IA3 Chapter 1
IA3 Chapter 1
IA3 Chapter 1
o Definition: structured financial representation of arising from the operating, investing and
the financial position and performance of an financial activities of the entity.
entity. o Presentation: in the Statement of Cash Flow
o Preparation: on accrual basis except for cash o Usefulness (objective): in assessing the ability of
flow information. the entity to generate cash and cash equivalents.
a primary user of financial information Q4: What does fair presentation require the entity to do?
– parties that provide resources to the entity. - Select and apply accounting policies in
accordance with PFRS
Note: information that meets the needs of the specified - Present information, including accounting
primary users is likely to meet the needs of others users, policies, in a manner that provides relevant and
such as: faithfully represented information.
Employees - Provide additional disclosure if necessary, for
Customers the users to understand the entity’s financial
government and their agencies. statement.
G. Comparable Information
Q15: How is “comparable” information achieved? GR Entity shall disclose comparative information
- Through consistency in respect of the previous period for all
amounts reported in the current period’s
F. Consistency of Preparation financial statement.
Principle of Consistency XP When permitted or require otherwise by PFRS.
Requires that the accounting methods and practices shall N
be applied on a uniform basis from period to period.