Chapter 2 Acctg 101
Chapter 2 Acctg 101
Chapter 2 Acctg 101
In other words, financial statements are 7. Stable Monetary Unit- the monetary unit
prepared normally on the assumption that assumption has two aspects, namely
the entity shall continue in operation for the quantifiability and stability of the peso,
foreseeable future.
The Quantifiability aspect means that the
The opposite of going concern is Liquidating assets, liabilities, equity, income and
Concern. If the business intends to end its expenses should be stated in terms of a unit
operations or if it has no other choice but to of measure which is the peso in the
do so. Philippines
The purpose of the notes is to provide the Financial reports are prepared for users who
necessary disclosures required by Philippine
have a reasonable knowledge of business and d) Timeliness
economic activities and who review and
analyse the information diligently. It means having information available to
decision makers in time to influence their
b) Comparability decisions.
It means the ability to bring together for Timeliness requires that financial information
the purpose of noting points of likeness must be available or communicated early
and difference. enough when a decision is to be made.
Relevant information may lose relevance if
It enables users to identify and understand there is undue delay in the reporting.
similarities and dissimilarities among items.
c) Verifiability