Far 2
Far 2
Far 2
Authoritative Status
The CF is not a PFRS and hence does not define
standard for any particular measurement or
disclosure issue.
Conflict? PFRS shall prevail over the CF.
***Note!! CF is not PFRS. It is not a standard.
CHAPTER 1: Objective of Financial Reporting Limitations of Financial Reporting
a. Gen. Purpose financial reports do not and
cannot provide all of the information that
Users of Financial Information
existing and potential investors, lenders and
Primary Users – FS were primarily other creditors need.
addressed to them. b. … are not designed to show the value of
an entity but they provide information to
Primary Users Concern help the primary users estimate the value of
Investors Risk and Return of the entity.
Investment c. To a large extent, gen. purpose financial
reports are based on estimate and
Ability of the company to
judgment rather than exact depiction.
return the investments.
a. Completeness
b. Neutrality (free from bias) CHAPTER 3: The Financial Statements and the
c. Free from Error Reporting Entity
Substance over form and conservatism (choose The objective of the Gen. purpose FS is to provide
the option that has least impact on the business) financial information about the reporting entity’s
are NOT ingredients of faithful representation assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses
and are specific aspects only. contained in the ff:
1. SF Position
2. SF Performance
Enhancing Characteristics (VCUT): 3. Other Statements and Notes to FS (SCF,
Qualities that enhances its usefulness. SCE, Notes to FS)
Address the form or presentation of FS are prepared for specific period of time or the
information. reporting period. FS also provide comparative
information for at least one preceding reporting
A. Verifiability – different knowledge and
independent observers could reach
consensus, although not necessarily The Reporting Entity
complete agreement, that a particular
depiction is a faithful representation. Reporting Entity is an entity who must or chooses
to prepare the FS and is NOT necessarily a legal
B. Comparability – an information is entity.
comparable if it helps users identify Few types of FS:
similarities and differences between sets of
information that are provided by: a. Consolidated – parent and subsidiary are
single reporting entity.
a. A single entity but different periods b. Unconsolidated/Individual – parent alone
(Intra-comparability) – provides the report.
b. Different entities in a single period (Inter- c. Combined – reporting entity comprises of 2
comparability) or more entities not linked by parent-
subsidiary relationship.
***NOTE!!! Identification of payee and certainty a. It meets the definition of assets, liability,
of timing of settlement and amount of liability equity, income or expense
are not essential characteristics of liabilities. b. Recognizing it would provide useful
The recognition of an item may not provide useful
EQUITY (directly related to Assets; inversely information if:
related to Liability)
a. It is uncertain whether an asset or liability
The residual interest in the asset (net asset) of the exists
entity after deducting all of its liabilities. b. An asset or liability exists but the probability
of an inflow or outflow of economic benefit is
The increase in economic benefit during the acctg
period in the form of an inflow or increase of assets
or decrease in liability that results in increase in Recognition criteria only applies to assets,
equity, other than contribution from equity liabilities, income and expense. There is no
participants. Equity Recognition Principle/Criteria
***NOTE!!! Increase in equity other than owner because it is a residual interest.
transactions. Application of the matching principle
(matching the cost to its related revenue).
Income encompasses both revenue (arises from Expenses are incurred in conformity with
ordinary course of business and presented in the the 3 applications of the matching principle,
FS at a gross amount) and gains (incidental or namely:
peripheral operations and presented at net of direct a. Cause and effect association/ Strict
costs). matching – examples: warranty
expense, cost of goods sold, sales
Statement of Comprehensive income: classified b. Systematic and Rational Allocation –
into 2; profit or loss and other comprehensive based on cost allocation over the
income (OCI). number of years benefitting from that
cost. Example: Depreciation and
GR: income is part of P/L unless it will be classified amortization
as OCI, which are as follows; c. Immediate Recognition – recognize
a. Unrealized G/L on financial asset measured the expense because you have already
at FVTOCI (Available for Sale Invstmt) earned it. Example: Casualty Losses
b. G/L from translating the FS of a foreign
operation. (ForEx translation gain or loss)
Derecognition is the OPPOSITE of recognition. It
***NOTE!!! ForEx Transaction gain or loss is is the removal of a previously recognized asset or
presented in P/L) liability from the entity’s statement of financial
c. Revaluation Surplus during the year. position.
d. Unrealized G/L from derivative contracts Derecognition occurs when the item no longer
designated as cash flow hedge. meets the definition of an asset or liability.
e. Remeasurements of defined benefit plan
incldg. actuarial G/L on defined benefit On derecognition, the entity:
a. Derecognizes the assets or liabilities that CHAPTER 7: Presentation and Disclosure
have expired or have been consumed,
collected, fulfilled or transferred and Information about assets, liabilities, equity, income
and expenses is communicated through
recognized any resulting income and
presentation and disclosure in the FS.
b. Continues to recognize any assets or Effective communication makes information more
liabilities retained after the derecognition. useful. Effective communication requires:
***NOTE!!! Not all transfers require derecognition 1. Focusing on presentation and disclosure
(ex. Consignment of goods). You will only objectives and principles rather than on
derecognize if you transfer control. rules.
2. Classifying information by grouping similar
items and separating dissimilar items.
3. Aggregating information in a manner that it
is not obscured either by excessive detail or
CHAPTER 6: Measurement
by excessive summarization.
Measurement is the process of determining the
monetary amounts at which the elements of the
financial statements are to be recognized and Classification – sorting of assets, liabilities, equity,
carried in the SFP and I/S. income or expense with similar nature, function and
measurement basis for presentation and disclosure
The framework acknowledges that a variety of purposes.
measurement bases are used today to different
degrees and in varying combinations in FS - Classes.
Aggregation – adding together of assets, liabilities,
Historical Cost – based on the transaction equity, income or expenses that have shared
price of the element at the time of characteristics and are included in the same
recognition. classification.
HC of Asset= Consideration Paid +
Transaction Cost - Classes that are combined together.
HC of Liability= Consideration Received - Classification and aggregation are key concepts to
Transaction Cost effectively communicate the information contained
on FS so that it will not be excessively
Current Value – measures the element detailed/summarized.
updated to reflect the conditions at the
measurement date.
a. Fair Value – price that would be
received to sell an asset or paid to
transfer a liability in an orderly CHAPTER 8: Concepts of Capital and Capital
transaction bet. market participants. FV Maintenance
is not an entity specific measurement.
Concepts of Capital
b. Value in use –PV of the cash flows or
other economic benefits, that an entity Financial Cap Physical Cap
expects to derive from the use of an Concepts Invested Productive
asset and from its ultimate disposal. money or capacity of the
Fulfillment Value is the PV of the cash purchasing entity.
flows or other economic resources that power (most
an entity expects to be obliged to known type of
transfer as it fulfills a liability. cap.)
Adopted by Yes No
***NOTE!!! Value in use (Assets) and Fulfillment most entities?
Value (Liability) are both an entity-based Measurement Historical Cost Current Cost
***NOTE!!! HC has transaction costs, while VIU Capital Maintenance Approach: means that net
and Ful-V has no transactions costs. income occurs only after the capital used from the
beginning of the period is maintained.
c. Current Cost – cost of an equivalent
asset/liability at the measurement date, ***NOTE!!! The net income is derived from the
comprising the consideration that would movement of net assets. If the equity increases, net
be paid/received at the measurement income also increases or there is net income.
date plus transaction costs incurred on
Net changes in Equity XX
that date.
Less: Addtn’l Invsmt by owners (XX)
Add: Withdrawals and distribution XX
to owners
Comprehensive Income XX
Less: OCI (XX)
Add: Other Comprehensive Loss XX
P/L or Net income XX