
configurat ion progr am.
6.3 Setup Print Server’s IP Address
The pr int serve r mu st have a unique IP addre ss in order
to be recognized b y the network.
6 .3 .1 DHCP
6 .3 .2 BOOTP
se r vices b e fo re do ing th e follow in g BOOTP con figurat ion.
To r ebu ild the N IS map, ple ase r efer to your system
documentation. pserver
For e xa mple, a print serve r w ith the following
configurat ion :
The entr y for this print ser ver in the /et c/bootptab file
should be:
6.4 Verify Print Server’s IP Address
To ve rify that your print ser ver is r e spond in g to the
newly a ssign ed IP add re ss using a P ING comm and:
ping ip-address
6.5 Configure Remote LPD Printing on the
The proc edur e you use to con figure you r Unix host(s)
to allow printin g to your networ k remote pr int se rver var ie s
between diffe rent va r iet ies o f Unix. Th e procedu re below
can be u sed for Unix va r iant s that are relat ed to BSD Un ix,
such as Sun OS o r Linux. Fo r other ve rsion s o f Un ix,
consult your system docum entation, keep in g in mind that : pserver
mkdir /var/spool/lpd/pserverd
The sd= entry should corre spond to the spool d ire ctor y
you c re ated in the pr e vious step.
The pr int ser ver should now be available for print ing
from your Un ix ho st.
7. Configur ation Utility
7.1 Introd uction
This chapter introduces pr int ser ver ’s system
configurat ion util ity in Window s environment. Th is utilit y
is automaticall y installed durin g Window s Ad ministr ator
Utilit y installat ion proc edure - r e fe r to sect ion 3.2 and 3.3.
Rendezvous: Allow you to configure the
Rendez vou s fun ction.
7.2 Search for All Available Print Server
7.3 Status of Print Server
You can re fre sh the print ser ve r’s statu s by pre ssing
You can r estart the p rint ser ver b y pressin g the
“R eboot” button .
7.4 Setup the Print Server
7.5 General Configuratio n
You can see b a sic print server infor mat ion in this pa ge.
You also can con figure the “P rint Ser ve r Name ”, “SMB
Group Name”, “User Na me” and “Passwo rd” here.
7.6 TCP/IP Configuration
Clic k the “ IP” button to enter the IP setting pa ge . If
you n eed the pr int server to automaticall y get an IP from
DHC P ser ver, select “Auto IP”. You also c an select “ Static
IP” to manuall y a ssign “IP Add re ss”, “Subn et Ma sk” and
“Gate wa y” for the print se r ver.
7.7 Netw are Print Server Configuration
NetW are Server is the nam e of the NetWare file
se r ver th at provide s printer qu eues.
7.8 App leTalk Co nfig uratio n
7.9 Rendezvous Co nfig uration
7.10 SNMP Configuratio n
7.11 SMB Co nfig uratio n
7.12 Sy stem Configuration
Upgra de Firmware: You can u se th is “ Up grade
Firmwar e” tool to update the n ewest fir mwa re o f the pr int
se r ver. Click “ ” button and select the correct fir mw are in
your PC. After sele cting the firmwa re file, cl ic k the
“Upgrad e” button to fin ish the fir mware update proce ss. If
you w ant to reset the Print Se r ver to d efault factory settin gs,
please cl ic k “ Load De fault”.
Country setting is for you to set the available ch annel s
accordin g to your location.
7.13 Wireless Co nfiguration
If you want to use the print serve r throu gh wireless
LA N, plea se set up the print serve r throu gh Ethe rnet first
and ma ke sure your wir ele ss LAN settin g is co rre ct. After
settin g the wirele ss LA N, unplug the Ethernet c able and
re start the pr int se rve r, then you c an start to u se the pr int
se r ver through wir ele ss LAN. If the wirel ess configurat ion
does not wor k, please plug the Ethern et cable again, r estart
the print se r ve r and con figure the pr int server throu gh
Ethernet until the wirele ss LA N settin gs are corr ect.
Mode: Ad-Hoc
SSID: Default
Channel: 11
If you u se access point to bu ild up w irele ss network,
you ha ve to select “ In fra structur e Mode”. If you do not
ha ve any a cce ss point and want to use p eer -to-peer
connect ion to bu ild up w ireless network, you ha ve to select
“Ad-Ho c Mode”.
Infrastruct ur e Mo de:
The list is the sc anned a va ilable ac ce ss point s. Select
an ac ce ss po int in the l ist and clic k “Next”. If you cannot
find the ac ce ss point that you w ant to use, clic k “Scan” to
let the print ser ver scan aga in.
Ad Hoc Mo de :
In the Ad- Hoc mode, you c an let the print ser ve r
automat ically a ssociat e with other w ir ele ss station or
manu ally a ssign the SS ID o f your w ir ele ss network. You
can let the pr int ser ve r automaticall y select the channel that
is the sa me with the p ee r or manually assign a channel.
If you select to let the print ser ver sc an for an act ive
wir eless station, th e follow ing w indow w ill pop up.
This print ser ver support s WEP and WPA-P SK secur it y
mode. If you want to use WEP en cr yption to prot ect your
wir eless networ k, you ha ve to select “WE P(ASC II)” or
“WEP(HEX)”. If you want to u se WPA-PSK, you ha ve to
sel ect “WPA-shared ke y”. The w ir ele ss secur it y setting
should be the same with other w ir ele ss devic es in the sa me
W E P Securit y Mod e:
You can sele ct “64 bit” or “128 bit” len gth and
“Hexadecimal ” or “A SC II” format fo r the encr yption key.
Longer ke y l ength can pro vide stronger se cur it y but worth
commun ic ation per fo rmanc e.
W PA-share d ke y S ec urit y Mode:
When you finish con figur ing the w ireless secur ity,
click “Next ” to go to ne xt step.
You can sele ct to let the pr int server automat icall y
obtain IP sett in gs with DHCP cl ient or manuall y a ssign the
IP settin gs.
When you fin ish con figur ing the IP settings, cl ick
“Next” to con fir m the IP Addr ess con figuration.
Clic k “Sa ve ” to save the wirel e ss configur ation.
7.14 Wizard
Double clic k the “Print Ser ver Setup Wiz ard” the setup
wizard will guide you throu gh all the setup process.
Step 1 : Set up the name of th is pr int serve r, SMB
Group Name and the port n am e for the pr int server.
Step 3 : S etup the IP o f this pr int serve r and the DHCP
se r ver. Ple ase r e fe r to sect ion 7.6 for detail in for mation.
Step 5 : Sele ct the W ireless Adapt er mode and complete
wir eless LAN settings. Th e other pro cedu res a re the sa me
with “W irele ss” S etting in “Setup” screen. Ple a se re fer to
se ction 7.13 for det ail in fo rmation.
7.15 Report
The r eport l ists basic infor mat ion o f all a va ilabl e pr int
se r vers on the network. The in for mation include s Device
Name, MAC ID, M odel Type, F irmwa re Version and Status
of print ser ve r.
8. Web M anagem ent
8.1 Introd uction
Print ser ve r can be con figur ed and mana ged on the
Web. Throu gh Local Area Networ k, or e ve n Internet,
administrator can e asily con figure and mana ge pr int
se r ver’ s va rious main functions in b row sers. Simply enter
print ser ve r’ s IP addr ess into your brow se r’s addr ess field
to mana ge a pr int ser ver by p rint ser ve r’s bu ilt-in Web
Ser ve r.
Pa ssword: 1234
8.2 Login
You may u se any W eb B rowser to r eview the status or
configure the settin gs of the print ser ver. A fter enterin g the
IP addr ess o f the pr int serve r, a login pa ge display. You
ha ve to enter correct “U ser Na me” and “Password ” before
go ing to the Web Managem ent page s.
8.3 Device Status
8 .3 .1 Sy stem
8 .3 .2 Printer
8 .3 .3 TCP/IP
8 .3.4 SM B
This page list s the SMB group sett ing o f the print
se r ver.
8 .3.5 SNM P
This page list s the SNM P sett ings o f the p rint ser ver. It
include s the settings of “ SNM P S ystem Contact” and
“SNM P Syste m Lo cat ion”.
8 .3.6 Ne tWare
8 .3.7 Apple Talk
8 .3.8 Re ndezvous
8.4 Setup Wizard
8 .4 .1 Sy stem
Print Serv er Name, the name of the print ser ver. You
can use this name to identify the print ser ver when you are
se archin g for the print se rver by the ad min ist rat ion and
client ut ilit ie s.
8 .4 .1.1 Adm in Passw ord
8 .4 .1.2 Advance d Se ttings
You can enabl e/disabl e the print ing protocol s fro m the
sc reen. To en able the function, plea se select “Enable”; to
disable the funct ion, please sele ct “Disable ”.
8 .4 .2 Wire le ss
You can set p ara meter s that a re used for the wireless
stations to conne ct to this pr int se rver. The parameter s
include “M od e”, “ESSID” and “Chann el Numbe r”. You can
manu ally set the para meter s o f w ir ele ss LAN in this pa ge or
use the “S ite Survey” fun ction to autom atically sear ch for
an available access po int and associate w ith it.
Mode is the operat ion mode of wireless stat ion. You
can choose ethe r “ Ad Ho c” or “ Infrastru cture ” mode. If you
do not have any ac ce ss po int and want to use p eer -to-peer
connect ion, you h ave to choose “Ad Hoc” mode. If you
ha ve an a cce ss po int a s the wireless LAN infrastructu re,
you have to choose “ Infrastru cture ” mod e.
8 .4 .2.1 S ite S urvey
You c an use this “ Sit e Sur vey” funct ion to sear ch for
available a ccess points in you locat ion. In the list is the
in for mation of all ava ilable acc ess point s or wireless
stations, in clude s SSID, BS SID, Ch annel, Type, Encr ypt ion
and S ignal Stren gth. You can sele ct one w irel ess device in
the list for this print ser ve r to associat e with or you ha ve to
go ba ck to “Wir ele ss” page to manually setup the wireless
paramet er s.
8 .4 .2.2 E nc ry ption
W E P Securit y Mod e:
Key Length – You can choose “64-bit” to use WEP with 64-
bit key length encryption or choose “128-bit” to use WEP with
128-bit key length encryption. The longer key length can
provide better security but worse transmission throughput.
Key Format – You may select to use ASCII Characters
(alphanumeric format) or Hexadecimal digits (in the "A-F",
"a-f" and "0-9" range) to be the WEP Key.
Default Key – Select one of the four keys to encrypt your data.
Only the key you select it in the “Default key” will take effect.
64-bit WEP: input 10-digit Hex values (in the "A-F", "a-f" and
"0-9" range) or 5-digit ASCII character as the encryption keys.
For example: “0123456aef“ or “Guest“.
128-bit WEP: input 26-digit Hex values (in the "A-F", "a-f"
and "0-9" range) or 10-digit ASCII characters as the
encryption keys. For example:
“01234567890123456789abcdef“ or “administrator“.
W PA-share d ke y S ec urit y Mode:
network. If “Hex” is selected, please enter 64 digits of Hex
code which should be “0-9” and “A-F”.
When you finish con figur ing the w ireless secur ity,
click “S ave & N ext” to con firm the configur ation.
8 .4 .3 TCP/IP
If you n eed th e print ser ve r to automatic ally get an IP
from DHC P ser ver, sele ct “Enable Obta in TC P/ IP Settings
Automat ic ally (Use DHCP/ B OOTP) ”. You also c an select
“Disable U se the followin g TC P/ IP Settin gs” to manuall y
assign “ IP Addr ess”, “Subnet M ask” and “Gateway” for the
print se r ver.
8 .4 .4 SM B
You can en able/d isable the SM B protocol from h ere. If
SMB is en abled, ente r the “ SMB Group N ame” to spec ify
the SMB group that th is pr int ser ve r belon gs to. All PC
should join the sa me gr oup befor e they can use this pr int
se r ver b y SMB protocol.
8 .4 .5 SNM P
SNMP S yst em L ocation: You c an enter th e installed
location o f the print se r ver h er e. This info rm ation w ill be
displa yed in the SNM P managem ent tool.
8 .4 .6 Ne tWa re
Name of the File Server is the na me o f the NetWar e
file ser ver that pro vides pr inte r queue s.
8 .4 .7 AppleT alk
Appl eTalk Enable : Enable or disable “Appl eTal k”.
8 .4 .8 Re nde zvous
The se rvice na me will be seen by user s on IP network,
you ha ve to de signate the uniqu e and fr iendl y na me to
descr ibe the d evice.
8 .4 .9 Sa ve S ettings
8.5 System Tools
8 .5 .1 Load Default
8 .5 .2 Upgrade Firmw are from Brow ser
8 .5 .3 Ba ck up Setting
9. Teln et M anag ement
9.1 Introductio n
Print ser ver c an be configur ed and mana ged b y Telnet.
Throu gh Local Ar ea Networ k, or even Internet,
administrator can e asily con figure and mana ge pr int
se r ver’ s various ma in function s by a telnet cl ient.
9.2 Login
Execute the Telnet cl ient tool and connect to the pr int
se r ver IP.
After you suc cessfull y ent er the co rre ct use rname and
password, the following p rompt w ill be displayed and you
can start to manage this print ser ve r b y com mand.
adm in#
9.3 Get Setting Values – “get” Command
“ get” co mm and is u sed to get the setting value s o f this
print se r ver. Th e form at of “get ” co mmand is a s followin g:
get ar gument
The following table lists all the argu ment s who se va lue
can be got by “get” command :
Argument Description Example
channel Channel number used by admin# get channel
wireless LAN CHANNEL=11
wep The mode of WEP admin# get wep
0: disable WEP=0
1: 64 bit WEP enabled
2: 128 bit WEP enabled
defkey Default WEP key number admin# get defkey
0: key 1 WEP_DEFAULT_KEY=0
1: key 2
2: key 3
3: key 4
key641 64 bit WEP key 1 admin# get key641
key642 64 bit WEP key 2 admin# get key641
key643 64 bit WEP key 3 admin# get key641
key644 64 bit WEP key 4 admin# get key641
key1281 128 bit WEP key 1 admin# get key1281
key1282 128 bit WEP key 2 admin# get key1282
key1283 128 bit WEP key 3 admin# get key1283
key1284 128 bit WEP key 4 admin# get key1284
ip IP of the print server admin# get ip
gateway Default gateway of the admin# get gateway
print server DEFAULT_GATEWAY=’192.168.
submask Subnet mask of the print admin# get submask
server SUBNET_MASK=’255.255.255.
polling Polling interval (in admin# get polling
second) of the print PORT1_POLLTIME=3
server for waiting
printing jobs on the
NetWare server
aq1 Name of the printer queue admin# get aq1
on the NetWare server PORT1_QNAME=’PQ1’
applezone The name of AppleTalk admin# get applezone
zone that this print PORT1_APPLEAONE=’*’
server joins to
printertype1 The type of the printer admin# get printertype1
attached to this print PORT1_PRINTTYPE=’LaserWri
server ter’
Argument Description Example
SMBDG The name of the SMB group admin# get SMBDG
name that this print SMBD_NAME=’default’
server joins to
SNMPC The administrator contact admin# get SNMPC
information of this print SNMP_CONTACT=’sbdjohn@hot
server for SNMP’
SNMPL The installed location of admin# get SNMPL
this print server for SNMP_LOCATION=’Room 301’
port1 The port name of this admin# get port1
print server PORT1_LPTNAME=’lpt1’
DHCPS The DHCP server is admin# get DHCPS
enabled or disabled DHCPD=0
0: disable
1: enable
DHCP Get dynamic IP by DHCP is admin# get DHCP
enabled or disabled DYNAMIC_IP=0
0: disable
1: enable
appletalk AppleTalk printing is admin# get appletalk
enabled or disabled APPLE_ENABLE=0
0: disable
1: enable
SMBD SMB printing is enabled admin# get SMBD
or disabled SMBD_ENABLE=1
0: disable
1: enable
SNMP SNMP management protocol admin# get SNMP
is enabled or disabled SNMP_ENABLE=1
0: disable
1: enable
IPX NetWare Bindery printing admin# get IPX
is enabled or disabled IPX_ENABLE=1
0: disable
1: enable
LPD LPR printing is enabled admin# get LPD
or disabled LPD_ENABLE=1
0: disable
1: enable
IPP IPP printing is enabled admin# get IPP
or disabled IPP_ENABLE=1
0: disable
1: enable
RAW RAW printing is enabled admin# get RAW
or disabled RAW_ENABLE=1
0: disable
1: enable
9.4 Modify Setting Values – “set” Command
“set” comm and is u sed to mod ify the sett in g valu es o f
this print se rver. The format o f “set” co mmand is a s
followin g:
The following table lists all the argu ment s who se va lue
can be mod ified by “ set” co mmand :
Argument Description Example
channel Channel number used by set channel 11
wireless LAN.
The value should be 1~14.
wep The mode of WEP. set wep disable
The value should be
“disable”, “wep64” or
defkey Default WEP key number. set defkey 0
The value should be 0~3.
0: key 1
1: key 2
2: key 3
3: key 4
key641 64 bit WEP key 1. set key641 0123456789
The value should be 10
digit Hex value
key642 64 bit WEP key 2. set key641 0123456789
The value should be 10
digit Hex value
key643 64 bit WEP key 3. set key641 0123456789
The value should be 10
digit Hex value
key644 64 bit WEP key 4. set key641 0123456789
The value should be 10
digit Hex value
key1281 128 bit WEP key 1. set key1281 0123456789ab
The value should be 26 cdef0123456789a
digit Hex value
key1282 128 bit WEP key 2. set key1282 0123456789ab
The value should be 26 cdef0123456789a
digit Hex value
key1283 128 bit WEP key 3. set key1283 0123456789ab
The value should be 26 cdef0123456789a
digit Hex value
key1284 128 bit WEP key 4. set key1284 0123456789ab
The value should be 26 cdef0123456789a
digit Hex value
ip IP of the print server set ip
Argument Description Example
printertype1 The type of the printer set printertype1 LaserW
attached to this print riter
SMBDG The name of the SMB group set SMBDG default
name that this print
server joins to
SNMPC The administrator contact set SNMPC sbdjohn@hotm
information of this print
server for SNMP
SNMPL The installed location of set SNMPL Room 301
this print server for
port1 The port name of this set port1 lpt1
print server
DHCPS Enable or disable the set DHCPS disable
DHCP server.
The value should be
“disabled” or “enabled”.
DHCP Enable or disable to get set DHCP disable
dynamic IP by DHCP.
The value should be
“disabled” or “enabled”.
appletalk Enable or disable set appletalk disable
AppleTalk printing
The value should be
“disabled” or “enabled”.
SMBD Enable or disable SMB set SMBD enable
The value should be
“disabled” or “enabled”.
SNMP Enable or disable SNMP set SNMP enable
management protocol
The value should be
“disabled” or “enabled”.
IPX Enable or disable NetWare set IPX enable
Bindery printing
The value should be
“disabled” or “enabled”.
LPD Enable or disable LPR set LPD enable
The value should be
“disabled” or “enabled”.
IPP Enable or disable IPP set IPP enable
The value should be
“disabled” or “enabled”.
RAW Enable or disable RAW set RAW enable
The value should be
“disabled” or “enabled”.
9.5 Other Commands
9 .5 .1 ipconfig
9 .5 .2 re boot
9 .5 .3 ex it
9 .5 .4 he lp
set ar gument value
get ar gument
10. IP P Printing
10.1 Introd uction
IPP ( Int ernet Pr int in g P rotocol) Printin g pro vide s a
convenient way of re mote pr int ing service by TCP/IP. The
print serve r can suppo rt IP P pr inting b y de fault. It is
needless to do any sett ing. An y PC that can support IPP
print ing, for exa mple W indows 2000/XP, can d irectl y u se s
the print ser ver by IP. By using the IP P printin g, you can
sha re the pr inter to all the PC’s that can acce ss the print
se r ver b y IP. You can even share your print er to Internet
use rs.
10.2 System Setup
Step3. The “Add Print er Wizard ” is displa yed. Click
“Ne xt”.
Step5. Sele ct “C onnect to a printer on the Internet or
on a home or o ffice networ k” and ente r the
UR L of pr int ser ver. The UR L format is
“http://IP :631/Po rt Name”. The IP should be
the print serve r’ s IP. The numb er 631 is IPP
standard port nu mber. Port N am e is the port
nam e of print ser ve r that your p rint er is
connected to. The default port n ame is “lpt1”.
One exa mple of the UR L is A fter enterin g the
UR L o f p rint ser ver, cl ic k “ Ne xt”.
Step6. S elect a suit able pr inter manufacture r and the
printe r mod el and cl ic k “Ne xt”. If your pr inter
is not in the l ist, cl ick “Have D isk… ” to inst all
the drive r o f th e pr inter. After in stallat ion, the
printe r mod el will be added to the l ist.
Step8. You have added the networ k pr inter to the PC
suc ce ssfull y. The in fo r mation of the pr inter is
displa yed in the windo ws. C lic k “Finish”.
11. W indow s XP S P 2 S etup
In Windows X P SP2, XP SP2’s firewall would block
the unknown co mmun ications. This pr int serve r has allowed
the commun icat ions data pa ssed throu gh the XP SP2’ s
fir ew all.
Step3. S elect “Ad van ced ” tab and clic k “ Settings… ”.
Step5. Clic k “B rowse ” to add a new pro gra m.
Step6. Open the “NPUt il” file from “C :\Pro gr am
Fil es\Pr intS er ver Ut ilit ie s” (where C :\ is the
system dr ive).
Step7. A new progra m “Networ k Ports Quic k Setup”
is displa yed in the l ist, clic k “Ok”.